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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(Deleted)(Tribunal)Nidblot Niding, Priest of Daevryn, P...
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=81391
81391, (Deleted)(Tribunal)Nidblot Niding, Priest of Daevryn, P...
Posted by _Legissal_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nidblot was my comeback char after some time away from CF. My fifth duergar shaman hero, but first tribbie shaman.

Should have picked a different race since the wrath vuln was not covered by black sanc this time, and i did not really need detect hidden. The shaman class truly needs some changes, but that is not exactly news for the immstaff. The new edges were usefull though, but could not compensate enough in the great picture. Guess Zerrla is the only shaman left at hero now.

Unfortunately i could not raid alone. I was just unable to take down the Spirit with spores. Took me 4 attempts if i was alone in the realm, and that was not really worth it. Actually i had troubles killing a man at arms in udgaard alone even with decent gear. Maledictions work better in pk.

One thing that i truly regret was to try to roleplay with an accent:Me aint likin what yer sayin. My english is not good enough for that.

I tried to fight alone, not loot much and be soft on the applicants.
Guess i was about to be turned neutral soon..hehe


Daevryn - My first priest with you as patron. Thanks for the tat and title. Appreciated. After like 300 prays i pretty much left you alone, and it worked out well for us both :). The empowerment task of killing 20 was good. You should have asked why i was not wearing armor for that long period of time. I had the best reply ever.

Marcatis - Thanks for vindicator and provost. I did regret accepting provost, but the Spire was really in the ####ter after Iktul so someone had to fix things.

Thror - Thanks for the chat. You were of course right about the outcome of such a war.


Interacted with many during the 400+ hours. The playerbase is still great with the exception of a few griefers. Since there is no chance that i can mention everybody; post and i will reply.

Mreash - I dont know many of your snares i set off. Good fights, and after all that time we knew what the other was capable of. Good char!

Calue - You grew on me. A great sunwarden from what i saw. Hope i did not piss you off to much.

Tokk and Lumbr. honorable mention :).

Tameron - we had an unspoken understanding. Glad you got chancellor after the long wait.

Sulzaen - rock on.

Arrna - Excellent char. I really like your attitude. The agreement between Spire and Fortress was something we all benefitted from. One of the few to bring me down solo :).

Humbert - You bastard. I cant believe i was so careless that time on eastern. Good fights.

Lichemperor - I did not have much to do with you or your empire. From time to time we cooperated, but after your anti trib policy even that faded. You seem to reign supreme whenever you are on though. I carried the chip of bone from your corpse in whistlewood for some time :).

Dolce - We went way back. Seems your playing times changed, because i did not see you much at the end. Much respect!

Susubienko - you were roleplaying the same crazy woman from the first time i warranted you in your early twenties up to now. That crazyness did exactly easen up things between the Spire and Village though :).

All in all i had no quarrels with the village, but suddenly more and more mayhem came, so i went on a rot crusade. Sorry to Gahdak, Selene and the others for that. It was not really much else to do with many of you. The treaty with Woldrun did not last long, but i had not the heart to declare war.

Adeglifch - I hope you become the new provost. Glad to see the mummy thing is working out for you. I am certain you will handle things well.

Vythigor - Thank you for everything. We had some great adventures. Hope you will like the post as justiciar.

Shalsad - Serial murderer of criminals. You will set a CF-record for vindicators.

Nyshv + B.R.E.U - i see good things coming your way.

Magistrates - many with good potential. As with most things it takes patience before you reach the goal. Just keep trucking!

I will back after the summer holiday.

cb Taking my rest. Stay vigilant!


81474, Well, when you didn't have lieutenants, you felt the power of wrath.
Posted by Aeinrez on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When you did, I ran like a scared girl.

One thing I always wondered, I saw you and mummy-dude in ####ty gear, then next time I saw you both you were decked to the ####.

I also noticed that was when a couple Outlanders let themselves auto? I wish I had a log (was probably good).
81466, I liked your character
Posted by Beib on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
during the brief interactions we had. I always tried to stay on the right side of the law when you were around. You didn't happen to log that fight we had in the Arena with Castiel by any chance did you? At any rate GLWYN.
81464, You were my Obiwan Kenobi...
Posted by Vythigor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... you need a page-long good bye here from me, but I would be revealing too much IC stuff. I will miss you dearly.

81459, RE: (Deleted)(Tribunal)Nidblot Niding, Priest of Daevryn, P...
Posted by A2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm sad I didn't get to interact with you more. I always enjoy you as an enemy or an ally (you are ####loads of fun as an enemy).

really wish you had pushed what sounds like a war with the village. Villagers burn con like it's going out of style every war they have with trib.

I'm pretty busy the next couple weeks, hopefully we can cross paths online in July.
81446, Not much to say without repeating myself
Posted by Nian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So I'll keep it short:

Nice character! Uhm, alright, goodbye now!


Oh wait! ... Seriously, you were top quality and I would have liked to interact with you more, but you know how it is with Shamans. Either they miss their rot/wither and get steamrolled and flee, or they land and I flee.

Main result: boring fights

It's definitely not your fault, and I don't particularly think it was mine (even though I mostly sucked when I fought you :P). I would have given you much more of a fight in the second half of Nian's life, but even then the nett result would have been identical. Which is extremely boring.

So all we can do is hope and pray that changes soon.

But, let's end on a possitive note. See you with the next! I look forward to it. Play something that's on my side though :P
81444, RE: (Deleted)(Tribunal)Nidblot Niding, Priest of Daevryn, P...
Posted by Adeglicfh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm going to miss you, You made the Spire stronger. I know you gave up alot for the Spire, first Vindicator, then most of your enemies.

It was good for the Spire, but must have made it boring for you.

Good Character all around, Hope to see you in the Spire again.
81443, RE: (Deleted)(Tribunal)Nidblot Niding, Priest of Daevry...
Posted by marcatis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From a Tribunal perspective, Nidblot was a really good guy. Sometimes perhaps too nice--which I'm not going to complain about from my end, but all in all did a really good job. Appreciated you taking the role.

I did consider giving it to you sooner but I try to give people a few chances. Anywho, best of luck with where you go from here.
81442, It was great running around with you...
Posted by Dolce on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the kind words - Your RP was good, you were a very capable shaman, and you knew your stuff... even if some of that info you gave me was wrong! It took me FOREVER to kill that guardian (I think you know which one I'm talking about) - for the sword to crumble pretty soon afterwards! BAH!

Anyways, you seemed to be very trustworthy to Dolce, even though I was never sure why.

GLWYN - if you decide to play some more.

81440, RE: (Deleted)(Tribunal)Nidblot Niding, Priest of Daevryn, P...
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Daevryn - My first priest with you as patron. Thanks for the
>tat and title. Appreciated. After like 300 prays i pretty much
>left you alone, and it worked out well for us both :). The
>empowerment task of killing 20 was good. You should have asked
>why i was not wearing armor for that long period of time. I
>had the best reply ever.

I liked Nidblot.

I remember thinking at the first empowerment, 20? This guy's going to hate himself. Not because I think killing 20 people at those levels as an evil shaman is such an insurmountable task, but because I've had a dozen of them come to me, name a similar goal, struggle to do it, and then delete.

I really was a little disappointed when I told you to go kill (Rayihn Empire character whose name I can't remember) and you decided you'd rather not because it would make things difficult for you, politically. Of course it would! I was trying to push you outside your comfort zone and challenge you a little there. That's Daevryn being Daevryn. It did sour me on you for a while, but I eventually got over it.

Other than that, you mostly seemed like the kind of player who enjoys this kind of religion, and I hope you had some fun with it.

Why were you running around naked all that time, anyway? :)
81418, RE: (Deleted)(Tribunal)Nidblot Niding, Priest of Daevryn, P...
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh, also, I don't think black sanc is resist positive. Just a little more dam redux.
81417, RE: (Deleted)(Tribunal)Nidblot Niding, Priest of Daevryn, P...
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Liked Nidblot. Don't take this the wrong way, but I thought you were Yhorian. You reminded me of some empire duergar shaman he played.
81437, Ditto.
Posted by Forsakenz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought this was Yhorian, too. Nidblot was a super well-played character, consistent, fun, and rough. Thanks for the fun.

I appreciated how you inducted as well. :)
81513, Yhorian hated my previous shaman :).nt
Posted by Legissal. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
81408, Great char!
Posted by Arrna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved to interact and fight with you. And all our discussions about the law. We were discussing it long before I was made Marshall. But really, the "agreement" weren't really an agreement. Quite funny, as I just told you that I had stated my view of the law to the fort, and you agreed to a bunch of stuff. I was so suprised that you bought and agreed to that. :D

Still GREAT char! It was nearly impossible for either of us to kill the other unless one of us made a huge mistake.

Good luck with your next, and I hope you stick around!
81401, RE: (Deleted)(Tribunal)Nidblot Niding, Priest of Daevryn, P...
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now this is a shame. My limited interaction with you was great. I felt like you gave the Duergar/Tribunal role justice and even fired back appropriately about your patron's power over me.

I disagree with you about the outcome - Battle has never had a great outcome when taking on Tribunal.

Had there been a war, you would have been the backbone of it for the Tribunal side. You were a one man wrecking machine when I got a chance to watch you and I really felt like the most damage could have been put out through you. Great character and I'm looking forward to seeing the next.
81467, RE: (Deleted)(Tribunal)Nidblot Niding, Priest of Daevryn, P...
Posted by Zizzle1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>You were a one man wrecking machine when I got a chance to watch you and I really felt like the most damage could have been put out through you.


Nidblot must have upped his game. The Nidblot I knew just kind of . . . plopped.
81398, RE: (Deleted)(Tribunal)Nidblot Niding, Priest of Daevryn, P...
Posted by Susu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man that sucks. We had a great "I hate you, you hate me" thing going on and when we fought you always got away, I was hoping to seal that kill one day, a hard thing to do on a shaman. Which you played well. Your rots never killed me, which I'm proud of (thanks mostly to the help of the villagers online at the times), and I'll repeat what lots of people say which is it annoys me to have a rot and run shaman against you. But it's a tactic like anything else and while frustrating, there's nothing wrong with it from your side.

81392, I liked you, both from close interactions and from far observations. Couple questions
Posted by Dervish on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How is shaman in PK at hero range from your point of view?
81512, RE: I liked you, both from close interactions and from far observations. Couple questions
Posted by Legissal. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
At hero range it is below average. It is excellent pre 30 though.

In hero range you will do well in group vs group or even your group vs one. Summon and dispel work wonders.

In one vs one it is not good to be a shaman. So as a non ganger you will not be famous for being lethal.
You still have some good match ups against druids, thiefs and some warriors. Transmuters, necros and aps are your bane.

Evil shaman is the only playable in mpw, but i wont roll another one before changes. I have said that before though :).