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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectNightwalkers came and took everything away!
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89838, Nightwalkers came and took everything away!
Posted by Tinsalaop on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So in Tinsalaop's eyes, the nightwalkers came and took that Prime and swallowed it whole, and in doing so swallowed everything else, including the Shadow Plane.

Thus ends the trip of a hair brained idea of creating the worst possible, most fragile combination and class, and putting it into reality.

First, a dark elf conjurer is actually very difficult to handle until you get that dark elf conjurer edge. That helps dramatically and I recommend it be first choice over everything else. It makes things noticeably easier from a control and conjure stand point.

Next, Kep, ahh Kep, what a wonderful little ifrit. He was a quest familiar as everyone knows, and being a quest familiar he really got only two things, more DR/hit points and detect hidden. The rest of the ifrit's "magical skills" are default. It is an excellent familiar. I really liked how Kep played out as almost a character of his own. Had his own goals, own friends and hated enemies, and interacted enough on his own to create some interesting and different roleplay with other characters. Thanks to everyone who was Kep's "friends". Granted being friends to an evil outer planar being with an almost crazed dark elf master doesn't get you far.

Now on to the goodbyes.

Mergulla - Thanks for the interactions and the conversations. I enjoyed our relationship. I hope I led Scions well enough and didn't "Induct everyone under the sun" but also gave newer players a chance to shine. For those who were critics, the # of Scions never ever got equal to the past two leaders #. I maxed it out at 12, if you look on cabal history, it reached 16 at one point. Those who were in Scions had a great presence, in part to you Mergulla despite your critics.

Enlilth - Thank you so much for understanding how Tinsalaop functioned. Greed was primary and everything secondary, even worship. And Tinsalaop's primary way of worship was doing and performing, not sitting in a shrine. I wanted to interact with you more and I enjoyed the "stop in"s you did. Great and thank you for the tattoo. I just wished I could have age died the character.

Lornis - Thanks for the induct and your scariness. I was quite the timid creature when younger and always "bowed" to the greater power, but secretly always wanted more. Thanks for the introduction to Mergulla, was a great aspect of role for the character.

Frismund - From great to mothballed and almost uninducted to great again. I'm glad you got out of your coffin and came back to us. A great great Adviser and a wonderful character. You added a unique aspect to the Chasm that i really enjoyed.

Kalisda - Yea I know the feeling of seeing someone be a pledge grow up to be your leader instead. You were the unspoken voice and pillar to the community that Scion is (as much as it could be). I think the dragons caused the end of Thera because they were scared of us! Notice they took it down a few days before the Scion "I'm Going to Kick Dragon Asses" Adventure.

Greachem - The hag! Great roleplay and I'll miss the "draining" sessions. I never had any bad feelings when you lost great sets. I would just get you more :). Glad you finally got to hero, for a very short time.

Asetath - Spider! Interesting form, I had no idea how neat it was. Too bad you never found your sleeks, but I was glad to provide. One thing great about knowing your sleek black location and having devils keep you perma barriered is you can provide.

Mhergul - I wanted to bring you in earlier, just because you were trying and doing what the mud is about. Putting effort forth. I had to get that dark elf transmuter removed then finally I just broke the rule I was given and brought you in anyway. Glad you enjoyed the time and I enjoyed trying to help you out.

Hap - You got uninducted, then brought back in for being a good, dedicated Scion. I am glad I brought you back in. Despite not getting an interesting title, you were a presence. A great thing to have around, an alligator :).

Tatalus - You just didn't seem to get it despite my warnings about showing constant weakness, complaining over cb, and just sheer not listening. I told you clearly I did not want you at the Archmage, and even after a warning, you came back. And you came back whimpering asking for a sleek black to go do something. Just didn't smack of strength and me keeping you in the Chasm would have shown weakness. Weakness in front of my patron God, so I removed you. It would have been interesting to see how you handled it. GLWN.

Enemies - I would rather have you just post a heads up and I'll reply.

Overall, I hope everyone enjoyed the character as an enemy or ally. I truly wished I could have finished out his life. I was hoping to really prove the deadliness of a conjurer at hero, and I think I was making a good showing. If any immortal had an idea of my ratio, please post it.

As a player, I rarely looted anything beyond gold and maybe one item that I was interested in. And if it wasn't too interesting I returned it. Granted I usually returned it by sending, so there was a 50/50 chance of not getting it, but that was my evil side.

Thanks all for the game and the experience. I'll see if I will come back for the 5th age. Usually I plan out my next character when I get bored with current one. But since I wasn't bored, I have nothing planned so it may take a while.

90049, RE: Nightwalkers came and took everything away!
Posted by Malakhi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I know we had a difference of opinion on the "gang" outside the chasm, but the fight that really sticks out in my head was when I got blinded after chasing you into the Lounge. Clearly not a good call.
90001, you were the bane to my existance
Posted by Torgal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ice Ice baby.

double damage meanness from the devil and elemental. Even resist-cold gear and resist cold preps didnt do much. You could eat me for every meal of the day. the Kep RP was AWESOME when you could tell my rough days when I was getting super destroyed or MOB'd
89984, *sigh*
Posted by Bahamuth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You was greatest conjurer I ever seen, no doubt. Great RP and very intersting notes - I truly believe you must donate them to the Lyceum. Enjoyed our every meeting and interraction - too bad that my english isn't that good for RP like that.

I have returned from India and found that CF got purged. Pity for the 7-path invoker with affinity 10 10 and 3 3 3 3 3. It was my second invoker (first I had in second age, I think - it was my first hero).

To be honest, I was disappointed with this character - he was not deadly enough, most powerful spells I could use only when I was alone, even my own nightwalker often was dying to my own area spells (trustcabal didn't help much). Sometimes your devils and elementals tried to eat me, too - I couldn't get used to situation where I am hurting our own pets.

Hope you enjoyed me at least a little bit and good luck with the planning! Not sure if I will play anytime soon (I have my project starting in a couple of weeks), but hope to see you in the fields sometimes.

BTW, you didn't mention your previous characters, and I am very curious of who did you play before, because I *think* we met before and had some major fun together. :)

Bahamuth/Mmumma/Niazuruzain/Yizenxlach and etc

89980, RE: Nightwalkers came and took everything away!
Posted by Mizze on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We didn't really have much to do with eachother untill the end of it. But that part was fun. Discussing the laws and the fighting. See you in the fields.
89978, Would like some immortal responses on how I did with a dark elf conjurer if possible.
Posted by Tinsalaop on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
i.e. some theory of pk ratio, general thoughts, etc.
89981, Toughest dark-elf conjurer ever.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know you were somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 kills, but I can't remember if it was more than that or less or what.

Also, I'm sad that your dragon day never got to happen.
89922, Salkivak thought you were funny.
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Loved messing up your name intentionally..

btw..what did wishgrant revenge do?
89893, Oh, I got it. I just didn't care.
Posted by Tatalus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you were a good Chancellor and a well played conjurer, so don't take what follows as criticism. I canwell understand why you considered Tatalus as you did.

You mistook stuff for weakness that wasn't. I was going to go whether or not you gave me a wand. Asking for a wand, in my opinion, isn't weak, if you are still going to go without it. But if someone else is overflowing with wands, I'm going to ask.

Allowing you to ban me from the archmage would have been weak. There was also a lot of stuff you didn't see. Like going to retrieve against someone with dispel and a fire giant who liked bashdowns, despite not having barrier. My group told me it would be suicide, but I went anyway.

I was about 30 and 3 in pk from what I remember, without barrier and mostly at hero, so I don't consider myself too weak. That log of the fortress getting me failed to show that I'd left 6 fortress corpses within the half hour before that death (admittedly because they didn't fight so well, and when Ardryll fled to heal in Hamsah, he was able to paralyze him so I could worldbind him and then iceball him to death. However, I didn't know when I turned up to defend that I'd manage to kill 2 of them in a couple of rounds.

Didn't take their gear though so they unghosted when I wasn't expecting it (I'd been on a long time and was not thinking straight). Then I decided to try to get the scepter back before I fled, forgetting they hadn't place it yet.

Lost almost everything, and for what it is worth, I took what the fortress passed back (almost nothing), and then refused it when someone offered me one extra item back even though they were wearing it, because I wasn't taking charity. Third death was the next time I logged on, because I went to help Greachem rank before gearing, and got killed by the Empire. (My fault. I hadn't noticed Greachem was low on mana and expected some backup.)

Right after you uninducted me Greachem tried to kill me, died to me, and I was looking forward to charging up on her. I could have taken attune barrier twice over. I just didn't want to. Especially once I realised how easy it would be to charge myself on Greachem.

Anyway, expelling me from the chasm was fine in my opinion. I didn't have a problem with it at all, and I think you'd have to concede that if I was actually weak, I would have. It was good rp on your part, so I went along with it. I took something like 11 more souls after you banned me, and as you know, there wasn't very long to do it in. Not bad without barrier, I'd say.

As far as complaining goes, I slept Lyra for the first time in a number of solo clashes, didn't say anything on the cabal channel because I didn't want it to become a gank, and you ran in and woke her up. A complaint was warranted, and I was prepared to accept the consequences.

Consider if you were an anti-paladin chancellor, and some conjie ran in and woke up your slept victim? You'd consider that a mistake, wouldn't you? I was pissed off, and I made sure you knew it. Then I had to try not to get the boot I knew was coming in the end.

Also thought it was good you let me know that if I found my sleek black you'd let me back in, because I know that with barrier on tap you would have had no cause to perceive weakness.
89898, Hey hey!
Posted by Tinsalaop on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This was not about barrier source, it was about everyone's perceived view of you as a character in Scion. Over cb you were constantly complaining and whimpering about this or that. You would say things like, "I barely survived that." or "I cannot help because *soinso* beat me to an inch of death." Now this wouldn't be so bad, but it was constant.

Me waking up Lyra and you complaining about it was just another straw on the pile of an adding up perception that you were a whiny complainer. Granted, I was fighting Lyra just north of Eastern Road in the brambles near Hamsah. Lyra fled into you and got slept. I could not hear the yell and I was pursuing someone running from me. You believe complaining was warranted. You must consider you were complaining on top of an already building perception of you being a complainer. And you were bitching about your Chancellor. Not a good idea in the first place. An even worse idea over cb in front of other Scions.

Second, I give out sleek black wands because I want to, not because I have to, nor even care about other people who need them. Once I gave you one, you were always asking for them. This is not about your 30 and 3 record, it is about how people perceived you. And many people, in fact almost all the Scions, including two Immortals, found you "weak" in the way you presented yourself.

The last straw, which is reason in itself for uninduction, was when I told you not to come to the Archmage. You said okay, stood up, and left. You then 5 ticks later, you came BACK to the Archmage and said, "Can I have a sleek black rod to do this thing?" after I specifically said for you not to come back. You could have easily, easily told me, but instead you walked in, sat right down, and put your hand out like a begging child.

Scion is about being a powerful, feared character both inside and out. Because everyone in Scion is looking for weakness to push that person down. Being powerful outward and a complainer inward will still get you trouble. In fact, it would be better to be weak outward and perceived strong inward. At least your spot would be secure.
89913, Sounds like a barrier issue to me
Posted by Daurwyn2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
People with barrier don't get beaten to within an inch of death on a regular basis. ;)
89884, Can you post your role?
Posted by Macaca on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've been so curious about the whole thing with Kep
having been your mother's. It all sounded pretty
cool and I'd been looking forward to reading it when
your PBF came out.
89899, Role Entry 1
Posted by Tinsalaop on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
role subject Parental and Planar Abandonment;
role + "You whore!" shouts a huge dark elf warrior to a tiny but;
role + beautiful dark elf woman.;
role + ;
role + "How dare you give birth to a child without my approval!" screams;
role + the dark elf War Master. The woman stands quietly against;
role + this onslaught of words. She is obviously some kind of mage;
role + judging by her clothing, and she is holding a small, dark bundle;
role + which is obviously a recently born dark elf male child.;
role + The War Master snarls again and snatches the child away;
role + from the obstinant woman.;
role + ;
role + "I will show you what happens to a female that doesn't obey me!";
role + He then tucks the bundle underneath his arm and snarls, "This may;
role + be a matriarch society in this city, but not in this house!".;
role + ;
role + The woman just speaks gently, "That child is mine, and I do;
role + not have to seek your approval to conceive one. You will return;
role + the child to me now.";
role + ;
role + The War Master turns again and snorts, "You may be a powerful;
role + mage, but blades kill just as easily. And I have dealt with;
role + mages before.";
role + ;
role + The woman just nods slightly, and a huge portal opens up next;
role + to the War Master. It spins with swirling, dark fog and the;
role + evil that rolls from the opening can be tasted on your lips.;
role + ;
role + "Perhaps a hundred years exiled upon the Plane of Shadow will;
role + soften your heart, my dear War Master" quips the woman.;
role + ;
role + The War Master notices this and chuckles, "So that is how;
role + it will end?" And quicker than a blink, the War Master rushes;
role + still with the baby in one hand and a terrible looking scimitar;
role + in the other.;
role + ;
role + A brief look of motherly concern crosses the woman's face as;
role + she utters words of magic to assist her. Out of the ground;
role + springs a huge earth elemental that instantly moves into action.;
role + As the War Master closes the gap to the woman, the earth;
role + elemental reaches out and grabs the War Master with its;
role + massive hand.;
role + ;
role + "Solidify!" screams the woman, and the elemental does as;
role + commanded, and turns into solid stone around the War Master.;
role + ;
role + The War Master cackles with defiance, "Is that the best you;
role + can do?" Without losing a second, the War Master disappears;
role + from within the solid mass and appears right next to the;
role + woman.;
role + ;
role + "Time to die", whispers the War Master into her ear, and before;
role + she has time to react, the scimitar is thrust deep into her;
role + side, breaking and slicing apart ribs and flesh, and tearing;
role + through her stomach.;
role + ;
role + She gasps, "Nooooo..." as her lifeblood seeps out.;
role + ;
role + The War Master just grins, "Yes." As he savors his victory;
role + over his powerful concubine. "And now this child will spend;
role + its life as a slave. Or perhaps I will sacrifice him to;
role + Lord Enlilth for more power?";
role + ;
role + A frown, as dark as midnight comes across the woman's face;
role + as she is dying. "No..." she whispers, and in a flash her;
role + body detonates in an explosion of religious proportions.;
role + The force is titanic and throws the War Master through the;
role + toward the wall. He loses grip of the child and the bundle;
role + heads directly toward the portal.;
role + ;
role + A whisper is heard on the winds, "I will protect you my child.";
role + and a shimmer surrounds the bundle before it is swallowed by;
role + the Shadow Plane portal.;
role + ;
role + The War Master's fate was not so forgiving. The dark explosion;
role + tore body parts off, an arm here, an ear there. And left;
role + his body pock marked. He was still alive, a feat of amazing;
role + proportions, after the explosion, but the impact against;
role + the far wall ended that quickly enough. His neck snapped;
role + as his body crushed against the natural Underdark cavern.;
role + The pile of flesh slid down the cavern wall to the ground;
role + and another dark elf marital spat has come to an end.;

89900, Role Entry 2
Posted by Tinsalaop on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
role subject Adrift in the Shadows;
role + A tiny bundle comes tumbling out of a shadowy black portal into;
role + a landscape of desolation and shadow. The ground is black, the;
role + air if shadowed, and only a tiny bit of light exists, only to;
role + allow the shadows to rule. Tinsalaop's tiny body seems protected;
role + enough to survive, but the shadows still taint his skin and body.;
role + Shadowy ether strip his skin of hair and test the protections;
role + laid upon him by his late mother. Tiny holes develop and are;
role + then restored in the barrier, but not before a nip of chilly;
role + ether flicks Tinsalaop's skin, leaving a permanent mark. How;
role + is a newborn supposed to survive?;
role + ;
role + The shadows suddenly part as a burst of blackfire comes into;
role + existence. As the blackfire sheds away, a small ifrit stands;
role + before the baby, bathed in rolling flames.;
role + ;
role + "Oh this is the one, the one! Mistress said take care this one;
role + and she reward me, maybe he reward me too. Sense big things;
role + with little thing. Will take care in Shadow Plane, get rewards,;
role + be Ifrit King!".;
role + ;
role + Keptis'solic'motriup, the Ifrit's True Name, affectionately called;
role + Kep, scoops up the baby, binds to the baby as its Master, and;
role + intuitively knows Tinsalaop is hungry. With a wink and a flick;
role + of his wrist, he grants the small wish of food and drink, and;
role + provides it.;
role + ;
role + Then Kep puts his small, taloned hand to his eyes, scans the;
role + landscape and smiles. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out;
role + a cube, and tosses it on the ground. It shutters and shakes;
role + and suddenly expands and changes, growing in size until a;
role + small cast iron house with a shimmering door is in front of;
role + him. Kep nods to himself, scoops the baby up, and walks through;
role + the shimmering door, into their new home, a Kaubris Planar;
role + Hut.;
89901, Role Entry 3
Posted by Tinsalaop on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
role subject Growing in Shadows and Returning to the Prime;
role + The hut is stark and empty, but good enough for survival. There;
role + Kep and Tinsalaop live, with the dark elf growing quickly;
role + and Kep keeping an eye out, periodically burning the baby;
role + due to his own evil tendencies, but never killing him. He;
role + knows of the dark-elf's worth and doesn't want to ruin his;
role + chances for reward.;
role + ;
role + So here in the hut, for almost one hundred years, the length;
role + of the spell's exile, not meant for Tinsalaop but instead;
role + for his father, they live. The hut came stocked with the;
role + basics of conjuration. His mother made sure of that when;
role + she foresaw the possibility of this happening. There Kept;
role + educated Tinsalaop about the Planes, the Shadow Plane,;
role + the Inner and Outer Planes, the Abyss and Hell itself.;
role + and Tinsalaop absorbed the information greedily. This;
role + insatiable desire to learn and gain power was transferred;
role + Kep to Tinsalaop, and thus Tinsalaop became absolutely;
role + obsessed with knowledge and greedy always to gain more and;
role + the power that came with it. Gobbling up all the knowledge;
role + in the hut just in time.;
role + ;
role + Kep looks down at the sundial watch on his wrist which;
role + uses his own blackflame to tell time by, and looks up;
role + at Tinsalaop and says, "Its soon time, prepare.";
role + Tinsalaop nods quickly and gathers his things from the hut;
role + and sits on the stark table in the center of it waiting.;
role + As suddenly as the babe came into the Shadow Plane, he and;
role + Kep are ejected from it in a blast of blackfire smoke.;
role + Out Kep and Tinsalaop tumbles into an alley way on the Prime.;
role + ;
role + The alleyway belongs to West Dairien Settlement, Tinsalaop's;
role + new home. Kep turns, sees Tinsalaop is alive and snorts;
role + some ash from his nostrils and whines, "I'll find you again;
role + when you are more powerful. It is time you grow on your;
role + own some before you can call me again.";
role + ;
role + And puff, again a lick of blackfire flame absorbs the little;
role + ifrit and nothing is left but a patch of ash. Tinsalaop;
role + chuckles to himself and heads out in search of his first;
role + official Guild of Conjuration class. Driven by the goal;
role + to be so powerful to be considered the "SULTAN OF THE PLANES.";
89902, Role Entry 4
Posted by Tinsalaop on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
role subject the Planar Sultan: Mixing of Blood;
role + Tinsalaop now has spent a good amount of time walking within the;
role + caverns and darkness of the Chasm and he finds it enjoyable. What;
role + he has also been exposed to is the importance of blood through the;
role + Dark Queen Mergulla. This has been hightened by snippets of memories;
role + from the combat between his mother and father, of which he remembers;
role + that before the banishment spell to the Shadow Plane was cast, his;
role + mother utilized a substance in a jar lined with glass and an oily;
role + fluid. After studying it, he discovered it to be blood from one;
role + of the Shadow Plane's denzions themselves.;
role + ;
role + He does not know which creature, and one of his main goals is to;
role + discover the Shadowy creature it came from, but for now he now studies ;
role + blood as a way to become the Planar Sultan and be able to step easily ;
role + between all the planes. He collects blood and studies it but before testing;
role + can begin, he must pay his tax of blood to Queen Mergulla herself. ;
role + So periodically large shipments of blood, taken from enemies of the ;
role + Chasm, are sent to her for her to enjoy.;
role + ;
role + The studying itself first starts to review the power of blood and;
role + the many ways different cultures utilize it. The next step is to see;
role + how blood from planar creature is bound to that creature and plane;
role + and how to harness it. Last is to utilize that power and bind;
role + it into a rune circle so that the circle itself instead turns into;
role + a portal to travel to that place.;
role + ;
role + The Chasm has assisted in this, especially in the ways of the Shadow;
role + Plane and Tinsalaop seeks to be of the highest order of the Chasm;
role + to be able to finalize his goals.;
89903, Those are the first 4, the others I cannot find. n/t
Posted by Tinsalaop on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
89912, Thanks. I really dig the Planar Hut. n/t
Posted by Macaca on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
89923, Pretty cool role! I loved it! (nt)
Posted by Beer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
89872, Very good job
Posted by Meichelle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't run into you much with my crash character, but I was very impressed from afar that you did so well with an evil conj, and a draw at that.

When I had Meichelle, as a chaotic evil human, I thoght drow as well and thought there was no way I could handle turning all the time, and then even with human charisma I had a TON of trouble. There were times it seemed like a buzzer went off and the "you are going to die" timer started ticking down. I could tell that the demon of devil would start to get slow, and none of the happy time stuff made it any better. Eventually I would just get to high ground and make the biggest damn circle I could, and then I tried both just waiting for it to leave on its own, or trying to dismiss, and there were times that both of these tactics failed me.

The really bad times for me were when I would get a lower tier that lasted for longer than the conjure timers, as they didn't part when they should. Rebinding would jsut have it break the bind and turn later, or standing there would let it wear down the circle with time.

I still want to try again with an evil conj, and may go for drow this time...there are a lot of things I'd have liked with them but didn't thinking the turning would be too bad. Mergulla was awesome the time I had with Meichelle talking to her, and that has been a draw for me.

If you would be interested in chit chatting about handling the servitors as an evil and other things related to conjurer, I would be all ears and would love to compare notes. Let me know if you would, and I'll post with my handle to PM instead of spamming things up here.

Awesome job, and glwyn
89861, Enjoyed our few fights and occasional teamwork.
Posted by Sahel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I sure did hate when darkness tipped and you were around. I couldn't really do much to you. That devil really rocked me.
89856, Well...
Posted by Yaniyule on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What can I say? Almost every time I met you, I died, and never could get to do much to you. that being said, you were classy enough to treat an enemy decently. Strong character, impossible fight, and towards the end I just wouldn't want to at all because I knew I'd get the big rot :)
89854, Wow
Posted by dwimmerling on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As a player, conjurers have always been my achilles heel, so I was a bad sport when it came to fighting you. Mostly I would just hide, and I felt awful about it, but letting you kill me every day, just no fun. A critical part of my strategy was to stay off of the continent where my recall was, so if I got gaunted I could just word (since it's hard to gate off of a continent when your blood is up, even with planeskipper)

Don't get me wrong, I was always wowed by you. Good rp, solid skillset, and I have to say, I'm glad you aren't taking this harder. This was clearly a character you invested a lot in.

Fezzle during her weakest moments.
89852, Well doesn't that just beat all.
Posted by Asetath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked you. I think you played Chancellor in a way that had a really positive influence on not just Scion, but everyone in general.

So long, and thanks for all the fish barrier. (Hapo too, as you bummed me quite a few barrier rods as well). It really helped me keep up with everyone else in the fast paced raids.
89849, RE: Nightwalkers came and took everything away!
Posted by Kalisda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nice of you to say, I think scions like having a bard, at least when there is no healer among them.

I have no doubt if we got the proper scions involved there would have been a lot of dead dragons. She had lost a lot of her way by that point, but you doing that quest of yours was a good enough reason to keep on going. She was near age death and I just wanted to wait it out until making that try.

89845, I really enjoyed our interactions!
Posted by Lamanee on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Top notch RP! Awesome! Just awesome!

I was 100% set to have the spire got to war with the chasm. But Marcatis made me back off. That's why you won that negotiation so easily. (To many "newbies" in Tribunal that would have gotten pummeled way to hard in a war with you guys and Marcatis reminded me of that. Don't want to lose new people because of that... Persoanlly I would have LOVED it.)

I hope you got the stamina to roll up another and keep CF alive and kicking. I just don't at the moment...

Good luck with everything!
89842, good times
Posted by Yan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
it was a pleasure to run with you :)
89840, Very inconvinient enemy
Posted by Alex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Though at least I learned to not die to you:) and even make you stop raiding. Though you always killing my powerfull fiends mad me realy sad:)