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Topic subject(DEL) Aljern the High Wizard of the Arcane
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=8436
8436, (DEL) Aljern the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Aug 9 14:04:53 2002

6 o''clock AM, Day of the Bull, 1st of the Month of the Dark Shades on the Theran calendar Aljern perished, never to return.

Cabal:SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night
PK Ratio:34% (closer to 100% is better)

8437, RE: (DEL) Aljern the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Aljern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I died stupidly to a 7-1 gang and lost all my shinies. All of my deaths were similarly stupid. There's pretty much no excuse for dying when you have duo, Dranolian did pretty well. But, this is not a rage delete over eq, even though I probably had the best set on CF after Dranolian died and Dullameh immed. Think things just would have been really boring for me with Dranolian gone. With Stargher I had the most fun and I'm sorry I won't be around for your latest instantiation, although you look like you've lost interest since I haven't seen you lately. I remember being high as hell on some hash oil and laughing hysterically seeing you trying to summon some char we'd both never seen before but as soon as he logged on it would be target = suchandsuch and spam neuro disrupt after you summoned. Damn those times were good and my times with Aljern never again reached that level of fun. However, Dranolian kept things very interesting and was around a lot so it wasn't too bad when everyone would log on five mins after Urden or especially Dullameh logged on and then all be gone five mins after they leave. Almost everytime I log on this past weak there are 5-15 good aligns in my range and 5-10 ragers and either Dranolian or no one else. With Dranolian gone, just not worth it...may have stayed a bit longer had I not lost the set but I was losing interest fast. Alright some goodbyes to the others...

Falax and Dahr: I'm sorry to you guys the most, things might have gotten interesting again once you heroed...sorry for not sticking around...hope Gales and Shensaroset aid you well

Well I am short on time but wanted to post something...will post some more goodbyes maybe later

8445, RE: (DEL) Aljern the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by doriah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
6 to 4, only as soon as the fighting started urden worded, so it was just you three and the other two fled early.
I am sorry you deleted.. you are one of the very few scions, like dranolian, who would log on seperately from everyone else.

I only knew you as two characters.. this one being Doriah, and you got me with dranolian and rhevaen twice.. that is almost half my deaths i have ever had to others.
GRR. well done.
8443, Damnit, damnit, damnit.
Posted by Alaenyth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why is everyone deleting right now? I won't deny I haven't thought about the same from general boredom, but damn, the scion heroes are getting scarce.

Good times with you, Aljern, during ranking and at hero. I've found the exact same thing with logging on: no scions, no sceptre, lots of ragers, lots of goodies. It's annoying how the balance shifts so drastically, but I enjoy a little challenge, even if it means I get my ass whupped.

Good luck with the next.
8444, Damnit, damnit, damnit indeed.
Posted by Falax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wouldn't say it's boring so much as depressing. "Ah time to log on! Oh jeez, looks like I'm the only scion above rank 30. Hey Doriah's on, maybe he wants to be friends!"

Then a nightgaunt comes and all illusions are shattered.

But anyway...we could have had fun, Aljern. I kept telling you to hold out, I go out of town for one night, and you delete. Bastard. *sigh* I'm sure it's rough being a tranny hero in Scion right now, but if you had stuck it out a few weeks, things may have gotten better.

The cabal is choking and dying, wish you'd have stayed, you who gave me the ritual.
8442, RE: (DEL) Aljern the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Stargher on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You seemed new to the class, but you turned out pretty well. You only make that mistake once...hopefully.
8441, RE: (DEL) Aljern the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Jaslanna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am starting to find these posts freaking annoying. I have been about a lot when no Chancellors are about and even have been the lone Scion about numerous times. Not everyone joined the Dullameh and Company 'band wagon'. Please don't group all Scions under this category...surely you have people in mind when you speak of these things...speak up about it. I travel alone quite frequently...which probably has hurt my 'in' status. Oh...well. I play for me...not them.
8439, RE: (DEL) Aljern the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Dranolian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Did not think it would be long to see this up here. Everyone talking about how boring it is to be in Scion. I belive I said everything in my farewell. With all these people saying how I was the one to stick around I find it hard to belive Vulgs post on why I wasn't made Chancellor.

8440, Not that it maters.
Posted by Wasarbre on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought both you and Aljern were the only ones that stuck around during tough times....Dont let it bother you, hell...you might have logged off right before a raid, had to leave quickly for some real life issue, (once in the future), and that just stuck in Vulgs head. Its a bloody game, have fun, take a break.
8438, why you are not dranolian
Posted by Lydian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
target such and such, and spam neural disprupt.
Dranolian was a thinking player, you were a one trick pony.
There were several fights against us you shouldn't have lost. I'm not great, far from it, just urging you to think about what you could have done better.
