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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Quas the Legend of the Battlefield, MageSlayer
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=84256
84256, (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Quas the Legend of the Battlefield, MageSlayer
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Aug 6 11:38:55 2009

At 5 o'clock AM, Day of Freedom, 11th of the Month of the Long Shadows
on the Theran calendar Quas perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
84549, How do you guys compete with low con?
Posted by warrior on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As far as HP recovery. I hat low con and having to recover. It takes for ever. I know there are some edges and legacies but still.
84551, RE: How do you guys compete with low con?
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd imagine wise recovery pretty much fixes the low-con issue, right?
84555, I kinda mentioned that. n/t
Posted by Warrior on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
84583, mosty people hit the major points
Posted by Quas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
by and large most warrior fighting strats don't involve a lot of healing mid fight so low con doesn't really hurt you there.

What it affects a lot is the down time you spend between fights and how often you can get caught with your pants down, these can be addressed by knowing where and when to rest, and how to get away from danger.

With wise recovery and all of the healing edges while sleeping I healed like 120+ hp a tick, even without wise recovewry if you take all the other healing edges (including the one that lets you sleep faster) you regen decently well (some races can't take wise recovery).

as far as quas went I did use field dressings a lot to heal up quickley to be able to participate in more fights and also to try and bait people into being less conservative towards me, for instance jump into a fight without resist up let them get me gushing. start running away and throw up resist + stone skin and bandage and berserk to be back at 75% hp with like a 50% dam redux and about face to pincer the person chasing me recklessly. also running around getting hurt running some more let me wait out things like sanc and barrier.
84553, RE: How do you guys compete with low con?
Posted by Landser on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wise Recovery + Avian Edges and it's not so bad.

Also, don't forget that Quas was a defender, which
helps a lot.
84556, In this case...
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He's a defender and has field dressing, which probably provides the bulk of his HP recovery (vs. natural regen)
84562, At hero, non-villagers can lug around tons of gold to spam heal heal with.
Posted by Vortex_Guest on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As well as slow preps or other useful things.

in PK you barely notice the difference in your regeneration if you spam heal heal robe (or whatever you barter for healing with) and bring a few speckleds.

in pve it shouldn't be a huge deal anyway - bring a bard or a healer or someone whose better at tanking than you are, you aren't really going to rely on natural regen to take care of most fights against NPCs.
84410, Some comments on my imm comments
Posted by Quas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Jun 22 14:34:56 2009 by 'Daevryn' at level 32 (65 hrs):
Good old pincersvirf. That well never goes dry no matter how many times you've played it. And it's a lot of ####ing times.

its been four, jarsharlax, throt, yevandr, quas, spread out over several years. I just always leave an impression I supose!

Fri Jun 26 19:35:25 2009 by 'Padwei' at level 40 (94 hrs):
I'm not sure if it's acceptable or not, but Eleazer told this guy about some imperial blade attacking the Maran, and Quas is all - "tell me when he strikes again". Wouldn't you rather ask for that info from a non-mage?

I got tells from a bunch of rangers and assumed this "someone" was a ranger as soon as i found out it wasn't I stopped talking to them.

Sun Jul 26 12:54:37 2009 by 'Thror' at level 51 (195 hrs):
Per the above, he doesn't quite seem to be learning what it requires to be a Noldarian Smith. No longer Apprenticed.

I distinctly remember asking you to remove it, not having it taken away in the suggested manner. I really felt like an aprentice with no guide because well you weren't big on outlieing what you actually ment, when I asked things like if its a raid situation can we help and you said sure thats a shared experience... I figure when its a raiding party coming and they get someone in the ruins or one step outside of it then the raid has begun, shrug. But I did enjoy the challenges I just always felt like I was wandering in the dark though.
84340, You were a very solid villager /txt
Posted by Artenno on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Pretty much exactly how I imagined villagers to be. You would go after me when I was in you way and would leave me be as I was not your enemy when I was not in your way. You were tough and ballsy but not suicidal. You understood the importance of gear, but was not a gear-whore. In other words, I really really really liked you.

Good luck with your next! (Tribunal of course, I hope!)
84348, tribunals were a tricky matter
Posted by quas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Those who just stayed out of the way I let go. which is a lot easier when dealing with warriors and what not but when you can sanc people and let them chase me it got a little trickier. IO likely should have been a little more aggressive with you and you likely should have been a little more aggressive with me but you were just a lot of fun to chit chat with and I knew I wasn't gonna kill you I just hoped to take you out of the fight long enough to let me nail someone else.

I was really trying to hit the all time record of most wanted but I think i fell 3 short of aeria. It made me chuckle when a certain newer tribunal was suggesting I was afraid of going into the city to kill. sure I wasn't going in when you guys were spam summoning but aside from that I was all for the challenge.
84332, Oh pincer svirf, how many times can you catch me out of form...
Posted by Sahel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mostly repeating what's been said by others, but great char. I always had to look out for you when out of form. I remember when we were both young and I went to arial city, reverted, and just waited for the rest my group. Of course, I didn't know you had those accursed wings. At hero, it felt like I'd run into you all the time. Although, my playing time has decreased a lot lately.

Btw, that legacy (surrounding?) is a pain when defending.

84350, I live to pincer unshifted shifters
Posted by Quas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
some people say its gay, I think its a real challenge to actually find an unshifted shifter, especialy when they know your coming for them. That time in arial city I was letting you flee and heal up and whittle me because I knew I wasn't likely to burst damage kill the bobcat, I was kind of surprised it worked out so well. But you got me back later with that walrus (walrus = YEOUCH) especially when beset by a fiend as well. surrounding def was very useful when raiding as defenders had a hard time hitting me while I fought inners and outers I bet it would be nasty in the outlander cabal.
84291, Another con dies before I hero
Posted by Inverek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm running out of enemies to get revenge on. I was close to your range, and was looking forward to getting you to drop your axes.


F****n pincer.
84351, hehe
Posted by quas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I tended to run with something like +17 str on me and light axes. But a-p's were also an interesting fight because you guys just have o many options available to you.
84290, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Quas the Legend of the Battlefield, MageSlayer
Posted by Bartis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, we had some good times. Well done with the Mageslayer. I knew when you told me how many mage kills you had that you had me beat. Nice work!
84284, Tough little bastard - props.
Posted by Rohais on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Next time I fight you can you please play something a bit less indestructible ;P I tried ganging, prepping, bashing, maledicting. All failures...

Very curious about your legacies/edges. That time when I made you drop both your weapons only for you to disappear and reappear drop a phat pincer on my ass and nearly kill me made my jaw drop.

84349, well
Posted by Quas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
as for legacies I was crashing/surrounding. for edges I had every single healing edge, remain conscious, ehren soul, shield eyes, zombie fighter, battle tested, the move regen one.

as a defender when fighting groups I relied a lot on using the rope a dope, that is making myself look foobared and get people to overcommit on the chase. In the last case I was carrying str gear in my inventory so as soon as i fled i field dressing, berserk (thats 260 hp) wear my svirfy gloves, rewield and throw up stone skin and come back at you hoping you spammed in some skills while chasing.

the whole let myself get beat up and have groups get greedy on the chase was what landed me most of my kills at hero, I mean pincer is great but that 3 round lag vs 2 for the enemy gives people a HUGE amount of wiggle room to know when to flee if your beating them straight up. and you know there is the huge fail rate on pincer too.
84283, Good byes
Posted by Quas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well it was a long ride. To start from the begining for all of those guys way back when i frustrated during my interview process. Quas began life as a mind slave of ilithiliches which he escaped when a cavein severed his ring finger (that had the magical ring keeping him enslaved on it). The liches were secretive and branded all the slaves with runes that prevented them from talking about anything related to the liches which is why quas couldn't talk about why he hated mages. I followed thror because he was seeking inner strength to be able to resist should the liches come back and try to enslave him.

good byes

Thror: Man I never really understood your religion, I came into it as a total noob and caught a few left hooks off the bat. In the end though I had to leave because whats a defender who doesn't patch his cabal mates in need. I really enjoyed the attention you give your followers and while I was not a huge fan of you coming back to the imm staff I think your doing positive things for the game.

woldrun: not that there was anything wrong about you but being a villager was ten times more fun with you gone. Especially the part about not having to stick my thumb up my ass everytime a mage hid in a cabal. You were a good leader but too strict about certain things for a player like me who is a go get em guy.

ghrummin, bartis, revilyn: we had some good times.

yean: I assume it was you, thanks for the cabal edge, it was nice but I would suggest making one small addition to it, allow a defender to poultice or field dressings once into negative mana with it and it would be rockin. thanks for all the belts and stuff. I wonder if you knew this or not but I was also the very first mageslayer ever (yay drovis)


kyl: great fights
bogrel: good fights
biklaha: we loose our backbone fast unless we got others to hide around.
nim: can I have what you smoke?
rohais: I liked the banter
quad: How did you ooutlive me?


adeglichf: I hate the secret room, outside of their we had a lot of great fights. it was nice to see you all grown up after spending so much time power ranking with you as flimbert.
artenno: You make me laugh, you were a breath of fresh air.
oe-guy: your incompetant
jeb: your also incompetant, seriously you two common sense goes a long way


Lornis: damn bashing gate guards, I almost had you a couple of times but that regen combo of yours is tough
messerv: great fights
frismund: Great fights, def the toughest necro I fought (never fought ahtieli with this char somehow)


empire who?

stop snaring me seriously!!!!!

QUIRD: WE had a great thing goin against that tribby horde didn't we?

ok it has been a long time anyone else shout out and I will get back to you

Character list
84287, God I hated you.
Posted by Wegge on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No wands + Herald Muter= Bad vs. Axes.

The two times I died to you, and one time I ganged you I tried to get some kind of conversations rolling, to no avail.

Sorry about the ganging on the outskirts of Galadon,
and nice move attacking the Inn, left me little choice.
Hindsight I should have waited to try and get around those axes, but two rounds and dead stinks =)

and overall well played sir from what I could tell from a PK perspective.
84295, I had some really mixed feelings on this character.
Posted by Lornis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lets start with the great. I thought it was great how often you were around and kept trucking regardless of the odds. I have much respect for that and believe you stuck it out when others weren't. You continue to show up even when your leadership seems to have fallen off a lot compared to how they used to play. Good job on that and you were a great adversary. I thought you were also amazingly good at avoiding people when you wanted to. You lost me a couple of times where I was just scratching my head going...can he really move that fast, or what in the world???!? You also were very good at playing a defender on the pk side of things. I couldn't speak to how you did as a Defender with other villagers. All I know is that you played the combo of warrior/defender/specs/legacies very well.

Now lets start with what "I" percieve are some negatives. I realize my opinions on this are subjective and therefore take them or leave them. I was often surprised at how willing you were to jump in on people when they were fighting someone else. I think that the village has really loosened this part of the villager stigma too much. It used to be that courage was expected of all villagers and I feel like it is now only expected of berserkers. Maybe the Battle Imms will give some clearer direction on this? The other thing that just made my jaw drop was when you would raid me with healers, paladins or something else. Yes...you never had them commune on you that I could tell, but I just think that is really "walking the line." That last raid where you and Malakhi raided with a maran and an acolyte was surreal. I thought I was fighting there in bizzaro world. All in all, not things that were "wrong" but seemed very borderline to me.

I'm not perfect and I get frustrated sometimes too easily, so I know I'm not one to judge, I just wanted to give my observations.

Hope you have fun with your next.
84353, hey
Posted by Quas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Lets start with the great. I thought it was great how often
>you were around and kept trucking regardless of the odds. I
>have much respect for that and believe you stuck it out when
>others weren't. You continue to show up even when your
>leadership seems to have fallen off a lot compared to how they
>used to play. Good job on that and you were a great
>adversary. I thought you were also amazingly good at avoiding
>people when you wanted to. You lost me a couple of times
>where I was just scratching my head going...can he really move
>that fast, or what in the world???!? You also were very good
>at playing a defender on the pk side of things. I couldn't
>speak to how you did as a Defender with other villagers. All
>I know is that you played the combo of
>warrior/defender/specs/legacies very well.

Thank you.

>Now lets start with what "I" percieve are some negatives. I
>realize my opinions on this are subjective and therefore take
>them or leave them. I was often surprised at how willing you
>were to jump in on people when they were fighting someone
>else. I think that the village has really loosened this part
>of the villager stigma too much. It used to be that courage
>was expected of all villagers and I feel like it is now only
>expected of berserkers. Maybe the Battle Imms will give some
>clearer direction on this? The other thing that just made my
>jaw drop was when you would raid me with healers, paladins or
>something else. Yes...you never had them commune on you that
>I could tell, but I just think that is really "walking the
>line." That last raid where you and Malakhi raided with a
>maran and an acolyte was surreal. I thought I was fighting
>there in bizzaro world. All in all, not things that were
>"wrong" but seemed very borderline to me.

Well first off wouldn't you describe that first paragraph as fighting with courage? Courage has more to do with are you willing to throw down when things look tough, honor has to do with not throwing down on the weak fellow or person in a weak spot, quas had courage not honor. I was also watched a lot by several imms so you can be assured that it wasn't often that I ganged. That last raid you had you and satoshi defending. I don't know if you ever tried to fight an alligator while softened and slowed wielding axes and getting bashed but let me assure you its brief and painful, hence why we didn't protest when the marans evened up the odds (since scion is the toughest cabal to raid with multiple defenders making portals). We were also shocked they didn't try and kill malaki honestly we were group talking about how bizarre that was but neither was a mage and neither was making a move on us so we let them be. in the end of course though a winged nightealker stole the scepter and dissapeared how sucky is that.

>I'm not perfect and I get frustrated sometimes too easily, so
>I know I'm not one to judge, I just wanted to give my
>Hope you have fun with your next.

thanks and I am sure we will scrap again, but the combo I rolled is gonna be pretty much offensive shifter bait (really bad tanking and dr).
84298, RE: Good byes
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think I came back and left my religion a little too open for interpretation. In fact, I had to spend some time in my own shrine (going through some old documents) to understand it's core again. With that in mind, the religion has two defining aspects. While at times you met one, you never really grasped both.

It is my goal to interact with all cabals and give opportunities to people who are not of my cabal or religion (Arrna for instance).

I've done this through mob interaction, dreams, etc. Quas was a special individual. You gave a tremendous effort and I felt your character was pure quality. Through the demon quest, I wanted to try to reward him and to some degree I did. As you matured as a follower, I wanted to reward you further. Unfortunately you blew through con!

Regardless - this was a very, very entertaining character to follow around. I spent a huge amount of time observing (thus the smites) but when I saw you didn't grasp the religion I had to be firm IC. Hopefully the interactions we did have helped you to understand some aspects of the religion in order to bring you back as a potential Noldarian. Great job and good luck with the next. Really, really solid character.
84302, hey
Posted by quas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
would you believe i was aiming to be an aprentice of the anvil. tee hee
84306, Going to miss seeing you
Posted by Adeglicfh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always new I had to have protections up when you were on, cause no matter what sooner or later I was getting pincered.

Other then traping you in the locked rooms, I never had a chance to seal the kill on you. Damn Defenders.

Did you get a new legacy at the end? I noticed my pets had a hard time engaging you, figured that was what it was.

Aside from that, I don't think we talked much until the end, when you finally started to tell me how Magistrates had supposedly wronged you. but at that time with over 50 warrants. I wasn't going to look to much into what I don't see first hand.

And it was fun with Flimbert. Hopefully our next we are on the same side, or atleast no against each other.
84309, actually about the mage thing
Posted by quas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
only until my last 3 days did i talk to mages, quas wasn't interested in changing them just killing them so why bother forming a relationship.

the last few days I just got a little more go with the flow then before.

I have never had a third legacy ever, I was just drawing the fights off the roads because surrounding works better off of them. and I think that the bugs with zombies assisint each other 5 times in a round got adressed (which is how they got through surrounding so fast before).

that said and I am surprised more people didn't realize it. you beat surrounding by not using an opening attack and just letting assist go through because surrounding does not trigger on pc autoassist.
84314, Haha
Posted by Biklaha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why you think you were worse prepping? I hate to harvest those stoneskin/shield/auras - to waste them on some weakling like you:) Though u srely were not that weak. Actualy I think you are even bit more skilled than for example Bartis but your build was much much more weaker. So fighting you I just usualy waited for blue moon or used that simple old gank. Don't like it? it's not my problem. I guess you haven't spent even one minute spent for preping during all Quas's life, haven't you?
84316, Bleh, I hate there is no edit button here. So many grammar mistakes even for my poor enrish:) nt
Posted by Biklaha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
84317, And also
Posted by Biklaha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For the record. You haven't got me even once while I did it solo at least once. And numerous times within a ganksquad, so if I somehow made a pain in your balls deal with it somehow else than talking out of your ass on forums. And GLWYN I realy liked Quas.
84328, HAHAHHAHA, "made a pain in your balls! " HAHAHAHAHA nt
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Freaking Classic!
84346, LOL, yea and...
Posted by Stunna1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I also like the mispronunciation (is that what you call it?) of "engrish" to "enrish."

Not to pick on the guy... he knows his grammar is bad, and that's probably why his post comes off like a jerk to Quas. Still, it's funny. :)
84321, RE: Good byes
Posted by Quad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah, Ah'm suprised to see ye gone.. Quas was a mean lean fightin machine even since when Quad first met ye and ye break Quad's long mithril voulge... Lookin forward to face ye in the field with your next beast...
84343, RE: Good byes
Posted by En... on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
yean: I assume it was you, thanks for the cabal edge, it was nice but I would suggest making one small addition to it, allow a defender to poultice or field dressings once into negative mana with it and it would be rockin. thanks for all the belts and stuff. I wonder if you knew this or not but I was also the very first mageslayer ever (yay drovis)

This was me lobbying for the cabal edge, I also had the trigger setup for when you died to ... get mageslayer closet;give mageslayer quas
84352, hey thanks
Posted by quas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
it was a little embarrasing to pray every hour or so for a new one. you guys should consider making a tag for veteran gear so that only cabal vets can use it and it returns to their cabal like a leader weapon since you have that command that sets up people as vets now.

If I could handle the engrish i might someday try an imperial enlilth follower.
84371, RE: hey thanks
Posted by Alex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You will suck as all others exept ravon/crafted. Only permas allowed to play imperials.
84344, Quas who? n/t
Posted by Ahtieli2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
84345, Lol, noob
Posted by Dwoggurd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
84492, Villagers often kick ass
Posted by Quird on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I felt so sorry for you because everytime I scouted you from the air, you had a gank on your tail. Whether it was tribunal, nexus or scion (mostly apps). Jumping Adeg like that was great, he managed to seperate himself quite far from the bunch that were following but if they'd all rushed in to find the two of us waiting it would have been a proper ####fest. And I don't doubt we'd have been sitting ontop of a big pile of corpses after! I'm glad I asked you about the demon thing, because some outlanders (including myself) were considering gunning for you if you served a demon. See you around!
84272, Well, I'm glad I got to see you once before you went.
Posted by Malakhi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Our playing times never intersected.

I'm curious, though, how you know your mage PKs and mine with such specificity. Just an educated guess?
84273, well
Posted by quas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I kept track of mine and asked yean if I was close to you. being told when i have 30 mage kills that you had 6 times as many as me allowed me to ball park it.

I am very good with numbers too.

i suggest next time we switch eh? I will do the mace arial and you do the pincer svirf eh? haha
84270, You were a good enemy
Posted by Masigner on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You got me once when I failed word a couple of times, in Hamsah, which was bearable because I'd have been flagged owing to my elemental otherwise. Not that I live long enough to worry about tribunals killing me.

You were pretty cool in victory, so I was hoping to return the favor. I think I only got you solo today, and then, of course, there was that end fight against three of us.

You were tough, persistant, and pretty scary for me. Killing you alone is the high point of Masigner's pks. Even if it did take me about 10 servitors and you got the archmage to writhing before I finally managed to run you down.
84274, ohh yoiu got no idea the timing on that
Posted by quas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
i got thirsty and was falling back, as I was leaving the chasm got hit with blind from the portal failed to cure it with 3 true sights and well then I was blind for 12 ticks and dieing of thirst with no mana... so I was doneski.

all in all it was good fights, I was trying to get your servitors agravated by leaving them convulsing and stuff but I couldn't get them to turn.
84285, I think it was the ice devil
Posted by Masigner on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But it was lucky timing.

** After I recalled and healed...

<1142hp 672m 680mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 7 AM indoor civilized waning> At the Base of the Stairs

A twisted branch of wood is here upon the ground.
A winged, black creature seems to flow through a pool of shadows around it.
(WANTED) Quas is here.

<1142hp 672m 679mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 7 AM indoor civilized waning>
Quas's thirst hits him.

<1177hp 772m 791mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 8 AM indoor civilized waning> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<1177hp 772m 791mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 8 AM indoor civilized waning> fam murder quasYou tell your familiar to 'murder quas'.
>> In your dreams, or what?

<1177hp 772m 791mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 8 AM indoor civilized waning>
The shadows blur and flicker momentarily.
The chilling breeze hits Quas.
A lesser ice devil has arrived.
A winged Nightwalker steps out of the shadows.
A winged Nightwalker hisses viciously after failing its attempt to steal from Quas!

<1177hp 772m 791mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 8 AM indoor civilized waning>
Quas goes to sleep.
>> A winged Nightwalker yells 'Quas! Now you die!'
A winged Nightwalker yells 'Quas! Now you die!'
A winged Nightwalker's defilement EVISCERATES Quas!

<1177hp 772m 791mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 8 AM indoor civilized waning> lash quasYou lash at Quas's feet with an alligator-skin whip!
Your lash misses Quas.
>> Quas yells 'Help! Masigner is lashing me!'
Quas yells 'Help! Masigner is lashing me!'
Quas is gushing blood.

<1177hp 772m 791mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 8 AM indoor civilized waning>
A winged Nightwalker's defilement decimates Quas!
Quas parries your stinging lash.
Quas parries your stinging lash.
Quas's pierce MANGLES a winged Nightwalker!
A winged Nightwalker is DEAD!!
Quas is gushing blood.

<1177hp 772m 791mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 8 AM indoor civilized waning>
Your shield blocks Quas's pierce.
Quas is gushing blood.

<1177hp 772m 791mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 8 AM indoor civilized waning>
>> Quas yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by a shadowed Druk'Trar!'
Quas yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by a shadowed Druk'Trar!'
Quas shudders involuntarily.
A lesser ice devil gestures at Quas, uttering blasphemies.
A lesser ice devil's energy drain scratches Quas.
Quas is gushing blood.

<1177hp 772m 791mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 8 AM indoor civilized waning> fam n
Quas gets in one more shot on a shadowed Druk'Trar as it flees.
Quas's parting blow MANGLES a shadowed Druk'Trar!
A shadowed Druk'Trar has fled!
Quas parries your stinging lash.
Your stinging lash decimates Quas!
Quas's pierce MUTILATES you!
Quas's cleave EVISCERATES you!
You parry Quas's pierce.
Quas is gushing blood.

<1091hp 772m 791mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 8 AM indoor civilized waning> fam murder quasYou tell your familiar to 'north'.
>> In your dreams, or what?
Quas is gushing blood.

<1091hp 772m 791mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 8 AM indoor civilized waning> You tell your familiar to 'murder quas'.
>> In your dreams, or what?
Quas is gushing blood.

<1091hp 772m 791mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 8 AM indoor civilized waning>
A winged Nightwalker hisses viciously after failing its attempt to steal from Quas!
A lesser ice devil gestures at Quas, uttering blasphemies.
Quas appears to be blinded.
A winged Nightwalker steps out of the shadows.
A winged Nightwalker hisses viciously after failing its attempt to steal from Quas!
Quas parries your stinging lash.
Quas parries your stinging lash.
You parry Quas's pierce.
Quas's cleave EVISCERATES you!
Quas's cleave MUTILATES you!
Quas is gushing blood.

<1002hp 772m 791mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 8 AM indoor civilized waning>
Quas has fled!
Quas leaves east.

<1002hp 772m 791mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 8 AM indoor civilized waning> fam wkaeYour familiar can't do that.

<1002hp 772m 791mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 8 AM indoor civilized waning>
Quas has arrived.

<1002hp 772m 791mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 8 AM indoor civilized waning>
Quas leaves up.

<1002hp 772m 791mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 8 AM indoor civilized waning> sThe Shroud of the Unspoken

A tunic made of hardened leather is here.
The axe of a lumberjack lies here.
A pair of boots made from stiff leather are here.
A large axe sits with its blade stuck in the ground.
A small piece of bone carved into a circle lies here.
( 2) A piece of leather lies here, almost scorched to bits.
A shield of dark-elf craftsmanship calls to be used.
Some leather sleeves have been left here.
A small pouch lies in the dirt.
The Altar of Eternal Night rests here in the center of the room.
(Humming) A pit of eternal darkness lies before you.
A grinning black imp is sleeping here.
A black rift flickers and blurs in the air, absorbing the light.
The Archmage of Eternal Night stands before you, grim and forboding.
(White Aura) The Dark Healer keeps a watchful eye on her Scions.
A terrible black shadow slides out from the depths of the portal.
It flickers and solidifies, taking the form of a Nightwalker!
A lesser ice devil has arrived.

<1002hp 772m 790mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 8 AM indoor civilized waning> fam wakenYou tell your familiar to 'wake'.
>> You wake and stand up.
A grinning black imp wakes and stands up.

<1055hp 842m 799mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM indoor civilized waning> >> Masigner leaves north.
At the Base of the Stairs

( 2) (Glowing) A demonic looking pendant lays here upon the ground.
A twisted branch of wood is here upon the ground.
A winged, black creature seems to flow through a pool of shadows around it.
A winged, black creature seems to flow through a pool of shadows around it.
>> You follow Masigner north.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> At the Base of the Stairs
>> ( 2) (Glowing) A demonic looking pendant lays here upon the ground.
>> A twisted branch of wood is here upon the ground.
>> Masigner the human is here.
>> A winged, black creature seems to flow through a pool of shadows around it.
>> (Hide) A winged, black creature seems to flow through a pool of shadows around it.
>> A winged, black creature seems to flow through a pool of shadows around it.
>> (Hide) A winged, black creature seems to flow through a pool of shadows around it.

<1055hp 842m 798mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM indoor civilized waning> wherePeople near you:
(PK) Masigner At the Base of the Stairs
(PK) Quas Above the Chasm

<1055hp 842m 798mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM indoor civilized waning> u>> Masigner leaves up.
The Convergence

>> You follow Masigner up.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> The Convergence
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1055hp 842m 797mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM indoor civilized waning> u>> Masigner leaves up.
A Somber Chamber

>> You follow Masigner up.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Somber Chamber
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1055hp 842m 796mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM indoor civilized waning> uu>> Masigner leaves up.
Within the Maw of Stone

>> You follow Masigner up.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Within the Maw of Stone
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1055hp 842m 795mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM indoor civilized waning> >> Masigner leaves up.
Above the Chasm

(WANTED) Quas is here.
>> You follow Masigner up.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Above the Chasm
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> (WANTED) Quas the svirfnebli is here.

<1055hp 842m 794mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM indoor civilized waning> fam murder quasYou tell your familiar to 'murder quas'.
>> Quas yells 'Help! I am being attacked by someone!'
Quas yells 'Help! I am being attacked by someone!'
>> Quas dodges your bite.
>> A lesser ice devil has arrived.
A lesser ice devil has arrived.

<1055hp 842m 794mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM indoor civilized waning> wherePeople near you:
(PK) Masigner Above the Chasm
(PK) Quas Above the Chasm

<1055hp 842m 794mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM indoor civilized waning>
A grinning black imp's bite EVISCERATES Quas!
>> Your bite EVISCERATES Quas!
A grinning black imp's bite EVISCERATES Quas!
>> Your bite EVISCERATES Quas!
>> You dodge Quas's pierce.
Quas's cleave decimates a grinning black imp!
>> Quas's cleave decimates you!
Quas's cleave mauls a grinning black imp.
>> Quas's cleave mauls you.

<1055hp 842m 794mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM indoor civilized waning>
A curious newcomer: Oh, I see. Thanks.

<1055hp 842m 794mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM indoor civilized waning> lash quasQuas exploits the battle's chaos, placing himself beyond your reach.
>> Quas exploits the battle's chaos, avoiding Masigner adeptly.

<1055hp 842m 794mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM indoor civilized waning>
>> Quas has fled!
Quas has fled!
>> Quas leaves south.
Quas leaves south.

<1055hp 842m 794mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM indoor civilized waning> whereswherePeople near you:
(PK) Masigner Above the Chasm

<1055hp 842m 794mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM indoor civilized waning> >> Masigner leaves south.
Wandering in the Desert

Something seems horribly wrong with the plant life here.

(WANTED) Quas is here.
A surefooted goat is here, moving through the mountains.
>> You follow Masigner south.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert

>> Something seems horribly wrong with the plant life here.
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> (WANTED) Quas the svirfnebli is here.
>> A surefooted goat is here, moving through the mountains.
>> Quas looks more enlightened.
Quas looks more enlightened.

<1055hp 842m 791mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM outdoor civilized waning> fam murder quasPeople near you:
(PK) Masigner Wandering in the Desert
(PK) Quas Wandering in the Desert

<1055hp 842m 791mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM outdoor civilized waning> You tell your familiar to 'murder quas'.
>> Quas yells 'Help! I am being attacked by someone!'
Quas yells 'Help! I am being attacked by someone!'
>> Quas dodges your bite.
>> The shadows blur and flicker momentarily.
The shadows blur and flicker momentarily.
>> A lesser ice devil has arrived.
A lesser ice devil has arrived.

<1055hp 842m 791mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM outdoor civilized waning> lash quasYou lash at Quas's feet with an alligator-skin whip!
>> Masigner lashes an alligator-skin whip at Quas's feet!
>> Masigner's lash misses Quas.
Your lash misses Quas.
>> Quas yells 'Help! Someone is lashing me!'
Quas yells 'Help! Someone is lashing me!'
Quas is writhing in agony.

<1055hp 842m 791mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM outdoor civilized waning>
>> Quas parries your bite.
A grinning black imp's bite MUTILATES Quas!
>> Your bite MUTILATES Quas!
>> Quas has fled!
Quas has fled!
>> Quas leaves south.
Quas leaves south.

<1055hp 842m 791mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM outdoor civilized waning> swhere
>> Exposed to the light of the sun, a shadowed Druk'Trar disperses into a cloud of shadowy mist.
Exposed to the light of the sun, a shadowed Druk'Trar disperses into a cloud of shadowy mist.
>> A goat leaves east.
A goat leaves east.

<1055hp 842m 791mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM outdoor civilized waning> fam murder quaswhere>> Masigner leaves south.
Wandering in the Desert

>> You follow Masigner south.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> A lesser ice devil has arrived.
A lesser ice devil has arrived.

<1055hp 842m 782mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM outdoor civilized waning> People near you:
(PK) Masigner Wandering in the Desert

<1055hp 842m 782mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM outdoor civilized waning> You tell your familiar to 'murder quas'.
>> They aren't here.

<1055hp 842m 782mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM outdoor civilized waning> People near you:
(PK) Masigner Wandering in the Desert

<1055hp 842m 782mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM outdoor civilized waning> n>> Masigner leaves north.
Wandering in the Desert

Something seems horribly wrong with the plant life here.

>> You follow Masigner north.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert

>> Something seems horribly wrong with the plant life here.
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1055hp 842m 773mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM outdoor civilized waning> wherePeople near you:
(PK) Masigner Wandering in the Desert
(PK) Quas Wandering in the Desert

<1055hp 842m 773mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM outdoor civilized waning> ww>> Masigner leaves west.
Wandering in the Desert

>> You follow Masigner west.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1055hp 842m 764mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM outdoor civilized waning> where>> Masigner leaves west.
Wandering in the Desert

>> You follow Masigner west.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1055hp 842m 751mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM outdoor civilized waning> People near you:
(PK) Masigner Wandering in the Desert

<1055hp 842m 751mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM outdoor civilized waning> ww
>> A lesser ice devil has arrived.
A lesser ice devil has arrived.

<1055hp 842m 751mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM outdoor civilized waning> >> Masigner leaves west.
Wandering in the Desert

>> You follow Masigner west.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1055hp 842m 738mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM outdoor civilized waning> >> Masigner leaves west.
Wandering in the Desert

>> You follow Masigner west.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1055hp 842m 725mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM outdoor civilized waning> whereePeople near you:
(PK) Masigner Wandering in the Desert
(PK) Quas Wandering in the Desert

<1055hp 842m 725mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM outdoor civilized waning> e>> Masigner leaves east.
Wandering in the Desert

>> You follow Masigner east.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1055hp 842m 712mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM outdoor civilized waning> >> Masigner leaves east.
Wandering in the Desert

Chittering to itself, a lesser ice devil crouches here.
>> You follow Masigner east.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> Chittering to itself, a lesser ice devil crouches here.

<1055hp 842m 699mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM outdoor civilized waning> ww>> Masigner leaves west.
Wandering in the Desert

>> You follow Masigner west.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1055hp 842m 686mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM outdoor civilized waning> w>> Masigner leaves west.
Wandering in the Desert

>> You follow Masigner west.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1055hp 842m 673mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM outdoor civilized waning> where>> Masigner leaves west.
Caravan Road

>> You follow Masigner west.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Caravan Road
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1055hp 842m 667mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM outdoor civilized waning> wherePeople near you:
(PK) Masigner Caravan Road
(PK) Quas Caravan Road
>> A lesser ice devil has arrived.
A lesser ice devil has arrived.

<1055hp 842m 667mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM outdoor civilized waning> wPeople near you:
(PK) Masigner Caravan Road
(PK) Quas Caravan Road

<1055hp 842m 667mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM outdoor civilized waning> w>> Masigner leaves west.
Wandering in the Desert

A traveling merchant from Hamsah Mu'tazz is here bartering with the tribe.
>> You follow Masigner west.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> A traveling merchant from Hamsah Mu'tazz is here bartering with the tribe.

<1055hp 842m 654mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 9 AM outdoor civilized waning> where


<1089hp 1024m 799mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning> >> Masigner leaves west.
Wandering in the Desert

>> You follow Masigner west.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1089hp 1024m 786mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning> People near you:
(PK) Masigner Wandering in the Desert
(PK) Quas Caravan Road

<1089hp 1024m 786mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning> ww>> Masigner leaves west.
Wandering in the Desert

A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.
A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.
>> You follow Masigner west.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.
>> A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.

<1089hp 1024m 773mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning> where>> Masigner leaves west.
Wandering in the Desert

A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.
A huge scorpion crawls along searching for food.
A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.
A man dressed in desert colors scans the area for prey.
>> You follow Masigner west.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.
>> A huge scorpion crawls along searching for food.
>> A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.
>> A man dressed in desert colors scans the area for prey.

<1089hp 1024m 760mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning> ePeople near you:
(PK) Masigner Wandering in the Desert
(PK) Quas Wandering in the Desert

<1089hp 1024m 760mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning> e>> Masigner leaves east.
Wandering in the Desert

A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.
A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.
>> You follow Masigner east.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.
>> A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.

<1089hp 1024m 747mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning>
>> A lesser ice devil has arrived.
A lesser ice devil has arrived.

<1089hp 1024m 747mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning> >> Masigner leaves east.
Wandering in the Desert

>> You follow Masigner east.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1089hp 1024m 734mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning> ww>> Masigner leaves west.
Wandering in the Desert

Chittering to itself, a lesser ice devil crouches here.
A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.
A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.
>> You follow Masigner west.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> Chittering to itself, a lesser ice devil crouches here.
>> A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.
>> A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.

<1089hp 1024m 721mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning> where>> Masigner leaves west.
Wandering in the Desert

A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.
A huge scorpion crawls along searching for food.
A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.
A man dressed in desert colors scans the area for prey.
>> You follow Masigner west.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.
>> A huge scorpion crawls along searching for food.
>> A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.
>> A man dressed in desert colors scans the area for prey.

<1089hp 1024m 708mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning> People near you:
(PK) Masigner Wandering in the Desert
(PK) Quas Wandering in the Desert

<1089hp 1024m 708mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning> ss>> Masigner leaves south.
Wandering in the Desert

(WANTED) Quas is here.
A smaller mantis is busy cleaning the kills of the day.
>> You follow Masigner south.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> (WANTED) Quas the svirfnebli is here.
>> A smaller mantis is busy cleaning the kills of the day.

<1089hp 1024m 695mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning> s>> Masigner leaves south.
Wandering in the Desert

A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.
>> You follow Masigner south.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.

<1089hp 1024m 682mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning> where
>> A lesser ice devil has arrived.
A lesser ice devil has arrived.

<1089hp 1024m 682mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning> fam murder quas>> Masigner leaves south.
Wandering in the Desert

>> You follow Masigner south.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1089hp 1024m 669mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning> People near you:
(PK) Masigner Wandering in the Desert
(PK) Quas Wandering in the Desert

<1089hp 1024m 669mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning> whereYou tell your familiar to 'murder quas'.
>> They aren't here.

<1089hp 1024m 669mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning> People near you:
(PK) Masigner Wandering in the Desert
(PK) Quas Wandering in the Desert

<1089hp 1024m 669mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning>
>> A lesser ice devil has arrived.
A lesser ice devil has arrived.

<1089hp 1024m 669mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning> n>> Masigner leaves north.
Wandering in the Desert

(WANTED) Quas is here.
A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.
>> You follow Masigner north.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> (WANTED) Quas the svirfnebli is here.
>> A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.

<1089hp 1024m 656mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning> fam murder quasYou tell your familiar to 'murder quas'.
>> Quas yells 'Help! I am being attacked by someone!'
Quas yells 'Help! I am being attacked by someone!'
A grinning black imp's bite EVISCERATES Quas!
>> Your bite EVISCERATES Quas!
>> Quas has fled!
Quas has fled!
>> Quas leaves south.
Quas leaves south.

<1089hp 1024m 656mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning> lash quasThey aren't here.
>> A lesser ice devil has arrived.
A lesser ice devil has arrived.

<1089hp 1024m 656mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning> s>> Masigner leaves south.
Wandering in the Desert

(WANTED) Quas is here.
>> You follow Masigner south.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> (WANTED) Quas the svirfnebli is here.

<1089hp 1024m 643mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning> wherefam murder quasPeople near you:
(PK) Masigner Wandering in the Desert
(PK) Quas Wandering in the Desert

<1089hp 1024m 643mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning> You tell your familiar to 'murder quas' when it can.

<1089hp 1024m 643mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning> lash quas
>> Quas leaves east.
Quas leaves east.

<1089hp 1024m 643mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning>
Your familiar remembers to 'murder quas'.
>> They aren't here.

<1089hp 1024m 643mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning> They aren't here.

<1089hp 1024m 643mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning> e>> Masigner leaves east.
Wandering in the Desert

A small cake of unleavened bread lies here.
Two small piles of tuara hide have been tossed aside.
A large piece of leather almost blends into the sands that cover it.
(WANTED) Quas is here.
>> You follow Masigner east.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> A small cake of unleavened bread lies here.
>> Two small piles of tuara hide have been tossed aside.
>> A large piece of leather almost blends into the sands that cover it.
>> Masigner the human is here.
>> (WANTED) Quas the svirfnebli is here.

<1089hp 1024m 630mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning> e
>> A lesser ice devil has arrived.
A lesser ice devil has arrived.

<1089hp 1024m 630mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning> lash quas>> Masigner leaves east.
Wandering in the Desert

A bandit with hopes of waylaying a merchant scans the area intensely.
A nomad tribesman looks up, from working on a tent as you approach.
A large tan and gray lizard is here, basking on a rock.
A large tan and gray lizard is here, basking on a rock.
>> You follow Masigner east.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> A bandit with hopes of waylaying a merchant scans the area intensely.
>> A nomad tribesman looks up, from working on a tent as you approach.
>> A large tan and gray lizard is here, basking on a rock.
>> A large tan and gray lizard is here, basking on a rock.

<1089hp 1024m 617mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning> They aren't here.

<1089hp 1024m 617mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 10 AM outdoor civilized waning> wlash quas
>> Quas has arrived.
Quas has arrived.
Your planar ward crumbles.
>> Quas's thirst wounds him.
Quas's thirst wounds him.

<1123hp 1197m 785mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 11 AM outdoor civilized waning> >> Masigner leaves west.
Wandering in the Desert

A small cake of unleavened bread lies here.
Two small piles of tuara hide have been tossed aside.
A large piece of leather almost blends into the sands that cover it.
Chittering to itself, a lesser ice devil crouches here.
>> You follow Masigner west.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> A small cake of unleavened bread lies here.
>> Two small piles of tuara hide have been tossed aside.
>> A large piece of leather almost blends into the sands that cover it.
>> Masigner the human is here.
>> Chittering to itself, a lesser ice devil crouches here.

<1123hp 1197m 776mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 11 AM outdoor civilized waning> They aren't here.

<1123hp 1197m 776mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 11 AM outdoor civilized waning> wAlas, you cannot go that way.

<1123hp 1197m 776mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 11 AM outdoor civilized waning> lash quaswheresThey aren't here.

<1123hp 1197m 776mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 11 AM outdoor civilized waning> People near you:
(PK) Masigner Wandering in the Desert
(PK) Quas Wandering in the Desert

<1123hp 1197m 776mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 11 AM outdoor civilized waning> >> Masigner leaves south.
Northern Watch

A man dressed in desert colors scans the area for prey.
A huge hulking warrior guards the entrance to the camp.
A huge hulking warrior guards the entrance to the camp.
A huge hulking warrior guards the entrance to the camp.
A huge hulking warrior guards the entrance to the camp.
>> You follow Masigner south.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Northern Watch
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> A man dressed in desert colors scans the area for prey.
>> A huge hulking warrior guards the entrance to the camp.
>> A huge hulking warrior guards the entrance to the camp.
>> A huge hulking warrior guards the entrance to the camp.
>> A huge hulking warrior guards the entrance to the camp.

<1123hp 1197m 770mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 11 AM outdoor civilized waning> where
>> A lesser ice devil has arrived.
A lesser ice devil has arrived.

<1123hp 1197m 770mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 11 AM outdoor civilized waning> People near you:
(PK) Masigner Northern Watch
(PK) Quas Wandering in the Desert

<1123hp 1197m 770mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 11 AM outdoor civilized waning> n>> Masigner leaves north.
Wandering in the Desert

A small cake of unleavened bread lies here.
Two small piles of tuara hide have been tossed aside.
A large piece of leather almost blends into the sands that cover it.
>> You follow Masigner north.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> A small cake of unleavened bread lies here.
>> Two small piles of tuara hide have been tossed aside.
>> A large piece of leather almost blends into the sands that cover it.
>> Masigner the human is here.

<1123hp 1197m 764mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 11 AM outdoor civilized waning> scanWandering in the Desert

A small cake of unleavened bread lies here.
Two small piles of tuara hide have been tossed aside.
A large piece of leather almost blends into the sands that cover it.
A wide grin splits the face of this odd black imp.

<1123hp 1197m 764mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 11 AM outdoor civilized waning> sca nYou scan north.
>> Masigner scans north.
***** Range 1 *****
A traveling merchant from Hamsah Mu'tazz is here bartering with the tribe.
The leader of the desert marauders stands here, scowling.
A long thin black snake slithers along the sand.

***** Range 2 *****
A dune strider gracefully runs across the desert sand.

***** Range 3 *****
A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.
A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.

<1123hp 1197m 764mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 11 AM outdoor civilized waning> where
>> A lesser ice devil has arrived.
A lesser ice devil has arrived.

<1123hp 1197m 764mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 11 AM outdoor civilized waning> People near you:
(PK) Masigner Wandering in the Desert
(PK) Quas Wandering in the Desert

<1123hp 1197m 764mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 11 AM outdoor civilized waning>
The scorching sun parches your mouth.

<1123hp 1197m 764mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 11 AM outdoor civilized waning> s>> Masigner leaves south.
Northern Watch

A man dressed in desert colors scans the area for prey.
A huge hulking warrior guards the entrance to the camp.
A huge hulking warrior guards the entrance to the camp.
A huge hulking warrior guards the entrance to the camp.
A huge hulking warrior guards the entrance to the camp.
>> You follow Masigner south.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Northern Watch
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> A man dressed in desert colors scans the area for prey.
>> A huge hulking warrior guards the entrance to the camp.
>> A huge hulking warrior guards the entrance to the camp.
>> A huge hulking warrior guards the entrance to the camp.
>> A huge hulking warrior guards the entrance to the camp.

<1123hp 1197m 758mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 11 AM outdoor civilized waning> wherePeople near you:
(PK) Masigner Northern Watch
(PK) Quas The Temple Path

<1123hp 1197m 758mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 11 AM outdoor civilized waning> sca sYou scan south.
>> Masigner scans south.
***** Range 1 *****
A female desert deer shies away from your approach.
A female nomad stares silently at you.
A nomad tribesman looks up, from working on a tent as you approach.
A female nomad stares silently at you.

***** Range 3 *****
A female nomad stares silently at you.

***** Range 4 *****
A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.
A huge hulking warrior guards the entrance to the camp.
A huge hulking warrior guards the entrance to the camp.
A huge warrior wanders the camp, keeping an eye on the merchants.
A huge warrior wanders the camp, keeping an eye on the merchants.

<1123hp 1197m 758mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 11 AM outdoor civilized waning> wherePeople near you:
(PK) Masigner Northern Watch
(PK) Quas The Temple Path

<1123hp 1197m 758mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 11 AM outdoor civilized waning> nn
>> A lesser ice devil has arrived.
A lesser ice devil has arrived.

<1123hp 1197m 758mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 11 AM outdoor civilized waning> n>> Masigner leaves north.
Wandering in the Desert

A small cake of unleavened bread lies here.
Two small piles of tuara hide have been tossed aside.
A large piece of leather almost blends into the sands that cover it.
>> You follow Masigner north.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> A small cake of unleavened bread lies here.
>> Two small piles of tuara hide have been tossed aside.
>> A large piece of leather almost blends into the sands that cover it.
>> Masigner the human is here.

<1123hp 1197m 752mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 11 AM outdoor civilized waning> n>> Masigner leaves north.
Wandering in the Desert

A traveling merchant from Hamsah Mu'tazz is here bartering with the tribe.
The leader of the desert marauders stands here, scowling.
A long thin black snake slithers along the sand.
>> You follow Masigner north.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> A traveling merchant from Hamsah Mu'tazz is here bartering with the tribe.
>> The leader of the desert marauders stands here, scowling.
>> A long thin black snake slithers along the sand.

<1123hp 1197m 743mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 11 AM outdoor civilized waning> >> Masigner leaves north.
Wandering in the Desert

A dune strider gracefully runs across the desert sand.
>> You follow Masigner north.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> A dune strider gracefully runs across the desert sand.

<1123hp 1197m 734mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 11 AM outdoor civilized waning> where>> Masigner leaves north.
Wandering in the Desert

A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.
A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.
>> You follow Masigner north.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.
>> A desert deer looks at you as it forages for food.

<1123hp 1197m 725mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 11 AM outdoor civilized waning> People near you:
(PK) Masigner Wandering in the Desert
(PK) Quas A Hallway

<1123hp 1197m 725mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 11 AM outdoor civilized waning> c tess quas>> Masigner utters the words, 'hzggzgruqh'.
Your mind is not ready for such a strain yet.

<1123hp 1047m 725mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 11 AM outdoor civilized waning> n
>> A lesser ice devil has arrived.
A lesser ice devil has arrived.

<1123hp 1047m 725mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 11 AM outdoor civilized waning> whereeewhere
The clouds disappear.
You feel your grip return to normal.

<1170hp 1149m 799mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM outdoor civilized waning> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<1170hp 1149m 799mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM outdoor civilized waning> People near you:
(PK) Masigner Wandering in the Desert
(PK) Quas A Hallway of Deep Red Stone

<1170hp 1149m 799mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM outdoor civilized waning> >> Masigner leaves east.
Wandering in the Desert

>> You follow Masigner east.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1170hp 1149m 790mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM outdoor civilized waning> >> Masigner leaves east.
Wandering in the Desert

A traveling merchant from Hamsah Mu'tazz is here bartering with the tribe.
>> You follow Masigner east.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Wandering in the Desert
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> A traveling merchant from Hamsah Mu'tazz is here bartering with the tribe.

<1170hp 1149m 781mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM outdoor civilized waning> People near you:
(PK) Masigner Wandering in the Desert
(PK) Quas A Hallway of Deep Red Stone

<1170hp 1149m 781mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM outdoor civilized waning> e>> Masigner leaves east.
Caravan Road

>> You follow Masigner east.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Caravan Road
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> A lesser ice devil has arrived.
A lesser ice devil has arrived.

<1170hp 1149m 777mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM outdoor civilized waning> wherePeople near you:
(PK) Masigner Caravan Road
(PK) Quas A Hallway of Deep Red Stone

<1170hp 1149m 777mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM outdoor civilized waning> s>> Masigner leaves south.
Caravan Road

>> You follow Masigner south.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Caravan Road
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1170hp 1149m 773mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM outdoor civilized waning> l eRed sands stretches on as far as the eye can see.

<1170hp 1149m 773mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM outdoor civilized waning> s>> Masigner leaves south.
Caravan Road

A nomad tribesman looks up, from working on a tent as you approach.
A traveling merchant from Hamsah Mu'tazz walks along with the caravan.
A traveling merchant from Hamsah Mu'tazz walks along with the caravan.
A traveling merchant from Hamsah Mu'tazz walks along with the caravan.
A nomad tribesman journies with the caravan, hoping to sell his wares.
A large warrior stands here guarding the merchants of the caravan.
A large warrior stands here guarding the merchants of the caravan.
>> You follow Masigner south.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Caravan Road
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> A nomad tribesman looks up, from working on a tent as you approach.
>> A traveling merchant from Hamsah Mu'tazz walks along with the caravan.
>> A traveling merchant from Hamsah Mu'tazz walks along with the caravan.
>> A traveling merchant from Hamsah Mu'tazz walks along with the caravan.
>> A nomad tribesman journies with the caravan, hoping to sell his wares.
>> A large warrior stands here guarding the merchants of the caravan.
>> A large warrior stands here guarding the merchants of the caravan.

<1170hp 1149m 769mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM outdoor civilized waning> l eA small gray path leads off in the desert.

<1170hp 1149m 769mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM outdoor civilized waning> wherePeople near you:
(PK) Masigner Caravan Road
(PK) Quas A Hallway of Deep Red Stone

<1170hp 1149m 769mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM outdoor civilized waning> e
>> A lesser ice devil has arrived.
A lesser ice devil has arrived.

<1170hp 1149m 769mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM outdoor civilized waning> e>> Masigner leaves east.
The Temple Path

>> You follow Masigner east.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> The Temple Path
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1170hp 1149m 765mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM outdoor civilized waning> >> Masigner leaves east.
The Temple Path

>> You follow Masigner east.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> The Temple Path
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1170hp 1149m 761mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM outdoor civilized waning> e>> Masigner leaves east.
The Temple Path

>> You follow Masigner east.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> The Temple Path
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1170hp 1149m 757mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM outdoor civilized waning> wherePeople near you:
(PK) Masigner The Temple Path
(PK) Quas A Hallway of Deep Red Stone

<1170hp 1149m 757mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM outdoor civilized waning> e>> Masigner leaves east.
Standing Before a Strange Dune

>> You follow Masigner east.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> Standing Before a Strange Dune
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1170hp 1149m 753mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM outdoor civilized waning> e>> Masigner leaves east.
The Temple of Red Sands

A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
>> You follow Masigner east.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> The Temple of Red Sands
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
>> A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
>> A lesser ice devil has arrived.
A lesser ice devil has arrived.

<1170hp 1149m 749mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> e>> Masigner leaves east.
A Hallway

A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
>> You follow Masigner east.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Hallway
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
>> A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.

<1170hp 1149m 748mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> wherePeople near you:
(PK) Masigner A Hallway
(PK) Quas A Hallway of Deep Red Stone

<1170hp 1149m 748mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> s>> Masigner leaves south.
A Hallway of Tan Stone

>> You follow Masigner south.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Hallway of Tan Stone
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1170hp 1149m 747mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> s>> Masigner leaves south.
A Turn in the Hallway

A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
>> You follow Masigner south.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Turn in the Hallway
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
>> A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.

<1170hp 1149m 746mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> e>> Masigner leaves east.
A Hallway of Tan Stone

east west]
>> You follow Masigner east.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Hallway of Tan Stone
>> east west]
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1170hp 1149m 745mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> lash quas
>> A lesser ice devil has arrived.
A lesser ice devil has arrived.

<1170hp 1149m 745mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> They aren't here.

<1170hp 1149m 745mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> elash quas>> Masigner leaves east.
A Hallway of Tan Stone

east west]
>> You follow Masigner east.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Hallway of Tan Stone
>> east west]
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1170hp 1149m 744mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> whereThey aren't here.

<1170hp 1149m 744mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> wwPeople near you:
(PK) Masigner A Hallway of Tan Stone
(PK) Quas A Hallway of Deep Red Stone

<1170hp 1149m 744mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> >> Masigner leaves west.
A Hallway of Tan Stone

east west]
Chittering to itself, a lesser ice devil crouches here.
>> You follow Masigner west.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Hallway of Tan Stone
>> east west]
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> Chittering to itself, a lesser ice devil crouches here.

<1170hp 1149m 743mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> >> Masigner leaves west.
A Turn in the Hallway

A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
>> You follow Masigner west.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Turn in the Hallway
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
>> A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.

<1170hp 1149m 742mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> nn>> Masigner leaves north.
A Hallway of Tan Stone

>> You follow Masigner north.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Hallway of Tan Stone
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1170hp 1149m 741mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> lash quas>> Masigner leaves north.
A Hallway

A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
>> You follow Masigner north.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Hallway
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
>> A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.

<1170hp 1149m 740mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> n
>> A lesser ice devil has arrived.
A lesser ice devil has arrived.
>> A lesser ice devil turns to Masigner and weaves a sorcerous spell.
A lesser ice devil turns to you and weaves a sorcerous spell.
>> Masigner grips her weapon more firmly.
Your grip feels more firm.

<1170hp 1149m 740mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> They aren't here.

<1170hp 1149m 740mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> lash quas>> Masigner leaves north.
A Hallway of Pale-Yellow Stone

>> You follow Masigner north.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Hallway of Pale-Yellow Stone
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1170hp 1149m 739mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> They aren't here.

<1170hp 1149m 739mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> nlash quas>> Masigner leaves north.
A Turn in the Hallway

A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
>> You follow Masigner north.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Turn in the Hallway
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
>> A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.

<1170hp 1149m 738mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> They aren't here.

<1170hp 1149m 738mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> e>> Masigner leaves east.
A Hallway of Pale-Yellow Stone

east west]
>> You follow Masigner east.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Hallway of Pale-Yellow Stone
>> east west]
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1170hp 1149m 737mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> elash quas>> Masigner leaves east.
A Hallway of Pale-Yellow Stone

east west]
>> You follow Masigner east.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Hallway of Pale-Yellow Stone
>> east west]
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1170hp 1149m 736mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> They aren't here.

<1170hp 1149m 736mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> e>> Masigner leaves east.
A Hallway of Pale-Yellow Stone

>> You follow Masigner east.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Hallway of Pale-Yellow Stone
>> west]
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1170hp 1149m 735mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> lash quas
>> A lesser ice devil has arrived.
A lesser ice devil has arrived.

<1170hp 1149m 735mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> They aren't here.

<1170hp 1149m 735mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> elash quasAlas, you cannot go that way.

<1170hp 1149m 735mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> They aren't here.

<1170hp 1149m 735mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> wherePeople near you:
(PK) Masigner A Hallway of Pale-Yellow Stone
(PK) Quas An Open Round Chamber

<1170hp 1149m 735mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> ww>> Masigner leaves west.
A Hallway of Pale-Yellow Stone

east west]
>> You follow Masigner west.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Hallway of Pale-Yellow Stone
>> east west]
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1170hp 1149m 734mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> w>> Masigner leaves west.
A Hallway of Pale-Yellow Stone

east west]
>> You follow Masigner west.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Hallway of Pale-Yellow Stone
>> east west]
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1170hp 1149m 733mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> where>> Masigner leaves west.
A Turn in the Hallway

A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
>> You follow Masigner west.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Turn in the Hallway
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
>> A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.

<1170hp 1149m 732mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> People near you:
(PK) Masigner A Turn in the Hallway
(PK) Quas An Open Round Chamber

<1170hp 1149m 732mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 12 PM indoor civilized waning> ss
The barrier protecting you flickers and fades away.
You feel strong enough to attempt to open another Portal.
>> A lesser ice devil has arrived.
A lesser ice devil has arrived.

<1198hp 1213m 799mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> where>> Masigner leaves south.
A Hallway of Pale-Yellow Stone

>> You follow Masigner south.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Hallway of Pale-Yellow Stone
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1198hp 1213m 798mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> >> Masigner leaves south.
A Hallway

A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
>> You follow Masigner south.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Hallway
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
>> A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.

<1198hp 1213m 797mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> sPeople near you:
(PK) Masigner A Hallway
(PK) Quas An Open Round Chamber

<1198hp 1213m 797mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> >> Masigner leaves south.
A Hallway of Tan Stone

>> You follow Masigner south.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Hallway of Tan Stone
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1198hp 1213m 796mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> s>> Masigner leaves south.
A Turn in the Hallway

A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
>> You follow Masigner south.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Turn in the Hallway
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
>> A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.

<1198hp 1213m 795mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> e>> Masigner leaves east.
A Hallway of Tan Stone

east west]
>> You follow Masigner east.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Hallway of Tan Stone
>> east west]
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1198hp 1213m 794mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> ee>> Masigner leaves east.
A Hallway of Tan Stone

east west]
>> You follow Masigner east.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Hallway of Tan Stone
>> east west]
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1198hp 1213m 793mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> elash quas>> Masigner leaves east.
A Hallway of Tan Stone

east west]
>> You follow Masigner east.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Hallway of Tan Stone
>> east west]
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1198hp 1213m 792mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning>
>> A lesser ice devil has arrived.
A lesser ice devil has arrived.

<1198hp 1213m 792mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> >> Masigner leaves east.
End of the Tan Hallway

A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
>> You follow Masigner east.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> End of the Tan Hallway
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
>> A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.

<1198hp 1213m 791mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> They aren't here.

<1198hp 1213m 791mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> eAlas, you cannot go that way.

<1198hp 1213m 791mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> wherewPeople near you:
(PK) Masigner End of the Tan Hallway
(PK) Quas An Open Round Chamber

<1198hp 1213m 791mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> >> Masigner leaves west.
A Hallway of Tan Stone

east west]
Chittering to itself, a lesser ice devil crouches here.
>> You follow Masigner west.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Hallway of Tan Stone
>> east west]
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> Chittering to itself, a lesser ice devil crouches here.

<1198hp 1213m 790mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> w>> Masigner leaves west.
A Hallway of Tan Stone

east west]
>> You follow Masigner west.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Hallway of Tan Stone
>> east west]
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1198hp 1213m 789mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> w>> Masigner leaves west.
A Hallway of Tan Stone

east west]
>> You follow Masigner west.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Hallway of Tan Stone
>> east west]
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> A lesser ice devil has arrived.
A lesser ice devil has arrived.

<1198hp 1213m 788mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> w>> Masigner leaves west.
A Turn in the Hallway

A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
>> You follow Masigner west.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Turn in the Hallway
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
>> A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.

<1198hp 1213m 787mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> wherePeople near you:
(PK) Masigner A Turn in the Hallway
(PK) Quas An Open Round Chamber

<1198hp 1213m 787mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> n>> Masigner leaves north.
A Hallway of Tan Stone

>> You follow Masigner north.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Hallway of Tan Stone
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1198hp 1213m 786mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> n>> Masigner leaves north.
A Hallway

A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
>> You follow Masigner north.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Hallway
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
>> A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.

<1198hp 1213m 785mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> wherePeople near you:
(PK) Masigner A Hallway
(PK) Quas An Open Round Chamber

<1198hp 1213m 785mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> e>> Masigner leaves east.
A Hallway of Deep Red Stone

>> You follow Masigner east.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Hallway of Deep Red Stone
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1198hp 1213m 784mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> lash quasThey aren't here.
>> A lesser ice devil has arrived.
A lesser ice devil has arrived.

<1198hp 1213m 784mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> e>> Masigner leaves east.
A Hallway of Deep Red Stone

>> You follow Masigner east.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Hallway of Deep Red Stone
>> >> Masigner the human is here.

<1198hp 1213m 783mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> fam murder quasYou tell your familiar to 'murder quas'.
>> They aren't here.

<1198hp 1213m 783mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> e>> Masigner leaves east.
A Hallway of Deep Red Stone

A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
>> You follow Masigner east.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> A Hallway of Deep Red Stone
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.
>> A tribal warrior guards the Temple from defilers.

<1198hp 1213m 782mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> fam murder quasYou tell your familiar to 'murder quas'.
>> They aren't here.

<1198hp 1213m 782mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> e>> Masigner leaves east.
An Open Round Chamber

(WANTED) Quas is sleeping here.
>> You follow Masigner east.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
>> An Open Round Chamber
>> west]
>> >> Masigner the human is here.
>> (WANTED) Quas the svirfnebli is sleeping here.

<1198hp 1213m 781mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> offhandgr plantHuh?

<1198hp 1213m 781mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> char malaCharge? What is that?

<1198hp 1213m 781mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning>
>> A lesser ice devil has arrived.
A lesser ice devil has arrived.

<1198hp 1213m 781mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> lash quasYou'll have to let him get back up first.

<1198hp 1213m 781mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> lash quasYou'll have to let him get back up first.

<1198hp 1213m 781mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning> c mag quas>> Quas yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Quas yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
>> Masigner utters the words, 'waouq wuggurz'.
>> Masigner waves her arm in a wide arc, sending forth a cluster of projectiles of pure mana towards Quas.
You wave your arm in a wide arc, sending projectiles of pure mana for Quas.
>> Masigner's magic missile hits Quas.
Your magic missile hits Quas.
>> Masigner's magic missile hits Quas.
Your magic missile hits Quas.
>> Masigner's magic missile devastates Quas!
Your magic missile devastates Quas!
Quas parries your stinging lash.
Quas parries your stinging lash.
>> Quas's pierce MASSACRES Masigner!
Quas's pierce MASSACRES you!
Your shield blocks Quas's cleave.
>> Quas's pierce MANGLES Masigner!
Quas's pierce MANGLES you!
Quas is convulsing on the ground.

<1040hp 1198m 781mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning>
Quas drives his axes into both sides of your body, stunning you.
>> Quas drives his axes into both sides of Masigner's body.
>> Quas's brutal attack *** DEMOLISHES *** Masigner!
Quas's brutal attack *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
>> Quas's brutal attack MANGLES Masigner!
Quas's brutal attack MANGLES you!
Quas is convulsing on the ground.

<827hp 1198m 781mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning>
>> A lesser ice devil gestures at Quas, uttering blasphemies.
A lesser ice devil gestures at Quas, uttering blasphemies.
>> A lesser ice devil's energy drain DISMEMBERS Quas!
A lesser ice devil's energy drain DISMEMBERS Quas!
>> Masigner's stinging lash maims Quas!
Your stinging lash maims Quas!
Quas parries your stinging lash.
>> Quas's pierce MANGLES Masigner!
Quas's pierce MANGLES you!
>> Quas's cleave MASSACRES Masigner!
Quas's cleave MASSACRES you!
>> Quas's pierce MASSACRES Masigner!
Quas's pierce MASSACRES you!
You dodge Quas's pierce.
Quas is convulsing on the ground.

<592hp 1198m 781mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 PM indoor civilized waning>
Quas parries your stinging lash.
>> Masigner's stinging lash decimates Quas!
Your stinging lash decimates Quas!
>> Quas is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
Quas is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
Quas is convulsing on the ground.

<592hp 1198m 781mv 15832tnl (4.05%) 1 P
84263, Quas!
Posted by Ghrummin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Enormous enjoyable characters with balls of giants (imagery)!

We complemented each other well and had some good times.

I'm sorry for being a deadbeat - leaders really make/break the cabal. I think a lot of the inactivity/deletions stems from my lack of committment - just too busy with RL stuff.

It's gonna be remedied soon though.

Have fun with your next!
84267, I loved the smit-o-thon the one day
Posted by quas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
as we were both getting smited by thror left and right and not understanding why, then he later exoplained about helping each other. I tried to do the defender plus a noldarian path but the village was just not in a place where I could forsake being a defender so no smith for me.

sorry I missed the rites but i really only had time to condie this week because I don't start my new job until monday, at which point if I have a char I will likely be back to short logins every few days.
84261, I thought you were great.
Posted by Kyaltaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always try and stay humble when it comes to viewing enemies and their actions and all in all, you always did the most tactically sound thing.. and you were so persistent it was incredible. That in a sense is something to hate IC, but there's no way people really can hate it OOC. You rolled out at the right times to stay alive, were an amazing chaser/runner, and though you almost used pincer exclusively it really was the best thing for you most of the time on my little iron skin. If this isn't Throt/Pintose I'll be shocked.

You ALWAYS gave me the craziest fights, and I loved them. I don't know if you remember that fight when we were younger... I was like level 33 and you were chasing my group, tricked me and double backed and killed them when I ran after you you and then had an epic showdown in the settlement. That fight really flushed my character out, and it was my first rager kill... it was all around just a great time.

I'll be sad that your gone, I think the village disappeared =(

-Kyaltaru Tel'dethian
84268, bards are more or less the toughest fight for a villager
Posted by quas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
we had a lot of good battles but at the end your extra juice just made your fiends unsurvivable for me. I was always hopin for a third legacy to deal with bards but maybe next char I will get some wild imm lovin like that.
84258, (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Quas
Posted by Oughila on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What is up with all the BATTLEs deleting?

Duh. Well, no more pincer boy.
I gave up fighting you cause you would always run back to the village to wait out my songs.

You were definitely a "comfort zone" rager.
Village-Eastern-Galadon-Outskirts of Galadon-(rarely) Nexus.
Even with such habbits you still died a lot.

Also why in a nine hells you were always picking fights with Tribunal?
They got warrior-warrior-warrior-thief-healer-mummy(you fail)-ap in hero range.

Plenty of mages. Go hunt them down.
No, you go pincer elf warrior with iron axes. And hope for deathblow.

But I hope you enjoyed the ride.
Good luck with your next.
84260, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Quas
Posted by someone... on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
i fought you a number of times, and i won them all expect one.

the only thing you did to me was trying to break my weapons, and i was so pissed at you ooc, i left you all stuff when i killed you, but you broke like 5 of my weapons, and some of them i cant get back.

if i had killed you agian, you was left naked.
84262, huh?
Posted by quas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I was breaking your weapons it was because that let me hit you more often...
84264, RE: huh?
Posted by someone.. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
if a enemie only breaks my weapons in our fights.. and never do anything else... Even though i leave your corpse full, im gonna get pissed and gonna get full sac happy.

lucky you con died.
84277, How's anger management going?
Posted by Nian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Up the dose, Mike
84265, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Quas
Posted by Quas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>What is up with all the BATTLEs deleting?

help con death

>Duh. Well, no more pincer boy.
>I gave up fighting you cause you would always run back to the
>village to wait out my songs.

well you know should I have sat around when I could put my powers back up or chase you down if you moved more then a few rooms away because I couldn't see you on where and just let you continue to whittle me to death? Thanks but no thanks.

>You were definitely a "comfort zone" rager.
>Village-Eastern-Galadon-Outskirts of Galadon-(rarely) Nexus.
>Even with such habbits you still died a lot.

We villagers don't have the luxury of teleport when fighting large numbers of enemies, that said I went where my enemies were, at hero lots of people tend to spend their time in those places.

>Also why in a nine hells you were always picking fights with
>They got warrior-warrior-warrior-thief-healer-mummy(you
>fail)-ap in hero range.

Obviously because I was so scared of them I stopped going after mages that were in cities... honestly in a city a couple of guards and a warrior tend to be more of a threat to me then the mage I am after and they also tend to be a lot softer, when I hit them it was to get them out of the way to let me get at the mages.

>Plenty of mages. Go hunt them down.
>No, you go pincer elf warrior with iron axes. And hope for

You realize I don't have deathblow right? and I rarely had more then one iron axe. and I killed close to 100 mages so yes I was going after mages thats kind of what the mageslayer title is all about.

>But I hope you enjoyed the ride.
>Good luck with your next.

the ride was fun, much more so after everyone stopped having sanc plus lifesurge