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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) Fauaqi the Weaponsmaster
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=7413
7413, (DEL) Fauaqi the Weaponsmaster
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Jul 1 21:50:00 2002

11 o''clock AM, Day of Thunder, 17th of the Month of the Ancient Darkness on the Theran calendar Fauaqi perished, never to return.

Cabal:SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night
PK Ratio:68% (closer to 100% is better)

7414, Addiction is hard to kick, hard to kick. (super long)
Posted by Goapa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This was my fruitless attempt a a legacy warrior. I could just not walk away without trying one. I had this plan of going Balance of the Sisters and Hour Past Midnight and having this powerful avg 33 exotic in my main hand, cursed of course, that parries pretty good and hits pretty good, and in the offhand being freely able to entwine, boneshatter, eyejab, the works.
Well, that did not pan out well at all, and as with all experiments, failure is always a viable and sometimes expected result. Hour Past Midnight needs some kind of flare to it, some kind of little attack that you can show off. For giving up you specs (unless you go exactly my route) the legacy sucks terribly. With no noticable difference it was tough even believing if the legacy existed, which is why I just wanted at least a personal echo so people picking it would at least not feel totally cheated. But yet again maybe I didn't experiment with it, but I just don't have the time.

I cannot say definitively that I am done with this place, my plan was to quit slowly and the cut off date of August 1st is a coming up. Lets all pray and hope I can by then shall we? Anyway, the character.

I tried to create a "rager" role in Scion and to see if it was possible. I really don't know much about preps since my warrior classes relied heavily on resist and spellbane :) (Oh the perfect easy prep). What little did I know on how difficult a non-rager has surviving, but I think I did pretty well.

I also tried to be a "non" full looter and I was successful at it all the way to Hero. I decided to fight Koogar one on one, hoping that if I showed enough balls to do that, he would not ful loot me, and I would of course do the same. I die (oh well) and I got a canteen back. Everything was taken, even things he could not use. To that point I returned 90 to 100% of what was on the player when they died, until then. Pissed, I decided I would NOT fall into the vicious circle and then Astarico killed me while reequiping and looted all my things again. Oh well, back to the downward spirling circle.

Fauaqi thought his life was dedicated to protecting mages no matter what. I die before the mage dies, plain and simple, and I would actually smile and be happy for my character when I did that. The times I hated dying was to the insta-kill classes or the frustration I had it won, battle changed by one command battles. I'll expand on that in my goodbyes.

An interesting bunch and an interesting time I grew up in. Scions in power but not in power at younger ranks. I definitely had a lot of fun in my younger years and that is probably where my better pk ratio comes from.

Dullameh: Interesting lich I guess. I always, from the first day I started mudding to today hate, with a passion the "shrug" social and you used it constantly. Pissed me off to no end. But I was the bitch warrior and accepted it and I hope I was at least somewhat impressive for a first time at a prepping warrior (I admit, I am no where near Dwoggurd).

Krivohan: Dark, mysterious, interesting character you got there. Our times in hell were interesting. Damn I wish I could have gotten to the end. I learned so much down there. That one time where I panicked and thought I was a rager (I do that a lot now from playing so many) I decided to run out of Aridhol right into that damn snare. I was so angry at myself. The word "idiot" came out of my mouth more than 20 times while watching the screen. How they didn't kill me was amazing... You goodies need to learn how to pk. But your words hit deep there, that was a panicky mistake and I hardly ever do those, man I was so scared of getting booted so I just entered the, "I'm a mage bitch mode, you need me don't you? *bat eyes*". HAR

Orinah: Fauaqi as a character loved your presence and saw you as the main one to protect at all times. Every fight we went into usually worked out well and the ones that didn't, well I was dying before you :). The crossroads gang of you where I was at half my hits and saw you getting attacked and I just turned around and charged back in hoping at least to take one down to free you up to recall. Rhuean was at convulsing and his little concealed got me, damn. I was so proud at that moment though, felt like I accomplished something with my character.
The other was fighting Shamus and Rhuean outside the village. They were both bashing you (remember, keep the bash shield up!) so instead of just going for the kill and not caring about you as a magi, I pulled Shamus out of the room to allow you to escape. Felt good about that too.
Anyway, getting mushy here.
Our hell trips were always fun. That one that lasted until the wee times in the morning is when I realized for sure I have to stop mudding. For the first time ever I neglected WORK for a hell trip which is unacceptable. I had to take the day off because I was so strung out :). You made me realize how bad and terrible for you the addiction is if taken in large doses.
Anyway again, good job, you were a great invoker and very very skilled despite what others say. Its those pkers mindset that is one of the coolest things on CF. When you travel with someone and you don't really need to speak, you just know. *shiver*

The transmuter friend. Thanks for not treating me too badly as a mage bitch, you kept me a live a few times and I enjoyed the Whistlewood Swamp, good place, and pretty neat. Thanks for dragging me along.

Ahh the fellow guard member. You are one scary mo momma jomma with your equipment, I am sure Rhuean got the surprise of his life when he fought you, ouch... Keep it up if you can.

Bastard didn't share your secrets! Nasty and even more nasty after you came back from the depths. So damn nasty, nasty nasty nasty, and nasty to boot. You must spend every non-fighting, cabal raiding, exploring moment prepping. No sitting in the bar for you.

You were a weird one indeed. Show up, disappear, show up and disappear. Didn't really get to know you too much in the hero range but I always respected you coming up knowing you were going to get chancellorship there.

You are the most useless of uselessness. When you are fighting an invoker, you just don't shift and ram out, you DISPEL HIM SO THE WARRIOR CAN CRANIAL/BASH HIM EFFECTIVELY. Despite my subtle hints at doing so, you rejected it so I marched right off to my death with you against the invoker. See mage bitch. I hope you delete:). The losing of all my nice pretty things there because of an incompetent mage almost made me lose it and rage delete my first character ever.

Said my goodbyes before, but wanted to say this. Sometimes just sitting there listening to the cabal channel it was like I was sitting in a computer lab with 5 smuggers or something who all thought they were all that and a bag of chips, all arguing because none of them think they are wrong. There was 15 minutes there during that village raid and what not that I could not stop laughing. Egoes hitting egoes over the minny IRC. Daiken talking smack, Orinah talking smack, Kriovhan talking smack, Dranolian dropping one in from duo, and then the mage bitch (me) just nodding and saying, "Yes Artifactor". I was dying laughing, I could hardly function. What is most terrible about it is that the Scions were still 400 times more effective even bickering than any other group. Amazing indeed when everyone got past their egoes and got down to their jobs.

Bulgogor: Little Anti paladin annoying little bastard. Despite my ego I had to make peace with you as the "mage bitch" role dictated. Keep trucking and level some.

The anaconda/cobra Scion (Tusuxis something): I always wanted the anaconda as a form and a bard buddy to be with me. Talk about sick things.

Other Scions: Scions is definitely losing power in a quick way. Lets keep up the good fight. I like the cabal actually although there still doesn't seem to be direction. But I left the direction up to the Artifactors, I was just happy with the trinkets.

I was appalled on how most of you acted. I will not name anyone here, but I was so disappointed as a LONG time battle player with all of your actions. It was utterly disgusting. Even me, a staunch battle defender in the OOC world found it hard to swallow almost everything you did.

Shamus: Since you are dead I'll say this. You did beat me one on one pretty much all the time. Ahh the power of my legacy :). Each time though you would say, "Wimp call me out and see how I destroy you" and each time you just didn't get what I was saying to you. You have/had no control at all over your cabal. It was an induct and go forth thing. The worse this is you KNEW IT and admitted it freely,

Shamus tells you, 'I have very little control over what my men do'

BULL CRAP. It is called uninduct. Hold the tablet high, despite hardship, instead you hid it away with terrible applicants and their horrible actions that came with it.

As to ragers, most I outfought hands down using my warrior tactics only to be defeated directly because of bloodthirst. Fled from Shamus one time at 300 hits, deathblow annalled me, dead *sigh*. Sylkorian I would school and then he would just thirst and be all better. Same with the other ragers too. It really hurt the ego, well besides being ganged by ragers that is.

Falkim: The sylvan summon me to your snare trick was quite neat. Quite ragerly of you. Keep doing that, that will make you leader! *shiver* BOOT!
Koogar: Mother said don't say anything if you can't say anything good
Spyko:Mother said don't say anything if you can't say anything good
Rorimac: Mother said don't say anything if you can't say anything good
Rathral: Mother said don't say anything if you can't say anything good
And to the rest of the rager apps except for Reznouk, who I never met, the above goes for you as well.

All easy prey except that Quasil invoker. Water water everywhere!
Other invoker who just deleted, damn I am amazed I got you at the archmage.

That fight where I killed you was a fluke of nature. There was no reason at all I should have one there. We fought and the same tactic was used, wrath wrath wrath. Don't you have angel swing or something? Oh well, we traded blows quite frequently and I had no problems ganging paladins.

Alghorvhal: No problem ganging you, see above, wrath wrath wrath.

Halging: No problem ganging you, see above, wrath wrath wrath, though I liked how you returned some of my things whils Janorun stood there with an archon and a water elemental waiting for me to come up, you are so nice :) (One could say that was... EVIL)

Astarcio: The bird, panic got me the first time, the rest of the time you were just an annoyance. Enjoyed killing you greatly and you are a "wench" :). I needed something to say for my test tells, wench just seemed to fit. You never said one word to me. Also note to everyone!

ENTWINE KEEPS AIR MAJORS THERE so they can't fly away they have to revert, woho!

Cerunnir: I still maintained my return equipment thing to you unless overruled directly by a mage of Scion (see mage bitch role). That one time I returned your things two times you pushed my tolerance for full loot :). Enjoyed our fights, we were pretty equal except that one time I caught you with whips out only and eyejabbed you right away.

Danical: Please, please summon me into a rager gang please! Had some fights, you are good to go, it is not like you need to keep to any sort of standard so I have nothing against you. Good job.

Alysrith: Pretty much took care of you every time I ran into you. It was a great ego boost to clean up you an Shalven outside Kiadana, I finally learned the power of haste potions and their locations :).

Shalven: You took Orinah's ring so it was Fauaqi's mission to return it. I came after you every time usin whatever trick I had in my book. SO many times did you just walk by and my cranial Shalven while enlarged would come right after you walked by. Damn I'm slow in my old age. Whatever, enjoy the ring.

Ultec: Ouch. 30% chance to win, guessing, well, the odds worked, I died. Thanks for leaving most of my things.

Yetirai: Our duel really didn't start as a duel, before I got to you I was manacled and 1/4 my hits down from younger tribunal guards. Oh well, you are a nasty warrior though, keep it up.

Esk: bloody shackles... Not like. Was I like the only one who actually got away from you when you got them on someone? Guess some people don't realize, "Stop walking" if you are shackled with those. Har! Good luck, I like it how you are taking your time, allows for your character to develop some, keep trucking.

Cuncocopapna whatever: My wolf forest rival. You were in the wolf forest from my level one to when I could hurt you (20 some). And you were the same level. You were well trained, keep going Elder.

Nevar: Going from hating you to liking you. Nexite wars are weird.

Darantin: Man did I rough you up during the war, I hope you get better.

Marquez: Sorry for that last one, thought you were just another goodie. See mage bitch role for reason why I was so sorry.

All in all a fun character and great for blowing off some steam. I learned a ton and I thought I learned all there is to know. Thanks all who helped and don't take what I say too personally, it is a rambling of an addicted old guy.

(means trying to Go away but can't)

7460, Heh..
Posted by Halning on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I normally didn't use wrath wrath wrath wrath. Thralkoz said that I was a one trick pony, since I wrathed him twice, so he challenged me to a duel, and I had a bunch more tricks up my sleeve. I attacked the chasm solo so many times, with good gear, with ##### gear, and I've never killed anyone while raiding the chasm, because I DO try to do things like angelswing etc. And I did do other things to you, I used force of will, and took your hammer of Musipapalem or whatever, and I was doing other things, and you fled. You can FLEE from me. If you get low on health...flee. I can't do ##### to kill you. So finally, I make my defensive communes weaker and my offensive ones stronger. I go to the chasm (I had 2 etched pendants in my inventory as well, so if you would have killed me, you'd have a nice prize) went into champ stand, with you, Dranolian and his hellish elemental sitting down there. And along you came, and Tuvinixes or whatever (that anaconda) before told me that if I was smart I would just kill you quick and easy. So when you came up spamming cranial as per usual (and seemingly not noticing that it was having no effect on me, as well as the Arcane's neuro disrupt), I just tapped wrath a couple times, while you spam killed yourself against me. And I didn't know that the guy was up there with his servitors, he must have arrived right as I left, I dropped the gear, and worded. And then I noticed when you ganged me again later and I died, you didn't return my things. So, whatever it doesn't really bother me. But don't talk about not being a full looter, and giving respect back to others etc. when I didn't get ##### back from you.

Either way, it was fun fighting you. Good luck with your next. I curse you to forever be adicted, and not quit before august 1st. Harrr!

7461, RE: Heh..
Posted by Dranolian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In response to that little fight. We had to lag you to stop the wraths. That was the plan. Since we couldn't lag you, you wrath wrath wrath and he died. Wasn't sure if my holds were just being stupid or he was missing cranials or what. I did not even know that paladins could make themselves immune to lagging attacks. Had us at the disadvantage. Now that I know you can do that it should never happen again.

7462, RE: Heh..
Posted by Halning on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, its the most effective way to kill a duergar. Just like lagging the hell out of me while the archmage, or the nightwalker, or anything takes blows while you and your dastardly hellish elemental, and who ever else is there whoops on me. *wink*

Yeah, it sucks for him to get killed by wrath spam, just like it sucks for me to get killed by bash(or cranial etc etc) spam. Its NO different though. I'm using my most effective skill to take him down, you guys are using your best bet to take me down. Whats wrong with spamming bash on someone you know you can easily take down? Nothing. Sure, its not exciting, but it gets the job done. Whats wrong with spamming wrath on a duergar? Nothing. Again, not exciting, but it gets the job done. If I'm a fire mace spec against a formless gnome shifter, would it be wise for me to dirt, feint, feint, disarm, feint? No! That's ludicrous! If someone posted a log of their that, everyone would laugh at the fire giant for not bashing, or cranialing. So why is it wrong for me to use my highest dam sup against a duergar (who I might be able to outdamage in 1v1 combat, but I have no way of lagging)? Likewise, I don't expect him to come in and start driving me, and trying feint, maybe a backhand tossed in there, a few kicks. He'll cranial. Its the way for him to win. I don't blame him, I don't expect different. So I don't see why you guys should!


P.S. Fun fights, Dran. Keep em commin! *smile*
7459, RE: Addiction is hard to kick, hard to kick. (super long)
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for playing that combo, was thinking of doing it myself. Now I know it's a waste of time.
7458, HAWYEE!!!
Posted by Yeitrai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the good word man. Sometimes I feel nasty, and sometimes I just feel nasty. Today was pretty nasty, and I didn't like how it felt. So I'll try and avoid that feeling when similar circumstances arise.

You did good, but my advice - lay off of the log posting until you are at least hero. Thanks for the fun, I've always enjoyed your characters. Except Goapa, his little saying annoyed me.
7457, *Pours some of his ale onto the ground for his fallen comrade*
Posted by Obeke on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not so much as a shout out for your bitch muter?? Man..you duergar ARE rude! Maybe its because I made you do all the work and I just sat on my bunz and watched. But working is just so.....hard.

Ya know I dug ya.

Later Tater
7451, I have never
Posted by Adgento on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
seen a duergar warrior ask for peace from a thief. I was very surprised when i got a tell from you asking for peace 3 seconds after i logged on. You said you didnt want your stuff stolen...hum..i bet that was the least of your worries :P Most duergars wana bash me to death or whatever. I woulda liked to know your char better, to see what kind of a duergar would ask for peace from a thief, but i have had link problems lately and my play time has been very limited. Linkdead deaths I HATE.

Mage bitch..heh, original. :)
7452, Mutual benefit
Posted by Goapa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The reason I asked for peace was not because I was scared of you it was because I was sphere GREED and held my things in very high regard. To make peace with thieves (especially those not a Scion enemy) was just the obvious choice. My nice trinkets would be kept and the thieves would be happy because the one person who could come and bash them down didn't want to. Allowing them to focus on other people.
The arrangement I offered to you was the same arrangement many thieves in my pk took advantage of. I never lost anything to someone stealing from me. I thought it was a great arrangement. And the thieves guild was a great source of information which became invaluable later in life.


7456, RE: Mutual benefit
Posted by Racli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mutual benefit is EXACTLY what I'd call it in my case. Got a pissed off duergar off my back (I dont fear duergars as a thief, but you were pretty good with those maces), and a hunting partner at the same time. Works out nicely. All it took was a little bit of info here and there
7453, Hum, what i dont get is...
Posted by Adgento on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I dont get how you were sphere greeed and died for mages and lost your trinkets for them.
7454, Whole story
Posted by Goapa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sphere Greed brought me to the mages. The mages were Artifactors and created cool ass trinkets and items and to protect them meant I got better stuff. i.e. the better I protected them the more interesting and amazing things I got (which was pretty true actually).

Also, being with the mages I was able to go places and get things I usually could not get.

I was a greedy duergar who saw that the better I protected the mages the more things they loaded on to me. If I was just selfishly greedy then I would horde mediocore stuff, but instead I was able to get my hands on some of the most powerful items in the game (i.e. hitting the 7th circle of Hell).


7455, 'o capito, very cool. nt
Posted by Adgento on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
7450, RE: Addiction is hard to kick, hard to kick. (super long)
Posted by Dranolian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The transmuter friend. Thanks for not treating me too badly as a mage bitch, you kept me a live a few times and I enjoyed the Whistlewood Swamp, good place, and pretty neat. Thanks for dragging me along.

Spoke with you right before you deleted. Kinda sucks to see another one go. We did alright that one day it was just me and you. Had me very impressed when you killed that invoker. Had high hopes for you as time went on but looks like they end here. Much respect in the legacy you chose. Was considering getting that wand for you that you wanted do bad. Good thing I didn't. Guess I am on the hunt for another little warrior bitch.

7449, Hrmph
Posted by Delebrinduil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seemed you always had my number..never fought you when I got maces of my own, though. Well done. Your mage-lovingness was very aparent. I was a friend of Goapa's in times gone by. Loved him then. All in all, good job.
7448, Doom on you.
Posted by Krivohan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I rememeber first meeting you and you seemed like a newbie who I didn't think would last long. Immediately after that you run us into a snare when I am helping you level in Aridhol. The whole time I was thinking must not induct he is trying to learn and is young. I was real glad that I didn't do it. You really settled into the hero ranks and the cabal once you had a little time there. Hell was definately a blast. We certainly had better interactions together this time around than we have had with some of our past characters.
See you in the fields and remember how much more fun Scion is than Battle and come on back.

Krivohan the Vindicated, High Chancellor of Shapeshifting
7447, RE: Addiction is hard to kick, hard to kick. (super long)
Posted by Kalraak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was really suprised to see you delete, you were a good warrior and I liked your enthusiasm. If you ever get the addiction under control and decide to play again, hope ya roll up another scion. There is quite a bit more direction to scions than alot of people think. I had you pegged as a rager from the get go, be interested in talking to ya, drop me a line sometime.

7446, RE: Addiction is hard to kick, hard to kick. (super long)
Posted by Daiken on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Said my goodbyes before, but wanted to say this. Sometimes
>just sitting there listening to the cabal channel it was
>like I was sitting in a computer lab with 5 smuggers or
>something who all thought they were all that and a bag of
>chips, all arguing because none of them think they are
>wrong. There was 15 minutes there during that village raid
>and what not that I could not stop laughing. Egoes hitting
>egoes over the minny IRC. Daiken talking smack, Orinah
>talking smack, Kriovhan talking smack, Dranolian dropping
>one in from duo, and then the mage bitch (me) just nodding
>and saying, "Yes Artifactor". I was dying laughing, I could
>hardly function. What is most terrible about it is that the
>Scions were still 400 times more effective even bickering
>than any other group. Amazing indeed when everyone got past
>their egoes and got down to their jobs.

Yeah, I was conscious of the fact that the Scion was dominant at the time and could actually -afford- some internal wrangling so as not to be stupidly overpowering of the enemy, who tended to crumble like matchsticks.

I as a player respected Fauaqi, did well, did the job and did a lot better than many many other scion warriors. You were correct Fauaqi didn't try and bitch Daiken so he was happy to have you around. However not being a sword spec you did tend to -take- more damage which made you higher maintenance.. :) That would be my only complaint :->

peace and g'luck on trying to boot the habit

7445, RE: Addiction is hard to kick, hard to kick. (super long)
Posted by Cercanopuno on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
hehe, Names Cercanopuno, Hey man, I had fun since that day sitting in the forest finishing a few skills, I had be constantly "whe"n for like 30 mins, didnt see anyone, and all the sudden my brother knocked something off my dresser. So I started to pick them up, Not 5 mins later, I look at the computer, and Im dead... I was like, "Ug". Soon as I found out it was you, I challenged you and slew you right there. =P well fought. Those skimishes with you and the Theif, Neftar? Those were pretty damn funny too. Stupid nightwalker was pimpin until I redirected to you, then it was all down hill. Anyhow, I enjoy your chars Goapa, too bad yas quiting.

Good luck on booting the habbit man,
7444, Well damn.
Posted by Urden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You played the role well...yet, your loyalty to the magi almost bordered on affection, like a lightwalker. I just told myself that you were fiercely determined. Hey well, I'll miss ya fella.

As for my weird times...well, I have a *weird* work/life schedule and
I log in at all sorts of odd hours. That's kind of a good thing though.

Luck with the next (and you know there will be one ;-P)
7443, RE: Addiction is hard to kick, hard to kick. (super long)
Posted by Racli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Aww... ya had to go didnt you? Guess everything comes to an end. It was fun running around with ya gutting people. Sorry about killing you way back at like rank 20 or something. Ya tried to bash me to death, I needed payback. Anyway, was fun, and best of luck on your next (dont quit, and it better not be a rager!)
7438, Dont Bitch at me
Posted by Marivor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>You are the most useless of uselessness. When you are
>fighting an invoker, you just don't shift and ram out, you
>Despite my subtle hints at doing so, you rejected it so I
>marched right off to my death with you against the invoker.
>See mage bitch. I hope you delete:). The losing of all my
>nice pretty things there because of an incompetent mage
>almost made me lose it and rage delete my first character

Ouch. That really hurts...Dont lash out at me because you died..And I dont know how the hell you thought a rank 48 shifter could dispel all of his invoker shields and not die trying (esp. his shield of waves, mabye you've never played a invoker or something) but its prettty hard for a non invoker to dispel invoker shields, if I had tried I still wouldnt have got them all..At least in form a did little damage out of form I would have died just like you. No need for two of us to die right ;) But dont blame me because you died.
7439, Own your mistakes, Goapa.
Posted by Sheesh. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>You are the most useless of uselessness. When you are
>>fighting an invoker, you just don't shift and ram out, you
>>Despite my subtle hints at doing so, you rejected it so I
>>marched right off to my death with you against the invoker.
>>See mage bitch. I hope you delete:). The losing of all my
>>nice pretty things there because of an incompetent mage
>>almost made me lose it and rage delete my first character

That was your only option? To march off to your death? Sheesh, man. And you actualy blame Marivor for tactical ineptitude. You're a whip spec. I can think of tons of ways for you to use some "warrior tactics" to win that one without 100% relying on Marivor to dispel while you're fighting.

Take some ownership, bud. If you died, it's no one's fault but your own.
7440, RE: Dont Bitch at me
Posted by Orinah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I agreed whole heartedly with Fauaqi. There was a reason I never helped you unless there was other scions along, wasn't worth my time to just watch you come and go in five seconds, or watch you run when a single person raids. As for the dispel, speaking from an invoker's point of view, it does not mean jack if the person dispeling is an invoker or not, shields fall just the same.
7441, Kiss my ass Orinah
Posted by Marivor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All i can say if get a life I hated your char, and I will not stoop to you level of insults instead of talking about someone why dont you give them tips to get better, you didnt just wake up and you were a damn pro. You are bitter over a damn text game. Grow Up (there was a reason I said nothing in your goodbye thread, it would have just ended up being deleted). and about quitting Things happen in real life I cant dedicate my entire life to a computer game I have friends family and things to do just because i cannot stay on 20 hrs a day (like you) you shouldnt hold that against me.
7442, RE: Kiss my ass Orinah
Posted by Orinah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would rather keep it focused on Fauaqi, as it is his posts. However, you want some tips? Ok, when you enter the world, and someone says someone is raiding, what say you see who is around first? Some rank 40 was attacking walker, alone, you were in the shroud, hence obvious no enemies were in the shroud, and as soon as I said that, you worded. Turns out you could not even harm them. Next, instead of asking three people to go rank, finding no one can, and then quit, maybe stick around for awhile, practice spells, gather preperations, whatever. I understand the time restraint thing, I really do. I sometimes forget about it, but I do understand it. However, your show ups aren't time restraints, because you obviously have time if you can rank. Another tip, obviously this has got to be your first hero, maybe second. If you're with someone, who seems to be a little more world savvy or what not, if they ask you to do something, just do it. Maybe they know what they're talking about. The instance with Fauaqi, yes, I agree, you should have dispelled. Even if you didn't dispel his shield of waves, and just something minor, I can almost guarentee you that once an invoker sees someone is trying to dispel him while a warrior is whacking away at him, he is going to get the hell out of there. Maybe you would not have killed him, but you would have defended successfully. As for being bitter...what do I have to be bitter about? I have had a great time in the fields for...what is it now, six, seven years? I could not tell you how many heroes I've had, but I've had a blast with them all for at least a little while. Why you would hate my character I have no idea, I rarely even spoke around you let alone at you. What can I say, some people don't mesh. Anyway, there's my tips for you, maybe if you listen it might even make you better. Fauaqi, sorry for detracting from your death.
7437, RE: Addiction is hard to kick, hard to kick. (super long)
Posted by Wasarbre on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well never got to catch you again after you heroed. You killed me when I was rank 31, and I tried hard to find you and catch you again afterthat.....no luck, you run fast and hide good. Few gang fights on me, but nothing special. Until I learnt a few recent prayers, there isnt a whole lot I could do in a fight. 1.(Shieldbash...umm, fails most of the time, doesnt seem to lag at all.) 2.(Angelswing, 20% of time causes some bleeding/boneshatter, 3 round lag, pretty good damage) 3. Disarm you. (wasnt too worried about your weapons in fight) 4. Good ole' Wrath, 2 round lag, does way more damage. ( Plus you are duergar, heh)

I knew you were a Goapa charactor the soon as I read a log where you called me another spam wrathing paladin. *shrug* That and your predictable 'bb' in your log posts. hehe

I always like your charactors, and you do a good job. Sorry I couldnt really make our encounters more interesting. Oh yeh, one thing that comes to mind. During a raid of the chasm, you fled writhing (from some others, i think) and walked right past me as I was re-sancting myself. I was targeting someone else at the time. I had quickly set a macro to 'Wrath fauqi' (hehe) I was pissed off, because that wrath would have dropped you as you walked off. My excellent spelling job!

Take care, and hope to see another of your charactors.

7435, RE: Addiction is hard to kick, hard to kick. (super long)
Posted by Boy Scout on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm totally with you on this addiction thing. Mmmm addiction.

Anyhow, Fauqui was a decent warrior, and a good scion. Most of the warriors give you that "I just don't care and hope you won't boot my ass onto the street" feeling. Sadly, they often remain in scion. Not my fault. You stood above that, and if a warrior in scion deserved something, I'd say it was you. There's more to scion warriors that running around ganging people, looting, and repeating. Good job, Goapa.

I have on minor question/criticism. Do you thing of a word, spell it out phonetically, and then use it as your character name? See Gwapa(the sound of the whip?) and Faucky. It brings some of us mild amusement to see, I was wondering if it's on purpose.

You know, if you really wanted to quit, you'd post everything you ever knew about cf, swear at the imms so much you get sitebanned, and you'd be done with it. Good luck quitting the right way, though.

I still like your characters, too
-Boy Scout
7436, My names are usually pretty random
Posted by Goapa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There is no method to my madness. That just happens. I try to create simple names not pk avoider names and sound right for the race. There is some underlying pattern in my names I can't see that probably others can. Maybe I do have a fetish with phonetically spelled names. Heh, I'll post all my character's names sometimes and see if you can see a pattern.


7434, RE: Addiction is hard to kick, hard to kick. (super long)
Posted by Danical on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Love fighting you, you could probably tell I'm old school rager as well. I always would go into afight, I think I've gotten better at not being too stupid, but of course danical was sphere (courage) though there isn't an imm who really defines what ragers had as courage long ago. Granted, I didn't fight with courage often, but you have to know Danical. :) Anyway, good luck, hope you are successful quiting if you need to, will miss you though. I can't remember when Goapa was around and in what incarnatino I was. I think it might have been around the time of Redik/Minyar...let me know, I'm curious.

Aaron aka Minyar
7421, Give me a break..
Posted by Gabe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> Falkim: The sylvan summon me to your snare trick was quite neat. Quite
> ragerly of you. Keep doing that, that will make you leader! *shiver*

First and foremost, I'm not going to tell Danical that he can't summon you. He was in my group and knew the snare was there, and by all accounts its a pretty damn good tactic. There is a large difference between being completely attached to a shaman, and only being able to fight with him or whatnot, and then you have the two times I grouped with him and the ONE time he summoned you. Do you think summon is any different than any other supplication he will commune on you? Are the others ok? Seems like a double standard to me, and its pretty crappy if that is the ONLY thing you remember about me.

7422, Well
Posted by Goapa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ask yourself this. Does embracing prayers of priests include allowing shamans to summon your prey to your snare? Accepting sanctuary is bad of course, accepting healing is bad of course, is them summoning for you bad? You make the call. I know for a fact that villagers have been kicked out for allowing a paladin to summon people out of a cabal during a "raid" situation, do you think allowing Danical to summon me for you in the dwarf forest is worse or better than what villagers have been kicked out for?

Now allying with sylvans is yet another shifty thing in my book, but that is me. You have shamans and bards and warriors hanging around wearing magic stuff and having pendants and magical preps and everyone seems to look the other way. Oh and disregard that their cabal embraces mages as well.

This is a disagreement between the new age ragers and the older ones. I would treat sylvans as temp allies at best, not attacking them but also not embracing them wholeheartily like the village has been doing recently. The combo raids of Maran/Sylvan/Battle just scars the village's supposed best warriors of the land and the independance that comes a long with it. I experienced one raid where a shaman who is still alive now came with two other paladins, a sylvan bard and warrior, and a rager warrior who is still alive now and they proceeded to summon me out, gang me, and when I unghosted, summon me out, gang me again. That is 6 on 1 and we didn't even have the sceptre because they came previously and got it! Is that cool in your book? What is being a rager mean to you? Not using magic but being cool with prayers that emulate magic. I would think you would be at LEAST a little bit suspicious of it and at most saying, "You do that again, I will kill you for disrespecting me".

The village has turned into a mob of flunkies who beckon to priests and mage protecting warders. They no longer stand alone and stand for the "Best of the Best". What happened to "If I can't do it with my own kin then it is not worth doing because it would mar my reputation and history of battle".

Whatever, you find it cool to have shamans and paladins summon for your ragers, that is cool. I just hope Thror opens his eyes and uninducts you for it. Beyond those instances, I didn't have much interaction with you nor could I facilitate any because you were always camoed. I comment on what I experienced. As to that short time we did interact where you wanted to change how we viewed each other, I was so tainted by your previous action I had no faith at all in your proposal. Oh well.


7426, RE: Well
Posted by Gabe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Ask yourself this. Does embracing prayers of priests include
>allowing shamans to summon your prey to your snare?

No. Would it have been different if I wasn't there? He was still in my group and still used my snare..the situation doesn't change though.

>Accepting sanctuary is bad of course, accepting healing is
>bad of course, is them summoning for you bad? You make the
>call. I know for a fact that villagers have been kicked out
>for allowing a paladin to summon people out of a cabal
>during a "raid" situation, do you think allowing Danical to
>summon me for you in the dwarf forest is worse or better
>than what villagers have been kicked out for?

That wasn't my question. I group summon with the rest of the offensive communes a priest has. If it is ok for them to use wither, poison, blindness or whatever next to me, then summon is fine too. Again this is coming from me the player, not the character. Character wise Im not going to tell him what he can and cannot commune, its not my place, and I think its rather hypocritical to say that a shaman can't summon but yet he can do any other supp as long as it isn't on you.

>Now allying with sylvans is yet another shifty thing in my
>book, but that is me. You have shamans and bards and
>warriors hanging around wearing magic stuff and having
>pendants and magical preps and everyone seems to look the
>other way. Oh and disregard that their cabal embraces mages
>as well.
>This is a disagreement between the new age ragers and the
>older ones. I would treat sylvans as temp allies at best,
>not attacking them but also not embracing them wholeheartily
>like the village has been doing recently. The combo raids of
>Maran/Sylvan/Battle just scars the village's supposed best
>warriors of the land and the independance that comes a long
>with it. I experienced one raid where a shaman who is still
>alive now came with two other paladins, a sylvan bard and
>warrior, and a rager warrior who is still alive now and they
>proceeded to summon me out, gang me, and when I unghosted,
>summon me out, gang me again. That is 6 on 1 and we didn't
>even have the sceptre because they came previously and got
>it! Is that cool in your book? What is being a rager mean to
>you? Not using magic but being cool with prayers that
>emulate magic. I would think you would be at LEAST a little
>bit suspicious of it and at most saying, "You do that again,
>I will kill you for disrespecting me".
>The village has turned into a mob of flunkies who beckon to
>priests and mage protecting warders. They no longer stand
>alone and stand for the "Best of the Best". What happened to
>"If I can't do it with my own kin then it is not worth doing
>because it would mar my reputation and history of battle".

Try to not preach to me on why you are jaded against current ragers. This wasn't me, and honestly I don't care. I've had enough ragers to know how to play them.

>Whatever, you find it cool to have shamans and paladins
>summon for your ragers, that is cool. I just hope Thror
>opens his eyes and uninducts you for it.

Again, we are back to the SINGLE incident, a shaman.

>Beyond those
>instances, I didn't have much interaction with you nor could
>I facilitate any because you were always camoed. I comment
>on what I experienced. As to that short time we did interact
>where you wanted to change how we viewed each other, I was
>so tainted by your previous action I had no faith at all in
>your proposal. Oh well.

Thats really a shame I guess.

7427, One last try to explain
Posted by Goapa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Do you benefit from the poison, no.
Do you benefit from the wrath, no.
Do you benefit from the plague, no.

No you do not benefit, the enemy is maladicted.

Do you benefit from the heal, yes.
Do you benefit from the sanctuary, yes.
Yes, you do benefit, you are getting something you usually would not be able to get.

Do you benefit from summon, yes.
Yes, you benefit, why because your enemy is coming to you, you don't have to do anything beyond stand there. You don't have to exercise strategy, tactics, nothing, the shaman or paladin is, in essense, SUMMONING FOR YOU! You benefit directly from the summon because you do not have to do things you would normally have to do. Not only do you benefit, it is a coward's way of fighting. "Bah track them down, nay I'll be lazy and have my shaman buddy summon".

As to that incident, Urden and I standing at junction between dry riverbed and the north path toward dwarf forest. I was summoned to past the five way junction down from darker dwarf forest. I was snared, you then ambushed, I fled, fought Danical, fled again, ran into the keep there, YOU and DANICAL persued, Urden, gone, no where near, no one was near, you and Danical hunted me down TOGETHER, and standing at the entrance to the keep, three more ragers and your snare. I decide to go down swinging and try to kill Danical, get him to convulsing but he gets a lucky axe hit in and I die right before he does.

Again, whatever, if you think it is cool for you to not put your foot down with shamans and paladins when they travel with you fine. You can enjoy the benefit of shamans and paladins summoning for you. Oh and ask Thror if that is cool too.

7429, RE: One last try to explain
Posted by Gabe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seriously man, take a pill and calm down.

Trying to convince you otherwise to the conspiracy against you is futile. I think Thror did a good job of explaining to you in a not so mean way that just because you think a certain way, doesn't make it so. I would toss a good Resevoir Dogs quote at you, but it would get mangled by the anti-cussing forum code..oh well

Overall, just chill out. If you are seriously getting bent out of shape over a two on two that ended up being a two on one then its rather apparent you just didn't like my character. Which is fine, because your entitled to that. Just try not to get to rattled.

7430, ROAR!
Posted by Goapa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hmm.. I'm not wigging out at all, I am enjoying some spirited debate which is what I think this is. I also agree with almost everything Thror said. But I do disagree with one point. You do know, as a player that a summoner is going to summon if the chance arises. Which is why with my ragers I made it clear that if I traveled with a paladin/shaman that prayers on me were off limits, summoning enemies to us was off limits while we traveled and that if he/she summoned, I would not participate in the fight. Just as if a healer would sanctuary my ragers I would make a real effort to leave the fight and situation and wait for it to wear off because I did not want to benefit from it. As to Thror saying priests should not be killed when they disregard that, I think that is left up to the player.

If the priest disregards the wishes of the rager and does things like heal them or sanctuary them or summon for them or heal their disease, I would, as a rager, maybe not kill them but give them a very good thwacking. If that thwacking killed them, leave their stuff and inform them that you mean business. It is just following in the path of how ragers deal with internal problems. A fellow rager pisses you off, you take it to the circle and you fight and die and move on, problem solved, you don't sit around and say, "well that was bad of you priesty, why did you do that when I asked you not to? You are so bad, I will say you are bad, bad bad priest." But continue to travel and deal with them? Just doesn't sound like a rager any more.

Now as to specifically your character, a rager being involved in any kind of summoning incident like that leaves a very bad taste in my mouth and I usually "don't" like that character. So yes you could say I didn't like your character.

I would like to restate: I am in no shape angry or bitter or snarling and pissed, I am instead enjoying discussion about these things, especially when they are not flame wars. Am I right or wrong? Well it doesn't matter because ultimately Thror can just come down and say, "You are wrong" and I will give up. :) Til then, I'll keep discussin.

As to your comments about a conspiracy against me, I don't know what you are talking about. I am speaking from my experiences as a character. Also, the summoning incidents did not only happen to me but happened to a lot of Scions, especially the one where the 6 party salad plate of ragers/marans/sylvans came and were summoning scions to their deaths (over and over) (and yes the second one was partly my fault, I unghosted unusually fast, at least I thought so and was not prepared).

When it comes down to it, you think summoning is okay for a rager, and I do not. I guess we agree to disagree and that ends it until definitive word comes from the higher ups (Thror or Intronan)


7433, Crazieness!..heh..I agree to disagree too!..:P (n/t)
Posted by Gabe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
7431, RE: ROAR!
Posted by Danical on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As to your comments about a conspiracy against me, I don't know what you are talking about. I am speaking from my experiences as a character. Also, the summoning incidents did not only happen to me but happened to a lot of Scions, especially the one where the 6 party salad plate of ragers/marans/sylvans came and were summoning scions to their deaths (over and over) (and yes the second one was partly my fault, I unghosted unusually fast, at least I thought so and was not prepared).

Ok, I'm not sure if this was the incident I was involved in, if it was, then lets tell the truth. There were two Marans, Algorvhal, Karhon, Myself and Cerunnir I think, Karhon might not have been there, interject someone else. Yes, we killed three of you twice, and thats the way it goes. However, no ragers were in or part of our group, if you died to them, yo udied away from us. If this isn't the same scene, then disregard.

7432, RE: ROAR!
Posted by Lannie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> > As to your comments about a conspiracy against me, I don't
> >know what you are talking about. I am speaking from my
> >experiences as a character. Also, the summoning incidents
> >did not only happen to me but happened to a lot of Scions,
> >especially the one where the 6 party salad plate of
> >ragers/marans/sylvans came and were summoning scions to
> >their deaths (over and over) (and yes the second one was
> >partly my fault, I unghosted unusually fast, at least I
> >thought so and was not prepared).
> >
>Ok, I'm not sure if this was the incident I was involved in,
>if it was, then lets tell the truth. There were two Marans,
>Algorvhal, Karhon, Myself and Cerunnir I think, Karhon might
>not have been there, interject someone else. Yes, we killed
>three of you twice, and thats the way it goes. However, no
>ragers were in or part of our group, if you died to them, yo
>udied away from us. If this isn't the same scene, then

It was me, Karhon, you, and Cerunnir. Two Maran and two Sylvan. This was the same time that Fauaqi led his group into the snare in the Past, then we went to Chasm and ended up killing 2 two times, and one once. I hate multi-killing people, but don't sit in your cabal during a raid.

I think Fauaqi is getting a little mixed up. There was one time when I was a member of a party of 6, with Maran/Battle/Sylvan, but all we did was retake our cabal items and proceed to get torn apart in the Chasm by invoker, dillo, and muter. Then turn around and lost our cabal items again. Fun, fun.
7428, RE: One last try to explain
Posted by Danical on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I lost sanctuary somewhere in there and you started hitting me a lot harder, otherwise it shouldn't have been so close. Oh well, live and learn

7423, RE: Well
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hope no one minds giving my perspective on this.

>Ask yourself this. Does embracing prayers of priests include
>allowing shamans to summon your prey to your snare?
>Accepting sanctuary is bad of course, accepting healing is
>bad of course, is them summoning for you bad? You make the
>call. I know for a fact that villagers have been kicked out
>for allowing a paladin to summon people out of a cabal
>during a "raid" situation, do you think allowing Danical to
>summon me for you in the dwarf forest is worse or better
>than what villagers have been kicked out for?

Both Goapa and Gabe have some very valid points. I'm not saying either one is wrong, since it's your perspective. That's for Thror to decide in the game. I am saying 'here is how I would judge this situation,' which is a pretty difficult situation to judge:

I think it was pointed out wisely in another post that any rager who 'asks' a priest to summon someone for him, will most definately get the boot. There is really nothing any rager can do about MaranShaman summoning. I'm pretty sure both the players and characters are capable of making the distinction between faith/communes and magic/spells.

>Now allying with sylvans is yet another shifty thing in my
>book, but that is me. You have shamans and bards and
>warriors hanging around wearing magic stuff and having
>pendants and magical preps and everyone seems to look the
>other way. Oh and disregard that their cabal embraces mages
>as well.

I totally agree with you here. Intronan more than I have been kicking ragers around and are to the point of throwing ragers out for being seen with individuals who wear 'invis' or spellcasting items. It's not enough that these ragers tell the individuals to 'put it away'. Since the character "in good faith" knows that the magical item is still 'on' the character in question.

If anything, there should still be a history between Battle and Sylvan from the war. I don't think the example of 'the cabal embraces mages' fits. Unless you want the funstick for ragers to hit rock bottom and they can't associate with any cabals.

>This is a disagreement between the new age ragers and the
>older ones. I would treat sylvans as temp allies at best,
>not attacking them but also not embracing them wholeheartily
>like the village has been doing recently. The combo raids of
>Maran/Sylvan/Battle just scars the village's supposed best
>warriors of the land and the independance that comes a long
>with it. I experienced one raid where a shaman who is still
>alive now came with two other paladins, a sylvan bard and
>warrior, and a rager warrior who is still alive now and they
>proceeded to summon me out, gang me, and when I unghosted,
>summon me out, gang me again. That is 6 on 1 and we didn't
>even have the sceptre because they came previously and got
>it! Is that cool in your book? What is being a rager mean to
>you? Not using magic but being cool with prayers that
>emulate magic. I would think you would be at LEAST a little
>bit suspicious of it and at most saying, "You do that again,
>I will kill you for disrespecting me".

The above line is your perspective. I think you are entitled to it, but no one should have to live by that alone.

Gang-bangs are never cool, regardless of the cabals. It's ten times more uncool as a Rager to participate in these. Then again, I also lay a bit of fault on the individual who tries to stick it out in those overwhelming situations.

>The village has turned into a mob of flunkies who beckon to
>priests and mage protecting warders. They no longer stand
>alone and stand for the "Best of the Best". What happened to
>"If I can't do it with my own kin then it is not worth doing
>because it would mar my reputation and history of battle".

That's unfair. You haven't been gone from the Battle cabal long enough to make that statement. There are bad apples in every cabal. I can name a handful of great ragers that are alive and kicking right now.

>Whatever, you find it cool to have shamans and paladins
>summon for your ragers, that is cool. I just hope Thror
>opens his eyes and uninducts you for it. Beyond those
>instances, I didn't have much interaction with you nor could
>I facilitate any because you were always camoed. I comment
>on what I experienced. As to that short time we did interact
>where you wanted to change how we viewed each other, I was
>so tainted by your previous action I had no faith at all in
>your proposal. Oh well.

Eyes are open. With another set of eyes to help me out *tackle Intronan* Again - no rager should attack/kill a priest for summoning. No rager should even be participating in any summoning that involves a massive gang-bang.


Easy on the bickering, heavy on the ale.
7424, RE: Well
Posted by Gabe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I agree with you. Its not as cut and dry ad Goapa makes it out to be.

What bickering? I am already drunk!
7425, summoning to ragers
Posted by Persumal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I personally wouldn't consider summoning with a rager there because I would expect them not to fight if I did. Not asking means nothing to me, because as a communer I would expect that a villager would not -want- me to summon for them. To do so would be offensive to them.

Occasionally I have sanced/healed a rager because I don't know of them and I see them fighting an evil. Each one has refused to take advantage of the sudden swing in how the fight goes, and made it clear that I should not do it for them again. I think any of these would consider summoning to be similar.
7420, Bye, artifactor
Posted by Dwoggurd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was watching you, trying to decide
should I let you join into my circle or not.
At the end the answer was rather "yes"
But you got killed, pissed, and deleted, oh well. *sniff*
Overall, Fauaqi was a fine character.

>Bastard didn't share your secrets!

What secrets? I know no secrets. :)

I use preps which are common knowledge ( most of them )
and those which aren't... ( smaller part )
_many_ people ask me to share my "secrets" with them.
But on the other side, should I share all preparations,
quests walkthrough, etc with everybody I will be nailed
with a big rusty nail into my head, banned, denied,
slayed after that twice, and denied again.
After all, I'm not a mommy, nor I'm a nanny.

7419, Well done.
Posted by Eskelian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Esk: bloody shackles... Not like. Was I like the only one who actually got away from you when you got them on someone? Guess some people don't realize, "Stop walking" if you are shackled with those. Har! Good luck, I like it how you are taking your time, allows for your character to develop some, keep trucking.

-You and the giant nearly had me that time on the dwarven road, however since then we only fought once and that basically cleared the air. I liked you as a character, you were a gruff duergar who would fight when he could win but when it wasn't worth it (or he had other things in mind), he wouldn't push it (hence our semi-alliance after I slew you in the Weald). As for the shackles, they've been changed a bit, but no you aren't the only one to survive them. They aren't too horribly bad, especially if you know how to go about surviving them.
7415, Bleh
Posted by Garlinthas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And again I get left outta thanx.. =P
Well it was nice raiding with you and I think we fought.. once?
7416, We rarely fought and you never used whips on me
Posted by Sylkorian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you had used whips then yeah you could've messed me up nicely, but out of our few fights otherwise, even after your boneshatter I was wielding my weapons most of the time as they're light in the first place and you never truly schooled me before I decided to thirst, that's just a quick way of ridding a pest.
Unfortunately when we both reached our pinnacle I don't think I ever fought you, which would have been a good one.
7417, Western Crossroads in the Weald
Posted by Goapa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Had you boneshattered and entwined, you had a shield because you could not wield either of your swords. I was at 550 hit points you were at agony, next round you thirsted, one round of no hits went by and you wielded both of your swords due to no strength loss and riposte and deathblowed bringing me down to 56 hit points. I had you schooled and dead and good old thirst just turned the tables. Not complaining just illustrating how powerful thirst is, especially in one on one fights. It is like having your own legacy on command, the one where you are not affected by maladictions.


7418, For future reference with your next character:
Posted by Disbelief on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Had you boneshattered and entwined, you had a shield because
>you could not wield either of your swords. I was at 550 hit
>points you were at agony, next round you thirsted, one round
>of no hits went by and you wielded both of your swords due
>to no strength loss and riposte and deathblowed bringing me
>down to 56 hit points. I had you schooled and dead and good
>old thirst just turned the tables. Not complaining just
>illustrating how powerful thirst is, especially in one on
>one fights. It is like having your own legacy on command,
>the one where you are not affected by maladictions.

That would have been a good log for you to post (assuming it really happened).
7463, RE: (DEL) Fauaqi the Weaponsmaster
Posted by Orinah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ah Fauaqi...now why did you go and do this? You were a good character, well played all around. A shame about those legacies...I imagine after enough warriors have picked them and complained about them here everyone will know what they are. Well, may the good times continue, and don't go back to the village...