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Topic subject(DELETED) [NEXUS] Cyrn the Grand Sorcerer of Transformation
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76628, (DELETED) [NEXUS] Cyrn the Grand Sorcerer of Transformation
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Feb 5 16:23:55 2009

At 11 o'clock PM, Day of Freedom, 4th of the Month of the Sun
on the Theran calendar Cyrn perished, never to return.
Cabal:NEXUS, Nexus, Seekers of Balance
76716, Oh darn it!
Posted by Jnoxri on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh darn it, Cyrn! Why did you have to go and delete, huh? I don't care what those other dumb people say about you because you were my friend and now your gone and that makes me realy realy sad. And there is still so much work to do and the Village keeps growing and growing like there is some kind of wierd village mating season going on and I need your help and now you can't help and I just hate that!

Anyway ... thanks for being my friend and helping me while you could. I'll miss my big surface gnome brother.
76695, Good stuff from an ally's side
Posted by Booorstone on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You showed me some stuff that I knew about but just never put effort into getting, thanks for getting me off my butt for that. I enjoy more of the constant rumbling than prepping. Also, others gave you a lot of flak about the looting and such, and to each his own. I try to stay out of it. People just have such short memories when it comes to those who didn't loot them when they killed them. And the one "bad" time sticks in their mind and will never leave. I had villagers tell me that Nexus and I always loot them constantly, when every villager I have killed I have never taken more than 3 items, ever, and it is usually none. And usually one of the three items is getting back my three weapons they auto disarmed with their damn legacies!

So everyone hates, everyone loots, everyone has the negative experience stick in their mind and overrule all the other ones. So I don't really judge on that as a whole for a character, and from what I saw, you were smart, deadly, and a little reckless. Just how I like players :).

Oh and I promise to play more this weekend, we are in the process of buying a house, and holy crap is it a timesink!

76688, What a Beast. Good luck with your next. nt
Posted by Boldinrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
76653, My poor poor tormented Gnome
Posted by Kassibaz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Where to begin? You inducted me after I hit the giant and from there it just kinda took off. At first I didnt get the whole "Im a really really ridiculously good looking gnome" until much further in your life. The painting plus our extensive chats really shined through and honestly, it made sense.

You were a beast, hummingbird + bear was just nasty to watch it tear through people left and right you were super super skilled in that department and knowing where people were ALL the time.

Onto the bad:
Just the looting. I would get prob 1-3 tells everytime I was on with "OMG CYRN JUST LOOTED ME FOR THE 5th time!" and to be honest it really turend me off. You got your fair share as much as you gave it but I have a feeling you did a little bit more than what you told me. So next time, just try and live and let die.

Anyway, was a pleasure, you were an awesome asset to Nexus and you will be missed.
76660, Well, judging by the fact I saw ghost Cyrn full-loot Jern after a 5-man Fort gank.
Posted by TheManNamedSam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Way to be Cyrn. Killing the playerbase one player at a time.

Unless they're on your AIM list.
76720, heh
Posted by Cyrn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Tell that to igbah/waris/alzinghul.

I dont think that spared them to actions that needed to be made via certain rp moments.
76647, I don't think I have
Posted by Ahtieli2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
something REALLY bad to say about this char. Sure you like ganging period and few times it looked like(I can not be sure though but even I would not do it) you ganged people when they did not tip balance at all (like ganging lone imperials reraiding against two or three of the fortress) but it's not a big deal after all.

However I strongly disliked few ooc things though I think it's not a good place or time to bring it up.

On the other hand you were skilled foe that made quite a bit fights interesting for me.

So you left mixed feeling on me, that's why you were full looted only once(reasons were your taking codex against lone lich :P with four people + crying at forums/in char about my so called "quitting" then things go bad + full looting imperials) and another time I took 2-3 items I was needed.

76642, Well, f*ck.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really, really hope my chat with you today didn't prompt this. But I'm afraid it did.

Contrary to what most people seemed to post, I found your char to be solid, and you're definitely skilled. Overall, I liked this character.
76645, had planned on deleting a while ago
Posted by Cyrn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

The night I deleted Iccurik i logged on Cyrn to delete. But nexus was never in good shape and none were making it to hero. So I continue the "induct everyone I could" and just continued to float on. So I ended up logging off that night instead of deleting.

And so the ever-so-hated vain gnome continued. With the number of ragers at hero it was fun. Not sure why I deleted but just decided to pull the plug.

76661, You were Iccurik? It all makes sense now. I didn't even like you when you were in my cabal. NT
Posted by TheManNamedSam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
76672, Thats because Mjraljin sucked on so many levels.
Posted by Cyrn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Have my desire to kill him was he complained so much and took no steps to improve--at all.
76696, What the #### is wrong with you, asshole?
Posted by TheManNamedSam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never didn't state Mjraljin sucked. So you abuse game mechanics and broken #### to multi-kill me because I sucked? Kudos to you. Glad to see you setting a good example.

76659, Well, there goes my love for Twist.
Posted by TheManNamedSam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No, seriously. Twist, you're just dead wrong. Of course, the fact you rolled with Crafted probably makes you think that way. Hence why I called him the Bill Romanowski of CF. 70% of his cabal loves him, the rest of the playerbase thinks he's a ####ing cuntbag.
76682, Actually...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Shilbor only saw Cyrn like once during his entire massive 85 hour existence. And all we did together was gang on poor Grunta and then almost die to 4 other ragers.

I saw a lot more of Cyrn as Bonthos, when he and Ilix were ridiculously close to laying the smackdown on me in my own damn jurisdiction.

You'll note I didn't say this was a great character, or a favorite, or perfect in any way. I just said it was a solid char, definitely skilled, and OVERALL I liked the char. Most of that perspective comes from watching from immland and from mortals who were both ally and enemy (and sometimes both depending on the balance) to Cyrn.
76708, Oh dude, I've never debated Crafted is skilled.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And therein is the reason I dislike him (and a few others) so much.

Because they could be so GOOD for the game, yet that isn't what motivates them. They want to WIN. And this game isn't about WINNING.
76636, Man alive...
Posted by EXB_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can't really say I had any experience first hand, but I can attest that I would hear IC complaints quite a bit... enough to have some truth at least behind them.

Plus, for Nexus to be such a bond-friendly (Team based) cabal, people sure seem to join and just be a loner. I find it baffling and unfortunate...

In any case, I'd love to see you again in the cabal as just as potent as this character was, but without making such a bad name for Nexus... Everyone hates nexus, but that just makes me want to love it more and make it work... hehehe

76644, I dont believe a nexun should be liked
Posted by Cyrn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

But there are many roles. I dont play my nexuns to have friends other than allies. Especially a very vain one. I gave some beatings. I also took mine.
76631, Oh CraftedD, why are you always so easy to spot?
Posted by TheManNamedSam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Maybe because you act the same with every character, be it neutral gnome, goodie elf or evil drow.

Some of the stuff you did with this character was horrendous. You should honestly be ashamed.
76643, It is called: c tele;shape air form;fly
Posted by Cyrn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

If you want to not get owned in the air after consistently attacking my ranking groups and being orderly.
76657, You are now the official Bill Romanowski of CF. Kudos. NT
Posted by TheManNamedSam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
76662, Alright, ass. Let's state the facts.
Posted by TheManNamedSam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You knew, FOR A FACT, that hummingbird was broke, and that I COULD NOT ESCAPE FROM YOU IN THE AIR EVER.

So what did you do almost everytime you logged on when I was on? COME AFTER ME WITH A GIANT HARDON. You got me what? Five times after I prayed the second time you killed me?

That's the definition of being a ####ing lamer man.

For someone with your supposed chops, that's ####ing weak.

Though I learned my wand set stealthing you. Thanks for that? I guess.
76668, RE: Alright, ass. Let's state the facts.
Posted by colospgsbryan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
WAhhh. All I ever see from you on the forums is ####ing crying... Nonstop. Grow the #### up and quite being a little bitch.
76669, Wait, who are you? n/t
Posted by Kostyan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
76673, Think that is Lezra nt
Posted by Cyrn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
76675, Lerza cried quite a bit when she died to humming bird in skies n/t
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
76676, Owl still can die to hummingbird in the skies. nt
Posted by Cyrn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

76693, RE: Wait, who are you? n/t
Posted by colospgsbryan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You must be illiterate. I'm Bryan, it's right there to be read with every post I make. And no, I'm not Lezra.
76697, I'm being the little bitch?
Posted by TheManNamedSam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I seriously wonder how some of you are in real life.

I for one know I am liked and respected by EVERYONE I meet. EVERYONE.

I find it odd then, that I have random faceless people telling me how I am, when they've never met me or interacted with me.

So sorry Bryan. I guess I hit too close to home with my commentary.
76674, Do cry. Did you think I did not have the same troubles?
Posted by Cyrn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I dont think it was easy for hummingbird to even run from a wasp. Let alone a falcon or golden eagle.

How many times did I die to that? Maybe once. Why? Because I used a ####ing brain and figured out how to avoid pissed off air forms when I wanted to fly.

76680, There is differene
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
between having same troubles and abusing bug, more than that, abusing it for multikilling people.
76703, I'm failing to see where an Imm is saying he abused a bug.
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just wondering where this is? Is there a log of it. I'm probably lying though.
76706, No IMM has said that. I sure as #### have.
Posted by TheManNamedSam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Now know that the second time he killed me, when I had ABS, ranks and Cyrn had nothing but enlivens, I failed twenty-three consecutive flees. TWENTY-THREE.

I prayed right after the fight asking if Zulg could look at the code since Hummingbirds seemed broke ( I had asked every other shifter I could find and the only one who was able to flee from the hummingbird was Soraec? some fortie golden eagle, and he said he didn't really flee, just beat the hummingbird down ) and I know Cyrn SAW ME PRAY since he then almost went OOC (he tried to tell me to keep trying and that other people were able to give him a better fight, my problem wasn't that, it was that the CODE WAS ####ED UP WHICH ZULG CONFIRMED).

After that he killed me FIVE times before the code was fixed. Including at least once where he literally logged on and come after my ass. Knowing I couldn't escape from him in the air. Knowing that the code was ####ed up. That abusing game mechanics (not abusing a bug). Much like that dude getting all the legacies and instead of praying and/or not playing til its' fixed, he went out and pk'd.
76709, Think i killed you three times as osprey(a third tier). Twice as vulture.
Posted by Cyrn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Or maybe once. I killed you once in grizzly as galadon(you not using any air form)
76711, Twice as osprey, three times as vulture.
Posted by TheManNamedSam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And the reason I didn't use an air form is because I WAS ####ED BY YOU IF I DID. DUH?

But yeah. The first time you got me as the vulture is when I prayed, so sorry, three times after I prayed.
76712, RE: Twice as osprey, three times as vulture.
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It is not a bug. Just a tough form for other air forms to fight in air. Now they can escape...

I thought Cyrn was decently played other than one incident...

I was playing a rank 37 38 or so elf shifter and had osprey form. Saw Cyrn fighting a couple of Scion shifters(air forms), Falcon and Vulture I think. I was avoiding the skies as the Falcon could harm me. Was not concerned with Cyrn because I knew he was Nexun and there was a ton of Scion and Emperials about...(Also I saw him fighting them) I think Cyrn was rank 48 or so and just in my range.

I was doing locates on the Scion and knew he had landed, so up I went to get to arial city quickly for some ranking. Cyrn rushes me with hummingbird, attacks, easily kills my osprey. Not much of an excuse when you have eyes up and can see auras. You can clearly tell I was not one of the Scion final forms. I think he appologized and said he thought I was a scion. Asking myself why would a scion shifter with final air form shift to an osprey and fly around when enemy is there....

ANyhow...thats all I have to add.
76713, Yeah, he thought you were me. I was also probably that vulture.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry man.
76705, RE: Oh CraftedD, why are you always so easy to spot?
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have to admit, I've gotten a bad vibe from virtually *every* CraftedD played character I can remember. Not sure why.
76630, Before all the flame would begin
Posted by Ikbe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were surely an ass, but skilled ass. More close to the end I even started to kind of like you. At least you were making me always be on my toes:) On other hand - the worst nexun I've ever met.
76646, You may believe worste
Posted by Cyrn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

But anyone saying i'm the worste nexun ever makes me feel like I did everything perfectly. Extremely vain to the point he shouldnt think you are trying to slight him at all. To be ruthless to his core about balance.

No one likes dying to a nexun. So I suspect thats where all the hate is driven from.
76649, RE: You may believe worste
Posted by Jern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually the hate is probably coming from the fact you were a full looting ass who would multi-kill folks who you knew were running around trying to regear.

Then you talk about 'balance' when you had an open vendetta against the empire. When you could nearly ALWAYS justify your actions by either saying 'oh your evil and the light is strong' or 'oh your orderly and chaos is strong' or some other form of BS.

The fact is that you may feel you were a great character and maybe thats even true. But that dont change the fact you were an ASS as a player who went above and beyond the call of duty of RP and displayed a remarkable lack of sportsmanship in what at the end of the day is a competitve GAME.

In other words - you are the Mike Tyson of CF. Scary but at the same time kinda pitiful because you wont ever get how much you made things less fun for everyone around you.
76650, It's the permaing, multicabal leading, and cheating that does it for me, not the Nexus cabal membership. n/t
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
76658, Marry me? Seriously?
Posted by TheManNamedSam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I love you for saying that.
76666, Never saw perma or cheating from him and as for the other...well.
Posted by Abernytee on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He played more hours with both leaders than I could have done as just one leader. It did not impinge on anyones gaming experience imho.

76667, Really? It was Polishinel's secret
Posted by Beront on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Aber, baby, please, google it. It was clear for all imms, for all players..but not for you. Maan, I think I miss something, really.

You can continue to defend #dangeroom. But you are guilty too in cheating. Be careful, girly.

All in all, I liked Cyrn. He was an ass and he didn't reject that fact. A thin line between evil neitral and neitral neitral. I think it more E/N. Thanks for leaving your friend I.. alone. Mhahaha.
76724, The girly comment aside, I don't get you at all, sorry.
Posted by Abernytee on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wish I had taken TEFL as an aoption at Uni when I was doing my PGCE.


P.S. I knew CD was Cyrn and he worked out I was Meleke but we still ####ing fought plenty when darkness tipped and he even douche-moved me with Ilix and I called him a cunt on IRC the next day I saw him but I it is still just a game.
76678, It's like you never saw ooc perma in Ravon's Scions n/t
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
76679, Who were the people? No one has yet listed the players and chars involved in this. nt
Posted by CD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
76681, I can do it
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
because all these people did not mind telling me that they know each other chars.

But I'm sure not going to do it.
76704, Name them.
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I played at the same times as him and as his enemy. I don't remember feeling like he logged in within twenty minutes of two other high ranking people consistently. Yes, I know who played him ooc and guess what, I killed him at the Maran and took his weapon. :)

I can't say the same about certain people in a certain Imperial Cabal who are often on together. I hope it is just coincidence.
76707, This is pathetic. You really believe the scorched earth method is the best?
Posted by TheManNamedSam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I mean, my bro told people silent #### was shady and that wand lists were being passed around (except he did it in the most douchey way possible). Do we really want that to happen again with someone else? When will you be satisfied?

It's obvious that you dislike Elhe Minyar. Painfully obvious. You think that might color the way you are posting?
76715, I believe the stone casters should remember they live in glass houses.
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Maybe everything with Elhe, Alex, and Beront is above board, but I have a hard time believing it. Am I saying I don't know anyone else who plays this game..nope. My experience watching Cyrn was nothing of the nature of perma or cheating, but thats just my view...and I'm no #dangerroom person.

Could it be that your hatred for Cyrn is coloring your reaction?

I'm probably just lying though.
76738, Do you know at least one russian
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
who feed Ikbe with charges? Like people who knew Ravon ooc, did. Do you know about any russian ooc arranged Hell trip like Ravon had? :)
76737, Why should I?
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not ass like you, sorry :)
76719, RE: I can do it
Posted by Ravon. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Minor edit, try to avoid naming "names" please.

Elhe, you've become like the russian Nep, except instead of making cryptic posts about game mechanics, you make cryptic posts about OOC dealings nonstop. Every time I read one of your posts I have to roll my eyes just because they are so dumb. It's ironic that even after you get so annoyed because people accuse you of permagrouping with your russian buddies, that you turn around and make this accusation. Just because you know who other people play doesn't make you a permagroup. I mean, you admit you know most of the Council, but that doesn't make you a permagroup. Or does it? In soviet russia, permagroup makes you?

Look, we all know you and your russian buddies roll around in Empire and everyone knows who everyone is and is buddy buddy. Granted, you aren't telling each other precisely when to log on because guys like Ikbe wouldn't log in and out really fast when they see the range is bad if you were. But hey, people know, when you sign on IRC or MSN that you're going to play your char and then if they get on, well, that's not really a permagroup to you, is it?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining at all. Never once have I said anything all these years, because, well, I honestly like the challenge. If there were no russians, there would be no one to hate except Crafted D, Rogue, and Aether. But why would you turn around and start pointing fingers with your little coy remarks and your :)) 's that you love so much? I mean, if Nep knew what I knew, he'd ban you from area explores and give me a cookie.
76727, lolwut
Posted by Scrimbul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>If there were no russians, there would be no one to hate except >Crafted D, Rogue, and Aether.

Is it completely irrelevant to point out that, independent of whether any cheating is going on or not, the Russians are never impolite to anyone else (except Beront) until and unless people get frustrated with them?

Whereas the first two of the former go out of their way to make everyone not in their cabal as utterly miserable as they can possibly manage and then it gets called 'legitimate RP'.

I get that if any one of the russian chars all played like Satebos instead of how they do now they'd pretty much fade into the background as he has, but let it never be said they turned into Kanye.

I'd also venture to say if you put Balrahd, Forsaken, Lightmage Java and Xanth on the same team in any combination of three and let them play like the Russians do now, regardless if you think there's provable cheating there or not, they'd do just as well or better, good or evil. And they'd be just as likely not to piss in anyone else's cheerios.

Somehow there's this impression that the entire cabal chuckles at you OOCly when you die to them. That's really not the case unless you go out of your way to raise hell for no reason like I have once or twice.
76728, RE: lolwut
Posted by Xanthrailles on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I found it funny my name came up in this. As I've gotten older I find when I do play cf I play for different reasons. I play now because I have a unique role idea, want to explore something, and sometimes just to debug things.

I posted a log of Crafted_D, Ahlieti, and myself. It is the same log Ahlieti posted, but with all three sides of the story. Everyone in the log acted completely in-character.

After giving it some thought, my next character will definately be something that can pk. :P
76729, Bye bye
Posted by Beront on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry, you can,t pK . You can only bring the #### on forums, you are an impotent. Bye.
76734, RE: Bye bye
Posted by Xanthrailles on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Okay? I don't know what #### I've brought, but you're welcome to it.
76741, Beront's kind of retarded that way
Posted by Mek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One day, out of nowhere, he was talking smack to me on the forums too. Never figured out where that came from (and this was before our encounters as Darascus & Kostyan).

Weirdo, I say.
76732, Dude I love you
Posted by Johnnyboy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You use to kick my ass as Burgynn the village drillmaster I played and I hated trying to fight you cause you always beat my ass. You where a skilled player and I am sure you still are. Its just nice to see someone who realizes what I always have kudo's man
76739, RE: I can do it
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Elhe, you've become like the russian Nep, except instead of
>making cryptic posts about game mechanics, you make cryptic
>posts about OOC dealings nonstop.

Be so kind to point out such posts of mine? You said it like I do it often. I don't think you can support your words. You are probably first one I accursed for ooc groups on a public.

>Just because you know who other people play doesn't make you a permagroup.
Sure, thing is that if they get any special treatment or no, at least that's main for me.

>I mean, you admit you know most of the Council, but that
>doesn't make you a permagroup. Or does it? In soviet russia,
>permagroup makes you?

Should I point out your currient chars? :) If no, don't do the same to me.

>Look, we all know you and your russian buddies roll around in
>Empire and everyone knows who everyone is and is buddy buddy.

How much chars did I have in Empire during last 8 years? When you find out answer, you will realise that you posted something stupid and dumb

>Granted, you aren't telling each other precisely when to log
>on because guys like Ikbe wouldn't log in and out really fast
>when they see the range is bad if you were. But hey, people
>know, when you sign on IRC or MSN that you're going to play
>your char and then if they get on, well, that's not really a
>permagroup to you, is it?

I'm rarely on in irc or msn when I'm playing. Usualy turn it on when I'm finishing playing.

> I mean, if Nep knew what I knew, he'd ban you from area
>explores and give me a cookie.
You mess me with another man. You know it, I know it. Not sure why you are doing it. And I dont think Nep will give you cookie because I gave YOU few not important hints when you asked for them. Ah, can you explain how does idents of ST archmage eq were ended posted at qhcf by your friend? :) While you probably were first non imm player who got it.
76742, RE: I can do it
Posted by Mek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) You do make posts like he's talking about. It's possible you don't realize it...seems a bit of a stretch though.

2) I got archmage ID's myself, using IC contacts only. To my knowledge, I'm the only one who has brought back gear from Ayerthl Zelaath that no one else has ever seen, too. It's possible to do, but very tough. The area is *incredibly* un-user friendly and punishing. A true sado-masochistic delight.
76746, RE: I can do it
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>1) You do make posts like he's talking about. It's possible
>you don't realize it...seems a bit of a stretch though.

Empty words do not work. Show me these posts? Out of this thread of course.

>2) I got archmage ID's myself, using IC contacts only. To my
>knowledge, I'm the only one who has brought back gear from
>Ayerthl Zelaath that no one else has ever seen, too. It's
>possible to do, but very tough. The area is *incredibly*
>un-user friendly and punishing. A true sado-masochistic
I just never bothered with ST. If you think no one seen that eq there, you are wrong.
76751, Heh
Posted by Mek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Empty words do not work. Show me these posts? Out of this thread of course.

When you make more posts of that nature, I'll point it out. I'm not digging through posts on my spare time so you can be appeased.

I just never bothered with ST. If you think no one seen that eq there, you are wrong.

I'm not talking about ST gear...I'm talking about Ayerthl gear. Yes, the areas are connected, but they are also separate. And I have no doubt that Ravon could have (and probably did) see that stuff, but what I'm specifically referring to is something he couldn't have used.
76767, RE: Heh
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Empty words do not work. Show me these posts? Out of this
>thread of course.

>When you make more posts of that nature, I'll point it out.
>I'm not digging through posts on my spare time so you can be
Then as I said, it's just empty words :)

>I'm not talking about ST gear...I'm talking about Ayerthl
>gear. Yes, the areas are connected, but they are also
>separate. And I have no doubt that Ravon could have (and
>probably did) see that stuff, but what I'm specifically
>referring to is something he couldn't have used.

I'm quite aware of where it is, what it is and how to get it :)
76743, RE: I can do it
Posted by Ravon. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>How much chars did I have in Empire during last 8 years? When
>you find out answer, you will realise that you posted
>something stupid and dumb

Here's a better, and actually relevant question. Of the last two years, what % of the time have you had a character in Empire? :) :) :) :) :) :) Don't try to point to a statistic that has no significance in the discussion at hand. It's intellectually dishonest and quite insulting. :) :) :) :) :)

>>Granted, you aren't telling each other precisely when to log
>>on because guys like Ikbe wouldn't log in and out really
>>when they see the range is bad if you were. But hey, people
>>know, when you sign on IRC or MSN that you're going to play
>>your char and then if they get on, well, that's not really a
>>permagroup to you, is it?
>I'm rarely on in irc or msn when I'm playing. Usualy turn it
>on when I'm finishing playing.

When you played Eoria, if you were on IRC it meant there was an 80% chance you were on as well. I'm only posting this because you are trying to dispute this fact :) :) any people who frequented IRC during that time would agree with this. :) :) :) :) :)
>> I mean, if Nep knew what I knew, he'd ban you from area
>>explores and give me a cookie.
>You mess me with another man. You know it, I know it. Not sure
>why you are doing it. And I dont think Nep will give you
>cookie because I gave YOU few not important hints when you
>asked for them. Ah, can you explain how does idents of ST
>archmage eq were ended posted at qhcf by your friend? :) While
>you probably were first non imm player who got it.

Sure. I let people ID my gear. Not to mention I died and lost it all at some point. :) :) :) :) You are right, we were friendly, but if he had logs of anything significant besides the ID's of a few choice pieces of gear don't you think he would have posted them? That's because I never sent him anything.

Look, there's no need to go into details here, but if you continue to press it I can :) :) :) Here's a game: Can Elhe let me have the last word? I think not, but I really think in this situation he should :) :) :) :) Fair warning. :) :) :) :)

If you want to out who I play now, you can spam it whereever you like, or ride your cow into town and shout it from the bell tower of your russian village. I honestly do not care. Believe me, it's pretty clear for anyone who reads the forum who you play, and if it weren't I wouldn't have said something. :) :) :) :)
76747, RE: I can do it
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>How much chars did I have in Empire during last 8 years?
>>you find out answer, you will realise that you posted
>>something stupid and dumb
>Here's a better, and actually relevant question. Of the last
>two years, what % of the time have you had a character in
>Empire? :) :) :) :) :) :) Don't try to point to a statistic
>that has no significance in the discussion at hand. It's
>intellectually dishonest and quite insulting. :) :) :) :) :)
Oh, if you so smart how much imperials do I have during last two years and how much was total number of chars for these two years. If you can answer that right and still saying I'm permaimperial, you are just idiot.

>When you played Eoria, if you were on IRC it meant there was
>an 80% chance you were on as well. I'm only posting this
>because you are trying to dispute this fact :) :) any people
>who frequented IRC during that time would agree with this. :)

Totaly wrong. It was rule for me, not to login into irc when I'm playing for some reasons. I could login only at the end of my playing session when everyone logged off already.

>Sure. I let people ID my gear. Not to mention I died and
>lost it all at some point. :) :) :) :) You are right, we
>were friendly, but if he had logs of anything significant
>besides the ID's of a few choice pieces of gear don't you
>think he would have posted them? That's because I never sent
>him anything.

That's because you never sent him logs ;)

>Look, there's no need to go into details here, but if you
>continue to press it I can :) :) :) Here's a game: Can Elhe
>let me have the last word? I think not, but I really think in
>this situation he should :) :) :) :) Fair warning. :) :)
>:) :)

You started it and you will eat it if you continie.

Thing is that even if you bring logs of our conversations in irc, you won't find anything there. I know it, you know it. Unless you bring up conversation with another man and say it was me. I told you a lot of times I'm not interested in ST. I told you who can be interested. I gave you few hints. Not sure what you are trying to bring up. As for fair warning... Are you trying to blackmail? Go ahead and try. But don't cry then.

>If you want to out who I play now, you can spam it whereever
>you like, or ride your cow into town and shout it from the
>bell tower of your russian village. I honestly do not care.
>Believe me, it's pretty clear for anyone who reads the forum
>who you play, and if it weren't I wouldn't have said
>something. :) :) :) :)

Unlike you, I don't spread such info even amoung my friends. While you and crafted were spreading around names of my chars, when I asked you not to do it. Sure it was mistake to trust you and Crafted.
76749, And people say I come off like a jerk. #### me. n/t
Posted by Stunna1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
76750, I didnt ever spread your name.
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I no longer denied it when you, yourself, already had revealed so much that everyone already basically knew. And I would be a really big moron not to not know the obvious.
76758, RE: I can do it
Posted by Ravon. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>>Here's a better, and actually relevant question. Of the last
>>two years, what % of the time have you had a character in
>>Empire? Don't try to point to a statistic
>>that has no significance in the discussion at hand. It's
>>intellectually dishonest and quite insulting.
>Oh, if you so smart how much imperials do I have during last two years and how much was total number of chars for these two years. If you can answer that right and still saying I'm permaimperial, you are just idiot.
Eoria: Rolled July 20th, 2007, died Feb 20th, 2008.
Current char (who we can all agree is in Empire) dates back at least 10 months ago.
I'm not sure what (amount of imperials you've had in last 2 years)/(number of total characters) has to do with anything. I don't think anyone is contending that you are a "permaimperial", because being a serial Empire player is not against the rules. The contention is that you have long lived characters in Empire that roll around with your OOC friends. Again, either you don't seem to understand what the accusations are or you do and are just playing dumb.
I will spell it out for you.


>You started it and you will eat it if you continie.

Fine. I remember when you told me on IRC that after the second time I permalagged you that you would never play as Eoria the same times as Ravon, because I was a "broken" character. Also had a huge rant about your strange bracers, but that's another story. That's fine with me, because I readily admit there were too many things in the code (now changed) that were working in my favor. But then a funny thing happened. You NEVER logged in when I was around. I'm curious how you managed that if you didn't discuss it on ICQ. :) It's no secret that you log everything - that's how you managed to come up with so many answers on Lyr's seek and find quest, unless you had your friends do that too. Find me a log where Eoria is above me on the who list after that second death where I took your strange bracers. :) I can only think of one time it happened after that in another 100 hours?

>>When you played Eoria, if you were on IRC it meant there was
>>an 80% chance you were on as well. I'm only posting this
>>because you are trying to dispute this fact :) :) any people
>>who frequented IRC during that time would agree with this. :)

>Totaly wrong. It was rule for me, not to login into irc when I'm >playing for some reasons. I could login only at the end of my >playing session when everyone logged off already.

Not true, and note that I didn't say that 80% of the time you were logged in you were on IRC. Besides, everyone knows that ICQ is the medium of choice for Russians. :) As anyone here can verify, you often were logged in on IRC while playing Eoria. I'm not sure how you can dispute this.

>Thing is that even if you bring logs of our conversations in irc, >you won't find anything there. I know it, you know it. Unless you >bring up conversation with another man and say it was me. I told >you a lot of times I'm not interested in ST. I told you who can be >interested. I gave you few hints. Not sure what you are trying to >bring up. As for fair warning... Are you trying to blackmail? Go >ahead and try. But don't cry

I wasn't threatening to blackmail you. I was asking you not to provoke me. But, you can't seem to help yourself. You bragged about how you lived down the street from another russian who I had discussed parts of ST with at times and that he had told you everything. I asked you about something somewhat complex directions in ST that he (and I) knew a few weeks later, to which you did know the answer exactly and provided. The directions were on my notes on another computer, which I wouldn't have access to for a couple days, which is why I asked. The fact that you live very close to each other and that your characters went in there and did not in fact bumble around like normal players would only after a significant period of time of your friend exploring I'm sure Nep could verify through tools that he no doubt keeps to monitor that sort of thing, knowing how protective he is of his area. :) :)

Anyways, your predictable response to this will be to accuse me of cheating with real or fake IRC logs, hearsay, and speculation. You will say I'm mad about something and making up stories to get revenge. For the record, I haven't talked to you in over a year on IRC, and have logged in less than a handful of times. What I wrote above is the truth.

Unlike you, I do not feel compelled to defend myself so I will not be responding to any sort of accusation you make, but feel free to go wild. :) The only reason I felt compelled to write this is because you are becoming unbearably hypocritical here and on QHCF. :)
76760, You guys realize..
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
that you're having an argument about who cheats worse while both freely admitting you're cheaters right?
76762, Beat me to it you bastard. NT
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
76764, Except
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ravon openly said he cheated with another russian :). While I just gave few minor hints(in char I was telling way more about st) here and there to anyone who were asking about it. For free, mind you :). The rest of accursations is just repeating of what he was told.
76765, RE: Except
Posted by Ravon. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>> don't think anyone is contending that you are a
>>"permaimperial", because being a serial Empire player is not

>Now I will spell it out for you. If I have a lot more non-imperials >chars than imperial chars, you hardly can call me "permaimperial" :)

Reading comprension fail. You have had an active character in Empire the last two years longer than you have had an active character in any other cabal for the last two years.

Let me break it down for you:

3 War masters, by Alex
2 War masters, played by Beront
1 Dread lady, played by Alex
1 Shadow Lord, played by Beront

And you all know who each other are playing. And as you admit, you guys do monitor hero pk, so you know when to log in together.

:) :)
76766, I've asked about Eoria
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
if you did not notice. If you also did not notice there was only Beront during Eoria plays. If you also did not notice there was no other choice for war master at all.

p.s. I found 2 logs where eoria fights ravon and few more where we both logged after I lose strange bracers. Seems you ####ed up :)
76761, Umm, so you both are shady and have done things against the rules?
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why are you guys even arguing?

This is a ####-waving contest at its' finest.
76763, I lolled honestly :)
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I'm not sure what (amount of imperials you've had in last 2
>years)/(number of total characters) has to do with anything.
>I don't think anyone is contending that you are a
>"permaimperial", because being a serial Empire player is not
>against the rules. The contention is that you have long lived
>characters in Empire that roll around with your OOC friends.
>Again, either you don't seem to understand what the
>accusations are or you do and are just playing dumb.
>I will spell it out for you.

Now I will spell it out for you. If I have a lot more non-imperials chars than imperial chars, you hardly can call me "permaimperial" :) It's quite a simple math man, what were you doing in school?

Jeez, so Eoria was permagrouping with my friends? So what chars then? Or you are trying to say that Beront, who was ####ing dumb enough to sac my biggest unholy is my friend???

>Fine. I remember when you told me on IRC that after the
>second time I permalagged you that you would never play as
>Eoria the same times as Ravon, because I was a "broken"
>character. Also had a huge rant about your strange bracers,
>but that's another story. That's fine with me, because I
>readily admit there were too many things in the code (now
>changed) that were working in my favor. But then a funny
>thing happened. You NEVER logged in when I was around. I'm
>curious how you managed that if you didn't discuss it on ICQ.
> :) It's no secret that you log everything - that's how you
>managed to come up with so many answers on Lyr's seek and find
>quest, unless you had your friends do that too. Find me a log
>where Eoria is above me on the who list after that second
>death where I took your strange bracers. :) I can only think
>of one time it happened after that in another 100 hours?

I did not monitor hero pk for sure, however I would have probably quitted if Ravon was around. :)

>>>When you played Eoria, if you were on IRC it meant there
>>>an 80% chance you were on as well. I'm only posting this
>>>because you are trying to dispute this fact :) :) any
>>>who frequented IRC during that time would agree with this.
If you think so, I don't see how I prove my point. But keep in mind I don't login in irc during my playing time at least in 80% of the case, because it could be easily seen when I lose link.

>Not true, and note that I didn't say that 80% of the time you
>were logged in you were on IRC. Besides, everyone knows that
>ICQ is the medium of choice for Russians. :) As anyone here
>can verify, you often were logged in on IRC while playing
>Eoria. I'm not sure how you can dispute this.

My icq turned on 24/7. I'm not sure how you can determinate if I'm on with char or no, by icq.

>I wasn't threatening to blackmail you. I was asking you not
>to provoke me. But, you can't seem to help yourself. You
>bragged about how you lived down the street from another
>russian who I had discussed parts of ST with at times and that
>he had told you everything. I asked you about something
>somewhat complex directions in ST that he (and I) knew a few
>weeks later, to which you did know the answer exactly and
>provided. The directions were on my notes on another
>computer, which I wouldn't have access to for a couple days,
>which is why I asked. The fact that you live very close to
>each other and that your characters went in there and did not
>in fact bumble around like normal players would only after a
>significant period of time of your friend exploring I'm sure
>Nep could verify through tools that he no doubt keeps to
>monitor that sort of thing, knowing how protective he is of
>his area. :) :)
Honestly, do you really belive everything russians were telling you? :) Remember I was telling that I have bro who plays cf as well. Do you belive that too? :))))))))))))))

>Anyways, your predictable response to this will be to accuse
>me of cheating with real or fake IRC logs, hearsay, and
>speculation. You will say I'm mad about something and making
>up stories to get revenge. For the record, I haven't talked
>to you in over a year on IRC, and have logged in less than a
>handful of times. What I wrote above is the truth.

You wrote that you spread ooc info about ST with another russian, by your own hands :) Where is my Nep's cookie? :)

>Unlike you, I do not feel compelled to defend myself so I will
>not be responding to any sort of accusation you make, but feel
>free to go wild. :) The only reason I felt compelled to
>write this is because you are becoming unbearably hypocritical
>here and on QHCF. :)
I'm not going to fall down like you man :) there is line which I do not cross even because of asses like you :))) Even when I see your permaing with one player in few different cabals :))
76698, The more I think about that, the more I wished I had taken them up on the offer.
Posted by TheManNamedSam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Unfortunately, I'm not an asshole like Crafted.
76725, Maybe it is my lack of playing hours or....
Posted by Abernytee on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
maybe it is because I am not looking for excuses but I rarely identify permas that you lot talk about. In scion at the time of Ravon there were a few people I knew ooc played but one of them I even killed in the chasm after an arguement. I play the character and killing someone you know ooc is often twice as enjoyable.


That is who I saw regularly when I played Elemek but two are from Sweden and Tongni was playing a lot of hours. It stands to reason we will be on at similar times.

For such an able player with the plethora of Russian copy/paste info you all have at your disposal you whinge way too ####ing much.
