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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectAelyrion is done.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=73595
73595, Aelyrion is done.
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First, I absolutely, without a doubt, hate playing mages.

I thought I'd give it a shot because, you know, don't knock it til you try it. But I tried it. And I hated it.

Not to say I hated the char. When I wasn't casting spells and being all "magey", I had a good time. The whole idea of this char was to be as Acolyte-y as possible. Not to be a Maran with different powers.
It always kind of annoyed me that you couldn't really tell most Maran and Acolytes apart. So I wanted someone who you COULD. Hopefully I succeeded.

I don't really have a lot of complaints or kudos either way.

I will mention Goganop, cause I'm not sure what the deal is. You rock. You can practically hear as sigh of relief when you log in. And your RP has improved dramatically since I played Jaisel. Keep it up. Maran is in pretty poor shape right now. I'm not sure why you haven't been promoted yet.

Everyone else in the Fort- Most of you rock. Some of you don't. But I'll save that for when you delete.

Enemies- What's with the recent trend of saccing gear? I mean, I can even see full looting to sell the gear and donate the coins (lame, but at least it benefits the char). But just flat out saccing? Retarded. Stop doing that ####.

Not to say everyone did. Most of ya'll were cool.

Oh, and mages suck. Never again.
73697, RE: Aelyrion is done.
Posted by Una on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is Funny, from your PBF

Oct 25, 2008|Lv 45|Hr 89 |51 Goganop, 51 Julaed,
Oct 25, 2008|Lv 46|Hr 90 |51 Goganop, 51 Unalethekai,
Oct 25, 2008|Lv 47|Hr 90 |51 Goganop, 51 Unalethekai,
Oct 25, 2008|Lv 48|Hr 90 |51 Goganop, 51 Unalethekai,

An elf gaining four of his final levels in under an hour. Those last three had to have been within the span of thirty minutes.

73615, RE: Aelyrion is done.
Posted by Befela on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Had fun from our few interactions. Always solid RP and mageyness. You may have hated it, but you were very competent.
73611, Damn!
Posted by Ilbjorga on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Jaisel now Aelyrion??

As usual, you have great characters that can really have a positive impact in a cabal. I mean, now that we had some sort of ''edge'' by our side, that's gonna hurt! And no, you ain't a coward! I never meant to say it that way...just how Ilbjorga is I guess!

73603, RE: Aelyrion is done.
Posted by Lyllianas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I can say you'll be missed. Thank you for dragging me about, and all the adventures. Because of you, I actually perfected Dodge, Parry, and Shield Block!! And for saving me all that time on Detect Invis and other spells. I did enjoy your roleplay, and please roll up another fortressite! I would not have guessed this was Jasiel, so good job on that!! I'll probably still be around the same level at the rate I'm doing on finding groupmates! And not all mage classes are boring, but I don't think you'd have the patience for an invoker type. Good luck though! And don't roll an evil character and kill my poor little self!!!

73607, I liked ya..
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll try to play an evil. But I doubt it'll take. It's probably a safe bet that I'll end up back in Fort before you delete.

I was always glad to see you logged on. It was fun running with you. Someone somewhere told me that muters just flew through the ranks. I guess that's true if there is ANYONE at all who can tank for you. But 90% of the time, you were the only non-shifter in my range. It helped that you actually seemed to know what you were doing, too.
73602, RE: Aelyrion is done.
Posted by Nererial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm a big fan of Java characters, but I didn't like this one.

The first time involved you calling me a ganker, and saying that you knew I was because the rest of fort told you so. That might be useful if it wasn't for the fact that most of the fort are actually pretty pleasant to me. Quite a few actually compliment me for what I do.

So to me, you ended up being just another lowbie talking smack that I felt was based on unrepresentative snapshots.

On the plus side, you did give a specific example. We came to raid again, against a number of you. Again, I think potential defenders outnumbered potential raiders. The raid was triggered by the fact you seemed to be weakened from having just successfully retrieved. However, what do we find upon arrival at the fortress? We find one shifter sitting, inattentive, at the inner. So he gets summoned out and would have been ganked, were it not for the complete screw up. (Instead someone slept him and then another immediately attacked him, waking him.)

Had he been slept and stayed slept, he would have been bait for the rest of the fort. That to me makes sense. Especially when you have been in the situation where anyone you summon out solo just walks back in. Given that I have faced pairs at your inner on my own, I thought your accusations were unfair, and to be honest, they felt ooc. I'm reminded of this by your comment to Bwaadn saying "what is it with shamen recently?". Hell, I pass up kills on people I know rot can kill in a tick by intentionally avoiding using rot on them!
73605, The comment wasn't about you..
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was about a certain other Imperial shaman, and a certain famous Outlander shaman, both of whom have developed a taste for a certain less-than-player-friendly action when people die. And it annoys pretty much everyone (including other Imperials who were logged in at the time).

I do remember the conversation we had, though. I actually just looked up the log to remind myself of it. I'm sorry you took it the way you did.

What happened was you offered some of my gear back when I died. I refused saying I won't take charity. You said it wasn't charity, it was honor.
So that opened the whole door. Based on what I had just witnessed, you guys killed a few Forties 4 on 1 (granted, it was because we were disorganized and stupid, but still).
So, I told you what you just did wasn't honor. I said hiding behind Centurions wasn't honor. And we went back and forth. Everything I said was based on what I had just witnessed though.

That was all entirely IC. OOC, I respect the hell out of you. But IC, I could only just based on what I had just personally witnessed.

But sorry it came off that way. I'm pretty sure I never said the Fort told me you were a ganker (I just read the conversation that I'm remebering). All I said was that I had personally witnessed it.

And I agree, I WAS basing my opinion on unrepresentative snapshots, because those snapshots were all Aelyrion had ever seen. My accusations WERE unfair, in reality, but not from Aelyrion's perspective.

Again, sorry for the misunderstanding. Sucks that something so simple can stick out.
73609, Maybe I'm just paranoid now
Posted by Nererial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If that's all your character saw, then that's absolutely the way you should act. That being the case, I feel a lot better about your character now.
73600, Noooooooooooooo
Posted by Goganop on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was looking forward to more wrecking of the evils. I was excited to see a transmuter and I thought you were very well played. I apologize I have a habbit of turning you acolytes into marans but... there ain't no squires haha. I had a lot of fun on the exploring we all have been doing of late and was planning some new trips to get us all killed in the near future (got to love leading explore trips to places you never been that are full of ouchness).

But yeah play an evil, help revive scion or something!
73597, I liked the role
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And you RP'd it well. I was kind of on the verge of Acolyte'ing you cause I thought you were pretty much ready for it.

Well, I'm sure I'll see you around the Fort again. :)
73599, Hah, you probably will..
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I'm gonna have to role up 3 or 4 evil chars first, and realize that I hate them around lvl 10, before coming back home to Fort. But it's only a matter of time.

Thanks for the compliment though. And the role contest reward. First time I've ever won anything from one of those (and I won Daev's mini-contest too. Woot!)
73604, Also
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You died a lot in the Dragon Ruins. What did you think? Too tough?
73606, RE: Also
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well.. I was looking for my sleek that USED to be in the dragon tower (I never did find where it got moved to). So I spent a lot of time poking around there. Plus at least one nasty teleport.

Every time I died was because of something stupid, like duo falling or whatever. I couldn't really speak to the actual difficulty of the area, because I never went there with the intent of fighting anything.

One thing that did annoy me though, was the bottom of the area, debris falling brings you out of duo. That doesn't really make sense to me. But I don't think I ever figured out the nuances of duo.

Overall, I think the area has a pretty badass vibe to it. I probably explored more of it than most people (if you count looking around, but not killing anything as exploring). There might be TOO many wandering aggro mobs all clumped together at a couple spots though. But if you want an area that requires some significant planning to handle, I guess that works.
73596, RE: Aelyrion is done.
Posted by Ahtieli2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm glad you could see another angle of lame lich :P. I enjoyed our talk a lot. You sounded so Acolytish and I think it's really good.

As for gear saccing, I don't think I took anything but rods and gold from your corpse ever.

P.S. there is one spell that could make my life much harder, thanks for forgetting about it :P. Though there were not a lot of situations to make good use of it.

73598, That almost seemed unfair..
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With Goganop and Una together, and me in the background, it was an ugly combination. I'm sure they'll miss it a little bit. But when you have 2 dudes hitting for OBLIT-ERAD on regular hits, plus flurry and strikes. Straight nasty.

I loved that talk we had a day or so ago. It kind of opened up your role to me a little more. I tried to talk about it to the Forties on, but they didn't seem interested. Oh well.

You're definately not the one I was referring to for gear saccing. But there were a couple people in Empire..

And as for that spell.. I have no idea what you're talking about. But I absolutely and without question sucked as a transmuter, so I'm sure there was a lot I could have one better.
73601, RE: That almost seemed unfair..
Posted by xherves on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
from our few fights, i liked you. and aswell as all the others acolytes did you try to convince me to leave the evil :-)

i am sure the fortress will miss you :-)

good luck with next