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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) Hirilim the Shackled Captain of Battle
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=8952
8952, (DEL) Hirilim the Shackled Captain of Battle
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat Sep 7 16:10:52 2002

8 o''clock AM, Day of the Great Gods, 26th of the Month of the Sun on the Theran calendar Hirilim perished, never to return.

Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
PK Ratio:51% (closer to 100% is better)

8953, RE: (DEL) Hirilim the Shackled Captain of Battle
Posted by Jareiah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well done, you were a good apple in the 'ragers.

Enjoyed your sneaky little hits, and our stand up fights. You surprised me every time I think, when I thought I had you, and there you were fighting me at full health again.
8954, RE: (DEL) Hirilim the Shackled Captain of Battle
Posted by Phoden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're finally dead!!! It is a new age for us magi, not to mention my burgeoning hero assassin is going t' have an easier time takin' all ya all out without some hero like you that can take me out of the shades. Phoden no longer has to worry about your tactful assassinations and stickin' around the large crossroads with your spears. I almost had ya that one time with my lizard. Too bad ya remembered you can kick. *sigh*. Anyways, you were fun t' taunt 'n be taunted by, and you were always pretty fun t' talk t'. I'll miss ya around the village the next few times I raid. *wave*
8955, RE: (DEL) Hirilim the Shackled Captain of Battle
Posted by Jim9 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Holy #####! 51%? Cant believe I did that well considering that I clearly suck with assassins (Im more of a bash bash flurry guy). Whilst I did just die and lost my pretty nice set Id like to say this is in no way a rage deletion (I had 10 con....not a rage deletion when you lost 20 sets of armour already :p), which for me is a miracle. I Just guess that I had finished with him all I wanted to do, the rites being the last thing, even if I did ##### up completely in them.

I must say though rager defenders are pretty good. Not in the deathblow bash thirst cranial, get all corpse kind of way but in the same way as healers are good. Dont expect to kill many, get raped by invokers, but you can heal yourself up damn fast. I liked when I was defending, and I could go from writhing to perfect health in two ticks (field dressing and bind wounds twice). Pretty powerful in the right hands.

Goodbyes, I knew lots of people so if I miss any youll have to yell at me.


Bryvac: You kick ass, and a well deserved commander. Do you ever do less than 8 hit flurries?

Birota: Same as Bryvac, except without the commander bit. Wish you had been at the rites, would have been interesting seeing you and Bryvac go at it. Not bad going for a girl :p

Intronan: You were great, I always could talk to you easier, specially since you kept popping up now and again just to make me jump since I was always paranoid that I had wore a magical bracer or done something else wrong. Then again, I suppose I knew how to talk to you since I was a rager under your mortal Leadership (Katisae....you did say make another rager at the time, that'll teach you)

Thror: Apart from that knock on the head for grouping with a warrior who had a embossed ring in the inventory, I never got to speak with you much. I was scared that id get kicked out or something after that, but Im glad I didnt. Generally you are pretty cool and the village seems to be pretty good nowadays.

Uzkar: You were like my first rager, Katisae. Newbish, But a true student, always ready to learn, always ready to fight. You are the kind of rager thats go and gets stuff done because its there and not done yet.

Valarath: Your kind of like Uzkar, and I like you for the same reason. I see people knocking you on the forums a lot, but its always clear to me that your having a ball, and dying barely seems to affect you. You get a couple of forge hammers and your of at it again.

Nourn: What can I say. Id be happily spamming lore or something, and then: nourn tells you 'Lets go raid the tower'. Id do a who and see Findtuhilas, Lardovian and Sloryas. Id like to say replying 'sure' was probubly my favorite time as Hirilim, specially because we killed Finduthilas and almost pressed it enough to get the Grimoire (but not quite). We did that a couple of times, and your probubly the gutsiest dwarf Ive met because of that.

Huraz: You are the kind of kick ass assassin I wanted to be, but havent got the skill to do it. As a commander you were an inspiration. It was a blast when we decided to dual stalk two people ranking in Shadar Logoth or someplace.


Urden: You were really cool, and I really enjoyed those fights when you came to the village to fight me to prove to me that you hadnt been beaten. Whilst powerful, especially against a defender, you always made me think that there was some way to fight better to get you, and I almost did :p

Dullameh: Damn it! you immed and I had only died three times to you!!!! Seriously though, it was a pleasure to fight a lich, I just wish I had more oppotunity (usually you were surrounded by 5 or so buddies who promptly stop logging in once you immed)


Finduthilas: You were Urden, without so much smarts, and plus far more wands. You must have had barrier sticking out of your arse. First few times I spoke to you I thought you were an asshole, but after a while I got the kind of uppity elf roleplay you have.

Lardovian: That Alligator rocked me...unless I wasnt tanking, in which case my doubleblock rocked your alligator. Well fought, you were always there defending the sorceress no matter the odds and I respect that.

Sloryas: Kind of like Lardovian, except you never died at all that I ever saw. If you had an archon on raids, we rocked you since id simply tank the archon. If you had an angel youd introduce me to mr whoop ass. Especially that time you rocked me in one round when your elemental geysered and your angel pillared at the same time (Doh, only needed to last one round before vanish went through and I could taunt you all from the shadows).


Valkore: You were cool, even if I barely understood what you were saying. Never been so afraid to fight a warrior, especially today when you were fighting against me and nourn and you whipped me in two rounds before we managed to get organised.

Cercanopuno: As a character Hirilim hated you more than anyone. As a player I suppose I recognise the difficulties you have, unfortunately I didnt care much for your entire attitude.

Legissal: Dammit, I really wanted to fight you.

Theres loads more people I can think off....youll have to speak up if I forgot you.

8971, ..Oh and
Posted by Jim9 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The title was from my role, Hirilim was married and brow beaten by his wife and was the subject of many jokes, hence the shackled...shackled to the wife.
8970, RE: (DEL) Hirilim the Shackled Captain of Battle
Posted by Lardovian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Dullameh: Damn it! you immed and I had only died three times
>to you!!!!

Lucky bastard :P

>Lardovian: That Alligator rocked me...unless I wasnt
>tanking, in which case my doubleblock rocked your alligator.
> Well fought, you were always there defending the sorceress
>no matter the odds and I respect that.

Well, I kinda targeted you first if I could for I hate doubleblock even more than daggerspecs :)
We had some real good fights, I mostly remember that time I saw you and Gyasi up in Arial city and thought 'what the hell, let's do it'
Never got to finish either of you off, but it was close.

>Sloryas: Kind of like Lardovian, except you never died at
>all that I ever saw. If you had an archon on raids, we
>rocked you since id simply tank the archon. If you had an
>angel youd introduce me to mr whoop ass. Especially that
>time you rocked me in one round when your elemental geysered
>and your angel pillared at the same time (Doh, only needed
>to last one round before vanish went through and I could
>taunt you all from the shadows).

Heh, my only task during that fight was to keep you out of the shadows, I was a bit too much hurt for my own liking. So I attacked, then threw in a flee directly after. One second after I flee I hear someone's deathcry and Sloryas reports that you are down.

I must say, well fought and all that. you were a pain to have around for I never knew where I had you, unless I did some extensive scouting first.

Hope to see you back in one form or another.

8968, RE: (DEL) Hirilim the Shackled Captain of Battle
Posted by Bryvac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Son of a.......get commander go to work, come back and your gone! Arggg....anyhow, you were a good defender, and an even better pal. Oh well, what can I say, I enjoyed everything we did together, killing, raiding, talking.....you remember helping me rank when I was like 21? Well thanks, see ya later
8969, RE: (DEL) Hirilim the Shackled Captain of Battle
Posted by Bryvac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh yeh, you got aol, email err sumthin?
8967, RE: (DEL) Hirilim the Shackled Captain of Battle
Posted by Finduthilas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

We had some good fights. I was telling a friend of mine the other day about the conversation we had, and how I claimed I had little fear of you. It was hilarious that you would, 15 minutes later, ask me why it is I have shield of flames up and not shield of waves up when you are around, and there are mace wielders in the land.

Then you promptly put on noreply, hide, and then quit. That was funny. :)

You're certainly not the vindictive petty player I've grown to see in some of the others of the village. Join the warlocks, we could use some good people.
8966, RE: (DEL) Hirilim the Shackled Captain of Battle
Posted by Sloryas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're one of the villagers that I actually talk do, 'cos I think some of you different. Don't know, but the feeling is there. You're tough, but I make stupid mistake here and there. Anyhow, well done job to you.

8963, RE: (DEL) Hirilim the Shackled Captain of Battle
Posted by Urden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were gutsy, tough, and (at least in my own experiences with you)
seemed second to none...even Huraz. As I recall, you baned a hell of
a lot of my spells, and your presence often caused me to have to make
a hasty departure, due to those damned lagging kicks and the other
ragers that would be with you.

Well played. Try making one of those bash, bash, flurry guys for the
dark side, eh?

8965, RE: (DEL) Hirilim the Shackled Captain of Battle
Posted by Jim9 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have done, remember Somna? Unfortunately I tend to agree with most people what they say about scion. Im not bothered about the powers, its just for a warrior at least its as if your uncaballed but have to retrieve/defend/raid anyway, it leaves you feeling empty like you have accomplished nothing.

Despite that, I was going to make another scion warrior just after Hirilim, but someone reminded me that Scion has done absolutely nothing since it was put in like 2 1/2 years ago. I tend to agree, since I was one of the very first scion hero warrior classes (Imarna) I have seen it through most of its life. Nothing has changed, apart from the move from the palace to the chasm.

Which is why Hirilim was so succesful (for me). If I had continued with Somna, I would have killed more people and died far less than Hirilim, whats the point though? To bring some mythical plane of night blah blah blah.....#####, give me something real, something I can aspire too then Ill join your cabal and then ill do something, like conquer Thera in the name of the mighty Emperor *cough, sorry, guess Im one for the bring back empire camp*.

Heh, this turned into too much of a scion bashing, but something I really felt I need to say.
8964, RE: (DEL) Hirilim the Shackled Captain of Battle
Posted by Shalra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sad to see you go. Was looking forward to ranking up and fighting you and the comander myself. I know it must have annoyed the hell out of you guys that I would come and slaughter all the recruits over and over again and that i didn't seem to gain any titles. At one point in time i had like 5 village heros telling me to rank up while at the same time they kept raiding and i was stuck healing the guardians.

Shalra does not respect any villager, under any circumstances, or any enemy to the balance for that matter, but he did respect your courage, I remember you fighting groups of 4 nexus heros and taunting them as if you had the upper hand, you never showed fear and shalra respected that quality in you. The village is worse off without you.
8962, Oi !
Posted by Gorach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, we didn't interact as much as I would have liked, because it was either you or me that was busy .. well done though .. sorry I didn't answer your question about what was happening when the Army marched, but it was very hectic for me at that moment .. like 10-12 people asking me what was going on and all ..
Good luck on your next,
8961, RE: (DEL) Hirilim the Shackled Captain of Battle
Posted by Nourn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well...I will say that my sphere is Courage.=p I loved having you around, not only would we try to pull off the impossible ( to give Ragers a good name, or attempt to) but your field dressings were great for a Dwarf with over 1000hp. *groan. the healing time...* I'll miss having someone to take balls to the wall risks with. Thanks for everything, and you made a great Captain. Good luck on your next.(not that you need it) laters...
8960, RE: (DEL) Hirilim the Shackled Captain of Battle
Posted by Intronan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great job. I liked popping in and keeping you on your toes. Assassin defenders are very underrated... I like watching you go from writhing to perfect in moments, taking foes by surprise. Good job as Captain, good all around as a villager. And excellent handling of interviewing applicants.
8959, Hmm
Posted by Garlinthas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well at first I didn't like you very much IC untill you returned the druids stuff and you went up on my list of respectable people...
I have like 2 of those Urden, and a druid.
To bad I didnt get to fight you more, I even had a pair of +4 h/d drum sticks set up just for you.. =P
Did a good job you got me I believe once with that flee to the big D get to full health suprise thingy.. *wince*
Anyway would have loved to see more 1 vs 1 against you, also, don't make a scion make a Nexun! =P
And yes, I am in the Empire camp, no offense but, scion suxs for warriors.
8958, hrm..
Posted by Blimbali on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always percieved a strange unspoken relationship with you, much like Huraz. Some incidents in the past where I attacked and killed duergar and/or drow with you caused some conflicts between us and though you left me alone after those incidents I always considered you a possible enemy. I never turned my back when I knew you were in the area. I had heard from others you were tough, and wasnt taking any chances. The shoe never dropped though and in a way...I am kind of sad. I had the fight all worked out in my head :(

Anyway as a player and a character I think the village took a pretty good hit from you and Huraz dying off. I hope Bryvac can do some good things, he seems like a good Joe. I see the village as possibly having an amicable relationship with the grove in the future as we have common enemies on 2 fronts. Anyway, off topic.

Since everyone is putting in suggestions, roll a sylvan bash; bash; flurry!

Good luck.
8957, RE: (DEL) Hirilim the Shackled Captain of Battle
Posted by Legissal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First time we met was in the dwarf forest. I was randomly tossing out fogs to see if anything nasty was hiding in the bushes. When i hear someone whisper " Keep trying, sunny!". I spend so much time with you villagers that i feel like i know you better than my own cabalmembers.
You made a good impression. Hopefully we will interact more in one way or another. I knew you well from another char as well.
Good luck on your next.
8956, RE: (DEL) Hirilim the Shackled Captain of Battle
Posted by Valarath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn it.
I don't know what to say, we were around eachother for a very long time, and most of the time when I talked to you was, "What do I do if..." or "Damn it, someone tell me who to rescue..."

You were always ready to come help ranking groups, always. And you helped mine many times. I saw some logs, and I know you kicked arse. Basically, you guys were off being elite and taking down brutes, and I would be off somewhere screwing up.

I did think you were a woman for the large part of Vala's youth. I think you had -sex gear on the first time I talked with you, and it stuck with me for quite a while.

You taught me a lot and helped me out often, and were patient. Thank you, and I know I would still be Master of Copper without you

peace out

(Well, Yror proabably would have dragged me to 42 by now.)