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Topic subject(DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=8316
8316, (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Aug 7 18:44:31 2002

10 o''clock AM, Day of Freedom, 25th of the Month of the Spring on the Theran calendar Dranolian perished, never to return.

Cabal:SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night
PK Ratio:88% (closer to 100% is better)

8317, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Falax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had meant to reply right away, but time got away, and then I was intimidated by the number of replies.

I know I was insignificant to Dranolian, but I really looked up to and respected you. The day Aljern inducted me and some of the things you said to me then excited me from a roleplaying standpoint. I was looking forward to interacting with you more at hero level.

But now you're gone and Dullameh has immed, and it's always a dangerous pk for any heroish scion.

Kudos on a great character.
8318, Oi !!
Posted by Gorach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As a player I really wanted to do that duel you suggested .. I actually had some plans worked out for that (getting preps, tactics I'd use and stuff) .. but just a day or two before that Wasarbre gave me this scolding about my duelling Garzhirus .. and then there is the thing that Gorach doesn't really trust ANY of your kind, i.e. 'darkhearts' .. I must say that I heard people on our side (goodie side) always step back a bit if they knew you were around .. Gorach never did, though .. she just jumps in .. if she dies, so be it .. there was a time that I was too 'attached' to some really well balanced set of clothes I had, but I got over it .. I do get the feeling that you have to do the same, no offense .. it did bug me that there were times that it was just me with someone, raiding succesfully and then see you pop up at the bottom of the PK-list .. but I'm sure you have valid reasons for that ..
Anyways, about that brazier .. it was me who took that thing from your corpse, and I gave it to someone else (am not going to tell you his/her name) because I had no idea whatsoever how the thing worked... what he/she did with it, I don't care .. and no, I don't have any sylvans .. so no, you'll never see me walking around with one of them spiffy elementals :( ..

Anyways, from what I knew of you, you should have been made chancellor (a thing I often wondered about) .. but then, I am on the other side, so I didn't really have a chance to interact with you .. And I'm pretty sure you're going to have another character soon ..

Last question .. that Illien I fought him with another character of mine .. I do mix you up with someone else though ... were you that scion mage or that scion invoker ?
8321, Jerk...
Posted by Ulthur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Illien was a Scion shapeshifter if I remember correctly. Alligator and something else.
8322, Fat ass..
Posted by Gorach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If he was the mage (with stupid giants like you you never know)then he was a shark no ? Dranolian ?
8323, RE: Fat ass..
Posted by Dranolian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes Alligator/Shark with the nightmare for a quest form.

8319, It's good you didn't duel, we were going to gang you (nt)
Posted by Aljern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
8320, Heh !!
Posted by Gorach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Made me laugh to read this .. I should have known though .. the both of you were almost always together .. and as a player I am having respect for you because you have the guts to stay around (your having duo might have something to with it, but still .. there are soooo many places where you can hide when you are not in duo) .. anyways, see you in the fields.

Gorach, General and amused.
8324, Bah
Posted by Ally of sorts on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've interacted with you with 3 different chars.
I thought you were pretty knowledgeable.
Gave you some nifty artifacts (namely certain staff), talked with you about many things. Tried to push you a bit towards getting chancellor.

Was flabbergasted when you said you would not use abs because you did not know where to get them and did not want to make any effort to do so.

I hope you enjoyed this char.
Try something else now (class which gave you most trouble for example). Do not quit.

Good luck !!!

PS Just want to say I totally agree with many things you've pointed out.
8325, RE: Bah
Posted by Dranolian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I tried to get Chancellor and it never went any where. I was told to wait and wait I did. I did use ABS when I had it. Aura was easy for me to get and I used it all the time. Barrier was harder to come by. Shield is not worth the time to prep with it so I never bothered to carry the weight. Was really upset Silent Tower got closed as it was a great place to go alone when you don't want to deal with others. Then when Hell go closed just was little left to explore just gather preps and gear and fight. My friends are already trying to talk me into another char. I am just gonna take some time to cool off after this one.

8326, WHAT!?
Posted by NbM on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When did hell get closed and why?
I havnt been too up to date, I think it sucks
8327, See Scarabaeus' posts on Ask an Imm for information. (n/t)
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nope. No text. Sphere Truth and all.
8328, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Hralled on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You know, I never really thought anything of arcanes
till you came about. Always thought they were really just good
bash/cranial, whatever bait to take out first so nobody gets held.
You were obviously pretty knowledgeable, I enjoyed the
silent tower with you, and my current scion's kinda pissed
that it got closed down a day or two after we got out.
Anyway, you ruled as far as Arcanes go. I've had some characters who fought you a bit, and you were the last one to stick out a failed raid. Gained me a lot of respect for you as an enemy, also.
I had the most interaction with you on my current character,
and I noticed how much more you'd learned with Dranolian than you
knew when Hralled was about. Too bad you deleted, I was looking forward to exploring with you with my current character. Oh Well.
Good Luck on your next.
Hralled/Some Living Scion that you missed.
8329, great job
Posted by Uelveyye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How suprised was I to locate the brazier on someone else!
That was how I tracked you, I'm sure others did too.
I had some decent interactions with you, really thought we were going to go head to head when the transmuter guildguard had the sceptre that time. I'd probably have lost ;0) What can I say I'm not an Uberslayer, not my role.

Anyway good luck I'm sure you will be back sometime.
8330, RE: great job
Posted by Dranolian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Everyone had thier way to locate me I am sure. If we would have went head to head manacals would have ended the fight. I actually had a thief steal it per your suggestion. You played the part of an elf magistrate well.

8331, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Dranolian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was going to wait untill I got a response on the log I posted but with all the posts already I might as well throw something togeather. I have always wanted to play an arcane. They are badass, and fit my playing style well. I had a long drawn out role and was trying to focus on some imm interaction with the Scion cabal. Had intentions of immorting. Looks like all of that did not matter compared to Dullameh. I was Iillien/Ghim as well for anyone who did not know already. I would post my role but who actually reads those things. I will just throw down a quick over view then do the ritual farewells.

Basicly I was an immortal from the plane that nightwalkers are called from. Projected myself to Thera occupied a drow body. Hence the non drow name and my no idea to many mortal actions. Wanted to bring my army from the other plane to Thera, rule it and become a immortal here as well. Since the only interaction I got was getting kicked out of Scion for not defending against two villagers things did not go as planed. I hired Zefarah to teach me mortal life so I could blend in better. Hence my liking to nice clothes lots of cash ect ect ect.

Immortals in general. I belive it was all summed up with the last immortal I spoke to before I deleted. They said something along the lines of "If we interact with mortals every time we are on nothing will get done". Its a game. Is there ever a point when its done and we can all play?

Aravam - That pimp ass dinner you threw togeather for me when I was in a pinch with Zefarah was mega bad ass. How did I not score?

Scion immortals - Do you guys still exist? I never saw any of you ever. Altho who ever kicked me out the echos were badass. I wanted it to go further. And why the ##### wasn't I made Chancellor? I am sure some immortal will post a response how they were working on something but I didn't wait long enough blah blah blah 500 hours is a long time no matter how you slice it. Another little problem I have is why the hell no one has titles? 9/10 ragers has a title. Paladins that would die to me alone had flashy titles. Once again Scion immortals? Hello?


Orinah/Stargher/I know who your playing now *wink*- Only reason I stayed around so long. You never stoped going places getting gear killing. You made the game fun. You also were the one that helped my addiction for rare/limited gear even if they did nothing for me. When hell/silent tower closed shut all of that down. I had wished to explore both more indepth but never got the chance. 7th is so half assed. The rest could not have been much diffrent.

Aljern - You were my only crew at time. We did well togeather. Was alot of fun having another arcane to hunt with. You wanted to see something happen with the chasm as well. Guess we just are not part of the in crew.

Kalraak - Badass. You were my pet warrior for the longest time. Always had gear preps and what not for you. Pissed me off when I would actually force you to prep. Eat this, drink this, smoke this, kill! I would have never lead you into that death trap if we did not have a way out.

Dullameh - I should not even post anything here for you because I have nothing nice to say. Making people go to hell and what not to fetch gear you can not even hold onto is pathetic. You had no control over the cabal other than everyone would login when you were on. Yes some of us did play when you were not around.

Urden - You were my puppet. Listened well. You tried to keep me happy because I think you knew I kept ##### in line when there was no Chancellor about. I hated you in char, but I started to have respect towards the end when you would login induct and kick. Doing your part because Dullameh is an idiot.

Eleke - You were around when Iillien was around. I liked you more with this char. You always had some inside info for me. And would always show up to get the last hit on someone I was killing. Why the ##### you don't have a title/skill or something is amazing.


Spellbane works to much. Deathblow works to much. Thror wrecked the village.

Huraz - Nice of you to post under my death under two names. I had all my boys roll up ragers when I got leader to. Was bad ass when you hit that assassinate on Urden right in front of me. I was like oh #####.

Tobeldest - Odd how you log in as soon as your axe was on. Die already.

Rhuean - Only villager that I had mad respect for. You had me dead. Entwined bashing the hell out of me and Dullameh rescues with his mobs and my word finally went through. I had like 30hps left poison hit me. It was close then I used the healer.

Sylvans, I head about the little ring on AIM. Like I am going to fall for the beast call insect swarm then your arcane is going to hold me. The cabal is finished. And Prolith got banned for the little chat ring and since the cabal has not changed its not going anywhere.

Warlocks. After Selreaka deleted you guys became worthless. Only would fight with Wasarbre. Do you have any idea how much counterspell limits an arcane?

Amora - Your a bad ass. That time we talked I was amazed. You rock, I hope things go as planed for you seems like you have worked hard.

Deigreck - Your welcome. You still owe me. I got what 3 of 4?

On that note I think I am done with CF for a while again. I have had the bad ass sets, I have killed ect. The one thing I want to do with chars is not going to happen because the imms don't want to interact with mortals on a regular basis. And once again I have seen how unlevel the playing field is for everyone on this game. The amount of OCC ##### is amazing. Posting areas and quest stuff is not even the worst of it. As an example: Xran has had three Chancellors now in four chars I belive. He is a VIP on dios. So any post that has been removed that others can not see he had the advantage of reading. So some people are "allowed" to cheat in a way. Just upsetting to see certain people get special treatment then some of us who want a little interaction get none.

I have missed alot of people, post something I will post a response.


For everyone who wants to roll a perma with me its

8359, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Eleke on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So, you were Iillien? With my last character I severely disliked him, but I did like Dranolian. Should you have been a Chancellor? Yes. Should you have popped out of duo when Bryvac died? No. Should you have deleted over it? No. Yeah, it is a pain that ooc ##### like that happened with your gear being passed to a Sylvan, and no, nothing is likely to be done about it. 'Thems the breaks.' As for Circ's criticism lower in this thread about your name and such, don't bother taking any of it to heart, he can't even get a character past level 30. Good luck with your next, if you make one, and make sure it is some form of an evil bastard.
8355, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Urden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Urden - You were my puppet. Listened well. You tried to keep me happy because I think you knew I kept ##### in line when there was no Chancellor about. I hated you in char, but I started to have respect towards the end when you would login induct and kick. Doing your part because Dullameh is an idiot.

--I just lost any respect I had for you. I didn't try to keep you "happy",
I pressed you to continue trying to become Chancellor because you seemed
competent to me. As far as a personal view, you always seemed like you
were about to come apart at the seams, and all I ever really heard from
you was complaining.

>Dullameh - I should not even post anything here for you because I have nothing nice to say. Making people go to hell and what not to fetch gear you can not even hold onto is pathetic. You had no control over the cabal other than everyone would login when you were on. Yes some of us did play when you were not around.

--The way I, and I'm sure everyone else in their right mind, sees it,
is that Krivohan and co. were going to hell, and Dullameh (for good
reasons) did not go. However, there are things down there he can use...
so yeah, they brought him some equipment...what's the big deal? And
you say he couldn't even hold onto it. Is that a joke? So a thief managed
to steal a few things--whoopdee doo, it happens to everyone. And eh...
no control over the cabal? Funny it never seemed that way when he was
around, and that IS what matters.

8356, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Dranolian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gripes run up hill. I have been on for 4 hours or so dealing the the morons that get mass inducted. Chancellor logs in. Time to take up some issues. Hardly complaining just trying to get you to do ##### that I could not do on my own. Coming apart at the seams, cool. I was ALWAYS busy had people to talk to people to kill people wanting this and that.

As for my comments on Dullameh it was how he asked us to do it. Not oh I lost my mask you guys mind? It was get it now do it bitch. Don't make me kick you out attitude. Like the thing over the dragonkind amulet. That type of attitude that just angered me. And yes he lost the mask again after I died in hell to get it.

8357, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Urden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The mass induction of idiots is the very thing I've been trying to put
a stop to. The ones who speak to me are either the real deal, or can
talk a sweet talk when I'm around, and turn into a jackass when I'm
gone. Not much I can do about it if I can't see it occuring.
8358, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Dranolian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I understand that is why I chilled out towards you at the end. Was the same way when I had Iillien. I think you will grow into your part well and hopefully things will progress for the chasm and your role.

8353, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Jaslanna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry to see you go. I rather respected Dranolian for his sneakiness. Even as a Scion was not sure when you were always about. You played the Arcane muter well. Seems noone finds Jaslanna much of interest enough to even mention. Oh well. I travel alone quite a bit and am still waiting. Hope your next character is as successfull.
And I truely thought you would be a Chancellor.
8354, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Dranolian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did not mention you because you were always so quiet. I thought you had something up your sleeve when you wanted to talk to me that one time. Was thinking maybe it was lich quest time? You did save my ass that one time when you looted me when the goodies got me. Damn that was stupid of me. I thought I would be Chancellor as well partly why I was pissed enough to delete.

8342, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Krivohan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hmm... Actually until recently no one could read a deleted post except Dioxide. As far as my character history let's see. Manshoon was mortal leader of Master, Then Qxorlarran became eye of the Scarab, Ralemos was leader of scion, Bidefahl was a maran, Llaiserius was a leader of scion, and then Krivohan became leader. Was it because of ooc connections? No, I just have a playing style that seems to fit what the imms look for in a leader. I liked Dranolian and had expected him to gain Chancellor soon, but at the same time until #### and #### get finished I would see it as being kind of pointless.

#### and #### are just my ideas of where the cabal was headed before I deleted.

Krivohan the Vindicated, Dead Chancellor of Shapeshifting
8343, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Dranolian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did not mean it as a dirrect attack at you simply an example. It could be a million things. Like with Iillien maybe they did not like how I talked bad about my quest form so they got me back with this char? Maybe they like you and know its you and know you can lead a cabal so you get leader positions easier? There are a million unknowns that only the imms can answer.

8344, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I did not mean it as a dirrect attack at you simply an
>example. It could be a million things. Like with Iillien
>maybe they did not like how I talked bad about my quest form
>so they got me back with this char? Maybe they like you and
>know its you and know you can lead a cabal so you get leader
>positions easier? There are a million unknowns that only
>the imms can answer.

Maybe it isn't my place, but I'm going to say something here. Stop insinuating that the immortal staff planted/had something to do with the bug with duo dimension. I for one have never thought nor care what characters you have played in the past, nor did I see any evidence of anyone else caring. If you need to make up these pathetic conspiracy theories to justify your death then you really need to step away from this game and find something else more productive to do.

We are human. We (our coders) write code and sometimes there are flaws in it. We cannot hope to encompass every variable into every line of code that is written. Stop thinking that your death was something personal and get over it. It's happened to the best of us and it's extremely frustrating for anyone who encounters it. Try and remember, you are playing a game that is FREE. Again, if you feel the need to make accusations against the immortal staff, go elsewhere.
8348, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Dranolian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am making no accusations about anything. Simply stating things happen to people for a reason. People make Chancellor for a reason. Ect. I know more goes into certian decisions than he has a good role and plays it well. I know it was a bug. I was pissed that I died to a flaw in the game and not so much a flaw in how I played. I think the immortals here do amazing things. This game has come so far. Forums like these would never exist or done as well as they do in the days of Cador who never thought there were bugs or would admit them. My statement was made as far as chars getting certian postions/skills/powers and what not. I understand that the game has flaws and it is my part as a player and someone who enjoys the game to help try and fix them. If some immortal wanted me dead they would just transfer me and do it. I am making no remark that any immortal had anything to do with my death. But they did have something to do with no title, no Chancellor position ect and that was the point I was trying to touch on.

8352, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I am making no accusations about anything. Simply stating
>things happen to people for a reason. People make
>Chancellor for a reason. Ect. I know more goes into
>certian decisions than he has a good role and plays it well.

Yes you are, and it won't be tolerated here. Just because 'you' didn't get a position/title doesn't mean an immortal has something against 'you.'

It probably means you were overlooked or were not as qualified as someone else. If you have a personal gripe against the Scion immortals, take it up with them via e-mail, but don't come to these forums slandering individuals who put hard work and dedication into this mud simply because your character failed your expectations.

> I know it was a bug. I was pissed that I died to a flaw in
>the game and not so much a flaw in how I played. I think
>the immortals here do amazing things. This game has come so
>far. Forums like these would never exist or done as well as
>they do in the days of Cador who never thought there were

It's a shame someone has to bicker at you before the immortal staff gets the slightest bit of praise.

>bugs or would admit them. My statement was made as far as
>chars getting certian postions/skills/powers and what not.

If what you say is true about you being Illien - you received a quest form and complained about it the whole time. Maybe take a moment to step back and ask yourself if your expectations are too high? It's very rare that a player gets multiple rewards with consecutive characters. I'm not quite sure why you feel you need to be the exception.

>I understand that the game has flaws and it is my part as a
>player and someone who enjoys the game to help try and fix
>them. If some immortal wanted me dead they would just
>transfer me and do it. I am making no remark that any
>immortal had anything to do with my death. But they did
>have something to do with no title, no Chancellor position
>ect and that was the point I was trying to touch on.

Dranolian was great. I enjoyed watching him as an immortal. Were it up to me, I probably would have given him a title - HOWEVER - as I stated in another post: we immortals do not step on each others toes. If I were to go around giving Scions titles left and right, I would be stepping over my bounds. Scion immortals monitor their own. Those two Scion immortals are also two of the most active/project oriented/involved immortals of the staff who deserve a hell of a lot more credit than you are giving them with your bitching and complaining.

So take a moment to step back, redefine a standard of fun and attempt to achieve it. That's what this game is all about.


8349, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My statement was made as far as chars getting certian postions/skills/powers and what not.

Except that all of the decisions you're accusing us of "cheating" on were made by an immortal (me) with no real access to information about who plays who. I pick based on what I see.

I know more goes into certian decisions than he has a good role and plays it well.

If you look back at the list of people who have held Chancellor positions, there are a ton of different players who have gotten one. Just because a player has done it more than once doesn't mean there's a vast conspiracy out to get you. The fact that Krivohan did a solid job for a long period of time lends credibility to the fact that he was picked because he showed leadership and did the job well. Despite your claims, I'll go ahead and say Dullameh did as well. And no, he's not being played by my dentist/cousin/lead vocalist either. He's just a character I thought would lead Scion well.

The fact that you didn't become Chancellor had a lot to do with the sheer number of times you'd log out mid-raid, or log-on-see-no-Sceptre-log-off, and more. It's also indirectly why you were booted, though I waited for a specific incident(s). Weeniedom is not the road to leader jobs.

8350, AHA!
Posted by Solomon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Again, I simply must know the name of this band, Valg.
If you don't want to say here, e-mail me at pillstrings@aol.com

I've been playing guitar for about 8 years, and have a weird sort of
hardcore band which just put out a demo...so if you're interested in
talking music, give me a buzz.
8351, RE: AHA!
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And no, he's not being played by my dentist/cousin/lead vocalist either.

Again, I simply must know the name of this band, Valg.
If you don't want to say here, e-mail me at pillstrings@aol.com

I'm not actually in a band, nor do I have a hint of musical talent, though I am rather particular about dental hygiene. (Floss! Plax! Sonicare! Act! Listerine! Usually 3 times per day!) I stand by my claim that no Chancellor was my cousin or dentist, however.

One of my many cousins is in a band, but I can't very well go around ruining his indie credibility by associating them with with his computer-game-lovin' elder. :P He has purchased my loyalty with free T-shirts.

Now then, we're a little off-topic here. I'll be quiet now.
8345, In defense of the IMMStaff (yeah, it happens)
Posted by Dru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>maybe they did not like how I talked bad about my quest form
>>so they got me back with this char? Maybe they like you and
>>know its you and know you can lead a cabal so you get leader
>>positions easier? There are a million unknowns that only
>>the imms can answer.

>caring. If you need to make up these pathetic conspiracy
>theories to justify your death then you really need to step
>away from this game and find something else more productive
>to do.

Heh, c'mon Thror, junkies always blame someone else.

>We are human. We (our coders) write code and sometimes
>there are flaws in it. We cannot hope to encompass every
>variable into every line of code that is written. Stop
>thinking that your death was something personal and get over
>it. It's happened to the best of us and it's extremely
>frustrating for anyone who encounters it.

Yup yup. Odd enough as it is for me to enter this particular fray, I've been there. When I lucked out and scored the displacer beast, I caught crap from people over how much I must suck to STILL keep dyin. The displacement had been broken since the change to the effect for When You Can't See Me was done.
So.. yeah, flaws happen. I jumped on Nep about it, and he busted ass and patched it up. Then you guys reverted to some other variation of the codebase.. so it was broke again. :p He fixed it again a while later. It took a lot longer to kill me after that, so I died with a smile on my face.

The trick, of course, is finding an immortal and bending their ear long enough to get things taken care of.
8346, I'll add...
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your story was from a day long before the somewhat frightening efficiency of the Bug Forum. If you pop in there, you'll see we're fixing dozens of bugs every week at the request of players. Anyone would be hard pressed to say we don't care about fixing bugs.
8347, the bug forum roxx3z your s0xx3z
Posted by ArChaos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
it's funny/scary just how many bugs(features) would still be in the game if not for the success of the bug forum.
8340, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Malgaris on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ty Webb "I like you Betty"

Danny "It's Danny, sir"

Ty Webb "Danny"

A little bit of Caddyshack humor. Well I liked Dranolian and I'll be damned if we didn't think the same about many things..like people logging on when Dullameh was on and quitting out right after he left..and certain people not helping you defend against the Drakes. That's a sick PK ratio for an arcane, kudos.
8341, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Dranolian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was part of my RP when I got kicked out of the chasm. I became crazy about the sceptre and protecting it. I showed for almost all raids even if I stayed duo I was looking for a way to shut things down. I died 3 times to players. The rest were to lose flags and the others in hell.

8339, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Algorvhal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If for no other reason I was disappointed in you when you agreed to fight me alone and the whole scion world showed up.

Your skills were obvious, no need to belabor that. The few times we talked you acted in a way I thought perfectly acceptable for a drow scion muter of some power and infamy.

Wish I'd had champion's stand when we fought in the Fortress that time when it was you and orinah and kalraak (or fauqi? some warrior).

Good luck in the future.
8337, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Orinah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From the first trip to Hell I invited you on as Mordan (again, sorry you got killed, although I did tell you to hero first...), to the latest and most boring, it's always been grand. Gripes can be valid or not, be either way there's only one thing to remember. Life is a bitch, even if it is a fantasy one. I still wish I could play a first age mage in a simple world, changes for the better always will bring changes for the worst, and there will never be a point of everyone liking everything, or even everything always working. Believe me, I've been here since the age of lame names (not that they're all that great now). You had fun however, and that is the point of playing, to put it more delicately then Thror ever will (Decaf m'boy, decaf). So, on my out, have a breather, come back (as everyone knows you will), enjoy and repeat.
8338, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Dranolian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have been playing since the first age as well. And I feel the game has only gotten better. But perfection is a matter of opinion. Your post is real man, very real.


8336, Sylvan
Posted by Danical on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Priolith was a scapegoat. Its fine, he got shafted, and there were other people involved. Oh well, the guy with the best set in the game gets deleted, boo hoo, Dullameh gets the stuff. I agree the Imms seem to have a kind of favoritism. I think the role thing is good and bad. I always believed in roles, but I'm still not sure if i really like writing them out like that. As we can see, it didn't do much for you, and i know your roleplay, and I know its been solid in the past, and I'm sure it was with Dran. I'm sorry about that.

As for Sylvan, have you ever played one? They are pretty fun, we both were rager junkies til things changed, and I found sylvan, you found other stuff. I love it, it rocks. I'm not sure why you think things are the same as with Priolith. Honestly, they weakened sylvan dramatically, and the new stuff doesn't do much to help us. Hmm...should I call demonfire or bioempathy the person? Let me think! Ah well, I still love to play them

I hope you come back soon, you bring a lot to the game.

8335, Just wanted to say.
Posted by ArChaos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Basicly I was an immortal from the plane that nightwalkers
>are called from. Projected myself to Thera occupied a drow
>body. Hence the non drow name and my no idea to many mortal
>actions. Wanted to bring my army from the other plane to
>Thera, rule it and become a immortal here as well. Since
>the only interaction I got was getting kicked out of Scion
>for not defending against two villagers things did not go as
>planed. I hired Zefarah to teach me mortal life so I could
>blend in better. Hence my liking to nice clothes lots of
>cash ect ect ect.

A: as Daiken i didn't detect the slightest infrence of this
B: "I hired Zefarah to teach me mortal life", not exactly going to make a great leader of mortals, are you? unless
C: You take the hardass route of leadership and oh wait, you bitch and moan about Dullameh sending you to hell like that.

>Immortals in general. I belive it was all summed up with
>the last immortal I spoke to before I deleted. They said
>something along the lines of "If we interact with mortals
>every time we are on nothing will get done". Its a game.
>Is there ever a point when its done and we can all play?

It's a shame, but it happened to everyone in the cabal. Not just you.

>Scion immortals - Do you guys still exist? I never saw any
>of you ever. Altho who ever kicked me out the echos were
>badass. I wanted it to go further. And why the #####
>wasn't I made Chancellor?

If you managed to get kicked out by an immortal it's a fairly big sign that they aren't very pleased with you. When an imm is not pleased with you they are not going to make you leader and perpetuate your actions throughout the cabal. Also you have to be a certain mindset to make leader, hence why Abernyte has had a bunch of leaders and i've had NIL :P

> Another little problem I have is why the hell no one has titles?

If the imms are too busy to watch/interact with you, then they are too busy to give out titles.

>Dullameh - You had no control over the cabal other than
>everyone would login when you were on. Yes some of us did
>play when you were not around.

Uh the entire time i played Daiken and Dullameh wasn't around, I didn't see any major issues, just interpersonnel squabbles for rank (which is what i would _expect_ from scions).

>Urden - You were my puppet. Listened well. You tried to
>keep me happy because I think you knew I kept ##### in line
>when there was no Chancellor about.

I can only assume your character developed a lot after i died because i never heard a cheep out of you while i was alive.

> I hated you in char,
>but I started to have respect towards the end when you would
>login induct and kick. Doing your part because Dullameh is
>an idiot.

Heh, dumbass. Dullameh specifically asked of me who did I want kicked. He was doing the kick job but he can only act on information and what he sees.

>Eleke - Why the ##### you don't have a title/skill or something is amazing.

I could give quite a few reasons.

> Posting areas and quest stuff is not even the
>worst of it. As an example: Xran has had three Chancellors
>now in four chars I belive. He is a VIP on dios. So any
>post that has been removed that others can not see he had
>the advantage of reading.

hahaha just what 'advantage' towards becoming chancellor can you POSSIBLY get from reading the ##### on dio's. For ##### sake, if it did i should be a fucking implementor by now.
Xanthrailles gets leadership because he's incredibly competant (not cocksucking but what i saw when grouping with him), he may lack personality :> but he can lead.


Do you know Shamus by any chance?
8332, Now, now...
Posted by Dullameh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't see a reason for you to be hurling baseless insults. I was happy with my character and with the effect that it had... it was intended (except for the mass logins/logouts, but that tends to happen with Liches, period).

Don't mistake IC stuff for OOC stuff. Because Dullameh is an asshole doesn't mean I'm one. I'm actually a very friendly and personable guy. Really.

As for Dranolian, I liked Dranolian for the most part. I did insult you pretty harshly IC, but I figured you wouldn't take it personally, and maybe I was wrong. You acted like you were entitled to something (I suppose that fits within your role, but it actually made me think you were Aether), but Dullameh didn't believe you were, and wanted to put you in your place. Toward the end, I got a feeling that you wanted to try to backstab me. It never happened, but I figure that it would have eventually, so I was waiting for you to slip up. What you mentioned to me the last time we grouped really gave away that you were Iillien.

Anyway, take a chizzill pill and remember that when you join an evil cabal with a tyrant of a Lich as a leader, you might have to roll with some punches. Good luck with your next.
8333, RE: Side note to Dullameh
Posted by DwE on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Don't Karnavex (that would disappoint some people if not me).

Apologies to Dranolian. But. Been done. Good luck with your next.
8334, Ouch....
Posted by Karnavex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fitting and true but still ouch......
8360, Well done,
Posted by Karhon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Let me see... You are responsible for 99.9% of my deaths to scions since I've heroed. (Damn Neuro) I was just starting to aquire some better save-v-paral, but I doubt it would have done much good. Seems like yours pretty much worked all the time. I would locate your item, see you on, and then see Dwoggurd or Kalraak nearby. I just knew you were with them, and that I was screwed. *GRIN* Of course, killing Karhon several times probably wasn't a big deal to a powerful wizard like Dranolian, but it sure made things fun for me as a player. Enjoy life,
8361, RE: Well done,
Posted by Dranolian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Before I heroed you were a pain. Summoning people out of the chasm and causing problems. Once I started hitting holds on you it was over. I was never afraid of you alone. But when you would have one or two others it made it dangerous. Its just how a shaman pairs up against an arcane.

8362, ugh Neuro
Posted by Lydian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It wasn't just the neurological, because there were a few times where you still got REALLY hurt before I died. You always had some trump up your sleeve to kick in that little extra bit of damage. (warrior, assassin, elemental). I'll openly admit I had no idea of how to fight you, because you seemed really competent. Good luck on your next, one less scion means I'm one step closer to dyin of old age *chuckle*.

8363, Nice job.
Posted by Wasarbre on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My only friend from my chasm days, and my favorite foe with my paladin. Nice job. You handled the attitude of the chancellors well, even though there were times we were both getting pissed. Enjoyed our interactions. Well done.

8364, RE: Nice job.
Posted by Dranolian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was upset when you deleted Wasarbre. My only real enemy gone. Knew it was going to get boring quick. And here I am. Your char makes me want to roll a paladin.

8365, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Vilazisar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, it's a shame to see you go. Even though I'm already gone, I liked you alot. Odd bond we had, especially as how new I was to the evil warrior/prep warrior. You helped alot, as did Rhevaen. Still not sure what the future holds me as far as CF goes, but we'll see. Drop me a line some time. ShawnH80@aol.com
8366, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Dranolian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was trying to get some ##### started in the Chasm with that whole your bound to me because I gave you the ritual #####. Think it played out well. I knew you were not going to hero after you lost the set we got you that one night. A shame.

8367, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Aljern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn, where can I start. You pretty much made me as Aljern, from our initial conversation on tactics to the roleplaying later that really developed my character. Basically I think I could only roleplay entropy before that, now I'm branching out a bit =) Alas, now instead of the two of us popping out of duo to assassinate someone it will be the one of me not-popping, too scared to die...or maybe more embarassing, can't even find the place where they are. I even had thoughts of us starting some kind of society of dark-elf transmuters, pairing up with the galadon thieves guild or something. Spying on people from duo and then hitting them at the worst moment possible. But it's going to be hard to do any of these things without you. Damn myself for not using the talisman when I first saw you get cranialed...I just froze like a deer in headlights I guess, the same thing happened when I could have saved Brindelbik. I have a lot to learn still. I think you should roll an evil druid or "neutral" or whatever so we can run around tooling people even if you're naked. Go entropy even. Post an email address or something and take care.

P.S. They should have made you Chancellor already so you wouldn't have deleted
P.P.S. That thing about popping automatically when a rager dies is seriously retarded. They have imm blades, deathblow, bloodthirst, spellbane and dam redux and are warriors already which could kill transmuters uncaballed easily and they still need extra perks like this? When they die, you pop out, when you die, you simply die and then they sac all your hell gear. Later, they just go toss on some crap gear and are good to go, able to annihilate almost anyone one on one and you delete. Damn the world!

8372, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Circuits Edge on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hmmm.. Didn't know either of you guys, but your note just made me put my ##### aside and post a reply. Here's my take on it.

Bla bla bla, non detectable, sneaking classes suck, I can't kill anyone solo, bla bla bla bla bla. Let's make a perma, email me dude, we'll set it up, bla bla bla.

Bla bla bla. Ragers make you pop out of duo when they die, it's not a bug, Thror is fucking with us! Bla bla bla. Oh no, they sacced all my hell gear, and there's no other gear even close to as good as it, this sucks man, bla bla bla.

On another note. Neither of you two had drow names. If you're just going to completely ignore drow society and rp, just play humans, get ragged cloaks.
8387, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Eryintha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Where you born daft or is that a quality you've recently developed?

8382, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Dranolian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You have no idea about my roleplay so don't try to talk like you do. It does look like a bug that caused my death and the loss of my gear that I would be unable to get back because hell is closed. There is no reason for you to post any type of reply like this so go ##### yourself, your the reason why CF is losing its fun.

8386, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Huraz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damnit. Who will i chat with now? Liked the character. Impressed at the insane amount of time you would be around.
Good luck man.



8385, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by rezplayer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually, if you take circut's comments with a grain of salt...they're pretty damn amusing for the rest of us...sux for your side where your getting blasted though...;)
8383, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Hirilim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sucks to die from a bug, but it looks to me like its coded that you lose duo when your elemental looted bryvac (ie, you stepped out and the elemental looted two rounds later when the duo lagged wore off?). Fair enough I say, teach you for being a greedy loot whore. Otherwise, well played. I must say I enjoyed fighting you and aljern, it was always a blast even if you did abuse your elementals, though partly because I knew our fights would likely last a while, what with me losing health, fleeing, healing up quick and coming back at you. Was quite interesting seeing if Id get that tigerclaw in first or if youd get that nasty disruption past spellbane.

Overall, you certainly made my life more interesting, and im quite dissapointed your no longer around.
8384, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Dranolian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The first time I killed you Aljern and I tried out the find someone duo then prep pop and waste them. As you can see you could have gotten away but you chose to fight. Even tiger clawed I could fight you till it wore off hope to get a spell then be clawed again. Nightwalkers/elemental made all the diffrence. If using the elemental in all the ways I can think of is abuse then whats the point in having it in the game? It was powerful but any thief could have taken it away.

8373, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>On another note. Neither of you two had drow names. If
>you're just going to completely ignore drow society and rp,
>just play humans, get ragged cloaks.

Certainly, I don't speak for the staff in general or anyone but myself, but I have what can only be described as a strong quasi-irrational hatred for that drow language and all of that other assorted drow crap. There is nothing in the CF webpage or helpfiles, I'm positive, stating that any of that is meant to be official here.

8381, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Jhyrbian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Isn't meant to be official?

8377, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by ArChaos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I hate these bloody drow/english translation scripts that people use and then try and critise others when they don't use them. Using it is fine, looking down on others for not is sad.

That being said, if a character suddenly dislikes you when you start making comments in drow it'll be me (or nepenthe by the sounds of things).

Daiken, who got fed up of hearing "Vendui".
8378, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Circuits Edge on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Scripts are for morons Graham. Making a few comments in drow, like 'hello', or 'goodbye', or even a short phrase in drow is just nice in my opinion. I don't know exactly why you, and everyone else seemed to read my post as 'everyone make drow language scripts, bla bla bla.' I just asked people to know just what the hell a drow really is, and consider using a drow name since damn, there's like hundreds of pages around with drow names. I had a chance to actually hear some of Aljern's quips just recently, and err, I wasn't impressed.

Oh and by the way G, Daiken isn't a drow name either!
8380, Oh and by the way G, Daiken isn't a drow name either!
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I guess Graham knows that given that he has already stated that he does not go in for the whole anal drow player language thing.


8379, Daiken was a sort of bastardisation of Daiktana :
Posted by ArChaos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
8376, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Ulfin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have to agree with nep here, this is a fantasy world, so you can be what you want, live your fantasy, if that means you are a drow named george who likes to drink darsylonian wine, and speaks only common tongue, then that's fine. I wanted to be a demon gnome that was goofy as hell and didnt like bugs, and at times thought he was a paladin, sot that's what i was. So screw all these people trying to make cookie cutter drow and criticisig others for living thier own fantasy ina fantasy world. and for the record some people just use telnet and cant run scripts. so for some people it wouldnt be as easy as a script. Individuality is what catches eyes and makes things fun not 10000 charachter's playing what you think a drow should be like, just because some author for a d&d book, or some other writer decided that's what thier like. ****NOTE*** THESE ARE JUST MY OPINIONS, AND THEREFORE YOU DISPUTING THEM OR FLAMING THEM HAS NO RELEVANCY OVER ANYTHING OR ANYONE*** thank you
8375, RE: (DEL) Dranolian the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Someone Special on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If people are going to be so picky about how someone else plays their Drow character, what about all the other races?

There are books and whatnot int eh Lyceum about how felars and many other races talk and act. It just seems like people who are used to how a 'real' (heh, thats funny) drow would act don't want it to change here.

Let people play their characters how they want.
8374, heh...
Posted by TSM on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I made and posted a drow translation script, even though people talking in drow pisses the hell out of me. Which is why I posted it. I like to get angry and want to kill people. =0P
8368, Respects to Dranolian, but upset by some of this crap...
Posted by Simyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I play a arcane transmuter too, and guess what, I've watched how you do things in different ways. I also read the log that you posted on dioxides, and I can say this, stop whining. Aljern did duo out again, and Dranolian had plenty of time to as well. As far as sacrificing gear goes, stop whining about that too. So what, so hell is closed, get over it, get some other gear, and do what you do best, kill people when they aren't ready. Dranolian may not have taken most peoples gear, but there are many that have, and the ragers "hate" magical gear...so don't expect anything less. To delete cause you lost your perfect set, is annoying, but you put in a lot of time before, so its not like it was a total flop. You didn't waste the character, and youstuck it out through much other rough times for that you get serious props.

so, in conlcusion, great job with Dran
Aljern, stop whining and play the game, if you don't like it, leave, I'm sure we will be better for it. (saying that if you can't get past a defeat, you probably don't belong in CF)

Simyar, one of the latest victims of Huraz *wince*
8369, RE: Respects to Dranolian, but upset by some of this crap...
Posted by Dranolian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There is alot of truth in what Aljern has to say. You have no idea because you ended up with my hell gear, how did that happen since ragers hate magic gear? You have not even heroed yet and every time I see you your a ghost. So Aljern apears to be doing something right. I should not have come out of duo is the point. Not a matter of compensating because of a freak bug that I have never seen before. I was concentrating on the 8 dudes Kalraak was killing while checking our status to teleport us away. Only bad thing I have to say to Aljern is I gave you a teleport item to as backup and he failed to use it.

8370, You need to retract that, Dranolian
Posted by Graatch on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Givnig Aljern a teleport item and him not using it is irrelevant. You were in the village, weren't you? It wouldn't have worked.
8371, You need to retract more than that.
Posted by Simyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My last death, came to Huraz while I was trying to hero...to an assassinate. I haven't died since, and now I'm a hero, because I finally got the opportunity. Are you implying that I rank sit, or that I don't hunt around. I'm arcane like you, and I can hide in trees, how do you even have a clue when I'm around sometimes? I gave you respect because I know you played Dranolian well, and I know that should have died at the village. You died however, to your own lack of attention to what was going on then, so it isn't anyone's fault. You had many rounds to go duo...and I'm sure you didn't fail it or anything. So, don't get all mad at me because you didn't notice. I'm sorry you died, sorry you lost your hell gear, but most sorry that you deleted from it.
