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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectShalsad Deleted
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=83998
83998, Shalsad Deleted
Posted by Shalsad. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lost interest in this character. Only one goodbye. Hopefully someone will pick up the PBF.

Vythigor, I found it funny when me (Xelox) and you were in Nizarsh Datul and you were saying "Wow, I've never seen someone move so fast before!" I really wanted to say "Really? It's the same guy who was yelling at you over CB until you quit yesterday for standing there with your #### in your hand while I was in the snare!"

Bloody shackles is way too powerful on an air form vindicator. If anyone came to the conclusion that I was extremely skilled by the corpses that piled up, think again. I had one alias to shackle and another to flyto pinch and I hit it over and over until whatever I was fighting died.
84172, Trust me no one thought of you as skilled
Posted by Johnny on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You where nothing more than a full looting douchebag, flyto shackle pinch no skill involved there
84174, One could argue the same wth caztor. Just the way some shifters roll? ntnt
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
84175, I totally agree with you Caztor had no skill at all., flyto sting shift tiger
Posted by Johnny on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But Caztor was not a full looting douchebag was he lol
84209, I think this is an unfair statement
Posted by Vythigor_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really did feel that Shalsad was a phenomental player and PK'er. No, I did not agree with his looting approach, but what he did was perfectly within boundaries. He was feared and he did have quite a bit of skill. If what Shalsad played was so easy, we'd see 500 air/offense shifters. The reality it's much harder to pull off than what it appears on paper. Furthermore, unlike other air/offense shifters he did go for the hard targets and did not just prey on noobs like me. Heheh.
84240, Non of your chars were skilled, sorry mate. n/t
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
84356, Nor did I claim them to be lil russian perma-buddy
Posted by Johnny on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
84367, Yeah, even without claim we all know about ravon/crafted perma nt
Posted by Alex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
84368, Bleh, delete it. I should stop posting drunk. haven't even noticed the inicial thread. nt
Posted by Alex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
84369, Like patroling outskirts of village and thirsting at the start of any battle involve any skill.
Posted by Alex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And still you managed to die right and left and cry like pregnant woman about any gear you've lost.
84168, RE: Shalsad Deleted
Posted by Tlingit2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No more Saladshooter!
84509, Can someone explain the saladshooter thing pls?
Posted by NMTehW on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I don't get it...
84511, RayBaer thought she made a funny
Posted by lurker on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
(S)he who laughs hardest at their own jokes laughs the lamest
84512, Characters end up with nicknames
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's just one of those things. It's not supposed to be a joke.

You sure come off as a douchebag right there.
84516, RE: Characters end up with nicknames
Posted by lurker on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"You sure come off as a douchebag right there."

Which sure beats coming off as a douchebag all the time, right Nep?
84518, RE: Characters end up with nicknames
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Weren't you trying to get your IPs less banned and not more banned?

If so, you have a strange idea of how to accomplish it.
84520, Zulgh already said it wasn't happening
Posted by lurker on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I've already found a way around the ban.
84100, I had fun hunting the skies with you.
Posted by Lenfelin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
At the time I was looking for the Vindi spot as well, it is the only one I have not had in Tribunal. I knew that they were VERY unlikely to give a Vindi spot to two air/offense shifters though. That would just be mean, especially a hummingbird! As soon as you would log in, the criminals would run, it is always fun to see that. Good luck with your next!
84093, RE: Shalsad Deleted
Posted by Vythigor_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Shalsad, Shalsad, Shalsad. I am sad to see you go, you were a huge force in the Spire and were respected and feared (and sometimes disliked... but still feared) by all. We did start off our relationship on a rocky note when I had no clue how to free you from a snare. I've come a long way since and our relationship has improved as you slowly began to gain trust and confidence in me. I had no idea you were Xelox (who I liked quite a bit) and that is a testament and compliment to your ability to keep characters separate and distinct. I learned a ton from both Xelox and Shalsad and I must say that in terms of PK ability, to me personally, you've set the bar that I will once try to reach (unlikely success but can't blame a girl for trying!?!)

You made things VERY DIFFICULT trying to prevent a war between the Spire and the Village. Woldrun and I had many discussions about how to balance the duties of the Spire with your tactics of destroying the Village. Nothing good really came out of it, but I tried. Vindicator is such an interesting spot politically vis-a-vis the Provost. Yes, the Provost has a lot of say, but the Vindicator really only answers to Marcatis when it comes down to things Vindicator-like.

I must say, I did not agree with your looting policy but at the end of the day I never really felt like you were a #### about it (the accusation that others have made here). You were just a heartless lawful evil bloodthirsty stern Vindicator - and I am confident that that was IC and not OOC based on my interactions with Shalsad.

I do hope that you come to Tribunal again, I don't know who is there now but I would imagine without a Vindicator there may be trouble, though I'm sure Adeg does a good job keeping everyone in line and motivated.

Good luck with your next! Mucho props!
84049, Guess this means I won
Posted by Mreash on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Some of my tougher days where I felt like deleting I just remembered you saying "my goals it to outlive you" or something along that line. Anyway, good fights, good times. I agree with you about the shackles being OP somewhat. I think most of the fights I lost were because I tried to run for it after being shackled. Good luck on your next.
84047, Honestly, this is going to sound weird...
Posted by TMNS_lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I ####ing thought you were awesome when I played Mjraljin.

I remember killing Rogue together when you sent me a tell 'Make him recall'. I was like 'Um, okay, what's he going to do?'. I attack him, he tries some stuff, recall's. Next thing I know, he's a corpse. Shalsad was easily the only char of yours I was like 'This dude's badass and I want to hang with him'. Maybe that was because we're normally on opposite sides, but whatever. I was impressed.

Less impressed with the fact you had all these other side chars you played with a leader High Profile char like this around.

I'd like to think you're better than just being 'That Guy', but maybe I'm wrong.

At least you're giving me a goal of who I really need to kill to make myself feel like I accomplished something.

PS For the love of Christ can you and Crafted stop your lovefest? I really want to like both of you but everytime I notice you have chars in the same cabal that roll around ganking people it just makes me wonder why I play CF.
84052, RE: Honestly, this is going to sound weird...
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>PS For the love of Christ can you and Crafted stop your
>lovefest? I really want to like both of you but everytime I
>notice you have chars in the same cabal that roll around
>ganking people it just makes me wonder why I play CF.

Yeah, my understanding was that someone had the "Knock that the #### off" talk about that at some point, but lately I'm wondering if maybe that wasn't clear or strongly worded enough.
84096, RE: Honestly, this is going to sound weird...
Posted by lurker on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"Less impressed with the fact you had all these other side chars you played with a leader High Profile char like this around. "

Try playing a Vindicator sometime with no wanted people on or cowering from your sight. Then add in not having anyone on to flag criminals. As a Vindie mage you can only beat on Battle so much before you get bored and log.
84041, What I hated
Posted by Quix_LZ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
was not that Shalsad came off the way he did, as that was a player decision, but the sheer deathfulness an air/offense vindicator with Barrier can be. The only class that I think could come close to air/off for the surprise/"I raped your mother's 13 generations" factor might be a transmuter, but I've never seen one.

Since you could pick most of your fights on the ground to your advantage, what air forms did you find the need to avoid?

Can you put shackles on someone in the air? That just screams dead shapeshifter.

84033, RE: Shalsad Deleted
Posted by Adeglicfh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You never showed enough for me to really like you.

I'm not a fan of the limited show people. I know sometimes thats just all people can do. Get on for little time. But I also noticed and I guess it makes sense but with no Wanted people around you left just as quick as you came, so there was no much interaction. Hope the ambers helped a little.

Thanks for getting me out of that one spot. I knew how to, just wouldn't have been able to fight my way out.

Aside from that when you did come on, and there were criminals on, I knew you would be having fun, and I tried to stay out of your way. I think you were really displeased when I said I would not start war on the village. I know you could live through it, but most magistrates can not.

Hard blow to the Spire right now, with lots of outlanders around, and A couple Villager teaming up with them making things hard. Feel free to come back to us with something just as deadly

- Adeglicfh

84029, I agree
Posted by Ghrummin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bloody shackles is sickening. Absolutely sickening I tell you!

I didn't much like the full looting of villagers, but each has their own style of playing. I do think that you had a commanding presence in the game, whether people thought that you were a douche or just really wary of your supped up combo.

All in all, I liked our fights, especially because I have to be soooo freaking wary of you.

I would say good luck with your next, but we all know it's going to be known for something. Just a matter of time.
84023, RE: Shalsad Deleted
Posted by A2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think you're a giant douche. I have a feeling that you kind of know you play like a douche. As you didn't seem to attach this character to any known handle or previous characters.

I treasure the rare times I actually got to kill you. Part of that was you and part of that is my hatred for shifters with airforms and the nominal risk they generally take in almost any fight.
84027, It's Tongni/Ravon/Fatfrumos
Posted by lurker on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
84028, RE: It's Tongni/Ravon/Fatfrumos
Posted by Shalsad. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry, wasn't trying to be obtuse. I referenced that I played Xelox in the original post, but I guess nobody reads these things anymore just fires up the old flamebot.
84094, Don't worry
Posted by lurker on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Some people aren't intelligent enough (like you and I) to see what's implied. No beef with you other than your sometimes shadiness with CD (you've both had some impressive stand-alone chars w/o eachothers' help).
84030, He's also super dooper awesome. (nt)
Posted by Rob_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
84019, RE: Shalsad Deleted
Posted by Malakhi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well. I hated bloody shackles. Even if I managed to beat you down after they landed, I was sure to be hit by a few more Tribs while severely injured and unable to move to safety. I also hated you full looting me, particularly when I died to other players/mobs.

But that said, you took risks you did not have to, and you made me hesitate for long moments before breaking the law. Because I knew if I was WANTED it would be torture the next time we were both logged in.

Why not roll a rager next?
84003, RE: Shalsad Deleted
Posted by Sulye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've been on the opposing side from Shalsad with a couple characters now. At some point you seemed to get a bad rap for stripping people you killed. However, when you killed me, you didn't do that at all. Did you make an exception in my case, or was your reputation never deserved in the first place?
84005, RE: Shalsad Deleted
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's sort of both.

I saw Shalsad clean a number of people out completely or near completely, including some people he didn't kill.

I also saw him kill at times and take basically the Tribunal bare minimum.
84009, RE: Shalsad Deleted
Posted by Shalsad. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Feel like this game has gotten way too carebear. I don't like how it's a (bad) reflection on the player if he decides to take your items, even if he can't use them. If you know you are going to have to fight this player in the immediate future, why would you want to give him more hit/dam and HP to use against you? The whining about the gear which also oftentimes crosses from IC to OOC is one of the things that really bugs me. If you did that, next time I saw your corpse I certainly took as much as possible. My default was to leave everything but weapons, but it didn't take very much to get on my bad side.
84010, RE: Shalsad Deleted
Posted by Sulye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> If you know you are going to have to fight this player in the immediate future, why would you want to give him more hit/dam and HP to use against you?

You must not really believe that, though, or you would have cleaned me out. Along with every other Outlander, Fortress and Battle character you killed.
84013, RE: Shalsad Deleted
Posted by Shalsad. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There's a big difference between "I'm going to have to fight this guy later this week" and "This guy is going to come into Galadon and pincer me the second he unghosts." Also, based on your tactics, I didn't feel you'd be too tough to take down again. Could have just caught you on a bad day though.
84011, You cleaned out Valdora when I killed him.
Posted by Forsakenz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I posted the log. It made you look like a chump. I think you are in fact a chump.


Valdora was a pretty classy character, at that.
84012, RE: You cleaned out Valdora when I killed him.
Posted by Shalsad. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Cool. Some guy who is no one thinks I'm a chump. Going to lose some sleep over this one.

I get it though, you're naked, the leader of your enemy cabal dies, and you leave him all his stuff and go on to kill the snow worm. Good on you. Suppose that's one of the (many) ways we are different.
84024, I have no idea what you're talking about.
Posted by Forsakenz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Did you respond to the wrong post or something?

And I'm far from some guy. ####y.
84045, Personally, I just think you're petty.
Posted by TMNS_lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why else would you risk death to full-loot someone?
84055, RE: Personally, I just think you're petty.
Posted by Shalsad. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>Why else would you risk death to full-loot someone?

Because you are naked? I have no problem with Valdora, I just needed equipment.
84014, RE: Shalsad Deleted
Posted by Aarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As long as you can take it without bitching when it happens to you, I don't honestly see any problem with looting people left-and-right. I personally don't play that way, but I wouldn't fault someone who did.

Anyway good luck with your next.

84020, All things being equal...
Posted by Hyshrawr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Feel like this game has gotten way too carebear. I don't
>like how it's a (bad) reflection on the player if he decides
>to take your items, even if he can't use them. If you know
>you are going to have to fight this player in the immediate
>future, why would you want to give him more hit/dam and HP to
>use against you? The whining about the gear which also
>oftentimes crosses from IC to OOC is one of the things that
>really bugs me. If you did that, next time I saw your corpse
>I certainly took as much as possible. My default was to leave
>everything but weapons, but it didn't take very much to get on
>my bad side.

I don't think it's especially carebear in all honesty. You can still full loot or loot sac someone, or just take what you need/want. The difference to me is one of maturity or possibly RP, in lieu of that. If you full loot or loot sac someone you'll get it back, most likely at least twice in return, whereas if you take only what you want/need and guard a corpse till your fallen foe returns, there's a certain degree of implied respect that in all likelihood will be returned. If it's not, the one who drops the ball will most likely not gain the benefit of quid pro quo in the future.

Personally speaking I think the general present methodology being practiced by most is a step in the right direction. But to each their own, right?
84039, RE: Shalsad Deleted
Posted by Villager on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You killed my Villager a few times and took as much as you could carry.

It sucks, but I don't have a big problem with this, especially when you consider how stuffed the Village pit usually is. However, I detect a certain contradiction in your attitude.

You claim that the game is too "carebear," which I assume to mean that you feel that evil should be, well, evil. I agree. However, I never got a hint of RP from you whatsoever. From my POV you weren't evil, but more like an aggro, looting NPC.

If you want to change the character of the game and make it, once again, a place where dying meant a full loot, fine. But you've got to back it up with some roleplay or you're just griefing.

If you're going to be a prick, be one IC. Call me a pissant whelp who isn't fit to shine your beak. Tell me that I'm lucky you left me my work gloves and that a life in the fields of Aldevari would befit me.

Don't, however, kill loot and not RP. It just leaves people with a sour taste.

Disclaimer: Shalsad might have been an RP god and I just always got caught by him when he was too busy to give a tongue-lashing...but I doubt it.

84002, RE: Shalsad Deleted
Posted by Kalageadon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really and truly detested your personal war with battle non-wanted, it almost seemed like you wanted a war. When a lot of the time you seemed to fly around with nice resist and someone else at your side you were very deadly. I don't know how many times I came back to a nearly empty corpse which had me cursing. I'd say you played the perfect evil mage who exploited the advantage of being able to duck back into the sky or the city when you needed. When I saw you around I would always be much more careful as to how hurt I let myself get. And that one alias is pretty much enough, it is faster than 99% of people without them to try to flee and perform attacks before you could attack. All in all, well played... I'll throw down for the pbf and save my name to let you guess if you wish.
84004, Seconded
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Don't get me wrong, evil vindicators can run out and kill whoever they want WHEN there are no wanted people around to chase. Couple that with him going right past flagged criminals in his range in the same area to hit me more then once, well, that will just leave a bad taste in your mouth.

Other then that, you seemed ok.
84008, RE: Seconded
Posted by Shalsad. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Post a log of when I went past a criminal and attacked a non wanted player instead. That seems almost impossible - think of it from my point of view, considering how good shackles is, why would I ever fight someone I couldn't use it on when there is someone I could use it on sitting right there? Logically, it doesn't make any sense, and I'm sure I would have gotten chewed out hard for doing something like that.
84034, RE: Seconded
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would just like to point out, that no where did you once say "I did not do that".

84054, RE: Seconded
Posted by Shalsad. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did not do that. Was pretty sure that was the implication my post gave, but guess I have to be explicit.
84111, I just wanted to see if you would straight out lie, thanks nt
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
84139, Oh, I remember you now
Posted by Shalsad. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You had some warrior who got killed, looted heavily by me, then got all butthurt and went on an OOC tirade. My advice to you: get a helmet.
84149, RE: Oh, I remember you now
Posted by Other Villager on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As per my post above...

Did you offer any RP after the kill?

I'd wager not.

It's my guess that it's not the killing or the looting that sets people off, but rather the lack of any interaction other than the fight.

84155, Or exactly what I stated above
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The bypassing of wanted criminals to chase down a non wanted rager, on more than one occasion.
84158, Waa! I died!!
Posted by CD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Seriously. you died to a evil mage who ALSO happens to be a known criminal killer of the tribunal... as fire giant battle berserker who has sworn to destroy mages and gets off to how many skullz he has collected. BUT HE DID NOT "SPEAK" TO ME THEREFOR NO RP.
84199, RE: Waa! I died!!
Posted by Other Villager on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're a little off, but listen: If anyone can provide some backup that Shalsad engaged in RP I'm willing to say Kudos to him.

I'm not seeing anyone rushing to his defense, though, so I have to assert that a character like this should be treated more like a boundless NPC than anything else.

He was certainly a badass PKer, even if by his own admission he was really lucky that shackles worked so well. Even so, I hated seeing him around, becauase he's a capable killer. But, that is not the only criterion by which we are judged in this game.

84205, RE: Waa! I died!!
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Unfortunately you seem completely void of comprehensive thought.

I didn't once brooch the subject of him jumping me when I was fighting someone else to the wire and me only having about 50 hp left, and then subsequently looting the #### out of me, nearly everything.

He can do whatever he wants as long as it's reasonably believable with a character concept, cookie cutter or not.

MY problem was that not only did he shoot right past warranted criminals on eastern road to attack a non warranted villager once, he did it a few times. Almost every single fight I pugiled his face off till he shifted back and flew off to rest up, barrier up, and come again... WHILE wanted characters in his pk range ran around!

That was what I called him out on, sure he is a capable killer, but if he is just running amook with powers given to a specific role in tribunal and then not using them on those specific people that they are specifically made to be used on.. maybe he should have gotten his hand slapped for it or lost vindi.

But hey, can't have someone actually stick to standards, can we.

84207, Dont think he can use trib powers on you if your not wanted, buddy? ntnt
Posted by CD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
84208, Aside from detect hidden, buddy, but hey, that's hardly a power at all on an offense air shifter nt
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
84212, You were not a hidden char. Make some points where he abused d-hidden
Posted by CD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Anymore than the the other trib scanning out a gate to run out and fog?
84213, Oh by the way
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Last post and then I am done with your inane ####.

Not ONCE did I say he was using tribunal powers on someone he shouldn't, not once.

But I did say

"with powers given to a specific role in tribunal and then not using them on those specific people"

Oh, what's that, NOT using them on warranted people?!? But I thought.. wait, didn't you call me out on.. complaining... about... but, I thought... oh my, I guess you did say I complained about him using powers on me. Oh hum oh hum.
