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7698, (CON) Rhuean the Insightful Tactician, Drillmaster of Battle
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Jul 15 00:58:09 2002
8 o''clock PM, Day of Thunder, 3rd of the Month of the Sun on the Theran calendar Rhuean perished, never to return.
Race: | arial | Class: | warrior | Level: | 51 | Alignment: | Neutral | Ethos: | Neutral | Cabal: | BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic | Age: | 42 | Hours: | 317 | PK Ratio: | 39% (closer to 100% is better) |
7699, Well done,
Posted by Zethyr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Always looked forward to fighting you, and I had the upper hand in a few but never quite managed to seal the deal. Your dagger/whip almost convinced me to roll a Rhuean II, almost :P
7700, RE: (CON) Rhuean the Insightful Tactician, Drillmaster of Battle
Posted by Taithin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Having thought so much like Intronan's religion before it came in, then trying to enhance it at the end....I love how fitting it is that with the passing of the day, so passes Rhuean. As Thror said that they'd hope that extra con would keep me alive longer...Rhuean would go a week without dying once, or he'd just get slaughtered. Needless to say, the two new priests up at hero weren't helping matter much.
I think I was as surprised as everyone else, how much of an impact Rhuean developed into. After playing Kraern, putting all that effort into the char, and managing, at best...keeping one angry dwarf at the end of my pike...I felt abit jaded, but after my break as Janroth, and Intronan Imm'ing, I felt ready to come back and play another villager. I had originally planned on being a dagger/spear berserker, follower of Zulglinour, but when I joined the village...again, not a single defender. *glares at the village* So, I swore for about five minutes real life, then picked defender again. Then, legacies had come in, and the idea of being able to bust out ANY spec move...and my apparant masochistic streat...were just too much. So, I tried it...and spent the rest of Rhuean's life wondering...probably as much or more than anyone else...HOW THE HELL I DID SO WELL?!?! I dare anyone now, to say daggers are a crappy spec. I *DARE* you. I could handle just about anyone except invokers (lack of area spell defense sucks), and those who had just *huge* sheer power (Dwoggurd w/ his flurries)...and just a very few at the end who found ways around all my tricks, that I hadn't quite gotten around them myself.
When I got Drillmaster, I was proud, but not overly surprised...I've had a long history of these sort of sub-leader positions, but the title had me hopping around. That alone made my day for Immteraction. Then I had that poor bartender offer me a drink. Never once touched it as Rhuean. I really want to know what that whole "scream" was that I dealt with way back when...I went and solo'ed the Archmage, and got sent to the Nexus...and then nothing happened after I finally killed those two. Figured whichever Imm was doing that had had to go or something. Then having the Destructor compliment Jhalintar and I...and Intronan's vis'ing to back me when I was berating Jhalintar just wow'ed me with the attention Rhuean was getting.
As for interactions with other players...Rhuean was originally a promising officer in the Arial City, betrayed and framed for his superior's murder by mages for political reasons, I was jailed, and finally escaped. I would avoid the Arial City as much as possible, and if I did go, choke/kill any guard I came across. As a youth, filled with his PASSIONs, I was a hot-headed, vengeful person. Near got me killed alot. So he cools off, begins relying on his military training, and becomes this cool tactician. As he grows, and became the Drillmaster he was, I put in a bit of respect to fellow fighters. I never liked group fights, and when I became nasty, Rhuean started giving a great deal of respect to those who would fight him alone. In any of his kills, I only took magical items to be destroyed, and items I needed, leaving my own...and rarely an item I knew another villager needed, or weapons during raids. Hence, being ganged and full looted pissed me off very much.
Well, I suppose on to farewells.
Battle -
Swirzza and Eroek get first mention, old groupmates from back in Febuary/March when I created the character.
Nilushka...one of the better villagers, I think everyone respected you.
Shamus...damn, cat. I agree with just about everyone else in saying...people wanted to like you, but you just had this stick too well lodged in there. Rhuean got a title with his position. That's it. Hell, my fucking legacies didn't even have chunks of their code implemented. Deal.
Sylkorian, Tobeldest, Koogar...some of the older ones. You've all done your bit, and I had a great liking to each of you. As the Raven preaches...there is a time for everything, death as well. When it happens, it happens. You two have left suitable legacies yourselves. Koogar, you need to see about getting that title back.
Austyn, Rorimac, both of you were solid warriors to bring along to dispense beatings. Was fun.
Sofia...stubborn, and more than a little prideful. Both I and Rhuean had a lot of respect for that, but Rhuean could have beat you over the head at times.
Delebrinduil, you've been through some trials, I think you'll do well. No more "kiss of death" from me. You'll have to find other challenges.
And I know there are many many more, though Rhuean became somewhat aloof to many of the new ones onces he hero'ed...spending so much time off fighting on my own. If you want any comments, say something, and I'll be certain to respond. Spyko, Valarath, Gyasi, Karakanen, etc....keep it up.
Tribunals: Deigreck...was hoping to get into some fights with you. The one we did have was kinda depressing though.
Rocheval...yes, I suppose I broke my word at the end, but I knew I had just one con left...even if I'd been at full, I would have anyways. Do what you must in the war.
Everyone else...don't you hate dagger specs? Heh. Just about all of my flags were either A) pulling into/out of town and not knowing where the yell occurs. Aparantly inside. B) Tribunal walking in JUST as I attack someone. Damnit. Or C) Tribunal getting pissed at not being able to hear yells, and flagging me because "That's the only way the fight could have started". Those pissed me off abit.
Herald: Being banned was annoying. I killed that Inn guard like three times to get in, but it takes too damned long. The idea of a "safe" zone in CF kinda pisses me off. It was the ONLY place I could find certain mages half the time. (You know who you are)
Entropy, dealt with you much.
Sylvan/Maran...temporary allies every now and then, never went much beyond that, Rhuean never felt it needed to. Course, I did abuse Sylvan for help finding my con items. Special thanks to Alysrith for his suggestions.
Warlocks...so few of you, and unfortunately, Warlocks overall seem to be less skilled than Scions...instead of being utterly impossible for me to fight, Quasail as an invoker was just "challenging". Most of the rest...practically never got into a fight. Shila I had nothing but contempt for, and Lardovian was very disgusting. Most of my fights were with him and Lintronea combo, and as I said before...I respected solo fighters...and when you constantly run from that, to come back and gang...that pisses me off.
Nexus: Nydeikon, Thalongrim, Cercanopuno...you three were heavy targets of mine, for the idea of striking at leadership. All three some good fights. Curse thee to the ends of the earth for cursed, lightweight, shocking maces!
Shifters: Fun fights, but as I learned with Janroth....shifters aren't really the most interesting, so few options to choose, the fights become the same.
Is there anything else in nexus? Few healers that were just target practice.
Damn you, damn you, damn you. Skilled I wouldn't mind...lots of ganging? *spit*
Dullameh: We had some good fights. I wish I had them logged. Who knew a warrior could actually consistantly stand toe-to-toe with a lich?
Urden: Not the nastiest invoker who ever existed, but you have some flair, which was nice. I'd say show up a bit more, but that's bad for villagers.
Orinah: HERE'S the nasty invoker. I hated you. Utterly and truly. Fine, you won...try not to be a sore winner too.
Dwoggurd: You had me utterly in fear of you for awhile, since when you got prepped during raids, you were unstoppable. A few of our solo fights made me realize yes, you were beatable...but your legacy then made me realize no, I wasn't likely to be able to KILL you off.
Stargher: Another I hated. Little pansy ass, get some guts and fight solo every now and then.
Kalraak: Never thought I'd see a giant with the spec we shared. Our fights were very enjoyable from the sheer versatility of both of us. Damn your new axes.
Alaenyth: Rot sucks. Really. Though, I realize how little else options you had, later on.
Amora: God damn, druid. Get a life, really. Heh. I don't know the entirety of your role, but it seems like you're just reasons to help Scions kill Battle.
Graakur, Lacasia...fellow dagger specs. Were fun fights. Graakur I respected, Lacasia I disliked, though.
Not many others to mention. To any Battle applicants...I apologize for not speaking with you much, but I really was constantly off fighting, re-equipping, or teaching the villagers things if I could. Keep in mind also, my recommendations are going to be hard even if you do get to talk to me. I have higher standards, and as Drillmaster especially, I was very harsh.
Finally, Sofia. You get the last, most special mention. A shame our paths took us the way they did, ever since that first beating I administered to you, then teaching you a few tricks of my own...our taking the other's spec lateron, and fighting villagers who had no damned reason attacking us....I always thought of you as my greatest pupil. A pity Rhuean's ideals of "improving the enemy" got in the way of teaching you more. Though, I think in just fighting everyone, I've improved the enemy a great bit, in their trying to overcome me.
To the Immortals: As I try to say every time now...Thera's great. There's some things I would change, and I try and suggest them when I can...if you do it, great, if not...it's your place, and I can deal with that.
Thror: You're going soft. I haven't seen near the amount of thumping these days. I kinda get this feeling of strain, and just tiredness from you at times. Sorry I was so upset after I played Kraern...I see now you try as much as you can, but there's only so much dwarf to go around.
Intronan: You and I just always seemed to get along. I loved your comments about not many villagers knowing about your leadership...since Kraern was under it...I did know a bit. Still, there was a great deal I didn't know about YOU. Our thinking agrees often, and you seem to be investing a *GREAT* deal of yourself as an Imm. Keep up the good works, but don't burn yourself out. Again...an honor in just about every way...from using your blade in the Rites, to your trust in Rhuean over what you did extend him in your faith, to everything. By the way, you and Thror have <IMM>@carrionfields.com emails? I'll have to send you those defender suggestions, and possibly a few other ideas.
Zulghlinlour: Damn your timing. Didn't even bother trying to pray ever, because you went on vacation, then ended up trying talking to Intronan. Heh, you deserved the vacation though. Thanks for fixing what you've gotten done on these bugs.....I've got a list yet that I'll have to post.
Grumorum: Damn you, dirty little gnome! GET BACK HERE! BAH! Was kinda funny, that time you decided to just appear. Course, Rhuean was more stunned with "Uhm...AND? So?" Needless to say, Rhuean himself wasn't too impressed :P
Then to any who were part of those interactions I had, and checked out the possible cheatings, and then whatever happened with my role, thanks. Can I post the little idle comments about how interacting with Imms goes depending on your attitude, from that report of cheating I gave? I think those three lines could be valuable.
*********************** Now, seems I have a lot of people asking me about the Rites. I knew going into them, that my con could be a serious detriment to my gaining leadership, and I think I'd gotten up enough hopes, that to loose it how I finally did was just crushing. I had plans for what I wanted to do as Commander, and I *REALLY* wanted to be the first defender Commander. (There hasn't been one yet, has there?)
Those Rites were the first I've been in the whole thing, but even then, I'd have to guess they were insanely long. Going two hours without having a chance to buy food kinda depleted my supply, and loosing the Rites that way? Ugh, that hurt. A lot. Especially after the damned tactics Huraz and Karkanen used. Two bastards wouldn't come out and freaking fight. I was ready to find out where Karkanen lived, and go beat him personally, after he blackjacked me when I near had Huraz. Though, after we got him, I suppose it was my own mistake taking Spyko out, but I figured I could handle Huraz again. Then it drug out, and starvation forced me into a final fight with Huraz...and berserkers excel at that. The whole him bloodthirsting, I blinding and fleeing til it wears off and my maledicts can hurt him...then him hiding til he could thirst again...just got damnednably tiring. So, overall, I was definately very disappointed on how it turned out, but when I went in as Drillmaster...anything less than Commander was dissappointing, and that's just how things are at times. Still...even after Huraz was last out, I was *HOPING* Rites of Wisdom parts might have swayed it...ah well.
Rhuean the Insightful Tactician, Drillmaster of Battle
Signing off for the moment, may post later some responses, though I'm curious how many people, if any, had a hunch that this was Kraern behind the wheel.
*Rhuean goes off, looking at the pendulum, deciding which side needs a kick in the arse to set things straight. Warlocks? Sylvan? Tribunal? Hah, I know! Must stop the plague of sickeningly powerful felar sword specs! CHARGE!!!*
7729, RE: (CON) Rhuean the Insightful Tactician, Drillmaster of Battle
Posted by Thalongrim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man, you were the only villager I ever really feared. When I saw you, I wanted to run. You always made me drop my weapons with those damned specs, and being old and brittle as it was when we started fighting, it didn't help any. At a time, I started going straight for dex gear just so I could fight you. Not much else to say, I feared you and thought you were a great, well played character, eventhough I found your hit and run tactics frustrating. They worked for you and I congratulate. Hope you enjoy your next.
7728, RE: (CON) Rhuean the Insightful Tactician, Drillmaster of Battle
Posted by Intronan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Feel free to email Thror and myself at Intronan@carrionfields.com or Thror@carrionfields.com... or both! Sorry the Rites took so long... we pondered stepping in... but felt we shouldn't. The reason the Destructor complimented you was that was just a ballsy fight. I thought you were toast, and you completely turned it around... I forgot how good a defender could be as well... you'd got from gushing to scratches quickly... and did so about 10 times in the course of that fight by the Rift. Was fun to watch. Good luck... and by the way, I really liked Kraern as well. Two great characters.
7727, Good job, and Tarakh was a defender leader. n/t
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
7726, RE: (CON) Rhuean the Insightful Tactician, Drillmaster of Battle
Posted by Dranolian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One of the only ragers I actually had respect for. You always wanted that one on one against me but I knew I couldn't win. Spellbane is just to much even if it only blocked one spell against you it would have been enough. I do want to let you know that time where Dullameh rescued me out from you bashing me I was at 30hps and poisoned. I actually wore +str gear to keep my staff up when fighting you. +15 or so str just is not enough. Much respect.
7725, This is a shame.
Posted by Delebrinduil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Del respected you more than anyone in the village, especially after your thoroughly and completley cleaned the circle with my blood :). Truely good job...in my mind the Perfect drillmaster. I was with you in nexus when you were janroth, too....always a pleasure to travel with you as a player. Well done,and c'mon back. If you feel like chatting, Aim is Treebeard55. Del
7724, RE: (CON) Rhuean the Insightful Tactician, Drillmaster of Battle
Posted by Lardovian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, as for me running away, two reasons: hamstring and entwine
I hated those, would put me down in one place with no chance of escape other than wording. Most of the times we got to fight alone I was utterly unprepared for it and had no greater plans to hang around as I knew you would hand my **** back to me on a silver plate if I fought you toe on toe without being able to prepare a bit first.
As for traveling with Lintronea, yes I did that a lot and her title did not imply that she was particulary friendly towards the Village either, did it? And we would very seldom actively hunt you, if we did it was because we stumbled upon eachother somewhere.
After Lintronea died we did not see much of eachother beside the few retrieval attempts from either side.
Know that I respected you and my unwillingness to fight one on one was mostly due to a nagging feeling on the back of my head that I would somehow be the loser of the battle.
Good luck on your next one and all that
7708, heh
Posted by Karkanen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Especially after the damned tactics Huraz and Karkanen used. Two bastards wouldn't come out and freaking fight. I was ready to find out where Karkanen lived, and go beat him personally, after he blackjacked me when I near had Huraz.
Well to be fair, I was rank 43 and an arial thief scout. No mad thirst and no great healing powers and so, IMHO, the weakest of the 4 in the last battle. The tactics were basic thief tactics and very similar to those you used yourself, hit, all good---stay, hit, not good---flee;hide. the beatings from spyko's AXES and your bleedings meant I had to rest up LOTS. As for the annoyance at me jacking you when you almost had Huraz, well its much the same as when Spyko came and woke you up when I had you jacked, stole your flail and was about to take your dagger and leave you weaponless to basically die. I was annoyed at not being able to get that picked up dagger as all I had was grimes pants and a defiler would have been good for spyko. I eventually got wreckless and thats when you guys got me. My GF was given it to me in the ear about my supper being ready as I never expected the Rites to go as long as it did. It was an adrenalin pump throughout though. All is fair in love and War and dont feel bad about killin Spyko right after I died as he was barganing a dressing to help kill you and then Huraz, but I did not trust him at all enough to vis for him. I really hope to be around for the next one but not as a rank 43 arial thief scout.
7723, RE: heh
Posted by Spyko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey the Lords said at the outset anything goes and make your alliances, I would have kept our bargain, made sense for me actually, id much rather have fought you than either huraz or rhuean at the end, so taking them out was high priority with me. You should have took the deal :P And why you gotta go and tell, now people going to think im all sneaky and ungiantlike :P
7709, The rites
Posted by Couillard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It sounds like your best chance of coming out of that circle alive was to watch huraz die. I'll never understand why you jacked Rhuean while Huraz was writhing when it would have meant one less berserker maniac in the circle but oh well...its just another part of the rites that serverely disturbs me and snagged the Comamnder position away from the one person in that circle that earned it.
7720, RE: The rites
Posted by Karkanen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was tactical on my part, Huraz and myself hooked up knowing Rhuean and Spyko had done the same. The only person I could not harm in the last 4 was Huraz. As I said I was rank 43 with an exp penalty of 250 which meant that Rhuean at Hero was in range and Spyko at 500 exp penalty was at rank 48 or 49 which meant he was too. Huraz was 550 exp penalty so I could not touch him, I could harm the other two so it made sense to both Huraz and myself to join forces so that in the event of Spyko and Rhuean being popped it would go to a judges decision. Rhuean was a good villager but every villager that enters the rites and gets to the last 4 'deserves' the position of commander, no more than the others. If Spyko had not woken/unbound Rhuean earlier on, he would not have made it to the stage of getting Huraz in trouble. Like I said, all is fair in love and war.
Karkanen the Blagger, Master of Ropes, Captain of War.
7721, RE: The rites
Posted by Taithin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually, if you really want to know, Spyko and I made no plans until you and Huraz started whispering back and forth, which made it pretty obvious you two were up to something. As a player, I would have much preferred a four-way free-for-all. 2-2 just isn't how Battle should decide it! *grumble*
7722, hehe
Posted by Karkanen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The whispering was along the lines of 'You think they will go together?' 'yeah' 'shall we' 'yeah' 'who is the bigger threat?' 'Rhuean' 'alright'.
If we wanted to conspire we could have done it using tells which means noone knew but that would be grossly unfair. We had been placed together twice in the group stages, I had no qualms in joining you but it was fun.
7710, RE: The rites
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> It sounds like your best chance of coming out of that >circle alive was to watch huraz die. I'll never understand >why you jacked Rhuean while Huraz was writhing when it would >have meant one less berserker maniac in the circle but oh >well...its just another part of the rites that serverely >disturbs me and snagged the Comamnder position away from the >one person in that circle that earned it.
To help Clarify:
Intronan and I had a couple of different takes on the Rites. We weren't in total agreement about a couple of things, one of which was how the Rites were progressing. We let the players sort that out.
For the most part, it was Intronan's Rites. He did the majority of the work on the circle and put in the time and effort into getting the Rites together. There are two parts to the Rites, in this particular Rites, one of those was avoided. For specific reasons. Everyone that participates in the 'Rites of War' or the duel to the death is 'worthy' of becoming leader. Else they wouldn't be there. Even if we are unsure about that person, if they win, they will 95% of the chance get the position. Whomever came out on top in that situation would have been named leader.
I also argued the hit, run, hide tactic. Against warriors, the use of stealth is highly important for assassins and thieves. The Circle (the new one) was created to take full advantage of all types of terrain. No one should be subject to having to fight another person on his terms. Much of this new Circle employs the ideals that we are trying to focus on in the village.
You just don't try to stand toe to toe against two warriors who have specs in weapons you don't know (Axes for one) - which made me think of how cunning it was for Karkanen to exhaust Rhuean's weapon resources as an alternative tactic.
Intronan and I were in a disagreement about whether this showed cowardice or not. I say not, and Intronan as well as any of you are welcome to dispute this on these forums. I will continue to think that Huraz and Karkanen were using their strength in this situation. I also think it was good tactics to make allies to help choose the victor of the Rites. Using all of your abilities to the best of your ability is part of what the second portion of the Rites is all about. Utilizing the strengths of your allies and exploiting the weakness of your enemies is also what the second portion of the Rites is about. In no way did I see anything wrong with the outcome of the Rites.
* What will be interesting is to see evil ragers turn around and backstab those supposed allies.
This would probably be a good discussion in reference to future Rites. While I was disappointed Rhuean didn't get the position (because of his great efforts and dedication) I was in no way in favor of him on the basis of his efforts*.
*I still think he should have tried to immort such a great character.
7719, RE: The rites
Posted by Intronan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just to add to what Thror said... Intronan the character always liked a stand up fight. Which is why Intronan the character died more than he should have. But that's just him. As a character, Intronan wasn't particularly thrilled about all the running... as an Immortal, and as a player, he totally approved of it, and saw the advantages to it. The last 20 minutes of the Rites dragged, perhaps... but I found it interesting from the outside looking in. Bottom line, yes, I thought Rhuean was worthy of leadership... but bottom line is, Huraz took it away from him, fair and square, and did a good job in doing so. I'm looking forward to experimenting with, and using the new rites area more... it's got the potential to test a lot of things. And Thror lies... he did half the work on it!
7718, Sorry
Posted by Couillard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Rhuean made me respect the village when I hadn't in a very long time... The new rites make sense now that you explain them; I admit I don't know ##### about the rites and I never understood how it could be a fair fight to make an arial thief stand toe to toe with a giant axe spec...but on the same hand I wouldn't want to see backstabbing/cowardly behavior making leaders (I'm not saying thats what happened this time) when I saw the new commander I was just heartbroken...but most of the reasons are completely innapropriate. The village just really needs a leader like Rhuean to bring back the respect/fear we all once had for the village and I hope that OOC scenarios and/or cowardly/#####/backstabbing tactics inside the free for all circles aren't going to prevent it.
All and all I don't blame you, I am just sad for the village.
7711, That's funny
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I guess I was in the other 5% who won the Rites but didn't get leader. You gave it to Jaldean's storm giant, who promptly deleted not even a week later.
Maybe I didn't deserve it, but I sure began trying about a week or two beforehand, and really stepped it up. Even got tattoo'd (insert me'n'uller joke here). I felt I showed how much I really wanted it, and I'm still bitter towards you about the entire thing.
Firakrav that enraged bandit drillmaster dood
7712, Ain't that Funny
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I guess I was in the other 5% who won the Rites but didn't >get leader. You gave it to Jaldean's storm giant, who >promptly deleted not even a week later.
Yep. Both Intronan and I reserve the right to judge on the basis of 'The test of Wits' and/or the Rites of War. Some people are very skilled, but don't have what it takes to be a leader. Other people are very good at leading, but aren't very skilled. In the past, we looked at the needs of the village and the individuals in question for leadership. We consider how many times they screwed up when they thought no one was looking and we considered how hard they tried, throughout their time as a villager, not just a week before the Rites.
>Maybe I didn't deserve it, but I sure began trying about a >week or two beforehand, and really stepped it up. Even got >tattoo'd (insert me'n'uller joke here). I felt I showed how >much I really wanted it, and I'm still bitter towards you >about the entire thing.
It's a shame that you're bitter about that. A lot of people think they deserve things in Battle and as I mentioned before, we immortals aren't obligated to give out quest forms/quest skills, leadership powers and tattoos on a whim. We each have our standards and if I ever have to lower my standards to accomodate bitter players, I may as well hang it up.
I'm not saying you didn't deserve leadership, I'm just saying maybe someone else deserved it more than you.
>Firakrav that enraged bandit drillmaster dood
Wait, isn't that a title and a leadership position. I'd imagine you earned something.
7717, Hoo
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't think it was a matter of not deserving it. Me and Jaldean came out equal in the history/interview portion of the Rites. If what you told me in-char was true, then the reason he got it was solely based on you speaking to the rest of the Village about who should get it. The slight majority didn't want me to get leader because I used camo/herbs in a couple of the fights, which you said was cowardly. Sorry, but I could only win so many fights with pugil.
I enjoyed Firakrav more than any other character I've ever played, though. Especially the one day bear/Jumnarl quest that I died on because I was afraid to thirst against Jumnarl for fear of killing the bear I was trying to protect. It was horrible to see Jumnarl is convulsing on the ground and me to miss a pugil and die. Two mob deaths at 46 with an empty village (by this time Jaldean had deleted) and Masters with a lich leader was just too frustrating to take. I dunno, I might make another rager sometime, it used to be my favorite cabal and you are a caring imm in most instances.
7713, RE: Ain't that Funny
Posted by Taithin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> It's a shame that you're bitter about that. A lot of people think > they deserve things in Battle and as I mentioned before, we > immortals aren't obligated to give out quest forms/quest skills, > leadership powers and tattoos on a whim. We each have our standards > and if I ever have to lower my standards to accomodate bitter > players, I may as well hang it up.
> I'm not saying you didn't deserve leadership, I'm just saying maybe > someone else deserved it more than you.
> >Firakrav that enraged bandit drillmaster dood
> Wait, isn't that a title and a leadership position. I'd imagine you > earned something.
Hey, since it got brought up, I want my turn at ranting. Shamus, Nilushka, then even Huraz got leader weapons, Huraz without even being leader! WHERE THE HELL'S MINE?! No insane quest skills, NOTHING!! I hate you all!
On a more serious note, I hope no-one considers Huraz undeserving of Leadership. I have nothing against him as leader, my ONLY complaint was the fact that the issue was forced because I ran out of food. Two hours without being able to buy food? Bleh. The only other thing that frustrated me, was that there *WASN'T* anywhere else for me to go, making the Rites turn out to make no real effect on Rhuean. Ah well. As for the Immortal thing...I had actually considered it. Should have hinted at it or something, and I might have tried it (not to mention, try to stay alive abit more...maybe I would have lived long enough for that badass defender quest skill. DAMN YOU, ye damned elf-lovin', vile dwarf!!!
*Taithin looks around for Kraern's old pike just to be safe*
7714, RE: Ain't that Funny
Posted by Huraz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey, since it got brought up, I want my turn at ranting. Shamus, Nilushka, then even Huraz got leader weapons, Huraz without even being leader! WHERE THE HELL'S MINE?! No insane quest skills, NOTHING!! I hate you all!
** I just feel the need to say something to you, i had a weapon before i was leader yes. Did i earn it? Yes. Did every other rager on at the time have the same opportunity to earn this? Yes. It's not as though Thror is handing these things to me on a silver platter. You may have deserved more than you recieved but i think the position, title and respect they gave you is alot more than most people get. Maybe you just can't see it because you've had a 'sub leadership' role before.
** On a more serious note, I hope no-one considers Huraz undeserving of Leadership. I have nothing against him as leader, my ONLY complaint was the fact that the issue was forced because I ran out of food. Two hours without being able to buy food? Bleh. The only other thing that frustrated me, was that there *WASN'T* anywhere else for me to go, making the Rites turn out to make no real effect on Rhuean. Ah well. As for the Immortal thing...I had actually considered it. Should have hinted at it or something, and I might have tried it (not to mention, try to stay alive abit more...maybe I would have lived long enough for that badass defender quest skill. DAMN YOU, ye damned elf-lovin', vile dwarf!!!
As for the rites itself, you hated the way i fought it. Sure, i can see where it was annoying. But i wasn't about to let you win by constantly eyejabbing me and fleeing then eventually wearing me down. Running out of food was bad luck, i was down to my last few pieces as well. It could of went either way, but i ended up with the spot. Sorry that kind of pissed you off, hope you shrug it off and realize that you had a great character, don't let that one moment in his life ruin it for you.
I was really hoping you would get the con he promised you, because frankly you were the best rager i've seen in a long long time.
7716, RE: Ain't that Funny
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He got con, again not as much as I would have liked to give him, but I have no control over that.
7715, *grumbles about sarcasm not conveying through text*
Posted by Taithin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just to clarify, the whole rant thing was designed as a joke. Did I want all those special perks I mentioned? Well, yeah. Am I upset I didn't get them, or think I specifically SHOULD have had them? No. It was just a take-off of Ulfin's having fun with his rant. Damned overpowered felar sword specs have just been raping me. Something needs done about them. *sage*
I debated about whether to try and see how long I could last without food myself, but I think with bindwounds, you would have outlasted me yet. *shrug* As you said, don't let it bother you, and ruin a char or something. It's no big deal. As for sub-leadership, that's the exact reason I *SO* wanted Commander. I've been a Marshall-Knight, Veteran of Battle, Warder Lieutenant, Lord Adept, and now Drillmaster. I've had 'sub leadership' quite often. And yes, I did get my con also. Just ended up tearing through it at the end.
7707, Ahhh, my oldest foe.
Posted by Urden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually, I've been around a lot, just very early in the morning. I will say that I missed out on 3 hell trips and lots of nice gear...gear which Orinah had, and thus he had a significant advantage over me.
I'm working into the invoker thing, even still. It's a strategic class, and takes some time to get good at.
But anyway, I felt you were very deserving of your title. You fought (me, at least) with intelligence...well, except when you charged up those cliffsides trying to get me. ;-)
Too bad you're gone. I'm finally going to be back in the prime-time slot for playing, and my skills have improved. I guess I won't be able to test them on you.
7706, RE: (CON) Rhuean the Insightful Tactician, Drillmaster of Battle
Posted by Kalraak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Very well done. I was quite impressed with you after that initial one-on-one fight we had in Galadon. I thought I was dead after you entwined me, lucky for me it's hard to parry my axe with only a dagger. Ohh and about my axes, first thing that I said when I got back to the chasm after getting them, was "Ok time to fight Rheuan" ;) You were definelty in my mind the biggest threat as a rager, something I couldn't belive since you didn't even have deathblow. And about the pendulium, there is an awfull lot of goodies and ragers on when the lich ain't on, maybe it's time to play a scion? ;)
7705, Laters!
Posted by Nydeikon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yep, I had a good time with you too. Thanks for all the fights, you sure were tough to finish off, bastard (not that I ever did) :+. Anyways good luck on the next and all that jazz.
That dead Whil guy.
7704, RE: (CON) Rhuean the Insightful Tactician, Drillmaster of Battle
Posted by Dwoggurd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From our earlier fights I wasn't very impressed... "Just another cannon-fodder of the village who needs a single flurry to park him off". But you grew up and your title was well deserved. Curse upon those damned annoying chokes in raids which never fail ( insert conspiracy theories here ) ! From what I've seen scions had to worry about you in cabal wars. You were an excellent villager, courageous, with a good grasp on tactics who knows when to fight and when to run ( not quit ). Would be the rest of the village on the same level with you the cabal would be a bit "less hated" by players. :)
> but when I joined the village...again, not a single defender. *glares at the village*
Defenders need some tweaks, it shouldn't necessary have something with their raw power but perhaps allow them to use cure/heal while fighting, or improved regeneration or something else that make them more intresting to play. Anyhow, it is up to battle immortals. They may do something or they may continue the old song "Defenders are ok".
> Everyone else...don't you hate dagger specs?
Nah, we don't care about them. They don't scare us. :P
7703, RE: (CON) Rhuean the Insightful Tactician, Drillmaster of Battle
Posted by Gyasi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good job. Saw some of your spectacular fights with other characters (hardly saw you at all with Gyasi) and was extremely impressed. Dagger/whip is a great combo too and it probably was not worth it to pick berserker with your style of fighting. Make a new rager soon and I'll start leaning on the little ones to be defenders :P
7702, RE: (CON) Rhuean the Insightful Tactician, Drillmaster of Battle
Posted by Cercanopuno on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah fun fights, at our first couple of meetings, I had a bondie and so we pretty much slaughtered you, as you were all alone. But one-on-one you were pretty nasty. Well played.
7701, *sighs*
Posted by Kaz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not even an honorable mention for making you waste so much money on spears. I think I've run you guys through at least 50k depending on how much the going rate for spears are at the village =P At any rate well fought most of the time. You have the award for pissing me off more than anyone else in kaz's lifetime when you choked me, waited for flight to wear off and spammed trip while tambra did so too both using staffs. Nothing like being maimed to death by two warriors who aren't specced in staff or spear. Guess I'll have to try harder. No one's remembering tha ole kaz in their farewell posts.
7730, RE: (CON) Rhuean the Insightful Tactician, Drillmaster of Battle
Posted by Spyko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Much respect to you Drillmaster.
I can honestly say that 90% of the reason I became defender was watching you in action.
Of all the Villagers you were definately the best fighter, and on top of that easy to get along with. Despite your obvious skill you werent arrogant like most would be with your skill. It will be impossible for anyone to fill the mark you've left for a long long long time.
Well done.
7731, Hey, Rhuean
Posted by Graakur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I played a scion dagger spec that mixed it up with you a whole bunch and talked a fair bit as well, and I just wanted to pass on a "well done, was fun." Rhuean was a really easy character to like on several levels.
7732, RE: (CON) Rhuean the Insightful Tactician, Drillmaster of Battle
Posted by Intronan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Magnificently well played character. I said most of what I needed to say to you during our last, long talk, which I quite enjoyed. You went from a villager who I barely payed attention to, to one of the better villagers I've seen in a long time, really quickly. Hope you come back in some form... best of luck on your next
7733, The Title Says it All
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's a pretty horrible feeling seeing both your name and Grumorum's name on the forum, for obvious reasons.
I grew attached to Rhuean, simply because his acts of heroism were by far the most inspiring events I've seen in a long time. You took bravery to another level, and regardless of your shortcomings as a defender, you were willing to accept them and try to find ways around them. I remember seeing you go toe to toe with an invoker using these hit and run tactics where most defenders would not have even attempted an attack.
You were willing to sit down with villagers and applicants and explain the many different ways to accomplish the same goal. Your position as drillmaster was not a gift, it was well earned and Grubbin now holds a second to that title :P
Thank you. For showing the village what a Student of War really is. You matured as a warrior and as a villager and became a role-model to a cabal that is fast becoming the most hated cabal of Thera.
The Rites were incredible, sadly I was busy busting cheaters during most of it. I did manage to see a point where you had Huraz just inches away from death. That must have had the blood going for both of you. I'll say that I would have been content to see either of you as leader, since both of you deserved it.
Intronan and I had a particular defender quest skill in the works for you. It's a shame things ended sooner than we thought. I had hoped that con would allow you at least another month or so, but apparently you burned right through it :)
Anyhow, I'm sure Intronan and I will manage to find a way to honor your memory. Thanks for the dedication and great job.
7734, Wow
Posted by Theddledim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As much as you probably think I hated you as a player...I think you did an awesome job; you were one of the VERY FEW villagers that impressed me over and over and over again. You never backed down from a fight but you knew when to get your ass out of there and that makes one great rager. I think you deserved to be the commander more than any current villager and I confident that you would be...I almost cried for you and the rest of the village when I heard what went down at the rites.......what WAS your opinion of that anyway?
7735, RE: (CON) Rhuean the Insightful Tactician, Drillmaster of Battle
Posted by Huraz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damnit. I guess Thror forgot. :P
Braerus would of been proud of the dagger/whip combo actually working.
Good character Rhuean, a real blow to the village with you gone.
7736, said it before, will say again
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When I saw you ranking up not long after I deleted Grubbin I thought that your choice of specs were good (I love daggers!). That you were a defender I wondered about your being fried by the number of invokers there were about at the time but they seemed to dwindle in there number and you did nothing but increase in confidence and ability and of the crop of ragers that were around when you were first made drillmaster you stood out as the best. I hope you come back soon to the village. Thror will be pleased that a defender has made a mark on Thera; as there has not been a decent one since Domenias. You have inspired me to try a defender, something I had previously not considered due to not wanting to be bitched at to be a bitch for other villagers but you never did become that bitch but did enough. Well enough praising, I am sure there will be more from others.
Bloody Well Played!
P.S. Your take on the Rites?
7737, Rhuean the Angry Wasp
Posted by Daiken on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You certainly had a sting in your tail! Yeah, of the ragers who showed Rhuean was the one i respected most with your hit & run tactics proving the most effective (man you could run like the wind, wish i had your link).
I never spoke with you but you were cool.
7738, RE: (CON) Rhuean the Insightful Tactician, Drillmaster of Battle
Posted by Dullameh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lots of surprises:
1) An arial dagger spec defender was proven to be a formidable force. I couldn't believe what I was seeing in Galadon about 20 mins before your last death.
2) Your little pull stunt in the middle of our conversation... bastard :P
3) I was surprised at the appropriateness of our last interaction... I knew you were close to con-death, but I didn't think that our last fight would be your last fight.
Dullameh told you what he thought about you... I had great respect for you as a player as well. You always stuck it out, and were pretty competent and creative. I can't count the number of times we were going up against a group of ragers, and someone gt'd something to the effect of 'Hit Rhuean first, he's the strongest one.' I thought they were crazy at first, but I then realized that they were right.
Good job on your character, and good luck on your next. Wish we could have interacted more.
7739, A log from moments after you passed.
Posted by Valarath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You will be missed greatly, Drillmaster.
<501/501hp 292mana 502/502mv 5146tnl> gt Loriciallha pops back into existence.
<501/501hp 292mana 502/502mv 5146tnl> gt Yror strikes Loriciallha over the head with a blacksmith's forge hammer. Yror's cranial hit hits Loriciallha. Loriciallha yells 'Help! Yror hit me over the head!'
<501/501hp 292mana 502/502mv 5146tnl> Yror's pound MANGLES Loriciallha! Yror's pound DISMEMBERS Loriciallha! The gods protect Loriciallha.
<501/501hp 292mana 502/502mv 5146tnl> Yror's crush MANGLES Loriciallha! Yror's pound MASSACRES Loriciallha! Yror's crush DISMEMBERS Loriciallha! Yror's crush DISMEMBERS Loriciallha! Loriciallha is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided. The gods protect Loriciallha.
<501/501hp 292mana 502/502mv 5146tnl> Bryvac looks at Yror.
<501/501hp 292mana 502/502mv 5146tnl> get Menelin has arrived.
<501/501hp 292mana 502/502mv 5146tnl> Yror is now WANTED!!!
<501/501hp 292mana 502/502mv 5146tnl> i You are carrying: a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt ( 4) a whole chicken a big burlap sack ( 2) (Humming) a blacksmith's forge hammer Yror's crush *** DEVASTATES *** Loriciallha! Loriciallha is DEAD!! Loriciallha's eye pops out of its socket.
<501/501hp 292mana 502/502mv 5146tnl> get all Grailin has arrived. Astrund steps out of the shadows.
<501/501hp 292mana 502/502mv 5146tnl> get all corpse
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