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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(RAGE DELETE) [BATTLE] Sarux the Whisper, Spymaster of Blackclaw
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=86420
86420, (RAGE DELETE) [BATTLE] Sarux the Whisper, Spymaster of Blackclaw
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Sep 30 13:55:00 2009

At 9 o'clock PM, Day of the Bull, 8th of the Month of the Winter Wolf
on the Theran calendar Sarux perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
86454, Comment on being a scout
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was really bummed when I found out spell evasion did nothing against bards - I realize it's "spell" evasion but the fact that a single class can absolutely destroy villagers is a bit harsh. Especially considering village bards can't use some songs since they're too "magical" and yet we can't spellbane or evade them.

I doubt it'd make anyone overpowered if you could spell evade songs as well as spells....when you get revealed for 10 hours (stronger than any faerie fire) or even distorted/slept/etc it pretty much kills most chances to fight back as a scout. A berserker can at least thirst and deathblow their way through it, or a defender can bandage through it, but a scout can't do jack.
86458, Step out of 2001 my friend
Posted by Slobodan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What made you think spell evasion ever did anything against songs?

Btw, Rager bards haven't been restricted from singings certain songs for a long time.

It's obvious you need to play another Rager because you're not getting it, and maybe this time you will actually want to read what's written in the Village.

Everybody bitched about reading all the stuff in the Lyceum before joining Battle, but maybe it would actually do some good so we don't get low-quality Ragers like Sarux in the future.
86470, you are teh noob
Posted by quas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
the ability to land critical hits through dam redux and echos... thats nothing.

bards in general at hero are rough for any melee based character (which is all villagers except village bards). The way to deal with them... don't get slept, hit hard, know when to fight.
86434, My goodbye
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So, Sarux was my first villager in multiple years - being fond of the "you can't bitch until you try it" argument, I've now tried a Nexun and a Villager....both of which I've avoided for a long time. So what exactly did I learn?

Well, for starters, people are extremely attached to their preps - as a poisoner, landing the final blow was extremely hard...but when someone is knocked out for 7-8 hours and you see a bunch of (magical) stuff, apparently taking that and destroying it is much worse than death. I never heard the end of it when I destroyed bags full of 100+ preps of speckled pills, opal wands, a/b/s rods, etc....even more funny is when I heard people said "but I'm not an enemy of the village!" When the idea is to destroy magic, why would I care if you're X class when you're prepping out more than most mages? I rarely, if ever (honestly I don't think I ever did), killed any non-enemy people despite being evil and yet for my destruction of preps I was full-sacced/looted quite a bit in my few deaths. I'd be met with OOC rage actions more than I have with any character - especially the "you're only annoying" retort. Ironically I killed that person for saying that - twice. If I was your typical berserker thug I would have just killed 10x the amount of people and taken gear, yet for taking preps I'm a "griefer". Guess it's just another side of how much a/b/s sucks ass.

Poisoners are kinda blah - I'll probably write a FAQ about them if people are interested enough but needless to say it requires a ton of preparation and gold....and hardly ever works. I'd be throwing level 42 grenades at people in their mid 30s and be lucky if one out of ten worked. When you add in all the poison resistant races, poison immune shifter forms, poison damage immune mobs, poison protections like purity of blood or the phylactery or the questy mob blood, there's a huge deficit of success. You gotta love landing fear and emetic against a shifter, and watch them shift into a snake which is completely immune. When it does land it is nice.....assuming they'd fix the inhaled bug. When you can't do fear/mind-control on people knocked out, the class really takes it in the balls. After a long time of no fix for it, I really just got tired of it - it's like "sleep" being broken and yet not a peep from the Bug Board. I was trying for the Boogeyman edge (which is extremely hard to reach thief point wise) but never got to it since I had to take Devious Versatility and Conserve Ingredients - unless I started deathblow-type sucker hits, my guess is it would suck since they'd likely auto flee out of parting blow after maybe one round from being feared. Even maxxed I rarely blocked people...maybe it's strength based. I think they need looking at, just like trap thieves - considering Mekantos quoted them as "complete utter #### - the worst class in the game" maybe after a few complaints they'll listen.

Enlilth - you deserve a damn medal. You're up there with Kastellyn/Sacer/Lurker for coolest interactions and you seriously raised my hopes with this character. That fight with the dwarf goddess infront of their followers was absolutely grade A interaction (by the way, Guzark grabbed that 10,000 gold you dropped...). I was really looking forward to our next interaction once I got Boogeyman but it never really panned out since I was tired of the limitations of a poisoner. When I got spanked in the Circle by the Drillmaster, failing to land any poison after like 10 rounds...just bleh. I'm not really sure why more people don't go for your religion because you're always reliably there and great fun. Keep it up - it's that interaction that keeps this game alive despite the things that bring it down. Kudos.

Either way, I'm taking a break for now - with Mekantos quitting and trying to find an idea to play against clearly OOC groups, I've just found interest in some other games (Gratuitous Space Battles is f-ing awesome). It's funny that back in the day you'd get RotD for grouping together and yet an entire cabal is ooc buddies and nothing happens. My last death was pretty much from OOC logins from attacking the Vanquisher and it'll get swept under the rug to a blind Immortal staff.

Hope some people enjoyed Sarux - I did.


86435, RE: My goodbye
Posted by Bezzilan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Maybe with others you only stole magical preps, but at the very least with me you tried to kill me, many times. The first time we met we were in ar'atouldain, I said hello, you said hello, I walked on, and then a few hours later you started tripping me. I fled. You followed and continued tripping. You failed but not for lack of trying. You then did it again, several times. And you lied about it. And then lied about me, saying I'd killed you with a group, which was so insane.

The thing of it is, it's people like you that give villagers a bad name.
86436, Heh I knew you'd reply
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There's a very specific reason I went after you. I knocked you out in Evermoon and took most of your stuff after you politely told me to "shove it" when I said destroy your magical things. Then when you woke up, I tried to trip you to death. Why? Your entire set glowed and you had the audacity to tell me to piss off? Villager or not, an evil character would cut your throat. You made it off, so I thought nothing of it and moved on (actually saw you a few times since then hidden and did nothing).

Then your letters kept coming...you started whining to Village leadership like a school girl who skinned her knee - so what'd I do? I'd knock you out and take your inventory and try tripping you but never really put much effort into it. I wanted you to fear me which is what the character was about. You never died....the times I threw grenades at you at the Inn was trying to knock you out (since you'd have the physical knockout protection from trying to KO again).I never succeeded in killing you because honestly I didn't want to, it broke Village code. You sent notes to everyone complaining about losing magical instruments, you'd probably emo-rage if I actually killed you. If I wanted you dead, I'd have been a lot more successful considering I could just use mind control poison and get you killed before you knew it. You told an evil thief his #### was small and you expect me to walk away?

So in essence you spat in my face and cried wolf when I repeatedly stole your inventory (admit it Heralds get stacked)and never actually killed you. You were scared and that was the goal. If I wanted you dead I could have...easily.

The only one giving a bad name to a cabal is you. Grow up.
86437, RE: Heh I knew you'd reply
Posted by Bezzilan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Unfortunately you're either lying here in real life or having real problems remembering the history. I never told anyone in my life to piss off, and you didn't ask first. Also, my first note about you came after you'd attacked me four times. And my entire set's never glowed.

In the end you you attacked a bard who was alone, not using some talisman or scroll, then did it again several times, and lied about it, and then finally claimed that bard helped gang you.

Like I said, you make all villagers, ic and ooc, pay the price for your being an assclown.

The imms have the logs, they can confirm if they want. Not worth any more space in the thread, the truth's out now.
86452, Alright buddy, cough it up
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
-I'd love to see the log where I killed you. With how much I wanted to, it'd be great to see I actually did it without knowing it.
-I'd love to see our first meeting where I knocked you out and destroyed all your potions (seem to forget those in your statement) then your reply

I attacked plenty of non-mages who had any preps or magical items in their inventory to destroy them, you're not special. You just made it personal being a whiner to my cabal leaders and noting the world about my penis size.

You played with a wolf and you got bit. Again, grow up.
86456, RE: Alright buddy, cough it up
Posted by Bezzilan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm afraid you're having trouble reading things almost as much as you did being a battlerager. I never said you killed me. I said you tried to kill me, many times. The first time was the very first time we met, when you spammed trip and almost got me. But didn't. Then in galadon. THen at the diluted venom shop. Then in the Inn. Several times. It was only after the fourth time that I sent my first note about you. You'd already attacked me four times before I ever sent anything about you at all.

You attacked a lone, herald, non-magic using bard, in evermoon. You stole and destroyed not just magic, but non-magic items. You lied about it. And then you claimed that a pacifist herald ganged you.

If you weren't such a bad villager that makes it bad for all the others, it'd be funny.
86468, RE: Alright buddy, cough it up
Posted by Xanthrailles on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I went to a management seminar recently and the dude talked about how almost everyone judges themself as an eight on a scale of ten; however, when you ask their coworkers to judge them they reply four. The point was that we almost always think more highly of ourselves than others do. This is glaringly obvious with the cf world. I had zero interaction with this character but I think you should look at the positive feedback and the negative to get a true gauge of how successful you were.
86438, Is it just me?
Posted by Rob___ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Or is nearly everyone who plays this game a whiny bitch now?

He's evil. He played evil, get over it. I agree with Torak entirely on this one.
86439, RE: Is it just me?
Posted by Bezzilan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Villagers shouldn't be trying to pkill herald bards who are alone and not using magic. That's like basic cf stuff. That's all I'm saying. And then he lied about it to the commander. That's also a basic cf no-no.
86442, Really? Because I thought that was called RP.
Posted by Rob___ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The consequences don't exist because nobody's ever supposed to try it. But whatever.
86449, Your basic CF no-no is giant piles of failure
Posted by Vortex_Guest on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Evil is evil, he doesn't need an excuse to kill you. Hell, he probably wouldn't need an excuse to kill you if he was neutral: neutrals kill good/neutral NPCs all the time for shiny gear, not much different from killing PCs for shiny gear.

Also, any rager at any time has a built in excuse for attacking other people: you wear magic -> Magic must die -> Me smash you. You don't -need- to use that excuse, but its there if you want a convenient reason.
86453, However much it is "ok" and "viable"
Posted by Guy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Does little to make you less of a chump and a griefer for doing it. As I stated previously, using a RP excuse to grief still makes you a griefer, RP or not.

But if you want to be a Rouge 2.0 go ahead, just don't be suprised when everyone calls you out for being a tool.
86455, RE: Your basic CF no-no is giant piles of failure
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Evil is evil, he doesn't need an excuse to kill you.

Not always. Various cabals put limitations on even their evil members. For instance, jalim's thief Tribunal was told by a cabal imm to stop killing random non-criminals outside town, despite him being evil. Or, so he said. It's not inconceivable that the battle imms might see things similarly.
86457, I'll chime in, and mine, of course, is made of win.
Posted by Graatch on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually, that's *exactly* what a villager is not supposed to do.

You get rager powers in exchange for, among other things, giving up the right to attack just anyone. Evil, good, neutral, doesn't matter. Moreover, among the various writings in the village it specifically says that ragers do NOT attack non-mages just for wearing magic or having magic on them. They are distractions from the real war.

Ragers don't attack people who aren't enemies. Period. Play a rager and then come talk to us.
86459, No
Posted by Malakhi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Also, any rager at any time has a built in excuse for
>attacking other people: you wear magic -> Magic must die -> Me
>smash you. You don't -need- to use that excuse, but its there
>if you want a convenient reason.

That's not how it works. Apparently Sarux got one over on me by tripping the herald bard, but then again I don't have the tools to see whether or not he is lying and battleragers are ridiculously inundated with baseless complaints. It is far, far worse than what you'd get as a Knight of Thera back in the day.

The things I did see and that Sarux admitted to me were within the bounds of the Tablet.
86460, Umm news flash
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never killed him - I attacked the bard a bunch but I never killed him. That's within reason and the rules of the Village as I saw them.

I can harass a potion-chugging, magic gear firing non-mage/enemy all I want, I just can't kill them.
86461, RE: Umm news flash
Posted by Malakhi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We could have "worked this out" in game, but that is not what you told me. You told me you only stole his potions, and you denied tripping/attacking him. Let's be honest. You didn't tell me the trust because you weren't sure how it would be "worked out."

I have nothing against your character or you. But if anyone out there leaves this thread with the impression it's OK to attack non-enemies, that would be a negative thing IMO.

So good luck with your next!
86463, RE: Umm news flash
Posted by Graatch on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're being very disingenuous.

It seems you tried to kill the guy. You tripped. So failing to kill him doesn't make it ok, just means you couldn't seal a kill. You still intended to kill him. If you didn't, you wouldn't have tripped. Not within reason and rules of village.*

Also, your comments are very much like how Tom Cruise punked Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men. If you thought what you did was alright, you wouldn't have lied about it. Because you lied about it, you obviously knew or at least worried that it wasn't right.

The sad part is that you seem to be trying to lie about it, or at least cover it up, here, ooc. It's one thing to do it ic with a char - not that it makes it right then either - but it's quite another to do it here.

*Obviously it's possible things have changed since Susu died four months ago, but if not, then I think I've as good a handle on village ideology as anyone. Given Malakhi's posts here, I don't think anything's changed. So, yeah, it looks like you ####ed up, and did it deliberately, and you're trying to get away with it even here. Not going to happen.
86467, RE: Umm news flash
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
86465, FWIW...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If Woldrun had been in the same area when he heard you trip a non-enemy-cabal bard, he'd probably have asked you WTF.

And if you told him that you spent a ton of your time stealing potions/preps from non-enemies, he'd probably have asked if you didn't have a mage to find/kill. And if you said no you didn't, he'd have asked if you couldn't find a way to level up. And if you couldn't, he'd have asked if you didn't have an applicant to interview. No? How about working on your skills to better be able to kill magi? And so on.

But that's Woldrun. And he's dead now, so who gives a ####?

I'm just sayin'.
86473, Just for clarification
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why does everything have to be more important than destroying magic just because it's on a non-enemy? Isn't the whole purpose of the Village to eradicate magic? If I'm focusing on it primarily sure but I didn't really discriminate.

For example, Ilrek the fortressite came swinging at me once after I stole his potions. He finally got me (and promptly cleaned me out) but since that fight I've always knocked him out when I saw him and cleaned out his preps again.

Why, just because he's a warrior, avoid getting rid of the potions if I've the opportunity? He'd easily carry bags weighting 150+ pounds full of full magical preps...and that's less important than killing the same mage over and over?

Sorry but I just don't understand the prioritizing. I, and Sarux included, both kind of stand on the point that there's no "grey" area. When taking someone's life, sure, but not if you're chugging pills and potions compared to casting the spell yourself for the same affect.

It's like asking cops to focus on only "important" criminals and not the idiots smoking dope on the corner.
86476, It's a lot like that, yeah.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Are you saying you DON'T want cops to focus on "important" criminals (rapists, murderers, armed robbers, drug dealers...) than the idiots smoking dope on the corner?

That's your argument? Just making sure.

*** Edited to add: I had no interactions with Sarux so I can't/won't comment on the quality of the char. I'm only saying that when I had a mortal leader of the Battle cabal, what you're saying your char did wouldn't have flown. That doesn't necesarily (have to) mean anything nowadays, but it might.
86479, It's a slippery slope
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sarux would treat it all the same - there's black and white, no grey. If he ran by a magical piece of food on the ground, he stopped to sacrifice it.

Some cops are purists - same with criminals ;) Do I personally think cops should throw all the weed smokers in jail? No but I'm not a cop. I know cops who would though. I almost compare it to speeders - when a lot of people get pulled over for 10mph+ over even though there are people who do 20mph+ over all the time.

*shrug* Figured Villagers were purists like Whitecloaks...I always had some Villager give me a reason why they'd attack me across the last few years, figured that was how it's done. Granted I usually play mage classes....from all the Village tablets/tapestries/etc it seemed pretty "KILL EM ALL" focused.

Now if ya can't steal, I'm not saying any villager should kill everyone for the magical charred bracers they have on (unless they're really psychotic in their belief) but if ya can steal and have the option, why not?

And about Sarux, eh I had fun and I know some people enjoyed him. People who complained and full-sacced me for destroying preps, well that's their problem ;)
86481, Oh and..
Posted by Cerunnir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With the current player base we take any reason to PK someone, aslong as its atleast fairly feastable.
86478, Uh...
Posted by TheDude on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>It's like asking cops to focus on only "important" criminals
>and not the idiots smoking dope on the corner.

Obviously you've never been to Compton, CA (or other high crime places I imagine)...

9 times out of ten the cops there aren't going to stop the idiot on the corner smoking dope-- they're more worried about the idiot on the corner shooting at the idiot on the other corner and hitting pedestrians in the middle. ;P
86471, RE: Your basic CF no-no is giant piles of failure
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In the sense that an evil character can secretly not believe in the RP of their cabal and piss on it whenever they might be able to get away with it, sure, I guess.

In the sense that you can do what you're saying and not get thrown out of the cabal, no.
86443, Eh, bye retard
Posted by Dwoggurd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>When the idea is to destroy magic, why would I care if you're
>X class when you're prepping out more than most mages?

The world is not perfect and as a consequence some of cabal mechanics implemented in CF aren't perfect as well. Destroying gear even without getting an actual kill is annoying. While it can be justified by RP, you, as a player, can make a choice. Slip it away or push it hard. You go the second route and deserved the "griefer" mark.

>It's funny that back in the day you'd get RotD for grouping together and yet
>an entire cabal is ooc buddies and nothing happens. My last
>death was pretty much from OOC logins from attacking the
>Vanquisher and it'll get swept under the rug to a blind
>Immortal staff.

If you're speaking about the Empire which is basically ruled for the most part by native speakers currently (though I can't say for sure), you can start to blame american players for bringing all that "OOC buddies" stuff into the cabal.
86446, RE: My goodbye
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't have a problem with the choices you made, but my gut feeling is that you would have complained about a Battle character who treated you the way that you treated people.

Maybe that's unfair, but as I said that's my opinion.
86450, I was reading this goodbye and thought the exact same thing. NT
Posted by TMNS_lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
86451, Well
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As I said I learned a lot from playing a Battle and Nexun as I've avoided them for awhile. Given their limitations I can understand the point of a battle thief stealing my stuff - I'd expect to lose my inventory around a thief....yeah it sucks, but that's a given. Considering I rarely landed kills it's not that bad as I used to think it was....

If I came back I'd probably play a non-prep class again because it was damn fun to not have to worry about a/b/s crap.
86466, Mixed bag.
Posted by Sohtyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I actually didn't mind Sarux too much, but then again a lot of the stuff people didn't like him for, he couldn't do to me. Probably what bothered me most about him, was the absolute lack of interaction. Randomly walking down Eastern Road as a non-magi, and I get attacked. Admittedly, I'm Imperial, but I'd have honestly let you be to begin with. It then took....4? RL days before any of my fights with you ever got a word out of you. Now, yeah, it can be how your character acts, and that's just the vibe I got out of Sarux...that he was about business and not about talking, so kudos that I got a feel of the character.

My philosophy though, is that most of us are here for the interaction in some way. If I just wanted fighting, I'd go play Diablo by myself or something. So...dunno. Never thought you were really a jackass with this char, and he had a more "real" feel than a lot of other characters, but the character itself also never really gave me any desire to interact with him at all.
86421, Any use of a RP excuse to grief people makes you a chump, chump nt
Posted by Guy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
86422, How did he grief people? nt
Posted by Curious George on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
86423, RE: How did he grief people? nt
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Apparently stole and destroyed all magical items and preps in their inventory.
86424, RE: How did he grief people? nt
Posted by Guy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
More than a few people informed me his hobby was knockout take inventory, sac all.

He posted somewhere it was his belief that, evil village thieves strip inventories its their RP.

Chump =/
86425, RE: How did he grief people? nt
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought he said he just took magic stuff.
86429, I never saw anything remotly thiefy about him.
Posted by Kaskin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When ever I saw him he was fighting hard.
86440, RE: How did he grief people? nt
Posted by Kearina on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Got me once knocked out.

Stole everything, even my chest, and destroyed my cookie from newbie quest. Actually every ####ing thing from chest, no matter magical or not, pillow, dress, toys :)

Actually, cannot say anything good about you, but probably its the way you wanted to play this char, if so I can say, good job!

Good luck with your next!