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Topic subjectI just don't think I can cope anymore.......Meleke is DEAD!
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=74717
74717, I just don't think I can cope anymore.......Meleke is DEAD!
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Used to be that I could play the game and get a lot of enjoyment out of it but it just hasn't happened of late. I don't play huge hours anymore so gathering equipment is actually a week long activity sometimes and so when you lose gear it sucks. I often find it amusing when I die to evil dudes and have more left on my karcass than when good guys have got me. This is not much of a goodbye thread but I wanted to write something up before I am tempted to reactivate Meleke.

Being a lone Scion and facing either Numbers in excess of 4 raiding/defending from : Fortlander, Empire, Fortvillage it just gets really old really quick. I spent almost all the time I had logged in retrieving and never got to explore or enjoy the character, retrieving is a chore when you face a few enemies at once. One or two is exciting but it was seldom only one or two (at least it felt like it!)

Had I a more potent offensive form it may have been different. As Elemek I had dire wolf and I rolled my eyes when I saw it again but lack of time being able to get the stupidly large amount of edge points to roll the bones and still risk getting gorilla or rhino just seemed counter productive so I went with it but wished I had Lion too, like Elemek.

Got a little imm love but not huge amounts. Finally had enough entries to go for a role contest but can't now :P

Pumpkin lantern quest I would have won but was unable to be awake at stupid o'clock (GMT) so gave them to Satebos.

Good luck Scions, dealing with the huge amounts of enemies and the people who play 4 times as many hours as you and as such are quite happy to hang about their cabal to give you little to no chance of retrieving.

Anyway, enough is is enough and maybe this time it will be.

74743, More of a goodbye. Toodle-pip!
Posted by Abernytee on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The Official Goodbye.
The first mention on this official goodbye has to go to Zulgh for the great job he did with shapeshifters. They are infinitely more fun now and the meshing up of skills brings a lot more tactical choice to the class. It is not that Dire wolf was weak, it does get parried quite easy, but with the hummingbird for an air form meant that my offense form did not need the survivability or hunting ability of the dire wolf so please don’t think me comments previously about the form are a criticism. I am fully aware of how you want the range of forms to work and it is just that a more offense/less survivable form would have complimented my already very defensive hummingbird as a combo. Thank you again for the sorting out the pairings issue with the forms and swapping the alligator that I first received but next time I will pick my own number between 1-9. One of these days I will get a tiger or lion instead of all these fortress shifters having them!
Beroxxus – I had hoped to get your tattoo and have some serious religious interactions with this character but our playing times just did not mesh at all. I will take those kind of things into consideration before I ever roll again.
Scions – I get the feeling that a few of you are newish to the game and/or scion but I wish you all well and I may come back to help you all out again in the future.
Chancellor and Advisor – I enjoyed our times together, even if they were in either retrieval or defense. Having played a few APs I was itching to give advice but IC could not bring myself to do it, especially to my Chancellor. The time you chose to ‘chastise’ my comments was not me telling you what to do but clarifying what you we were going to do. Inform the cabal/group more and you will have greater success. Meler - keep exploring for those secrets! I so wanted to join you but could never commit myself to more than an hour playing time and did not want to leave you or any group in the lurch on those few times we were not in conflict with others.
Nexus – Cyrn I liked for a long time. You fought me when you needed to and aided me when you needed to and because Meleke had huge respect for any mortal mage he saw what you were about and so did not actively hunt you as much as he possibly should have. The cheap move with the pathetic assassin was a bit hard to swallow though.
To the assassin – Grow some balls. Jumping me 3 or 4 times when I was fighting others or had just finished fighting others is lame. Made even more lame by you fleeing at first contact when it was a proper one on one. The cheap move you pulled with Cyrn....was just that, cheap. Had I more hps left after fighting the imperials Graelok and Xherves when you jumped in I would have killed you too. You did make me laugh though when you mocked my ghostly state after the cheap move you and Cyrn pulled but when I reformed and kicked you both about ostalgiah, you ran to galadon and yell ‘It is Meleke’ when I was going to finish you off. After your boasting and mocking, it did amuse me.
– Graelok was a frustration. If I was prepped at all and you did less than MANGLES you
would get out of town. If I didn’t prep it usually was a close run thing.
- Xherves was pretty weak and I mostly only saw you under the Emperors skirt or attached to another imperial. Just my perspective but I rarely got to fight you alone. For the record, I did tell you where your corpse was so, however idle the threat to full sac me was, it was not warranted.
- Ahtieli had my respect for the same reasons as I mentioned above about Cyrn. Meleke respected magic and a lich was a pinnacle of magical understanding so I seldom sought a fight with you even though you targeted me in mortorn. I had one more tick left on forget when you and Xherves did the number on me when retrieving but it was close.
- Nererial was a good fight and I really wanted that embossed shield but you always knew when to get the hell out. Glad I cost you plenty of flight potions!
- Bwaadn was always a challenge too as I needed to watch my +con and mvs when fighting imperial shamans. Was happy to get you at least once and Ahtieli let slip your annoyance from the cabal channel.
- Cassoughan – Weak sauce and one I would kick out of my village. You raided like 4 times with the fort or other cabals. I was the only scion about, come and have a go you big sissy!
- Daresh – always a tough fight as dire wolf is parried easy and a sword spec riposte hurts the little hummingbird. You got me that once when overconfidence made me bring the fight to the village and entwined at the giant I could not remember whether I could word from there so I just went wimpy 0 and got stuck in. This positive experience was tainted then you came raiding with fort and you got the last hit but gave the scepter to Synoria, which I presume was because they had more chance of keeping it.
- Gahto - Got you a few times but you always took it well. A good rager!

- You all pretty much look the same to me but a few stood out.
- Ilvakihj- Always willing to mix it up but part of that I think is due to legacy choices. It doesn’t matter if you lose the first few encounters you will only get stronger for the next few.
- Illunas – Pretty pathetic. Muters are not just support/gangers, they are strong solo too!
- Synoria – Most of that loting was lowbies, I took nothing but Sil looted your corpse and your defiance, making me chuckle when he dies, but that corpse he made was not guardable, Sil’s fault! You were more of a maran than an acolyte. You raided constantly and were very aggressive, which to me is maran characteristics. I see acolytes as more of a protector of the good rather than a banisher of evil. It is, however, only my opinion. With defiance you were a nightmare but without it you were just a paladin. That is why I hate that sword.
- Cielkjsfhkjdhflf – or whatever your crazy elven name is. The hummingbird/lemur is a an annoyance combo. You are never a concern but a constant irritation. I am sure you will be the difference between successful raids/defences and disasterous ones. You know what a shapeshifter is about, that much was clear from our encounters.
Anyone else, just post and I will reply.

74747, Totally. Hummingbird/lemur...
Posted by Forsakenz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
is hilariously annoying. Good shapeshifter, though, I bet those forms do well in raid situations.
74757, Yeah, you were tough
Posted by Nererial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You always dispelled my flight potions, until I ran out! Think some fights cost me over 20 potions! But then you probably had to pay a healer to cure my maladictions too. ;)

You may not have thought dire wolf put out much damage, but dire wolves were probably the hardest form for me to fight. I even preferred fighting Lezra to fighting you.

I laughed my head off that time you ko'd me, whilst I was facing another dire wolf, and your shaman, and one of the others botched it by running in and waking me. I didn't think I was going to make it out of that one alive.

Know what you mean about the joint raids though. I was very surprised that Gahtho didn't get commander, since he seemed to hold true to what I always understood the village to be (including not relying on other cabals to do your dirty work, particularly if you already outnumber the enemy), but then I haven't seen any bad stuff from the new commander either. Hopefully he'll keep a lid on fortillage. It stopped soon after Gahtho found out about it, as far as I could tell.
74775, That newbie scion plonker was on my hit list after screwing that up.
Posted by Abernytee on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I Ko'd you with boulderhawk then reverted and was just about to poison/plague/curse/slow you with my various scrolls and wands I had for just such occassions when super-newby idiot comes in and attacks the sleeping Imperial who has two scions standing next to him! I almost through my keyboard across the room. KO's happen to infrequently, so when it worked I was thinking 'Yes, got him!'.

Only other useful KO was on Baldruk (sp). An imperial bard just by ostalgiah but after I had him plagued, poisoned and cursed in the woods I was about to bite him and use the dire wolf forest tracking when my wife shouted that the baby had just projectile vomited all over her, the dog and the sofa! I had to shift to hummingbird and fly so I could go afk. That stung a bit too!

74762, You suck.
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now roll up a non-cabaled evil shifter and get that perfect form combo.

Or you can come join the fortress and dance around the inn while rolling your eyes.

You could always start elliminating the weaklings from within the Scion cabal you know....starting at the top.

Later man.
74718, Was it intentional to choose an anagram of Meleke?
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Are both the words an anagram of something else that means something to you?

Incidentally, I think dire wolf is a pretty mean form. Certainly one of the ones I find hardest to fight.
74737, Anagram of Elemek, rather nt
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
74740, I noticed I had done it after I had already rank into the 20's....
Posted by Abernytee on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
and given I ranked to 29 or so without any forms I felt I had put in enough effort to not want to delete over it.

P.S. I just find dire wolf is parried way to easily. If you pardon the pun, it just lacks 'bite'. That and having it last time....a change would have been nice.
