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Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Heyuda the Malefic
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=84593
84593, (DELETED) [None] Heyuda the Malefic
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Aug 12 23:53:51 2009

At 9 o'clock PM, Day of Deception, 23rd of the Month of the Winter Wolf
on the Theran calendar Heyuda perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
84604, Yeah... Thanks to the Imms
Posted by trewyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First off, thanks to the Imm/Imms that gave me so much attention. It's been a LONG time since I've had a non-empowerment char to get so much attention and imm/role xp for just sitting around talking to my golem. YES, I was talking to the golem. I didn't have anyone else to talk to!

Alright, necromancers just aren't my style right now. I miss the old days where you could run up to people and chill touch them to death at level 5... that was fun. I did that to a few people pre 20, but once people got bash it got stupid to sit around and a complete lack of travling companions got me killed a bunch by trying to sleep people, failing, and getting trip/bashed to death.

This char was supposed to just be a necromancer experiment and a roleplay experiment. I had a REALLY neat role that got INSTANT imm attention. I had rolled Heyuda up, ranked him to level 6, got killed by a zombie... and noticed I had chosen the wrong ethos, so I deleted him, remade him with the right ethos and RIGHT after I finished the newbie EQ quest I got role xp and an Imm was already messing with me. TOTALLY took me off guard because I hadn't decided QUITE where I wanted this role to go.

I made the role a year and a half ago, played him up to 22 and deleted him to play a certain Sphere Death Druid in the Nexus Cabal. When Grecken was done, I wanted to play a villager so the role went cold and after Mergen I found this role sitting in my role locker (I have about ten or twelve roles just lying about) but the role ended up being too hard to play right now with my current mindset. After a while it became hard to play a really off his rocker stupidly insane necromancer obsessed with a guy who never existed except in the back of his head without coming off as a giant stuck in a necromancers body. ALSO without the Silent Tower, this role really doesn't have the option to reach fruition since over half of it is based off junk in there. I kind of wanted him to be a failed Yridani zapping golem that just accidentally woken up, hence the split personality. Since he was made of flesh instead of the usual insert "inanimate substance rune" here. I'll wait another year or so and play him again ... maybe.

There needs to be a way for a necromancer to sense that he's in a graveyard without attune because it takes a LONG time to get that and MOST of the graveyard spells are pre-30. Maybe a gravesense spell that costs 10-20 mana or an added feature to gravesight. Ca 'gravesight' graveyard. You sense a graveyard in the near area or you sense no graves where you are standing. Anyhow, that's my afterthoughts.
84607, RE: Yeah... Thanks to the Imms
Posted by Guy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked your Rp alot, made traveling with someone that didn't know how to rank with a necromancer fun. Heh, seriously though your role was pretty cool, especially the bits about the statues.

My only advice is, should you play another necro figure out how to rank with them a little better.. they can be pretty damn effective in a group.

84614, Braaaaaains
Posted by Fjarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked your role and had fun messing with (or in?) your head. I wanted to see the role evolve and come to life, so to speak, figuring you'd probably eventually make the "perfect" golem and maybe discover your own origins. Or go completely-er insane and be driven to action by those arguing voices in your head. I was actually kind of disappointed that you'd deleted. Not that I had "Big Plans (tm)" or anything like that - I was just having a good time.

It's probably a good thing I didn't know you'd played Grecken. I probably would have charged, driven, and cutoff you out of habit... Good luck with your next, and all that jazz.
84620, hahahahahah....
Posted by trewyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM





no... that sucked...

hahahah. :P

Yeah... I was disappointed, but I really felt like the role wasn't working and this IS a role play mud. When I feel like that I have to delete. But I feel bad because I really don't have a role I want to play right now. But if you REALLY think I was pulling off the stupidly insane split personality off right, then god damn me. . . I guess I should have stuck it out.
84623, Good, bad... I'm the guy with the gun.
Posted by Fjarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>have a role I want to play right now. But if you REALLY think
>I was pulling off the stupidly insane split personality off
>right, then god damn me. . . I guess I should have stuck it

I don't know if it was right or wrong - it's your role, so it's your call. I was having fun with it, though. I actually laughed out loud a couple of times, though that's about as awesome as a comedian laughing at his own jokes. Of course, since it is your role, you've got to make the call as to whether it's fun for you, and if 'tain't, spice it up, change directions, or start something new.
84600, Got the sense you might be new....
Posted by Mardrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Keep your head up, man. It gets easier. Necro has to be one of the hardest classes to play - maybe try something a little more durable next time.

Nothing personal killing you. :) Good luck with your next!
84603, Nope. Just REALLY bad lag.
Posted by trewyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My last necromancer had transform, tesseract, demon summon, brew, and mana transfer, even though I didn't rank him up high enough to really be noticed. I've just never been big on the necromancer class.

You killed me twice because I was so lagged I couldn't get out of the area.

You killed me once because I caught my scourge and I was going to die anyways, but I ran out of moves 3 rooms away from the healer so you just sped up the process.

Your link was faster than mine in EVERY fight. I could be spamming sleep and you'd still just walk in and bash me. So after realizing that I tended to try to avoid you when I could. Mergen had some REAL serious lag but this character would freeze up for minutes at a time. Either CF has gotten real laggy or AT&T DSL sucks. That time in the planar sanctum there was a whole 30 seconds between my seeing you and attempt to teleport and by the time I realized I couldn't and had hit the directions to the portal, you were already bashing me. Crap like that is why I WON'T play an anti-paladin right now even though I really want to.
84605, RE: Nope. Just REALLY bad lag.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have AT&T DSL and it's fine. Could be something with your computer, router, or the line to your house.
84609, I HAD AT&T dsl, and I got rid of it because it sucked. nt.
Posted by Mardrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
84613, RE: I HAD AT&T dsl, and I got rid of it because it sucked. nt.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What sucked about it? I've had almost no problems with mine.
84636, I had it too...
Posted by Stunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The service itself was bad - in that it was often slow when it was working, and was down on nearly a weekly basis. This was at my business which lead to what was probably my biggest problem with AT&T - customer service. It was like they just didn't give a #### that we didn't have access to our email, our website, our online calendar that syncs the staff up etc. - they just got to it when they got to it. Never gave us any money off or anything. I took my internet and phones at the office to Comcast - and now I pay a couple hundred less a month for a better product and better customer service.
84610, It's AT&T
Posted by trewyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
They used up too much line length to cover too small an area and even though I'm a quarter mile away from the relay I'm over a mile line length. All the techs that come and look at it say the same thing. And after we had those storms and tornados that blew out the power in the entire town two nights in a row. (Trees fall from drought, then the next day we get floods and high winds... yay) Since then it's been a little more flaky than usual. But it works fine 99% of the time and I like being able to download movies in 20 minutes and a CD in 8. So I won't worry with it TOO much.
84598, After last night...
Posted by Merothmos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really felt bad for all the times I caught you offguard with a trip and thus tried not to kill you more than once a login. Last night when I saw you at the pit, naked, starving/thirsting to death, and I felt even worse. Tried to RP with you a bit instead of just killing you but when I saw that ranger roll up and just punk you, I was like "That's probably the breaking point" and figured that I'd see your thread up here.

Good luck with whatever you roll next! Something less frail!
84602, Hahahah.... hahahah...
Posted by trewyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Stupids trips.

I won't go into details, but it seemed you followed me around while a ghost and would wait for me to unghost and then trip me. I would get my food gold and then unghost and then bam, you'd trip me to death and take my gold and I'd have to do it again. Young necromancers are weak to stealth classes. There's nothing they can do if you have a high enough dam roll.
84611, RE: Hahahah.... hahahah...
Posted by Merothmos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never followed you around as a ghost, but anytime I saw you online, I'd look for you or ask if anyone had seen you. As far as tactics go, yes, trip was quite effective against you. Flying potions are cheap! And I believe you can get flying wands for free (not a wand-class type of player, so can't confirm).

As I said though, I tried to leave you be after one kill. Luckily for me, there are plenty of evils in range usually. :D
84621, RE: Hahahah.... hahahah...
Posted by trewyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah... I "know"... It just "seemed such" because Mardrin would bash me down and then you'd trip me down literally seconds after I unghosted. I KNEW it was luck or unluck because I've been around a bit. No worries ;) Exploit them weaknesses, full loot. Make 'em hurt! I really miss the old CF sometimes... *sighs*
84645, RE: Hahahah.... hahahah...
Posted by Merothmos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really did feel bad about it after a little while and I was really hoping you'd level out of my range (you were already 9 levels above me, probably only one more and you'd have been fine, unless you were wanting to camp 36 with wraithform :P). I guess that's why I'm playing a goodie instead of an evil, I just can't bring myself to be a #### with evil RP sometimes.

As for the old CF, I miss some of it, but a lot of it I'm glad is gone. I was on a 'rage-delete pre-30' spree because of stacked XP holes and my first hero only managed to get that far because someone helped calm me down and get me out of what I believe was like a 200k hole (or something else completely ridiculous) in the late 30s.

Anyways, keep on trucking, I'm sort of glad I got some revenge on you with Heyuda now that I realize that you also played Mergen. You'll figure out why when I'm gone!