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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(RAGE DELETE) [BATTLE] Luggbok Kuntug the Balanced Champion of Death, Drillmaster of Battle
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=76487
76487, (RAGE DELETE) [BATTLE] Luggbok Kuntug the Balanced Champion of Death, Drillmaster of Battle
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Feb 2 00:50:05 2009

At 9 o'clock AM, Day of Thunder, 17th of the Month of Winter
on the Theran calendar Luggbok perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
76492, Well it was pretty fun run
Posted by Luggy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This was my second Drillmaster and hard to say what number villager. I have always loved the village, its the lazy mans cabal really cause you never have to gather preps. Alot of fights with this warrior, but I figured I would try something diffrent with the spec/legacy combo. Sucked for fighting most warriors but it kicked ass for mages. I interacted with alot of people over Luggys life so I wont bother trying to do goodbyes. If you have something to say post and I will try to get around to replyin to it. Luggy really just got kinda boring for me, log on find one maybe two mages at most kill them then sit around bored the rest of the time. So I got a little sidetracked with playing him. Once I got the village built up from its near nothingness when I was made Drillmaster it just became more boring because so many villagers and so few mages.

I know some of you likely hated me but thats ok cause I likely hated you back. But I would say 85% of the people I interacted with I liked in one form or the other. Thanks to the Imms for showin me some imm <3. And you guys have a pretty kick ass game, Been playing for about 8 to 9 years now and will likely continue to do so.

As I said if you wish to say something post I will reply most likely

See ya in the fields suckas
76501, Good times man.
Posted by Forsakenz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hope you do another Villager because you can do better in so many ways.
76509, Good fights
Posted by Booorstone on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was fun mixing it up with you.

One of my biggest pet peeves in the world are people who brag about winning a fight, not one-on-one, but when I am forced to go after someone at their inner guardian because I just smoked them in a straight one-on-one fight. And then shortly quit after said encounter after I was forced to flee.

That caused me to be in a bad mood that one time talking to you and I apologized. You were not the person who did above, so I shouldn't have vented to you. Beyond that, interesting fights and thanks for letting me mix it up with you.

76510, Mixed review
Posted by Fjarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Luggbok was one of those characters that I could really respect early on. From my (albeit limited) vantage, you were stuck with the Drillmaster title, but you did the duties of the Commander throughout Luggbok's life. You took a weak village after a drought without Commander or Drillmaster and were able to bring it back to life. It's not an easy task, as anyone who has had a leadership character can attest, and your work was appreciated - so much so that we kept you as Drillmaster, a spot you had easily earned through your dedication.

On the negative side, you complained a whole lot, especially right before the Rites. There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes, and mortal characters don't get to see all of it. When I'm getting things ready and talking with Yean and working out the logistics of how to choose the next Commander of the village, that might not be the best time to complain that so-and-so is breaking the "rules" by participating. It might have seemed that way to you, but he had already voiced his intent to participate (to the imms), but was going to be out of town or something that weekend. Since the plan changed and he was available, it was right to allow him to participate, even if the original participant list -you- saw didn't have him there. The first complaint was allright, and I thought I'd more or less addressed it as best I could in an IC sort of way. It was the pushing and pushing and pushing afterward that sticks out in my mind now.

So Luggbok leaves the world with a mixed review from Fjarn. You did a fine job leading the village, acting as Commander even if you never held the formal title. But while I'm certainly available if there are complaints (part of my job, I know), I felt you tended to pass that constructive limit and into the annoying zone.

Anyway, good luck with your next, and I hope you can use my comments constructively for future characters.
76512, Meh.
Posted by Enbuergo2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What I saw from Luggbok didn't live up to a rager applicant, let alone a drillmaster.

Steadfast patrol of Galadon/Voralian/Hamsah while shying away from any more exotic climes where he might not be able to get to the Destructor in a pinch; ganging when no ganging was necessary; refusal to go after mages where he might die once he got his nice set; calling for help in one on one fights; mouthing off about how brave he was during same; and all the while boggling the playerbase by posting rants with his Dio's player handle. After a while, I flipped the ignore switch and had nothing more to do with him, simply because of the irritation factor.

He might have been the bee's knees to everyone else, but to me he was just another generic deathblow villager whose player oozed through the chinks in the armor.
76545, What happened did I stomp your ass or something?
Posted by Luggy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bitch all you want man I think its funny
76559, Nope. You ran away, mouthed off, and hid at the D.~
Posted by Enbuergo2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
76576, Don't take this as me taking a side:
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I'd be curious to see how you'd do playing a Battle warrior.
76580, We'll see.
Posted by Enbuergo2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I will be the first to admit I'd probably suck at being a villager and end up rage deleting, which is probably the admission you are trying to elicit. But although I might suck and rage delete, in the meantime I'd live up to what my ideals of a villager should be. Luggbok was far from that, while maintaining both IC and OOC (although differentiating two was difficult at times) his Battle Awesomeness, which is what irritated me enough to care to post about it.

That said, I only play a character or two every couple of years, and plan to take another CF hiatus after this one. If I don't, I'll contemplate your challenge (as I will your wife's about Maran). However, the last time I tried to play a villager in circa 2000, my fire giant app was expected to have an encyclopedic command of All Things Battle. That char didn't last long, and neither would a future one if things haven't changed.
76590, RE: We'll see.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I will be the first to admit I'd probably suck at being a
>villager and end up rage deleting, which is probably the
>admission you are trying to elicit.

Nah, not exactly. I just think doing it for a while gives you a different perspective. When you think you're seeing Battle being ####ty, probably sometimes you are, and probably sometimes the call they're making makes a lot of sense from their point of view or reflects limitations that you're not realizing.

Again, I'm not saying to what degree which I think is which in this case or taking a side in this argument. Honest!
76581, Its very easy for me to tell all he plays is magi of some sort
Posted by Luggy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Because when your on foot everywhere you got its a whole new ballgame

Could be wrong but I think I am pretty sure who he plays and if I am correct he only plays characters that can hide/duo/camo so they cant be seen. So a village warrior is out of the question for him.
76513, Yup sure enough I complained a little as Luggy
Posted by Luggy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Kinda s slap in the face to be honest to bring the village from nothing to something just to see others breaking rules set in place

But anyway you where an ok imm, wanna hear something real funny Fjarn? I remember beating your ass in the rites long ago when you where in them with my last drillmaster ROFL. But still you where cool man. Always around and always seen which I like for imms. Thanks for the advice though and I will try to work it in to my next villager
76519, Thing is
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
that you did not bring village from nothing to something. But player who play villagers did. You just helped them to get in faster. You probably could bring village somewhere if you changed cabal wars dynamics but from what I've seen you did not. May be I did not see everything though.
76522, I wanted to change the war dynamics but as Drillmaster you are
Posted by Luggy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
not allowed to do such. Only the commander can declaire war on another cabal. I spoke with Yean about it a couple times wanting to go to war with the spire and the fort, but alas I was only Drillmaster
76525, RE: Thing is
Posted by Dark Priest on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know when I left as Gahtho the Village was far from being in poor shape and it wasn't all that long.
76529, Dont get me wrong bro
Posted by Luggy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am in no way saying you left the village in bad shape. After you left though it was without guidance for a while. Alot of the higher lvls deleted/ autoed which ever. For ever it was just me and Hask, every time I logged in it was me and Hask. So at that time yes the village was in piss poor shape. That in no way has anything to do with you at all. I am sure that Hask can attist to it ####y shape though for a long time after you where gone and there was no commander and no drillmaster. I think there where maybe 3 to 4 active villagers including myself when they made me Drillmaster. Yean told me to build the village so I tried my best.

Oh by the way, you where a kickass villager man and thanks for inducting me.

See ya in the fields
76533, RE: Dont get me wrong bro
Posted by Dark Priest on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was fun ;) Good luck with your next.
76520, About the "rule breaking".
Posted by Iegob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I sent a note directly when I saw the rites were coming, I was supposed to be working nights all of that weekeend. So in my note I basiclly stated (ICly I think) that I'll to 99% certainty wouldn't avaible to join the rites.

The day before the rites I got a real bad cold, still thought I would be well enough to work, but I took a chance and told Yean that I was able to join and if it was alright. I got the OK, and to my bad luck (It actually is bad luck since staying home a day from work costs me a fortune) I was still sick, and able to join the rites.
76521, Ooh, and one more thing.
Posted by Iegob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Even though I disliked Luggbok, I think you did a damned good job as drillmaster bringing the village back up to it's feet, AND from all that I saw both as Zefta and as Iegob I think you were a fine villager PK-wise, didn't see any of the crap some people are saying.

Though we both know why we dislike eachother so enough of that crap. :D
76518, RE: Well it was pretty fun run
Posted by Thomayen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had no problems with Luggy at all. In fact, I rather liked him. I thought you did very well with him. Good work, sorry it got boring!

76546, Thanks, I enjoyed our talks in the war room
Posted by Luggy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you where a very solid villager and it was nice to have one of those around.
76550, Its like you want to be me. Yet you suck and whine far more often.
Posted by Kanye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Often imitated never duplicated! GOOOOOOO ME!
76551, Whats funny to me is I dont even know who the #### you are scrub
Posted by Luggy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Other than someone everyone bitches about being a douche
76552, RE: Whats funny to me is I dont even know who the #### you are scrub
Posted by Kanye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But anyway you where an ok imm, wanna hear something real funny Fjarn? I remember beating your ass in the rites long ago when you where in them with my last drillmaster ROFL. But still you where cool man.

Wow, I bet Fjarn is impressed. Surely all of us are impressed with your bragging. Which Drillmaster was this exactly? You want us to be impressed by give no past character list.
76573, And still no idea who you are other than some douche everyone
Posted by Luggy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
bitches about lol. Keep trying I guess lil fella one day you may be important but I doubt it
76582, Jalenkan??? nt
Posted by CD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
76604, Naw, I'm thinking the cloud giant sword spec Drillmaster to Golhyrr
Posted by Just Guessing on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't think Jalenkan ever fought in the rites.
76589, RE: Well it was pretty fun run
Posted by Yean on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gonna echo Fjarn on this one, Luggbok was a mix of the good and the bad. You actually did pretty damn well when your temper didn't get the best of you, but once it did, it got ugly. I could tell you did try to keep it in check after we talked about it before Drillmastering, so it's a ####ing shame that you let it slip again at the end there.

The Village was in pretty bad shape for some time like you mentioned. The numerous autos/deletes/con-deaths contributed mostly. I had Umiel pegged for Drillmaster, but then he stopped showing and eventually autoed. There weren't many good ragers left but you had initiative, had killed many mages, stepped up plus stuck around, often alone, when the odds were bad. For that, you deserved the shot at Drillmaster, and remained as one even after the Rites.

You have the potential to make your char standout - all you need to do is keep that temper in line. If you're fuming mad, log out, cool down and come back again. Also, you tended to spread some misinfo and badmouthed other ragers behind your back due to obvious player (and not really char) dislikes. It would be good to cut that out as well.

I need to run for now..will post more later if there's anything else I have to say.
76593, I can not disagree with one thing you said
Posted by Luggy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You where by far the Imm I had the most interaction with. And honestly I enjoyed it all even the bad interactions. Thanks for giving me the chance at Drillmaster. Your right though my temper does get the best of me sometimes. And I did try to work on that some. But that last death when I lost link and Satebos summoned me and killed me, then Cyrn and Kolruk who I had just killed and left everything was standing over my empty corpse full looting it. Yup it caused me to snap and with fags like that doing fag #### like that after I had just left Kolruk everything he had totally made me go off. That was the point I decided I was done with Luggy. And to be honest I thought about just being done with the game all togeather. Everyone bitches about the Empress and her ganging people down as a lich. Well the Empress is nothing compared to fags like Cyrn who will full loot/sac everything in someones corpse just to be a douche (AKA Kostyn the fagtard) People like him make the game worthless at times simply by being the #### they are. And dont get it mistaken I dont call him that cause he kicked my ass or anything I killed him several times one on one.

Then I figured why stop playing a game I like to play when I dont interact with fags like Cyrn. But thanks for the advice and I have been trying to work on controlling my temper more and it seems to be working. And thanks for the compliments about making my characters stand out. You are an awesome battle imm and do good things for the Village. I am sure I will have another villager in the future, its one cabal I could never get away from.

See ya in the fields
76595, Many agree he's a f**ktard. Probably he does too...
Posted by NotCyrn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Don't let him get you down. Eventually people will stop interacting with people like that and they'll get the hint.
76597, Killed me? Several times? Ahahahahaha
Posted by Beront on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry, you didn't. I killed Lugbok atleast twice. You were so whiny about your shines. Even when I took one thing from your corpse.

Good luck with your next. I can't wait to full sac you.

Whiny whiny whiny baby. Another britney.
76598, No, I am not Cyrn
Posted by Beront on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I do enjoy him and his Ilix. I would prefer to have 2 of them instead 2 of luggboks. They do the ####, but they don't try to cover it. And they are much more better in pk.
76599, I was going to just keep quiet, but...
Posted by Lenfelin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How can you same a damned thing about full loot/sacing anyone? Three times you killed me out of form and the third time you try and full sac me? Only reason I got anything back was because you killed me at my recall spot, on my way to quit for the night btw, and I was able to grab a few things before you finished. This being before the change about destroying corpses. Not once before that had I even attacked you. Yet there you were, sacing everything I had. This was before Cyrn would have been high enough level to even touch you. So you can't go blaming him for why you did it to me. You reap what you sow my friend.

I feel dirty for writing this now, but you want to bitch about others, look at yourself first.
76606, Well Len your first mistake
Posted by Luggy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Is not realizing that Cyrn was in his 40's before I even made Luggy I think. He has sit at the high fourties since I can remember. And untill my linkdead death to Satebos Cyrn never got to loot me. He can claim he left all my things when him and Ilix got me at the Destructer when I was already at 600hp when they came but thats because there was four other villagers there who grabbed my stuff for me. So you saying its before Cyrn was high enough lvl to touch me it just shows me how little attention you pay.

Open your eyes chief

See ya in the fields
76694, You type as intelligently as Rogue and Pro...
Posted by Aodh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yet I don't think you are them. Care to attach a handle to this amazing circus of boorishness?

Also, way to totally ignore Lenfelin's post. Terrible straw man argument. His point was- you CRY about Cyrn looting people, yet you behaved the SAME way to Lenfelin.

Be a big boy about things, chum. Man up. Let's have some disclosure.
76699, Most famous character of JohnnyBoy within!
Posted by TheManNamedSam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Second most well-known!:
76701, ROFL damn Raheena was for ever ago it feels like
Posted by Johnnyboy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And Drudental was my first serious hero before I even considered RP'n
Didnt give a #### at all, and just wanted to kill people so thats what I did with Drudental. Raheena on the other hand I spent lots of time RP'n with many people. Some liked it some didnt, but I give my Muse Eshval all the credit for getting me into RP'n. So now I tend to RP a lot more than I use to, it can be fun.
76721, Thanks man. That's some impressive work.~
Posted by Aodh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
76601, I had a great time with Luggbok
Posted by Cyrn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Sorry you took your death far worse than I did when I died and lost all my gear to you. Essentially you forgot that Kolruk probably wore 90 percent of the stuff. And you were convinced you would never die in my presence so I welcomed the challenge of me taking your stuff, as promised(Other than the time we killed you at the big D and left you yours).
76605, RE: Well it was pretty fun run
Posted by Neztilin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I liked running around with Luggbok, but watching you lose your cool and call people fags really made me lose my desire to log in and interact with you.

After a while I got over it, but you might want to choose your words a little more carefully next time you get pissed off.