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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Iegob Strong the Bloodied Beast of Might, Veteran of Battle
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=76197
76197, (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Iegob Strong the Bloodied Beast of Might, Veteran of Battle
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat Jan 24 09:20:46 2009

At 5 o'clock AM, Day of Freedom, 18th of the Month of the Long Shadows
on the Theran calendar Iegob perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
76261, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Iegob Strong the Bloodied Beast of Might, Veteran of Battle
Posted by Enlilth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So there I am snooping you while you're in Thar Acacia, and note you need like 1 xp to hero. I think.. eh F it, and gave you 10. I liked Iegob a lot. I was hoping you'd be around a lot longer, but I knew better. This was a solid effort, and I was really REALLY pulling for you to get Commader. I was a little upset to hear you couldn't make rites. In one of those "aww damn" kind of ways. Good luck with the next. Real life has been beating me down lately, so I haven't had the chance to interact the way I like to.
76269, Yeah, about rites...
Posted by Iegob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was supposed to be working nights fri-sun. But I caught a cold on the thursday. Still wasn't feeling to good and didn't think I'd make it on the friday. But on the saturday evening I was feeling ALOT better so planned on working sunday night, so decided to stay up on the saturday to turn the clock around. And thanks to that, I DID join the rites. :D

A shame you weren't there then to pull a few more strings. ;) I think I would have handeled the char alot differently after the rites if I would have gotten it. I mean common, the whole char, the whole role was built around Iegob wanting to become the commander.

Thanks alot though for cool interactions, as always. :D
76350, Now I feel like a bubble burster :x (nt)
Posted by Borkahd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
76352, Oooh, don't. :D I had a REAL fun ride. Just a goal that failed.n/t
Posted by Iegob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
76244, Good Char
Posted by Yean on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you were one of the better Ragers out there..stuck out and stood out especially in the earlier days pre-Commander. I liked your whole 'I like to smash, I smash hard' rp. The intro note to Battle was cool and caught my attention, and I liked the way you recommended apps as well. Glad you enjoyed, looking forward to your next char!
76248, Thanks alot! :D
Posted by Iegob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm glad most people enjoyed Iegob as much as they did. Yeah, that thing with the notes... I wasn't sure it would be any good at first, but none seemed to complain and it fitted Iegob's role quite well. ;)

I'll be in battle quite soon again, just have a few other builds to try out.
76200, Goodbyes.
Posted by Iegob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This char was really a blast! I was gunning for commander to 110% as most people couldn't avoid to notice.

Oooh, and one more thing. Iegob didn't know anything about good evil neutral etc. So, for a VERY long time he was surprised that some people just attacked him, like elves, storm giants etc. And he had no clue to why the fortress hunted him. After a while though he decided that offense was the best defense, so most of the time he saw an elf, storm giant or someone he knew was of the fortress, he attacked. It wasn't until Enlilth tried to explain it to Iegob that he grasped a little. :D

As Iegob I did my best to be an incredibly stupid beast. And it seem that it upset a few of the villagers. ^^ I even got the feeling that a certain person wanted to boot me. Thank god that I at least got veteran after the rites so that couldn't happen.

Anyways, all that stuff Iegob said, being a bit harsh and throwing orders around himself was all IC.

Iegob was really a damroll build, I wanted to see how high of a damroll I could get. Unfortunatly gear didn't seem to be my strong side with this char. Sure I had a decent set for a while, but not the stuff I really wanted.
Stacking cry of thunder + berserk + bloodthirst gave me at the most 115 damroll. (14+10+20, and base damroll of 71)

I had a ton of really funny fights where I won right after my enemies thought it was over and they should've won.

All in all, I loved playing Iegob. Even if I experienced ALOT of lowbie looting. (Not so much looting from other heros though.)

Imms: Thanks ALOT for all the loving, lastname, title, veteran, the bits of imm-xp here and there. And thanks for the final xp to 51 Enlilth. :D Sneaky to put that in right before the mob I was fighting died. 1xp to lvl and I was getting 1500xp/kill. hehe

Hmm, I'll start with Luggbok: I liked you at first, but actually, the more I got to know you, the more I disliked you. I was hoping that your behaviour was IC, but I got a feeling that it wasn't. After the rites I was just overly happy that you didn't get commander. And accusing me of cheating during the rites in a tell, and then getting upset for me taking up infront of everyone. Bah, just pissed me off. I don't have that much good to say about your char except that you're doing great PK-wise.

Borkhad: I think you'll do great as commander, flawless RP, good pk-attitude. No idea how deadly you are though as most of the time I was either a ghost, or you were a ghost. ^^

Grulgor: My second twin! Had a lot of fun with you. Sometimes you seemed like a real newbie, othertimes you knew quite a bit of stuff. Comeback char?

Nez: Cool drow RP, and thanks for all the help lvling. :D

Selene: Nasty build you've got there! Sure is a warriorkiller.

Mel (New elf bard?): Thanks ALOT for the poem! None has ever made one because of me before. :D I really really appriciate it.

There are lots of ragers right now, and I really loved the rest of you too. :D I've always enjoyed the village.

The rest of you out there, just post something and I'll reply. Met alot of really cool enemies and allies.
76202, RE: Goodbyes.
Posted by zhurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
if you are so confident you shouldent have lost our fight ,you might consider posting it on dios? i dont have it, but wanted to see from your side.
76204, Posted. (In 2 mins.) n/T
Posted by Iegob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
76205, About my build.
Posted by Iegob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just LOVED my build. Cranial, boneshatter, warcry. I rarely used bloodthirst, which proved to be a mistake many times since when I finally did want to use it... I only had 71% in it and failed ALOT. Had a fight the other day with Kassibaz, I failed bloodthirsting 4 times in a row. Which of course got me killed. (Couldn't warcry at the time...)

I remember some fight, can't recall against who though, but I was hitting CAPS through stone skin, aura, shield, barrier.

And that fight against Ikbe I did a OBLIT DB through shield, stoneskin, barrier. (That that was only with 90-95ish damroll.)

My biggest problem though was finding none-blunt weapons. As far as I know there are only 2 maces that does divine power/wrath for an evil, lawful villager. Vainglory and Fordurn...

Luckily I had either of them most of the time. heh Lots of mace users out there. ;)

I also had H2H, but I NEVER used it really. Had like 85% in ironhands only. ;)
76209, I think that was me (caps damage through dam redux),
Posted by TheManNamedSam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were freaking mean man. Real freaking man. Though you never got me, and I pretty sealed one of your deaths.

I have a soft spot for Fire Giant berserkers.

GLWYN, and stop being such a gear whore lol.
76215, I liked your character.
Posted by Vhelamina on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wanted to fight you more at hero with my current set. Though spellbane would have started to become more of a an annoyance.

You reminded me alot of Charunycain, i liked that character too but never got to fight him. You both had fun characters but they tend to con-die rather quickly, though i suppose it keeps it from getting boring.

Oh and that time you got three rounded by Graelok, he was quickened by me. GLWYN :)

76216, I liked you as well.
Posted by Iegob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You keep telling me that I should be your pet, me pretending not to understand half of the things you said. ;)

That time on eastern road when you jumped into the fight with Gryssil... Man, I was like writing when you jumped, then those two DBs really ate you up. I was like "WTH! Did I just survive this?".
76217, RE: I liked you as well.
Posted by Vhelamina on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You know i look back to that log now and just think, 'if only'. If only i had only cast my own protection spells on myself never mind the shield and barrier, not sure i even had aura on. Even then,i should have taken my chances with disrupt bone since i think your natural resistance help against disruption. Or if only i had attempted to slow you first then the cat would have had a better chance to kill you since i had quickned him.

Anyways point is alot of things i could have done better. That said i once agian learned that charging a rager when your a slowed mage with only ~600 hp is just never a good idea. :)

Personally i enjoyed the time i started fighting with that villager and told you to wait your turn mid fight which you did. Then you didn't want to fight me because i was injured. It seemed show the player behind your character, you seemed to care more about fun then the numbers.

76219, Well, yes, I do.
Posted by Iegob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So, Gryssil was hastened during that fight? That explains he managed to hit me so much with his polearm!

And yes, I care more about the fun for many than to just rack up kills or whatever. Though I care more for the fun of myself. hehe

I'd say that 120/180 hour during this chars life I was whining WAY to much about losing gear. But that's something that got stuck in my head after playing Zefta and not being able to loot. ^^
76206, I'm going to miss you coming in to my city saying hello...
Posted by Lenfelin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved that when ever you were awake, I knew you would come in and check on me in the city. I was so mad that time you and the commander came (you to take out the guild guard, him to fight me) that you got away. I had nothing left and I couldn't stay in form so I had to retreat and I think you were writhing. I rest for a couple hours and then found the commander hiding. Was pretty mad you got away though!

We had some good fights and I enjoyed everyone of them. Much respect. GLWYN
76208, Yeah, I remember that fight.
Posted by Iegob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Booorstone showed up as well, and I had like 180hps left. ;) Bork had healed up and fought Booorstone but got impaled, so he tried to rest it off. Got caught though. So I got away but he didn't. ;)

Lots of fun fights, the one in the mountains was pretty insane! Where I died TWICE thanks to losing the head. ;)

Well, I really did like you. Nothing bad at all to say, and our interactions was kinda cool. Even though it was mostly fight.
76207, RE: Goodbyes.
Posted by Borkahd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the positive comments. I enjoyed our interactions and hate to see you go. GLWYN!
76212, Farewell, Mr. Strong. Would that had met more!
Posted by Zizzle1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
(But I didn't like the look of those rather large maces made of a certain malingering, maliferous metal! )x(
76214, Yeah, a bit shame we didn't interact that much.
Posted by Iegob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I LOVED interacting with you as Zefta. So was hoping to get some cool stuff from you with Iegob. Unfortunatly it wasn't much, I had much more sporadic logins with Iegob...

I love your char though! Keep it up! Kickass RP!
76220, Pain only pain
Posted by Kassibaz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fighting you was not fun. I remember the fight in the sewers... and well since then I was wary of you. Once we fought at hero it changed a bit but eating mangles, and the occasional deathblow is not the most fun for a low hp warrior. I really really liked your attitude and thought you were what a Villager should be, suicidal skilled and always up for a fight.

Good luck with the next cough nexan cough
76223, Thanks dude!
Posted by Iegob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I liked Kassibaz, and Iegob had some respect for you. And after our last fights were you just kept coming after getting beat up over and over again... Well, I was certain that at some point I'd run out of luck and you'd get me somehow. But right then I had alot of +str gear so wasn't going to drop my weapons anytime soon. ^^

My next won't be a villager though, was thinking nexun, but no... Not ready to try nexuns out just yet. Got something else I'd like to play first. ;)
76230, RE: Goodbyes.
Posted by Booorstone on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Take care Iegob. We had been battling each other off and on since the middle 20s. I am sure there is a lot of Nexus hate out there, but I always tried to leave everything you had any time I could. I also did fight you one on one a lot, and never really "brought the possee" unless I was outnumbered or you or I were raiding.

Couple days ago, the seven rager raid was quite a scary thing to walk into. We got lucky and came out on top, but it was fun.

76231, Yeah, that last raid was great fun!
Posted by Iegob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And yes, should've added you to the list of people willing to solo-tango. ;) Though our times didn't match up that often lately. A shame.

You're a beast though, was certain I had you, until my warcry fell and you changed weapons. Real ugly.

And add to that I had 6 con at the moment, I couldn't heal for #### even though your bleeding didn't hurt me. (I just LOVE thick veined)
76242, RE: Goodbyes.
Posted by Khalla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Pretty cool giant there Iegob. I generally considered you an ally of sorts but just wanted to have some fun with you the other night-- I had to do something for the perceived bossing around *wink wink*. That sure was unlucky you missed all those boneshatters. GLWYN.
76247, Hehe, indeed.
Posted by Iegob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I also considered you an ally of some sorts, that's why Iegob had no clue what you meant when you asked for the duel. ;)

Man, that was ALOT of missed boneshatters. Had I hit the first or second the fight would have turned out completly different. ^^

I'm quite happy that my "bossiness" was obvious. That is what I wanted with the char. :D
76252, You had my number in the rites
Posted by Thomayen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I must admit I'm a little surprised you con died already. You really had my number in the rites. That mithril hammer helped a bit too ;>!
I don't blame you for coming after me with it, that's the way it happens, although I was a bit disappointed you hammered my back while I was fighting Selene. I really wanted to see where that fight was going!

Anyways, good luck with future characters.
76253, Yeah, was a bad matchup.
Posted by Iegob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And it got worse after the 1vs1 in the all vs all when I picked up the mithril hammer. I think that's what brought Luggbok down as well, divine power... ;)
76254, I love the rites weapons :) White double-blade axe of Nimbus anyone? NT
Posted by TheManNamedSam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think that's what it's called.
76255, Its great you can keep them, too.
Posted by Thomayen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think its just called a white-doubled bladed axe, and when you look at it it has something to do with Nimbus. I've had it in the past and loved it because when you died, it didn't look like anything special on your corpse. It would often get overlooked by looters.

I looked and looked and never found a sword. I thought I had remembered seeing one in rites in the past. Anyone see one or pick it up?
76256, I honestly think it's the Skull Sword. IE Not in the rites area. NT
Posted by TheManNamedSam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
76282, RE: Goodbyes.
Posted by Malthalia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, what can I say...new to the village, and one of the first things I see is you going charging out to fight when you probably should have just stayed inside and defended. I was impressed with the guts that took, and the fight :)
76286, Well, I wasn't ONLY guts, a small bit of tactic.
Posted by Iegob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As you might have noticed I scanned a lot. When I saw Ikbe lose barrier I dashed in with a cranial. ;)

Thanks again though. And hopefully that is the sort of thing you'll see a lot as a ranger, see or do. :D
76285, Really liked Iegob! (nt)
Posted by Neztilin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
76210, RE: Goodbyes.
Posted by Luggy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You where an idiot who did idiotic things and Luggy found you to be to stupid to run the village. Every interaction I ever had with you was IC, cause Luggy has not went OOC on any one in a long time. And to be honest there was just something about you I disliked and now I realize what it is. Besides the fact you charged into unwinnable battles against foolish odds with no care for your life or others with you. And you say you hit a 100+ dam roll which I think is funny cause this character lasted you a whole what 2 weeks if that at hero?
Luggy has packed that dam roll around for 2 months now. Perhaps if you wouldnt give off such a cocky attitude when you have no reason to people wouldnt find you to be such a dumb ass but I doubt it. Stick witht the russians they suit you best.
76211, You know what they say about glass houses.... NT
Posted by TheManNamedSam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
76213, Well...
Posted by Iegob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Iegob was a cocky bastard IC, first time I play that sort of role. But nevermind.

Iegob didn't last very long no. Before the rites I was doing very well, I had 15ish con when the rites began. After the rites I realized that I'd most likely not make commander since I doubted I'd survive Borkahd. That's why I threw myself at some really dumb fights. I actually decided that I wouldn't flee from any battles after the rites. (I did flee from a few, but mostly I kept that promise.)

Though I seriously doubt I got anyone else killed thanks to my own actions. (Except for Selene once, that summon trap was no fun...)

You realized what it was that made you dislike me? Well, what was it then besides that I charged into unwinnable battles?

Btw, I'll see if I can't find a logg or two where that actually payed off.

No, really, perhaps Luggbok as a char disliked Iegob, but what I felt (Ofc I could be wrong, just how I felt.) was that you as a player disliked the player behind Iegob and that shouldn't be shining through.
76218, Yeah its great to run to village and bloodthirst east of giant everytime you face a tough fight.
Posted by Mage meat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
76221, This was for luggbok not iegob.
Posted by Mage meat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
76236, hah
Posted by Cyrn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

-- And you say you hit a 100+ dam roll which I think is funny cause this character lasted you a whole what 2 weeks if that at hero?
Luggy has packed that dam roll around for 2 months now. --

Really regret deciding not to loot you now. All the props to Iegob.
76292, Luggy you are a cock
Posted by Abernytee on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Iegob makes you want to roll a new villager but knowing you are still in the village might just postpone that.

76293, Thanks for those nice words. :D
Posted by Iegob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm glad I can inspire people. And I'm real sorry that Luggbok dislikes me, and I'm even more sorry that I dislike him.
76505, RE: Goodbyes.
Posted by Fjarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really enjoyed Iegob, and thought the simple, brutish giant roleplay was well done. It's hard to play a dumb giant, but you did so without making it feel tired. And you took a great, creative path toward writing your notes and recommendations..

From pbf:

Sun Jan 11 00:18:10 2009 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (145 hrs):
An Immortal added 2000 exp for: An awesome showing in the Rites, and making it to the Wits! - per Yean.

Sun Jan 11 22:30:24 2009 by 'Yean' at level 51 (149 hrs):
Titled, made Veteran and cabal edge awarded as well for being an extremely close call for Commander picking.

I wanted to comment on the Rites - You did a very good job during the test of wits. You earned your way there, and I just wanted to give you my appreciation for maintaining role throughout the test of wits. As a player, you probably know the "right" answer, or the right way to answer to impress, but Iegob skipped through the crap and answered the way Iegob would. That was awesome, and I felt like I was sitting at a table with a giant who was ready to stop talking and go mash some skulls. After flowery happy responses from everyone, I just pictured this massive giant glancing around before saying something to the effect of: "Uh... I have no idea what you all just said, but I'm going to get pissed if we don't go smash some mages soon." (paraphrased and de-giantized, of course). Just awesome. As Yean mentioned in the pbf quote above, the choice for Commander was absurdly close, and I'm glad you brought Iegob's style to the table.

Good luck with your next.
76199, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Iegob Strong the Bloodied Beast of Might, Veteran of Battle
Posted by Zerrla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It is a pity. Amy time i enjoyed fights with you. resect man and good luck with next!
76201, Had a lot of fun with you!
Posted by Iegob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We leveled for quite a bit when low-levels, you even killed an imperial that attacked me. ^^ So I was VERY surprised that you became one yourself.

A shame that we rarely got to fight 1vs1. It's no joke when I say that ATLEAST 90% of my fights with the empire was 3vs1 or 4vs1. ^^
76198, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Iegob Strong the Bloodied Beast of Might, Veteran of Battle
Posted by zhurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sad to see this, had hoped for more fights between you and me.....

you finelly got our one and one fight : - )
76203, Somehow, I bot like you and I despise you...
Posted by Iegob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But, for what it's worth, I was quite a equipment whiner for most part of Iegobs life, I guess playing Zefta made me become a bit more whiny. Finally I've over that though.

But you, are still to careful... You're build is kickass, you should be running around solo pwning. I knew when I was about to fight you that if I did the slightest mistake I'd die. And I started out with a mistake...

Facing your build, the worst thing that can happen is getting permalagged. Since in 100% of the fights you'd outmelee me. So, I was supposed to start the fight with murder, and then go for warcry/bloodthirst. That way I'd outmelee you with my +34 damroll hasted. ^^ But, somehow I had my attack variable set up wrong, so I started with cranial. Which of course led to you battering me. And then tripping me 3 times in 4 rounds. ^^ Perma lagg, and of course outmeleed. ^^

In 1vs1 against the empire I lost 1 fight. And that was against you. Well, I lost against Ahtieli and her full army too, but I escaped and didn't die. But still. Totally I had 2 fights to the death 1vs1 against the empire. 1 against Gryssil, 1 against you. Won one, lost the other. The rest of the time I faced someone from the empire 1vs1, they ran covered or gushing.
76240, I beg to differ
Posted by Nererial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We fought 1 v 1 a few times, and from what I remember I didn't end up running unless help was on its way for you. Neither was to the death, but both I think I was coming out on top if there was no interference. Admittedly shaman vs rager is a lop-sided match-up in most cases.

Having said that, I thought Iegob was an amazing character, who added a great deal to the game, and like Zefta, I can only applaud him. When I look around at some of the pathetic stuff that players do, like the selective logging in since I became anathema, people like you restore my desire to play.
76246, Nererial! I totally forgot about you!
Posted by Iegob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're THE dude. :D I really wanted you to become emperor and I wanted to pursuade you to remove the black sect. ^^ ;)

Yes, we did have quite a few 1vs1. Good ones. Had some fun runing around with you later.

Do you remember having the first talk with me when I was like, lvl 15 or so? ;) Was hilarious.

Haven't seen you in a while. :( I hope you stick it out! You have a cool char!