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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectDeleted later
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=73662
73662, Deleted later
Posted by Goganop on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well Gog was a fun ride but I realized I just peeked and didn't see anything more interesting happening with the character. I actually rolled goganop months ago to help a buddy get back into the game and then around rank 27 I was forced to rename and just quit playing the character because well it was friggin stupid I got renamed. I then rolled up and played raknar.

I picked up again at double xp weekend and ranked and joined the fort and made a lot of friends. After getting renamed i knew I was pretty much never gonna get any loving later in life but i still got some and that which I got I appreciated. I was kind of mind boggled I never got asked to be captain or marshall but well whatever.

I deleted because in a deadly area explore I die and a couple of d-bags decide to destroy my corpse and containers rather then sort through the gear. I was about to hit 8 con so I would have only been around another week anyway so I just decided now was a good time to go so I can focus on studying for my certification exam next week and get me a job.


Isendor-thanks for showing me the nifty things you did I enjoyed all the kuo tao king slaying we did and seeing the various new areas. Good luck in the heavens and don't delete this time.

Unalethekai: THUNDA BROTHAS haha I absolutly loved running with you and if padwei and synoria were not around I think you would make an insanely good cardinal/prophet. You always made me smile and we sure worked well together.

Padwei: Thanks for always saving me when I got in trouble and I had a blast doin all the area exploring where neither of us had any idea where we were going.

Sil: How are you not maran?

orcs: it baffles me that I just couldn't out tank you guys, you sure are a terror keep it up

zefta: Keep in there your doin good.

uhh there are a lot more of you but I got some paper writing to do.

btw I saw more crazy gear with gog then in my entire cf career combined. I mean i lost humansunder 3 times in a row and it just kept coming back to me it was a cool experience to be the uber geared warrior for once.
73694, RE: Deleted later
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always liked Gog, at your worst you were VERY handy to have
around. At your best, well it was just that much better.
Best of luck with the next.
73681, I liked fighting you
Posted by Nererial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But it got a lot harder once you stopped dropping weapons.

If you wonder why I recalled as soon as you warcried each time, unless I'd maladicted you a lot already, it was because I had fervor up and thus couldn't use wimpy to reduce the damage of your flurries.

Still, you were a good enemy. I don't remember you talking trash but I do remember you mixing it up. Thumbs up.
73683, trash talking
Posted by Goganop on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I only returned trash talk so if you didn't direct annoying tells at me you didn't get them back and I made it a point to try not making it a habbit because it just looks cheesy on both sides.

I think in my early days being able to nab you once or twice while the lich + friends raided was a major rush. would be cool to see more leadership presence from empire and get more back and forth going.
73685, There was only one time, I think
Posted by Nererial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think it was Ahtieli, Eleira and myself. I assumed everyone would be targeting the lich, and I couldn't really follow what was happening in the spam, so I just spammed heal on my self. Then I realised all four or five defenders were lagging me out or flurrying me. Unfortunately by then, I had about 3 heals queued, so I say back and hoped that one of the other two would realise I was in trouble and do something. I don't normally spam but I was unaware that my previous commands hadn't gone through because of the spam. Pretty sure that by then nothing was going to save me.

It blew me away that I didn't lose more of my set to you guys when I died, considering there were lowbies around as well. Definitely took the sting out of the beating!

Anyway, well played.
73677, Ugh. Dude!
Posted by Unalethekai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This was the last thing I expected to see on the battlefield. I'm SOOOOOO disappointed.

You came out of nowhere, obviously had little role, but I could tell you knew your stuff so I stuck by your side, did my best to bring you to my religion, tried to help you flesh out a role, was certain you'd be Marshall or Captain, and it all seemed to be going very well.

I grew to love Goganop, my stormborn brother from the far north, and I think you and I could do pretty much anything together. I've never explored so much in the 8 years i've been playing, and it was a blast.
Thanks for all that you taught me, and thanks for playing along with my priestly attempts to bring you into Neltouda's fold.

GLWYN, roll up a goody because with you, java, isendor, et all. all leaving the pendulum is getting ready to swing hard back towards evil. It's going to be a bumpy ride, but it should be exciting at least.


73671, In one way it's a relief....
Posted by Zefta on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I really did enjoy fighting you when I wasn't alone. 1vs1 I just didn't stand a chance! Entwine was out of the question since you'd kill me in the two rounds I was unarmed. Though I might have had bad luck those time, at least one of the times I think you were hasted. ^^

The duel we had was... Insane, I had shield, aura, prot good, stone skin etc, and you hit me for big numbers, even though I was using imperial defences. ^^ After that, I just gave up on fighting you one vs one really. No point in being permalagged ending up with a flurry. (Never avoided any of your flurries...)
So in that regard, I'm glad you're dead. heh

You were a PK-beast, never did see any of your RP though.
73672, you really stood out as an enemy
Posted by goganop on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked our fights and I was nervous as hell fighting you and baglan. You do realize once I got echoed if you had entwined it should have been game over for me between all your guys various abilities. I think people thought I was a lot deadlier then I really was because I doubt I broke 40 kills. When I built goganop I said I want to be good at one thing and be really really good at it instead of being good at a bunch and the direction I took was dealing damage. and with warcry I tened to be in the high 80's low 90's for damage.

as per the haste yeah the one fight I had it from a transmuter. but I actually had haste for just about every fight. the damage bonus from cry of thunder is nice but the real icing on the cake is the 0 tick haste, it let me take down some really rough mobs solo where I would just go in warcry fight a tick hasted flee heal for 5 repeat. Also the + 5 str and dex negated some dagger specs so I could pull a big flurry even after maledictions. Cry of thunder is teh sweet!

anyways I hope they demote eleia and give you warmaster cause I think you would make a better one for the empire (not so much in terms of personal deathfullness but you would manage the sect better I think and make it grow)
73668, RE: Deleted later
Posted by Sletren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, you gave me an aura that you were badass, and I would try to get good fights with you everytime I saw you on, but I don't think it happened very often. I really wanted to fight you more..

GLWYN and keep up the good work.
73666, I'm seeing the same thing.
Posted by Alzinghul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think that the change to dex has switched up the items that people use dex specs are now almost always dagger specs and so swords are just always around. Humansunder/SpiritBreaker seem to be in and there isn't an Igbah in scion who holds the whole set. I actually liked thinking that there was this beastly character that everyone feared (you) with humansunder/bal talon and I wasn't slightly afraid unless I missed a hack. I thought it was awesome when Galadon pretty much forced you to take an arena duel with me, I had haste I'm sure you knew that. Good times.

73667, what had me worried
Posted by goganop on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
was I knew that i had a very short life expectancy against you hasted with hack since i was totally out of preps at the moment and i was worried as soon as i hit the arena i would eat a neuro/hack. I just wish you had missed hack once!!

though that time in hamsah where you were apparently LD i hit you warcry flurry and 4 rounds later I was with 150 hp and you were only writhing! I was just like youch! I think my next very well may be an orc.
73665, Geez!
Posted by Ilbjorga on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All that surrounded Goganop in my eyes was coolness. You were a ####ing train running around hitting people with those flurries. Quite knowledgable too! Loved having you around! Seems the tide will turn quite a bit from the days Isendor was Captain (Which was what...a week ago?)

GLWYN! (When you're settled with a job and all of course!)
73673, hey keep on truckin
Posted by Goganop on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know you might be a bit frustrated at still being a squire but your on the right track just keep soldiering on. Its also ok you know when going into a group v group situation to say uhh I am not well prepared to handle fiends, I would have stopped and thrown you some preps to help out with it I felt really bad when I would get out of a situation I lead into and others wouldn't (wexlen I owe you this apology like 6 times haha)