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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) Huraz the Last of the Circle, Commander of War
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=8824
8824, (DEL) Huraz the Last of the Circle, Commander of War
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Aug 29 01:25:00 2002

3 o''clock AM, Day of the Sun, 34th of the Month of the Sun on the Theran calendar Huraz perished, never to return.

Cabal:None, None
PK Ratio:76% (closer to 100% is better)

8825, *sigh*
Posted by Cathoir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not even one moonwalk across the village square. Oh well, thanks for the induction baldie :)
8826, That's all folks.
Posted by Jhyrbian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's that same old tune. Started a new job, can't play during primetime hours anymore. So instead of going the way some others and dragging the char out, i decided to delete. By far my most favourite char i've ever played.

When i first got leadership, we were getting hammered, no ifs ands or buts about it. It was real ugly. Constant groups of ten or more vs one or two ragers. Soon enough we turned the tables and started owning the cabal wars. Anyway, was a hell of a run and loads of fun.

Loads of people to mention, don't think i can possibly remember everyone.

But a few that stand out:

Hirilim, couldn't ask for a better Captain, always quick on the step and smart enough to make a defender assassin work well.

Bryvac, tough cloud giant warrior, nice to have been able to see you come up through the levels and finally become General.

Birota, damn, what can someone say about you? You absolutely rock, psycho pms chick with a no holds barred attitude. Too bad everyone thinks you're a man. *chuckles*

Tobeldest, the Bold one been around forever, but never losing that little something that makes you dangerous. Was always a blast running around killing off our opponents together. Good job.

Gyasi, love that new thief stuff. Always interesting to see new skills in action.

Karkanen/Ghraloch, you bastard

uzkar and barponrye, the two newbiesh arial sword specs.. hope you learnt a few things, keep on trucking.

Valarath, the perpetual newbie as i like to think of him, made me laugh at how you kept mentioning how excited you were to be levelling up past 40. Now if you would only make that last step to hero..

Owagwyn, a good drillmaster, just need to use that head of yours to make your combo work. It's a tough one, but workable.

Yror, you rock. When you said you wanted to be a scout warrior i almost groaned outloud, but hey... i'll admit when i'm wrong, you definitely make it a choice worth considering. Rock on man.

Battle as a whole, i know someone will step up and do a good job as the next Commander, with the additions of a few bards i forecast some smooth sailing for the rest of you. Least i didn't leave the cabal in the shitter like what happened to me :P

Enemies: Lots and lots of you. I can't for the life of me even try to think of all of you. But it was fun. Thanks.

Thror: Heh. Almost amazed you let me be leader, hope i didn't let you down.. if i did, tough luck chief. :P 439 hours is a record that will probably never be broken again by Jhyrbian. Anyway, thanks man. Appreciate everything you did for me.

Intronan: As always, a pleasure. Almost got a weird vibe at some of the similarities between our characters. Completely unintentional on my part, but hey it's all about being the suave calm and collected guy. Someday i'll definitely have a char going for your religion, looks awesome. Thanks for the chats, warnings, reprimands, rewards. Made life that much more interesting.

If i missed anyone, eh. That's life.

Hope it was as fun for all of you as it was for me.


8858, RE: That's all folks.
Posted by Bryvac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey man, was honestly fun, we ripped some asses, heh. Good luck with the job thingie, I'll be watchin fer yer next assassin.
8857, RE: That's all folks.
Posted by Lardovian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh well, another one bites the dust :)
One less assassin to worry about, atleast for me. You were a pain when you were around, even though we didn't get to fight that much outside raids.
Atleast you kept me on my toes when I spotted you around.

Hope you'll be back someday

8856, RE: That's all folks.
Posted by Gyasi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a good leader no doubt. Kept the inductions rolling along and played with an uncannily perfect balance of assassin calm and berserker rage. Hope you got to master assassination before you deleted. Thanks for inducting me after 70 hours of no detect invis mage killing. Thanks for finding and returning my baby that one time too, really appriciated that. See you in the fields
8855, I dont know
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
whats the more suprising. The 400+ hours that you played Huraz ot the fact that you have a job that your taking seriously :P Its always good to run with good players and good ragers, saves you having to save their ass all the time. The defender/berserker re-equiping team was awesome, there was nothing, well other than gasbreathing mobs, that we could not truck over. Shame the thief defender thing could not do it so well solo and I dont like to rely on people for re-equiping, makes the character seem weak.
I am sure you will be back, maybe not as a high profile commander but you will be back, just needs a few weeks of settling to be done in the new job. I was not sure what would come first, the 100% assassinate/delete or the tired of the character/delete and I am pleased it was neither. Did assassinate finish up still at 97%?

8854, All in all..
Posted by Intronan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
a good job. You did a few things I didn't like, and which I'm sure you knew were, for the most part, wrong, but when called on them, you sucked it up, took the criticism, punishments, and took it well. Did a good job leading for a long time, which is extremely hard. As you said, you came in with a semi-weak village, and left with a strong village, and that's a good testament to you. You killed a very good bit, and died a little, and I never saw you get down when you died. If there's one thing I liked above all about Huraz, it was taking the bad with the good, and just rolling with it. I'm sure most people will remember you as leading a massive gang of villagers against them, but due to my playing hours, which coincide with some of yours, I saw you often as one of a few villagers, often the lone villager, against some big odds. You never seemed to have a problem with that, and still going out on the offensive.

As for being amazed we let you be leader... you won the Rites. That was the primary consideration. Fun Rites to watch, by the way, I really enjoyed it. Your past might have been in the back of your minds, but we judged you on Huraz, not on anything else. And yes, part of me liked Huraz because I saw a good bit of me in him. Never emotional, always in control, and more prone to slap a villager around than call him brother. Good luck with your next, I'm truly glad you enjoyed this one for so long.
8853, Still Ticked Off... :)
Posted by Simyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Still ticked off that you got me with that assassinate in Shadar Logoth. Oh well, these things happen, but we just added to it the fact that you looted Alysrith and Hralng after they died to the Kiadana Lord. Should never have happened, but that as we say, is that. Good job, nothing less than I'd expect from a Jhyrbian character.

Simyar D'Arelin
8852, Hot Damn Man...
Posted by Falax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm one of Mike's friends, you were the guy who pointed me in the right direction when I tried to come play here the first time. To think...

Anyway, I liked Huraz. You assassinated me twice, I believe, and killed me one other time, but our last two fights went my way, which I always thought they should have, given the combo alone.

I don't know what else to say, but if you ever want to talk you can reach me at dsl8@duke.edu
8851, I will say this, I hated you, txt
Posted by Garlinthas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Every time we fought it was a simple Kot, drop spear, and I fell in a couple rounds because of deathblow,
Anyway well played to bad I never ever got to fight you 1 vs 1
8850, RE: That's all folks.
Posted by Othloir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
God damn it, I get a title about you, and then you delete on me? What the hell good's this thing now? I've seen you work abit from a few different angles, and I don't think we'd ever really get along much, but I can still respect someone even if I disagree with them most of the time. Most of what you did, I didn't like, but I could understand the reasoning, as this vicious, evil rager. Until you return, good luck. Make sure to remind me to mention you again when I die, few other things I'll say.
8848, DOH!
Posted by Yror on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the comments. Huraz was an extremely strong leader, especially when it came to fighting. Even as a good aligned, Yror had a lot of respect for Huraz. I think all of Battle did. When you spoke, your words carried a lot of weight. Except when you were just being evil. From a player standpoint I was glad you were playing a evil rager evily, although from an idealistic character standpoint it always frustrated Yror. Then you started being nice to Yror so Yror tried to encourage that, and hoped maybe rub off some of Yror's overwhelming goodness (:P) on you. I don't think it worked. Thanks for not leaving your alignment at the massive giant, it made for some interesting interaction within the cabal. Terrific job of leading. And by the way, you taught me quite a few pking tricks (tatics, whatever).

You know you're going to miss Yror's infectious laugh. I'll definitely miss Huraz.

8849, RE: DOH!
Posted by Jhyrbian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the comments. Huraz was an extremely strong leader, especially when it came to fighting. Even as a good aligned, Yror had a lot of respect for Huraz. I think all of Battle did. When you spoke, your words carried a lot of weight. Except when you were just being evil. From a player standpoint I was glad you were playing a evil rager evily, although from an idealistic character standpoint it always frustrated Yror. Then you started being nice to Yror so Yror tried to encourage that, and hoped maybe rub off some of Yror's overwhelming goodness () on you. I don't think it worked. Thanks for not leaving your alignment at the massive giant, it made for some interesting interaction within the cabal. Terrific job of leading. And by the way, you taught me quite a few pking tricks (tatics, whatever).

Yea, evil rager is fun. Especially when there were so many good aligned ragers around for me to try and gross out. Was definitely fun. But then, maybe i was trying to rub off some evil slickster mojo on Yror, who knows. :P But when push came to shove, they were all ragers so Huraz could deal with that.

You know you're going to miss Yror's infectious laugh. I'll definitely miss Huraz.

In Huraz we trust.
*nods sagely*

8846, RE: That's all folks.
Posted by Thalongrim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thal the character hated you. As a person in real life, I respected you. As Thal, I hated everyone who wouldn't come out and fight one on one. I felt you were a coward but you've done alot for the village, it seems, and I'll say you did play what you played well. Good job and good luck on your next.
8847, RE: That's all folks.
Posted by Jhyrbian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>Thal the character hated you. As a person in real life, I respected >>you. As Thal, I hated everyone who wouldn't come out and fight one >>on one. I felt you were a coward but you've done alot for the >>village, it seems, and I'll say you did play what you played well. >>Good job and good luck on your next.

Right. I don't want this to turn into a flame fest. But i know what you're talking about. The time you came to the giant and yelled out that you challenged me.. no, i didn't run out and attack you like an idiot, but i came out and stalked you. My little way of accepting your challenge, then when you got bored and ran to high lords i killed you and you started an unbelievably whiny tirade that bordered on OOC. I'm amazed you imm'd, but hey. What do i know?


8842, awww crap
Posted by Valarath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My exact thoughts when I looked at the Graveyard today.

I can't believe you inducted me

I knew Thralkoz, Yulithe, and Shamus, and none of them came even close to you. I loved your character and having you as a commander. I will always remeber the time I saw you deflect a raid of 7 solo, killing half of them. Many times when things were looking really bad, with just me and another Rager about, you'd show up. I'd chuckle, and sigh with relief.

Huraz made me laugh out loud about a dozen times. You played an evil leader great.
Again, I can't believe you inducted me. Thank you much.

(Perpetual? I'm learning...)
8843, RE: awww crap
Posted by Jhyrbian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
<<I can't believe you inducted me

Everyone's a newbie at some point, especially in Battle, i can remember back to when i was a first timer under Redik's command, a character of absolutely no lasting significance. If you have someone who can show you a few things it will definitely make your time as a battlerager that much more fun. Someday you'll be that guy who'se teaching the newbies how to play, you can look back and remember what everyone else did for you and not mind it so much.

>>I knew Thralkoz, Yulithe, and Shamus, and none of them came even close to you. I loved your character and having you as a commander. I will always remeber the time I saw you deflect a raid of 7 solo, killing half of them. Many times when things were looking really bad, with just me and another Rager about, you'd show up. I'd chuckle, and sigh with relief.

>>Huraz made me laugh out loud about a dozen times. You played an evil leader great.
Again, I can't believe you inducted me. Thank you much.

Not a problem, everyone deserves a chance unless they're completely retarded. I have no problems with people who are out there starting out as a rager. It's definitely something everyone should do at one point or another, or you're just completely missing out on a huge aspect of the fun CF has to offer.

>>(Perpetual? I'm learning...)

The day you stop learning, i'll come back from the dead to kill you.

8845, Thank you, I take to heart :)
Posted by Valarath n/t on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just a smiley
8844, What's with...
Posted by RuneN on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Jhyrbian being all soft and cuddly? That's like Marilyn Manson letting that terminally ill boy do backing vocals on his new record.

The question is - who stole Jhyrbian?

(just kidding and trying not to make sense)
8838, This isnt good..
Posted by Blimbali on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well during your reign my long lost respect for the village and most who play it was somewhat repaired. I saw nothing but good things from your team and you on every occation. You were able to allow me to fight who I need to fight among you, and leave me be without considering it war-worthy, which it isnt. Many times multiple villagers and often you would stand and watch me fight drow and duergar villagers without stepping in, and THAT is what I like to see. I even considered you and I to have a sort of unspoken peace pact, I knew you werent my friend but by no means my enemy and never felt threatoned by you or any of your village. The incodent in the Dwarf forest with me and the shaman was nothing but fun, sorry you all got slapped by Intronan for it.

Ive never paticularly cared for you Jhyrbian, but I liked this char alot.

Mucho Respecto
8839, RE: This isnt good..
Posted by Jhyrbian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The incodent in the Dwarf forest with me and the shaman was nothing but fun, sorry you all got slapped by Intronan for it.

I never got slapped by Intronan for it, i just beat down Hirilim for jumping in and Ral was lucky he wasn't in anyones pk or he would of gotten a hammering as well. You and the shaman jumped on Owagwyn and i jumped on the shaman to even things up a little, fair is fair. But when the others jumped the gun and hopped in i had to say something, and Intronan being around decided to say a few choice words as well.

Ive never paticularly cared for you Jhyrbian, but I liked this char alot.

How can anyone not like me? I'm just so damn likeable.


8840, ahh thanks
Posted by Blimbali on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Cleared up some mystery as to what happened on the other side. Intronan had spoken with me and told me everyone involved had fallen in the square. I assumed he put the hurt on you all, glad to see you put the hurt down. In any case, later.
8841, Lies!
Posted by Intronan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What I said was, that everyone who did wrong (in my eyes) had paid. And they did. Huraz wasn't in the wrong there. I didn't put the hurt on anyone, I just gave a gentle nudge to the right folks, and then the hurtin was put on quite nicely. But I thank you, Blimbali, and the shaman (i forget his name) for the opportunity to give a fine lesson to the village.
8837, RE: That's all folks.
Posted by Uzkar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a good leader. Obviously very skilled, and still patient with a few of us first time ragers. You had the authority a leader should have and the village became a powerhouse under your reign. Taking time to travell with young ones just to speed up their learning showed that you put the village above yourself.
Good luck, and nothing can stop a handsome arial as you well know.
8834, RE: That's all folks.
Posted by Sheilica on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were by far the worst leader Battle ever had.
You and another rager killed me (a healer) and didn't
even touch the magic user.
I asked why and you said you needed my equipment.
Is that what ragers do now? Gang someone and leave
the mage?
Hope you never return

8836, RE: That's all folks.
Posted by Huraz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A) Don't remember the event in question.
B) You were probably abandoned by your 'mage friend'
C) Yes i'll take your equipment if you whine at me.
D) What part of evil can't you comprehend?
E) Hahahah, i killed you.

8835, RE: That's all folks.
Posted by Bryvac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really don't know how you could say that, but I don't need to stick up for Huraz, Hah, he killed you.
8833, Great job
Posted by Birota on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a great leader. It's too bad you're giving up this character in favor of real life issues. I understand you deleting over it, but I hope one day you get your priorities straight.
8832, RE: That's all folks.
Posted by Hirilim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You kicked ass. Even if you did kill me once. Bitch :p
8831, You rocked. Me.
Posted by Alaenyth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seriously, I loved/hated fighting you all at once. You were one of the few people that I knew could rock me even if I didn't make a mistake (not that that happened very often). If you couldn't tell, I was damned afraid of you but I relished our fights because they were very toe-to-toe exciting fights.
8830, RE: That's all folks.
Posted by Talsu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damnit...I wanted to kill you off....You were (and still are) the only rager that I respected....You played that assassin really well...I hated all those assassinations, especially the one where i lost my jagged...Well, I wish you the best of luck....
8829, you left me out you bastard !!
Posted by RORIMAC on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
well, i liked you in char but thaught you didnt like me in char. i guess it was more a rp thing... when i missed the first round of the rites i was pissed but I did cheer for you most of the time cus i knew you would make a better leader then most.. anyway good luck with everything

SIECIKSuc :: on Aol Instant messanger if you were wondering...
8828, RE: That's all folks.
Posted by Martinian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Like I said in my farewell, I held no grudges against you. I think you were the best leader since Lobo and you held the village together.

Now that I know who you are ooc I understand where the skill came from.

I won't say good luck on your next, you don't need it.
8827, Good job...
Posted by Delebrinduil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Del always respected you, though he disliked seeing a darkheart in power. I believe you were also Tarkah, in which case I had a villager under you then as well, and, in both cases, great job, though I did like Huraz better. Come back when you can.