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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(AGE DEATH) [None] Thendrell Thistletone the Mortar of Faith, Voice of the Paragon
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=79588
79588, (AGE DEATH) [None] Thendrell Thistletone the Mortar of Faith, Voice of the Paragon
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri May 8 08:07:48 2009

At 6 o'clock PM, Day of Thunder, 10th of the Month of Futility
on the Theran calendar Thendrell perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
79612, Goodbyes
Posted by Thendrell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So 511 hours, uncaballed let me do quite a bit, and more importantly interact with just about anyone I wanted to. So there are lots of goodbyes, and I'll try to hit those I can remember.

Ysaloerye- Have to say thanks to you above all the others. You took time with someone I get the sense you knew was playing his first empowered class and first dwarf. And I get the feeling you made me your voice knowing full well I was about to age die, kind of a last reward that fit in with Thendrell's role. But three virtues (Faith, Fortitude, Temperance) and a tattoo. Wow. I thought Thendrell was lucky to be empowered at all. Was an honor being the first mortal to enter that place. Wish I had a bit more time to look at everything before it ended, and more time to run around preaching your glory to everyone.

I really think you're one of the best imms going that nobody knows enough about, and I tried my best to get every person I saw in sphere combat to join up. I was curious if there was any way for a priest to see people in your other spheres, so I could speak with them as well? Cause after seeing and interacting with you, I knew people that had what it took to follow you would have a great time, and I wanted as many as I could get to get in there. Thanks Again.

Yean- 'I rather like the screams.' I had a good laugh at that. Had no idea you were around, I was just destroying magic. Wish I got to see you more, Thendrell was always curious about the other immortal of the village, but oh well. Thanks for the brew.

Padwei/Iunna- Liked your mortal, was a mage I would walk with out of respect for Una, and because you were just generally fun to interact with. Iunna I didn't really care for IC, just cause of the whole interaction between Ysaloerye and Goroel, which I did not know much about. But Ysaloerye trumps all in Thendrell's book, so I was gonna kick him around some to prove Ysaloerye was the greater of you two and that her followers were stronger than yours. But then he up and left, so oh well, that plan went down. Thanks for coming out to talk with me about it at the inn though. Think you do a first rate job, and you tend to have great followers.

Enlilth- Hemroids and Gonorrhea. All I have to say. Funniest thing I ever saw. I tried telling that paladin to be at least respectful, but I was going to defend him even if he was running his mouth some. I like the random show ups you do, I think things like that are really unexpected surprises that make the game so much more fun.

The rest- Thanks for keeping and maintaining this game. *To any the snooped me, sorry I dissapoint in the pk ass-kicking side of things, just not entirely my style of play. And I know I could have, given the character's build/set.*

Ailinilia- You really were Thendrell's closest friend, and he really did have quite a bit of fondness for you. Something a dwarf really shouldn't, especially for one without a beard. But your light and cheery personality just won him over and he was basically smitten with you from that point on. He began to see himself as more of your protector, which is why he showed up lots of times at the fortress. He just wanted to make sure you were safe. He liked to think you softened him up a little in his old age, and that he made you a little tougher in yours. He really just wanted you to realize how strong you really were, that your gifts were not in how hard you struck but what you inspired others to become capable of, just as you did him. Healers are without a doubt the best friend to have. A competent healer even more so. You were beyond that, and your ever willingness to help him and to aid him was something Thendrell was always grateful for. You did not make his role regrettably- I was working on my next entries when I died, but there were about three chapters about you and him that were going to go in before he died. I'll try and post them later.

Nian- The other old timer. We came up around the same time, so we had a good relationship I thought. Was always fun running around with you and just shredding everything we fought. Thendrell respected that as much as he could anything else, which is why I was always trying to offer things to you. People that were brave deserved to be rewarded.

Una- Basically all of my characters knew you. With all of them you were just amazing, so thanks for that. And for the weapon trade. Served me well, for a long long time. By the end everyone just assumed I had it, even after I lost it. :) You were just a stellar character, was sorry to see you leave. And sorry that I didn't get a chance to fight you in the arena. You were the one person Thendrell really believed he could not beat in a fight.

The rest- There were lots of you that Thendrell saw, since he was sort of a quasi fortress person due to his relationships with Nian and Ailinilia. He tried to help any that asked, and a few like Kasir Lortas and Sarien all played great parts in his life with their willingness to aid him. So thanks to you all for keeping the fields a great place for a wandering dwarf.

Malthalia- Thendrell respected your amazing ability to just brawl with anything in every situation. You and Thendrell made a pretty formidable team, and the defense after the raid of scion was one of the most fun times he ever had. You were what Thendrell should have been, and thats why he always wanted to accompany you and give things to you (since he knew you were more concerned with hunting than regearing- he just got gear for you). The blade of Courage, well, it came to mind when he saw it that there really was only one person worthy of it. You were a fearless warrior that every friend and foe respected and feared. To think it was an elven lady. Who would have guessed. Thanks for letting a non-villager walk with you and for not killing some of my friends out of respect for me. Thendrell knew it was just cause of his allegiance to the paragon, but he hoped he earned at least a bit of respect from you. And the absinthe drinking well, any one that drank as much as he did was always good company.

Woldrun- No more greetings commander. A shame, I really did like the character though we didn't do to much together. I was your personal smith, but you were the commander of battle and you carrying my weapons was considered an honor. There was a time Thendrell didn't necessarily think you (or anyone) could actually beat him in a fight. Until you did. In seconds. And that's when I realized why you were the commander.

The rest- Thendrell left most of you alone to your business, even the evil ones, because you were all just servants of Ysaloerye in his eyes. Woldrun and Malthalia were his respected friends, so he would not intervene with it.

Thendrell didn't see much of them actually, and what he did was usually the Zwerg/Linden/Zerrla group. Three on 1, not good odds, even for him. Empress, well, not enough interaction with, but she has her moments of just being pretty damn fun and Thendrell's thoughts on her are there already.

Veriak- You're the one of the few Thendrell had any respect for outside of the empress, ever since he saw you as that low level thief terrorizing Akan, and rp'ing it with him instead of just giving the usual OOC complaints he usually heard. Thendrell knew that you really couldn't hurt him alone when you hero'd, but when you came alone (yes he sensed you coming) he gave it a go for fun. Figured you'd earned the chance at him at least. Trust me, even without shimmering waters, you weren't going to win. Really just wanted to use you the only time we fought to test some virtues against the garrotte, and it was quite useful to learn what I did. And yes, Akan was thendrell's home, but under pk adrenaline Voralian became his word location.

Gollwyn- Thanks for that duel in the desert, and yes, champions stand is just over-powered, and it is the only way I know a dwarven paladin can out melee an arial mace spec war master. The time in the past, well, I was dead anyway for the most part, so Thendrell was glad you gave him that second chance at you.

Tameron- You will be missed. Thendrell really actually did like you, and you can read his role if you want to see it. Hands down you struck him fives times more than anyone else did. The perpetual cat and mouse, knowing full well neither of us could really seal the victory in most cases. Your ability to always come, strike, and speak with him made his life interesting as it drew to a close. Lion form. Damn did that thing hurt.

Dierj- Limited interation, but you were absolutely untouchable for Thendrell for some reason. In Velkyn he was mostly prepared, and really, nothing seemed to land on you and he couldn't parry worth crap. (think his divine insght fell to) Course, was using a mace, should have stuck with the usual sword. And thanks for the trade in the pit. Thendrell didn't care about you taking that thing, hell, you could have taken it all and he would have been alright with it. He just traded because the blade because he knew none but light could use it. The other, well, any can. And so you know, died a few times going back down there to check for it. Anyway, thanks for being a decent player behind the character.

Tellik/Edika- Only two Thendrell really dealt with at all, and let me just say this. Thanks for the free liquor. Best way to befriend a dwarf, buy him a drink. Edika- enjoy those things, two fine blades they are indeed.

Nidblot- Thendrell knew one thing, Ysaloerye probably really was annoyed with him that he didn't attack you on sight everytime he saw you. But he generally tried to abide by the law (inconsistent with how he knew Ysaloerye wished him to behave), and well, we fought enough in the arena to where he figured he proved himself. You could give him a good run, but ultimately he figured he would win because of a few certain skills. And after the third virtue, well, it became a little bit more one sided. But he appreciated the fights, and for a duergar, you were not entirely terrible. And one thing he learned, he never had to run from a fight, but he really couldn't kill his enemies in them either. So h knew attacking you would just create needless warrants, and that his ability to finish you outside the arena was severely limited. So better to have arena duels instead, where we could see who really was tougher. My vote was for thendrell, cause had he invoked each time, lots of those first losses for him would have not been. Course no doubt you'll vote for you. :)

Iktul- Man, Thendrell really just did not like you. When you followed him into the maus and tried to kill him, he wasn't entirely surprised, well, except that you ended up dying. But he generally had no fondness for you after that, especially when you had someone steal from him. Which is why he helped Maltahalia when you chased her. Evil provost outside of town that he had a grudge against, attacking one of his closest friends. Of course he is going to aid her and attack you, even if she was a criminal. Think what you want, but it was perfectly consistent with his rp, and he didn't intervene until you left galadon, so he lost a bit of respect when you gave a comment about upholding law and order.
Killing evil + dwarven grudge + helping friend > following spire law outside spire jurisdiction.

Flaire- Sheer destruction to anything we messed with. All Thendrell knew, Flaire + Thendrell = mass death. Though in the arena, champion stand was just too much for you to overcome, but it's a paladin's best friend if they have it.

There were others, lots of others, that he knew. Post and I'll reply, but this is long enough so I'll cut it here. If I forgot you, I didn't, but I've not the time to list all the players that made Thendrell's life so damn fun.

79617, Rest well, Mason
Posted by Tameron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I log on this morning right after both you and Kasir age death. W00T! In all seriousness though, Tameron really respected you. Outside looking in, I thought you acted every bit the dwarven crusader. I also enjoyed our fights and banter back and forth. A much respected foe that will definitely be missed. Good luck with the next, though I am sure you won't need it!
79621, RE: Rest well, Mason
Posted by Thendrell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now you just need to deal with Malthalia hunting you all the time. :)
79620, I made two or three characters based off your RP.
Posted by Followerofyours on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I personally think you need a place in the Biddy's shrine.

I didn't like you at first because of the shift key thing, but I soon saw that you didn't always do that or had corrected it.

I even thought of making a character that followed YOU.


One of the coolest characters this game ever saw.
79622, RE: I made two or three characters based off your RP.
Posted by Thendrell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
His statue will sit in her shrine at least, and I could take a few guesses as to characters that were created because of him (Hope some of them are still around, Biddy needs her loving now that Thendrell is gone). I noted there were a few more dwarven paladins and combat spheres running around after Thendrell came into his own. And I preached to any of them that would listen, usually around their 10th title. Hook em young for the biddy. Figured these people might have been players I fought that realized 'Hey, even without using magic he is pretty tough to kill-and he's incompetent in pk. If I had that same build I could dominate!' :)

Nice to know that he had an influence on people's lives. All he wanted was for everyone to practice Biddy worship. Yeah, my typing was bad at first and I know shift and punctuation were not there early on, but the more you play, the better you get. Even started using esay and emotes! Poor Ysaloerye, she suffered through all my learning curve with that.

A Thendrell follower. What would Thera have come to? Maybe one day the Imms will allow him to resurface from the stone and be a patron immortal of the uncaballed explorers. Or a Herald. He did like his booze.
79848, RE: I made two or three characters based off your RP.
Posted by thendrell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Interesting suggestion by the way. Have to thank you for it.

If I create another character (hard to get back into it after playing thendrell for so long- and not just sit there acting just like he did at least), I it will be another religious one, but instead of following an Imm, follow a player that follows an Imm. Course right now there are only characters from Thendrell's life that come to mind, so probably best to wait for a while before doing that.
79623, Akan will have a drinkfest in your honor
Posted by Nian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just fondly remember sitting in Akan/Mortorn, and there was this Paladin, a bit strange, but very friendly, always looking to protect his fellow dwarves, whom so happily welcomed me amongst them.

Than later on, when I was a hero for already quite a while, we really got to know each other beyond that. We travelled whenever we could, and just talked whenever we could. At any of this occasions, it was a true pleasure and privilege to know you and call you friend.

You say you're bad at pk? I don't buy that, if you are, I must be horrible! :D

See you with the next! Don't move away from the bright light ...
79625, RE: Akan will have a drinkfest in your honor
Posted by Thendrell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was really just worried you might accidentally squash one of us. Just remember to look before you sit there storm giant. We're short, but we're usually covered in pointy stuff for just that reason. Likewise, you were a good friend to Thendrell, and a fine ally.

Hoist one for me, just make sure it's an ale. He liked the dark stuff in the stone tankards from the Paragon's inn. But most any alcohol he wouldn't refuse.
79624, Forgot Satebos
Posted by Thendrell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had some good fights, how pwk landed that one time I have no idea, and I swear I think I had you that one time. Though I think I know a glitch occurred with one of your spells on me near the end. Only thing I could think of, you cast it on a person with no real hitpoints. That prayer I used essentially gives me an artificial amount of hp which I then lose once the fight ends (so I need to heal during the prolonged fighting if I am actually going to survive, otherwise I'm left stunned) if I kill my foe, so my actual hit points were negative when you cast it. Was the only thing I could think of, since I'm not one of the Imms who would know how it works, but thanks for the duels, and for fighting me without your zombies. Hopefully I showed you one or two new things.
79631, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Malthalia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, what can I say? You were the closest friend to Malthalia of anyone outside of the village. When I needed someone to help, you were there, or when the numbers were too much for me alone, you stood up and amazed me with how easily you drove off some of those that kill me easily. You'll be sorely missed, I can assure you!
79647, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by thendrell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't know about easily driving them off, but I will say that when he wanted to, Thendrell could output a lot of damage fast. But your songs would have made quick work of Thendrell, so he was glad you were a friend and not a foe.
79650, Massive damage output helped.
Posted by thendrell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was a gift of Thendrell's I suppose. Can let a favored tactic out now that he is gone. It always freaked people out the first time I did it, cause not many know about all the virtues or have seen them all in action. It only worked against people that could out damage me, which was rare, but did happen. So I let them bring me down, getting in some hits, usually hoped to have them gushing when I was convulsing, so they would think they had the fight won. Then the following:

They land what they think should be the killing blow. Let first thing kick in. Then Arist. Then, If I was really lucky, warcry. People would see me convulsing and hit me, then I was gushing. Then covered. Then scratches. And hitting twice as hard. Did it to Gollwyn in the duel in the desert. I checked the file and I saw the dam roll at the end, and just laughed cause no paladin should have a dam roll that high. His normal was mid 50's, with insane spell save and dex bonuses. When geared for damage could reach triple digits with everything up. Just amazing, and really only possible because of Ysaloerye. But wow. Just wow. Like I said before. He really was way too strong to be a paladin.
79638, So long, and thanks for all the forgery.
Posted by Woldrun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That arena thing was pretty cool. I actually figured I had as much shot the second time as the first - not much changed except a bit of my tactics - but it was a nice little RP moment to basically be like "No, you don't remove certain eq to make it a 'fair fight' - let's do this!" and actually not have that be a death sentence.

I thought you did a great job with the RP. Good luck with the next char.
79648, RE: So long, and thanks for all the forgery.
Posted by thendrell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, Thendrell's challenge was about finding out just how strong Thendrell was, and if he had to, could he take the commander if he had to to defend any of his friends against you. Course, he had no mage friends, so chances of that coming to pass was unlikely. No champion stand in the second made a big difference, as did the deathblow, but really, he just got whooped. And that just increased his respect and confrimed what he thought of you, so well done.
79651, I dug your character
Posted by Beib on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for taking me along that time to the Desert. I always felt bad about stealing from you that one time, so I tried to make it up to you from time to time. I'm not sure why I felt all that bad, I guess I just liked your RP and play style. Kudos on a great character from what I saw and GLWYN.
79654, RE: I dug your character
Posted by thendrell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was really the denial of stealing it that had Thendrell turning red, since he suspected the real cause was someone else. That had been a gift he valued, so he wanted it back, that was really all there was to it. The other things taken, well, he didn't really care about. But you came clean later, and he regained what was taken. So you were friends from that point on. And he needed you for the desert, so your help was really appreciated.
79652, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Nidblot on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We went a long way back. And from what i saw you were an excellent paladin. Since i had more than enough enemies i saw no reason to fight you outside the cities, and as years past that became a habit. And whenever i was fighting someone else you would never interfer..that was greatly appreciated.
Regarding our arena fights i would put my money on Thendrell in the last years. The third virtue made things almost impossible for me. It was better when you had to type com wrath Nidblot each time and giving me ample opportunity to heal in that 4 square place. Guess using a mudclient is a whole new world for you :). For the first fights i had the shield that grants me some protection against wraths, but Jolindar cleaved it. That was the end to my arena victories against you.

I am glad we spoke in your last hour, and wont repeat myself here.
The favor you asked, the promise i made, it will be kept.

Good luck with your next.
79655, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by thendrell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thendrell sort of respected just fighting itself. So it would have been wrong to jump in on others' fights (Very rarely did he ever), and also, he respected the duty others had. If you weren't wearing the vindicator cap, I might have messed with you more outside the cities, but usually you were doing your job. So Thendrell let you go about it. And I did miss a few wraths on eastern cause you moved by too quick, though that was just to give you a friendly smack.

I figured your religion demanded victory from you in every fight, which is why you dragged out some arena matches for long times, healing whil I just sat there plagued. I figured that shield helped against wrath. But really the victories for me only happened cause of 'invoke XXXXX Nidblot' Was the only way I could keep up with you pre-client. That and your inability to get a lot of dispells to land, or blindness, or anything really. But they were always fun matchs.

Don't repeat yourself, but thanks. That was something I think was a very classy thing to do, and I thought of the same thing right as you said it, once I realized how silly the initial requst was.

Take care provost.
79656, At first I was like, decked suped up paladin who is Uncaballed? Bleh.
Posted by Aeinrez on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Then I got to kinda know you, and I gotta say, well done.

Thanks for aiding me raid Empire before I got legacies.

Thanks for helping me regear and kill some buff mobs for gear.

I killed Zannon, incidentally. This one was light years better. Kudos.
79657, RE: At first I was like, decked suped up paladin who is Uncaballed? Bleh.
Posted by thendrell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, thendrell could see why people had some not wonderful views of him, and yes, I agree that he was a bit overpowered in what he had. He had no firm commitment to anything except Ysaloerye (maybe why he was given the virtues he was), and later Ailinilia as well. But he had some good friends, who sort of vouched for him in their cabals, so he could get a fair amount of player/rp interaction for being uncaballed. He helped you, well, cause you asked. Thendrell was just about the friendliest dwarf paladin going, unless you were a mage.

Following Ysaloerye and being a paladin makes for an interesting dynamic. Lots of potentially conflicting codes and laws to follow, so it comes down to a choice and how you want to play your character. Would have needed more thought about an angle to put Thendrell in a cabal early on, and it was not there. So uncaballed it was.

So instead he befriended most anyone he could in the fort, battle to a lesser extent, and helped when he could. Was sort of a quasi caballed character, could roll with them both at times, but not have to deal with cabal politics/rules. And he thought about joining the fortress when Sarien ascended, just to watch over Ailinilia more. But joining so late in life, eh, thought that would be poor form. Get all the Ysal benefits without the difficulty of following fort the whole time, then join? Nah.

Everyone killed Zannon, but thanks for thinking I improved some.
79667, You be Missed
Posted by Edika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thank you for the blades and the adventure. I told you that I can keep things for long time and can be called nostalgic in CF sense.

Thank you so much, you were more one of those friends that made the evening (usually morning for me) better. You got my mad respect when you emptied like 5 barrels of ale and did not get hurt because of alcohol poisoning. I always thought that dwarves should just drink ale instead of water.

Awesome char, hope you come back.
79675, RE: You be Missed
Posted by thendrell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Never challenge a dwarf to a drinking contest, he'll win everytime. Most of his early life he filled his mugs in Akan, so did not drink water, cause he thought ale was better than anything.

See you in the fields.
79671, Post away..
Posted by Golly-wyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
should you have any fights of me. You played that out well, and damn, that desert fight was thrilling, in the beginning but rather frustrating near the end ;).
79674, RE: Post away..
Posted by thendrell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wish I did, but I have all of 0 logs of things through thendrell's life. If anyone has any, post them if they want, but most of his fights were dull (one side fled fairly early on). Except that desert one. That was just an great back and forth. Of course, a few parayers helped me pull out the win, and I still almost died after from the bleeding.
79860, End o' tha Road
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
AH Thendrell, how I cringed at your lack of capitalization and punctuation, but you answered things well enough to get the first empowerment.
You continued to grow and learn and whenever I snooped you (which was quite a bit) you were RPing away, often by your onesies.
The real test came when the harder restrictions of the religion kicked in and you hung with it and in some aspects excelled. Your RP also continued to get deeper too which was a pleasure to see (along with capitalization and punctuation).
Glad you enjoyed the ride, wish I had been around more over the last couple of weeks, but I have been laid up with back surgery. Sitting for longer than 30 mins is tough, that last session we had was nearly an hour and did me in for a couple of days!
More than anything I hope you learned a lot about how to make a thoughtful and colourful CF character. I look forward to what you might create in the future.

79879, RE: End o' tha Road
Posted by thendrell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I laid out the paragon for a few days, man, not a good priest at all. I figured it was you animating Chor (course I might be wrong) in the inn, and you were just checking up on me to see what I was telling those people looking for you. If I knew what you had in store, I would have sped things along some. Always thought you were a tad more patient with me than you were with others, guess that intial empowerment showed you I had lots to learn still.

Thendrell gave me the understanding of what it means to actually create a worthwhile character. I punctuate and capitalize and all that now because I realize just how detracting it is to read when it isn't. But really, what took place over his life was you gave him an actual role to play, more so than just a view of a role I conceived initially. And that made him so much fun to play, that I ended up usually rping with anyone I could find, and that really brought out the best of what CF has to offer.

Restrictions aren't bad for a dwarf paladin to deal with, I can understand the difficulties some have with them though. That you thought I excelled at anything is nice to say, so thanks.

I'm looking forward to hopefully seeing some little seekers running around in the future, I really did try to get people curious about the religion with Thendrell, I knew you were not always around so I tried to keep people interested in the path with some rp with them when they could not reach you. I figured not all would go to the shrine immediately, but maybe when they roll another they would remember and give it a shot. Would like to see another Voice running around someday.

Thanks for all the imm interactions and for creating a great ride for what was intially an underdeveloped less than thought out character. And thanks teaching me how to play a decent CF character, Thendrell was really great to learn that aspect of the game with. My next has an interesting concept, of course I have no experience with the class so I'll probably be terrible in most respects, but still think it has some potential to be fun. And maybe one day I'll try and get another voice, with a bit more dwarfy dwarf.
79987, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Ailinilia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I had so much fun being your little healer. I wish we could have spent more time together. I think your death made me sad beyond anything I thought was possible. Thanks for the kind words and thanks for helping me wonder through the lands. I am glad I softened you a bit, you were a typical dwarf, in serious need of softening.
80000, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by thendrell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We did adventure quite a bit, and I'm glad you enjoyed the trips to various places. Had we more time together, probably would have taken you everywhere I knew of, and to the places I hadn't ever explored before. Thendrell was pretty old when you really started to adventure with him though(bout 400 hours or so), and I figured I would die at any minute after that point, so I made the most of it with you. Didn't know when you age die you lose all your things, would have liked to return your flowers to you (he had all the ones you gave him with him at all times), but I guess they just went up to the heaves with him instead.

If I were of the ability Thendrell might have tried to ascend to the heavens, just to keep watching over his favored elf from above, but I severely doubt I have what it takes to heroimm, with such little actual game knowledge and rp experience. So he slipped away in his favorite cavern instead.

79594, About Thendrell (long)
Posted by Thendrell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So this character was my third one to reach hero level, of the fouI have played (Zannon, Ayrios, Junon being the others). Was also my first empowered character, as Ysaloerye could probably attest to and I know she sat their early on just yelling at her computer about Thendrell when we interacted. My play times made Ysaloerye the obvious choice for an IMM though, and so I figured a dwarf paladin would be a good fit. Sorry you got stuck with me, and thanks for taking the time with me you did. I really did appreciate it and I tried my best to get more people in your religion, cause you really are the best IMM around. That's right. I said it. What of it? :) Joking of course, all you imms do a great job, and I tried to interact with any of you I could find when you were visible.

The fact that she even empowered me shocked me, cause I was pretty terrible at rp and didn't have much of a clue about her religion. But I think that changed a bit as I did more with her and as more characters interacted with me. Paladins get lots of random interactions because people like to ask them for help, and so that always makes things interesting. And playing an empowered forces rp, which for me made the game fun. I didn't always rp well, but I did try most of the time.

I rolled Thendrell up with really only one goal at first. To be able to explore solo. Figured a dwarf's hit points, plus sanc, would let me do most things without a whole lot of help. In that respect, the character was largely a success. I saw lots of the game, and spent a lot of time wandering around killing things just to look at the items. When I could solo the dracolich without having to flee once, I knew the character was pretty damn strong, and so there was not much I did not get to see. I used the general connection through the website for most of the character's life, so no aliases with a paladin made most fights virtually impossible, and keeping up the tons of prayers he had alone was tough. Time I typed in commune wrath target or summon or whatever, they were gone. So I had to be ultra defensive and just hope people came to me. Got Wintin for ther last 40 or so hours, and wow, what a difference. I always marvelled at how fast people got things off before. Turns out typing wt to wrath someone is much easier. Live and learn.
I will say this. In a more experienced players hands. Thendrell might well have been one of the strongest paladins of all time, given Ysaloerye's gifts, the equipment set he pretty much had his entire life at hero and his three virtues. In mine, he was still a beast of a warrior, and most people I faced I could kill at best, at worst make them flee.

About Thendrell the Character:

Most of his stuff is in his role, though I did not get a chance to finish adding all the entries I planned to. So if it looks incomplete, well it is. I used it really to track things in the religion, so maybe some of it should be editted out of the pbf so that Ysaloerye can have a few surprises for her future followers. I was also not really good at speaking like a dwarf, but whatever, I tried. I read somewhere go with scottish types I think, so I sort of did.

Now the main thing I will comment on first is the whole protecting Akan thing, since lots of people dealt with it and lots bitched about it. It was his home, and Thendrell hated seeing evils destroying peaceful dwarves. He was a from a disgraced dwarven family that failed where to defend their village and had to be saved by a mage (Leading him to Ysaloerye and becoming a paladin- he did not hate magic so much initially, but just wanted to prove a dwarf did not need it to be strong- and Ysaloerye's approval might reddem his name), so he was generally just trying to protect dwarves. He used the elite dwarven guards quite a bit, because there was no real way to get low levels to leave. Healing them was pointless, cause they would die eventually, so assisting mobs was only thing he can think of to save them.

To the first guy that died, I really was sorry. That was the first time Thendrell ever used summon, did not know how it worked or even if it would. After that, Thendrell tried to give warnings to people to get them to leave. Some did, some didn't. Some died, but most just ran later on when they saw me in Akan. Which was fine. Those that died, well, outside of the first you generally took your own risks. He really did hate doing it, but at the same time it would have been inconsistent to just let it slide. Some people went completely OOC about it, but lots actually rp'd off it. Vowing revenge on him, or swearing to kill dwarves, or him later on. Those were fun, so thanks for the people that realized I was doing it for rp and not just to be a jackass. And though goodbyes will be a different post, I must say, Veriak, I laughed most everytime I saw you in there. Crafty little thief you were, never could catch you.

Next, Thendrell had a view of the battleragers that he was sort of one of them indirectly. Ysaloerye and I sort of made Thendrell a form of battle rager (no using magic, no prayin on mages, no spells on me) without the hunting of all mages and I tried to follow that in that Ysaloerye was a patron of battle, so Thendrell should help them cause all battle ragers served her in his eyes. So he did not hunt or strike any in battle, evil or not, for the most part. And he did thicken the veil, mainly cause it gave him things to do when often he was one of two or three heros awake. But the only rager he ever really walked with was Malthalia, the rest he would forge weapons for, but it was generally a let them go about their business and help them only if they asked or if he offered and they accepted.

On the fortress, no, not all paladins go there. Thendrell got lots of low levels asking him about the fortress, and lots of evils just assuming he was. Yes, most of his friends and companions were fortress. Spose that's part of being a paladin. But Thendrell generally avoided working with them too much in terms of their actualy cabal related things, until fairly late in Thendrell's life. Like Zannon, I find cabals to be something that can be fun, but it has to suit your play style, and mine really doesn't fit it. I like being free to do whatever I wanted. And given my crappy ability to pk, getting into wars really would not have gone well. Spose I could have been a herald. Oh well.

On pk's, Thendrell lost and won his fair share. But he made it a point to never take anything from any corpse when he did win. Not a single copper. And he didn't let anything be taken from anyone if he was involved in the fight. He figured people that had the courage to stick out a fight against him to the end should be treated with honor and respect (evil or not). Not going to comment on looting and saccing and all that, thendrell lived how he did. That was what mattered, not what others did.And he was also somewhat over confident in himself, especially given the virtues he had, thinking that no individual could ever defeat him anyway. (Course he was wrong- as Satebos proved numerous times, and a few others did as well) Toughest opponents outside the liches were generally fully prepped shifters and other paladins (in the arena)

Lastly, the religion and Ysaloerye. Thendrell was sort of enamored with her, just cause she was the embodiment of dwarves and he just wanted to be accepted as a dwarf. He became a Mason because it just appealed to him, and forging just seemed to be the more common path. And having been lit on fire and killed in there made it clear to him he was being tested, and so he was determined to stay there until he got Ysaloerye's favor. From that point forth Ysaloerye guided him, and I tried to play it off a bit more naive than I actually was about things. Thendrell had no reason to know all the things that I know as a person, and he was not the smartest dwarf, but he was loyal and dedicated to learning and earning at least a shred of Ysaloerye's respect. When he got the divine voice, for the briefest of times (literally less than a day) he knew he was about to die. He figured that was her way of just saying he did well for himself, and that he had in fact earned a bit of respect, if for nothing more than his long dedication to her service.

So that's about all, I will post a goodbye thread in a bit, and I will make an effort to respond to questions and comments. Anyone that has criticism or negative comments go ahead with them, its fine, I don't mind and I appreciate feedback. I won't argue many points or get into things that I see in other pages, cause thats not what these posts are for. It is a game, I had fun, hopefully I made it fun for some of you as well.

79599, Nice one
Posted by Ahtieli2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Enjoyed our meetings. Looking back.. I think I should have (and I actualy wanted) to speak/fight with you more. Alas as Empress I usually had other things to deal with rather than uncabaled paladin.

You were cool all around, from the little I've seen.

Good luck.
79600, RE: Nice one
Posted by Thendrell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wish I got more chances to face you like I did Satebos. I knew I would likely lose, but liches are fun to fight. I really did appreciate you stopping that fight in Akan, my wife and I were late for something and I had to go. (tended to lose track of time when playing) Tried to keep it IC, but I figured you knew what was going on and let it slide. Shame, I was having fun til then too. I laughed when you came in and patted me on the head before you left.

Tried to get you to come out and fight me a few times later, but I know, not a priority for you. Glad I got the last fight in before I died, think I had a chance to surprise you with a few things since you did not have barrier up intially, but turns out you would lag me if I left the champions stand, so really had no good strategy for fighting you. Said to hell with it, and fought to the end.

Oh well, keep rolling empress.
79607, RE: About Thendrell (long)
Posted by Borkahd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed interacting with Thendrell as a mortal but for future reference I would avoid offering to do certain favors for evil godlings as a paladin. If Thendrell knew Borkahd better and realized just how evil (not just fire giant evil but eeevul evil) he was as a mortal I'm sure the offer would not have been made.

After that first fight, you seemed to have an unspoken respect for Borkahd. I remember people would chat over CB that you were in the ruins and I would snap at them about how you shift the veil more then most villagers did. Free pass for the dwarf. ;)

I thought it was pretty cool when Ysal went with my idea for a title for you, I hope that you liked it.

Good luck with the next!
79616, RE: About Thendrell (long)
Posted by Thendrell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I know that was bad offering to do favors for you, but you were just imm'd and well, I wanted to have a little fun. I think Imms that go up do it for a reason, and so what the hell. And you were not mortal, so not evil. That's something for mortals to be concerned with, and you had me killing dark elves, which worked for me.

You should have let those villagers come at me though. Let them learn the hard way. But I do appreciate it, and you were right. Thendrell had a great deal of respect for you, for your position, and for what he saw you do in a fight.

I did like the title, was entirely unexpected actually, but things like that are always appreciated. The unexpected rewards are some of the best ones.
79593, Oh no :(
Posted by Malthalia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just popped on to browse a little, and I see this...
79597, RE: Oh no :(
Posted by Thendrell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew it was coming at any minute, like I said to you a couple times, I really was an old dwarf. Was happy to see you made drillmistress before I died though. Shame I won't get to raid scion with you again, really would have liked one more go after that last one. But oh well, keep up the great character, you were probably one of Thendrell's closest friends and influenced him quite a bit.
79591, I'm glad we got a chance to spend some time together recently...
Posted by Vythigor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... I enjoyed your company.
79596, RE: I'm glad we got a chance to spend some time together recently...
Posted by Thendrell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man did I feel bad for you, not your character mind you, but it seemed like everytime we were together you got killed. I was a touch overconifdent in myself and underestimated the foes a bit it seemed. But you rolled well with it and i appreciated and respected you for that. A nd that one time in the white, well, we were screwed no matter what. As my pbf will show, I died alot. And mostly to mobs.
79615, RE: I'm glad we got a chance to spend some time together recently...
Posted by Vythigor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No pain, no gain. I did not mind the deaths at all. I still cannot figure out what happened to us in the White Lair, it was odd to say the least. Again, wish you and I started doing things earlier.