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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Gueromnidous the Xenomorph
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=83554
83554, (DELETED) [None] Gueromnidous the Xenomorph
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat Jul 25 23:44:53 2009

At 1 o'clock AM, Day of Deception, 30th of the Month of the Heat
on the Theran calendar Gueromnidous perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
83587, Some Characters Work....
Posted by Quezzumpliet on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
..and some don't. This one died so much ranking and then no real chance to get in outlander so I decided just to explore a bit. Only found one sleek which was a bummer. I am going to post my role here as it makes a better short story anyways. If the Imm staff want to use it on the webpage feel free to edit and use it as you see fit.

The Scourge of Gold
I was a young child when I witnessed my first murder. My parents and I had gone
to Galadon to trade some goods we had aquired in the outlying villages. Whilst
we concluded our bartering a loud male voice roard "You lost WHAT!?!?!" and was
followed by the sickening crack of a heavy fist connecting with a face and the
collapse of a person to the ground.

Being smaller than most of the traders in the market we were able to switfly make
our way towards the sound of the ruckuss. I was fearful yet despite my mother's
objections my father led us to witness what he later called 'the golden scourge'.
As we parted through to the front of the crowd that had gathered there was the
man who had yelled, his fists clenched so tight the knuckles shown white. On the
ground before him cowered a girl, no older than sixteen, her face bearing a red
welt from where her father had hit her not moments before.

The father raged at his daughter for losing an heirloom his now dead wife had
inherited from her mother. The daughter begged her father for forgiveness but
he either could not or would not hear her and continued to rant and lament the
loss of 'his' necklace and how could he pay off his debts now. Eventually he lay
blame on their financial troubles on his dead wife calling her a 'whore'. The
daughter's eyes closed a moment and her sobbing stopped and her face changed from
fear to resolute anger. She staggered to her feet and with defiance upon her face
looked her father directly in the eyes, perhaps for the first time in all her life
and said.

"That necklace was passed from mother to daughter for thirteen generations and it
was meant for me, not to pay off your gambling debts you stupid drunken fool."

The father's face went slack a moment, his jaw agape. Then a blind rage gripped
took him. He grabbed a sword off the nearest table and with a wild shriek swung it
overhead and down cleaving into his daughter's right shoulder down to her midrift.
The crowd gasped but the daughter made no sound except for a slight grunt as the
blade struck. Nor had she flinched as her father's stroke arced towards her. She
slowly fell to her knees, still looking into her father's eyes, the blood flowing
from her terrible wound onto the cobble stone street.

Then all was silent except for the ragged breathing of both father and daughter.

No one came forward to help, no one moved at all. The father began to wake from
his terrible rage and started to sob at the sight of what he had done. The girl
managed to raise her left hand and grab onto her father's tunic while something
fell from her right onto the street. With that her eyes rolled back into her head
and she started to pitch back but her father caught her in his arms. He looked to
to the street where something glittered and there was the necklace laying in the
expanding pool of his daughter's blood.

Panicking he grabbed the necklace and begged someone to get a healer, he would use
the necklace as payment if only someone would fetch a healer but it was too late.
The girl gurgled her last few breaths then sagged in his arms and lain still. The
man weeped and rocked his daughter in his arms as he pressed his face into her hair
as the city guard finally arrived and pulled him from her corpse, the necklace still
dangling from his murderous hand.

My father led us away from Galadon then, pontificating upon the evils of the city
and coin. But I took much more from it. For I saw in that girl a spirit that had
been imprisoned by fear be released and her true strength shown knowing her defiance
would mean her death. I also knew that I would not be like that man. I would become
a liberator of the spirit so that it can exist as they were truly meant to be. Free
and unburdened like so many of the Refuge. Perhaps I shall find my own fate within
the Tree of Ages.

83588, Awww, Tsyda!
Posted by Ixy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I had known you were this discouraged, I would have made it a point to travel with you more.