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Topic subject[PURGED ]Lamanee Di Talramanee Provost Magistrate
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=89843
89843, [PURGED ]Lamanee Di Talramanee Provost Magistrate
Posted by ArrnaLamanee on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, Lamanee was mostly experimental but I found myself to enjoy the role and the build.

Gnome, dagger/whip HPM/Harvest was AWESOME. To bad I didn't get to try out the provost powers more and I'm sorry to all those that experienced my lack of activity over the hollidays.

2 reasons for that. Main reason was due to a lot of work over the weekend.
Second reason was that my other char Kaer was picking up the pace with charges.

Had a lot of plans and interesting things planned for Lamanee and the tribunal. None of it will be seen now I'm afraid.

I'm most likely gone for good.

Thanks to imms players and everyone who makes this game awesome.

Previous chars:

eerr, missing a bunch here.
89985, RE: [PURGED ]Lamanee Di Talramanee Provost Magistrate
Posted by Bahamuth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really liked your character, we surely had a lot of major fun! Though this exotic weapons specialization seems to be pretty useless and unfinished, in my opinion. Did you enjoy it much?
89988, It was probarbly the best or second best legacy I've ever had, after 15-20 hero warriors...
Posted by Lamanee on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
HPM is insanely good. And yeah, we had a great deal of fun then you just went *POOF*, saw your corpse on the ocean, and then never again... Was pretty awesome that you shielded me as a Scion when I was fighting the Chancellor. :D heh
89989, RE: It was probarbly the best or second best legacy I've ever had, after 15-20 hero warriors...
Posted by Bahamuth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

You both were my friends, so I was shielding you just for fun sometimes. At that time I had no idea that you will fight him, though I am positive for 99% that he was shielded too =)
89916, Best set of gear:
Posted by Lamanee on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You are using:
<worn on finger> a bloodstone ring
<worn on finger> a bloodstone ring
<worn around neck> (Humming) a blood-encrusted mithril badge
<worn around neck> (Humming) a long blue cloak embroidered with a black dragon
<worn on body> a spider hide breastplate
<worn on head> the Seantryn Battle Helm
<worn on legs> some spider-skin leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of high-heeled black leather boots
<worn on hands> (Invis) (Humming) a pair of gloves of quickling skin
<worn on arms> some darkened mithril sleeves set with large spikes
<worn about body> a tattered, color shifting cloak
<worn about waist> the Torc of the Nightmare Dragon
<worn around wrist> the Bracelet of Charms
<worn around wrist> a glittering bracelet of solid sapphire
<mainhand wielded> (Glowing) the White King's scepter
<offhand wielded> Hand of Doom
89915, Role
Posted by Lamanee on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I looked at the entrance to the warrior guild, thinking through my actions and where it had all led me, one more time…

My studies in hillcrest couldn’t give me more. Though my teachers kept pushing me to read the books over and over again to find hidden messages between the lines, I seriously doubt that the writers had any other intentions than what they actually did write. Either way I found the studies of the law to be the most interesting, and those books were scarce and quite thin. Following my father’s footsteps to become a scribe is just, too boring. Theory has its uses and for sure is interesting, but practice is where it happens. Even the best theories can fail unless executed perfectly.

Marrying that bloke down the street like mother wishes, no that just isn’t going to happen. I might be burning my bridges regarding my family but I am old enough to make my own decisions. So in conclusion, yes, leaving Hillcrest was the right thing to do, and the best place to study law is Galadon, it is the home of the spire and their libraries are vast from what I’ve discovered.

So, am I suited to become a warrior then? Perhaps not, but what are my options? The spire wouldn’t hire a scribe to defend the practice law. And becoming a mage, no, my teachers would have noticed long ago if I had any affinity for those arts. The warrior guild is my only option, and perhaps the training will allow me to see more of Thera.
Yes, the warriors guild it is, I will become the best warrior Thera have ever seen.

I still have a very long way to go regarding my goal to become Thera’s finest warrior. But, I’m getting there, slowly. The spire however, is nothing as I had thought. There is much violence, and outright war. Regular criminals is the least of our problems, the outlanders is what are causing us so much distress and to some extent those mage-hating villagers. I rarely get the time that I want and need to sit down in the library, either I out in the forests retrieving the scales or I am away trying to impress my guildmaster. However, if I managed to acquire the post as the Provosts scribe, and perhaps even become a Justiciar I could get more time… Either way I better write home to father… I better not mention the ongoing war, or mother would try to get him to bring me home.

Greetings father.

I have picked up a profession father, and I have gotten a well paid job as well as a magistrate within the great spire. I have even met with the great Provost Valkyneth Ayvileth.

I’ve found him to have a very interesting persona, harsh and cold, strict with the laws and yet he sees even us magistrates that are furthest away from the spire. And I think that he has appreciated the effort I’ve put in this far. There is quite some work ahead of me if I’m to reach my goals. But I must say that I feel that it is liberating to work with my body and not only my head.
I have offered myself to work as the provost’s scribe and Justiciar to be able to spend some more time within the vast library of the spire.

Tell mother that I miss her and send her my love.

Love/ your daughter.
*The text is written with a flawless feminine style*

I think that I am closing into my goals now. The provost seems to have a bit of respect for me by now, as does the other magistrates. Not only because of my vast knowledge and sharp mind, but also my prowess as a warrior. Surely my work in Galadon will not go unnoticed, so that I can take a place among the Provosts provincials. From there it should be a clear path to take the post as a Justiciar, even though my success as a warrior might have made me a possible vindicator as well. I’d serve the law much better as a Justiciar.

The resent study that I conducted couldn’t have turned out any better than it did. Not only were my theories correct, but it also brought up the Provosts name putting him in a good light. I am very curious to see how the results are met from the rest of the spire once it is published.
Once PCF has been in use for some time a new study must be conducted. Hopefully my published results can be of use, and perhaps an extensive archive can be created within the spire with studies like these. Perhaps I should visit hillcrest with my studies and see if they will accept my results, if nothing else it would make my parents proud if I were made professor of law at least. That would at least stop them from thinking of me only as a brute warrior. Nothing stops me from being both! If just enough work is put in everything can be made to perfection. Oddly enough, I’ve gotten the feeling that this is the way the provost thinks as well. I must pick his brain at some point to figure out where he has been tutored.

Greetings father.

All is quiet in the large cities now days. I have hade quite some time to conduct studies and enhance my mind and knowledge. Recently I finished a very interesting study regarding the laws of the spire and on the methods of crime fighting. I will send you a copy once it gets published. Perhaps I can come to Hillcrest some day and speak at the library about it, if they’d have me.

I have once again been promoted as well, I am now a magistrate of the capitol city of the blood tribunal, Galadon. With the progress I have made I should soon be appointed as the Justiciar of the Blood Tribunal.

All is well with me, and I hope that I can come back and visit you all at some point, if mother have given up her plans of my marriage. In all honesty, it has been nearly a hundred years now…

Send her my love.

Love/ your daughter.
*The text is written with a flawless feminine style*

I have recently found myself in some precarious situations, where those I considered my friends has broken the laws. Albeit they were tricked to do it, they should not have fallen for such tricks, they are responsible for their actions. I will do what I can to convince them of their faults and turn themselves in. If need be, I must chase them down. These persons have mostly been Scions, I wonder if there perhaps is something to that? I think I know to little about that sect, perhaps a study of this is needed to be done, of their goals and how that intervenes with the laws of the spire. If such is the case, I need to be on my guard while travelling with them.

I have noticed that even though many of the Spire are clouded with delusions of good and evil they still manage to see through their fogs and judge people correctly. Even though Asthania might be somewhat more narrow-minded than others as I’ve seen her make a few shady decisions against those whom she think to be evil.

My second study seems to be a long term project. Finding enough conjurers willing to join the study has proven to be difficult to say the least. Two responses out of at least thirteen conjurers, and add the whole chasm to that. At least the chasm is considering to answer my request. And while talking about the chasm… I think I will have to limit the time I travel with them. They certainly posses some powers that are useful for me to gain knowledge, but most of them are criminals, or at least has no respect for the laws. And I believe that not only their chancellor wants me dead, but also their advisor. I must remember to be careful around them.

I believe the Provost have gained quite some respect for my knowledge and skills, both as a warrior and as a Magistrate. Surely he will recommend me for the position as a Justiciar during the next promotion board. Unless he direly needs me to stay as a Provincial.

I have been considering making a visit in Hillcrest, possibly to discuss the possibilities to hold a lecture regarding Preventative Crime Fighting, but I think I’ll put it off for while longer. Perhaps I can start examining the results the publication of my study had soon. I think they’d be more impressed if I actually managed to provide some change to the routines with the knowledge I’ve uncovered and spread.

The Provost is gone, to where I have no idea. It weakens the spire, this is for certain. However it has given me the oportunity to rise within it's rank and become Provost. Perhaps not the position I orginally wanted but logic tells me that I am the only one in the Spire suited for the task, and of course I accepted as it would be the only logical thing to do. Perhaps I will be able to convince Hillcrest to come under the protective wings of the Spire, or Arkham as the Provost wanted. It is a tough decision which one to aim for, Arkham would be the most logical choice in terms of our war with the Outlanders and that they need it the most. However incorperating Hillcrest would possibly give the Spire a much greater access to the accumulated knowledge of Hillcrest, which certainly is vast. Either way there are many parameters to examine before I am to make this choice.

A problem at higher priority has been dealt with. Perhaps not with the outcome I was hoping for, but it needed to be dealt with swiftly and I was forced to make the decission without enough facts and possible consequences analyzed. But Lord Marcatis said something that really made me think... Not everyone of the Spire fights as well as I do, and this is true. I have honed myself to become one of the greatest warriors in Thera. And ultimately even though a long term war against the Chasm only can end with the victory of the Spire it would have been far to costly in terms of lost Magistrates.

To prevent things like this happening in the future I will make sure every single Magistrate is well trained in combat and can hold their own, a few questions regarding this will also be added to the applicant exam. What good is all our knowledge if we cannot put it to any use at all? What is the Spire if only I were left? I am after all only one woman...

This I truly was teached not long ago as in the middle of a conversation with the Chancellor he suddenly struck out with his demons and two of his shifter allies joined him. All though I fought my hardest I was no matched to the three of them with their nightwalkers, demon and elemental. Not even my loyal guards were able to aid me much. The best use of my skills truly is to train the Magistrates and spread the knowledge of war.

This betrayal really did leave a sour taste in my mouth, never again will I trust those Scions. They have been given far to many chancesof proving their worth. From now on I'll be on my guard when out of town, better to strike first and live than to be to slow and die.
89914, Edge list:
Posted by Lamanee on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your character has the following edges:

Enlightenment: You are enlightened to techniques to resist magic's snares.
Dragonslayer: You are a dragonslayer, skilled in combatting dragonkind.
Lucky: You are lucky.
Battle Tested: Like a veteran soldier, you can fall asleep quickly after combat.
Possessive: You are skilled at keeping your possessions from thieves.
Quick Healer: You heal faster than others.
Evasive: You are evasive, dodging harm that would find others.
Resistant Sight: You know a few tricks to help resist blindness magic.
Wise Recovery: Your basic knowledge of herbalism and simple medicine can help you to more quickly recover from wounds.
Seasoned Traveller: You apply your considerable knowledge from your long journeys and condition your legs for faster recovery.
Dove of Spring Dawn: You meditate and heal more quickly when you are calm.
Hawk of Summer Afternoon: You heal faster when standing or fighting.
Eagle of Autumn Evening: You heal faster at all times.
Owl of Winter Night: Your wounds heal with remarkable speed as you sleep.
Shield Avoidance: You nimbly strike around shields.
Focused Fury: You are able to focus your fury and keep your mind calm.
89859, I hate lash.
Posted by dwimmerling on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were one of the people I fought a lot I had to really worry about. Generally, if you weren't alone, even if I wasn't alone, I knew I was screwed. Good character, in fact, series of good characters. I have to say after my long break it makes me happy to see you've gotten soooooooo much better. Good luck with the next!

89847, Ooh, and I was really hoping to see my PBF...
Posted by Lamanee on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was hellbent on showing that gnome warriors are doable. And I was gunning for the most kills in tribbs ever. I guess I was close to 100 or so when the purge hit. The goal was 300. ;) Only had 250ish hours played as was looking good. heh
89926, RE: Ooh, and I was really hoping to see my PBF...
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really don't remember Lamanee being that high on kills, but now it's impossible to say for sure.
89927, Yeah, I'll try to get a head-count from my logs...
Posted by Lamanee on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... As I auto-log everytime I logon I've got 90% of her life covered. (Though it gets bugged from time to time.)