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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectYou've Been Wegged- C ya in a few years again!
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=85823
85823, You've Been Wegged- C ya in a few years again!
Posted by Weggetana W. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
School + work + wife = No Cooking

Played Hadashdakon as a comeback character and did the chef thing, loved it.

Transmuters a GREAT class overall, though the aspect of my only real foes being Ragers made things....
Interesting with just a Sienna and Limited sources.

I am, and always will be a noob even with years under my belt.
Sometimes I miss the second age where RP wasn't so OP

I took like ZERO edges, and truth be told didn't really care to. I THOUGHT I was a decent "chef" for the inn, yet after all that time people would STILL ask if I was a taleteller right after someone I never met knew I was a chef and placed an order.

First 5-75 hours I cooked with flare, once I noticed frankly no one was looking I toned it down to when others were around.

BTW, can anyone tell me WHERE my freaking Amber/Black was?

Hope I helped others seeking their wands, I litterly told ANYONE that asked Everything I knew, and some what I thought.

Had a BLAST With a bunch of people,

Nemid- Sorry things didn't work out man, we had some real growth potential, but you hit me at a bad time w/ work

Nacklwig- Thanks for the great time! No kisses on the nose dude

Fyee- Great High Herald, hard act to follow

Zalenne- Burrow FTW!, keep steady and show them Heralds!

Edika- Like a big sister, awsome all around and I saw you "grow" from when we first met.

Shyruak- Wish we could have traveled more!

Isylvharn- Loved those drinks! Sorry I stole your idea with food

Captain- Best all around Imm i've ever seen, THANKS For the Super Secret thing! Gave me new wind when my sails were down (why did I choose Jasthrean?)

Iunna- always felt weird talking to you, like a big sister that had the potential to turn into an angry mom. Loved every moment.

Aside: Thanks for the reinduction at the end, I HAD to hit the Ragers though before I bailed, and it wasn't an attention thing, more of something Wegge would have done given a chance...
Thanks for playing it cool and hitting me over the head with the short talk!

Jasthrean- ....thanks? for that talk of modivation at the end, I sought this imm for HOURS, and ended up just throwing prays out there at the end in a "screw it" fashion
I NOW know your an immortal persona that strives for GREAT deeds, and frankly, that was never my goal. Creation shouldn't equal pimp master of look at me.....
I think our last conversation you were pretty much saying "Just do something damnit!" but my spark had kind of died when my workload picked up x5 fold at work.

Nado- I always wanted to pay you back for the death in frigid wastes, ah well

Satoshi- Had fun in the early years, wish we could have talked more later.

Messervy- Great thief, thanks for the ragged cloak, had it for about 200 hours

Quas- Your a ####

Fort- Had fun times with a bunch of you.

Outlander- Tried to help you guys as much as possible, Wegge was a City girl that always wanted to help nature....

Scion- Loved you guys more than Fort, I knew never to trust you, and so I was never disappointed.

Imperials- Traveled with a BUNCH level 20-40, like nothing at hero...

Peace out!

and Thanks to the Imms, and the Players for the crack we call CF!
This is the end of my short comeback, and it was great level 1-51

Try a Chef! It's x2 the fun as anything else and they get a super secret PWK knife for Pking!

Weggetanna Wentervell the ********
86149, Liked Wegg
Posted by Shyrauk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry for the delayed response. I liked Wegg and you came up with some really interesting concoctions! Didn't see you about a ton, which after reading your posts makes sense to a degree, but likewise would have enjoyed running around more and beating up anyone being pesky.

I'm not sure how the gear whore thing works, but I think it's a little brutal. That being said, there are so many umpteen million shifters and such around that it's really not surprising that something like that has been instituted. Just keeping track of the autodeletes shows that CF has a huge turnaround on upper level characters.

For myself, I think they should bump the limits and lighten up a bit on the gear hording time frame, but the limits are based on the numbers of the playerbase I believe (wrong or right I'm not sure) so I suppose we're stuck with what we've got.

Best luck on the next, if you keep playing and otherwise g'luck with life! Like anything, CF is best in moderation, (not that I listen to my own advice!).

85834, RE: You've Been Wegged- C ya in a few years again!
Posted by Elkae on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Boo, you can't leave the MUD that quick! But I understand, time == omgzmud?gb2work. Just out of curiosity, between all of that do you ever think about logging into the MUD and end up thinking "I should go do something more productive"? The more busy I am with real life, the more I tend to try and find things to learn/work on rather than log in, so just wondering if others with a busy schedule are like that :p
85875, Muding vs. Life
Posted by Wegge on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's actually exactly what happened,

I could log in, search for more wands, cook, or help lowbies.....

Or I could work on a 326 excel sheet with BTS and Holiday sales info due in a month, or go to the park w/ the wife.....or for real cook...

As things picked up for me my drive to follow through on her fell through the cracks, and I said when I got Gear Hording code kicked thats it...

Logged and, and I was a gear whore. So, Attack Battle and Delete delete.

BTW, Loved Elkae, You were the drunken not so nice bard and I respected that.

In hindsight Glad I deleted, I get a reply from One person, HA

Guess I didn't do 1/2 as well as I thought I was.

In retrospect this many be it period for me.
27 and still MUDing like a 16 year old is getting kind of old.