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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectUrgok deleted. It was fun.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=77300
77300, Urgok deleted. It was fun.
Posted by RobDarken___ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I had fun. Orc Chieftain is very very hard to pull off (for me). Most people with high dexterity can tank your horde just fine, but it can rape anyone with low dexterity fairly easily. I had a lot of trouble finding a cursed weapon, heavy enough to hack with, that pierced physical resistance AND wasn't maxed out. There were three giants with the crashing of waves legacy in range, and an arial, three of them villagers, they were nearly impossible to win against unless I ganged them or had taken the head. Raiding the village was always hard, because I usually had no allies, and fortress or outlander members always seemed to show up to run me off, if there were no villagers on, so I never had much luck with that. Still, I learned quite a few things. Now on to the goodbyes. I took the pleasure of drawing pictures of my friends and foes, since I'm an aspiring artist.

Zizzle, you were awesome when I got to interact with you. I was sort of surprised you were willing to help me when Alzinghul died. When I had you on my side, even if I was naked, in less than an hour I'd be in some of the nicest hero gear, and have several more PKs under my belt. On the other hand, I didn't see you around very much at all, and I was always sort of embarrassed to show you I'd went from what we looted together, to ragesteel, regardless, you are a solid character RP and PK wise, and your presence has a huge positive impact.

Proleteria, you sort of fit in with Zizzle, when you were around I was very deadly. Unfortunately, I never got to interact with you much, but I thought it sucked that you lost your voice. Hope you have better luck with your next.

Woldrun, we didn't interact much, but you seemed to really know your stuff, and I was never able to kill you, especially with that legacy.

Malthalia, I really enjoyed fighting you, except for when I got fiended. However, I seemed to have absolutely NO luck bashing you, ever. Still, I'd much rather fight an elf bard, than any other race, since I can use berserk, and dashbash tactics to avoid fiend, most of the time. I liked the bardnotes.

Borkahd, I liked you, and I liked fighting you, when I was able to. Unfortunately I realized it was usually pointless unless you didn't have the head, or I had a decent cursed weapon to hack with.

Lenfelin? I can't remember why I drew a picture of you, since we only fought like once, but whatever. Good luck with whatever it is you do.

Padwei, I wasn't really sure if I liked you or not. I remember the first time I died to you at the fortress, I was full looted, save two or three pieces, but I think that may have been Velkoth who did it, since he was pissed at me. Either way, I never managed to kill you, and that Unicorn is really tough.

Iktul, you were strange, you normally seemed to be pretty cool, but when you blackjacked me and died, and cried over that mace, I lost a lot of respect for you.

Ruutob, I don't think we ever spoke, ever. But man, sunray and the hunt is ANNOYING.

I generally liked Grawshen, but sometimes when you died you were overly bitchy about your gear, and I really didn't want to hear it when you have a full suit of Pwent gear, and I was still wearing some ragesteel. Besides that, you were the ballsiest villager I fought, and probably my favorite. Seems you lost your voice too? A shame.
77343, I Too have to admit
Posted by Caerga on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That those drawings cracked me up.

Fighting you was always an adventure!
I soo should have gotten the hell out of dodge when I got blinded in that last fight. But instead let my self get summoned and bashed down.
Ce'st la live! Fighting on eastern is lowbie loot land and those are the risks.
77335, RE: Urgok deleted. It was fun.
Posted by Haidoril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I only fought you a couple of times but that time when I got you outside Galadon was great fun. Balls to the wall both ways. com wrath is always a good time though!
77327, Question for you (and any Imms who feel like chiming in here)
Posted by Mek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With Mamlauks (by that, I mean "hack") being so badass, why the hell would anyone pick any of the other paths, aside from being different?

Honestly I don't know if I've ever even seen any of the other orc types in action. Do they all suck that bad?
77337, RE: Question for you (and any Imms who feel like chiming in here)
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
To some degree I think it's an in-vogue thing. For a while every high level orc was a skrugga. Then mundunugu for a while. Now it's mamlauk.

The other thing to keep in mind is that hack is a skill with a ton of lag that fails a lot. It looks great when everything is going right -- what you're not seeing logs of is the orc trying to use it, failing, and dying before he gets his next command, or the orc cracking a tough opponent with hack arm (or whatever) and them being gone and on another continent 3+ rounds before the following bash goes through.

As a player fighting orcs I haven't struggled a lot with hack. YMMV.
77362, Hmm
Posted by Mek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've never had a problem with orcs, in general. But yes, the hack-pwn logs are probably what stand out so much about Mamlauks. Maybe it's just the shock-value of the ability....you know, huge damage plus a nasty penchant for making people drop weapons is always purdy in logs.
77372, RE: Question for you (and any Imms who feel like chiming in here)
Posted by Thomayen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have never played mamlauk. But, out of all the battles I had with Urgok and Alzhinghul I think I only saw hack miss me once. I had no idea this skill was so unreliable. In fact, I thought just the opposite. What a great skill, it's like a kot with a guaranteed wrist break that does heavy damage. But, that is just what I witnessed from my point of view.
77388, Although it must be said
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That applies when an orc is solo.

It's a very different story when the orc is not solo.
77326, This is fricking hilarious.
Posted by Dereli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll miss our romping about with Zizzle. Good luck with whatever you do, and with those drawrings.
77324, Zounds!
Posted by Zizzle1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm sorry to see you go. I always had a blast running about with my bombastically barbarous friend Urgok!

Regarding, helping you (and Alzinghul), I've always had a soft-spot for orcs, after having played one and getting pounded mercilessly once I got into the higher levels. This was before the orc mini-revamp, and I'm glad to see orcs are a little bit more self-sufficient now. I think hands-down a hasted orc (of whatever subclass that can do that hack skill) is one of the most awesome and sickening sights in the game--and what kept me coming back for more. That said, orcs are so few and far between I think everybody sees them as a walking FREE PK sign. I was glad to help you reverse the game.

As I've said many times, it was a pleasure.

Your friend,
/s/ Doctor Zizzle Ziff, Friendly Physiogamist to the Clan
77322, RE: Urgok deleted. It was fun.
Posted by Thomayen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought it was kind of an interesting twist that we traveled together once, and then we were at each others throat. When we traveled and had just finished I had this feeling that you and the other orc were about to turn on me and jump me wounded so I nofol'd and walked off quickly. Were you going to?

We had some good fights. Well done. Hack is a bitch.
77323, RE: Urgok deleted. It was fun.
Posted by Urgok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Urgok knew he was eventually going to try to kill you, but with the competition for chieftain, he figured he'd use you to gain those last few ranks (getting groups with Orcs is incredibly hard from level 25 on up). Surprisingly, none of the other Orcs who could have taken Chieftain ever showed up again. Goporlug, Kuzrack, and I think there was one other. I found that strange.

And yes, we contemplated killing you while we were ranking, I think just as you were leaving we decided we would, but we didn't catch up with you or something. Or maybe we decided to leave you be. I don't think Goporlug cared for the war against the Village, but I'm not sure on that.
77315, I got -500xp for returning your gear btw.
Posted by Zauvlahn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How did you like me two rounding you?
lol for rediculously overpowered high dmg output.
And what was it? three db's?

post some log of our fights on the officials.
Dio's banned me from even looking at the websit
what a bunch of haters.
77317, Yeah, sorry for jumping on your fight with those elves.
Posted by Urgok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And looting you like that, I'll admit that was pretty low.
77318, I didnt bother me, Dude.. I was almost one rounding you. nt
Posted by Zauvlahn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
77312, RIP
Posted by Drue on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Anyone that can handle playing an orc has my respect. I tried guarding your stuff today on eastern, but I thought you had lost link or quit out. Lowbies were on it like vultures. Then a few minutes later you were back.

Sorry man.

Anyhow, thought you did a good job. Why the heck is every poor SOB orc at war with village? Village seems a chaotic place. Why not be at war with Empire or Tribunal (as well as Fortress).

It seems weird to see Orcs working along side Empire. (Not really as lackies or fodder troop, but as equals), and being hunted by barbarians.


You were cool.

Later man.
77313, re:War with the village.
Posted by Urgok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Besides a large number of villagers calling me, and the other Orcs weak, when the cabal was overflowing with mid level ragers and applicants, Urgok wanted to be continue the war, because he wanted to be like Alzinghul, he thought Alzinghul was truly a great chief, and admired him and his ability to bring villagers to Tremblefist so I could bash them down. And luckily, I didn't have to bother trying to kill him, as he died before the need arised.
77314, Help Hack Leg, Help Exploit.nt just my guess
Posted by Krilcov K on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
77316, Maybe for Alzinghul.
Posted by Urgok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The villagers typically kicked my ass unless I caught them with their pants down.
77319, You did not take into fact.
Posted by Krilcov k on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... that they didnt like hack leg.... notice setcharge.
Setcharge orc, bash, autodisarm... dead?

77320, Heh. Yeah.
Posted by RobDarken__ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If every other villager didn't have crashing, I probably would have killed them a lot more often with some stoneskin and shield. But maybe not.

I honestly had a much better chance with you than I did with Borkahd, Woldrun, or Selene.

As for cursed weapons, I could have demanded the lowbie Orc who has Iron Flame give it to me, but I didn't. Elf-reaver, an axe I only had once, was saved from a full loot at the fortress, unfortunately it had to be uncursed so it could be given back to me, so it was basically worthless. The claw of the dracolich, I remember spending 2 and one half hours soloing the dracolich, and it didn't have the claw. With a lot of time to waste, I could have occasionally gotten Liftrashir, but it didn't go through physical resistance, and someone eventually showed up on the battlefields before I could finish the mob. There were a few others that were either never in, or ungettable for me. Zizzle was unable to think of anything for me to use as well. A good cursed hack worthy weapon would have made so much difference. I'll see about finding one with my next exploring character, so I won't be faced with the problem again.
77321, Try the wooden stick from the boy in aldevari =) nt
Posted by Krilcov K on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
77325, Or brought your personal phsyiogamist along for the ride!~
Posted by Zizzle1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
77344, RE: Help Hack Leg, Help Exploit.nt just my guess
Posted by Alzinghul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not exactly true but that may have been the case in my reason for continuing the war. Ruhk and Djabree both ran train on me multiple times for the "free pk" sign on orcs. After I got hack and could make villagers comes to Tremblefist it turned the tables. Exploiting the fact that they can't word was the reason I massed up 100 villager kills. Either way you learn a lot with chieftain chars and they only get stronger as you use all the versatile skills they get.
77308, Okay, I'm easily amused.
Posted by Iunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But man I thought this #### was hilarious. :p
77332, cosign~
Posted by Abernytee on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
77351, Particularly the druid picture. I lmao. n/t
Posted by Stunna1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
77303, RE: Urgok deleted. It was fun.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

What is that on Proletaria's arm?

Why does Borkhad have glasses?

Why is Padwei pooping on you?

Why is Iktul's head shaped like the state of Texas?
77304, Why is Iktul's head shaped like the state of Texas?
Posted by Scrimbul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd primarily like to know the latter.

Bard Repertoire Clarifications:
77302, This goodbye post makes me wish I would have spoke to you more
Posted by Ruutob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You look entertaining good luck with your next one
77307, RE: This goodbye post makes me wish I would have spoke to you more
Posted by Adelin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never had a lot of encounters with you, but we did have it out a few times near the end. I felt kind of bad today when i saw you die 4 or 5 times and most of them were because of us in the Fortress in different shifts. Good on you for lasting this long. At your prime
and the hordes you were a nasty force to contest with. Luckily most hunted you :)