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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectDrue the Seer
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=77722
77722, Drue the Seer
Posted by Lightmage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Farewell for a while. I have been having fun playing my Saturday morning, Sunday morning shifts (with the odd login here and there when I can steal an hour), but I just switched positions at work, and will need focus on other things for a bit. (1 year contract)

I love this game and had fun with this char. I designed him to be a seer, focusing on clairvyance, clairaudience. Mastered them with alot of bloody work, deaths to vampires, etc. Gained the edges which did help. I wanted to be more of a mystic, giving battle plans to my troops, and coordinating strikes. Stuff like that. Worked sometimes, other times probably was just annoying for my enemies.

I never really saw any of the gank downs and stuff people were complaining about. Unless you count 10 fortressites and myself, facing poor Ahtieli near Udgaard during some immteraction. Ahtieli was in no real danger, so didnt feel too bad, plus he is kinda destruction incarnate anyhow...

I tried to give my foes good fights, with some semblence of civilry. I got in trouble with Fort Imms for being too nice to ghostly foe, but thats my own stupidity coming through, and I didnt hold a grudge.

Empire: Had a blast fighting, scrying, raiding you guys. DOlce (tough bastard), Elzebeth (well roleplayed, I liked listening to you interact with others), Pewt (we never talked but you were ballsy, Ahtieli (my poor coyote, you are cool and despite being tough actually would come mess around with us without you army. Not much I could do agaisnt healing curse (with archon), or phylacteries that made you immune to angels, fire, etc. Nice char, I also liked scrying and listening to you talk.), Gollywyn, enjoyed our fights too. Hell there is more of you. I will think a bit and post more, or else respond and I will reply. Bad memory I have.

Tribunal: Sarien kind of ruined my plans for you. We got orders to not strike in town. Before those orders I was trying to provide some fun for you guys. I know it sucks sitting on your ass doing nothing. My only Trib was a justiciar Healer(thaumaddhot), and I loved when people would mix it up in town a bit. My days of chasing corrupt tribs around town ended pretty quick when orders came through. Nidblot, Iktul, et all. Have fun with the hoards.

Scions: Never got to see many of you. Not sure if you want your chars outed as Scion, so I will leave your names out. My shifter friend, you did good. Need some prepping and better battle plans, and you can be a force. Take the offensive route and your foes will fear you.

Outlanders: Mreash, and a few others we fought a bit. Glad you did not camp out alot for me. My coyote would usually spot the groups of you, and I would just avoid unless you were darklings. Few times my nature got the best of me and Id 'accidently' mix it up with you, despite being told not to by baer, sarien.

Villagers: Good batch there. Commander, we had a nice battle. If you have that archangel fight logged it was sweet. I was actually typing get coins corpse, when your deathblows finished me, (couple of them fired big when you were convusling.) I had 400 hp or so and was in ABS, stoneskin, protection from evil, so was not even considering I would fall. COol fight anyhow. The rest of you were classy.

FOrtress: Fun bunch of people I met this time around. Baer, you are doing a great job with the place. Sarien, nice talks. You tempered me a bit. I was getting a little bloodthristy there for a while....Unalethekai, Padwei- thanks for the fun. Vermillan, Kasir, Mina, my elven healer friends, it was fun. Again my memory is crap. Oh yeh, Nian, you are fun to travel about with.

I love conjurers. They are pretty damn deathful when played right. My edges were a boon as well. I used my familiar alot. If I play another lightwalker conjurer I will re-roll until I get the fairie dragon next time, just to try out the edges with a fighting familiar. THey are underutilized.

See you all later. It was fun.
77768, No more vampires!
Posted by Nian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's a good thing :)

I enjoyed pulling you by the sleeves to go out and do stuff. You obviously know your way around CF, and I was happy to absorb whatever I could, no matter how little it might have been.

The slightly nutcase Acolyte going along with the somewhat serious, scholarly Maran worked really well. I always looked forward to catching you during the weekends, I'll miss that.

See you with the next!
77796, RE: No more vampires!
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When you delete please list some of your other chars. I had a feeling I knew the person behind the char.

77893, RE: No more vampires!
Posted by Nian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Check your PMs on the other board, can't do it here without logging in (and that would be my non-char nickname :P)
77758, You!
Posted by Dolce on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Everytime I was logged in and you were, I knew I was going to accomplish NOTHING I intended to during that playing session. I think you scried me about every two minutes, and unless I got the hell out of dodge, I could count on you or some other Fort fella coming to kill me.

It definitely kept me on my toes and I had a blast fighting you. I think we were pretty even in our matchups, and that's what makes CF so interesting.

Sorry to see you go - but at least Dolce might have a few minute of peace now :)
77770, RE: You!
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew watching you coming up that you were someone to keep eyes on. You roleplay well, and I like listening to you order/boss around other blades, whelps.

Sometimes I would scry you just to mess with you a bit. Even when I off exploring or gathering equipment....just to keep you on your toes.

Later man, good luck with the battles.
77752, Sad to see you go.
Posted by Vermillon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really did enjoy rolling with Drue, I had wondered why you felt a little familiar, now I know why :)

We've rolled together before. I'll let you ponder that. We were on a different side of the fence though.

Anyway, Drue was great, I liked how you could always scry and knew where everyone was, that was very suave and mystic like of you.

Anyway, just wanted to say good luck with the new contract and hopefully will see you in the fields.
77749, RE: Drue the Seer
Posted by Elzebeth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not sorry to see you go. After blackjacking you and having your archon almost kill me, I decided against a direct one on one with you. If you can't beat them, then rp at them!
77736, RE: Drue the Seer
Posted by Kasir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You certainly knew what you were doing. My one complaint is that you came off sort of bossy. There'd be three marans online and you'd say, "We raid Empire. Meet me in Hamsah." Not, "Hey guys, we should probably raid Empire, huh?" Even, "I'm raiding Empire, if anybody wants to help," would have been better.
77738, RE: Drue the Seer
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was not my intention. I tried to announce what I was doing. I can see what you mean though.

What came out was not always what I meant. I play Scions like that. I am usually no-nonsense for raiding and stuff, but a softy for other aspects.

Will take that advice.

Nice thief char.
77751, Nothing wrong with a bossy Maran (or even Squire)...
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As long as you're not a Squire tryin to boss around Maran, or leaders.

Sometimes, Forties tend to be too soft. I don't think Maran were ever intended to be "nice". Sure, they can be sometimes.. but that shouldn't be the rule.
77731, yeah
Posted by shifter friend on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well you know if I had any freakin clue where any of my sleeks were life would be much easier. Especially since I think there is something wonky going on with unique barrier repops, used to just be a certain time but half the time it takes 4 or 5 times what I would expect.

Having played the goodie conjie build I knew that if I bothered to fully prepare I could beat you up but you were too shifty for me to waste the protections on because well fleeing from me is not exactly a challenge for a good player (fistshake telnet) I liked how you handled my doomsaying and you were a quality enemy because you took it solo, though I gotta say trying to constantly heal up without a regen form def made you someone I had to worry about with that tesserectness.

Good luck on the next.

As to the fighting familiar I used both coyote and imp as fighting familiars and once you take both edges they can actually withstand a decent amount of damage, they still don't land too many hits but they make a great meat shield when you need it. And the real underutilized things about conjurers are elem commands, gotta get people on water and give capsize a whirl you will take out groups with people, and the immolation from fire elementals is wicked too only downside is you only get two shots but I just fired them out before it poofed or died.
77729, Liked the role.
Posted by Iunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think you were in my top 10 for the January role contest, and I
always tried to keep up on reading your updates (though I didn't
really have a chance to watch you as far as RP was concerned).

Anyway, I liked your spin on the class, it was neat.
77726, RE: Drue the Seer
Posted by Dervish on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good char, too bad you are leaving. Hey listen, dont let the work become everything in your life! Show up who is the master of your life, play CF :P

I interacted with you and fought you. All around good char. Is your nick on qhcf Andriy?

Oh, and faerie dragon with warrior edges is damn nice. I tanked even tough mobs with it for dozens of rounds.
77730, RE: Drue the Seer
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Is your nick on qhcf Andriy?

No, I always use Lightmage.
77766, Mmmmm... faerie dragon...
Posted by EXB_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There are so many reasons why I would reroll a goodie conjurer just for a faerie dragon... the tanking is a big part, but not even half of the reason why I would do it...

Too bad I couldn't have picked your brain in-game.
77723, Oh yeh, Nexuns (text)
Posted by Lightmage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hate Nexus.

Your cabal is gay.

But anyhow, I did like fighting you guys a bit, and you do try hard with the lameness that is Nexus. So hats off for trying to pull it off. Well roleplayed, and did put up some decent challenges. Thief m-something...classy. Shifter wolverine...tough bastard, Kassibaz- tries hard, consistent.

Later guys.

Oh yeh, did I mention......NEXUS IS GAY, NEPENTHE.