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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectGone
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=89148
89148, Gone
Posted by Tarrantus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well... this was interesting.

I wanted a challenge, and I decided to become hero as a mage without any single spell|skill practiced. I've got up to 49 successfully, it was very interesting. Butbthen got bored, for some reason I had no more interest in him. Yes, at the beginning I wanted to spread this phylosophy of Veran Arn, but seems it wouldn't survive anyways.

Uncaballed character that can't do #### = zero imm attention, no matter if you RP like crazy or not. (I did a mistake - should go for heralds, but I understood it just now). Beside that, he was evil. So hm.

On 49th I realised that this character have no future, so I practiced shapeshift skill and ran for some time just using that skill.

Thanks to everyone who helped him to hero up!

Mumma, the Masochist
89162, Magus has advice and questions
Posted by Magus_Guest on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I grouped with you on a few occasions, and was always intrigued about what you had to say. Well, maybe not always, but at least part of the time.

I thought the concept for the character was definitely a challenge. I was sure that you'd get something. But apparently no one knew who you were?

I remember a character, Brumbalin, who practiced like three skills? He ended up getting a fair amount of attention. I'm not sure if he got any extra perks beyond just being recognized as a cool character. The difference is, he prayed, he was part of a cabal, he was quite active. And apparently you didn't do any of this?

I hear a lot of players say they play the game for themselves, and don't really care what the staff does. They'll say things like they don't want immteraction. Usually, this is because they are jaded. They make strong attempts to do odd, cool, interesting, incredible things, only to never get recognized. But you have to question, how much effort did they really put in, in trying to get noticed? You can't just be a fly on the wall and expect to be snooped while you're roleplaying.

If you're going to try something unique, then you need to be recognizably unique. Praying. Joining Heralds. Writing notes to Thera or specific cabals. Even going to random Imm shrines to just roleplay something, anything, would have done *something* for you.

I just hate to see someone who appeared to put a lot of effort forth, only to get nothing in return, because they just simply didn't try or didn't know how.

89165, RE: Magus has advice and questions
Posted by Tarrantus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>If you're going to try something unique, then you need to be
>recognizably unique. Praying. Joining Heralds. Writing notes
>to Thera or specific cabals. Even going to random Imm shrines
>to just roleplay something, anything, would have done
>*something* for you.

Well, I did most of it, or tried to - just not enough. I pretty well know that if you don't get attention at the beginning, most likely you will not have it later. In 60+ hours I've got nothing, not even immexp bonus for the role I think (and role wasn't bad) - so my thought was something like "well, imms don't like when players set up challenges for themself or they disagree with character like this". Actually, I've met players who said that it was foolish/stupid, and after some time I thought that imms are sharing this point of view.

Playing fated character, without 99% of his power, which have no future - it's way too much, I better make another spectre and get a lichquest in 30-40 hours as before. It's easier, at least.

>I just hate to see someone who appeared to put a lot of effort
>forth, only to get nothing in return, because they just simply
>didn't try or didn't know how.

Well, #### happens. But maybe my next will be better and more interesting, and I will enjoy him more than this one.
89171, RE: Magus has advice and questions
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>I remember a character, Brumbalin, who practiced like three
>skills? He ended up getting a fair amount of attention.

He didn't practice anything, although all characters start with 40% in a weapon skill and his one skill eventually hit 100.

Valg coded him up a custom quest skill, although honestly, powerwise it in no way made up for the gimping he did to himself.
89157, On Battle's Radar (sorta)
Posted by Macaca on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You asked me to group several times, swearing up and down that you
were not a user of magic. Other non-mage characters also supported
this, so I had no doubt that you were on the up-and-up.

It was totally my intention to speak with either Thror or Yean about
you, but completely forgot to several times. I'm sorry.

I'm pretty sure I asked Battle leadership about you (though I might
be confusing this with a previous Villager and a non-magic using A-P)
and they said to kill you like any other mage.

What was your sphere?
89163, RE: On Battle's Radar (sorta)
Posted by Tarrantus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sphere was magic :)

Actually, it was attempt to USE/fool villagers. Same as he used lightwalkers to learn with (and he was evil).

But it didn't work. I suppose it wouldn't work if he was truly not a magic user; many villagers said they would hunt him down no matter if he uses magic or not, just because he is of the shapeshifters guild. So, in fact, battle hunts not magic users, but labels (which is wrong, I believe, but that is just my imho).
89150, RE: Gone
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, if you want to get imm attention you need to do something that gets on our radar. If you're not caballed and you're not in a religion and you're not attempting to contact us IC in some way, I'm not saying you'll never get any attention, but your odds are poor since most of the staff has enough characters actively angling for specifically their attention to use up most/all of their immteraction time.
89152, Not to mention...
Posted by Rob_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A lot of the staff, and rightly so, don't bother trying to interact with those characters who aren't constantly angling for Imm attention under the assumption that these players simply do not want them to, which is usually the case. I personally am not a fan off Immteraction.

And even more discouraging for the staff, I've seen people just quaff and quit out, or just cut link when some Imm pops by and starts chatting them up unexpectedly (I think it was Twist in the case I'm remembering).
89149, Evil observation/advice
Posted by Dwoggurd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Well... this was interesting.

Quick deletion suggests is wasn't.

>I wanted a challenge, and I decided to become hero as a mage
>without any single spell|skill practiced. I've got up to 49
>successfully, it was very interesting.

It's wasn't, quick deletion suggests it.

>Butbthen got bored, for
>some reason I had no more interest in him.

The reason is simple, char withous skills/spells isn't fun to pay.

>Yes, at the
>beginning I wanted to spread this phylosophy of Veran Arn, but
>seems it wouldn't survive anyways.
>Uncaballed character that can't do #### = zero imm attention,
>no matter if you RP like crazy or not.

Perhaps, this is just my guess, imms didn't want to spend time on a character who is going to delete soon anyway.

>(I did a mistake -
>should go for heralds, but I understood it just now). Beside
>that, he was evil. So hm.

Herald will change nothing, but you can again try if you don't believe.

>On 49th I realised that this character have no future, so I
>practiced shapeshift skill and ran for some time just using
>that skill.

Should have ask me. I would explain that his character has no future at level 1.

>Thanks to everyone who helped him to hero up!
>Mumma, the Masochist

Good luck with your next!
89151, RE: Evil observation/advice
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Perhaps, this is just my guess, imms didn't want to spend time
>on a character who is going to delete soon anyway.

Actually it's more that the deletion thread is the first time I've ever heard of this character.
89153, RE: Evil observation/advice
Posted by Tarrantus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, hm.

I tried to participate in previous RC (nothing), and wrote scroll to Twist (nothing). I've recruited Rioko to send a scroll (first of) to everyone, preaching of this phylosophy, but she died before she could send it. :) No luck, alas!

So maybe it was quick deletion (about 70-80 hours played, I think). And yes, it's not fun to be a punching bag for everyone.

Dwoggy, if you think it was quick deletion - go and play one like that, and I'll see how fast YOU will delete. Honestly, I think you won't even try, so don't talk about quick deletion. I've seen much quicker deletions than that.

/flame off
89154, Exactly
Posted by Dwoggurd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Dwoggy, if you think it was quick deletion - go and play one
>like that, and I'll see how fast YOU will delete. Honestly, I
>think you won't even try, so don't talk about quick deletion.

Exactly. :)
I won't even try. I'm good at predictions and I can predict that this build will not be fun for me prior to even trying.
89159, RE: Evil observation/advice
Posted by Grobbak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You actually caught my attention when I read your role, xpadded you for it,
statted your spells, skills, etc and was like wtf, is this guy crazy.
(in a good way)

Now, what many people don't realize about Immland, and perhaps I shouldn't
leak this, (but I will), we all aren't level 60. Thus I didn't have
the power to do much by the way of reward. I did do some echoes your
way once, but you must have thought it was area echoes or something,
because you kept on trucking, think you were ranking. Being lower level
myself since my return, doing echoes for me is not easy, so I didn't
try again later.

So I mentioned your character a couple times when some higher ups were
on who could possibly do something about it, and no one really picked
up on it, so say laa vee (in my crappiest french accent).

Also, it wasn't really clear from your initial role entries what you
intended to get from being a mage who didn't use magic, but was more
a monk type. So perhaps the higher ups did read your role and just
didn't know how to go about rewarding you without investing a
disproportionate amount of time on an uncaballed, non-religious mort. (see
the other posts about how our time can be somewhat limited to those
specifically seeking our time.)

89166, RE: Evil observation/advice
Posted by Tarrantus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>You actually caught my attention when I read your role,
>xpadded you for it,

Doh.... just missed that.

>statted your spells, skills, etc and was like wtf, is this guy
>(in a good way)
>Now, what many people don't realize about Immland, and perhaps
>I shouldn't
>leak this, (but I will), we all aren't level 60. Thus I
>didn't have
>the power to do much by the way of reward. I did do some
>echoes your
>way once, but you must have thought it was area echoes or
>because you kept on trucking, think you were ranking. Being
>lower level

Doh... missed that too :( If I would know, I would surely not delete.

>myself since my return, doing echoes for me is not easy, so I
>try again later.
>So I mentioned your character a couple times when some higher
>ups were
>on who could possibly do something about it, and no one really
>up on it, so say laa vee (in my crappiest french accent).
>Also, it wasn't really clear from your initial role entries
>what you
>intended to get from being a mage who didn't use magic, but
>was more
>a monk type. So perhaps the higher ups did read your role and
>didn't know how to go about rewarding you without investing a
>disproportionate amount of time on an uncaballed,
>non-religious mort. (see
>the other posts about how our time can be somewhat limited to
>specifically seeking our time.)

Well, he believed that if he would conserve his power in youth, when he becomes hero, he could release it all for something great (Great Transformation).

This is why he used wands, rods, potions and etc. But never his own magic.

Oh well, thanks anyways. Probably it could went another way, but alas, I just lacked inspiration and thought nobody is interested in that charactger (except for myself).
89172, Aw man, too bad you never made it to hero.
Posted by Rodriguez on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When you contacted me I was pretty stumped that you made it that far without using a single spell...

>I've recruited Rioko to send a
>scroll (first of) to everyone, preaching of this phylosophy,
>but she died before she could send it. :) No luck, alas!

Yea, _he_ died on the session after we talked already but I knew that this could happen so I send you the latest transcript in the hope you would just give it to some other bard to publish it in the case we never meet again.

Oh well, hope you have more luck with your next. Sure was fun talking with you, would also helped you rank a bit but wanted to get something else done first. (Which failed pretty spectacular :p)

89173, RE: Aw man, too bad you never made it to hero.
Posted by Tarrantus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've heroed, but practiced my shapeshift skill at 49.

Probably I could hire another bard, but I burned my fuel on talking with you... so just had no mood/power to go through it all again.

You can't imagine how often I had to explain people why I do not use magic and why it's good.
89161, What a ####head. Seriously. n/t
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM