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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectMreash is no more
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=84214
84214, Mreash is no more
Posted by Mreash on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm just getting tired of the character and the constant mexican standoff between our enemies. Add to that the constant whine of fortlander and I'm just done. I also have the school year coming up, and teaching doesn't mesh well with being an active cabal leader. So I decided to bail instead of hold the seat. This character was by far my most successful pk character ever. I don't know if I could say he was feared, but I don't think anyone went up against me saying Pfft!
I love the outlander cabal, but I'm also getting tired of the ancients only coming to me or the cabal when something isn't going right. I'm not looking for super kudos or anything, but just anything other than "might want to fix this".

Mreash was my second attempt at this build, and I feel much more successful this time. He was born outside of all societies in a small felar camp that shunned the main encampment as sellouts. He was a blooded warrior of that camp, and ended up becoming one of their elite Mre'Tok warriors. I stuck with the leader thing for a long time, and when the other branches dried up I had to run them also. When other leaders were put in place, I just kept running them and put it down to me being the ultimate alpha cat. As far as Mreash was concerned he was alpha leader of the tree, other branches be damned.

I do have to say that most of my enemies treated me with great respect, and we many good fights. I tried to mix it up whenever it was reasonable for me to do so without getting just stomped into the ground. In a cave I was pretty badass, but anywhere else I felt pretty ok. Because of this, most enemies started avoiding caves like they were the plague. I've had MANY interactions with this character and the list is far too long to recall.

Tribunal- You guys were good enemies, and I'm glad you finally started coming at us. The whole we'll sit in here and they can sit out there was pretty boring sometimes.

Scion- I've always hated you guys :) I know fort and outlander end up in the same place a lot, but I've been ambushed at least an equal number of times by scion at the spire.

Empire- Ahtieli is pretty badass, nobody else really worth mentioning.

Fortress- You guys let us get away with waaaaaaay too much. One day recently we camped outside and slaughtered all the paladins, and the next day we're all friendly again *boggle*. I really tried to be nice to all of the healers though, they are a valuable commodity.

Nexus- Don't like you guys, end of story. Never know when you will be getting attacked.

Village- For the most part we just left each other alone. Woldrun was helpful to us a couple times, but other than that just not a lot of interaction.

Outlander- Calue, I almost never see you, but when I do you always do a good job
Sulye- You are doing very well, keep trucking.
Krliln- For gods sake will you try to stay alive?! :)
Quird- Really great druid, keep active the tree needs you.

Sorry if I'm forgetting people, it's been a long enoyable ride.

85706, You made the best induction interview I ever saw
Posted by Dervish on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With my char Lesta. Thats true.
84526, Thanks for the Induction.
Posted by Kelderhas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I might be the Elf that earned you that comment.
84545, No biggie
Posted by Mreash on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I ran the tree for so long that I put it in my role that I had no intention of stopping because I'm the alpha cat. Jasthrean said he was giving me leeway because of my judgements. Since he's the outlander imm I can give a damn what other imms think unless it gets to a ROTD situation. Then I would be polite of course :)
84548, You did a great job. You inducted a druid of mine
Posted by Kel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And not a wood-elf who I felt was mediocre.

Good work!
84467, Rule #1, never fight Mreash in a cave.
Posted by Lenfelin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Can I tell you, I fight in the wilds, you against my hummingbird, I had a chance, in the city, I would make you run, in a cave, I type "fly" over and over again while crying. Much respect though, I loved fighting you. We would banter back and forth and I enjoyed ever minute of it. Keep up the good ones!
84341, RE: Mreash is no more
Posted by Artenno on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sad to see you go. You were one of the old timers with whom I did not get a chance to interact. A lot of old blood deleting, I suppose we'll see what the new blood will bring!
84313, RE: Mreash is no more
Posted by laugash on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
i see players basically in a few categories, those that are new and trying, and learning, those that are incompetant and horde as many as they can to do something, and then there are those that stand out, kick ass, have been around a while and people know it by fighting you.

I fought you as chars I cant name, you fit in with the third category, and really didnt try to swarm over people with as many as you can like alot of people you have in that cabal. most of them will not move without help, you on the other hand were solid, had backbone, and were a backbone. I have to say things like this because of answering with this char handle, and not a past one. will when laugash dies look and you will be happy, but basically, you kicked ass, did good man, from a different chars perspective, and later
84305, I really thought this was a top-notch character.
Posted by Anliltuel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was fun fighting and interacting with you.

Good luck on your next.

84253, Very big loss....
Posted by Lilorni on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always thought of you as the backbone of the tree. You really did fill in the roles of the other leaders when they weren't active or just non exsistant. Thank you for that, i probably would have deleted a long time ago out of fustration if you hadn't taken the time to induct me. I've fought against you as an enemy and it was good to see what you were like on the other side of the team.

There's a party in your loincloth and everyone is invited huh?

That cracked me up...GLWYN.
84251, You where by far the toughest ranger I fought hands down
Posted by Johnny on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You where the one person Caztor stopped looking for, after I fought you that one time near the chasm with ABS stoneskin and around 1900hp. You just beat the #### out of me like I was nothing. I couldn't even hate you for it cause I played right along side you as Rutob and also Wilona. I respected you as an enemy and as a leader. You definitly kept the tree going this long and well done on that one sir. GLWYN oh and dont let those damnable kids get the best of you this year teaching ;)
84250, Nicely done, it was fun to play around with you nt
Posted by Nian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
84248, Big loss
Posted by Quird on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were great fun to play with and stuck it through the quiet times with outlander. We had a lot of fun in the early days, then suddenly the cabal did seem to pack out and I'd be awake with three or four others. Those were the times we did some ace exploring, and I've learned so much from you and the many others who showed me the way. Thank you so much for bringing me along. Hope you enjoy your next one as much.
84244, Sorry we are full.
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have to repeat what Ordrig said, could barely find you with my outlander app, had gotten recommendations, was really into the character, and then sorry we're full without you even talking to me in depth at all. Did an Imm tell you to close shop or was that something you did on your own? Completely took the wind out of my sales with that character. I really thought it was lame at the time when I saw Empire, Fortress, and Tribunal with either more people or close to it. I really don't think cabals should ever be closed unless they are like 50+ people.
84249, Ancient orders
Posted by Mreash on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was told to slow down or stop inducting. My branch was the most full all of the time, so I kept inducting wardens but cut off harbingers. I was letting them slowly trickle in though as I watched for deletions. It's really a bitch when you see people in the member list that you'd like to uninduct but can't because you never see them. So basically when someone gets in, but then never shows up, they are holding a spot for minimum 30 days til they auto. If I hadn't been told to change it, I would have kept interviewing like normal, sorry.
84239, RE: Mreash is no more
Posted by Tangni on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sad to see you go, I liked Mreash, the Do first, talk later if at all mentality. Usually out solo, I dont ever remember you calling out, So and so in my snare come get em! I'll miss you in the tree, good job!
84236, Nicely done
Posted by Adeglicfh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had some fun fights, some short interactions. All and all, it was nice to see you on the who pk. So many times I said to myself I know there is a snare there, but what the hell, and walked into it. Generally speaking as long as I was prepared for the Snare and came wiht my armies. I was not in any great danger.

But the Snares in the Caves, normally meant the army was useless. I never avoided you in caves just rarely was able to find what cave you were in at the time I wanted to find you.

Can't think of much else, other then not sure but did you use "Mre" by mistake on another character when talking to me?

See you around.
84235, RE: Mreash is no more
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're right that you didn't get enough imm attention. I looked at you just yesterday and said "Wow this guy has standard title still??" And then I tried to think of something good and...didn't come up with much. You weren't religious so it was hard to go down that angle.
84237, I tried with Jasthrean several times
Posted by Mreash on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As far as religion goes. All I got from him was that I'm not getting it.
Then the last time he, or someone pretending to be him, said they would contact me because I thought I could answer his question. Oh well.
84255, Not to Hijack, but is Jasthrean MIA?
Posted by onenotspecial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just wondering.

Does he even exist?
84257, Not sure
Posted by Mreash on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He's on earlier in the day. I was actively seeking him, and had little to no interaction. The last thing I heard was "now I know you are ready to talk, so I will seek you out when I am ready" never heard anything after that.
84234, Wow.
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Boy, were you hard to find.

3 weeks, 40+ levels, 120+ hours.

we were online at the same time perhaps 20 minutes once. And I was told outlanders was full, and to take a hike until later. heh, that was the only time I saw you online.

wow, talk about unlucky in linking up! I know you were playing, I just couldn't find a way to be online when you were.

Only the second time I've ever failed to get into a cabal I aimed for.

And the first, was told to wait because the Fortress was full...and his heart burst from pk'ing too much (one of the, if not the, last to do so, before distention went in)

Maybe I'll try outlander some other time, if I see a leader I can actually link with.

84320, Female assassin maran applicant, last death was in the white tower?
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If so, I think that was the very last char to die of a burst heart.
84334, hrm....
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know I was an assassin (before assassins were nerfed, when they had all defenses + throw + dual wield + third attack by like 16).

I think I was female, might be mistaken. I *THOUGHT* my heart burst in Balator, but it might have been the white tower. While waiting for space in maran, I basically did a "balator/galadon/tv/white tower/akan" circuit...always found young evils to kill, mainly in groups.

Might not have been the last then, I am fairly sure I heart burst in Balator. I know it was changed shortly after my death though, within a month or so.
84230, I really liked Mreash!
Posted by Arrna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed interacting with you a lot. And we had some friendly stuff going on.

About that comment on fortress... Yeah, it's rather bleh. Problem is that in Arrna's total existance she has seen 2 Paladins die ever to the outlanders, and over 500 hours, that ain't much. She has seen maybe 5 paladins get attacked. Mostly by evil outlanders.
I think it's the same for many others of the fortress. Not knowing that the other members are getting hit hard.

Anyways, it's always hard to be a goodie in fortress when neutrals hunt you. BUT, I also believe that fortress really shouldn't be all cuddeled up with outlanders. (And yes, that has been the case waaaay to much, at least not the neutrals.)

Anyways! Good char! Great work! GLWYN! :D
84228, RE: Mreash is no more
Posted by Duarte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Even though you failed to mention me in your goodbyes... it's sad to see you go.

We had some good little rumbles together in Galadon, but for the most part we both pretty much did our own thing and I respected you a lot for your willingness to go out on your own while most other Outlanders would not-- not to mention your constant badassery all the while.

I definitely know how you feel about the Ancient's neglect wearing down at your desire to play a character, as you could imagine.

Anyway, hope RL goes well and I'll see you in the fields soon.
84238, Knew I would forget people
Posted by Mreash on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked Duarte. You didn't impress me at first, and then you got the tiger. After that I think you would have been my first pick for reaver, but Sulye is doing a good job too. I really like your aggression as well, keep it up.
84242, RE: Knew I would forget people
Posted by Sulye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>After that I think you would have been my first pick for reaver...

This hurts me. Deep down inside where I'm soft. Like a woman. :)
85705, So is Duarte waiting for you to age-die or something? ntnt
Posted by CD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
84223, Boo!
Posted by Hakdu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bummer :(. I liked Mreash, with not only Hakdu but my prior chars. Anyways, I wouldn't let the ancients thing today get to you, I think you were pretty solid. I'll miss you, ya scrawny cat :)

84222, RE: Mreash is no more
Posted by Sulye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Truly this is a sad day for Team Felar, Outlander Division.
84246, That made me chuckle
Posted by Quird on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We were discussing leadership one day, and noticed you were all felar rangers. Some fun things came from that discussion, I'll post the log when I'm done.
84319, RE: Mreash is no more
Posted by Hehe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No more mudsex? Other than that I don't see why you need that weakling:)
84546, And who the #### are you?
Posted by Mreash on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Besides anonymous forum handle #374 made for trolling?
84547, Besides Russian I'm guessing
Posted by Mreash on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't know what your guys' problem with me is.
84221, Mre!
Posted by Vythigor_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You taught me a lot. I thought you were very solid. I also got a feeling you held pretty good reins over your cabal (making applicants strike the Captain and become wanted to show their commitment was pretty awesome). Good luck with teaching and RL. Hope to see you back soon!
84220, I don't think you really have a clue how it has been lately.
Posted by Lornis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mreash is a long lived character and I'd bet that for the most part you are correct about how you lived and how it was. I think for others especially in the last few weeks, there has been a very large rise in the amount of Fortress folk aiding Outlander and vice versa. Heck, I had a maran and dark villager raiding me side by side today. I don't mean one after the other either, I mean...same time.

For the rest, I thought mreash was a great adversary and you weren't afraid to mix it up. I will say there was no way I was coming into Tahril unless I was fuly prepared and just wanted to have a stalemate. Good job from what I saw, and I would never have lumped you into the "fortlander" group that I'd say exists.

Hopefully you can come back with something strong. Maybe make a Scion and see how the other side lives for awhile.
84219, RE: Mreash is no more
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nice job. You have been alive for a long time. We fought abit with my last char 5 months ago or so. Drue(conjurer).

Nice one.
84216, RE: Mreash is no more
Posted by A2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When my time was being limited with Lierieng and I asked to step down as harbinger I sent a note to Lyristeon saying I thought you were the only choice. Not that I think I'm the reason you were Harbinger, just saying I thought you deserved it. I got to come back to CF finally and holy ####, you were still alive and Harbinger. I got to deal with you from the other side of things by being inducted into the cabal by you. This kind of sucks, but when it's time it's time. You were a good outlander and by what I've seen a good harbinger.