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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [None] Lirad the Grand Master of Changelings
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=88540
88540, (CON LOSS) [None] Lirad the Grand Master of Changelings
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat Nov 28 00:05:41 2009

At 1 o'clock AM, Day of the Bull, 22nd of the Month of Futility
on the Theran calendar Lirad perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
89301, RE: (CON LOSS) [None] Lirad the Grand Master of Changelings
Posted by Batman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
88644, I want a rhino. nt
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

88720, Been hoping for one for a while....maybe this X-mas ~
Posted by Abernytee on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
88634, Mean forms combo. Tough fight(s?).
Posted by Sahel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just remember the fight in and around Galadon. I think the only thing that saved me was you being a criminal (esp. with that stupid idea I had to keep you in the fight).

You definitely had me on my toes when you were around.
88630, *Thumbsup* n/t
Posted by Grobbak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
88622, Why play it off?
Posted by Guest_shifter on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a complete #### to people, so why even try and play it off with some kind of righteous crap like 'you deserved it' attitude? There are people who do whine when you kill them, and fully loot them. I'm actually one of those people. It just takes away from the game, and there's no need for you to take all their things> it's very easy to just ignore. I dont know how many times you came after our group over and over. You never got me, because I was out of your range at the time, but it was BS.

now, i know you all can give me this crap about 'it's the game' but really, is it?

You see the numbers of players nowadays?
Keep fully looting people, and bring all those newbies to the game.

All I am saying is dont act like you're the innocent one here. You were known as a #### on the other website from what players say. You did fully loot people over and over, and justify it by whatever reason makes you sleep well. Be who you want, but dont play it off like you were innocent. You know you killed many newbies and kept doing it. Just accept what you did, and move on. You enjoyed it, because you were an air shifter who knew of abs, and killed them all. GLWYN
88625, Actually, RobDarken the player is pretty damn cool.
Posted by TMNS_lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
RobDarken the forum personality is funny, but very...um, I guess rude is the best way to put it?

And stop being a ####. If he attacks your group and kills someone, then good for him for showing some ####ing guts.

People are such babies, and to tell you the truth, listening to #### like this (especially just after you kill someone, and then the OOC rant begins) has probably driven off more players than people who full loot.
88628, Full looting is for...
Posted by Mmumma on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...sexual dissatisfied impotent people in RL.

Guess Lirad's player is one of those poor people. So don't blame him, he have to compensate it here, in game.

Have a mercy for those players. Each time they full loot you, just think: "He did full loot me... but tonigh I will have sex, and his #### isn't working, so I am a winner!". And your life will become much easier :)
88635, You full looted people too
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Are you impotent? :P
88637, RE: You full looted people too
Posted by Mmumma on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) I had no sex that time;
2) I only full looted those who deserved that.

88638, Hehehehe, pwned~
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
88739, NT
Posted by Ahtieli Sucks on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I suck. I'm ahtieli. No engrish preez!
88773, You understand ---> ~<--- means NT?
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Other than that you are correct sir.
88801, And this from someone who
Posted by Daurwyn2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
has issues with using capital letters to begin a sentence?

That symbol was randomly made up, and not universally adopted.
89355, RE: You full looted people too
Posted by Tangni on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He full looted me to, and he didnt even kill me to do it, but you know what, I didnt send him a single tell, didnt complain, because it's in the rules, he could do it if he wants. I dont know why people forget this, but back in the late 90's early 2000's Full looting was the norm, you expected it, you were happy if you got two pieces of gear back. Instead of complaining about full looting, learn to get a starter set of gear to address your basic class needs. Heck, nowadays you even get a set to start you on that road that doesnt suck at the guildmaster. So go to guild, type outfit, then have a set of gear in mind for your char that you can get in ghost time. I have a few shifter sets I can get in 15-30 minutes that will put your avg Gnome shifter over 1000hp, then you can slowly add things and replace for saves and stats from there. I personally dont full loot, even people that fulled me in the past because even though me as a player might want to, my charachter is still not going to break Roleplay just for player revenge. Rob is a pretty skilled player, at times he can be frustrating to play against, but if you dont have enemies to hate in char, what's the fun in playing. An he is almost always an enemy to my chars it seems.
89357, RE: You full looted people too
Posted by asylumius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I keep hearing people say that "back in the day" full looting was the norm, but I just don't remember it being that way.

Lowbie looting was definitely a LOT more rampant before corpseguard, but I consider that a separate problem than when my hero dies and is looted by someone around my level who was involved in the fight/raid. My observation has been the opposite, that I get heavily looted by either my killer or their cabal mates / allies somewhat more often these days than in the past.

NOTE: By "heavily" looted I mean either they took quite a few pieces that they wanted (fine) or they tried to full loot but couldn't carry enough, but they still made an attempt to indiscriminately take away as much as possible, whether or not they were going to use it.

I also think people (myself included) tend to exaggerate the severity of a looting. I've only been FULL (where when it's all said and done, I'm naked and have no inventory) looted 3-4 times, ever.
89358, Really?
Posted by Forsakenz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember back around 99 and 2000 dying three times a day to three man Imperial gank squads and losing everything.

That's probably the reason I won't fight with more than 2v1 odds and why I rarely loot much. I hated it. *shrug*
89359, Yeah
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think some people either missed the era of mercs/charmies that could hold a good 30some items each and get all corpse, or forget what it was like.

(Edited to make that a complete sentence. Go grammar!)
89360, RE: Yeah
Posted by asylumius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I think some people either missed the era of mercs/charmies
>that could hold a good 30some items each and get all corpse,
>or forget what it was like.
>(Edited to make that a complete sentence. Go grammar!)

I do remember when this was possible, I just don't remember it happening to me all that often. Maybe I'm one of the lucky ones.

Even so, I still maintain that a lot of people do their best to #### other people over just as hard as they did years ago, even if game mechanics make their efforts less successful.

Losing one item is going to piss some people off just as much as "o all g all corpse" would. Until that underlying dynamic changes, it's all just band-aids on an unfixable problem.

CF is fun, enjoyable, exciting, and relaxing. It's also cold, lame, hard, and revolting. Just like the real world. Maybe that's why both have a funny way of making people bitter and cynical.
89361, RE: Yeah
Posted by tangni on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Imagine the poopstorm that would happen if a mace spec would dent armor. I havent seen anyone use dent in ages.
89363, RE: Yeah
Posted by asylumius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've seen dent used a handful of times against Ahtieli, perhaps in hope of destroying a critical piece of equipment to either weaken her or get it back into circulation, or maybe just because they can't kill her but want some small victory.

Beyond that though, why bother? If you want to destroy someone's armor, it's easier to cranial them down and use 'sacrifice' than it is to spam dent.

I won't say dent is a useless skill, but it's pretty close. There are easier ways to grief someone, and dent is otherwise a very niche skill that provides very few tactical reasons to use it.

Most mace specs probably forget they even have it.
88650, I very much doubt that
Posted by Daurwyn2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Someone bitching about you killing them is easy to shrug off.

Someone looting all your stuff forces you to waste your time.

When you are new, it wastes LOTS of time and you may not even be able to do a basic reequip.
88661, I agree
Posted by Vortex_Guest on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Full looting isn't as big a problem for veterans (though vets do tend to take it hard, probably because they know that your 30 seconds of unnecessary sac 1. just wasted 2+ hours of their time)*, but on newbies, getting full sacced is definitely a much, much bigger problem. Remember: just because you don't mind regearing and you aren't hampered for very long by a full loot doesn't mean everyone is the exact same way.

*Unless they're a villager, in which case they don't need to spend hours amassing preps and gold for healer in addition to their sets.
88680, We are on completely different pages today.
Posted by TMNS_lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't talk about full-looting at all in my above post.

I talked about good for Rob for taking on groups.

I talked about people whining about looting has probably driven away comparable numbers as had looting.

Wonder why we have this disconnect.

No where in any of my posts ever have I expressed a penchant or happiness for full-loots.

What I have put in nearly all my posts is that people need to stop being GIANT pussies about the looting situation.
88717, Perhaps you need to reread your own post
Posted by Daurwyn2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You said that whining has probably driven away more people than full looting.

I said I disagree, and posted the reasons why I disagree.

Please explain again what's wrong with my post in this context?
88718, Huh reading it now not sure wth I was saying...
Posted by TMNS_lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I do see what you were saying now. We just agree to disagree over this topic. I feel looting isn't the problem as much as the constant breaking of role/IC.
88683, I recant.
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought Lirad was the dude with the Icedrake.

I recall the vulture now.

I can't think of anything possitive here.
88629, Quite frankly, I don't care. nt
Posted by RobDarken__ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
88772, And that is why you are an F'ing looser, cheers nt
Posted by Yup on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
88783, Good thing he's only a looser
Posted by CharlieWaffles on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not sure what that is, but it sounds like it's a lot better than being a loser.
88633, I think RobDarken ...IS... the kind of person who drives people away.
Posted by Kaskin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But it's with his Forum persona more than characters like this. He specificly went out of his way to help new players to include notifying them where their gear was dropped or what ever.

I know because he told me.
88642, Question:
Posted by asylumius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lirad had no role. Lirad was pretty much your average EC off/air kill-everyone shifter. Lirad was essentially an in-game extension of Rob's motivations. If he (the player) liked you, you got treated better. If he (the player) disliked you, you got griefed something fierce. Role guiding him or not, that's basically true of any character though, to some degree. I mean who honestly says, “Hey, this guy just treated my character like absolute ####, but ya know, it's all good because I know that it's nothing personal between players, his character just hates mine and therefore has to treat me like a whore. I won't hold it against him as a player, and since my character is such a nice guy, he won't hold a grudge either.” If you think that describes you, we obviously haven't met IC yet.

My question:

Would a role that basically summed up to, “I'm EC and I do what I want. I like killing because I just do and I act on my chaotic, impulsive whims. I'm full of spite and scorn and hatred. Har yar yar.” make this character any more acceptable?

I've heard the argument before that having a role that provides logical, reasonable IC motivations for killing, (full) looting, sacrificing, etc., doesn't justify that kind of action as a player. A “douche bag role” isn't a good reason to be a douche bag. That seems kind of stupid to me. What does everyone else think?

In real life we have crazy people, sociopaths, etc. Why is it so bad Lirad was exactly what his score sheet says he is, an evil chaotic guy who, even if not clearly defined by a role, is obviously a crazy bloodthirsty killer, observable through his actions.
88845, just in case nobody knows
Posted by Orc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I saw Lirad gear tons of orcs. This includes filling up the Orc pit, giving strong weapons to lowbie orcs, or even going out of the way to ask young orcs if they needed anything.

Does this also prove he's a ####ing asshole?
Well, he is an asshole, but it sure as #### made me want to play more. Really. I got my ass kicked constantly by all these vulns and pallies and angels and stuff, then I can come back as a ghost to a high rank shifter offering me good stuff for no reason. I appreciated it, big time. What I don't understand is this contextualization when it comes to full looting. It's bad when he does it, but when I(you) do it it's justified because I save it for a certain type of people? He did too, i think. He saved it for people who whined. Everyone has their own set rules for full looting, and he has his.

Now, if you're saying all full looting is bad, ignore my above statement. I still think that Lirad maybe did more stuff, that could be considered nice, than people give him credit for. his robdarken persona is an asshole though.
88853, Lirad sympathized with Orcs.
Posted by Rob_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He realized he had put himself in the same situation as them as far as enemies went. They were him if he were mentally weaker.

It was a sort of ego thing for him: Look at how pathetic these Orcs are. Even though we're in basically the same situation, I'm much better off, much stronger, much smarter. Even giving them every edge they can get I'm still superior. And yet, countless people still fear them. What does that say about me?

He liked having them around to illustrate the power gap.
88854, Also, it's not my 'persona' that's considered asshole.
Posted by Rob_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's me. I'm usually not trolling. I'm usually just being honest.
88604, Good relationship. Sometimes confusing but good.
Posted by Tinsalaop on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am unsure what our relationship was other than you didn't mess with Scions (which I appreciated) and we didn't mess with you. We ended up on the same side a number of times due to Outlander and Fortress horde and I appreciated the assistance. I thought the rhino was actually a pretty neat form. I was wondering why you never had acidic or poisonous bite on it. Vulture carrionfeed carries through to other form right? Great work and GLWN!
88606, It's crazy, but I really never noticed vulture had carrionfeed.
Posted by Rob__ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No clue how, in my retardation I just miss details like that sometimes.

I didn't mess with Scion because there were often too little and instead tons of outlanders and forties and I didn't want to kill off one of my only allies.

You personally, I never tried to kill because even if I trampled you down once, I knew I would pay for it heavily later. You seemed to know your stuff. :)

Good luck with Tinsalaop.
88596, RE: (CON LOSS) [None] Lirad the Grand Master of Changelings
Posted by Ustul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We definitely had some good fights, and if not for hide you would have had me a time or two. Real aggressive which meant I could expect you to come for me anytime I stepped out of the shadows. Did not have much of a chance to talk to you, me hiding and you in form, but I enjoyed the challenge of fighting you. Good luck with your next!

88598, You amazed me.
Posted by Lirad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't have any clue how you managed to tank me so well, but I was impressed. Better than a lot of berserker warriors even. I couldn't reliably land faerie fire on you, and with your melee you didn't die easy.
88594, Since no one else will...
Posted by Rob__ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great job on your first shapeshifter, Rob!
You were totally not a complete opportunist, and you never preyed on those poor defenseless Orcs for easy PKs!

But you need to work on not going AFK so much! Six deaths when you're not even watching? Yowzers! Also stop trying to fly to your corpse with under 100 mana!

You were all around a very coolarooni guy and took your losses with grace and without complaint! Bravo.

Guess I'll go try a goodie now.

88601, RE: Since no one else will...
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
C'mon dude. You were a total opportunist. Which is okay, but let's not pretend you weren't. Unless I'm just missing your sarcasm.
88603, RE: Since no one else will...
Posted by Mort on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Missing the sarcasm on that is like missing the broad side of the barn... with a tactical thermonuclear weapon.
88605, Nuh uh.
Posted by rob__ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I let newbies I could have easily killed (for the second or third time) slide away all the time, especially towards the end of my life as the 'you ruin this game' crap was getting to me. I'd just fly on by and kill someone I haven't before or who was slightly tougher.

I was very opportunistic, but not completely, or I'd have another 30 pk wins at least, probably a good 10 on just Orcs. See there's a tiny difference.

If you were any good I'd do whatever was in my power to kill you with no limitations though.

Another exception was when you pissed me off. Usually if the first words I hear are some ooc comment about how I ruin the game I'm going to full loot you, and with a handful of exceptions, about everyone I heavily looted had whined and bitched like it was the first time they've ever been pk'd in their life. I often left ridiculous amounts of crap I could use, it was all a matter of whether or not you could die gracefully. There were just like a handful of people who really hated me spreading around lies about how mean I was (Yaniyule is a great example, so whiny and full of crap, got two outlanders I had never met to set a fiend trap for me and full sac me, which she died for again later). But guess what? I didn't bitch about it. I find my empty corpse, smirk as they take sac the last pieces, walk off and regear. It's the game, and despite hating the person who set it up, I liked that someone cared enough about killing me to do that, and that I was outwitted there.

There were so many people who act like they've never been pk'd before that it made me sick. I guess it was because I killed so many neutrals and they weren't used to it, I'm unsure. But why didn't someone just make something to PK me? Here's a secret, everytime I recalled I went to hide at a certain shrine, safe from air form scouters. For hundreds of hours I used that wilderness spot to hide and nobody ever found out and ambushed me. Blew my mind.

Yes, air/offense is overpowered with the ability to find prey. I had no idea it would be so nice when I rolled up, I just wanted to try a shapeshifter. It turned out that it was really powerful but with limitations on tactics(couldn't kill paladins for the life of me). When the numbers were a little better I was averaging five pk wins a day. Was really sad when I stopped being able to do that. Or maybe I just wasn't trying as hard.
88607, RE: Nuh uh.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, when I said you were opportunistic I didn't mean "he multi-kills newbies". I meant you would frequently hop in on other peoples' fights, even when there was no clear reason for you to be on one side or the other. You also seemed to attach yourself to Scion and Empire characters interchangeably, and made yourself an enemy of Outlander for no apparent reason.

The first time I saw you, it was outside Evermoon. I think you were regearing or something, but you weren't a ghost. I said a few words, you said a few, then you quit. Next thing I know you're attacking me every time you see me out of camo, raiding Outlander with Empire/Scion/Trib/whoever-happened-to-be-raiding-that-day.

I mean...that's all well and good. It's not like you broke rules or anything. Heck, you probably didn't even break role. It's just sort of...meh.
88610, I understand.
Posted by rob__ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The enemies I wound up with are sort of a product of habits. I've played Orcs and uncabal'd chaotic evils since I started playing. I really just dislike being in a cabal. Otherwise I would have gone scion and had despoil and volley and such with pretty much the same enemies.

Also, out of curiosity, you're the guy who thinks uncabald's don't contribute much anyway, no?

You're right though, with the exception of multi-killing newbies, I won't deny I was a complete opportunist. I used anyone for anything I wanted.

In fact, if I had more con at the end, I would have been warring with Empire with the three fortie air shifters the way I had arranged things. We had come to an agreement, more shameful of Lirad or the forties I'm unsure, but I wasn't breaking role. Just doing whatever pissed off chaotic evil with no standards would do to get back at someone powerful. (I'll admit this sort of freedom makes it hard to break role at all). And this would all be just because Dzintri and the current crop pissed Lirad off, nowhere near as respectable as Tarleton who he adored, and Dzintri never put themself in a situation where they were in danger of me.

I warred with Outlander simply because Tangni looked at me funny while I was trying to regear. And that was that.
88609, Out of curiousity
Posted by Dzin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What was the reason for full loot that time at chasm (that was our first meeting ever)..and then after three ragers got me near Fort?
88611, That was not our first ever meeting.
Posted by Lirad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd never seen you. You just waited at my altar after (from what it looked like to me) perma power ranking with Khruken and tried to fiend me, I walked off and you followed me into under Arkham. I told you, politely, we didn't have to fight, and you didn't say anything. Then I never saw you without him. The arrogance (mirroring my own) annoyed me.

By that logic, if I had to deal with Lirad, I would have full looted him every time I killed him by the way, I know this. I can entirely see why people hated me, just not why so many of them broke out into OOC outbursts when I never even taunted someone who didn't say something first. And even then it was very politely phrased.

You never complained though, which I respect.
88616, Wow, and I thought it's me who drop some unprovoked fulloots sometimes :) nt
Posted by Dzin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
88617, He never full looted me, you must have been a jerk.
Posted by Ralff on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And for a while there every time I'd log in I'd see at least one death from Lirad. Never looted anything except for my gold.
88618, In Dzintri's case it was pretty much uncalled for.
Posted by Lirad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did it under the assumption that they would turn out to be a real jerk, and probably Emperor soon too. I just had a bad feeling about them that I couldn't quite pin down. And Lirad thought they were arrogant. If I had anything against looting I would say it was a #### move.

Except I don't. As far as I see it looting is just part of the game and even full loots add to the atmosphere in their own little way. I just tried to reserve it for people I felt needed it to keep them in check, not out to drive off good players or grief newbies.
88647, RE: In Dzintri's case it was pretty much uncalled for.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This might trump the Gzurweeg/Bartis thing for douche move of the year.
88658, Oh no! I forced them to spend 15 minutes regearing.
Posted by Lirad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And maybe a few more buying potions. Horrible.

Come on, if they had been a complete newbie I would agree. But Dzintri isn't, Dzintri was even competent enough to fool me into thinking I had them dead and fiend me the one time I caught them alone.

Why is everyone so soft now? Full loots used to be common place. Spare me the 'it drives off players' crap. I don't buy it. Half the fun of this game is that you can actually get back at the people you dislike by fulling them. No need to be sneaky or devote a huge effort, go PK them, get all corpse.

The only person I see claiming to quit CF over looting is Krilcov, and he never quits at all.
88619, Also, they weren't being a jerk.
Posted by Lirad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
They didn't say anything even after being looted, not even the second time (and I was waiting at their altar with trample spam at that, but Malakhi or someone got them instead). Normally I really like seeing a death taken so well, not sure what it was I didn't like about them.

They did nothing horrible. At all. I just thought I felt a bad pattern, like when you run into one of Crafted's characters or something.
88645, Believe it or not
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I ranked you to rhino and told you to keep it. I'm not such a bad guy after all?

88657, Actually.
Posted by Lirad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I've said this before, I'd rather play with you than 20 people who can't take a PK death and can't PK me either. But I can definitely recognize Crafted when I see him. I just think it was a good example of recognizing a 'nasty' pattern.
88701, Then why
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

... didnt you attack me? You apologized for accidentally attacking me.. once. haha
88711, Amittedly, didn't realize that one was you.
Posted by Rob_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Don't even remember which character you're talking about.

I knew that other character you pk'd me with, when I didn't know that move lagged and died (but was spamming spells out of form like an idiot anyway), and that tricked me into flying into a fiend trap, was you.

88712, Wasnt me. ntnt
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
88631, Well, let's see...
Posted by Yaniyule on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My first interaction with you was you swooping down and killing me at my recall point when I was wounded, and coming back and finding nothing in the corpse. My first words to you were "Damn you." For that, you made a point to full-loot and destroy my gear. Every interaction I had with you was completely negative, except for the one where I tried to taunt you down to a trap that you never came for. Twice you killed me when I was nearly dead at recall, and a couple of times when I was in fighting shape.

While I appreciate that you were always the wildcard that ended up killing me several times, I also had a tendency to avoid any fights with you because in the somewhat likely event I ended up dead, I knew I'd have to go and gather everything again right down to my water skin.

It's not even losing half the gear, it's the consistent douchebaggery that leaves a foul taste in my mouth about your character, and the fact that there was not even an attempt at any role playing involved. Yes, you can play the kill everyone character who makes a point to be evil (i.e., an a%%), but I'll say I saw enough of this character to think that he was just a griefer and brought nothing to the game except wasted hours trying to gather gear.

The one that took the cake for me was when you made a point to kill me in Udgaard while I was fighting a man at arms trying to get a ring after you had just finished killing and full-looting me. Was it really worthwhile to kill a mostly naked person?
88636, RE: Well, let's see...
Posted by Mmumma on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Despite my hatering toward those Lirads and this lirad too, I will speak in his defense now. Because I hate outlanders much more that those lirads.

You are attacking everyone on sight, without any reason, without even knowing them. Even my outlander-wannabee was attacked by outlanders, too. I didn't cry or whine, I've deleted him and said I will ruin outlanders life. And probably Lirad and other lirads are just players who had enough of your "outlanders RP", in other words - kill-them-all RP.

So, I assume, his previous characters was mercylessly killed/ganged by outlanders, they pissed in his empty corpse and it turned him into lirad. Now, his holy task is/was to kill cool outlander roleplayers like you are, and kill and kill and kill them again.

How do you like this theory? :)
88639, *tumbsup* nt
Posted by Alex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
88643, RE: Well, let's see...
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Chaotic evil, dude. Why should Yaniyule *not* attack you?

You're doing the exact same thing Lirad complained about neutrals doing- freaking out when he attacked them unprovoked.

Like Lirad, Yaniyule is chaotic evil.

Unlike Lirad, from what I gather, Yaniyule doesn't randomly drop full sacs "just because he feels like it".
88651, RE: Well, let's see...
Posted by Alex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Unlike Lirad Yani do whine like pregnant bitch not even after full loot but after loosing just a couple of shinies. And I'm with Lirad here - whining kills way more of CF than any even totaly undeserved full loot.
88652, RE: Well, let's see...
Posted by Yaniyule on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I suppose if you count whining as saying "Damn you", and asking if things will be returned, then yes, I whine incessantly.

Sorry for the comments here folks, I'll sign out now.
89362, Leave the pregnant wimmin folk out of this n/t
Posted by Roleplayteacher on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
88653, RE: Well, let's see...
Posted by Mmumma on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I was VERY close to make the same combo (air/offensive) and hunt ONLY outlanders and do a full sac. Not because Yaniule attacked me unprovoked. That's fine, she is a drow after all.

No. Different my characters (neut/evil) was attacked by their almost every outlander. Including my gnome outlander applicant.

So, this hatering (I'm talking about myself, not lirads) is not against Yaniule, but against all outlanders.

I completely disagree with a cabal which goal is "just kill them all". Even ragers have more sense, though it's one of the most dumb thing I ever seen in games :)
88655, RE: Well, let's see...
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I was VERY close to make the same combo (air/offensive) and
>hunt ONLY outlanders and do a full sac.

Then you're a moron. It wasn't the entire cabal that treated your poorly, it was certain individual members.

>No. Different my characters (neut/evil) was attacked by
>almost every outlander. Including my gnome outlander

Unless you sent a note or specifically let individual outlanders know then only the leaders would know that your character is an applicant.

Again, why should a chaotic evil outlander refrain from attacking "random neut/evil guy"?

>I completely disagree with a cabal which goal is "just kill
>them all".

That isn't the cabal's goal. Good and neutral outlanders really shouldn't be attacking random uncaballed non-outlander-enemy characters.

But evil outlanders? They're a different bag.
88656, RE: Well, let's see...
Posted by Mmumma on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>I was VERY close to make the same combo (air/offensive) and
>>hunt ONLY outlanders and do a full sac.
>Then you're a moron.

Allright, if you say so :)

>It wasn't the entire cabal that treated
>your poorly, it was certain individual members.

I disagree. It's a cabal politic now, and during last 1,5 months I see no single exception. So, I think only those "certain individuals" are joining outlanders now.

>>No. Different my characters (neut/evil) was attacked by
>>almost every outlander. Including my gnome outlander
>Unless you sent a note or specifically let individual
>outlanders know then only the leaders would know that your
>character is an applicant.

So what? Does that mean they must hunt unaffiliated gnome, who are mostly living in forests?

>Again, why should a chaotic evil outlander refrain from
>attacking "random neut/evil guy"?
>>I completely disagree with a cabal which goal is "just kill
>>them all".
>That isn't the cabal's goal. Good and neutral outlanders
>really shouldn't be attacking random uncaballed
>non-outlander-enemy characters.

Shouldn't - but they do. So, read above.

>But evil outlanders? They're a different bag.

I don't care for evil outlanders. The problem is, even elfie outlanders are evils. They are ALL THE SAME.

So, I think I'll make air/offensive shifter after all, you convinced me :)
88660, RE: Well, let's see...
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I disagree. It's a cabal politic now, and during last 1,5
>months I see no single exception. So, I think only those
>"certain individuals" are joining outlanders now.

Unless a given outlander has mistreated you, or you have reliable knowledge that they've mistreated someone else, you can never know whether he's deserving of punishment.

Suppose some newbie joins up because he thinks it sounds like a neat idea for a cabal. Then here you come, Mr. Air/Offense shifter, and swoop down, kill him, then destroy all his gear.

Congratulations, you're a huge douche.

>>Unless you sent a note or specifically let individual
>>outlanders know then only the leaders would know that your
>>character is an applicant.
>So what? Does that mean they must hunt unaffiliated gnome, who
>are mostly living in forests?

No, it does not mean they must hunt the unaffiliated gnome. For evil outlanders, though, there is no big reason to not hunt the unaffiliated gnome.

>Shouldn't - but they do. So, read above.

So punish the ones who screw you and treat the others fairly.
88719, RE: Well, let's see...
Posted by Mmumma on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>I disagree. It's a cabal politic now, and during last 1,5
>>months I see no single exception. So, I think only those
>>"certain individuals" are joining outlanders now.
>Unless a given outlander has mistreated you, or you have
>reliable knowledge that they've mistreated someone
>else, you can never know whether he's deserving of

If it happens once or twice - ok. Even if it happens 5-6 times - ok.
But if it happens ALWAYS, with NO EXCEPTION, if I know that ANY my unaffiliated neutral character WILL BE attacked by ANY outlander... You know, this is not a mistake and not a coincedence. This is very bad habit of the whole cabal, and yes - now, after this little discussion, I WILL make another lirad. So beware, another full-sac-of-outies are coming up. You shouldn't piss me off with your arguments :P

>Suppose some newbie joins up because he thinks it sounds like
>a neat idea for a cabal. Then here you come, Mr. Air/Offense
>shifter, and swoop down, kill him, then destroy all his gear.
>Congratulations, you're a huge douche.

Not yet, but thanks :)

>>>Unless you sent a note or specifically let individual
>>>outlanders know then only the leaders would know that your
>>>character is an applicant.
>>So what? Does that mean they must hunt unaffiliated gnome,
>>are mostly living in forests?
>No, it does not mean they must hunt the unaffiliated
>gnome. For evil outlanders, though, there is no big reason to
>not hunt the unaffiliated gnome.
>>Shouldn't - but they do. So, read above.
>So punish the ones who screw you and treat the others fairly.

But dear, it's 100% of the cabal. So even if I will punish those personally, I will have to kill the whole cabal :)
88728, RE: Well, let's see...
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>But if it happens ALWAYS, with NO EXCEPTION, if I know that
>ANY my unaffiliated neutral character WILL BE attacked by ANY

You can never know this. Ergo you should not punish all outlanders.

>But dear, it's 100% of the cabal.

Wrong. If you want, I'll roll another outlander and put it in my role that I only attack well-defined outlander enemies who are also evil.

But you won't know which outlander I'm playing. So if you full sac them all, odds are sooner or later you'll full sac me. And I won't have deserved it.
88731, RE: Well, let's see...
Posted by Mmumma on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Wrong. If you want, I'll roll another outlander and put it in
>my role that I only attack well-defined outlander enemies who
>are also evil.
>But you won't know which outlander I'm playing. So if you
>full sac them all, odds are sooner or later you'll full sac
>me. And I won't have deserved it.

You would be assisting those douchebags, so you would be guilty to and deserve fullsac ####. :P
88646, RE: Well, let's see...
Posted by Yaniyule on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For one, I hardly attack anyone on sight without any attempt at RP or any particular reason. Have I struck at some who may not know the reason? Probably. If I see you ranking with an enemy sort, or even the poor arial warrior who just happened along after I was irritated at being beat on by Scions, there's always a reason. I've even gone out of my way to talk to people to find out if there's a particular reason to kill them or not.

That being said, CE does mean kill whoever you want. My main irritation is that Lirad did so without any particular attempt to interact with anyone, and made a point to catch me after just killing my character and leaving no armor while I tried to gather some basics.

Yes, you can kill whoever you want, and take all their shinies, but if you're just being a douche about it, well, you're just being a douche about it.
88649, Often the reason is
Posted by Daurwyn2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I killed lots of people. I must be a power.

May not have been the case here, but that'll drive people to kill whenever they can.
88705, You were much douchier than Lirad.
Posted by IMO on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
88615, RE: Since no one else will...
Posted by Kearina on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nice char rob!

After out first talk, I never engaged you, and I appreciate that you didnt too. Heh, you might be surprised how many words were said about your over fort cb :)

All in all we came to the mutual peace. I had nice conversations with you and really enjoyed it. Last time when you offered help to the TWO forties against empire horde, I was shocked, sorry, by you know, there is no way that I can accept the help from chaotic evil :)

Good luck, and try goodie this time!

88620, Didn't think I'd live so long after saying I was almost...
Posted by Lirad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Did a little quest I thought I had already done to bump my constitution back up a tiny bit, wound up going a long way.

There were a few reasons I stopped bothering with trying to kill you. One was that I never got the chance. :)

You're just a tad bit on the conservative side I felt, nothing wrong with that. It just makes it far harder to kill you. At any rate, trying to kill you and you just flying away to fortress meant you'd cause me trouble later. Since you weren't about to die at any point, the only thing I could ever accomplish by striking you is being in the way for a few moments, so I didn't bother.

You were one of those characters Lirad left alone because they were strong. A chaotic-evilish respect of strength. If he ever saw a real chance he would have killed you, for sure. But hummingbird even outmeleed my rhino at times...

I enjoyed the conversations we had too. It was after that point that I realized you're focused more on RP than PK, because for a while it seemed you sat your cabal and didn't do much else (no offense, this is just what I saw). Talking to you made me understand why that was. So I wasn't as eager to find/coordinate that one opportunity to strike you down.

Lirad wasn't helping you, just using you to kill some Imperials who made him unhappy by the way. Wasn't just looking for easy PKs on anyone, just empire, or I would have struck Liandier (the bat) down while he was dying to that fiend over the lands.
88548, I really liked Lirad...
Posted by Lamanee on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... And I did so with 4 different chars. You've killed 2 of my chars, aided one of them and been killed by one of them multiple times. ;) You were mean!

Hope you come back with something a bit more RP oriented. ;)
88595, You got strong fast.
Posted by rob__ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Didn't get to interact a whole lot with Lamanee, but fun fights and chatter anyway.
88542, Prick
Posted by NT on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
88541, You were a mean SOB.
Posted by Ralff on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Never could get the upper hand with you. Good job, and glwyn