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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectThuutai Ahmatu'ili is six feet deep.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=76538
76538, Thuutai Ahmatu'ili is six feet deep.
Posted by Thuutai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
*** Character speculation edited out ***

First comeback character since Teldasill, and I got this role idea and really wanted to run with it finally. I love the game, and the IMM's seem like their a lot more active than they were when I had Telda so that was amazing.. whoever took over the Destructor that night.. that was SO refreshing and why I play, so thanks.

The enemies part of the game just makes it not worth it to me anymore. Gank squads organized by a... lich? Warriors who won't fight no matter what without a transmuter, I saw two full sacs on link dead people. All that just kind of leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I know the first two are just the way it is, and I'm fine with it, that's mud. I just know that it would have made me lose interest in the character and kind of make me bleh.

Anyways, I had fun with nearly everyone I met, hope I came across as a fun character to talk to/roll with. The Village is filled with some really great characters, more than I've seen on any past ragers I've had, so good luck to you fools. And no.. there was no reason I talked like a Jamaician other than not being able to get out of my head how the trolls talked on WoW lol.


Iunna - I've always wanted to make a follower of yours, you're one of the few I haven't tried out yet. You turned out to be my favorite overall ever and I regret never coming to you before. Your RP and swagger to the character mixed in with the personal touch with your followers is SO great. I wish I would have had a better grasp on War and where to go with our talks, but I think I did alright. Good luck with everything!

Yean and Ysaeloerye - You two are such great IMM's, thanks for being around and to whoever game me my IMM lovin'. Having IMM's that will randomly RP with you is what makes this game fun.

Borkahd - Best Commander I've ever been under, hands down. This is my seventh rager over 35 and no one has ever been as well RP'd as you that I've ever seen. You were tough as nails, never lose your cool, and took care of your Village. I appreciate the talks and RP and I hope you keep rocking out and get rewarded for it.

Woldrun - You seemed like you straight raped people, congrats on the Drillmaster position. You seem like your a little newer, but you do everything well and I enjoyed kickin' it with you and scouting.

Grawshen - You were my favorite Villager on the come up with me, seemed like we would have been best friends and a pretty sweet combo together. Hope you stick and stand out in the end, you sure did to me.

Rogark - You were really good at pk, you seem like you go afk soooo much though, you need to fix that. I don't know if it was you or the character, but I almost thought you had OCD or something for awhile lol.. keep kickin butt and taking names though.

All you other ragers I didn't really get to have all that much RP with, but I can tell the village is in a very good place right now. Lots of competance out of all of you, keep it going.

Jikobsi - Thanks for being my saving grace that night in Akan. I hadn't met one person that would TRY to RP back with me in my whole characters life until then. It's the only reason I really play this game, you're solid though hope you make a positive impact on the game.

Dolce - You were so freaking tough lol, I felt like some midget rookie cornerback trying to tackle Brandon Jacobs or something when we had our spats. You were fun though and I finally got that assassinate... 1-0 your move!

Ckarinmir - I started getting this feeling you and me were going to be mortal nemesis enemies for the rest of our lives that rarely killed enough other and always got each other killed. You're solid as hell man, hope those souls start flowin' for you.

Zikat - I feel no shame in saying your a piece of #### and ruin the game for everyone. You always have always will.

Anyways, if anyone wants to comment I'll reply to everything, just wanted to include the main people in the goodbyes. Take care and have fun in the fields!

-Thuutai Ahmatu'ili
76757, Ooh man! I must say that I LOVE your role!
Posted by Zubi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
VERY well written, interseting and whatnot. :D To bad you're gone! We would have had ALOT of fun if you had stuck around!
76717, Dang!
Posted by Jikobsi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man, I really enjoyed chilling and chatting with you. Was good fun, thought it was going to be great when we both hero'd and could still shoot the breeze or kill each other, one or the other.

Then you shot up in the ranks and left me behind, drats!

Next time man, take it easy.
76622, I do hope me taking a few of your things when I killed you didnt
Posted by Hukariu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
lead to your deleting. Honestly though I felt like full looting your ass after that cowardly #### you pulled on eastern when I was fighting Rognark. I mean you seen me fighting him soon as I fled you attacked me. You should talk to Dreep about doing #### like that I hear it ends in hut burning. I fled from Rog with like 88 hp and you still couldnt kill me so then when I see you alone I stomped your ass and took #### I need. That was the first interaction I had with you and as someone who plays battle it left a bad taste in my mouth to see you do that.
76740, ....
Posted by Thuutai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You jumped me with Zikat so I don't want to hear like your some angel. You vanished and I murdered once and you fled... my char wasn't going to let some Nexun get away and Scouts aren't held by parity laws so everything I did was straight.
76600, i thought you were awesome
Posted by that thief on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
thanks for roleplaying with me outside the inn that night, im kind of new and still learning, and it really helped to have someone roleplay with me for once. your story helped me think of a new role so maybe ill get to see your next character.
76585, Good Char!
Posted by Yean on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed this one, and am pretty surprised you deleted so early, was really looking forward to more goodness from you. You played a good scout, the kind people can tell on sight without having to ask what your path was, and that's always good to see.

You seemed bored that day or something, and was randomly talking to the Destructor, so I figured it wouldn't hurt interacting with an interesting char. :) Glad you enjoyed it! GLWYN and all that, hope it's a rager.
76568, Damn...
Posted by Dolce on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why'd you go and delete so quickly? How am I going to spank your assassin ass back to the village... or at least extract my revenge!

On a serious note, I liked your char alot, even though I wasn't a big fan of the Jamaican accent, and I figured you'd be a permanent nuisance for me (and my ears) for the life of my char... I seem to fight alot of villagers, which should have given you ample time to stalk/assassinate me for a long long time. (Though the one time you DID get me was under totally different circumstances).

I'm sorry to see you go, but I must say, there's a whole bunch of other villagers right now in my same PK range who are all pretty first class and hopefully we can all grow old together beating each other's asses back and forth.

Get back in the mix. I'll be waiting with a sword for ya.
76569, Oh - and a PS... as a New Yorker, I love the analogy. nt
Posted by Dolce on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
76562, Zikat... hmmm
Posted by That guy yup on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I will email the imms about what I just found out about this guy.
76563, This is the guy who cried foul when he found out Cabdru was Nepenthe. Used to be Yoshimi
Posted by Kanye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its funny people try to reinvent themselves.
76565, Gotta admit that CF freestyle gangsta rap was hot though. =P n/t
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
76566, This post proves how offended at yourself you are.
Posted by Thuutai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And how much you know it's true. Don't ruin my thread because your a faggot man. Go to Dio's and cry.
76570, You are the only one person who crys here.
Posted by Beront on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And sadly, you will never grow. If you spread the ####, be ready that the #### will spread around you.
76571, I'm glad such a shining sample of greatness could correct me~
Posted by Thuutai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
76586, You are welcome, my young padavan. n/t
Posted by Beront on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
76574, Wow! Hi Kettle! I'm a freaking pot... guess what!?
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Save it, Griefers throwing such hypocrisy is just AWSOME
76575, Your defense of your friend is impressive. Let him fight his own battles?
Posted by TheManNamedSam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lol, Yoshimi.
76587, You dont get it, right?
Posted by Beront on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't cry on forums. My enemies cry outloud. Mhahahahh, like Twist. :)
76560, ####!
Posted by Iunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I absolutely loved this guy, and you've made Iunna a sad panda by deleting.
I thought you were on the right track, I just didn't want to tattoo you so early.
Glad to hear you had fun, take care, come back, all that jazz.
76561, Dang
Posted by Thuutai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That time we were talking about the getting consumed with the fire part... it seemed like you for a split second thought about the tattoo but I wasn't sure. But yeah, you were amazing thanks again.

And just fyi.. that poem sucked on purpose I was going to try and RP about it with you next time we met. Was trying to make it sound like a random uneducated assassin was trying to do it because he knew that his goddess found pleasure in it kind of thing.
76548, RE: Thuutai Ahmatu'ili is six feet deep.
Posted by Zikat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
lol too funny. you get fulled by someone else and its my fault? lololololololol
76558, RE: Thuutai Ahmatu'ili is six feet deep.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He didn't say anything was your fault. He said you're a piece of crap who ruins the game for everyone.
76564, Liar!!!
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Straight up, you can lie to everyone else, but don't lie to yourself man.

At least step up and be an adult for once.
76567, Do not waste your time on him n/t
Posted by Beront on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
76543, I hate to jump on like this...
Posted by Forsakenz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But Borkahd is indeed groovy from many perspectives.

Go him.
76542, RE: Thuutai Ahmatu'ili is six feet deep.
Posted by Borkahd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the positive comments.

I really enjoyed the talks and little RP sessions we had and was really hoping that you would stick around for the long haul. You will be missed and I hope you pop back in one way or another.

76540, RE: Thuutai Ahmatu'ili is six feet deep.
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you made a pretty good scout. Good luck on your next.
76615, RE: Thuutai Ahmatu'ili is six feet deep.
Posted by Malachias on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Only problem I had with this guy, I was his first mage kill, and yeah he fled from me convulsing, ran to a healer and came back and killed me. When I asked why he was using healers if he was trying to be a Villager, his response was that he wasnt a Villager yet. Just left a real bad taste in my mouth. RP was great though, just not great Village RP IMHO.
76616, RE: Thuutai Ahmatu'ili is six feet deep.
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Heh I'm not hard core enough or good enough at this game to be that much of a purist when it comes to not using healers before cabal induction. Magic, sure, but a healer? I think it's ok. Then again, I'm not a battle imm.
76619, RE: Thuutai Ahmatu'ili is six feet deep.
Posted by Malachias on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would be willing to bet Baer would sing a different tune if I was conjurer, and conjured up some nasty nightgaunt to kill an evil guy, then tried to become a Squire. Its the same thing. Healers are forbidden to the Village, just like nightgaunts are to the Fortress.
76620, RE: Thuutai Ahmatu'ili is six feet deep.
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, yes, Baer would react that way. One of the village imms would have to weigh in on the issue for the village.
76621, It depends on your RP and the village leaders at the time.
Posted by TheManNamedSam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
IMHO, at least.

I personally never used healers with my berserkers (and I didn't with my defender too, but that's besides the point) but I could definitely see a scout pre-app do so.

The real question is how quickly did he go from killing Malachias to getting Tahren to make him Village Applicant.
76623, RE: It depends on your RP and the village leaders at the time.
Posted by Malachias on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just dont get this line of thought that I have been getting from alot of people about the Village lately. I've played a few of them over the years, none great, since I still suck at PK, but enough to know that theres only one Tablet. And it doesnt differentiate the rules for Berserkers, scouts, and defenders. I cant tell you how many time I have been ganged by the Village, and been told, Oh well Im not a berserker, Im a defender. Where does this train of thought come from? Parity is parity, and from my understanding it is meant for EVERY villager, and only relaxed during certain times, not for certain paths within the Village. This whole rant was to basically ask the question, why do you see it being alright for a scout to use a healer pre-app, and not a defender, or berserker?
76625, RE: It depends on your RP and the village leaders at the time.
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
like he said, it depends on your RP, the battle Imms, and the leaders of the Village. Personally, I played a Villager recently and I did not use healers to get myself in.
76626, Time for a lecture.
Posted by Scrimbul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Different parts of the tablet apply more to different paths.

The Tablet can be reinterpreted as many times as the Paladin Code.

When I was playing my village bard and Akannia was abusing the #### out of 100% success rate cheap shot before the imms tweaked it because she knew I could fly, I told Graatch to pincer her ass while I got the #### out of dodge. Is that being cowardly? Not at all. If I can't kill a thug thief and he can, why the hell should I have to sit there and die when she trips me while he watches?

'Courage' is definitive based on your actual abilities and skill. A berserker can kill more people than a scout or defender bar none. A defender can survive the nastiest situations bar none, rivalling only a bard.

While I agree that using a healer to kill you stinks on ice, don't use it as a platform to jump to complain about other people toeing the line on RP. It has to, by it's very nature, be taken on a case by case basis.
76633, Kind of confused. I thought the village hates magic, not holy?
Posted by Dreth1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Haven't tried the village yet, but I was for sure under the impression that healers were ok?
76634, Because a scout's goals, and that of a berserker and a defender differ greatly.
Posted by TheManNamedSam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I could totally see a pre-app scout healing refresh at the healer as he learns the layabout of the Chasm, or the Empire, or the Nexus Island.

Basically, the big thing is this. Villagers need to have courage and pride. Parity is just some thing that people talk about to make them feel better, but in truth it's a case to case basis. I was a berserker and I killed Kasty's Emperor as he fought some Outlander warrior. Was my actions, taken in and of themselves, dishonorable for a berserker villager? Yes, I attacked someone who was fighting another. But by killing Kastellyn's Emperor, not only did I slay the greatest mage in Thera (at the time), but I had defeated someone who had slain countless hundreds of my brothers and sisters of the village (not to mention I had role reasons too). I got slightly bitched at by Vhloughvang (who agreed with me but had to make the effort) and An Immortal, but I think Kasty was cool with it (as a Battle IMM, I'm sure Khar was pissed, but getting her unholy back probably eased the pain) seeing as how he gave me con and didn't uninduct (and was the one who con-killed me! I love you Kasty!)

PS I didn't make a poncho of the corpse because I didn't think the situation warranted it.
76722, If I Personally See...
Posted by Yean on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
a char doing anything a Rager is not supposed to do pre app status, you can bet I'm making a note of it and giving him a harder induction. This includes using npc healers, asking priests for prays, doing mage-related quests, etc, and worse, ranking/travelling with mages (recently there was one). This is of course, after I read through the role and try to understand the char better as well.
76692, screenshot or it didn't happen.~
Posted by Aodh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM