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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectDargin is out. Goodbyes.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=84084
84084, Dargin is out. Goodbyes.
Posted by Dervish on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As an elite member of russian cheetah ganking perma ring I have infiltrated the Fortress to learn camping patterns of Acolytes and favourite brothels of Marans. Just kidding, heh.

After Borslav I decided to look if the grass on the other side is greener, so thats how Dargin was reborn.

I enjoyed it, transmuter is awesome class. Very powerful. Thanks to the imms for my fun with sleeks. Putting them into animal corpses or to the hidden mob in the hidden room in the very rarely visited area was a really good idea :P

After two chars in Empire Fortress was quite interesting. Everyone around is helpful, but too much RP and babysitting for my taste. Still I liked it.

Dargin did two things basically: PK and helping otherss as a follower of Urtrekis, whom I never met. Think I was relatively successful and certainly I had lots of fun.

Some goodbyes.

Arrna, I liked you as char but I really did not like your orders. Broke them sometime. Well, you know this. Well played.

Frorania, Lornkanamas, Castiel thanks for your time with me and your help!

Dupmasione, you too, nice RP hah, hope you will find some poor unlucky lady.

You guys were always happy to kick my ass. Thanks to you for the fights.

Ahtieli, excellent job as always. Tarleton, Gzurweeg you are badasses. Well done. All others, I would like if you take more chances to fight and ran less.

Lornis, Frismund, I'd really respect you for awesome job and big balls if you would not be so full looting bastards. Its the game, why grief other players? *sigh*

Hakdu, Quird, Loz, thanks for your help and your time with me. We did some PKs together, keep it up

If I forgot someone, post and I will reply.

84179, I hope this is not due to what happened the other day with
Posted by Zutod on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You me the outlanders and the Baerinika. To be honest though you did not have the attitude of a fortress memeber. You where more concerned with killing mindlessly than doing your duty, or thats how it came off to me. So then when you defended the Outlanders who fiended me on Eastern road, I think the growling jaguar got more upset than I did about it. Anyway, it was fun running around with you when I did and getting haste all the time was handy.

84176, Hard to believe this was the same player as Borslav
Posted by lurker on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Borslav was atrociously bad
84123, Dargin was though to deal with.
Posted by Ezranil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Competent transmuters is always a danger no matter how you play it. However, as a dark-elf I was pretty immune to being stunned by neuro which made you into less of a threat. I saw you around alot, when you walked past me with your lack of sneak :) Impossible to follow and attack though.
84115, Damn! Thought you'd go out of age or con!
Posted by Arrna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You must have been pretty close to either. Or at least con.

Anyways, Arrna wasn't a big fan of Dargin. Impulsive and messy, that's what she thought of you. ;)
As the player, I both liked and disliked you. But who am I to say? I gang like crazy too... You just felt so powergamerish.

Other than that, overall, Dargin was a good char. Next time, step up the RP effort and I think you'll have even more fun!

84112, Hard to understand where you were going with conversation sometimes.
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But aside from that, not badly done.

I did have fun the time you swore up and down that I could never beat you one on one, and then I trounced you twice in a row without dropping below 50%.

No matter how absolutely tough a combo is, almost every single combo has it's bane, never forget that.

84106, RE: Dargin is out. Goodbyes.
Posted by Sulye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We didn't interact all that much, but I was not Dargin biggest fan. At some point you were so decked that, along with your class abilities and wands, you really didn't need anyone else at your side to be deadly. Add a metabolically quickened melee class or bard at your side and it quickly became ridiculous.

The other thing you did that I thought was a little odd is expect me to fight you "straight up" when you knew that contest would be vastly in your favor. You may even have offered me a duel at some point. It was like, "Hey enemy guy, why don't you come over here and let me kill you, okay?"

Of course I'm not going to accept an offer like that. The odds were pretty low that I was ever going to kill you, but if it was ever going to happen it sure wouldn't be when you were fully protected and expecting an attack.
84109, Cosign.
Posted by Dakazhul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Play an Orc and let me know if you would ever in your right mind go up against a wanded or even unwanded transmuter for that matter. Metabolic quickening + Staff = Greater than Orc. All you'd have to do is nuero and you'd get a kill. I was going to call you out on the ganktasticness of this character but that sounds hypocritical, I mean I am after all an Orc. BASH FTW!
84098, I can't speak for Frismund, but you have me pegged wrong.
Posted by Lornis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can't remember exactly what happened to you, but I have never "full-looted" someone on purpose. Now, could my groupmates who can sneak take more than I knew about, sure. Have I seen other pepole take all at times, yep. I think even with you I only took a few choice pieces. I could be wrong, but I honestly have tried not to "full-loot" in the literal sense of everything was taken. Somehow in this game we have gone from full-loot meaning everything taken to it meaning half.

Now...I was called out on something that I have been doing and I have made promises to stop, and so far I've done a good job. I know that I have had issues with complaining about losing things and so I'm saying right now that I've done. That shouldn't be seen again as I think my OOC will is strong enough. :)

Now...lets talk about your actual character. I honestly think I would have liked you much more if you weren't always tagged to an outlander when I would go against a few to retrieve. I've been blessed with great forms and I can survive a lot, but man it annoyed me when you would step out with the outlanders. I'm not saying from your perspective as a maran you shouldn't do that, hunt evil wherever it is found, but it can still be annoying. I also think neutral outlanders should have more of a problem with other members of the fortress than they do.

Anyway, I think your character for the most part was pretty solid but you did leave a bad taste with a lot of people from what I can remember.

Good luck with your next.
84101, RE: I can't speak for Frismund, but you have me pegged wrong.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I can't remember exactly what happened to you, but I have
>never "full-looted" someone on purpose. Now, could my
>groupmates who can sneak take more than I knew about, sure.
>Have I seen other pepole take all at times, yep. I think even
>with you I only took a few choice pieces. I could be wrong,
>but I honestly have tried not to "full-loot" in the literal
>sense of everything was taken. Somehow in this game we have
>gone from full-loot meaning everything taken to it meaning

For what it's worth, I saw one of Dargin's deaths where you and Nakrasus each took not-quite-half of Dargin's gear, leaving him with something like 3 pieces of gear total, counting his container. That's not quite a "full" loot, but getting the 3 or 4 worst things back out of your whole corpse is pretty close.

I'm not making any statement of whether or not that's fair or deserved or okay or not okay. Y'all can argue that out if you want. :)
84102, Let me disclaim that even further:
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm also not saying this event fits a pattern of what I've seen from either of you.

It's something I noticed not because it was the worst loot I've ever seen or even the worst loot I saw that hour, but precisely because I saw it and thought to myself, "Huh, I bet at least one of these guys thinks he never does what he just did."
84107, Yep...and part of my note said I might have done it and not remember.
Posted by Lornis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It does not fit my "typical" pattern though.
84103, A bit wrong
Posted by Dervish on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have dropped my container in some quiet place for nightwalkers dont steal it. Thats why I died btw - no preps :(

But yes, I am talking about this event. That made me to think that Lornis prefer severely loot his foes.
84197, When Dargin killed Galezar
Posted by Masigner on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Galezar was left with nothing, unless he accidentally looked in the wrong corpse.

That looting was either you (Dargin), Loz, Sulye or someone else I was not aware of being there.

I know from experience that Sulye isn't the looting type. If there wasn't anyone else there, then Loz looted it all.

If you hang with a guy that does that, it will look as if you do it to people. Then people are more likely to do it to you, even if they normally don't do it.
84097, RE: Dargin is out. Goodbyes.
Posted by Tarleton on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ahh! I wanted to kill you so bad (and I'm sure the sentiments were mutual) but it never quite came together. You were tough, and the Fort is sure gonna feel this loss.

Good luck with your next... hopefully an Empire healer or invoker!? *wink wink*
84089, RE: Dargin is out. Goodbyes.
Posted by L0Z on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey, too bad, I really liked working with you. Will have to find some new Fortress friends so I can unite with them and form FORTLANDER!!!(tm). On a serious note, I enjoyed fighting with you, and were one of the few Fortress that I got along well with. That last thing with Zutod and the fiend, well, I was lying, but things would be boring if we always told the truth :)