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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectKalisda Elenia, The Soulful Siren of Sin
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=89781
89781, Kalisda Elenia, The Soulful Siren of Sin
Posted by Kalisda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Figured I would put up her goodbyes and her role, give some people stuff to read while they think about their new characters. She was so close to age death anyway. Her role was quite long by the end, so I'll post that separately. No pbf, so what the hell.

Kalisda was rolled as my first bard ever, and really I had little hopes for this character. Her role explains a lot of her behaviors and why I played her like I did, and even I was surprised about how long she endured. And if not for getting some bonus con from a role contest, she would have died a while ago. The other reward she got from the other contest was the dark ties edge. Nice for a scion I suppose since having stronger nightwalkers can't be a bad thing. I had fun, and I'll post a bunch of stuff when I can, like some of Dupmasione's ungodly ass kickings he gave me. My self imposed full saccing of myself after one of the above referenced annihilations (which I did not once, but twice) and some rather fun discussions if I can find any in my logs. Anyway, on to the goodbyes, i'll respond to anything people want to know or ask, or if I forget people.

I was a pledge for all of five seconds, just as a note to people that complain about getting in. Not typical I know, but just shows there are ways to do things other than the standard pledge route.

Mergulla- Since you're the cabal Imm, have to mention you. Really did not interact with you, did once get someone entering a mob in your shrine which was fun, but really I only went there because of Lornis, and I had no desire to ever become advisor or chancellor. I just wanted someone to be it, but definitely not someone playing their first bard and first scion. I assume it was you who titled me also, which was unexpected, but that was one of my favorite titles of all titles I've seen, especially since it fit the character so well, and most everyone simply referred to Kalisda by that once it was given to her.

Lornis- I just sat back, sang for you, and watched you fly around, and then hear tells five minutes later about who you just killed. Kalisda was enamored with you to a degree, but really it was just a respect thing. You were the chancellor of the scions, she was some little half-elf that sang. But you found a use for her, and gave her a bit of purpose, so she was loyal to you and only you. Course once you were gone it kind of left me trying to figure out what to do with the character, but eventually I did get to interact with Mergulla and she basically let me stay in since Tinsalaop didn't mind me remaining. Great character, and funny you played a rager afterwards, one that beat my ass way too easily.

Frismund- Another old timer who was also equally wonderful to interact with. The absence for a period kind of had me wondering if you were gone, but once you came back we started travelling together more, and even if you really did not have any need for me, it was nice to just sit around with you. Once Lornis was gone it left just you and me, the other scions were just kind of there taking up space. Thought you were a first rate player though, with lots of game knowledge and a dark feel to what a mummy should be. I always figured it was more just the company than my actual abilities that kept us travelling together, and I tried to keep things entertaining for you as much as I could.

Tinsalaop- Shame we did not get to go on that quest. I think it might have worked, or at least I could have given it a shot. As a player, amazing what you did with that conjurer, and the rp was consistently amazing. Kalisda as a character respected the position, but always had a little bit of that I remember when he was a pledge thing going on. Course she did not really care about anything, but really you did not need her to be a beast. A song or two helped, but you just mowed down everyone anyway.

Others- She was a bard in the chasm, there to just sing and make your lives easier. There were quite a few of you, and lots of you actually killed her before she was a scion as humorous as that is. I'd like to think I made it a bit easier for you all when I was around since scions tend tgo have a tough go of things with so many enemies.


Arrna- Bash. Bash. Bash. All you had to do. We both knew it. Unless I went protection/anthem/stoneskin/shield/aura/haste I could not survive long enough to do anything. And underwater I knew I could take you, but above, well, not even a chance, so that's why I preferred fighting there. And getting muted sucks for a bard, even for a 0 hour timer.

Dupmasione- Scared the living hell out of me. Untouchable. Could not sing a song to you. Only hopes for retrievals was sleep, kill maran before you woke up. And that never worked outside of one time. I went for apocalyptic hoping for ice that time in the desert, knew fire would heal, but vibrato I figured you were out, needed my highest shot at a killing song. And fire came out. Insinuative overture my ass.

Lornkanamas- You dwindled, as I did I guess, which I understand. It gets harder to play an old character when all their friends have died. Kalisda liked the eternal hope you had for her soul, if only because she found it so amusing that you thought she could change. We had some great role play interactions, and they made the times I saw you pretty entertaining.

Ahtieli- I always liked the lich empress with all my characters, and I really was curious to see if you would consider leaving for the scions. Knew you really would not, but we had some good interactions. And I appreciated you coming to my defense when you Glurgick Talund and Gzurweeg ganged me down after I teleported.

Each of you was pretty much the same as the others, all pretty ballsy, but really I was not too concerned with you. Fiending and distortion was enough to make you back away, and I had some fun fights with lots of you. And some completely one sided beat downs received from many of you.

Bikhala: Two clouds coming to the chasm and expecting not to get fiended against one bard. You both died, you knew the risks, deal with it. Or is greeting/crashing get 1. supposedly skillful? Sorry, I thought you were fine up until that moment.

Rhyaldrin: We had lots of good times, since I was a lot of the time the lone scion against 4 or 5 fortress. And I couldn't touch the elf paladin alone. Great travels, was sorry to see you go. But at least scion came into its own soon after, and I really would not have wanted to fight you.

I hate outlanders. I just find the cabal useless and dull. Camo'ing at the tree. Not knowing how many of you are really even out there. Eh, there were some good fights and most of you were respectful and good players, don't get me wrong. I just don't like the cabal as a whole, becuase of the type of play it seems to draw out of people.

Sulye- Snaring me. Looking at me. And leaving. Hilarious. Of course, I had been fulled by a certain pair of bear charging rangers not shortly before that, but still, nice to see you not taking a quick and easy kill while I was regearing, appreciated it. Just another good character from one of cf's prominent players.

Bezzilan- I liked the character, just for being so friendly and willing to just be almost pure rp. Kalisda hated you for touching her of course, and she told Enlilth to punt you to Tiamat or someother place where you would be instantly killed, but we had a good chat, and you were the only one she told her real story to.

Well, that's long enough, and there are lots of others I've no doubt forgotten. And I'm sure there may be lots of goodbye threads coming as people return to see their files gone, but just wanted to put this out there. I'll do the roles later for those of you that are curious, or if you just want to read a short story. (Though it is rather long actually)
89936, RE: Kalisda Elenia, The Soulful Siren of Sin
Posted by Lorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was trying to fight my way back to interest and our conversations really helped keep me from deleting sooner. My thanks for that.
89942, RE: Kalisda Elenia, The Soulful Siren of Sin
Posted by Kalisda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Quite welcome, I was having a lot of the same thoughts about deleting after a while when Frismund was MIA and I was often the only scion around, but I knew if you were on I'd at least get some good rp talks which are more why I play than the PK aspect.

Hope to see another character of yours sometime in the future,
89834, You obviously got me wrong there
Posted by Alex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was only our fault to die there to quite unskilled bard. Staying under Archmage slowed and without resist mental, yeah sure it was going to happen. The thing is I wasn't realy upset and only reacted on your stupid comment after we died. And don't get me wrong I had nothing against your tactics or what not just don't expect me to cheer you for quite poor performance you pulled out. Bard can do way better:)
89848, RE: You obviously got me wrong there
Posted by Kalisda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes they can. Kyaltaru comes to mind of recent bards.
What fun is pk'ing someone and saying nothing though, I always tried to say sorry after killing someone. Don't really recall if that is what happened, but whatever, she's gone now and I can move on to something else when I feel like playing again.
89832, You were my favorite non-nexus.
Posted by Rhy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm glad that I somehow managed to keep us from having to cross blades for 400 hours (still not sure how either). You were simply awesome. Good luck with the next.
89820, So...who else did you play.
Posted by Lornis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Loved you by the way.
89846, RE: So...who else did you play.
Posted by Kalisda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ah, forgot about that.
were my past heroes, but thendrell was about the only one of note.
89794, You were really cool one
Posted by Ahtieli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thing I've liked most of all about you that it always was clear that I speak with smart, edicated and well-mannered person.

It was like a fresh water in sands after all negative tells I get during playing session(usualy for no reasons).

Yes, I was going to leave Empire as soon as I get Emperor place again. Though it was clear I would never become Scion after that.. I think we've discussed it IC.

Good luck.
89785, Role Parts 1-3 (of 23)
Posted by Kalisda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Subject: Kalisda's request.
Added Mon Jul 20 10:18:40 2009 at level 5:
Kalisda's eyes slowly opened as she awoke. Two hours sleep, though the
nightmares and torments of her dreams would not let it be restful. But two
hours of torment imagined was at least a reprieve from the torments of
reality. She slowly rose to her feet from her bed of tattered rags. She
closed her eyes, her mouth wording over the same silent prayer she made
everyday. One she knew would not be answered. If any place the gods had
forsaken, it was here, the pits of the inferno. A place reserved for the
souls of the wicked, and the abominations that carried out their eternal
punishment for their sins. A place where she existed to serve those things
who delighted in the infliction of misery and pain upon anything else.

Her mouth stopped moving in an instant as the approaching stomp of someone
approaching rang through the hall outside her cell. She smelled it before she
heard it, and through the darkness outside she saw two glaring red eyes
looking into her own. A voice filled with immense power and malice whispered
into her mind, with icy laughter underpinning each word. 'Your prayers
provide me endless amusement, that you might still believe their is any fate
beyond your current one here.'

Kalisda's emerald hued eyes looked into the shadows. Black winds kept
everything in shadow, revealling only that which this being decided to
reveal. The glaring eyes though, they were always visible each time, burning
into her. A faint voice was all she could muster, barely audible. She knew
the futility of it, but she asked for death or to be set free. Laughter she
expected, as she had been reponded to with it each day for the past fifteen

Subject: The scion and the priestess.
Added Mon Jul 20 11:33:05 2009 at level 5:
15 years ago Kalisda Elenia had lived just outside of Darsylon, a daughter of
a high elf maiden and a human father. An odd pairing they were. The mother,
Llenyana Elenia, was once a devout priestess of the jaguar charged with
protecting the borders of Darsylon. The father, Trexen Kalisda, was once a
dark warrior of the onyx scarab serving the Scions.

Fate has a funny way of changing things though, and on the day they met
Trexen had been lying near death on Mount Calandryl. A pair of elven rangers'
corpses were a few hundred feet away, his latest victims for the darkness.
But the fight had been bloody and grueling, and his own injuries from the
fight were likely fatal. Had Llenyana not happened upon him, he might have
died moments later.

Llenyana had found him so covered in blood that she was amazed he could still
draw breath. She had sensed the evil in his heart, but as she raised her
silver blade to finish him, she saw a glimmer of something in Trexen's one
open eye. Almost a pleading for mercy she saw. Perhaps a promise of
redemption. Had his throat not been crushed, he might have been able to voice
words of protest as to what she did next, but in his condition he was at the
mercy of this elven maiden. The warrior priestess of the jaguar, of all
things, took pity on him. Her soft hands laid down upon him, and her prayers
began to ease his pain. A simple almost inaudible 'thank you' was all he
mustered as he passed into unconsciousness.

Subject: Opposites attract.
Added Mon Jul 20 12:00:09 2009 at level 5:
Trexen awoke in a bed inside a small cottage. His first instinct was to reach
for his swords, but none were there. None of his armors were. (Llenyana had
purged and sacrificed the evil things to the jaguar as he slept in recovery)
He slowly rose to his feet, taking in his surroundings. As he placed his hand
against the wall to balance himself energy arced into and sent him sprawling
to the floor. Holy wards. Seemed he was in prison of sorts.

'Sorry about that' a giggling female voice said to him. He turned to see
Llenyana leaning against the far wall, smiling at him. But her eyes then
narrowed in upon him, 'You'll find most things here, even the walls, don't
respond well to anything bearing the taint of evil. Including me.' Then with
that innocent chuckle in her voice she said 'So do try to behave so that I
might avoid having to kill you.' Trexen saw that her left hand gripped the
pommel of her silver sword, and that despite her somewhat friendly demeanor
she was completely guarded against any hostile move Trexen might make. No
fool, Trexen resigned himself to remaining there at her mercy. At least this
elven lady was easy on the eyes he thought. Perhaps being here would have
some pleasantries afterall.

Days past in that place, than months, Trexen and Llenyana speaking on various
topics, becoming a bit more cordial with one another as time passed on. A
year went by quickly, and the two had become friends of sorts. Llenyana was
spending less time patrolling Darsylon and praying to the jaguar and more
with him while Trexen no longer sought his opportunity for escape or to kill
this warrior of the light. The wards had even faded from the home, as
Llenyana's neglect had no doubt caused her to lose favor with her patron. Her
sword sat in its scabbard, seldom even adorned by the paladin anymore. As for
Trexen, the darkness in his heart had subsided. A peaceful life with this
elven maiden he had come to know, and it seemed, to prefer. And of their
relationship Kalisda Elenia was brought into Thera, daughter of a
fallen priestess of the jaguar and a digraced warrior of the scarab.

89786, Role Parts 4-6 (of 23)
Posted by Kalisda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Subject: The father's weakness.
Added Tue Jul 21 09:07:53 2009 at level 5:
Kalisda lived a fairly ordindary life growing up. Her mother had left the
service of the jaguar to raise her, while Trexen had taken up the life of a
simple farmer. By Kalisda's eighteenth birthday Trexen's hair had grayed and
his health was failing, a stark reminder of the relative short lived nature
of humans compared to elves.

A whisper from the shadows came to him as he rested in bed one day, a pair of
red eyes now visible in the shadowed corner. This shadowed being told him
'Cyradia has not forgotten about her one time servant, nor have the scions
forgiven your abandoment.' Trexen tried to focus his eyes, but the shadows
danced around this being, almost as if they followed it when it moved. Again
words came almost from nowhere. 'The jaguar's blessings are no more, your
presence no longer hidden. They will come for you all. And all will die.'

Slow laughter under this thing's words tore at his soul. 'I might protect you
now, along with your wife, if you but offer your daughter to come and live
with me.' The air stilled, but Trexen said nothing. 'Choose! You and your
elf's safety, or slaughter at the hands of your enemies!' it bellowed. In
that, Trexen's decision was made. 'Kalisda. If you promise she shall live,
she is yours.' A faint breeze came through the room, the shadows carried out
on it, but in a low hiss he heard it. 'Agreed.'

The next day he looked in the mirror, feeling surprisingly good. And he saw
himself. Looking no more than 20 years of age. The voice returned, carried on
the winds 'Kalisda shall live out her life as a toy in the inferno. Your
youth restored that you might live on many more years, knowing you condemned
your daughter to a life of torment where she shall beg for death each day.
Know that no matter how long you live on, eternal torment awaits you when you
die.' And with that, silence.

Two emerald eyes he saw in the mirror at that moment. The faintest trembling
whisper of a familiar voice. 'What have you done?' Sharp pains erupted
through his back and chest before he could offer any explanation as the
pommel slammed into his back, the blade driven entirely through his chest. He
fell to the floor as she withdrew it from his body, blurred vision lasting
just long enough to watch Llenyana plunge the sword into herself. And the
sound of distant laughter was the last thing he heard as the dark embrace of
death took him.

Subject: Kalisda's fate.
Added Tue Jul 21 14:02:03 2009 at level 11:
Kalisda awaited the things usual taunts and derision to her request to be
killed or set free. But the being said nothing for a moment. Kalisda closed
her eyes, hoping that the thing had finally tired of her, and would finally
end her life and thus her torment. She felt a swirl of energy around her body
for a moment, but that was all.

She sat there for minutes, before a breeze blew by her, cool air carressing
her skin. And she heard the rustling of grasses for the first time in fifteen
years. Her eyes opened slowly, adjusting to a glaring sun. This place was,
familiar. She looked to her west and saw a small structure. A house. Her
home. She slowly rose to her feet, taking steps towarss it, not sure if this
was real or imagined. But with each step, the grass and air around her
confirmed it. She was home. She made it to the door, opening it and calling
to her parents that she had returned.

Inside she saw the empty house, long abandoned. A moment later the sunlight
faded from the room, and from the recesses of her mind that sinister voice
spoke to her. "You see now, there is nothing for you here. Your mother slew
your father and took her own life when she learned of your fate. Their souls
now each pay the eternal price of their sins in hell." At hearing the words,
Kalisda collapsed on the ground, too distraught to even move. The voice
continued, seeming delighted with this new pain it had brought to his pet.
"Know this, your body bears the marks of evil just as your soul does for the
deeds you did in hell. You will never be free from it. When you die, you be
mine again forever. Live each day, knowing it brings you one step closer to
your inevitable return to me." And the laughter she despised echoed around
the room as the sunlight returned.

Some time passed before Kalisda could formulate any thought, or bring herself
to move at all, but she slowly returned to normal. She looked down at
herself, her body horribly scarred and marked by the ravages of the denizens
of hell. She pulled her clothing tight to her body, ashamed of the markings,
as she walked outside.

She saw an old oak tree not far, one she had spent time climbing and playing
with her parents around when she was young. A fitting place. It was there she
marked their graves. As she sat there, she felt herself singing, a somber
song of their deaths and of the cruel fate that had befallen them all. She
finished her song, not noticing the effect it had had on the nearby wildlife.
With the memorial over, she began walking away, free to make her own choices
for the first time in 15 years, hoping she mind someway to prevent her
inevtiable fate.

Subject: Kalisda and her minotaurs.
Added Thu Jul 30 16:56:23 2009 at level 28:
The minotaur was loyal it seemed, but it's odor was, bothersome, to say the
least. She looked over at the creature. Each time she still shuddered
slightly as the thought of her past was always refreshed when she saw the
thing. But that was in part the intention of having it with her. Seantryn
Modan. The things were always there, willing to serve any who paid. When she
first encountered them, walking freely among the population, she fled the
city into the nearby woods, thinking the denizens of the pits had overrun the
place. Maybe even looking for her to drag her back.

If it had not been for a passing wood-elf's words, she might have never
returned. But she learned from him the things were simply called minotaurs, a
somewhat rare breed of creature. More importantly, they were not spawned in
the places she knew her inevitable fate would return her to, though they bore
resemblances to some of the beings that used to toy with her for their own
pleasure. With renewed courage, she had walked back into the city, half
expecting one of the things to turn on her. But she went largely ignored, the
beasts found little interest in her it seemed. And to her surprise, the
things could speak in limited fashion, and some offered their martial
services to her if she was willing to pay for them.

An effort to overcome her fear of the things, Kalisda gave the broker a sum
of gold. If she was to ever overcome her fear of returning to the pits, this
might be the first step, keeping company with a lesser but somewhat
comparable creature to the residents there. Maybe she could at least learn to
contorl her emotions and deprive them of seeing the terror in her eyes when
they came for her. Being around this foul creature could only help allay some
of the fear. The thing followed her with every step from that point. It never
complained, never hesitated in coming to the defense of its master. Kalisda
gradually managed to remain calm in the thing's presence, enough to sleep
while it stood watch. To her surprise, the thing was still there when she
awoke, still keeping watch.

The minotaur's eyes then darted to her direction and it charged at her. In
reaction Kalisda reached for her sword, readying to strike, but the beast
flung itself in a jump over her. A moment later a loud thud echoed from
behind her, and the minotaur went sailing back from the way it came, a spray
of blood flying through the air as it flew by over her. She turned to see an
extremely large giant there, readying another swing with a rather large axe.
But she was ready, and a little roll forward allowed her to avoid the falling
axe's strike and get into a proper stance as she began a song. Her tranquil
voice sailed across the small camp as she rose, and a placid look overcame
the thing as the words echoed around them. The giant calmed by the song, she
she looked beyond to see the seemingly lifeless body of her minotaur.

89787, RE: Role Parts 7-9 (of 23)
Posted by Kalisda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Subject: Embracing fate.
Added Thu Jul 30 16:59:17 2009 at level 28:
Kalisda looked at the giant as it wandered back off into the woods. Pale blue
skin, blue eyes and green hair. A bit dishelved and crude in appearance,
probably not one of the ones that populate more civilized areas, but there
was no mistaking it as a storm giant. From the ease it had handled the large
axe, a rather formidable one at that. If not for what she believed was an
inherently peaceful nature, she wondered if her song would have calmed it
before it had struck her down as well. She also wondered what had provoked it
to attack anyway. Storm giants were generally thought of as creatures of the
light, not prone to violence against anything that was not evil. And yet it
struck without provocation.

Then she recalled it. The words of that being as it left her. It had said she
bore the taint of evil from her extended presence there, that she would never
be free from it. She had held out hope that she could change her fate, but
this incident seemed to confirm what she hoped to deny. A peaceful giant of
the light had attempted to kill her without a second thought. It had sensed
the evil in her she thought to herself. That thing had been correct, she was
tainted. Her fate was determined, and it was just a matter of when she would
return, no longer if she would.

A few minutes passed as it sunk in, and to her own surprise there was no
sadness. Ultimately Kalisda found herself feeling almost relieved. There was
no consequences for her. Her fate was already determined, no actions she made
one way or the other would influence it. She had it, for the first time ever
in her life. True freedom. Her parents had guidelines and rules for her life
and while in the pits she was a toy, a plaything governed by the whims of
various malicious beings. There was the notion among most that a good life
was rewarded, a wicked one punished. But she would return to the pits no
matter what. Her actions then, had no recourse upon her beyond the immediate.
She could do whatever crossed her mind. Kalisda could at least find temporary
joy in this period of life that she could take back with her for eternity.

There had been times when she had smiled and laughed in her life, no doubt
there would be times after this. But in this instant, pure elation took over,
as she sang and danced an expression of her newfound freedom. Not even
noticing the minotaur's body had started to move as the thing regained
consciousness, a piercing note escaped her voice. So powerful a note that the
minotaur, in such a weakened state, could not endure the force of it, and
died on the spot. Had she noticed, perhaps she might have cared. Had she noticed.

Subject: A darkening heart.
Added Thu Jul 30 17:16:27 2009 at level 28:
Warm sun and salty air carressed Kalisda's cheeks as she sat on a raft
drifting on the ocean. Her voice carried out sweet lullabies, lulling any who
might hear them into peaceful sleeps. A figure came by, flying over the
water. It was vaguely humanoid, an arial no doubt. But she would not cease.
He would make a fine audience for her. Her lyrical words flowed outwards
across the wind, and she saw the arial collapse into slumber from her song. A
few hours passed, and the arial slowly awoke. Kalisda again sang the notes
that would return him to the dream realm. She then patted the sleeping arial
on the head, wished him pelasant dreams, and departed. He had been a fine
audience indeed, to stay for an encore.

A few days passed. Kalisda sat in a famliar tavern, surrounded by slumbering
patrons. A vaguely familiar figure then entered. An arial. The same one she
had lulled into sleep on the ocean. Various words she was not familiar with
came out of his little beak as he focused on her. She cried out as her mind
was racked with pain. Seemed the arial was a mage, and a rather annoyed one
at that. Turned out he did not care for the pleasant dreams she had so
graciously imparted to him through her lullaby. Even less so the second time.
He took a moment to comment on how annoying the song was as she started to
recover from the spell. However, that moment of arrogance, of believed
control of the situation, would cost him dearly. For instead of looking
around, he made his comment, and so he did not notice the large minotaur's
eyes had opened when Kalisda had cried out.

Kalisda's defender came charging across the room and slammed into the mage.
As she regained her focus from the jolt, Kalisda grinned for a moment at the
arial at the struggling arial, but her eyes narrowed in on him. And then her
right fist slammed into his midsection, and she heard the air forced from his
lungs. In a daze, the arial could not concentrate on Kalisda's strikes as
well as on the minotaur that pressed itself upon him with a series of vicious
strikes. Kalisda knew it would not stop its attack unless she said so, and
she had no intention of stopping it. She saw the inevitable demise of the
mage, and walked out of the tavern. Such wanton death she did not feel the
need to witness. At first. But his brief words, they echoed in her mind.

She returned to the tavern, where the minotaur still gleefully hacked at the
dying mage. She walked over to the nearly lifeless corpse of the arial. Just
as the minotaur gave one final killing strike to the mage's torso, she sang
the lullaby one more time. The last thing it would hear in life would be her
voice, and the song that had led him to his own death. It would be a fitting
end for the arial. For her first critic. She did not usually enjoy killing, but
he had mocked her voice. His death, she did enjoy.

Subject: Kalisda and the light.
Added Mon Aug 17 16:03:36 2009 at level 51:
The storm giant approached slowly, as Kalisda made no efforts to move or
really react to its presence. It soon stood beside Kalisda's insignificant
self. The giant seemed to be puzzled at Kalisda's presence for some reason,
but not one to be rude Kalisda spoke softly, with childish innocence. 'Hello
my dear giant, my name is.' The shoulder slammed down hard, sending her to
the ground with a fair amount of pain. She managed to roll when she hit the
ground though, allowing her to jump forward. She was on her feet, in time to
see the giant lowering her massive shoulder for another charge. Kalisda had
no desire to fight this damned giant, so she took off the opposite way.
Giants were large, but not too nimble. And notoriously slow. Outrunning the
thing proved no problem, and she managed to evade its attempts to find her.

She learned that the particular giant served the fortress of light. The lack
of any compassion or understanding on the giant's part baffled Kalisda. Yet,
this was not the first time this had happened. She had met other storms,
other fortress members, numerous paladins, and any other number of people
claiming to be of the so-called light. And their actions were always
predictable. Attack without hesitation or warning. Without thought or reason.
Because she had a red aura. A slight anger begin to well within her. What
right did those self righteous bastards have to judge her? They knew nothing
of what it took for her to endure, for her to live on knowing her fate. And
they only sought to send her back to the inferno faster!

They justified themselves as the light, but the truth was they were simply
opposite. Their own view made them right and good, in their own eyes. In her
eyes, she was right and good, they were the wicked evil ones. Objectively
there is no light and dark, simply existence. They just rationalized their
own actions through hollow rhetoric. How murder was ever innocent, ever good,
ever necessary, she would not know. But those of the light never hesitated in
attempting it on her. And for what, because she sang? Sure her songs were not
always pleasant, but life was not always pleasant.

She always forgave those who made her life miserable and understand their
motives where lightwalkers never bothered to repay the favor to her. She
always apologized to the ones she slew accidentally with her songs, made
every effort to make amends with them. Those of the light always preached and
gave the same self-aggrandizing, self-serving load of crap. Repent. Redeem
yourself. Blah blah blah was all she heard when they spoke now. They would
not listen, they would only speak. Thera it seemed, was a land of
disappointment, of hypocrisy. A land where one is judged by what they are
before who they are.
89788, RE: Role Parts 10-12 (of 23)
Posted by Kalisda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Subject: Introductions with an orc.
Added Mon Aug 17 18:25:28 2009 at level 51:
The streets of galadon were a pleasant place to perform, as someone was
usually nearby to listen to Kalisda's voice. A few coppers now and again
never hurt either, but her motivations for singing were simply to experience
it over and over. The joy she had at simply having the freedom to do so.
Sure, there were some who did not always approve of her songs, and it seemed
some of the songs had rather horrible affects on people. And of course there
were those damnable light walking pains in the ass that always disrupted her
performances so that they might cleanse her soul (or whatever else it was
they claimed killing her would do.) But she had learned to see the beauty in
all her repertoire and hearing them performed. It would be a shame to allow
others in the city to deprive the rest of the therans from hearing her sing
her varied verses. That sometimes people took offense to them, well, such was
life. She had no fear of what might happen, knowing one's fate liberated her
from concerns over such trivial affairs. Living restrained by fear, that
would be the only thing she would never allow, even if it would prolong her
time from the pit. Freedom is nothing if one did not have the will to embrace
it after all.

A ruckus broke out from the south. A potential audience perhaps. A rather
large orc it seemed was savagely hacking away at some elven figure. She spied
an instrument of some kind, seemed the elf was a fellow artist. Or was at
least, as when she arrived she saw its body was mangled beyond most any
recognition. But the orc was there still. She smiled at him for a brief
moment. Her hands strummed her lute, a eerily beautiful song passing from her
lips. As the last note echoed in the room, the orc screamed and ran. Kalisda
looked at the thing as it fled, something in its mind relentlessly striking
it. She smiled. She did so enjoy that song, but it always turned out those
who heard it ran, sometimes perishing at the hands of their own minds. A
shame, but such was the price of artistry, and hers would not be contained
simply because some weak minded fool might die because of it. She remained a
moment, not attempting to pursue or kill the orc. Whether it survived the
fiend or not, she did not care. She would perform a final requiem for the
departed soul before she left.

Subject: The apologetic performer.
Added Mon Aug 17 18:31:48 2009 at level 51:
Kalisda learned later that the orc had indeed survived its fears, and for
some reason had not enjoyed her performance. She knew enough of orcs to
realize what was likely going to happen, but she did owe the orc an apology.
In person. Sure enough, it was in galadon, so she approached, giving her best
smile to the creature. The thing screamed a bloody cry and lunged for her
slamming her to the ground. The strikes were likely painful, but her body had
long ago numbed to any feeling of pain. A pity that it's fury was so
relentless, she would not get the chance she had wished to apologize. Her
crushing defeat was fairly quick, an anticipated result in such odds.

Kalisda returned shortly, this time getting her chance to apologize. The orc
sat there, somewhat puzzled by her continued presence in galadon. Kalisda did
not fear the thing, she had made her amends, and no creature would take away
one of her favored stages. The orc chieftain indeed left the city soon after,
as the important affairs of an orc no doubt were greater than sitting there
listening to her sing.

However, there was a dwarf around that happened to frequent the city, and
this one it seemed took offense to her allegedly dark soul. (It had struck
fellow lightwalkers in efforts to get at her in the past, once more proving
the hypocrisy of all things claiming to be virtuous) She had made efforts to
explain, but a stubborn dwarf would not likely be persuaded of anything
except the infinite virtues of being a stone-headed, long-bearded, ale-soaked
drunk. However, avoiding the stubby legged drunk was fairly easy, as its
habits and tactics were predictable, and so she never viewed the thing as a
threat, though it so often tried to be. Many times it fell asleep as it
charged in, and Kalisda usually chuckled after it did. She often kissed it on
its forehead before wishing it pleasant dreams and departing for other

Subject: Making new friends.
Added Mon Aug 17 18:41:34 2009 at level 51:
Kalisda sat in the square, singing songs for any who might hear. As usual,
disturbances came from down the street. An orc and a dwarf were engaged in a
scuffle. Spying a golden chance to perform for two, Kalisda could not pass
this up. She moved with all the stealth she could muster, as she wanted to
have her songs be a surprise for them, an unexpected gift. As she got close
enough, she saw it was that same orc and usual dwarf. A stroke of genius at
that moment. She could replay that song again, maybe the orc would like a
subtle change in intonation. Plus she would get feedback from two instead of
just one. Her fingers let the chords out as her voice matched with perfect
harmony the lyrics of the grand nocturne. (What could be better than a grand
song after all?)

Unfortunately for a passing fire giant, it had stormed into the room just as
she began her song, whatever its purposes once had been, it too was caught up
in her stunning lyrics. She heard them all scream as horrors were conjured in
their minds, it was simply delightful to know it had been a successful
performance. Their minds had reacted to the song, no doubt she had performed
it well this time. But this time, only the giant fled, just as well, she was
not the intended audience. She then glared at the orc and dwarf, still
brawling with each other, too distracted by the other to fully embrace her

Her next song blasted through them both, and she at least now had their
attention. They both knew an irate woman sought to lay her vengeance upon
them both for ignoring her. The orc scurried to the west, the dwarf to the
east. She went to the nearby inn for a drink, happy that the giant had been
an unexpected third audience, but somewhat angered that the other two had not
had the decency to focus on her song.

She had made it a few steps before that silly dwarf came barreling through
the crowded inn after her. She drew in a deep breath, and strummed her lute
once more, sending the dwarf into the realm of dreams. She had no taste for
violence, but the dwarf needed to learn when to quit. It dawned on her then.
The orc. It hated the dwarf it seemed, maybe it would shut it up for her. She
called to it, half expecting the orc to again be irate over the song, but to
her surprise it agreed. It walked over, a truly large figure that probably
was not one you would want to have angered. It grinned at the dwarf's
helpless body, and proceeded to trample it. As the dwarf turned to flee
Kalisda's foot caught the dwarf, sending it to the ground. She did not have
to pummel the thing, but she would not let it escape either. The dwarf's
cries of pain and anguish were short lived thankfully, as an enraged orc
simply overmatched the groggy disoriented dwarf. Maybe now, she could perform
in peace for a while.
89789, Role Parts 13-15 (of 23)
Posted by Kalisda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Subject: The chancellor.
Added Wed Sep 2 14:39:11 2009 at level 51:
Years ago Kalisda had briefly met this man, but their paths began to cross
more frequently. He was an interesting fellow to be sure, but one would
expect the chancellor of the scions to be so. Kalisda could not deny, the man
had a mild charm to him, almost enough that one might not take note of the
inherent evil that seemed to exude from his very being. She smiled at him
with a little innocence in her eyes. He was always happy to have her sing for
him, to allow her to accompany him on his many travels. A fine audience, one
she always enjoyed performing for.

Kalisda had gone so far as to visit the Queen's shrine with him, a decadent
place of worship. But there it happened, when that same innocent smile came
forth, and he said it. That he had seen the truth behind the smile. That she
was not so innocent, that there was a malevolent nature in her soul. Her eyes
narrowed in on the man, her usual calm composure often had difficulties when
insulted in any way. Had he stepped further in his words, she might have let
loose her fury upon the man, but only those who insulted her voice could
truly raise her anger to the point of hostility. He had seen what she did to
those who did so. Days prior, a poor berserker of the battleragers had her
true anger unleashed upon him for calling her voice frail and weak, though
she had restrained the first performance. Her second performance destroyed
the thing in seconds. She would have had no problem doing the same to the
chancellor, were he to cross the same line.

But he did not, likely would not. He was clever, Kalisda imagined he saw
utility in her and would remain cordial until such time as it ended. For
Kalisda, it was simply nice to have a willing audience for a change. She had
sung nocturnes to many, mostly to distract people from her so she could leave
peacefully. Most times she would prefer to simply walk in peace, strumming a
lute and singing for those who wished to listen. So long as this man would
keep her company and praise her voice, she would sing for him whenever

Subject: Towards the chasm.
Added Mon Sep 7 10:48:59 2009 at level 51:
A mummy approached Kalisda, a prior acquaintance of hers. She had seen it
traveling in the company of the chancellor as it was his adviser, but this
time it was simply the mummy approaching. Alone. Kalisda's fingers began
strumming her lute, readying to defend herself in case the mummy's pleasant
demeanor only existed while the she sang for the chancellor. She would not
strike first, but she would not be caught off guard either. Turned out the
mummy just wished her to sing for it as well, knowing she often sang for the
chancellor in the past. She smiled warmly, agreeing to follow and sing, and
perhaps sing to a few others along the way.

They went off, visiting the fortress of light and the empire, Acquiring the
orb and codex. Kalisda's songs aided, but the lack of resistance disappointed
her. There had been none to sing to. They went to the tree and to the
village, and again no audience emerged. She could sing for the mummy, but her
repertoire had many songs, and she needed different audiences to sing them
all. Sadly for her, none emerged to hear them. As the mummy returned to the
chasm, the chancellor emerged and came to greet them. Kalisda smiled warmly
at the chancellor. The mummy was fine to sing for, but the chancellor alone
was her favored audience. A brief exchange of words, and the chancellor and
mummy went their separate ways.

She left the company of the mummy to travel with the chancellor, singing
whatever he wished to hear. His praise and appreciation of her lyrical styles
was a welcome change. Most always despised her for the affects her songs had
on them, but he never did. He enjoyed what they did for him, enjoyed more
watching what it could do to others. Kalisda smiled at him. He enabled her to
sing to many, understanding that her artistry required audiences, willing or
not. He encouraged that in her, one of the few she had ever met who truly did
so. After a few days though, they had to part ways, each having endeavors to
attend to. But not soon after the adviser called to her, beckoning her visit
the chasm.

Subject: An unlikely interview.
Added Mon Sep 7 10:52:56 2009 at level 51:
The chasm was a dark place, an intangible aura surrounded it. Kalisda knew
where it was, but had never entered it. When she arrived a familiar presence
was there, as the mummy summoned her into the room. There they were, the
chancellor and his adviser, the mortal leaders of the chasm, and the
songstress. A dark elf lurked in the corners, one Kalsida had met before, and
more over, did not much care for. Her eyes narrowed in on the man, but the
chancellor's presence was enough to keep the dark elf cowed. The dark elf
slipped into another dimension, disappearing from view, and with that the
adviser and chancellor began their discussion with Kalisda.

They both knew she always sang for them, always aided when they called to
her. Her willingness had impressed them to a degree. For her, they were
audiences, they allowed her artistry to flourish. She did not sing for them
to aid the chasm, but only to serve her own motives. She sang for the love of
singing, the only thing in life she found real joy in. The chancellor knew
this of her, but he was charismatic. And he knew as she did most in Thera
considered her among the chasm's members already for the company she
frequently kept with him. What he proposed was difficult to resist, for the
allure of power added to her songs, of having more to sing for, was indeed
appealing to her.

The mummy briefly interrupted. Threatening the death of the dark elf who had
slipped back into the room for daring to make himself an uninvited guest in
this matter. The mummy was not so easily fooled though, the dark elf's
presence not being hidden from it. The elf left again, this time smart enough
to remain away unless beckoned. That he listened without question was a
display of the true authority the two before her possessed.

The chancellor never noticed though, his eyes were still focused upon her.
The mummy bowed, and departed, his opinion voiced it was now between the
chancellor and Kalisda. She agreed, she would serve in the chasm, but not as
others have before her. She would further the ambition of the chasm through
the chancellor. She was there to aid him, his wishes, and none others except
the queen the chancellor served. All that she would do, would be because he
wished it. She told him she would only truly follow him, the others of the
chasm were not of her concern outside of serving as an audience. Were he to
leave the chasm, so would she. Were her usefulness to expire to him, she
would leave. But the smile of the chancellor seemed to indicate he would not
soon tire of her performances.
89790, RE: Role Parts 16- 18(of 23)
Posted by Kalisda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Subject: Into the Eternal Night.
Added Mon Sep 7 11:05:10 2009 at level 51:
There was a touch of irony perhaps in what had recently transpired. The slave
of the inferno, who would return to eternal servitude when she died, had been
enlisted to serve the chasm at the request of the chancellor. She had not
pledged allegiance to them, had never sought to join them. They had come to
her, asked her to lend her voice to them, for the promise of unending
audiences for her music and for the added powers the chasm bestowed. And she
had agreed. She would serve those who delighted in the knowledge their
actions were perhaps evil and chaotic, even though she still found little joy
in the slaughter of others. But she had to sing. It was all she had to keep
her alive and happy. That her songs might contribute to the deaths of
countless others in time, so be it. Artistry carries grand prices, but a true
master pays any cost for their gift.

She knew long ago her father has served the chasm, though his service ended
before her birth. Her mother and father had warned of the chasm, about those
who served it. But she did not understand his warnings now. These scions, as
they were known, were no different than any other. They lived, followed their
own ambitions, their own goals. Perhaps their means differed, but she could
understand it better than most. All must do what they can to fulfill their
ambition and goals, regardless of price or consequence. They might have
different aims than others, but that did not bother her. They were but a tool
for her to fulfill her own, just as no doubt she would be one for them to
fulfill their own. A mutually beneficial arrangement it seemed.

As the powers of the chasm washed over, slight elation showed through her
smiling face. Vitality and strength flowed through her, the powers to call
upon the night to bind a servitor to her. At least for now, she could control
a being similar to ones she had once feared in the inferno. Not unlike her
time where she kept the minotaurs as servants, she could master her fears of
the dark beings by now being able to summon and control them. Soon, she
would truly be ready for her inevitable return, knowing no fear of the
denizens there, having mastered the songs that console her mind through the
eternal torments. And that provided her more comfort than anything she had
known since emerging from the inferno years ago.

Subject: The returning.
Added Fri Oct 2 15:12:30 2009 at level 51:
Kalisda walked around the familiar surroundings of the chasm, humming a
slight tune as her fingers strummed her harp. The darkness and shadows of
the place did not phase her anymore, having grown accustomed to the
environment. She paused in a dark alcove, deciding to rest for a moment. Were
it not for a shiver up her spine she might have missed the arrival of some
unseen entity in the shadows. Its presence she had not forgotten, ever after
a century had passed. And for all her time among Thera, all she had seen,
learned and done, this presence was all that could ever truly instill fear in

Her true master had returned.

The darkness was all consuming in the room, even for the chasm it seemed
unnatural. Kalisda's eyes could only discern two glaring red eyes as they
slowly opened. A cold dry voice slowly spoke. .I have missed you my pet..
Kalisda eyes were fixated upon the deep crimson of the being's eyes, but fear
had rendered her immobile and she could not remove her gaze from them. All
her mind could think of was that her return was imminent. In that moment all
the comfort of her songs, the imagined mastery of her fear, vanished. The
voice continued, not even noticing Kalisda's paralyzed state. .You have done
well with your freedom. I have kept my eyes on you, as I always have, as I
always will. Your antics have proved entertaining for me..

The being paused for a second, and before it resumed a sinister grin emerged
from the darkness to accompany its dark voice. .Not as entertaining as you
were before your release however.. Kalisda had known fear, had know terror,
but if there was ever a moment of pure dread in her life, it was now. The
only thought in her mind was that she would be returned now. For eternity.
.Now now my pet, your time is not yet up. You will remain a while longer
among this realm.. It could always hear her thoughts before, now proved no
different. Yet, Kalisda did not sense those words were meant to comfort her.

Kalisda had spent over a century free, had grown from a frail nave girl to a
hardened woman of the chasm. And yet, in this presence, she was still that
girl. Still terrified of her fate. Still vainly seeking comfort she could
never find. If she could muster words, she might have tried to sing, but only
in her mind could she move or speak, but her body would not respond. And in
her mind the being then delved, seeking out a bit of amusement.

Subject: Revelation.
Added Fri Oct 2 15:33:27 2009 at level 51:
The being's voice barely a whisper as it approached, her body nearly
swallowed by the shadows enveloping the thing. "You could never see it could
you? How everything has fallen into place for you. That every action you made
drew you another step closer to me. Just as I knew it would when I was forced
to release you." Kalisda's eyes widened at the words as her mind repeated
that last part over and over, that the being had been forced to release her..

The being's smile widened, as it could realize Kalisda's comprehension of
what it had said. "Yes my pet, your freedom was never my choice. I would
never allow you to leave. I intended you to be mine for eternity." The
being's voice seemed to grow louder, trembling with anger as it continued.
"Your father swore you to me, but Llenyana...." The being almost seemed to
explode with rage at the mention of her mother's name. "Her interference
stole you away from me! Caused my binding on you to eventually break!" The
being grumbled and the room shook a bit. Seemingly hours of silence before it
managed to continue, returning to its normal tone.

"Your mother, I had thought her weak. That the divine had forsaken her. That
was why I chose you." A darkened talon of a claw stretched out from the
shadows, rubbing against her cheek. "Had she not intervened you would have
been mine eternally. But your mother's death, her sacrifice, was for you. Not
enough to destroy the binding immediately, but enough to gradually dissolve
it. To ensure inevitably you would be freed from me."

The being's voice grew colder, a faintness begin to come through as its voice
grew softer. "I could not simply let you go. I had to ensure your return.
That you would come back to me someday." The talon returned to the shadows as
the being's voice continued devoid of any emotion. "The darkness in your
heart, that is present in all living thing's hearts, needed only an
opportunity to flourish. I planted the inclination of darkness in you, that
you were tainted, but you are the one who accepted it. Embraced it more so as
you aged. And look now where you stand, what you have become." The smiling
fangs she despised returned once more to the being's face. "I knew you would
not disappoint me..."

A small image blurred in front of her, flashing distant memories from her
past. The storm giant in the woods. The suffering of those she had slain. Her
induction into the chasm. All of it, replayed from a distance. Allowing her
to truly see for the first time what others saw. And she realized something.
She was initially condemned by the light not for her own actions, but for the
company she kept. For the minotaur she used. The chancellor before joining
darkness, but had never known it. The being's manipulations had influenced her
choices which in turn had led her into darkness. The being's voice interrupted
her thoughts. "Yes my pet, you see it now don't you?"

89791, RE: Role Parts 19-21 (of 23)
Posted by Kalisda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Subject: Embracing one's destiny.
Added Fri Oct 2 15:38:15 2009 at level 51:
Kalisda's body slumped down against the floor, the revelations of the being
becoming all to apparent to her now. She had only found happiness in her
music, and with that freedom she had done as she pleased without concern for
the consequences. With each action her soul grow darker, as countless others
suffered at the hearing of her songs. Each one slain pushed her closer
towards her return to the inescapable darkness. The being chuckled for a
moment. "I shall see you shortly my dear, for a few years is nothing compared
to eternity. And this time there shall be no escape for you." With those
words it faded back into the shadows of the chasm, and was gone.

Kalisda lay there for some time, as her body began to gradually grow
responsive once more. Her mind lingered on what had transpired though. She
had been given freedom by her mother's sacrifice, only to condemn herself to
the fate she hoped to avoid. Her eyes darted up to the heavens, then down.
Others had known, had always known, what she was becoming. The Chancellor
knew, and he had used that to press her further into the darkness. She stood
up after a moment and as she began walking down the hall she caught a
reflection of herself. She was still the same outwardly. Fair in appearance.
Emerald eyes. Golden hair. By all accounts one would not know just how truly
wicked she was, just as she could not see it in herself. But in that mirror
was reality. She was who she was. Her true nature had been given the chance
to come out, and it had led her here. To the chasm, serving the darkness.

She narrowed her eyes, glaring into her own reflection. But though she
thought she would be angry, she could not find it within herself to be so.
She always believed she would return, what had changed? Why she would return
perhaps, but not that she would return. Her fate had always been to return it
seemed. No, there was no anger. Just laughter, inexplicable laugher came from
her. For she had been happy living as she had, only for herself, more than
she ever would have dreamed while she was imprisoned. She could not help but
see the irony of it all, the joke fate had played upon her. She could have
lived as her mother once had with her freedom, and avoided her fate. Then she
would have had no need for songs to console her or to keep company with dark
beings to learn to temper her fear of them, the very things that now
condemend her. But in her desperation to make her return bearable, she had
unknowingly embraced that she would return, and thus ensured that she would.

Footsteps came from the hall, ones she knew well. She looked up for a moment
and whispered "you were a fool to save him, just as you were to attempt to
save me." She then turned and began walking down the hall to greet the
Chancellor, who inquired to who she was whispering. "My mother" she said, and
with a bow follow the Chancellor towards whatever task he might ask of her.

Subject: The Siren's requiem.
Added Mon Dec 14 17:59:46 2009 at level 51:
The halls were empty, a faint footstep echoed off the walls as Kalisda walked
down them toward the meeting chamber. Long had it been since the former
chancellor left the realms, her own purpose seemingly gone with him. Another
had taken up the mantle, but Kalisda found him to be far less a figure to
follow. Among the chasm, only the advisor remained the same, was the only one
she felt at ease around. Her fingers caressed the familiar walls as she
walked to a seat, planning to sit for a while and rest her aged bones.

She had fulfilled her desire to bow before the Dark queen even, a last homage
to her fallen chancellor. A slight exhale of breath, as her lids grew heavy
and she passed into a vague slumber. The chasm was a dark place, the quiet
often all consuming. A perfect place for her to rest, reflect on the life she
had led. A life she could feel drawing to an end. Her hair had grayed, her
body bore the markings of time more noticeably. Only her voice remained
strong, still able to capture the subtle nuances that gave her songs such
effect.A dark reputation preceded her now, and if she once could have
claimed innocence in her songs and motives, those days had long passed.

She had served, and served in the manner she always said. Not for the chasm.
Only for her, and for the chancellor and his queen. The chasm, it would
remain eternal even after his passing, after her own as well. But it had
enabled her mastery of her voice, over her beloved songs. The songs that
would grant her soul peace she could not find before.

Her emerald eyes pierced into the darkness, the shuffling of numerous feet
could be heard along with a dark aura of energy. The advisor nodded as he
passed by, his minions before him. She nodded in return, an homage to the
last scion remaining from her youth. A younger one came in, without a word of
request her fingers flowed over the strings of her lute, voicing words in
perfect harmony. The songs filled the chasm for a moment, and with their
quiet the scion departed, roused to strength and will through her voice. They
dared not ask, but needed not to for them. Her gifted voice was theirs to be
inspired by alone.

She wished to get up, to sing further with the zeal she once had along the
chancellor's side. But as she motioned to stand, a cool breeze drifted
through the room, the faint moisture of the cavern walls kissing her face.
And in that moment the temptation of sleep won the day.

Subject: Overture of the Shadows.
Added Wed Dec 16 17:07:09 2009 at level 51:
Heavy eyelids kept what light there was out, as a deep breath slowly
passed from her lips. Her head was down, a comfortable position to rest in. A
faint tingle of energy ran up her skin, but not even the slightest reaction
passed over her. She knew all too well this presence, as she had always known
it. The being motioned closer to her, shadowed limbs out stretched towards
her. A small talon touched her cheek, glided down across her neck before
being withdrawn back into the recessed shadows of this being. Her body did
not react in the slightest.

"Still paralyzed by my aura I see, but I know you can hear my words
and feel my presence, even if your eyes will not open" a rasping voice
whispered into her ear. A slight chortle came from the being. "Centuries
you've been free, but your time draws near my pet. I could not keep myself
away, knowing soon you will be mine once more." Dark red eyes glanced over
her body, as he whispered further. "A pity your kind ages so, but your body
will fade leaving only that precious soul of yours for my eternal
indulgences." The being withdrew a small distance, no more than two feet, and
lowered its head as low incantations began escaping its lips. On the final
word, a flash of light flared from its eyes, and it turned to look at the

At that moment two heavy eyelids slowly lifted, a pair of piercing
emerald eyes rose from her gaze into the being's own. "Is that so?" Her voice
was strangely soft and calm. If the being could be seen through the swirling
shadows, a surprised expression might have shown. Not only had she moved, but
she had spoke. Kalisda slowly rose from her seat, the faintest of melodies
escaping from her lute as her fingers deftly strummed the chords ingrained in
her soul. The being chuckled again. "You believe a little tune strengthening
your resolve enough to stand impresses me pet?"

Her eyes flashed open wide, as the song grew in volume and power it
poured forth and blasted through the small cavernous room. The being, caught
unguarded, was slammed into a wall and promptly fell to the floor in a heap
from the blast. As it staggered back to its feet it caught sight of the woman
before her. Darkness radiated from her soul. Pitch black. As it stood,
without knowing it, its foot instinctively took a step backwards. A slight
movement, but one Kalisda saw, and understood. She returned her deadly gaze
into the being's widening ones, and smiled
89793, Role Final 2 chapters
Posted by Kalisda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Subject: Crescendo of the Damned.
Added Wed Dec 16 17:14:49 2009 at level 51:
Her soft voice was devoid of any emotion "Long have I waited, hoping you
would be foolish enough to return." Dark energy manifested along side her as
a nightwalker slid forth from the shadows to aid its master. "A girl you
terrorized, a woman dreaded you. That was long ago, and those people you
delighted in died long ago." More energy swirled around her, unholy strength
seeping into her body as her hand gripped the Blade of Command. "Now you will
know what it is to embrace terror. To know what it is to face a being that is
powerful beyond your comprehension." Her muscles grew tense, her feet braced
hard against the floor, the blade humming with power in her hand as it lay

"Can you sense it in the air?" Her voice trailed off as she finished her
thought "The familiar scent of death." Centuries of skill propelled her
forward instantly. As she approached she slid to the left, allowing the
following nightwalker to slam into the being with its tearing claws. As it
did, she came back in with a flanking strike landing two powerful strike with
her blade across the torso, a feeling of pleasure overcoming her as she felt
the resistance of flesh upon her blade, momentarily, until it began slicing
through the flesh of the creature. She slashed through until the blade freed
from the torso of the creature,stolen dark blood and bits of flesh flying
off the blade from the momentum of the swinng. As the nightwalker pressed, it
managed to get a talon plunged into the nightwalker. Dark incantations poured
out as the dying nightwalker clawed the being, a glow emerging seemingly from
within it. Through the strikes the being kept its concentration and finished
the spell, and a large explosion from within blasted the nightwalker into
oblivion. But seconds had passed, and Kalisda sat in the corner, a malevolent
smile on her face. Her fingers strummed her lute, as her voice surged once

"Do you know what it is to fear the night,
afraid of every recess without the light..."
The thing yelled in ancient tongues as it eyes fixed upon her.
"The terrors in your mind preying upon your dreams,
each delighting in sounds of your silent screams..."
It began charging at her, as the verse echoed in the room.

<0;37m[br/>"With anguished wails your mind's devoured,
knowing no peace or reprieve though you scoured."
Closing in, an outstretched taloned claw reached for her.
"And once more upon this place only silence fell,
As your soul was dragged to the depths of hell..."

The last chord echoed in the cavern. She lowered her head slightly again, a
bow for her performance, but her eyes fixated upon the being, frozen in
place, its claw inches from her throat. Her dark smile would have only
enraged it further, but it did not matter now. The song had been perfect, a
century of rehearsals had led to this moment, and she had performed

Subject: Epilogue of the Muse.
Added Wed Dec 16 17:18:47 2009 at level 51:
Kalisda leaned back against the wall, the being no more than inches away,
struggling as its own mind slowly unraveled and tore at its every fear. She
did not know exactly what each being saw when she sang the nocturne, but she
imagined in this case, it saw only her. The Soulful Siren of Sin, a true
mistress of darkness, standing over it as its new master, tormenting it as it
had once done to her. She savored this image and the terrified shrieks of
fear and anguish wailing from this being as it slowly died.

The being's corpse sat there on the floor of the cavern. It twitched
slightly, but it was curled into a useless ball of odd flesh. The shadows
around it had dispersed, no longer able to keep the spell around it.
Kalisda's eyes glanced at the quivering mound of demonic flesh. It was a
demon or devil of some sort. It did not matter really now. Death could find
anything that lived, as it had this thing, and with a satisfying cleave from
her blade the head was severed from the lifeless body.

More dark energy swirled, as she conjured another nightwalker, allowing it to
feast on the corpse. She returned to her seat, slowly settled in with the
lute across her lap, as she strummed a little tune to mask the sounds of what
transpired. Dark sounds of primal savage feasting on the corpse could be
heard for a few moments, before the nightwalker finished and slowly faded
back into the shadows. As it recessed into the shadows, her music fell to the
faintest of echoes upon the walls before yielding to silence, its purpose

As the final note faded there it was once more, blissful silence. Her body
settled into the chair, as a shuffling of feet she heard. The advisor passed
again, returned from whatever errand had taken him away. Neither looked at
the other, there was just a momentary pause, the slightest of nods between
them before he continued past the hall. If he knew what transpired, he did
not say.

The faintest of smiles lingered on her face as the first peaceful sleep she
had known in centuries came to her.

89796, Notes on her role
Posted by Kalisda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The last chapters were never reviewed by an immortal, and there was one instace of non-role related imm xp. Overall she had 5800 in case anyone was wondering (score exp was a nice addition). I think she might have done well in the role contest in January had it happened, since I finally gave it a finale, but didn't want to enter since I had gotten to runner ups and my character was age dead (I assume at least) soon. If you read, hope you enjoyed it.

It might explain really why she was so dark though I never tried to really play her as necessarily evil. I had a concept, a fate based role should of course be predetermined, (scion was entirely by chance but just worked so perfectly for it- as did Arrna bashing me on sight the first time I met her)

I really wanted to attempt to follow the new arial outlander Imm, who had my sphere and who seemed to be perfect for her, but she was too old at that point. And there was the whole I put him to sleep when he was terrorizing galadon encounter. Kalisda mocked out his voice (completely IC) and of course was rewarded with the divine wrath of the smiting. Thanks for not slaying me Grobbak, I had some fun rp with that, since I was the only one to resist your lullaby and landed my own on you. Imms should be immune to that. I almost tried it on Mergulla, since I knew I would be the last person to see her before she went back to invis, and it might have been nice rp to give the queen a song to put her back to sleep. But she probably would have slayed me for that.
89784, Best set
Posted by Kalisda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Generally what she wore, mantle was usually air not Medius, but this was pretty standard.

You are using:
<worn on finger> (Glowing) a banded ring
<worn on finger> (Glowing) (Humming) a ring set with a shard of green crystal
<worn around neck> (Glowing) the Amulet of Clarity
<worn around neck> (Glowing) the mantle of Medius
<worn on body> a torn and bloodied wedding dress
<worn on head> (Glowing) a black mitre
<worn on face> a black veil
<worn on legs> a set of earth-toned leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of high-heeled black leather boots
<worn on hands> a pair of black steel gauntlets
<worn on arms> a phylactery of free movement
<worn about body> a brown hunting cape
<worn about waist> a polished mithril girth
<worn around wrist> an engraved silver bracelet
<worn around wrist> (Humming) a smooth ruby bracer engraved with a spider
<mainhand wielded> (Glowing) (Humming) the Blade of Command
<held in hand> (Glowing) a ghostly lute
89783, Basic Stats
Posted by Kalisda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Kalisda Elenia the Soulful Siren of Sin
Level : 51 Sex : female Race : half-elf
Ethos : Chaotic Align : Evil Class : bard
Practices: 2 Trains : 0 Hometown : Hamsah Mu'tazz
Exp : 557300 To Level : 26000 Sphere : Time/Fate
Age : old, 224 years old (446 hours)
Hit Point: 1090 /1090 Mana : 629 /847 Move : 1218 /1219
Str : 16(19) Int : 20(21) Wis : 21(21)
Dex : 17(21) Con : 6 (11) Chr : 19(23)
Carry # : 34/35 Weight : 218 lb 10 oz (Max 352 lbs)