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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectEnrai deleted.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=75929
75929, Enrai deleted.
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This character was really not fun.

Another goodie, because I seriously can NOT get into evil RP no matter how hard I try. And I get bored even faking it, because it basically requires learning the game all over again.

I played a Shaman, because someone suggested it and I've never played one, even though I love empowerees. It was fun up through the mid-ranks. Then once everyone started using saves and running away after 2 rounds it got tedious. I tried not to rot people too much, because I hate killing people without an actual fight. Only time I rot;worded was when fighting big groups. And even that was fairly rare.

Baer, you're still cool. But aside from a few (I emphasize FEW) folks in the Fort, I had pretty much zero enjoyable interactions. And the last couple days, I probably didn't make it any better. Especially today. I just found myself bitter logging in, even.

Today I realized I was only playing because I was a Leader and they needed someone to show up. But.. there was just nothing fun about this character. And playing CF was genuinely annoying. So.. I deleted.

Baer, sorry for deleting. Sorry for being a mediocre, forgettable Captain, and even worse follower. But I just couldn't force myself to really get into this RP. I'm still astounded by the progression from Squire to Captain though. That has to be some kind of record.

Una, Quolencia, Illian, Haidoril- Ya'll are cool. I enjoyed hanging out with you most of the time.

Beyond that, I'm not gonna mention any other characters because I pretty much have nothing good to say.
76005, RE: Enrai deleted.
Posted by Hayim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tough road you had, especially in the last couple weeks. In one man's opinion you were doing a good job and getting better, if also a bit more seriouser, which came with the job I suppose. I'm sure you'll be back soon enough if not already. Good luck with that.
76004, RE: Enrai deleted.
Posted by Corticas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry to be so annoying about getting you to induct me. It was hard trying to catch you online the same time as myself.

Liked Enrai. Thanks for the chance. Good luck with your next.
75993, What the hell.
Posted by Drue on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you were a good leader. Thanks for giving me the time. I hate pestering leaders for interviews and all that. With my playtimes limited to weekends for the moment it was kind of hard ranking to get to a point where I can conjure effectively. Trying to take out people with magic missile and some hit and runs is not that easy to finish them off. Servitors is making things much easier. Ha.

I got some neat ideas for when I rank up and you were definately part of those plans.

You were agressive towards the enemies and again, thanks for the interactions.

Take care,
75994, I'm really glad you didn't take that the wrong way.
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Most players would have gotten bitter about it and given up, or at least whined anonymously on the forums.

And don't worry about pestering leaders too much. It's a good idea to let them know that you're online when they are (otherwise, they usually won't notice). Just don't do it hoping that they have time for you. Cause the majority of the time, they won't.
75981, I kind of felt you were very standoffish.
Posted by Armallyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I don't know much about Baerinikia's religion, and the pious hardass is a very viable role.

75989, The problem..
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was that you were an applicant that was already in hero range. That by itself raises some eyebrows (though granted, sometimes it happens beyond your control).

And in general, being a Leader takes a lot of time. Sometimes you just really don't want to interview someone at that particular moment. Not sure if you've played a leader or not in the past, but it's tedious at times.

So all of that, and coupled with the fact that I never saw you in the last week or so.. yeah, I guess things didn't work out too well for you.

I wouldn't say Enrai was standoffish. But he was opinionated and not afraid to call people out. I think the last conversation I ever had with you was exactly that. Me calling you out for guild sitting. Then you got PKed, and that interrupted the conversation and I never saw you again.

Sorry it rubbed you the wrong way, I guess. But I did try to go out of my way for the apps and the young Squires. But people fall through the cracks I guess.
75995, It's fine, hon. I stopped playing because work got hectic.
Posted by Armallyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...and that last death left me pretty much naked. I was upset because I made a dumb mistake like I always do.

Like I said, you played a pious, righteous priest well.

PS I only have 60 or so hours.
76009, Never met your character but...
Posted by Sometimes Idle. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Guild sitting? I mean alright maybe if something needed done like retrieval but sometimes it almost feels like there should be an IC way to remind people this is just a game not a job.
76011, It is a game...
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And he's allowed to play it however he would like.

However, I'm leading a cabal. It's my job to induct people who will help this cabal "win", and not induct people that won't.

From my perspective, this character wouldn't help the cabal win because he spent all his time sitting in his guild, rather than out and about trying to accomplish the cabal's goals.
76014, Um. Well...
Posted by Still idling. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I suppose thats ICly acceptable but there are OOC limits esspecially since you can't really win or lose people just have 'fun'.

That said, its sometimes very difficult to come up with the appropraite IC words to properly express yourself to people who don't understand that RL might be distracting you more then others. Some day i'll figure out polite IC phrases to '#### off, my baby just starting crying' or 'Shut the hell up. X and Y and Z'. The game already alienates and penalizes the players who have time constraits or are OOCly distracted. Still on top of that people have to listen to pompus ass characters call us out on what is often an ooc issue, ~le sigh~. Oh well...
76016, Meh..
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I understand all that. But if you're going to be spending all of your playtime in your guild, for WHATEVER reason, don't expect people to want you in their cabal.

Yes, the game does penalize people who are distracted and not playing it. That sucks, but it's no different than any other multiplayer game. There's no pause button on CF. And you can't expect other players to make sacrifices to accomodate you.
76017, RE: Meh..
Posted by Still idling. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thats fine. I wish people would stop bitching ICly about it though. Unless the cabal is fat someone else guild sitting doesn't really effect that cabal esspecially since again OOCly there is no way to 'win'.
76018, Fort was pretty fat at the time..
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And everything I talked to him about was something that I noticed in an IC way.

Specifically, this was an Invoker who wanted to be a Maran. But instead of killing evil, he was sitting in his guild. Every time I saw him.

As Captain, of course I'm going to notice and mention that. If I didn't, I wouldn't be doing my job.
76021, One thing, since you kinda keep badmouthing my character.
Posted by Armallyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Do I sit in my guild in Voralia a lot? Yes, it is my hometown and my home guild, so yes, I try to make sure my guildmaster is doing well as our his helpers.

Now, was I logged on during times where Enrai wasn't logged in? Yes. Was I doing stuff during those times? Yes. I've raided Empire, aided the former Captain, and fought Scions/Empire rather regularly.

Were there times I needed to perfect a spell? Yes. Were there times doing it in the guild would be the safest, best way to do it? Yes.

Please stop commenting about my character Java. I'm liking you less and less.
76022, Sorry, that's not what I was trying to say...
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Obviously your character doesn't just sit in the guild all day every day.

I'm just trying to justify what my CHARACTER saw. And my CHARACTER never (or at least very rarely) saw you outside of your guild. So of course, that's all he can use to justify his feelings.
76024, I just thought...
Posted by Idle some more. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was strange that someone who seems to hate it when other use 'lame' tactics because he feels take away the fun from the player behind the character take such a stance.

I mean you've posted that it annoys you when people full saccing others and generally grief others but here you are saying you rather not have someone who to your character might seem like a guild sitter in your cabal. Isn't that worse? That as a leader you'd prevent someone who is attempting to have some limited fun with their time constraits from even joining the LEET cabal that is fortress because they won't help you 'win'?

It just didn't make sense, almost hypocritical really but hey i don't know you, i've just clash with your characters once in a while so i'm not trying to bad mouth you or anything....that would be ignorant of me after all without knowing all the facts, right? :)

76025, Huh?
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Let me try to explain one more time.

Enrai NEVER saw this guy out of the guild. So when the guy asked (hinting for an induction interview), Enrai naturally questioned him on it. This alone didn't decide anything.

But the ensuing conversation made Enrai think that the character wasn't suited for being a Maran.

Either way though, I'm REALLY not seeing how that would be hypocritical of me though. I didn't cause him any grief needlessly.. I gave him a legitimate roleplay interaction which did not give me aw arm fuzzy for his induction.

Hell, I never even told him he wouldn't be inducted anyways. Our conversation was cut short and I never saw him again.

And for the record, as Captain I would NOT induct someone who's RP doesn't fit in with the motives of the cabal. I don't think you can fault me for that.
76020, I'm a girl. *sigh*
Posted by Armallyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And you are entitled to your opinion. You were the leader of the cabal, after all.
76026, RE: Never met your character but...
Posted by AsidMonk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Then play the game? What part of playing the game consists of sitting in your cabal 1 hour at a time every time you log in? Get serious there's no that much role adding and solo immteraction in the world.

sidenote: And having played my fair share of assassin I can say YES, there ARE people who sit in their guild at least 30 minutes EVERY TIME they log in. I just don't see that as cabal material so I agree with Java.
75964, So long
Posted by Caerga on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Enrai from the get go when we ranked in the 20s-30s.
I enjoyed the times we got to talk and travel together.
You saved my ass big time when we (well I really because you could have worded at any time) between centurions and I was getting knifed by the shadow with a flame attack dagger. I really saw now way out and just wanted you to get the hell out of dodge so we both didn't go down.
Your comment after was classic and I thought "Hell yes!"

Anyway sorry it stopped being fun and thanks for the induct.

75988, That was one of the more fun times I'd had..
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Honestly, I thought you were toast too. But it was worth the shot in the dark to get you out.

When we got out, I just couldn't help myself for chiding you a little bit. It was too perfect.
75962, RE: Enrai deleted.
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not that I need to defend myself against bitter people who think it's crap that I Maran'd/Leadered you at the same time, but I will give a small explanation. After the holidays I sort of had it in my head to ask you and Gralbin to be leader, and then when I sat down and talked to you I realized CRAP I hadn't Maran'd you yet! I'd honestly thought I had. But low penalty hero range sha tends to have an extremely limited lifespan and I needed a leader so I thought why not go with it. Your RP was solid when I'd had the chance to watch it, and you seemed pretty competent on the PK side. And for those conspiracy theorists, I had no idea you were you when I leadered you.

Wish you would have stuck around longer. I didn't expect you to stick around for very long, but I was hoping for longer than I got, but I completely understand that if it isn't fun, move on. Trust me, some days (like today) being an imm feels like that too.

Good luck on your next, and I'm always happy to have you in the Fort.

There will be no white flag above my door. - Dido
75987, That's pretty much what I figured..
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew there would be a bit of a backlash though, cause I already heard some rumblings of people whining about taking so long to get Maranated (we already talked about that person, actually).

I'm still going to keep bragging about it though, even if it was an oversite. Has to be a record.

And you can rest assured I'll be back in the Fort, eventually. I'm gonna take a break from the game for a while though. Maybe when I come back it'll be a bit more fun for everyone.
75953, Way to leave a brother in the lurch!
Posted by Haidoril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a good guy, sorry to see you go. I think you getting bumped from squire to Captain was a good choice. You can RP and you can PK. That was/is a pretty rare combo in the Fort so I can see why Baer did it. There were a couple of whingers with a problem with it I guess but I certainly had no qualms.

See you back in the Fort, no doubtin'!
75951, Too Bad
Posted by Iunnrais on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you did quite well. It would be great if you could have hung on awhile til Marshall was filled so that the Maran's arent in leader limbo. At least there are two solid Marans who could fit the bill. Still, sometimes its just better to delete than drag on something you don't enjoy. Thanks for the interview and I hope you get into your character.

75947, awww
Posted by ahtieli2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
and I just got your cookies and was going to give it bak :P
75990, Dude I was SO pissed I lost that thing.
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That was supposed to be my victory dinner on making hero.

Ah well. Enjoy.

And for the record, I'm pretty sure Shaman vs Lich is the worst matchup in the game. If you use the right phylacs, I'm literally left with dispel (which means I might get rid of your detect magic and detect invis, woohoo), and kick.

I talked a big game about it, but I'm pretty sure kick would never finish off a lich.
75940, I liked you, and thanks for induction before deleting:P nt
Posted by Serveyain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
75937, Farewell, friend. It was my pleasure!~
Posted by Zizzle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
75938, Everything about you rubs me the wrong way. In game, and on the forums. nt
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
75939, I know, must suck when someone outclasses you..
Posted by Current Fortie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
no matter what avenue you go down. Interacted with you and Zizzle as a current fortress maran.
75942, Haha.
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Anonymous whines make me laugh.

What's worse is, I'm pretty sure I know who you are just from that, and if I'm right, you probably would have been uninducted within the next few days. I was just looking for an excuse.

For the record, I absolutely love it when characters outclass me. Kharnial did, and was one of my favorite chars ever. As far as current chars, Unalethekai probably does. Haidoril's RP is far and away superior to mine. Quolencia is extremely solid.

But I loved all of those chars. Because their RP actually fit the realm of CF, instead of making themselves a spoof of it.

I would compare Zizzle to Top Secret! or Naked Gun. Entertaining if you're in the mood for it, but CF isn't the environment for it.
75944, RE: Haha.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I dunno. I think he's kind of humorous. You must have been doing something right to get Captain, though, so don't sell yourself short.

And...dude. How hard is it to play an evil? Basically, don't help people without an ulterior motive, and spend a lot of time killing goodies. You don't have to be treacherous. You don't have to be an ass when it comes to ganging, looting, etc.
75945, Don't get me wrong, I can see the appeal..
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just really don't think it fits into CF. And I think Zizzle goes out of his way sometimes to be annoying to players that already are in a bad mood.

Full looting people, then offering to sell their #### back to them does not make them smile. Even if you use alliteration and call them "friend". That's just one example.

But in a vacuum, from a third person perspective, yeah. It's entertaining enough. But in CF, it really doesn't fit.

As far as selling myself short, I don't. I'd say I'm one of the better goodie players these days. But there are better RPers out there, and I love interacting with them. That was pretty much my entire point. I don't dislike Zizzle because I'm jealous. I just don't like him.
75952, There's probably a reason for you being one of the better goodie players these days...
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
..and it has something to do with you going Squire to Captain in 9 tics. =P
75977, Like you couldn't have pulled off the same stunt in his shoes with the same class, Niheriva. nt
Posted by Scrimbul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
75983, It's not a stunt.
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No one can just plan to do this and "pull it off". Reading Baer's post above, it was nothing more than an Imm who had an oversight and corrected it. It's happenstance, and could happen to anyone with a quality character.
75984, Heh. Not quite.. n/t
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
75934, Sorry, nothin personal man :)
Posted by Mreash on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a good maran and a good captain and treated me exactly how I should be treated. Mreash just can't understand that though ;)

I totally understand the shaman frustration, and have had bad experiences with leader fort shamans in the past. Good luck on your next.

75943, I liked you for the most part..
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The back and forth was kind of fun. And the few fights we had were pretty interesting. It's a rare thing to have a solo fight at hero, even if nobody gets killed.

Only thing that annoyed me was the CONSTANT sitting at the Fort waiting for someone to show up. I know you're a ranger, but still..
75931, I guess I'd like to know what bad you have to say.
Posted by Gralbin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not really sure what it would be, but hey, I liked Enrai.
75933, Sorry, I forgot about you..
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked you. The only problem I had was that you decided not to do inductions. By far the most tedious part of being a Leader.

But seeing that you stepped down anyways, I assumed you had some real life issues or something. So no big deal.

There's probably a few other characters out there that I liked. But they were SO far in the minority, that it wasn't worth playing.

I'm not gonna go into the issues I had with active characters. It won't change anything, and it'll just cause a big flame thread. I've outgrown that sort of thing.
75935, I got the sense from Baer that she didn't want me to induct.
Posted by Gralbin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seriously, it really seemed like that was what she was telling me. I guess I could be wrong about that though. I thought you deserved Captain honestly, but it was cool that you asked what i thought.
75936, It just caught me by surprise..
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Cause I went from Squire to Captain in a 10 minute span. And there were at least 2 active Squires at the time who'd been around longer.

Enrai was supposed to be a bit of a loner, who had a serious problem with authority (specifically, people telling him what to do, and him telling others). Kind of hard to do that when you're expected to be a leader. But.. I tried.