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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectGame oversus!
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=89243
89243, Game oversus!
Posted by Gennady on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, that was fun. It will appear as a rage delete, but it's not.
I've got bored with the character (achieved everything I really wanted) and begun to perform stupid things (not using protections when fought others, so they wouldn't flee instantly and etc). Eventually I died (to Wuuble, can you imagine?), got full looted and it helped me to finish this character. Anyways, at saturday I am leaving to Goa for month and don't want to think about CF at this time.

This was my second gnome in CF, first air shifter, first offense shifter (and actually second shifter after Tarrantus, but I don't really count him as a shifter due to his lack of magic/skills).

Shifter with 1400hp is fun to play. Yet, warriors would kick my ass and there seems nothing I could do about that. Rhino is a nasty form, but I will not play shifters anymore because spamming impale/trample/trample/trample isn't interesting at all. Shifters really need something else except for 1-2 tricks they can do in combat.

My main mistake - I had too many friends. As a result, I had almost no one to fight. I will never ever play uncaballed character anymore, because there are really no gameplay for them, with current situation.

Lamanee - good one, liked you!

Frismund - we surely had some nice talks and evil plans :)

Dzintiri - very nice travels, I hope you will revenge to this red asshole for both of us. :)))

Wuuble - most pathetic, but finally you won. It required me not to use any of my rods, and I knew it would be risky and I could die, but otherwise you would just run again, as usual. Most awful character I ever seen in a long while.

Redigan - sorry for all this buttkicking, now you can breath easier.

Other outlanders - I really dislike current outlanders and wanted to decrease your population. I guess I did good job, because at the last week I seen only 1 or 2 of you.

Good luck to everyone and peace!

89372, Thanks for the travels
Posted by Erso on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Even if it did end up killing me as often as not. Those damn dragons were just mean. Think I helped you rank from 33 to 42 in one session though, and that was fun. GLWYN.
89383, RE: Thanks for the travels
Posted by Gennady on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, we surely had fun. I felt sorry each time you was dying, but couldn't help, because you was dying because of your own mistakes and it was very quick :)

But I agree, dragons are mean and it's difficult not to make mistakes there, I guess.

About 33 to 42... something like that. It's not really difficult if you know what you are doing and it's far not the best record in CF (I think best I've seen was from 0 to 43 in 10-11 hours).
89413, RE: Thanks for the travels
Posted by Erso on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, all my own fault. Never been there before and I could have sworn those spells would work there. Live and learn I suppose.

If I recall correctly, my incompetance didn't cause any other deaths though, or at least I hope it didn't. Anyway, thanks again for dragging me along despite my stupidity.
89466, RE: Thanks for the travels
Posted by Gennady on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No prob, this char was mostly about exploring, so if he died, he didn't care too much about that. Think we died to the red dragon, when you went to sleep in the middle of fight and couldn't maintain your shields :)

But again, I knew that you are learning and it was not a problem at all. Good luck! :)
89283, You were
Posted by Redigan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
An annoying #### who constantly jumped in on my fights out of nowhere and turned something I was enjoying into a merciless gang that I had no chance of escaping thanks to the trample lag.

I tried to RP with you, and all I got was an OOC response about how you think there are too many outlanders so you're going to spam kill me.

Game over, I hope you've run out of continues.

89286, Unless things have changed in Outlander...
Posted by Irony on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... it's quite interesting to hear an outlander complain about gangs. All I remember is fighting three to four outlanders at a time, two when I was lucky, and I think one only once. And that's in 300 hours of play. So no sympathy from me.
89291, RE: Unless things have changed in Outlander...
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Do you have personal knowledge that Redigan behaves that way?


Then his complaining about gangs is not "interesting" or hypocritical in any way.
89293, I do not but...
Posted by Irony on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
unless you have personal knowledge that Redigan was the shining star of not ganging in Outlander, I will continue finding it ironic.
89296, RE: I do not but...
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's certainly your prerogative. As long as you recognizing that you may be viewing Redigan in an unfairly negative light.
89294, Because...
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Every member of a cabal is personally responsible for anything other members of that cabal, who very possibly weren't in the cabal in times that overlapped at all, ever did.

Or that could be a silly idea.
89309, RE: Because...
Posted by Gennady on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Absolutely agreed here :P

Also, if they are not ganging now, they will catch up ganging disease and eventually will become gangers :)))))
89307, Wow
Posted by Daurwyn2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just wow. Given that the last time I fought outlanders you were number 4 to pile in on me.
89308, Ok, was going to delete the above
Posted by Daurwyn2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since whilst you were number 4, I had just fled the other three, so you may not have known my condition and the fact that I was fighting the other three.

I'd find that surprising, given that it appeared a call for help had gone out on the outlander channel (because the three I was already dealing with didn't turn up together, but arrived bit by bit), but it is possible.
89310, RE: You were
Posted by Gennady on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Eh. I never went OOC.

Everything was only IC and I had fun talking with you (though it was only one interrction). I tried to talk with you later, but you was either camoued or shifted, and soon after that I've deleted.

Sorry if you felt that way, but I was hunting outlanders and you was one of them.

So, I think I did a good job, if I gave you some nice chasing and you had to stay camoued while I was on. It's was one of my goals and I successed in that, as I beleive :)
89313, The never going ooc thing
Posted by Wuuble on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
yeah you seemed to toe a line to me. Then again I was aiming to get into your head and mess up your game.
89258, Neutrality
Posted by Roleplayteacher on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll start by telling you what neutral isn't.

1) I can group with both good and evil and kill both good and evil whenever I feel like it. Best of everything.

to play both sides of the field but kill whoever they wanted.

Neutral is not about grouping with gold auras/red auras when you feel like it and killing everyone else when you feel like it. There's no such alignment, except in the minds of power gamers who are abusing roleplay. If you continued playing the way you did I would have no doubt you would have been changed evil eventually.

Nexans - neutral because they really do not care about good or evil, but about balance, and its built in their roleplay, as well as interactions. You'll find that the best Nexan roleplayers know how to pull off neutral without neutral becominging the pvper's fence sitter.

Enjoy Goa. Follow Graatch and play something that isn't an asshole.

89262, RE: Neutrality
Posted by Gennady on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Enjoy Goa. Follow Graatch and play something that isn't an

Eh. I followed Graatch to play my first asshole ever - and fialed, because for the most players (I believe) I was pretty good and reliable ally.
89263, This was my experience
Posted by Daurwyn2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gennady had lots of chances to pk me and take my rather nice gear. He never once tried, and as a result we became allies. He was a good and reliable ally.

Who did we ally against? People that had kept attacking him. To me, that didn't feel like poor rp from him.
89264, I agree...
Posted by Lamanee on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... my first thoughts when I met with Gennady was something in the lines with great... Another flytomurder gnome... lesigh.

But after some interactions, and seeing who he fought etc. It wasn't all that bad. :D Sure, I bet there were issues with a bunch of people. But who doesn't have that?
89257, Hey!
Posted by Lamanee on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That sucks. Lamanee was always very wary around you. Didn't trust you one bit.

And about having to many friends and to little to kill... You were a NEUTRAL chaotic gnome. That means that you do NOT go on killing sprees as if you were evil. Even if you dislike a bunch of people.

That's the downside of being neutral. You don't really have any reason to kill anyone except the ones you build for yourself through role/cabal/interactions. And if you really get a bunch of enemies as a neutral, then perhaps, you are evil? Just my 2 cents. (Yes, that way Neutrals can be very boring.)

Eitherway, come back with something cabaled.
89259, RE: Hey!
Posted by Gennady on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>That's the downside of being neutral. You don't really have
>any reason to kill anyone except the ones you build for
>yourself through role/cabal/interactions. And if you really
>get a bunch of enemies as a neutral, then perhaps, you are
>evil? Just my 2 cents. (Yes, that way Neutrals can be very

Exactly. I only fought those who gave me a reason. Very often I see people that I never met and couldn't go fight them just because I had no idea who they are.
89255, RE: Game oversus!
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>My main mistake - I had too many friends. As a result, I had
>almost no one to fight.

Really? My impression of this character was that you would gang almost anyone with almost anyone else.
89260, RE: Game oversus!
Posted by Gennady on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not at all... I barely was ganging, too - if I was grouped, usually I was going to explore. Exception - cabal raids, but that's all.

Sometimes I flew down to a fighting people, but never intentionally. I'd fight them same way if they would be alone. Wondering what his gank-o-meter says, though - was he really gangy?
89254, RE: Game oversus!
Posted by wuuble on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Part of hunting is getting your foe to make mistakes. I conditioned you into fighting me the way I needed you too in order for me to win, since we had pretty much the exact same form and you were much bet6ter geared and prepped then me, I took advantage of the fact that I can play hit and run a lot more, I eventually got you.

as for why i took so much... I was in pitch black rings and desert cloaks, all your stuff was better so it replaced what I wore, that is all.

1400 with wands is fun.

950 hp without any wands is more fun.
89250, huh?
Posted by fezzle freck on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Who are you?
Yes, you can probably take credit for decreasing outlander logins during what is, at many universities, finals or dead week.

I didn't have much time to get an impression of you.
89245, So I gotta ask.
Posted by Drak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Do you really belive the #### you were saying to Drak or is that the old "I'll call him a coward so he will come fight me" trick.

Sorry bro, but when you pecked my eyes out I pretty much had to wait out two ticks of sitting camo while blind.

Just because someone doesn't sit in one place during a fight doesn't me they have stopped fighting.

You beat Drak fair and square once. The other three times I was definitly still in the fight but for what ever reason you flew off in the wrong direction.

If you had barriers on I would flee and wait a bit but you wouldn't be back.

Also, as a ranger camo is a must so if you fogged me. I left to wait it out.

Sorry to disappoint but thems the breaks.

What's more I lost to wubble twice and had all my gear. I have no doubt that a full loot was waiting for me with you.
89317, I agree about wuuble
Posted by a magwe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
well played charachter wuuble does that full loot #### more then once.Reminds me of Lirad and reminds me of a conjurer i know i think there all same people almost. Never on at the same times anyways. Well played good luck!
89324, I'm saying Wubble never even touched my gear after beating me. n/t
Posted by Drak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
89336, that is because
Posted by wuuble on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
you did not have hp gear that was better then mine. I will shamelessly replace what I have with my victims if it is better. There are certainly people I take down who have a LOT of stuff that is better then mine.
89338, Uh...Dude..
Posted by Drak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The point is, you weren't a full looting douche bag where as the afrementioned gnome seemed the sort who was. Why are you even talking? :)
89345, its the pot
Posted by wuuble on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM