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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectWhen it stops being fun, time to let it go...
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=77593
77593, When it stops being fun, time to let it go...
Posted by Lenfelin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I had been thinking about this for a bit. It may actually come across as a Rage Delete, but it really wasn't. Though what happened at the tree did, in the end, put the nail in the coffin. I realized I was starting to get too far from my RP when Marcatis had to put restrictions on me. In a way, those restrictions kept me playing a bit longer than I might other wise have. Marcatis, Those restrictions in no way had anything to do with this. As it was, I thought you should have tossed me out on my ear. Trying to work my way back into your good graces was what kept me going.

I started Lenfelin during the weekend of double XP. He was just suppose to be a way to learn about shifters, I had never played one before. I really had no interest in a cabal at the time, but after the weekend ended, I started talking with Tlingit and decided to join up again. So much for staying away this time.

My only regret was not adding the rest of my role story in, not that it was contest winning or anything. And not adding a couple roles in asto why I suddenly switched to hunting criminals so strongly when I didn't at first. I had it all written in my head, just never actually put it down.

As far as shifters go, Loved them! The versatility was amazing. I think I must have had some of the best forms I could have had. Crag Soarer saved my life an uncountable number of times. Dire Wolf's tripping got me alot of my kills, but nothing compared to the hummingbird, nothing. There were times I felt like it might just have been too good to be honest. It definately had some disadvantages though and a couple villager types would just wipe the floor with it. Even with that, amazing.

Tribs, I'm sorry I'm leaving you now when you are so big of an underdog, but I did not have alot of CON left anyway. I think I was at 5 as it was, so I wouldn't have been about much longer anyway.

Thanks to everyone that makes this game so fun and bringing me back. To those that make it not so fun, I still can never stoop to your level, though I think my next character may be evil so that I might have an easier time justifing it when it happens to me.

As always, I am curious if I placed any bad warrants. If I did, please let me know. I always wonder that when all is said and done.

I don't have a lot of time now, so if anyone posts, I'll respond.

Dragomir (Lenfelin, Fendril, Platious, Murcadin) <- way too many tribs!
77773, RE: When it stops being fun, time to let it go...
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked this char of yours. I remember traveling with you when I was playing an Acolyte shapeshifter. Cielandaicyl. We did some wand searching and all that.

Later man.
77756, Goodbye, my gnomish friend...
Posted by Vhelamina on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had fun together in our earlier years. Your Hummingbird was such a great form. You helped me get to hero and you were always fun to chat or run with. Too bad at the end, Trib duty got in the way of our friendship, no hard feelings though. :)

I'm kinda suprised to see that you deleted, i pegged you for dragomir early on and figured you were going for the long haul. Overall i really like all your characters and i am sad to see Lenfelin go, yes yes.

Good luck with your next. :)
77626, I thought you did well.
Posted by Anliltuel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good luck on your next!
77615, Ooh my precious enemy....
Posted by Iegob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sad to see you go. :D I loved interacting and fighting with you. That fight we had near the desert in the mountains, that was epic! Both dying! Hummingbird power vs damroll power... hehe

Cool char! Come back soon!
77618, RE: Ooh my precious enemy....
Posted by Dragomir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That fight took forever! I loved everyone of our fights. I, the player, was very sad to see you go. It was always fun when you were about! Don't worry, I'll be back with something.
77614, Bye bye!
Posted by Jnoxri on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm sorry to see you go cause I really did like you. You were the Trib who I interacted the most with and our conversations were always engaging. Oh, and thanks so much for the "In the Air" battles. I had an air shifter once before but I never fought another bird in the air and it was one of my goals to try that this time. Although, it quickly became apparent that our fights in the air weren't going anywhere I still enjoyed them and I'm glad they were with you.

Good luck with your next. I'm having bunches of fun with Nexus now, from an RP standpoint, and there is alot more to this cabal than I had thought, try one sometimes if you haven't. Also, if you havn't done so yet, Outlander and Scion are both great experiances that every CFer should try at least once.

Anyway, good job and I hope to see you in the fields, ok?
77619, RE: Bye bye!
Posted by Dragomir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was always upset that we could not travel together, you being a criminal and all. I loved talking with you and thought we could have alot of fun exploring the lands. The air battles were cool! This being my first shifter, I wanted to see what they could do.

I think it is time I branch out a bit from the Tribs, not sure what exactly it will be, but thanks for the ideas!
77609, Well played sir
Posted by Ruutob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed our battles....sometimes anyway. You had awesome forms, hummingbird is crazy to try and hit with melee or communes. That damn dire wolf and its pouncing in the woods is a nightmare for outlanders. Sorry you got restrictions put on you, I think from killing my pet in galadon that day when I was not wanted? But I had to play it up, I had gotten a provincial to break the laws he swore to uphold. I couldnt just let it pass by unnoticed. That being said, good luck with your next man and try the other side instead of just tribunals, I think you will find yourself enjoying the freedom
77620, RE: Well played sir
Posted by Dragomir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You did exactly what I thought you would do. Not your fault at all. I still don't know how I did not realize you were standing right there! It was a combination of that and hitting baszel in Hamsah when he wasn't a criminal either. I was chasing him about and he ran into the river and I flew to him and did not even think about it and struck again. completely stupid on my part.

As far as my forms, you guys figured out how to take me out in the end. I must have just missed killing you like four times. slippery little bugger!
77608, RE: When it stops being fun, time to let it go...
Posted by marcatis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Generally speaking I was a Lenfelin fan, you were a good and competent Trib-like guy. Regarding the restrictions incident (and the other thing), you did have me in something of a spot due to a multitude of factors ranging from liking Lenfelin to Trib weakness to all the rest.
I was fairly close to booting/demotion/etc, just good thing you didn't kill any of them, or that would have been it.

That being said, I liked how you rolled with it and seemed to accept/keep up the restrictions (thats why they were going away as you saw).

Anyway, I stand by my thoughts on you being a good trib, I enjoyed our interactions, be it from executioner or Marcatis perspective. Feel free to come on back, and quickly.

77624, Thanks!
Posted by Dragomir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really appreciated the little interactions we had this time. When the executioner answered me back the first time, I was so happy! I have to agree completely with Isildur's comments, when talking to you, I certainly get the "Oh my god! I'm talking to an God that could swat me with his little finger!" vibe from you which I think is perfect. I found myself talking to the executioner more than I normally would just on the off chance you might be listening and feel like chatting back.

You never did let me know how you really felt about Fendril a while back, making me think you didn't really like him. Which, to be honest, I thought Fendril was a terrible Provost. Good Trib, but bad leader. But what do you expect from a first time leader? :)

I still remember Melacarfina talking to me in the warrior guild, when I was Murcadin, and me having no idea about anything. She told me all about the Blood Tribunal and I have been hooked ever since. I really think it is time to try something new, just to change it up. But do not worry, I won't be gone for long!

Thanks for everything and I really am curious about the whole Fendril thing as well. If I ever make it to becoming a leader again, I'm curious where you thought I went wrong or right! Thanks!
77604, I salute you sir
Posted by Mreash on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had some really fun fights for a while, and then it seemed like our playing times didn't match up anymore. I would agree with you on hummingbird sometimes. I remember one defense where you pecked the huntress to death for like 10 mins and I just couldn't hit you with anything. Good luck with your next.
77621, RE: I salute you sir
Posted by Dragomir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved Mreash! We use to banter back and forth and I loved every minute of it! Towards the end, our times did seem to be completely different and the couple times I did see you, I already had my restrictions on my and could not come out and dance. After those couple times you got me in those places you like, I decided never to fight you there again! I had no chance at all!
77600, Really enjoyed fighting you
Posted by Jolindar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your forms made quite a nasty combo, and you were a good foe.

I think we kept it pretty even outside of raids and whatnot, and I always enjoyed fighting you. Didn't get much chance to arr pee, but you were a solid presence and a good trib (if such is possible).

77622, RE: Really enjoyed fighting you
Posted by Dragomir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You and your charge set annoyed me to no end! I realized that if you either were wielding your lance or were not blind so you could switch to it, there was nothing I could do to you. Closest I ever came to killing you was that time in Bavoria. The only reason it was even outside of raids was because I flew away everytime I fought you with my tail between my legs. :)
77594, I think you're just awesome. NT
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
77595, I wasn't being sarcastic, btw. I just really like your style. Perma? NT
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But seriously, perma?
77623, Ok, I have to ask...
Posted by Dragomir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Who did you play? I have been trying to figure it out and can not. Obviously if you are still around, then nevermind.
77628, Not sure if you were a magistrate yet, but I was Mjraljin.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I got to interact with you briefly with both of my currents (you placed a just flag on one of them and kept me from killing at least a few people :)).

I just really loved Fendril and I like your style.

PS I was Velyzaggon.
77664, Hiya bud
Posted by Lesikinilt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had oppurtunity to play with both fendril and lenfelin. I enjoyed our fights with the outlanders, and countless enemeys we fought. I will miss havin you by my side. Hope you come back an keep an old cat company! Love yah
