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Topic subject(RAGE DELETE) [None] Khorjaez the Path of Destruction
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=80695
80695, (RAGE DELETE) [None] Khorjaez the Path of Destruction
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Jun 1 08:45:53 2009

At 7 o'clock PM, Day of Deception, 23rd of the Month of the Heat
on the Theran calendar Khorjaez perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
80982, Daevryn, Please Reply
Posted by Khorjaez on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didnt get pissed on my stupid deaths
This was my best attempt at rping in 14 years.
I just could not handle the deaths that was the negative.

First to a betrayl when their loss of me as an ally cost them a strong foe and 2 con.

What is my player ability, playing style, ect ect and what Should I roll up for the style of my playing? I had frickin 88parry and 83 dodge at lvl 46? I never had those skill levels after lvl 25 ever.
Ok, once you get to high with too low a parry dodge shield block lvl
ITs nearly impossible to get it up before you eat to many bash, uberdamage, ect deaths.

I lost nearly four uber sets similiar to this

Seantryn Signet Ring
Fire Opal Ring
Mantle Fire
Mantle Fire
Spider hide breastplate
Sleeves Harrapia
Spiked Kneepads
Spiketoe Boots
Girdle GIant Strength
WOlf skin +dodge
Wide Copper
Malachite/Glass Eye Bracelet
Nearly every non proged uber weapon in the game

I want to come back with something that benifits the mud
I made this char to do it, but I have a kack at getting leet gear easily without cheating in any means nor breaking role. I just hate loosing it to betray deaths, permalag deaths and near permaoocgankbuddy death.

81035, I put in some work, Daevryn, please reply to this.
Posted by Khorjaez on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You speak like you know alot about me as a player.
What should I play then?
81036, Maybe play.
Posted by Forsakenz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A character that can pick fights better and doesn't have everyone gunning for said character.

Like. Assassin. Thief. Ranger. Transmuter.

Y'know. Pick your fights. But can still pick a lot of them.
81052, Never had Nep answer one of my questions ever nt
Posted by Khorjaez on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
81057, How did this get to be about me?
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was just trying to explain to you what I thought that dude was saying.

If you're going to get upset about dying and losing gear, you probably can't play a character who's all offense and no defense. That's really about it.
81059, Thanks. nt
Posted by Khorjaez on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
81066, Its not about class choice. its about counselling. n/t
Posted by paladin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
80700, RE: (RAGE DELETE) [None] Khorjaez the Path of Destructi...
Posted by Quexsen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not much of a surprise that you would delete, given you were an orc and how well you handled dealing with death and looting. Quexsen was just a mess around mage character that was never meant to go anywhere, so, sorry bout killing you in the tower, but his rp angle and the situation dictated it. Your initial response to that was bad form I thought, but I was pretty happy to see you came back and did some light rp in taking revenge. But you really cared way too much about eq to play an orc.

Just have to take it easy in the fields, it is a game afterall.
80706, its always funny...
Posted by observer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
that people criticize that characters care about eq to much. Especially when its usually the people who are criticizing are the ones that loot mercilessly.

It may be a text game, and eq may be just a series of codes and words, but the simple fact is they spent alot of time getting it, to lose it, well its the loss of many hours upon hours. A repeated situation, its the loss of a character and all the time put into its life.

I would be pretty upset to.
I think if WoW was a game you could loot, man, there would be alot of bans for language and disrespectful behavior. People spend their lives on those characters....

I dont see how its any different, i'd be pretty choked to if i lost everything after spending a solid day getting it myself, only to lose it to a gang or group of people that can only ever be found in the realms with a handful of others.

Those people never have to worry about such things, well until the regular player base stoops to their level, but by that time, its never a healthy environment, and its far from being a game you play for the sake of enjoying it and escaping from the troubles of the real world.
80707, Furthermore....
Posted by Observer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its quite amusing for you to say, as an orc he cared to much about eq. They are a hated race, just like an elf wrathing paladin. Everyone wants to put them in their place. Orcs get hunted by everyone, goods and evils alike, so to say that they shouldnt care about EQ is ridiculous. To survive in PK you need competitive eq. Not to say you cant win a fight with the basics, but for that to happen you need to be a Rager with a few rounds of lucky deathblow, or be in a group that now has ganging advantage. They need EQ more then anyone. Now should they win that fight, they would now be criticized for taking everything to armor themselves so that they can survive in the PK environment.

Elven Paladins are the same way, they are expected to get everything themselves, conduct themselves honorable and appropriately, and tip their hat and smile when they get ganged and massive looted so that the evils can be wearing some of the good stuff they dont bother spending their day getting themselves.

If they try and avoid the fight, they are called cowards, if they remain the courageous and honorable expectation and stereotype that is held for them, they lose everything because they have put the time into their character.

Man that sounds like a fun time, to spend a day making your character appreciateable, something to be worth all the time you spend on it, neglecting the rest of life, to lose it in a minute because of a spam bash/cranial/entwine etc.

And then, once they are down and out, they get an advantage on one (of course it is not a participant of the gang, because lets face it, they have all logged off together) and now you do the same thing to them, ruining hours and hours of their character growth so that you can actually get back into combat. Then of course they are held in contempt and despised, because they are doing what they have to to stay in the game.

Call it a competitive game, call it what you want, but at the end of the day, it is a game for enjoyment and relaxation, not one meant to cause more stress. Look at the PBFs, and the battlefield, you see characters with hundreds of hours on them, deleted out of anger, out of being pissed off because of the attitude of a handful of trash ooc characters, or even IC gangs that singlehandledly remove the enjoyment of the game in a matter of minutes. Of course repeat this situation a handful of times over the course of the characters life, (once again hundreds of hours), and then take into consideration that there is... four , five hours after each of these situations rearmoring their hero set so that they can get back into the game. Only to have the situation repeat itself as soon as they do.

So, if they are not expected to give a #### about the EQ they spend time getting, what is the expectation? That we merely roll over and let our hard earned time, and spending of it, be grinded into the ground?

Its one thing to die of con loss, and subsequently pking, Pking is fun, i myself an fairly good at it, however if you conduct yourself honorably/ and respectful of other characters and of your own. (Of course, there will always be an occassional single trophy perhaps taken, or nothing if it was a really honorable bout), then to turn around and lose everything to a group of characters that have no respect or do not operate in the same field, well I'm sorry if i am mistaken, but what right then does anyone have to hold a person to a code of conduct, when they themselves walk and spit all over it?
80708, Eh.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think you read what you wanted to read in Quexsen's post and either didn't notice or didn't care what he actually said.

What I got out of his post: Someone who's going to have a meltdown over dying and losing some gear can't really play a character prone to dying a lot. Khorjaez was a character who was going to die a lot, given the combination of the character type, player ability, and (probably most importantly) play style of that character. Thus, he should play something else less likely to piss him off.
80729, RE: Eh.
Posted by Quexsen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Daevryn is right about what I was trying to point out. Was not a commentary on looting or anything. Was just a suggestion to the player about what classes they might like in the future. This was the essential scenario I commented about:

The orc, after killing a thief that was a friend of Quexsen's, and having attacked Quexsen in the past, asked Quexsen to join him ranking in the chessmasters. So I said yes, fully intending to wait until he was weak, and then betray and kill him (the thief had snuck in and was just waiting for us to make another pass through to strike him when he was occupied). Quexsen was a dark elf A-P, so hardly a surprise he would do something like that. So we did, and when he fled the thief he came back, got lightning bolted a few times and died to the two of us. What the orc lost gear wise was simply what he looted from the thief. Quexsen took the guardian sword as a gift from the thief for helping the thief get revenge, which I then gave to a hero range a-p cause I had no use for it.

And he flipped out immediately after dying. I'll spare the profanity of his actual words, and it didn't bother me, I would be annoyed after getting betrayed to, but I always handle things as it is an rp game, so enjoy it and handle things accordingly. But for people to rp only when things go well and then to go off ooc when something goes poorly, well, leaves a bad taste to me about the player. And if that is what a player does when they die and lose some gear, well, then I would just suggest they not play classes that have hard times surviving, like orcs.

And my thoughts on gear, it is not how you survive. Gear will get you killed lots of times by people that would otherwise leave you alone, as there are people that will just kill you just to get what you have. I don't know about others, but I don't play the game to amass the best set of equipment and go 500-1 in pk. I just do it to rp a little and have some fun. Pk is just one aspect of a very large and diverse game that has so much to offer, and so I really do feel bad for players that get so upset about some of the unfortunate consequences that come about in the game, cause I think they miss out on what the game really has to offer when that is all they focus on. Regearing is not so bad, unless you view it as nothing more than a chore that keeps you from running around trying to pk. But instead of that, I would just think of it as a chance to do some more rp with people in going and getting things.

80725, RE: (RAGE DELETE) [None] Khorjaez the Path of Destructi...
Posted by sorrytomakeumad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Oh, so he had a melt-down with you as well? Glad I'm not the only one then. I don't play the game to get the kind of final words he gave me, but also, I don't play the game to make anyone feel that way either.
80762, I only met you once but...
Posted by Arrna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...I found it utterly hilarious that you complained after you died in Galadon to me and some dwarf.

I was sitting at the altar, frozen by a fillet, when you come in, attack, as I'm frozen, I'm just a sitting duck, you almost die though, run away, heal up, and then you come back right as I unfreeze. Attack me again, some dwarf was nearby and saw it and thought I needed help and came in and aided me for the last two rounds. You died, and complain about me ALWAYS needing help to kill someone?! ALWAYS? We've met ONCE ever, so I assume you meant some other char that I've killed you with.

Sorry, but that one meeting REALLY left a sour taste in my mouth.