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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectJhunok is no more.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=87810
87810, Jhunok is no more.
Posted by WarMage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey There folks.

Well, I finally did it. After ten years of playing I finally managed to get to hero. And, well to be honest, boy did I make a disappointing show of it. Ha! I think most of my fights, actually all of my fights except three where I was with a group, and one where apparently the guy had been link dead or something, I lost. Either had to run, or I died, and I think that eventually I just lost the fun factor for this character. Anything that was quicker than me could pwn me, and anything that could maledict me could pwn me on steroids.

So, first the thoughts on the Character:

To be honest I think Minotaurs are pretty damn awesome. For most of this characters life I had enough practices and trains to do whatever I wanted. Gore was fun, though finding horn guards was a pain in the ass. Their wisdom actually made up for the fact their INT was quite low and getting 3% on parry early in the characters life certainly did help. They didn't get as much HP as I might have expected from someone who had his CON maxed for most of his life; though I suppose that most warriors suppliment their base CON with awesome gear that they can find and, to be honest, I just don't have that sort of item knowledge.

Warriors have always been fun for me but I certainly think that I chose the wrong specs and legacies for what I wanted to do. Seems to me that swords don't really work for high STR low DEX characters, (even though parry is based off of STR?) and hand to hand I think was just a dumb choice on my part.

I took Fires as well as Landslide for my legacies. No doubt some of you will notice that I asked about Fires on the boards but at that time I was really wondering if this legacy did anything at all. Most of the time I felt like I had hamstrung myself cause apparently you need much more HP when you are in the 'yellow' range to really get use out of this. I am not sure what this could be as I didn't notice a sudden change in how great I was fighting even when I would stick around, so I really stopped relying on it. No doubt I could have been better served with something else that could have fit my playstyle better but live and learn right?

Landslide, well, awesomesauce. Actually almost landed some kills with this but by the time I had this I was mostly getting owned all over Thera anyways.


Well I think that this was my most successful character in terms of interactions with people. I got much more roleplay out of people that I would have thought with Nexus and really enjoyed all those chats about balance that I had with those who took the time. Levelling up was actually crazy easy, since most people knew I was neutral and had no issues working with me, and I really only began to stall out at around 49, when most people are more concerned with PK.


That RP session at the Fort with all of you was awesome. Being able to defend the Nexus and the ideas of balance without having to worry about being pounced on was awesome. No doubt most of what I said might have been missed, since of the Mino speech, but at least a couple of you got what I was getting across and it left me with new respect for the players in the Fort.

Also, as a quick aside to the Captain: Yes I did specifically bring a monkey with me when you told me that if I attacked evenrything would be OK as long as there wasn't a monkey. Just a long shot but I was actually sort of hoping for some RP sort of confliction there if one were to be around when we fought that day. Heh. Hope it wasn't too random!


Didn't really have much interaction with all of you outside of the Sunwarden. Tangni you pwned my socks off those few times we did fight, and I appreciated that you were willing to listen to me when I said I was to speak with your lady about my standing with the outlanders. Too bad I never got a chance to actually get down to that RP.


No interactions. Keep on trucking.


Ahtieli, boy do I think you got a bad rep out there and I really don't understand why. Our RP outside of Hamsaah really gave me an insight into the character underneath the Lich, at least I think so, and Jhunok really did think of you as someone that he would be able to talk to if things were down. Weird since most people seem to really be hatin you these days but after our interactions I am so pro Ahtieli that I should be wearing a "GO #1 LICH!" t-shirt and button or something. You keep on doing what you are doing and I wish nothing but awesomeness for you.

Not many interactions in Empire after that, aside Gzurweeg attacking me on the road a few times. Though you did do a good job with that so keep that AP train rolling guy.


I think outside of my own cabal, and battle, I interacted with you guys the most. What was strange to me though, was that at one point I was travelling with you guys and it seemed like we had made a good relationship; and then suddenly I became this guy with a giant target painted on my chest. Not really sure where the flip came in, especially since %90 of the time I had no beef with any of you.

One thing that I will have to note here, and this is the only cabal that I felt that really did this, is you guys, with maybe Kalisda as the exception, seemed to really have no qualms about multi-killing me. I can understand the evil thing, but it really got to a point where any and all of you would attack me in one day without provocation and I'm not even your 'true' enemy. Got a little frustrating to constantly be attacked by folks and not really know why. Could any of you give me any insight as to how I got this giant <<<kill me here>>> painted on my chest? Thanks and good luck to all of you.


To all of you guys in battle, since I fought nearly all of you at one point anyways, you guys do a great job. Your skills are awesome and your presence in the game always made me get that adrenaline rush up there. I've never played a Rager so I totally respect you guys all the more for being able to stick it out without magic. Wish you guys nothing but the best, and maybe I'll try a Rager some day when I am more used to the hero ranges of things.


Ahh, finally, my Cabal. I would have to say that this is, by far, one of the most entertaining cabals that there are in teh game. I love the fact that you can flip flop from one side to the other in the blink of an eye and always have people watching their backs. The RP that I got out of others who wanted to talk to me about the balance was great and I think that people hate on Nexus waay too much; especially if they haven't played.

A couple of people that I saw the most....

Rhyaldarin: Dude you are awesome. Every time that the two of us were on at the same time I knew that there was going to be great times.You have a lot of knowledge and a lot of skill. Thanks for all the help and all the information that you passed my way. I hope that too many of us don't delete on you and I totally look forward to seeing your PBF.

Quindlebin: Keep up the good work. We need more mages in the game.

Bar (Healer gnome): You were a godsend when you showed up. I think that you will do really well in Nexus since they were so lacking in any real preistly presence. Enjoyed your RP and I hope to see you alive for a long time.

Bikhala: Jhunok really looked up to you as the type of warrior that he wanted to be. You're skilled, and strong, and really gave me an idea of what a warrior could do at the higher ranks. Too many people give you crap and don't appreciate what you are doing out there on the field. Don't really know what you thought of my character but I hope Bikhala keeps going for a long while.


Thank you to whomever gave me the 500 and 800 experience points for the seven entries that I did. I will say that I had hoped that they might generate more interest than this but every one has different tastes and I guess I just didn't hit the mark. Thanks again and thanks for such a great game!

Rayihn: Thanks for inducting me when there were no leaders around to do it. Sorry that we could never seem to get together after I sent that e-mail. Did you get my response? I showed up at the Shrine on wednesday like I said but didn't hear back from you after those initial things. Hope everything is going well!

Well, that's really it. If I didn't respond or didn't mention you in here please feel free to respond and let me know. I enjoyed interacting with everyone here and I really, really tried to keep everything IC and not piss any one off. I hope that I accomplished this and I will probably be back with something else in the future.

Thanks everyone!

***Edited to ADD****

Oh, also, if anyone has logs they want to post of my character please feel free. I don't really have a clean way to log mine so I would love to see if anybody has any they would like to share.

Thanks again!

87875, Post logs on qhcf, I want to read some n/t
Posted by Stevers on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
87830, RE: Jhunok is no more.
Posted by Rhyaldrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Agh. I was afraid this was going to happen. I could see you were struggling a bit and I was doing my best to try and help you out because I wanted you to stick it out. You were by far my favorite non-mage in the cabal. I meant it when I said I expected you to take Rhyme after I kick the bucket.

I'll never forget when you showed up in the Isle and said "I guess I should introduce myself." I was sitting there trying to remember when I inducted a mino (this actually happens a lot, Korost's odd playing hours I handle 99% of the inductions with Rayihn apparently catching the other 1% :P) I didn't want to act like a #### and say I didn't remember you but I didn't want to pretend like I knew you either. I was really happy when you said Ray brought you in, was kind of an uncomfortable moment. We clicked right from the beginning though. You were the first minotaur that I was able to understand, too.

Thank you for the compliments but I don't think I showed you as much as you think, though. This is only my second (well, one could argue third) character in this mud and first hero so I'm still learning a lot as I go as well. I wished I could have at least gotten you a worthy set of equipment though.

The Isle will miss you. Go roll a gnome shapeshifter (like everyone else) and we'll destroy some stuff with the bond perks ;)

Good luck with the next bud, you're a class act.
87818, Darn!
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really was looking for you. My play times have dropped off some as I've been rather sick/tired the last few weeks (darn that bun in the oven!) so I'm really sorry I didn't meet up with you. From what I saw you were a really good character and a definite asset to the Island. Hope you come back! Play a follower that's actually IN my spheres next time. ;)
87826, RE: Darn!
Posted by Valkenar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> (darn that bun in the oven!)

Uh oh, cf apocalypse in T- however many months
87817, RE: Jhunok is no more.
Posted by Biklaha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Didn't saw much of Jhunok due to my sporadic playtimes i think. What I saw I rather liked. And hey your specs were not bad at all. Swords are just fine for high str low dex builds(I'n my textbook it's actualy the best spec) and hands have their use often as well. You just need some time to figure out what you can do with them:) As about legacies yep fires is a waste I think, drive legacy is very good. So your build wasn't that bad at all. Anyway thanks for good words and good luck with next I suppose.
87816, RE: Jhunok is no more.
Posted by Kalisda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry to see you go as I liked the whole neutral minotaur thing, and you were more often willing to go all out to try and help me retrieve then I usually am given how bad some of those odds were. Oh well, hope I'll see another incarnation in the future.

I'll spare specific comments about scion, but I will say I don't think I ever really fought you (I may be wrong of course), outside of when darkness tipped. There were a few random here come the nexans to help, oh crap area songs hit them, time to flee situations, but a scion bard, well, it was kind of an oh well attitude.

I think generally, anyone with PK next to their name is a target if you're a scion. There's a reason every cabal goes after them all the time, with the exception of the spire and nexus when it tips.

Take care.
87811, Some tips and pointers...
Posted by Arrna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1: Parry isn't based soly on STR. There are A LOT of factors to parry here is a list of some of them: % in the the weapontype you're parrying, % in parry, str, dex. Not sure if there are some others too.

2: High STR with sword is awesome. BUT for it to be good in PK you really NEED to have 100% flurry.

3: Landslide, not much to say. It's awesome.

4: Fires of Adversity is awesome when it kicks inn. It aids DEFENSE only though. No increase in offense. But as a minotaur with 23 con I assume you had around 1100hps yes? That means that you're around 300hps when you really start noticing any difference. And a fight where you're at 300hps is OVER unless the enemy has equally low HPs. + it doesn't save you from big damage outbursts like piner/doublethrust/chop/flurry/spells etc. So, yeah, with only 300hps left it's a waste. Had you been a dwarf or had soul of the mountain it might have worked out better.

5: The key for racking up kills as a warrior, is prepping. Not in EVERY single fight, but rahter do a few fights versus an oponent without preps, he'll most likely kick your ass, make sure to get out alive every time. Maybe the third or fourth time, you return to him prepped to your teeth. Smack, surprise, dead. Basically, preps is the key.

So, the last tip. For future chars, make sure to get to hero. Explore A LOT, get area/prep knowledge. :D

I liked this char from what I saw with my alts.