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Topic subject(DEL) Grumorum "Sluf" Gath, That Nasty Little Gnome
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7663, (DEL) Grumorum "Sluf" Gath, That Nasty Little Gnome
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Jul 14 14:39:35 2002

5 o''clock PM, Day of the Bull, 29th of the Month of Futility on the Theran calendar Grumorum perished, never to return.

Cabal:ENTROPY, the Barons of Chaos
PK Ratio:87% (closer to 100% is better)

39584, RE: (DEL) Grumorum
Posted by Solian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You something something, frisbee chucking, cheeba monkey.

I though you were long dead and gone and then you up and die on me before I got to follow you. What the hell did I drag you all the way to hell for unless it was for some perk... errr, I mean, to see you get everything you deserved. Anyhow.. since you, Arvam, Proserpina, Tharenthella, Tathlyn and Yanoreth.. there have been few I have interacted with on a mortal level that made me nigh fall from my chair laughing my ass off. The Codex Incident is, and always will be, by far the funniest thing I have ever seen on the game; (Second being the tale of your last dragon fight.) Arvam still tells the tale of the Codex well. Good luck little big man. Thanks for all the laughter.

39599, RE: (DEL) Grumorum
Posted by Grumorum on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just when I think everyone has finally forgotten me, someone messages me on ICQ and tells me people are still asking about me after three years. Sheesh!

And pissing on the codex was easily the greatest moment in my CF career :)

39619, Honestly..
Posted by Solian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I took a LOOOOOOONG break from CF and had no idea that you were actually gone until recently.. Like after that last post I made. I simply thought you'd gone into hiding for a while. Come back? Maybe? Anyhow, should you ever want to yap ICQ is 69020201

39625, You know what...
Posted by Mek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You are one of a small handful of Imms that could probably get me addicted to the game as severely as I was years ago, if you were to return.

So, I'm not sure if I would like to see you come back, but if you did it would be cool!
39645, If I may....
Posted by Arvam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
While pissing on the Codex was quite funny, I'd say these moments were pretty up there too...

Constance extends her gauntlet-protected hand to be shaken cordially.
You say 'Oh'
You say 'Well, I guess that'd be ok if you take the gauntlet off, yea.'
Constance says 'Oh I'm quite accustomed to it, being a fighting woman
and all.'
You say 'Uh. Yea, but my crotch aint.'
You say 'Oh wait! You meant a hand SHAKE!

As punishment for his tom-foolery and high jinx, Gadinias is forced into a great wheel, to run forever in order to keep the universe turning.

Syndax prays: At least he's not "raining" on us from his flying machine again.

Sebeok: I'm not sure I want to know.

Grumorum: I have no knowledge of that.

Shokai: I don't think I want to speculate

39646, Ha ha ha, awesome! nt
Posted by Yhorian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
39562, I know this is a little out of date..but!
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have some questions regarding your old religion, specifically about you choosing Truth as your religious focal point and the fact that you lied all the time. I know I have to think outside the box on this one, and come at it from a backwards approach, but how did you define truth as the player? I know truth is a self perception and what you might see as true other people could see as a complete lie, but would you have to be really stupid or insane to follow this religion, or do you just accept all lies as being true as the one true truth? I'm all wrapped up and I have been ever since you Imm'd by the definition of your religion.

Thanks to anyone that responds
39590, How I looked at it.
Posted by dwimmerling on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There is a discordian saying in the vein of 'Everything is at least partly true, partly false, and partly nonesense/irrelevant'. Everyone is going to have a different point of view, that they see as the truth. This is probably not going to be compatable with everyone elses view of the truth. For instance Dwimmerling believed he was a good person, and so he acted like it, so he kind of ass backwards followed the paladin code as opposed to strictly following it. Then I rolled Grollaski and cut loose. If you do a search for the principia discordia, and read it, it won't make anything make any more sense, but it was kind of a guide for me. You can find it free online all over the place.
7664, Oh, I almost forgot
Posted by Grumorum on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Here's a complete list of all my titles-

Grumorum "Sluf" Gath, -
Dirty Deviant of the Underdark
Warm and Loving Guy
Cruel Svirfneblin of Vengeance
Causeless Causer of Lost Causes
Svirfneblin of Uncertain Doom
Adherant to the Stump
Beater of the Beatable
Svirfneblin of Uncertain Prospect
The Vengeful Cookie
Creeping Decayer of Morality
Destroyer of Worlds, Sometimes
Gnome Free
Detrimental Demi-God of Detritus
Heartless Fun Loving Guy
Heartless Defender of the Faith
Little Bastard
The Lurking Fear
Knight of the Everlasting Filth
The Sluf-Gath
Lying Bastard
Three X’s and a Z
The Terrible Old Man
Whipping Boy of The Gods
Your Dirty Little Secret

the Raging Seeker of Chaos, Warlock of the Ruby Sceptre, Magistrate of the Asgaardian Warders, Servant of the Innpire, Knight of the Five Magic Shadows, Elder High Chancellor of the Justice Brigade

The Evil Clergyman, Tainted by Maidens
More Souls for the Soul Hole
Moderator of Chaos
Tainted Meat
That Nasty Little Gnome

And some of my more notable followers:

Jutoppy (Cloud Healer- First Empoweree)

Nedrio (Gnome Healer- First Tattooee)

Dwimmerling (Storm Paladin) (First Paladin, only one that ever really worked out)

Grollaski (Storm Healer). Wrangled the Stump when it got up looking for a mate. No offense to anyone, but I'd say he was my favorite follower I ever had. We just clicked.

Ulfin (Gnome Healer)(Had a really neat "Everchanging" concept, I just generally liked the character)

And my last tattooee, Dutaelmian the Necromancer, whom I expect big things from.

7667, *cough*
Posted by Albaszn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How could you forget the paladin that you empowered twice and probably the last? Hehehe

Albaszn the Pantsless Avenger, Tainted by Greed

7666, also grollaski
Posted by Dwimmerling on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
GOD you were so much fun! You talked to me, even when I didn't have anything to say, you obviously spent outside time thinking up stuff to do to me/make me do... This is definately a loss. Definately. Your religion was cool as hell, I could put myself into it fairly easily...

I'll just drop you an email, my computer access is bumpy right now, but man...

scrap about six characters I'd come up with for when I came back, leaving... #####. At least I've got till mid august to think about it :P

and one more time for old times sake...

The sounds of gnomes hitting the floor reaches your ears.
7665, You bastard.
Posted by Miren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We're still out here, chum. Just wait until real life steps aside, and we shall return for the victory dance.

7668, RE: (DEL) Grumorum "Sluf" Gath, That Nasty Little Gnome
Posted by Karithia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I am sorry to see you go. I remember you as Gadinias and you rocked as Grumorum. You brought a bunch of laughs with you. Well whatever you decide to do, take care.

Signed in a beautiful flowing script,

Karithia El'Feanor

7669, RE: (DEL) Grumorum "Sluf" Gath, That Nasty Little Gnome
Posted by Uller on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I will miss you, not much else to say. Good luck.
7670, RE: (DEL) Grumorum "Sluf" Gath, That Nasty Little Gnome
Posted by Intronan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Many of know characters have known you, from Gadinias to Grum. Always enjoyed you, and am sad/upset that you're gone. You made the lower ranks in Asgaard much more fun than they had any right to be. Good luck with whatever you're doing... you were great to talk to, and truly fun to be around.
7671, Man
Posted by Wemnar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man I'm just gonna say...You'll be missed big time! Thanks for all the help when I was playing Dualit, and pointing me in the right direction even though that was my fourth character I was still a newbie shoot I still feel like one now :) Good Luck in life man!

7672, Me kin!
Posted by Hammersong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

My counterpart to filth. The only thing more putrid than I has now managed to leave me to sit in my own wretched misery. Bah.

I'm not quite sure where to start Grum. You were probably the most upbeat individual I've ever met, period. When I wasn't sitting there laughing at some of the funnier things you did, I would be scratching my head and wondering if you were serious. Given all the responsibilities, not once did they seem to be a burden to you.

It's pretty hard to see people leave, even more difficult being immortals where I've actually managed to know the player behind the character. You brought so much animation to the mud, that I'm fairly sure it won't ever be replaced like that again. Gear, bad attitudes, horrible circumstances, nothing, as Gadinias or Grumorum, managed to bring you down (quite a few commas huh?)

You made being the Sphere over Constance great fun and the harassment and her retorts to it were classic. The funk you brought to Asgaard is lifted, but we both know there will always be a place for your stank in thera.

Many an man will be safe from your assaults.

I'll now sit in agony, waiting to hear the dreadful words 'ARCHIVE!'

Who will now call me a 'triflin' ho ass dwarf?'

Bah, I should stop now. Thanks John. You're one cool cat-daddy.

-- Wandering down the road, snorting in disgust, a red-bearded dwarf curses something foul about a 'Cat-daddy.'
7673, Where shall we go now, Grum?
Posted by Llohuir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, liked the way you tricked the silly elf and he paid with his life. From so many mouths I've heard from, you were a fantastic imm and fun to be with.

I was actually thinking of rolling up a warrior under you but we all moved on in life...

Sorry I couldn't get to know you as an Imm better. In fact I wished for all the Imms too. All the best to your future endeavours.
7674, I invented the 'patdown' social for this?!?!
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll miss you, Mr. Grummy.

You brought a great deal to the staff- area work, immteraction time, dealing with happy and unhappy newbies alike, and not being afraid to get your hands dirty and volunteer to help with stuff. More importantly, I think you had a great attitude about the game, which always showed as you dealt with your followers- light-hearted but significant, mischievous but not annoying, and entertainingly unpredictable. You're a great roleplayer, and watching you switch gears when changing into various NPCs was always neat.

Come back some day, y'hear? I'll dirt-kick you good! And keep in touch!
7675, achk!
Posted by Dugruain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now who is going to be around to molest the new Provincials?

Best of luck with where life takes you from here man. You'll be missed.

7676, RE: (DEL) Grumorum "Sluf" Gath, That Nasty Little Gnome
Posted by Jugynheim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ugh... well I'm not playing anymore at present but I still peek in now and again to see what's happening. You were a barrel of gelatinous monkey poo and we all loved you! ;) Was always fun to have a war of sorts with Grum when he was casting dead puppies around the grove and making sylvan gather wood and such. Take it easy you stinky lil codger and good luck with whatever you've got your grubby lil mits on now.

7677, You dirty bastard
Posted by Saldradien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All I can say every interaction on the mortal side of things I had with you was the bomb, othe rthan saying everylog I ever saw with gadinias was the bomb, other than looking up to you on Glimo's as Dangerranger. All these aside I'll say that i'll truly miss you, both as a god and as a person, I feel a great void now in the mud, the first I've truly ever experienced, and maybe if that's because you're one of the first I ever truly got to know, or if that's because entropy iwll suffer, I'll never know. But I know this, I will miss you. I'll leave you with a heart felt apology, and wish you luck on whatever comes next.

I thank you John, for all you did for me

7678, Son of a rat bastard!
Posted by Arvam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So who's gonna defile and like my ice now? Who's gonna bring clouds of stank to the Inn? Who's going to hit on all the prissy paladins? Who's going to slop the cows? Who's gonna rebuild the brawling room?

Anyways man, always had a blast with you. Gonna miss having you around up here stinkin the place up. Wish you woulda taken a breather, but I s'pose you know whats best for you. Hope you do good in whatever is next. People just won't appreciate the fear of gnomes without you around anymore though.

-The Arvcicle
7679, A shame you're gone
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I interacted with you so many times in so many leud ways. I can only hope a new Ishmael/Grumorum type entropy immortal comes around. I wish every imm had your passion, humor, and funness.
7680, You damned dummy!
Posted by Cyradia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah, all that time I spent molding and yelling and cursing...wasted. I'm disappointed.
7681, You... you... nasty little gnome!
Posted by Mayesha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I guess this is it.

What can I say, Grumorum, Grummy-dear, Grum-daddy? You were a blast.
Your crazy high jinx rarely failed to brighten a day, and if it did, calling me a (censored) (censored) for not being done with that area sure didn't help any. *wink*

But jokes aside and being serious for once, I thought that you were great, always working on an area or two, being out on the look for naughty Entropists, and yes, I agree with Yano said - you should've just taken a good big time out. You filthy little creep, you. Now I've to go digging for my sabre...

<80s>Dude, you were totally gnarly and radical to the maxx! AWESOME! Rock on!</80s>

Grumorum says 'God damn, put some water gnomes in or something.'
Grumorum says 'In case anyone is wondering, Mayesha and I are not actually mad at one another'
Grumorum hugs you.
You giggle with pleasure.
You say 'Of course not'
You hug him.
Grumorum glares icily at you, you feel cold to your bones.
You say 'That's just our way of showing love'
Grumorum says 'Dont fucking touch me'
You shoot a bird at Grumorum.

You'll be missed, Grummy.

Mayesha, The Living Dead
7682, *sigh*
Posted by Yanoreth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I still say you could have taken a breather instead. :-P But here's the tribute, since the Inn would only install the gnome ramp over Olin's dead body.

(seen globally)
At a distance so vast that you're surprised you even noticed it, you see a gnome in a gnome-sized hamster wheel, spinning madly away.

Close behind it, a dirty little svirf races, chuckling madly. The gnome and svirf fade into the distance again.

You find yourself... cleaner somehow... and filled with a sense of loss.

7683, Epilogue
Posted by Grumorum on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Grumorum gazed happily at the box from beneath his dirty eyebrows. "Stupid mortals," he muttered, "It was right here the whole time."
Running his hand along the embossed gold letters on the box, clearly spelling the word 'Bizinoquin', despite the immense amounts of dust they had gathered, Grumorum grinned to himself.

Tossing a handful of jerky to the rather vicious looking dog guarding the box, Grumorum began to hack away at the lock with his stolen sword, 'Call of the Void', occasionally pausing to shake the dog off his leg.
"Good puppy," he mumbled when the dog finally took the hint and gave up biting the diminuitive, dirty deity.

Soon enough, the lock on the box was cut through and the tiny door swung open.
"Well it sure as hell took you long enough." quipped a small voice from somewhere inside the box. "C'mon then, help me out" it continued as a tiny hand suddenly jutted out of the box. Grumorum dropped the pilfered blade and took the hand, slowly leading out a slightly larger creature, that looked something like a gnome but less...ridiculous. "Speaking of hell, this place has sure gone to it since I've been in that damn box."

"Dad, this IS hell." Grumorum answered, helping to dust off the ancient God.

"Oh, sure, you say that now. Back when I was young, this was a prime piece of territory. Meadowlands and this beautiful river, far as the eye could see. Guess a lot can change in...How long has it been, Sluf?"

"'Bout 60,000 years, Dad."
"That long?"
"I think so. But I wasn't counting, to be honest."
"Ahh well. Hell with it, you got me out anyhow, s'all that counts. I take it you're done with Asgaard then?"
"Yea, yep. And I collected those souls, just like you said. Now we got slaves."
Bizinoquin smiled down at his filthy progeny. "Attaboy" he said with a snicker. "Shall we then?"
"Sure thing dad. I brought the Stump." Just then, a writhing, dangerous looking cadre of roots surrounded by a huge block of wood came around the corner.
"You thought of everything. I love you Grum."
"You too dad."
"STUMP!" shouted the stump, stumpily.
Bizinoquin smiled one last time and snapped his finger, and all was normal in Thera once more. Or at least, as normal as Thera gets.
7684, RE: (DEL) Grumorum "Sluf" Gath, That Nasty Little Gnome
Posted by Grumorum on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, that, as they say, is that.

I'll probably regret this somewhat, but then it seems like it's the best thing I can do right now. I'm not going to leave amidst a cloud of controversy or hard feelings. I'd rather just state that CF was a lot of fun for me and has been a part of my life for the past 5 or so years, and I truly am going to miss it and I'm sorry I have to go away. Looks like it took two years but the critics were all proven right- They never should've immed me :)

I'm not going to bother saying specific goodbyes here, I expect anyone that actually wants to know why I've done what I've done will e-mail me. The one person I would like to say a personal farewell to is Cyradia. You are a great person and I wish I could've gotten to know you better. You were always very helpful and really seemed to care about the game and where it's going. Unfortunately most of our face to face encounters were under less than pleasant circumstances. Oh well, we'll always have the desc room eh? :)

Oh well. Regardless. CF is a great game and will continue to be so. I was the youngest imm on the staff the whole time I was up there, and I think that kind of showed in ways you wouldn't expect. Never the less, eat drink and be merry, and enjoy CF. Hey, who knows, maybe I'll make another mortal again someday. :)

Till then, I can be contacted at gadinias@hotmail.com or, my ICQ number is 151961472. Anyone that wants to know more about why I left can feel free to ask. Dont ask for any "imm secrets" or anything like that.

P.S.- Sorry about all the quests, followers, areas and everything else I left hanging. My fault guys.

7688, RE: (DEL) Grumorum "Sluf" Gath, That Nasty Little Gnome
Posted by Randarab on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I will miss the char,it was always great fun.

just so you see how much you actually influenced the char with gadinias here is a bit of a log.

<967hp 1132m 668mv> l self
You see a small figure covered in a strange multi-colored aura
after further inspection you notice that only the face of the creature,aparently a gnome, changes of color
somethimes red,somethimes a hue of frozen skin only to take the color of earth, a never ending
swirl of colors that he doesnt seem to notice. The overall frame of the creature seems slender,
the exception being a bulging nose that protudes from between bright emerald eyes.
You are able to notice,that every time his sight touches his hands, a big smile shines in his face.
as he moves slightly his robes seem to part a bit,and a shirt with some words become apparent
it reads 'TO Hell With us-AGAIN', you are left to ponder the meaning of it.
Randarab, a male gnome, is in perfect health.

Randarab is using:
<worn on finger> a pitch-black ring
<worn on finger> a pitch-black ring
<worn around neck> a living Boa Constrictor
<worn around neck> (Glowing) a mantle of water
<worn on body> torso from the snow worm
<worn on legs> (Invis) (Glowing) (Humming) leggings of Sorcery
<worn on feet> (Invis) (Glowing) (Humming) boots of Electricity
<worn on hands> (Invis) (Humming) gloves of quickling skin
<worn on arms> (Invis) (Glowing) (Humming) sleeves of Alchemy
<worn as shield> a shield from the hide of a snow worm
<worn about body> (Glowing) the cape of lightning
<worn about waist> (Invis) (Glowing) (Humming) a belt of Thermatology
<worn around wrist> an elemental bracelet
<worn around wrist> an elemental bracelet
<held> (Invis) (Humming) the staff of fire

I loved our helltrips,you were always a blast to hang around with.

and I enjoyed the interactions as grumorum too, I was the necromancer that god flagged by a cheater, and you appeard acting like a magistrate, and you suddenly became the magistrate of Asgaard. That was a lot of fun,thank you.


7687, RE: (DEL) Grumorum "Sluf" Gath, That Nasty Little Gnome
Posted by Divox on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were the best mentor a heroimm could ever have (And don't heed the fact that you were my only mentor). Sorry to see you go Grummy, you were a cool imm and good guy to know around up there.

7686, Big Gaddy, the watcher of the Entrance to Thera room
Posted by Nicolette on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You play some of the best silly characters I've yet seen. I only wonder how well you'd do with a serious character! I remember how mad you got when we dueled up in Asgaard and I one rounded you with that strike of faith. You are always a pleasure to talk to, and a good friend. We've still gotta hit up Wendy's sometime. Now you can make a mortal, huh?

Take care,

7685, RE: (DEL) Grumorum "Sluf" Gath, That Nasty Little Gnome
Posted by Basim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hah, you finally gave up didnt you? I still remember you pondering about making that gnome warrior master of puppets. In my opinion you had the best role I have seen around, very imaginative and funny. I can certainly understand why you immed, and from what I know, you did an extremely good job being one. That buffed squirrel in the woods made me laugh so much! But I dont understand why you had to go. I suppose we can talk about it sometimes. Do poke your head in for a little chat sometimes soon, eh? :)
