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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRhyaldrin is gone.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=88252
88252, Rhyaldrin is gone.
Posted by Rhyaldrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, that lasted a lot longer than I expected. Rhyaldrin was my second character here in

CF (well third technically I guess) and my first hero. When I rolled I set three rather

lofty goals given my experience here:

1) A last name/title. I thought this would be the easiest of them and ironically was the

only one that never happened.
2) Leader of Nexus. I was voted in for three terms, despite the fact that there were few

other, if any, options for the Rhyme position I was still honoured by this.
3) 100 pks. The PBF will tell the tale but by my count I was 118-38 in pk with probably

another 20+ mob deaths. Over 80 of my logged kills were Villagers.

As far as the combo goes I was a dwarf warrior mace/flail with soul of the mountain/riddle

of resilience. Mace is a simply awesome spec, and entwine borderlines on being overpowered

(especially against Villagers). I wouldn't of changed that for anything. I caught some

flak on the soul choice for the legacy for as many countless times as I fled with under

200 hp (as Malakhi can tell you) it was well worth it. As for riddles lets just say

without it I would have deleted at 200 hours instead of at 469.

In the end it just wasn't fun anymore. It was becoming very frustrating, and repetitive. I figured being a leader (and having a nice set of eq) it'd be better to step down rather than fade out over a long period.

The obligatory farewells:

Nexus: Oh how I loved this cabal. When I was first inducted it was bangin' with the noob

misfit party. When that fell apart and I became Rhyme things took on a different tone. I

often found myself alone and even relied on which side wasn't in control for backup. My

induction standards were very loose because of this (something I'm sure Daev noticed :P)

because I figured having someone, anyone around was better than trying to fight a bunch of

deathblow wielding power houses. Over the 450+ hours I encountered a lot of people, and

I'm sure I'll forget some so forgive me.

Korost: What can I say? You are bat#### crazy and the perfect companion for a drunk dwarf.

Your odd play times really takes away from the "screw loose of the isle" because other

people don't get to enjoy you like we did. A great meter, and a great friend. Sorry about

the Avalanche (and the fire room in Trothon... and the million other death traps I

discovered at your expense.)

Calbaseeti: I've played muds for years. Here for about six months and before that a mud

with a similiar build for a solid 6-7, and in all that time I've never interacted with a

player as believable or complete as this one. You made me want to keep playing and add new

depth to the character. Life wasn't the same for Rhy without you (and I don't just mean

the perma sanc and lifesurge).

Kyaltaru: You taught me so much in a very short time. Even though I tried to hate you ic

for various reasons it just didn't work out. Class act and a great leader.

Sahel: You were probably Rhy's best friend aside from Korost. Awesome shifter with a real

grasp on whats going on. We wrecked a lot of folks together and I'll miss that. Oh, and

get your walnuts back.

Barkral: I had no idea how to really play a dwarf so I just copied you. You were like

Rhy's big brother/hero. I wish you'd of stuck it out.

Ixy: We ate people, and it was fun.

Tlemadfajdkfaj: another gnome name I can't remember. You were like Sahel Jr. Really

enjoyed running around with you.

Biklaha: We never spoke much, I'm not sure if you didn't like me or if it was just your

style. I really liked pking with you though, you know your stuff.

Oms: You're the next Rhyme, as far as I'm concerned. I hope the cabal agrees. Good luck.

Barandilora: I hope the constant references to how awesome Calb was don't discourage you

ooc. You're a top notch healer yourself. Thanks for introducing me to Iunna.

Quindeblin: You're doing a great job, don't quit. Nexus needs you.

Twist: When you showed up to talk to me that day I thought you were pissed because I had

bitched out while trying to get the key back from Malakhi. When you said you were going to

give me a third legacy I was happy, when I saw what you'd picked I had to laugh because I

hadn't practiced warcry or escape. I didn't want to see ingrateful (especially since I

thought you were there to reprimand me for being a bitch) I had one practice left so I

threw it into warcry and it was useful. Thanks for the props.

Rayihn: Sorry we never got to interact much. I'd been meaning to seek you out but things

always seemed to get in the way.

Daevryn: If there's only a few negative comments in my pbf I will consider this a success

:p Seriously, you rock and thank you for everything you do here.

Light: It seemed like we were either BFF's or hating on each other.

Dupmasione: What can I say? We had some good times, some frustrating times, some times I

ended up at my pit cursing your name (which I can't pronounce anyway). You're the ideal

paladin as far as I'm concerned, great character. Oh, and thanks for not killing me when

you realized my dumbass was ld outside the fort, stupid router.

Lornkanamas: You and Rhy had a lot in common, mostly because of the sphere choice I think.

Great healer that always found a way to make complicated situations that much worse for

us. I wish we'd of been on the same side all the time.

Padwei: Thanks for all the talks and pats on the back. Worshipping a dormant imm can

really make life dull in that regard. You were a great step mom.

Scion: Somehow all of you ended up being my buddy, strange...

Kalisda: If i wasn't pretty sure you were played by a dude I'd of humped your leg. Awesome

bard, better drinking partner, and deadly ally. Keep on truckin'

Frismund: I was bummed when we last spoke and you made it sound like you were deleting, or

at the very least taking a vacation. I learned a lot from you and enjoyed the strange

alliance we had.

Derogker: As I said in your death thread, hanging out with duergars wasn't in my role but

I made an exception. Too bad things went south for you.

Outlander: hate you, all of you. Much like Tribunal I didn't interact with any of you

personally enough to comment. Keep on.. uh, camoing, I guess.

Empire: Good times both with and against.

Glurgrick: Thanks for the holy mark of the dwarven crusader (I had it for a few hundred

hours, best piece of gear I came across) and sorry for getting you absolutely massacred by

Malakhi that day.

Gzurweeg: I hated you, and that's the biggest compliment I can give. Well done.

Tarleton: We had some hilarious exchanges and some decent battles. You were a breath of

fresh air to say the least.

Battle: You guys tried my patience. For some reason this cabal just seems to attract

griefers but I'm not going to mention them and just address the good instead.

Malakhi: Excellent advesary, horrifying warrior build, great leader. What more can I say?

The couple of times I managed to kill you were the only real feathers in Rhy's hat.

Fulgrum: I got the usual out of you that I did most dwarves about being a betrayer to the

kin and blahblahblah. The only difference between you and most was that you could knock my

teeth down my throat to back the talk up. The only time I got you was because of a random,

and hilarious drum.

Macaca: Sorry for killing you over and over when you were stuck at like 44. I started to

feel bad and let you get a few ranks and then you tooled me properly. Keep up the good

work and rp.

Wormell: See above. After a certain point it wasn't even funny anymore. I've never seen

anyone with worse dice luck.

Ghrummin: Iunna gave me a painting of you so I could see what a real dwarf looked like

lol. I already knew though, from fighting and dealing with you before you deleted.

Definitely the real deal.

Growwlis: You never got me solo, and I was proud of that. You're a beast.

Azemaerlor: I didn't know STSF could do what it did at the destructor. Talk about a bad

time to find out. Though it felt like I often had the upper hand you always found a way to

one up me. Feel free to post any of the logs if you have them.

Well I guess that's that. Thanks for the fun, everyone.
88401, RE: Rhyaldrin is gone.
Posted by Lorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a pleasure to intereact with and I always got a bit merrier when I would see you log on, especially when I knew Light swayed. Often, there are just not enough dark ones to go around and you spiced things up. You would have been an amazing close friend had we been on the same side all the time, but I think we were decent buddies despite that.

Go Colts!
88390, Great char!
Posted by Sahel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really had a great time rolling with you. I knew it was going to be a good time when we were both on no matter the odds. You really made your specs and legacies work for you (and work well). I'm amazed that this is your 3rd char.

I'll get those walnuts back someday.

88320, Digged you too man...
Posted by Kyaltaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always knew when you logged on we would stupidly walk into ridiculous odds.. but it usually turned out with me snagging a few kills and you beasting it up on damage.

I haven't played since Kyaltaru... but I'm really itching to come back. I kind of miss CF.
88311, RE: Rhyaldrin is gone.
Posted by Bezzilan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for taking the time to do some rp with me early on. I liked hearing your story and writing it out (mostly accurate!). Later interactions were a bit more strained, but still enjoyable. Hope to see another char of yours soon.
88310, I liked you.
Posted by Padwei on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Part of me always hoped you'd sort of.. defect to Padwei's religion,
even though it would've been next to impossible given the limitations
of being in Nexus. I liked interacting with you though, and wish we'd
had more of those talks later on, but I haven't been as active as I could
have been.

I tried to come up with a title for you about a week ago, because I
felt sort of responsible for you, and in general I hate seeing leader
characters without them, but I was having a hell of a time doing so.
Sorry about that.

Good luck with whatever life has in store for you. :)
88315, RE: I liked you.
Posted by Rhyaldrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I tried and tried to think of a way to do exactly that but everything was either too campy or just straight up wouldn't work given my responsibilities and your out look on the sphere. Maybe next time though because I really enjoyed our interactions and what I saw of your religion.

Thanks again, folks like you make the game enjoyable.
88294, Taking Dwarf Bondage Fetishist Flaw was a terrible idea.n/t
Posted by Wormell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
88291, You did good kid, from Ixy. NT
Posted by TMNS_lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
88289, I'm glad I got to know you.
Posted by Malakhi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think the first time I appreciated your character was when you logged in just after I took the Key. I've always wanted to do a mano a mano challenge to the death for an item of power, but never had the opportunity to do it. In my imagination, something like the beginning of Troy when the two armies face each other, but the war is decided by single combat between Achilles and the Goliath. Anyway, I finally saw an opportunity, issued the challenge, and you accepted. Unfortunately I lost, but hey. :)

Anyway, I think we hit into a zone of mutual respect after that which I greatly enjoyed - and sorely missed from all the warring I've done with nexus over the last several months.

All of which lessens the sting from losing solo to a drum spamming dwarf warrior. Sheesh!
88288, RE: Rhyaldrin is gone.
Posted by Jhunok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I think I said most of what I was going to say in my thread already but I will say it again because, damn it, you were a good character. It was great having you around and for your third character I have to give you props for the PK record and general awesomeness. Felt as though there was really something going down every time that you logged in and I know that Jhunok really looked up to you as a leader.

Sorry to see you go and I hope that you come back with another kick ass char.

88282, Damn, I screwed up then.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really should have checked your skills before giving you that legacy. Had I done that, I'd have set warcry and retreat to 100%. Sorry about that.

But really who doesn't practice warcry or retreat? :P
88283, RE: Damn, I screwed up then.
Posted by Rhyaldrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's all good. It was actually a newb mistake on my part when I came into hero range I put all my pracs into trains no realizing that I'd failed to practice a ton of stuff that i'd intended to use. I had to actually use an edge revert a train to cover a few of. Retreat/warcry apparently weren't high on the list in comparison.

Also warcry here seems to a hell of a lot more than the mud I came from.

Thanks again.
88301, RE: Damn, I screwed up then.
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
At that point it wouldn't be unseemly to pray and say something "Man thanks...if only I hadn't been such a newb and not saved pracs for warcry or retreat!" We certainly would have fixed you up.
88281, Best Nexan ever!
Posted by Kalisda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really enjoyed our times and the whole I'm bored lets go get drunk mentality. Most times you were about the only person I had to help get the scepter back, against odds even I thought were crazy to try against you just wanted to go roll up and make a move for it.

Have to say, in all my chars, you're probably the first nexan I really liked as a character. Helped that darkness was so rarely in power that we never had to fight, and when we did, well, I knew how to drive you off but not kill you and I got the sense you weren't really trying to kill me.

Hope you got some use from the gifts I gave you, probably should not have, but you deserved them as you did more for scion than some scions did, myself included a lot of times.
88319, RE: Best Nexan ever!
Posted by Rhyaldrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll miss running around with you, that's for sure.
88275, RE: Rhyaldrin is gone.
Posted by Biklaha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh I did actualy like you. Concidering that it's your first hero you did amazingly well. As for not talking well Biklaha don't talk much with anyone. She don't like to bond. She just runs around and bashes things tipping ballance or villagers. She can jump on gangbangwagon though. So yeah kind of style I think.
Good luck and return with something as strong as Rhyaldrin.
88272, Boy did you sure have my number.
Posted by Growwlis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really started to understand how to defeat you in a straight up fight, but that wasn't until I had lost a few con to you. Man you were one of my toughest opponents and I was typically glad to see you in a bonded pair because I think VAnguard certainly is nice for ou nexans. Anyway, you were tough, and I thought our fights were great and all of them were tense.

Thanks for all the fun ones. Great run on the character, especially for being only your third here. Good luck!

88269, Bye
Posted by Barandilora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Barandilora: I hope the constant references to how awesome
>Calb was don't discourage you
>ooc. You're a top notch healer yourself. Thanks for
>introducing me to Iunna.

You're welcome, and thanks. As a player, I wish I was as deadly as you are now, nevermind on my third character. Keep it up man, you're exactly the kind of newer player CF needs.

And no, the Calbaseeti thing was a pleasant surprise, and I was glad to be able to add it to barandalora's rp.

Sucks to see Rhyaldrin go, but hey, good luck with your next.
88268, RE: Rhyaldrin is gone.
Posted by Oms on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah, Oms is suprised to see you gone! you seemed to know more about this game playing only 3 characters than I have played for years... nice job, the island needs ye!
88267, RE: Rhyaldrin is gone.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Daevryn: If there's only a few negative comments in my pbf I
>will consider this a success
>:p Seriously, you rock and thank you for everything you do


I actually don't think I had anything bad to say about Rhyaldrin. Nice job and good luck with your next.
88260, Sorry for all the silent thefts
Posted by Beib on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't think I ever interacted with you but I would rob you and Calbaseeti mercilessly everytime you passed through Galadon. I always struggled with a way to interact with you on a substantive level but I could never come up with a good way. Reading your goodbye thread I really wish I could have come up with something as you seem like a quality player. GLWYN and hopefully I'll get to cross paths with you in the future.
88262, It's all good.
Posted by Rhyaldrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Every time I saw you or Khalla on I knew I should just stay in the damn isle bored. The only chance I ever had to kill you was when you stepped out while following me and Korost in Udgaard and I tried to cranial you while wielding a flail :p

You seemed like a top notch thief though. I kept my eyes on my #### at all times when I saw you on.
88274, Way to be dude.
Posted by Khalla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm still laughing from when you and your buddy perma-cranialed me for like twenty rounds outside of Hamsah. I was tranced with my 1200 hp's and with stone skin up thinking "... this can't be happening.. they're gonna miss eventually...". Nope.

And then "Rhyaldrin tells you, 'What a headache'". So funny.

Post some logs if you got em.
88259, Being inducted
Posted by Stevers on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
was awesome for stevers.

The guild was full of useful information.

88263, RE: Being inducted
Posted by Rhyaldrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The night of your induction I was really high, to be honest. When you started in on your measuring cow #### to better understand the balance I was too amused/confused not to induct you. It was... without a doubt the most interesting interview I conducted.
88258, RE: Rhyaldrin is gone.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Let me just say that a record of 118-38 is freaking AWESOME for your third character ever.
88261, RE: Rhyaldrin is gone.
Posted by Rhyaldrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I could be way off (which is why I'm really curious to see the PBF), but here's the kills I had logged, I have no idea what could go down as an assist:

The names in () just means they helped me gank them down. It doesn't necessarily mean that the victim didn't have back up that escaped (in other words each of these was not necessarily a straight up gank). If it says bonded with, as well as another name, it just means that i was bonded but we had a third there as well that was just outside the group.

1) Level 26 vs Heia (Korost, Asegirr)
2) Level 26 vs Kallamest
3) Level 34 vs Thirkus (Bonded with Nemid)
4) Level 34 vs Thirkus (Bonded with Korost)
5) Level 35 vs Crufon (Bonded with Korost)
6) Level 35 vs Thirkus (Korost, Asegirr)
7) Level 35 vs Thirkus (Korost, Asgeirr)
8) Level 36 vs Thirkus, (Korost, Asgeirr)
9) Level 36 vs Thirkus, (Korost, Asgeirr)
10) Level 36 vs Reznora (Asgeirr)
11) Level 36 vs Cyvaliox
12) Level 36 vs Invrida (Bonded with Korost)
13) Level 36 vs Hanstian (Bonded with Korost, Asgeirr)
14) Level 41 vs Invirda, Ardulamal -escaped- (Bonded with Ixralleinda)
15) Level 41 vs Melrauko
16) Level 41 vs Jazan (Kelkoran)
17) Level 44 vs Malakhi (Kyaltaru)
18) Level 44 vs Malakhi (Kyaltaru, Bogrel)
19) Level 45 vs Meichelle (Bonded with Sieranna)
20) Level 48 vs Delalken (Barkral)
21) Level 48 vs Delalken (Barkral)
22) Level 48 vs Crufon (Bonded with Korost)
23) Level 48 vs Ithe (Bonded with Ixy)
24) Level 48 vs Lornis (Bonded with Ixy, Kyaltaru/fiend)
25) Level 48 vs Ezranil (Bonded with Ixy)
26) Level 48 vs Crufon
27) Level 48 vs Wiknam (Kyaltaru, Calbaseeti/fiend)
28) Level 48 vs Ghrummin (Bonded with Ixy)
29) Level 48 vs Malahki (Ixy, Kyaltaru/fiend)
30) Level 48 vs Malakhi (Kyaltaru/fiend)
31) Level 48 vs Ungar (Bonded with Ixy, Barkral)
32) Level 48 vs Khalla (Bonded with Ixy, Barkral)
33) Level 48 vs Ithe (Bonded with Ixy)
34) Level 48 vs Mirhrr (Bonded with Ixy)
35) Level 48 vs Nado (Bonded with Ixy, Dupmasione)
36) Level 48 vs Lokinitisim
37) Level 51 vs Khiiral (Bonded with Korost)
38) Level 51 vs Khiiral
39) Level 51 vs Sritra (Dupmaoise)
40) Level 51 vs Arretz (Dup)
41) Level 51 vs Srithra
42) Level 51 vs Dakazhul (Kyaltaru)
43) Level 51 vs Dakazhul (Kyaltaru)
44) Level 51 vs Aetsrras (Kyaltaru, Slorinek)
45) Level 51 vs Pasiphae (Bonded with Ixy)
46) Level 51 vs Lokinitsim (Bonded with ixy)
47) Level 51 vs Malakhi (Kyaltaru, Slorinek)
48) Level 51 vs Faeghn
49) Level 51 vs Rengorn (Bonded with Ixy)
50) Level 51 vs Xagu (Bonded with Ixy)
51) Level 51 vs Hlozik (Bonded with Ixy)
52) Level 51 vs Faeghn (Bonded with Sahel)
53) Level 51 vs Zhouigma
54) Level 51 vs Huk (Bonded with Korost, Harel)
55) Level 51 vs Grumbol
56) Level 51 vs Faeghn
57) Level 51 vs Zil
58) Level 51 vs Lornkhamas (Frismund)
59) Level 51 vs Baog (Frismund)
60) Level 51 vs Orilin (Sahel)
61) Level 51 vs Orilin (Bonded with Sahel)
62) Level 51 vs Wormell
63) Level 51 vs Baog
64) Level 51 vs Wormell
65) Level 51 vs Zaximun
66) Level 51 vs Orilin
67) Level 51 vs Gumash (Frismund, Ilvo, Kalisda, Biklaha)
68) Level 51 vs Wormell
69) Level 51 vs Wormell
70) Level 51 vs Wormell (Kimundas)
71) Level 51 vs Wormell (Kimundas)
72) Level 51 vs Wormell (Bonded with Sahel)
73) Level 51 vs Korost (Bonded with Korost)
74) Level 51 vs Lhiana
75) Level 51 vs Vrilon
76) Level 51 vs Azemaerlor
77) Level 51 vs Growwlis
78) Level 51 vs Braern
79) Level 51 vs Braern
80) Level 51 vs Growwlis
81) Level 51 vs Orilin (Kalisda, Derogker, Sahel, Uilian, Tinsalaop)
82) Level 51 vs Growwlis (Kalisda, Derogker)
83) Level 51 vs Malakhi
84) Level 51 vs Growwlis (Bonded with Kimundas, Sahel)
85) Level 51 vs Khalla (Raku)
86) Level 51 vs Growwlis
87) Level 51 vs Azemaerlor (Jhunok)
88) Level 51 vs Growwlis (Jhunok)
89) Level 51 vs Azemaerlor (Glurgrick, Raku, Quindelbin, Jhunok)
90) Level 51 vs Korachath (Deggap)
91) Level 51 vs Growwlis (Deggap, Kalisda, Quindelbin)
92) Level 51 vs Macaca (Bonded with Quindelbin)
93) Level 51 vs Growwlis (Bonded with Quinelbin)
94) Level 51 vs Growwlis (Bonded with Quinelbin)
95) Level 51 vs Macaca
96) Level 51 vs Azemaerlor
97) Level 51 vs Azemaerlor
98) Level 51 vs Macaca
99) Level 51 vs Azemaerlor
100) Level 51 vs Korachath (Biklaha)
101) Level 51 vs Growwlis
102) Level 51 vs Fulgrum (Kimundas)
103) Level 51 vs Macaca
104) Level 51 vs Malakhi
105) Level 51 vs Tyrnut (Quintox)
106) Level 51 vs Tyrnut (Oms, Barandilora)
107) Level 51 vs Growwlis
108) Level 51 vs Macaca
109) Level 51 vs Macaca
110) Level 51 vs Macaca (Lirad, Oms, Quintox)
111) Level 51 vs Azelmaelor (Lirad, Oms, Quintox)
112) Level 51 vs Growwlis (Kalisda, Oms)
113) Level 51 vs Growwlis (Bonded with Sahel)
114) Level 51 vs Growwlis (Bonded with Sahel)
115) Level 51 vs Alimas (Bonded with BArandilora)
116) Level 51 vs Ilianthalas
117) Level 51 vs Ilianthalas
118) Level 51 vs Azemaerlor

88270, I don't believe you.
Posted by Rob__ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But if it's true you should just feel more awesome about it.
88279, Glad to know Bonded with Ixy came up the most.
Posted by Ixralleinda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Always good to have a cranial monkey with lots of health ;)

You did awesome. You reminded me alot of my first char, Kruuank.
88413, Level 51 vs Korost (Bonded with Korost)
Posted by Asgeirr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I presume it was a DT, or horrible accident, but still made me giggle. :) I really enjoyed playing with you, and had no idea it was one of your first characters. Asgeirr, while not really my first, was definitely one of my first major-ish characters, first and only (so far) cabaled character. (I tend to roll characters, get bored/interested in another character idea before level 15 and delete) ...

speaking of, i didn't intend to cut that character so soon, and feel pretty bad about it. i did have a blast with rhy though, especially when we (including Korost) raided the village.

see you around.
88415, Didn't meant to forget you.
Posted by Rhyaldrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had some great times in the mid ranks. Sorry about getting you killed a million times. Who would have thought going into a water plane without water breathing would be a bad idea? Stupid quest. Me and Korost were both bummed when you bailed on the character. We were looking forward to running all the area explores in the middle of the night with you.

As for the death above. We ended up in a bad spot where we couldn't get out. I figured if we're going to die anyway I'm getting a pk outta the deal. So I smashed her then waited for the area to repop and ate a mob death. Wasn't one of the best moments in our adventures but it was payback. She killed me to get rid of a few crim marks over the 400ish hours.

And yes smashing the village was fun in the mid ranks. I'll post some logs later.
88256, RE: Rhyaldrin is gone.
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You seemed pretty solid from what I could tell. Unfortunately your playing times seemed to be roughly 97% when I sleep. When you and Korost were voted leader I honestly had no idea who either of you were...I looked and it was like...woah these guys have like 200 + hours in my cabal and I've never heard of them?? Then I looked closer and you seemed to play from like 10 pm - 3 am and...yeah. I need my beauty sleep. I really wanted to come up with a title for you but just wasn't around you enough to come up wtih something interesting. Twist and I mentioned it to each other a couple of times but never were able to put together anything concrete and for that I'm sorry because you truly did deserve one. Good luck on your next, glad to know (assume?) that you'll be back to the Island at some point.
88253, Sorry about the formatting.
Posted by Rhy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No idea why a copy/paste from notepad did that.