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Topic subject(DELETED) [FORTRESS] Unalethekai Trah'Vella the First Knight of the Maiden, Cardinal of the Golden Sun
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=78764
78764, (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Unalethekai Trah'Vella the First Knight of the Maiden, Cardinal of the Golden Sun
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Apr 13 12:23:02 2009

At 3 o'clock AM, Day of the Great Gods, 5th of the Month of the Old Forces
on the Theran calendar Unalethekai perished, never to return.
Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
78834, Bummer
Posted by Sarien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is too bad. I was hoping you'd have it in you to con or age. Having you around was big fun, I remember when we defended against the imperial hoard with just the two of us...pitty you're gone. Good luck with the next!

78827, Great Char!
Posted by Lsoelel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Loved the RP and fighting with you. You lead most of the raids, retrievals, dragon hunting expeditions, and various other efforts. Btw, I had a blast being a parrot around you when the air forms were redone (Neltouda just 'came out' before then I think).

78810, Storm brother!
Posted by Goganop on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I thought I was your favorite defiance getting dude! I feel so used now :P

It was really cool to see you go from a guy who couldn't find his way out of a paper bag with a flashlight in pk to a very skilled and competent fighter. You were self sacrificing, fun to be around, and just the right amount of floofy making the perfect acolyte.

Keep on truckin
78884, Hahah I love you and I hate you
Posted by Zen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I love you for all the help, and for being so badass, and an all around considerate guy.

I hate that i worked so hard trying to help you flesh out the role that I could see was lacking so you wouldn't delete!

Glacial sculpting was a sweet idea. Someone should take it and run with it, maybe down the road.


78802, Una....
Posted by Adelin1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wanted to save a bit for my own farewell, but You and Padwei were major contributors to my character. Comming from another mud, and adelin being my second character here, it is hard to take a major defensive role, especially because i had some expectations they would be a little more offensive. Just want to let you know that both you and Padwei bring alot to the game, from teaching new characters to exploration and roleplay, it was never boring, and always an absolute blast. Hope you keep at it chief, you were phenomenal to play with, and it was disheartening when you began to dwindle off.

GLWYN, really hope there is a next, preferably fortress *cough*
78767, So hard to say goodbye........
Posted by Zen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have no idea where to begin…680 hours, countless friendships, a few tantrums, a few existential crises, innumerable smiles, more exploration than I’ve ever done, the mentoring of new players that became the meat and mead of this char, my first paladin, my first MUD “relationship”, first acolyte?, second tattoo in 10 years playing (Shokai was the first), an AWESOME religion and Goddess, and much much much more. I finally pulled the plug because 1) I had nothing left to do and 2) I am getting laid off, so my last two months has consisted of TONS of job hunting. Luckily, I found a summer job, so that’s water under the bridge for now. Fading away wouldn’t do Una justice, nor would logging infrequently.

I’m a serial multiple-char-at-the-same-time player, and for the better part of a decade split my energy between at least two, usually three chars. I have ADD, get distracted easily, and dislike commitment. :-P Una changed all that. I’m not sure what it was, or why, but after about 100 hours in, I was inspired to delete my other characters and vowed to put everything into this one. I don’t regret that, one bit, and it just goes to show you get out what you put in.

My initial goal when I rolled up Una was to play a Neltouda follower. I had tried, directly prior, with Arbel, an evil outlander shapeshifter, but 1) I can’t play evil and 2) The role just really didn’t fit the religion, so I scrapped it and thought of something new. “Hey, why not a paladin?” First time for everything. I didn’t want to play a stereotypical “ stiff necked duddly do-right” though, and so I based my role on a Robin-Hood-Esque hero, who spent his early years surrounded by the pirate scum of the Aryth and became a bit of a rogue himself, picked up the foul language of those he spent so much time chasing around, and well……Feel free to read the role, I don’t really want to rehash the entire thing here. ;-)

The main point is that I was trying to play a role that I felt was the sort of person I am/want to be. When I play an evil char, I don’t like myself, I don’t like being mean, and actually end up being in a bad mood when I’m not logged on. I want to contribute to an amazing experience that makes players HAPPY to be playing a game. A large part of Una was the idea of karma, and when I rolled him I had just devoted myself to practicing Buddhism. Playing this char was part therapy (damned cold Michigan winters), part constructive exercise on maintaining a positive state of mind in real life, and part trying to build up the playerbase and retain new players.

This is hard. I knew I would ramble endlessly, so bear with me. I suppose I should just move onto goodbyes, but I’ll gladly discuss anything anyone wants to, and I know I’m going to leave countless people out. Post and I’ll respond.

Without Further Adieu:


Padwei: When I met you, you were quietly sad, beautiful, pleasant, and apparently shy…I had no idea of what was to come. As I got to know you I realized just how complicated and beautifully thought out the character was, and decided to pursue certain “things,” despite the fact that I knew it was probably a guy on the other side. *shudder* You were a perfect counterpoint to my boisterousness, both my anchor and the wind that filled my sails and kept me going.

Isendor: Aside from just going AWOL, I have you to thank for being the catalyst in Pad’s and my relationship. You were the matchmaker, and a pleasure to interact with once I got to know you. I’m still waiting for that “present” you said you were making for me, btw. :-P

Sil: You’re lucky Padwei took up so much of my “energy,” because Una couldn’t resist a funny, exciting woman with a penchant for a good drink. I carried that globe you gave me for the better part of 400 hours, but the gift I’m most thankful for is the joy I got out of interacting with you.

Humbert: You’re old, man! You were old when I was a Scribe, a solid presence, and I respect your decision to draw it out as long as possible. I almost did. ;-)

Renkaide: Funniest f’ing felar I’ve ever met. I missed your constant rubbing of yourself on anyone and anything that moved.

Illian: Sad that you didn’t play more often, always enjoyed you batting those eyelashes at me, and doing that other thing for me that you did so well……. :-x No, it’s not dirty, it’s just picking a lock. :-P

Saerali: Our interactions went a long way into making Una a more dynamic character. It’s amazing how easily drama and conflict can arise, and a valuable resource in character evolution. You were one of the few who wouldn’t let Una cheer you up.

Adelin: Love the expressiveness of the character, and the fact that your coming meant I wasn’t the Fort’s only healer anymore (Though Pad did an awesome job of playing that part, to be fair.) I always laughed that you’d stick yourself to me like glue whenever we were both on. I can’t blame you though. ;-)

Nian: Stormbrother! You have a huge burden to carry, mate, now that I’m gone. You have to represent the Storm, the ideals of the Fortress, and be all-around-larger-than-life. I think you’re more than up to the challenge though, and think you’re doing a great job. Congrats on the tat.

Sarien: A solid friend and ally, you have no idea how much you were needed. For a long time we lacked a Marshall/Captain, hell, we didn’t even have any POTENTIAL leaders. When I saw you up and coming and interacted with you, I knew it was only a matter of time, which was a relief for me because I never wanted to delete/cut back my hours until the Fort was in good hands.

Kasir: We didn’t interact much, but suffice to say I’ve experienced you from both sides of the knife, and I’m impressed either way.


Always a bittersweet relationship, a few douches, but for the most part I got to see the respectable side of the Russian army, and for that I thank you. I always tried to keep the looting and griefing to the absolute minimum, and I appreciate you all returning the favor (most of the time, which made a few exceptional situations that much more frustrating. ;-P) After a while, I purposefully didn’t carry Defiance, because it was no challenge for me otherwise. Zerrla, you were the most annoying with your dispel, Ahtieli, the ghoul paralysis was what would do me in, and the rest of you, well, I apologize for kicking the snot out of you so handily whenever we met. Mwuhahahahah

Assorted Others

Neltouda: Thanks for being part mom/best friend/big sister/therapist/relationship advisor/all around best most inspiring empowerment experience I’ve ever had. This is another situation in which words can’t express the gratitude for upping the joy this char brought me.

Flaire: My goto guy for Defiance, until I convinced Illian to learn to do a certain something that made life far easier. You, sir, were a beast, and a good friend.

Thendrell: Congrats on pulling off a Ysal priest—I tried and failed with a gnome explorer healer when I was told ~ lvl 30 that healing wizards wasn’t allowed. I deleted, but you’ve stuck it out, and done a great job from what I can tell.

Satebos: I’d fight you whenever I was bored….until you realized the only thing a lich has to do to a paladin is energy drain x4 and then it’s game over. Keep on trucking.

Edika: I loved watching you grow from a cute little whelp of a lass who would bring me random beer wherever I happened to be into a respectable, well played character. Keep it up, lass, and I hope you always bring the thunder.

Malthalia: Our interactions always produced lots of good drama, which is exciting. Thanks for being as persistent as you were—it’s always nice to be challenged to really think about how your CHAR should respond, outside of just his archetype. For the record, I never tried to actually kill you, just knock you around a bit with templars defense. ;-)

Allright….I’m sure there are many more I missed, and I apologize, but come on. 680 hours. :-P The bottom line is thanks to everyone, with a few notable exceptions I don’t feel like noting, and always remember it’s a game we’re all playing for the same reason—to have fun and inject a little joy into an otherwise lackluster life full of responsibility and sobering reality.

“Come on people now, smile on your brother. Everybody get together try to love one another right now.“

Zach/Zen/Unalethekai/Alkydrion/Zalshuru/Seirk/Arbel/Brillum/Tynnyn/And many, many more.

78768, Random comment:
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>until you
>realized the only thing a lich has to do to a paladin is
>energy drain x4 and then it’s game over. Keep on trucking.

There are a few different things you can do there. One obvious one is to carry more saves -- saving vs. energy drain means it does nothing.

Also, paladins have an edge specifically to help out with that. :)
78769, RE: Random comment:
Posted by Zen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, if only I hadn't stopped getting IMM exp ~ hour 500 (or whenever it was) maybe I WOULD have gotten that edge too. :-PPP


78770, Great char
Posted by Dervish on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was that you who played Zennon, Nexus human warrior flail spec?
78771, RE: Great char
Posted by Zen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thank you! And no, I don't think it was, though if it was long enough ago it's always a possibility. I think Brillum was my only nexun, and he was a shifter, golden jag/diamondback.

78772, Miiiiichigan?
Posted by Stunna1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Are you the guy that plays from A2 (aka the deuce) that I've heard about?
78773, RE: Miiiiichigan?
Posted by Zen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am indeed an Ann Arborite, and proud of it! Look me up if anyone's ever in town.

78790, Don't listen to him.
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He is really from Lansing and just defected to that lousy city for college. ug...U of M.

Good job buddy, and I'm sorry i got you hooked on this game oh so long ago. Has it really been that long? You know I'll keep in touch, and Unal was awesome on both sides. I'm glad you didn't delete after that meltdown in the palace. I was trying to be as un-ooc as I could in our conversation trying to tell you not to delete.

GLWYN as some say.
78801, I live in Novi and am from Ann Arbor
Posted by stunna1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was born at St. Joes actually. :)

Although, I guess I've been all over the country since then but whateve... I'm back here now. Shoot me an email at vigil@northvillemartialarts.com - there are quite a few Michigan based CFers around, and don't worry a lot of them are cooler than Minyar.
78842, Ouch..I'm not sure you know me well enough to say that.
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mr. Zen and I go way back. MSU just rocks compared to U of M. Thats all I'm sayin! Um...Go Lions! Wait...ah, Go Wings! Woot.
78862, C'mon I got nothin but love for ya
Posted by stunna1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
but your stupid college is for farmers, and we both know it's true.
78867, Well of course it is...
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
and yours is for druggies who like to streak. Oh..and unibombers. :)
78776, RE: So hard to say goodbye........
Posted by Nian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The Light does shine upon us, for letting us say goodbye in person, sure beats having to find out only via a delete thread on the battlefield.

Now I do have twice the pair of shoes to fill, and it's a pair of shoes I'll miss seeing around.

I'll keep it short for now, and just say 'Good luck and farewell!'

PS: Good luck with the job hunt.
78779, Mate
Posted by Jolidar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was tough at first, you being a paladin and me being outie, but Jolin really really respected you.

I wish we could've traveled together more, but atleast I was there for your wedding.

All the best.
78780, RE: So hard to say goodbye........
Posted by Enlilth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You'll totally forgive me if I'm glad, no ecstatic I don't have to hear uber gayness over fort leader chan anymore. I really hated me some Una. The other side of that is me having to dish out props for the character being well played enough for me to truly hate from an Enlilth point of view. So here's to hoping you pull another one like this out at some point, and a slight apology for not throwing out swank globals of padwei and I fighting over possession of Una's soul. Truly, a well played char. I would have fully advocated third virtue for Una if anyone had ever asked my opinion. I remember thinking... "EWWW CHARITY, this guy will delete with a quickness" at some point. Yet, you never did, and kept on trucking until Padwei immed, and then you just stopped being Una.

GLWYN, come over to the dark side at some point, we have cookies.
78781, RE: So hard to say goodbye........
Posted by Enlilth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You'll totally forgive me if I'm glad, no ecstatic I don't have to hear uber gayness over fort leader chan anymore. I really hated me some Una. The other side of that is me having to dish out props for the character being well played enough for me to truly hate from an Enlilth point of view. So here's to hoping you pull another one like this out at some point, and a slight apology for not throwing out swank globals of padwei and I fighting over possession of Una's soul. Truly, a well played char. I would have fully advocated third virtue for Una if anyone had ever asked my opinion. I remember thinking... "EWWW CHARITY, this guy will delete with a quickness" at some point. Yet, you never did, and kept on trucking until Padwei immed, and then you just stopped being Una.

GLWYN, come over to the dark side at some point, we have cookies.
78793, RE: So hard to say goodbye........
Posted by Nererial2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Unalethekai. Although I did kill you twice solo I think. Once when you had defiance unless I'm mistaken? Or I might be confusing you with someone else. Thought once was at centurions when you were unlucky with fleeing, and once was northwest of Udgaard, with the help of a mob that's aggro to paladins.
78799, My sailor.
Posted by Padwei on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not sure where to begin, other than to say thank you. You made
Padwei the most enjoyable character I've had, and you were by far
my favorite interaction, ever. I feel like after all the hours, I should
have something more.. but you know.

"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in books
written by rabbits. Of all unicorns, she is the only one who knows
what regret is - and love."

-Schmendrick, The Last Unicorn

So I'm sailing for tomorrow, my dreams are a dyin'
And my love is an anchor tied to you, tied with a silver chain
I have my ship, and all her flags are a flyin'
She is all that I have left, and music is her name

-Crosby, Stills & Nash, Southern Cross

P.S., I got your PBF.
78809, RE: My sailor.
Posted by Mudsex. nt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
78812, Don't hate just because you didn't get the storm lovin'. nt.
Posted by Padwei on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
stfu. rawrz.
78838, Padwei got you killed
Posted by Pzuryxal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really enjoyed our interactions. I'd show up looking for Padwei and lo and behold there would be Unalethekai trying to "save" her. Most cases it ended badly you... stupid Padwei.
78855, Don't think I didn't know it.
Posted by Padwei on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There's a whole role chapter about that. :p
78800, Awesome char!
Posted by Zefta on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I interacted and fought you with numerous chars, Zefta, Iegob, Kreo, Zubi and perhaps one or two more that I can't remember. :D

You were always a blast to keep an eye on, fight or interact with. Even when Zubi was a low lvl I got some interaction out of you, and Padwei, as I flirted with you a bit. ;)

Keep it up dude! Awesome!
78806, You were Iegob?
Posted by Daurwyn2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn. When I think what I must have said to you. Heh.
78860, Hahahaha yeah.
Posted by Zefta on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
78814, Wow.
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Can't believe I didn't even get the slightest little shout out. :( You suck.
78819, ***See Above memory disclaimer***
Posted by Zen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

That's why I put in those memory disclaimers. I blame the sandwhich I was heating in the microwave while I was writing the goodbye note, and I'm sure I've left out a lot of others I shouldn't have as well.

I've always been intimidated by Baerinika, have tried one or two followers, but never anything long term. You're a powerful presence with that spear of yours--I always imagine you impaling Enlilth in all manner of creative ways whenever I see you.

Una was the first char that I got to really interact with more than the "Jaguar," and it was great. Sometime, when I"m feeling hardcore, I'll roll up a follower and give being an official Badass a go, but I haven't had a Squire make it to Maran since Tynnyn, Talon of the Phoenix, Dauntless Hunter of the Wicked, and that was 8? years ago. :-P Something like 10 squires in the meantime. I'm sure Una's PK record will shed some light on why, too!

Bummer about Isendor, it always made me sad when we mentioned him, and I always wanted to put my arm around you but I feared the spear. ;-)

78828, RE: ***See Above memory disclaimer***
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>You're a powerful presence with that spear of yours--I always >imagine you impaling Enlilth in all manner of creative ways
>whenever I see you.

78816, Shame you're gone
Posted by Thendrell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just went to the fort today when I saw you had fell, wanted to see if I could help with anything, was always happy to go and get you any gear you needed, ever since you swapped that blade to me for the bracelet. Had a lot of great adventures with you, but my fondest memory was probably beating two ancients with you in a matter of minutes, with no one else. Some of our views may have differed, but hey, different paths will cause that, and in the end I knew you were always willing to help me out if I needed it, and so I always went out of my way to offer any help I could to you.

And you tried a gnome healer Ysaloerye priest? I'll save my comments on that for when I'm gone, have some thoughts about that and Ysaloerye as a whole that I'm saving for when I pass back into the stone, but damn, would have been fun having someone like Una in the Inn.

Take care of yourself, and try to come back sometime. You made the fields a better place for the rest of us.
78821, RE: Neltouda
Posted by Neltouda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My experience with Una definitely felt like a little brother with a much older sister with a giant chip on her shoulder. :P There definitely will not be another Una, and your character will stick out in my mind for quite a long time. I really enjoyed the color you injected into this character with your every move. Still, I have to admit that towards the end I was twiddling my thumbs thinking of what in the hell I was going to do with you. I almost wanted you to have some dilemma that we could fix just to keep things interesting. Rather than gush on your every moment, I’ll just say well done all around, it was a pleasure.
78833, Nelly-
Posted by Padwei on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How did you forget the song? We talked about this!
78843, He man
Posted by Sil-ly on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I fought (inasmuch as there were any fights at all at that time) beside you as Sil, and had a complete blast; you were one of the reasons I kept returning, even though I hated being a squire for 200 hours. It's too bad you went for Padwei, for there was this ... energy .. between us: you know, like Zorsaul once said, sometimes chance puts two people together and they just feel one another as if they've been known eachother for like forever. Seriously, thanks for those times... boatsman.

I also fought against you as Gollywyn, and man, you're a friggin' beast; by the time hamstring and artery went through (=3 rounds) I had to bail out. *Every* time I decided to fight you, I knew chances were pretty high my corpse would lie on the ground before long. BLEH! Still, nicely done character, man.
78876, Welldone
Posted by Edika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You had an awesome influence on my life, more like a drillmaster who kept all the deckhands in place. I was thinking to ask you to go along that way, but didnt get a chance to discuss it.

Looked up to you so much that I whenever you were around, I would be happy. I brought you beer cause you RPing with you was always fun.

78883, RE: So hard to say goodbye........
Posted by Haidoril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have to say thanks, dude. And good job sticking it out, you copped a rough deal there at times.