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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectGaelin is deleted. txt
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=89108
89108, Gaelin is deleted. txt
Posted by Gaelin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You know despite his absolutely miserable existance, i have nothing but positive things to say. He really taught me to not take the game so seriously, and just try and have a shred of fun.

In pk, He couldnt hit anyone, couldnt block a damn thing, and seemed to get his ass handed to him against... well everything.

He seemed to get a half to full loot sixty percent of all of his deaths, but at the same time it ended up teaching how to acquire a very good set of armor very easily and quickly afterwards.

The best thing i can say about him, is he mastered his skills like a fricking elf, it was absolutely amazing, although dodge never ever seemed to improve.

I was very skeptical about taking the flail as a second spec, i wanted to consider spear (for impale) or even swords, and it all ended up not comming together verywell. After choosing flail it all fell apart, i had to modify my legacies because everytime i would get an entwine off, i would end up blind, weaponless, and pummeled.

He never really had alot of potential, and no matter what the armor he always seemed super disadvantaged against almost all race warriors.

I had alot of fun with him though, and im glad to say i finally have the rager hype out of my system, and learning so much about all the preps/layout of lands and traps/ and equipment im finally ready to get off the rager train and start a new chapter.

Goodluck to EVERYONE, because with three Imperial healers coming up, and just a ridiculous number of oaths and younglings(who i think i armored at least half of them) everyone is in for a ####storm.

With my last few characters, the biggest trends i noticed were this:
1) If Imperial leadership is not around, you'd be suprised at the amount of imperials who try and #### you up in town.
2) If Imperial leadership is not around, Oh no one else is either shortly after.

3) It is absolutely amazing how many people bitch and taunt when you start deciding not to be fodder for 4+ defenders when your raided, when the second they lose their item, they all quit. bah i didnt want to make this post negative, but oh well.

To all the village: Alot of you spent time help me rank, or cause some small amount of havoc, all you of seemed to be a class act, and i really appreciate everything you have done. From the dern runs, to ranking and just about everything.

Azem and Growwlis. You both were class acts with braern, and it was really dissapointed to see you both up and leave as soon as gaelin was rolled.

Matren: I think i spent more time with you then anyone, thanks for putting up with everyone. God this guy was just useless. For mastered stats i've never had a character be such fodder. Stay classy my friend.

To the Imperial Horde and increasing chasm presence.

Please feel free to learn to not have your ass surgically infused with a clanmates arm. It is perfectly acceptable to be on your own for five minutes.

I am also going to post his role, i had so much fun writing it, i think it deserves a once over by anyone interested. Wish i would of got a chance to finish, but i really just lost all interest when i realized what a tool he was in combat

Stay classy

I really miss potions, paticular that of fly and shrink. Man i hate trip/bash gangbangs.
89134, Potions. Imperials. Weakness. The Village is your magnet. ~
Posted by Praltir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
89125, You had it rough.
Posted by Matren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man, you sure did have it rough. I'm sorry that you got so shafted all the time on the loots. I was really surprised at this. I've been really surprised as a character about the whole Empire and town thing, especially recently. It seems to not matter anymore and the imms don't seem to care either. They took me with a four on one in Voralian recently...I'll post more about that when I'm gone. I hope you learned a lot with this character and maybe it was more a spec/legacy choice than inability. That really can make such a huge difference. Anyway, I hope you dont go over the dark side just yet, because we sure do need a few good people. I kinda saw this coming though as you really tailed off lately. I'm sorry it didn't end as well as you would have liked.

Keep on keepin on!
89128, RE: You had it rough.
Posted by Gaelin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This character, i have never had such a difficult time ever.
You know he would actually get his ass kicked against this one mob, that i can kill with a rank 30. It was absolutely amazing how terrible he was at defending, and despite a 60hit/60dam kind of stats, he could ever land hits.

It was just a terrible legacy/spec choices that I let ride out way to long.
89130, Imperial Law and Cities
Posted by Wuuble on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Imperial law is not as cut and dry as never attack in cities. There are times where an imperial can choose to attack in a city and there are times when they are very heavily encouraged to.

That said these times are sufficiently rare to give the playerbase the perception that they follow the tribunal law.
89140, I know what Imperial Law says.
Posted by Matren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This ain't my first trip around the block. I know it can be interpreted in different ways. I will save my sharing about my situation for when I'm gone or someone else is.
89144, Different sects also have different ways
Posted by Daurwyn2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not all about the Empire is as it appears.

As a divine, I looked to obey Imperial Law. (Think I broke it once.)

As a shadow, I broke it a lot.
89145, Yes...I understand this to.
Posted by Matren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I also understand that the Emperor IS Imperial Law.
89119, RE: Gaelin is deleted. txt
Posted by Dzin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah it sucks to be on recieving end of imperial gank especialy if you are villager and perials have bards healers and so on. Yeah but it also suck to be on the end of villager gank. And it's not that village presense is low nowadays. 4-5 hero villagers are not that rare. And it's a real force to concider.
89126, 4-5 heroes in village at one time is pretty rare.
Posted by Matren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
you and the Emperor sure gave us a beating last eve. man that was annoying because it really just didn't go how I thought it was going to go. Thought hte plan was fairly solid, but it just didn't end up going that way. Oh well...Gaelin really got pissed on a lot by Empire, and I'm not really sure why. I'm sure more fgood fights are coming though!
89111, RE: Gaelin is deleted. txt
Posted by Akiyu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Here's what I didn't get about Gaelin. So you destroy me when I'm ranking with mages. That's okay, I'm ranking with mages. Collateral damage and all that. But then, when I take my revenge, you kinda flip out and talk some serious trash. Was that really necessary? That's the only reason I attacked you a second time in the Elemental Temple, because you'd already said you were going to "put me in the ground".
89109, Role: The life of a Mercenary, the conquering of the Wilderbeast
Posted by Gaelin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Life of a Mercenary, the conquering of the wilderbeast.

role + The life of a caravan guard soon grew to bore Gaelin. There was no thrill, no
role + adventure, even the brief stints of battle as thieves were warded off proved
role + little to motivate Gaelin. As months turned to years, he found himself
role + indulging in the company of the finest dwarven ale, and the foulest of wenches.
role +
role + In the most unsavoury of pubs, he found his greatest thrills. At the slightest
role + glare or quip he was quick to bellow out challenges to any nearby.It was
role + in the foulest of bars, he found his greatest brawling challenge, the fierce
role + dwarven mercenary captain, One-eyed Argorth.
role +
role + Mugs, chairs, even tables found themselves in the air as blows were exchanged
role + between the two and at the end of it, with the pub left in tatters, they could
role + not help but toast a pint to one another in celebration to their own achievement
role + in the destruction of the pub.
role +
role + From there on out, they were inseparable. No bar was left unturn as they and
role + their mercenary company ventured across thera. The greatest of friends, they
role + were also the greatest of competitors. As battles would rage, all they would
role + think about was to win the bet on who could score the most kills. When they
role + were not fighting, they were betting on who could empty the most kegs of ale,
role + or conquer the greatest number of wenches.
role +
role + But there was one challenge that stood above all others. For years it stood the
role + greatest honor and respect for the one who could conquer the wilderbeast. It
role + was no small task, many of men had tried, and all had failed. Men's wills had
role + been broken, appendages and limbs lost, and before Argorth's first try, he had
role + two eyes.
role +
role + She was no mere dwarf, a giant to say the least. She stood near six and a half
role + feet tall, as wide as two or three grown men. She possessed hair that would even
role + turn off a dwarf while her lazy eye always seemed to watch you even as she
role + walked away. Her rotten yellow and black teeth gave off the foulest of stench
role + that even a keg of ale couldnt subdue, while all over her faced oozed the foulest
role + of infected acne.
role +
role + She was a creature not born for this world, which made such a successful feat
role + all the more boastful to those within akan. She worked at the inn not for her
role + pleasant company, or quick service, but out of fear. The innkeeper feared for
role + his life, and in truth, her very presence created all the more business as groups
role + of dwarves would come in hordes as each man pitted his will of steel that he
role + would be the one to conquer her.
role +
role + Even Argorth, who was considered one of the fiercest among the dwarves for his
role + battle prowess and strength failed miserably the first time he tried. Quick to
role + act, and slow to react cost him his eye as he was flung across the inn as she
role + was consumed by a berserker rage and charged like the fiercest of bulls,
role + clawing, scratching, and throwing him about like a ragdoll. A few broken bones,
role + and a eyepatch later, he admitted to succumbing to defeat while in the company
role + of his men.
role +
role + Argorth and Gaelin, despite their fierce competition, always seemed to balance
role + each other out. While none could ever gain the advantage on one another, neither
role + would ever admit it as bieng such, and with this pass through Akan, Gaelin would
role + finally put it all to rest as he would conquer the wilderbeast.
role +
role + This would be the night he would regale at every pub he visit, and after a keg
role + of ale and no small amount of pipeweed from the halfling lands, he knew how he
role + would go about it.
role +
role + Like upon the battlefield, it was unwise to merely charge, no, it would take
role + tact and cunning. Like a lion stalking a gazelle he would catch her by suprise.
role + Glancing down at his hammer, he grinned mischievously. "aye," he thought to
role + himself, he'd give her a little thump on the head, she'd respond well to that.
role +
role + He finished his mug of ale, and picking up his hammer, he quickly spit polished
role + it to a shine that was worthy of attention. Stalking her from across the room,
role + the biggest of grins across his face, he circled the room until he was behind
role + her. With a speed near unnatural, he sprinted in for the kill, and in the process
role + fumbling over dozens of patrons, chairs and tables, but in the last leg of his
role + race he gathered his bearings and with a mighty thud gave her a crack over the
role + head. Dazed, but not out, she groaned in pain. Panic and fear came over him as
role + he looked on helplessly as she turned around with lightning speed, and a backfist
role + came to crack him across the face sending him across the room.
role +
role + Down, but not out, he jumped to his feat, and he tossed his weapon aside in a
role + brawling fashion. Gaelin jumped up on the nearest table and lunged at her, while
role + unleashing a blood curdling warcry. He landed on her back, and clinging for dear
role + life like a man riding an enraged bull, he began delivering a barrage of blows
role + to her head. She tossed and turned, crashing into tables, walls, leaving nothing
role + intact, he briefly released his hold and lacing his fists together delivered a
role + crushing blow that sent her crashing to the ground unconscious.
role +
role + The entire inn erupted in cheers, and with the mightest of grins on his face,
role + he picked up what had to be the last intact full mug of ale in the inn, and
role + proceeded to finish it in one long, and satisfying gulp. With the ale done, he
role + tossed the mug aside, grabbed the wilderbeast by the ankles and began to drag her
role + upstairs in what would become known as the greatest feat to ever transpire in Akan.