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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Kalderseg the Legend of the Battlefield, Apprentice of the Hammer
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=81886
81886, (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Kalderseg the Legend of the Battlefield, Apprentice of the Hammer
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Jun 23 20:19:58 2009

At 11 o'clock PM, Day of Freedom, 25th of the Month of the Dark Shades
on the Theran calendar Kalderseg perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
81895, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Kalderseg the Legend of the Bat...
Posted by Kalderseg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow....I can say that was a lot of fun, after 4 years of hiatus I decided to come back and see what was still going on. Looks like a lot of things have changed, some for the good some for the bad. I'm rusty as #### (it had to be pretty damn obvious) and there is no shame in admitting it I suppose, my area knowledge pretty much had to be rebuilt, and my reaction time has lost its once semi-talented edge.

I really enjoyed thinking up Kal's role, and I did go a little overboard on the background story (reading contest comments) made me laugh a little. I did think on it a lot and after reading a few others goodbyes I am just going to keep it positive and throw some love out there to the people I liked, interacted with and had crazy fun being around.

Thror - Man...I'm glad your back. It seems like right as I started playing again a lot of people must have had the same urge. The player base shot through the roof from what I understand about the standards that are currently in affect. Out of my full experience of CF since the old days I remembered Thror leveling up. You are one of the most talented and gifted players ever to grace the fields, they defiantly need your contribution to this game, it does a tremendous amount for those who get to interact with you. Thanks for the fantastic RP and the apprenticeship, I am sorry so many people jumped on the bandwagon when you came back, I am sure you HAVE and will CONTINUE to have your hands full.

Iunna - Your a ####in blast to talk to, and you are one of the most consistently played imms in the game, I also remember Iunna as a mortal, you where and are now still a class act. During our many interactions I thought to myself alot.."Damn I need to roll a Iunna follower". F'argin flimsy elf bitches. (<--- Yea beer....all over the keyboard)

The Village
Woldrun - Beast of a character, defiantly a battle elitist. I enjoyed it every time you logged in. My fondest memory of you is when I got my ass kicked by four or five scions raiding, on my way back to the village to loot my corpse you had logged in and when I got there (and where talking about 60 seconds) there where scion corpses littering the ####ing cabal, that was awesome your my hero. (One of you has to have that logged, it was crazy badass.)

Don't be afraid of a war "brick wall" all those villagers names still got put on the tablet last time so its ok :-).

Ghrummin - The drummin...lol. That had to have taken some thought, your a class act as well. One could say if you compared us that we where both Hummers, of course you where the military made real deal...and I was manufactured by GM (that's my take on it ;-) anwyay). Had fun fighting along side you, was defiantly interesting when both you and Woldrun where on. I learned a great deal from two of you.

Hudralon - You where awesome to level up with, and it made for a lot of interesting play being both Thror followers, given your choice of legacies you are going to destroy people. I am looking forward to seeing some logs of this in action.

Bartis - Model villager, very very viable combination of spec's and legacies as well, you are the little badass people underestimate.

Lohik - ####in crooner, hah enjoyed our time as well, bards make the sickest defenders. Very well played and very consistant RP as well.

Malakhi - Very deathful mofo, I learned alot from you as well watching you fight people, though sometimes your amount of playing time was strange as #### :-).


I think that name is very appropriate right now, come on guys the (flyto peck @target aliases are getting pretty played out).

Fighting one ABS shifter is tough as it is, fighting four or five + two thieves + a healer can be pretty disheartening. I had a lot of trouble staying sane through the limitless gangs you guys came up with, but it made me a better player and so thanks for that.

Vyth - I despised you until I understood what you where about, and that one thing you said to me that one time made it all for the better.

"It takes a pack of wolves...to bring down a buffalo."

Much respect sir.

Jedid + Messevary - I liked you..I really did...it was fun catching Jedid out of the shadows some times but for the love of Christ fellas...find out Isilduir's SN and ask him to take you to thief school, Ill pay for it :-).

Sulz - Well played...scion + tranny + abs = I will eat your face off mr. village berserker. Hated fighting you so much ;-). Your rp was good and Id hafta say 90% of the time you came alone to fight which is a ####ing dream come true in the game at current.

Shalsed - I said I would keep it positive. This is me doing that.

Calb - Oh my love where for art thou'. Rofl, had a blast annoying the #### out of you, I wanted to play out our interactions further to see what crazy and weirdly-interesting relationship could be hashed from the chaos, I spit beer all over my keyboard laughing at some of your replies as well.

Nexus bards #2892343290472304: This should be a lesson to all warriors to perfect offhand disarm. That is all.

Dolce - Got you bitch! Hah, I liked fighting you because "lately" you have not had much support to gang with online and it made for interestingly fair matches in which you won alot. I never thirsted during our battles, I had RP reasons for this and I hope you realize what would have happened had I chose to.

Ahte - Plz delete, just...quit lol, no one is going to kill you, your going to continue to gank everyone till someone like Humb and Arrna delete and roll up two multi-virtued palies with the forget edge and lagging skillzors. It saddens me there are not enough people with the testicular fortitude to hunt you down with the 15 man groups I use to see hunting Golmagus or whatever his name was (sp? the cesspool guy). I did however enjoy our limited interactions...dirty Russians, I guess we can all pray for liver cancer due to vodka or some brilliantly evil bio-engineered Russian STD epidemic :-).

If I had it to do all over again I would have probably chosen different legacies, but the ones I chose made me a beast at times vs some combination's and that made it a lot of fun.

See you all in the fields....

81898, Aw.
Posted by Iunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I actually thought you had more con the last time you logged in,
so I'm not sure if you just had a really bad run or what. Either
way, I enjoyed popping in at Thror's place and interacting when
he wasn't around, and the chats via tell too. Good luck with the
81900, From what I saw of you
Posted by Lirieleth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were pretty damn gung-ho, always always down for a brawl. I love that. You fought well, and I thought you did a splendid job of playing out your dedication to your role and immortal.

At one point, you were screaming about never being broken, throwing yourself at terrible odds (and eventually succeeded in your mission), while I was conversing with Thror about how easily you would be broken.

Looks like you never broke.

Well done, and best of luck with your next.

81903, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Kalderseg the Legend of the Bat...
Posted by Quas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
was fun havin you around, you were a solid presence and a helluva a lot of fun to listen to your dwarfin. whats happening to all the bearded villagers now!
81906, Who let all the dwarves out!
Posted by Ghrummin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What the hell. I mean, seriously. What the hell. Just cuz I work 10 hours a day and have time to play at night does NOT give you an excuse to condie!

You were a steady presence and definitely fun to be with. I've always wanted to play your combo, at least legacy wise - what did you think of it? I'd imagine that with being a defender... maybe duergar hand/dagger... would be pawsome.

We need more dwarves! Everyone! Iunna will give you a cup of tea and a tankard of dwarven grog if you make a dwarf in the village! Please! I NEED MY DWARVES!!!
81907, Good character, I am glad we got to talk a few times...
Posted by Vythigor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From neutral non-mage Tribunal's perspective, there are two kinds of people - WANTED and not WANTED. If you are WANTED, the number one goal (well, sort of the number one goal) is to make you not WANTED, so if that means deputizing everyone (with obvious discretion) and THEN sending 50 magistrates after you, so be it! You really cannot claim parity or fairness or anything really with a WANTED flag. (That said, I really tried not to overkill. But without sanctuary, a thirsting villager can take down three people in just a few rounds.)

Not WANTED is a different story.

I am glad we got a few chats in towards the end of your career. I thought you were ballsy. I think I worded out from you several times, no more than one round away from death. Hope to see you in another incarnation!
81908, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Kalderseg the Legend of the Bat...
Posted by Susu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ok, now that your character's dead, tell me, did you gun for the tribunal like I thought?

Either way, you brought fun, so good job. GLWYN
81922, RE: Beer Spitting
Posted by Calbaseeti on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You have got to be one of the most fun enemies I've ever had with any character, and I'm upset that we're not going to get to play everything out. I have to admit that I didn't get the armor question at first, but after a couple of seconds I was like my god man! Nothing wrong with being a dirty dwarf. :P I really wish as the end of it you hadn't been throwing yourself at us to get the head, after Wold arrived it was no contest for all of you. Plus we could of had a little bit more time to have playful banter. Good luck with your next, and I can only hope that you will be able to have as rich of an experience with your enemies in the future.
81923, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Kalderseg the Legend of the Bat...
Posted by Hudralon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man I can't believe your already gone, a dwarf who fell before a drow... Oh well. It was great running around with you when we were young, you being the villager, and me the applicant. I think our interactions help shape the way I was going with the character to begin with and I truly enjoyed our conversations. I don't think I'll be quite as deathful as yourself but If I ever catch my stride, you can bet on seeing some logs when I'm gone. Anyway GLWYN and roll up another villager.
81936, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Kalderseg the Legend of the Bat...
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Kalderseg was one of those characters that made me scratch my head quite a bit. On one hand I want proud, courageous villagers who are willing to stand up against rediculous odds and come out on top. On the otherhand I want smart, tactical villagers who know when it's an appropriate time to retreat.

You were the former.

As a villager, you were a constant (which is important for any cabal). Those constants help allow other villagers to model or compare themselves against their peers.

As a Thror follower, I think you finally discovered (towards the end of your life) that you were not the Hammer but the Anvil. I could tell I had a quality player (albeit rusty) because you did an amazing job of roleplaying when you could argue no one was around.

I happened to be around a lot. I thought I had a little more time to reward you for playing the Anvil role more appropriately.

That's the point of faith right? To act in accordance to faith with the understanding that your "God" is always watching.

I understand that a Battle Imm did have to bend your ear about a poor judgement call on Tribunal. I would caution against making personal decisions that go against the Battle polices but it always makes for nice character development to work through the consequences.

Great character. Looking forward to the next suicidal dwarf! Go Duergar if you want to con die twice as fast!
81969, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Kalderseg the Legend of the Bat...
Posted by Kalderseg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You hit on the head, I had tried so hard to be consistent with my role and the religion aspect and as a side effect towards the end I did find the role of the anvil more suitable to what Kald was about.

One of the most difficult aspects of being a villager and having a religion is trying to fit the two together, I struggled with this at first and ultimately during mid-life I made the mistake of letting my OOC feelings affect my IC decisions with the whole tribunal ordeal.

I think it was you who said in a post I read on someone's thread (and im paraphrasing here) that "When you see skull, who YOU are should get left behind and "who" you are playing should take over. I understand this now and I doubt I will make that same mistake ever again.

For other imms involved with my "reprimand":

In retrospect however, I don't quiet think it was entirely a poor judgment call, there where a lot of occurrences in which there should have been something drastic done about that particular situation and nothing was ever done. It involved situations that almost every villager in the hero range where suffering because of. And it would have been in complete compliance with Battle policy and RP in quite a few different ways had something been done. I think there is more to it than just policy.

The poor judgement call was carrying out an action that speaks for the "many", without approval from the "One".

I feel like that there is more to it than that however, there is something about Battle vs Tribunal and when "it starts to go down that road" some immortals are like "Whoa whoa whoa, hold on there...it doesn't matter if they are causing you problems and violating the correct RP/treaty/proper etiquette, they are tribunal so you need to sit the fizzuk down". I don't agree with that at all and I think that it was kind of unfair that the situation was treated how it was.

Ill elaborate a bit so that someone may dictate to me where my opinions could be flawed here:

Battle is about hunting magic...destroying it etc etc, you do not take it upon yourself to wage war on tribunal because it would "distract" from the real task at hand.

Ok well...that's sound in theory, I understand that. I also understand that if you got warranted and its your fault tough luck, your going to suffer the consequences and you can't blame them for adhering to there RP/job etc anyway they see fit to carry it out.

However in reality, what was happening is certain individuals where taking it upon themselves to harass unwarranted villagers, on multiple occasions and in multiple types of confrontation, not only where they full looting but mass ganging was involved, and I suspected on several occasions OOC information was being used. And in some occurrences people where attacked in town by a tribunal and even stolen from in town. This is all factual I logged every single hour of Kalds life.

I would estimate that 55 to 65% of Tribunal now is mages, I would also presume to think that there pit is loooooaded with magical items, Iv seen it before and on "my reprimand" I actually thickened the veil with items from there pit. So here we have "cause" and "justification" of an outright war, but it was always pushed to the back burner or ignored (ok you messed up /slapwrist lets move on) kind of stuff. To me that's just blatant ignorance of in game politics for the sake of something you tell small children..i.e "thats just the way it is son".

I'm just throwing this out there, I feel like at this point I need a little closure to this now that its over, because it is of course just a game and we are all making pretend like good little boys and girls here but come on...Im an intelligent enough individual to see through the bs so why the cause for the bs?
81940, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Kalderseg the Legend of the Bat...
Posted by Bartis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey welcome back,

You certainly must have had fun. I hope you were able to knock the dust off a bit. I was a bit surprised to see you con died. From what I witnessed, you seemed pretty skilled. I actually think I only saw you die once, and that was the last time I saw you. Great work. Role another villager now and go kick some ass!
81943, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Kalderseg the Legend of the Bat...
Posted by Malakhi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Malakhi - Very deathful mofo, I learned alot from you as well
>watching you fight people, though sometimes your amount of
>playing time was strange as #### :).

Thanks, and there's definitely a void to fill now that you're gone. Also, I agree re: my amount of playing time sometimes. It depends on the time of day. On one hand, I know I might have to log out within 30 mins ... but on the other hand, I might not and I really want to interact with (incl. PK) characters from other time zones.
82082, Makes me sad...
Posted by Woldrun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...but then, con-die is the way to go out as a rager, right? I liked fighting beside you. Good job, good luck with the next.
82195, RE: Makes me sad...
Posted by Lohik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really nice job - you were a go getter, and that is appreciated in any rager, I think.
82163, I liked you.
Posted by Dolce on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know I get a bad rap for ganking.... but I bet that over half of my life have been logged without Ahtieli logged on. I play nearly the same hours every evening - If she's on, she's on. If she's not. I'm still on.

I can gank. I can fight alone. People complain about the ganks more, but most of those are in raid/retrieval situations too.

And just to let you know... if you had thirsted I would have made sure to come at you with preps. The most I ever fought you with in terms of DR was stoneskin. When I used to fight Grawshen back in the day, I tried to have stoneskin/shield/haste - and I beat him more than he beat me too.

Sorry, this sounded like me grieving. Really, I'm not. You played well. I enjoyed fighting you. Kudos.

81891, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Kalderseg the Legend of the Battlefield, Apprentice of the Hammer
Posted by Taichabel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good enemy, loved our fights never knew which way they would go. Most of the time you'd send me fleeing though. Everyone once in awhile I'd get lucky.

81896, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Kalderseg the Legend of the Bat...
Posted by Kalderseg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved fighting you as well, keep it up man hang in there, there is a #### ton of nexites in the low ranks the village had better be ready.

Heres a little something for you :-).

<1254hp/1254hp(100%hp) 89%m 97%mv> (-26.49%) (11 AM) (civilized) You hit Taichabel over the head with a polished mithril warhammer.
Your cranial hit devastates Taichabel!
Taichabel yells 'Help! Kalderseg hit me over the head!'
Taichabel has a few scratches. (90% - 100%)

<1254hp/1254hp(100%hp) 89%m 97%mv> (-26.49%) (11 AM) (civilized)
Your beating MANGLES Taichabel!
Your crush MASSACRES Taichabel!
Your beating DISMEMBERS Taichabel!
Your crush MASSACRES Taichabel!
Your beating MANGLES Taichabel!
You parry Taichabel's stab.
You parry Taichabel's stab.
Taichabel is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

<1254hp/1254hp(100%hp) 89%m 97%mv> (-26.49%) (11 AM) (civilized) cran

Lohik has arrived.
Taichabel is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

<1254hp/1254hp(100%hp) 89%m 97%mv> (-26.49%) (11 AM) (civilized) cran

Your beating MASSACRES Taichabel!
Your crush MASSACRES Taichabel!
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your beating <<< ERADICATES >>> Taichabel!
Taichabel is DEAD!!
Taichabel's severed head plops on the ground.
81902, Random Taichabel question:
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dear god man, what are you wielding in this log? I'd expect you to parry AN attack if it's not a spear or something goofy.
81925, RE: Random Taichabel question:
Posted by Taichabel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Can't remember, dagger maybe? I've been through so much gear I can't remember what all I've had