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Topic subject(DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Jaina the Greater Sorceress of Transmutation
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86859, (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Jaina the Greater Sorceress of Transmutation
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Oct 16 09:50:02 2009

At 4 o'clock AM, Day of the Moon, 14th of the Month of the Old Forces
on the Theran calendar Jaina perished, never to return.
Cabal:OUTLANDER, the Outlanders of Thar-Eris
86865, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Jaina the Greater Sorceress of Transmutation
Posted by Sulye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Jaina. Except for the part where I got killed by Ahtieli while trying to help you reach your corpse. But that was own damn fault for being too helpful.

Most likely with some pretty low-key preparation you could have survived the maledictions after teleporting away. Honestly, though, I was surprised you made it out of the Kuo-Toa lair in the first place.
86864, Goodbyes... (Never thought I'd write goodbyes on this one...)
Posted by Jaina on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I rolled Jaina when I felt I couldn't login with Arrna because I had to leave the comp waaaay to often. (My son has just begun to walk and my wife has a disc hernia... So it's up to me to comfort etc when he hurts himself, or tries to climb up on tables and whatnot...)

My original plan was to make an AP to try out the ABS system with after I'd age-die Arrna. But as my wife's back go bad I couldn't login with Arrna without going AFK every 10-15mins for 2-3 minutes. And that's sorta bleh for a leader char who has inductions, lots of long raids and can't hide in any manner. So I decided to do a trannie instead, at lvl 30ish I decided to make it an outlander to make sure I was bullit proof to AFK deaths. (Actually had one, but that was in an underwater are where gills fell...)

I REALLY loved playing a transmuter at first so figured I might stick with the char, also a reason to why I joined a cabal. Wouldn't want to waste a leaders time with a throwaway. So, I wrote a little role explaining all the stuff (I grouped with a lot of orcs and whatnot) that happend prior to joining outlanders.

With the best intentions I joined. I spent 110 hours looking for my sleeks when I was told I had missed one aspect of detect artifacts... That would have saved me 8 con and 40ish hours looking for my black rod if I had just bothered to recheck the announcements about detect artifact. So, like 1 hour later I had found my black. heh Suddenly it all just became REALLY boring and I realized that what I had enjoyed the most was running around alone in all those crazy places, looking at room descs, looking for hidden stuff etc. I gained an INSANE amount of explore xp REALLY quickly. (As I made sure to look around at most of the things out of duo, and always fight every mob a little, or kill the ones I could kill.)

So, with a crappy role that left me with really poor RP, low con (was down to 7 after spending 5 trains on con.) I was strongly considering to delete. Then I died, lost only 3 pieces (thanks elf dude, was really surprised to get that much back.) and I decided I'd delete. But I didn't, I logged out. Logged back in, died, got fulled and what he couldn't use he sacced. Decided that it was the nail that did it. And deleted.

So, goodbyes...

Yaniyule, you pushed me throw quite a few lvls! And thanks for telling me that about detect artifact. I wouldn't have found it otherways as I thought I had already covered the place. Sorry for deleting after you invisted that much time in me.

Baldrien/Belgrimer thanks for all the transmutations! And Baldrien, thanks for the 4 kills you gave me before I joined. hah!

Shaugath/Ssiriena (or how to spell your names.) Thanks for all the lvling. I really had trouble finding groups to level with.

Sulye, thanks for the induction. You're awesome. Sorry to delete on you. Really wasn't my plan when I join up.

Naqnoq! Thanks for showing my amber! Hadn't gotten around to check around that place yet since I was unsure about duo in there.

Everyone else, thank you!

Ooh, and imms? Were my role really that crappy? Or did it look as if I was just fishing for imm-xp? This was my first char EVER to recieve 0 imm-xp for role or anything else. 135 hours and 0 imm-xp. :D Not complaining, just thought that the role, albeit crappy, would render some remark as I found it sort of humeros.
86866, Don't really know much about the char, but...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You did get xp for your role. About the standard amount. Maybe you missed it when you were afk? Not sure. It was awarded on Tuesday morning at about 9:30.
86867, I feel bad about this
Posted by Jingurzal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You kept me on my toes. I should of handled that better. You will be missed. That one time in arkham, a fight finally on my side. You also where involved in some raids that my newbhood calls epic. Jaina was a quiet tongue, respectful player in my eyes. Be it foe or ally. Trust me, I am paying for my mistakes willingly. Thanks for playing and I really hope a well made game and great playerbase was not spoiled by that big loot. I was near naked.
86870, No worries, the only thing that ticked me of was the saccing...
Posted by Jaina on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... That really sucked. But I was going to delete anyways. heh (You know, almost got you too! I had follow on you and was just about to attack you when my son woke up... Had to move out and go afk. heh)
86873, U gave yourself away i velkyn
Posted by Jingurzal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Cast spells where your prey have little chance of seeing you. I picked up an area talisman after that one. I bet the imms implemented snoop/where spam toggle after duo was implemented cuz players like you actually leave the eastern. Question, did you feel like you had overwhelming odds on your side? The force of outlander is mind boggling at times. Tribunal seems to being doing better...

86881, Well....
Posted by Jaina on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
.... It was so many times where I couldn't understand why none retrieved the scales, or why none raided us. Then I thought about my own time in scions/empire and realized that people were afraid sinec they didn't know how many of us were online.

I had one login where I held the codex, scepter and scales for 2.5 hours when I was the only outlander online. (Except codex, after 1.5 hours some lvl 35ish retrieved the codex.) And there were heroes of each of the cabals online. That felt so odd.
86869, ROFL! Ooh, must have missed it. hahah
Posted by Jaina on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for clearing it up. heh
86871, ~LeSigh~ You got the name right at least.
Posted by Ssirenia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew it was you from a certain post on Dios and your updates on your wand search over CB. Somehow i didn't think you were going to stick around very long after you found your wands, it seemed more like an experiment to see how long it would take you. And yet, i helped you rank, hoping some good would come of it. Bleh. :)

After you found them, you still died alot, you need to prep heavily with transmuters beyond a/b/s for the tough raids/fights sometimes. Also its not like you can jump out and charge someone like you could with Arrna. I hope you learned a bit about the class.

At least, we had fun this morning retrieving from Ahtieli, though i'm pretty sure she was taking it easy on me. :(

Stick around longer and teach me something useful next time.

Good luck with your next and all that...
86877, Will miss you
Posted by Ravirhn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We only adventured together once or twice, that first time, when you know who rushed us and nuked you near the end of our adventuring. Sorry I didn't help you hero, but you should have asked, I'd have been happy to help and join you (where possible) in looking for sleeks. Now you have me wondering what on earth you found out because that might help me figure out where in the world some of mine are.

I hope things get better on the homefront.
Wish you the best!
86880, Yea yea, ranking as outlander with
Posted by Beront on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
with imperials, scions, necromancers, anti-paladins to duo then suddenly - WOW I AM TEH OUTLANDER NOW! GO ROCK DUO TRANS!

Yea yea.
86887, Yeah....
Posted by Jaina on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
.... Well, was going to be a throwaway char. Then at lvl 31 I decided that I liked the char and some outlander started talking to me why I was wanted. Decided to get cammo so I could go AFK more easy so... Wrote up a role explaining the stuff, stoped grouping with those people etc...

It's not like I was a potion using guy that then suddenly went village. ;)
86891, RE: Yeah....
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>It's not like I was a potion using guy that then suddenly went
>village. ;)

Actually it's pretty much exactly like that. :P
86892, Well....
Posted by Jaina on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... No. I was wasn't using potions, and I wasn't applying to the village....

Heh just joking. Well I still don't see how it's the same thing really. I had no real benefits from not looking to join outlander to begin with. Except the use of coins. (Which basically was food...) It's quite a huge difference to be able to use potions or not for compared to be able to use coins which isn't that troublesome for a mage class.

RP-wise though, it's the same thing.
86898, Except
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
leveling an evil mage character who won't group with conjies, necros, APs, duergar, orcs, imperials, tribs, or scions is a ####load harder to do than what you did.

Even as a transmuter.

Just saying.
86863, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Jaina the Greater Sorceress of Transmutation
Posted by Tagni on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
People in all cabals dropping like flies!
Tangni of course didnt like you, but he doesnt like any reavers so dont feel bad.
I as a player saw you as a competent active player out doing things and thought you were doing pretty good. As a player I'm sad to see you go.
86862, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Jaina the Greater Sorceress o...
Posted by Kalisda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Didn't interact much with Jaina, and I didn't get much of an rp vibe out of her outside of basic dark elf transmuter I kill things idea. But from what I saw you were alright, though not really deadly yet, which was nice cause I die enough fighting the tree folk as it is, and you just made dealing with the others virtually impossible for me.

Given who else you played, I'm sure you'll be back with something good in no time, but good luck anyway.