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Topic subjectK I'm done
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73311, K I'm done
Posted by Lezra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm out deleted... had some highs had some lows. I'll post later.
73445, Very well played
Posted by djabree on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The scariest air shifter I've ever fought.. I hardly dared to entwine anybody when you were around, because I knew that I'd be dead in two rounds if you showed up those insane bites. Very fun to fight, it gets exciting when a mistake from either side usually means that you get corpsified.... Good RP from what I saw as well.
73346, RE: K I'm done
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't see a lot in the way of RP from Lezra, but being completely fair... it's hard to get much across as an air shifter, especially often on alone in their cabal with a lot of enemies. I'm sure in your shoes I wouldn't have done any better.

PK/cabalwise, you were great. Lezra was the kind of stubborn underdog that too many of the players think they are but don't quite live up to. I pushed for you to be eldered because one day I asked myself, wouldn't it be lame if Lezra, who is doing nothing wrong as far as the cabal goes, got thrown out of the cabal for whatever hypothetical reason by one of the leaders, neither of which is around as much or sticking the bad odds as much? (Taking nothing away from either of them -- it's just that Lezra was doing more.)

Overall, nice job and I'll look forward to your next.
73353, thanks
Posted by Lezra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've always had a hard time with RP- I just like to get in the thick of it. And I knew I needed to get it bumped up so I was really surprised when I got eldership or anything else for that matter. So thanks.
73337, Thanks Lezra.
Posted by Alzinghul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For taking me around with you on those trips around to places I haven't fully explored. It's completely hilarious that the most exploring I've done with a character so far is with an Orc. What was great was that anyone that did not have bash protection was pretty much meat for the two of us, considering the pure damage output. I thought you played a very good chancellor and I'm going to be hurting for new allies. Take care, and I'll see you in the fields.

Orcs are fun, try them.

Alzinghul Deth'Azul the Chieftain of the Grinning Skulls, Disciple of Zurcon
73320, Good byes
Posted by Lezra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First off let me say this was one hell of a ride. From start to finish with alll the high and lows. I've got to first thank the imms for making a kick ass game possible.

So I was sousidan before and that was simliar but this run I got the imms to back me for a bit. Thorughout my life I really got some nods and things maybe I thought I'd never see. First leader, sceond tat...etc I really think I got my my goals accomplished. I had always wanted the advisor position I was completely floored when I got channcellor..I figure I'm to much of a newb for that. But I don't think I add'd any special flare as a leader and I'm sad my lore knowledge is completely meh and same with my RP. But I hope I didn't offend anyone.

As for the ppl grumbling at what I did at leader I apologise.. but any leader position is difficult especially with not much direction.

As for me deleting I was debating it for a bit now... so this was just the straw... I was close to con death anyhow 7ish I think. but I had really hope to follow through..

So some goodbyes!


Eshval - thanks for letting me do my thing. Thanks for tat... thanks for just being alround cool

Thanks to the imm that gave me that extra form. I wonder if I would have ever earned a quest form like gryphon or something.. but thanks anyways it came in handy after the new air forms came in.


Waris - stud you were the one who inducted me and I was really hoping to be your adivsor... but I know things don't walys work out as they are supposed to. You are skilled in RP/pk from all that I saw.

Kharnial- the only other person in the court when eshval was alive... so of course I looked up to you as an equal. For my induction I understand what you were trying to do and I appreciate trying to help me further the development of my char.

Valk- my other alligator partner... you are really getting your bearings back.

Varasin- I had wished you were around more often with me... I'm glad I finally got you in. You were my very first induction. And you kick ass.


Empress - well you trashed me once- it's just a real bad match up for me. But since you lost some power we had a a couple of run-in's obvisouly that would turn for the worst for me in a couple of weeks.

Eleia- god I hated you... you completely negated alot of my strengths and even with tons of resist mental you songs always got the better of me.


Dj - my favorite foe... honestly a standup villager for all others to try to mimic. I hope you make a spot on the pillar. Thank you for so much fun

Dhaath- Got me that once... but I learned better and how to come at you with the right preps. But in the begining it's was really rough aginst you.

Ruhk- Another bard- they seems to be my bain. So Id' wait patiently for a crack at you. Sorry if it gave you the wrong impression. But thats air forms for ya.


Lorn- you helped me rank and grab a few things early on to bad you disapeared... could have used that dillo

Pelrin- we had a funny relationship. You obviously knew I used you but in turn you got the benefits from it. I liked you and would snicker when you attacked me.


Shalsad - I hope you make vindicator. Watch out for those blue birds!


Man I can't say to much about you fellas...but the time sI died to you I always knew I'd come back half dressed and no chance of getting things back.(I wasn't always owl)


Whew there are so damn many of you... SO I'll group you all together but post and I'll reply. It's just so damn frustrating have three + fort on and I'm the lone evil. Paladins in general are just stupid hard to kill. And the fact you are all decked even added to my frustration. ( majority of you) Having two of those ubers swords never seemed right to me but ahh well. I had some intersting interations with many of you.


Alz - I always though orcs were better servants than meat so I was happy to have you hold items or bash things for me. I gotta try an orc someday you make it look so fun even with all the deaths. You still trash so many it's hilarious.

For those of you that think gator is overpowered you'll see from my pbf that it's not. I'm sure I died as much as I killed. Gator is straight damage... nothing else. The lag on it's movement and attacks is so bad that chasing is near impossble. Thank god for an air form... which acutally sealed alot of my kills. I took alot of time to prep so that's what really made the difference. Without abs and some other things gator takes a #$%# ton of damage, with no dodging and limited damage reduction - I was a punching bag. Hit me up if you got any questions on the forms etc.

aim: bryancf1

I think I'll take a short break and try a some different things but Again I just want to thank everyone for making it a fun ride. Think someone can pick up the PBF?

73323, You were good at what you were doing
Posted by Ilbjorga on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You'd come raid solo quickly then go or stay and have a go. I remember that time in the sewers when you'd always try to aim on Goganop and I'd just rescue him of you just so you don't get him and we pounce you more! I did enjoy fighting you when we did and was always on edge for you but usually, unless we do a fight to death, there won't be any victor since we're too smart to stay long enough to die.

Good work and hopefully you'll return!
73324, RE: Good byes
Posted by Eleia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn I liked Lezra. Then I rolled you've already had reputation and I was very carefull fighting you. Alligator isn't OP but it's still damn tought. Everytime we fought I knew one mistake and I'm screwed. I think I relaxed just one time when I song two of fear songs and noone succeded and I was fresh toasted corpse:) Still fiend was raping you badly so just a bad match up for a bard I assume.
73358, RE: Good byes
Posted by lezra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hate fiend - the end. JK you are doing well I really I had thoguht I could out live you in the end but just didn't happen.
73329, Got your PBF, stxt.
Posted by Odelius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You absolutely raped me every time I've fought you, not just as Greikyn and his vuln_blunt, but as what I'm playing now too. Damn, guess I should have been a bard since they were one of the few you said could drop your gator.

Good times though, and hope you come back with something new and friendlier!

- Greikyn
73356, RE: Got your PBF, stxt.
Posted by lezra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Loved your little svirf. I think I might take a page out of your book and just go crazy.
73333, Solid Character.
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would say that I liked 95% of what I saw from this character. You logged on and everybody was worried about that damn owl/gator. You proved that you could be successful with two less than wanted forms. You used them with precision and it showed. When I made you Chancellor, it was a unanimous vote that you were the most deserving. You did a few things that made me think that you were on the verge of a delete anyway. When you start playing angry, it's really a good time to let it go or take a breather from the character for a day or two.

73334, 'two less than wanted forms'
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You must mean before the revamp.
73355, RE: 'two less than wanted forms'
Posted by Soudiann on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gator is nice but without scion powers/preps it's kind of a rough form. As for owl most air forms were that same before the change and since the change there's a lot more variety which makes the skies a whole new ball game.
73354, thanks
Posted by lezra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was playing very mad near the end I was frustrated about a few things. So I should have pulled the trigger eariler but I was so hard to let go of this run - since it was so fun. Was it you that hooked me up with the extra form?
73359, RE: thanks
Posted by Random dood on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your pair of low forms after the changes to air and what you got had some fun abilities for a pair of minor forms, definatly one of the neater sets of minor forms i've seen, that's including your *quest* form
73352, RE: Good byes
Posted by Lierieng on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't get to interact with you outside of fighting really. As a druid, shifters are a pain in the ass. Given time to prep, they are managable. This is why I hate airforms. Give an airform scion leader powers and a nightwalker and you just became my biggest pain in the ass. One that shifts into a form that can 2 round me and you remove a lot of my desire to even try. I don't fault you for taking advantage of a pisspoor matchup or taking the one or two items I had that weren't regear when you did beat me that you didn't intend on using. Mild irritation at best. When you jumped in on the already 5v1 against me on eastern when there were 2 orcs, 2 tribs, 1 anathema maybe not grouped? but standing together not attacking each other waiting for the chance to push my #### in, my opinion of you became less than nice. I could have escaped them at least, so maybe that was why you did it. You might have been taking out frustrations against outlander as a whole on me or whatever, that's fine.

Sorry if I was annoying the one day I tried to chat with you, I was trying to bait you into what I thought would be my best shot of nailing you without being an asshole.
73374, You frustrated me.
Posted by Meleke on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I aided the cabal. I hinted to lore that I new in my note to you that I kept separate from the cabal application. I fought alongside, retrieved, fought villagers etc but you never even hinted at induction and I was very close to killing you in the air but you deleted anyway.

I was asked to even fight them when my form was only 75% and I got stuck in.

I liked Sousidan but Lezra I didn't for these reasons.

Meleke's player
73844, Mucho Respecto
Posted by Tehbigc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think Sousidan was the shifter who first pointed out to me some abs rods. I was a manta ray gnome back then I think. Lol. Good work. See you when I am back.
75379, Many will say
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Many will say "I look forward to your next character," but I have to say, as I look at my notes, you would have a tough time overcoming my fondness for Lezra. It's not always about the goods and bads, nor the deathfulness of a character, rather it is about the "stew" of all features that make a valued and loved character (to me).

Eshval's email

Eshval's slightly off-center (unofficial) blog.
73319, RE: K I'm done
Posted by julaed on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow that sucks that you deleted man. I am sorry if I was a constant annoyance, but I knew that there was no way I can go toe to toe with you, so I relied on the most annoying things I could come up with to at least even out our fights. I had a ton of respect for you, and I understand the whole getting mad about losing gear. Coming back to an empty corpse is always annoying, and it seems to be happening alot more lately. Oh well, at least I have gotten good at regearing out of this whole ordeal. Any ways, I wonder if I ever gave you even some what of a challenge? Good luck with your next char, I certainly had fun with you, though we never got a chance to interact, though I tried a few times to talk to you.
73315, A good, solid character
Posted by Bruntaur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its kind of sad that you're going out on a rage delete, but I can certainly understand that frustration. It's one thing to lose your ideal set, and another completely to do it how you did.

I liked the character, with one exception. Was that just chance that you swooped down on me on the path to Thar-Acacia when I room sanc'ed for the ranger that was stuck there, or was that a predetermined event? You never full looted me, and right then had been a prime opportunity to take some nice things (though you did, from time to time, take things from me that you, as a mage, clearly didn't need and that grew frustrating).

You were always up for a fight, and you fought well. Our interactions were fun and I found myself often looking forward to you logging on (except the day you did so with Volubryotr and I raiding, both near dead, and you killed us in the blink of an eye). So well done, and thanks.
73357, RE: A good, solid character
Posted by Lezra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh fun stuff one of the high lights I can really remember... No that inccident near Tharacacia wasn't planned. Was just pure luck on my part. I knew you could recall but I had no idea you were cleansing. Just dumb luck on that one.
73314, RE: K I'm done
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Probably been said, but much fun. At first our talks implied
you thought I was one of 'those' people. Like he chose to play
a paladin in that game but he's robbing the people in the story
line because it lets him. I hope I got across that Volu was really
a paladin's paladin. :) Dunno how well I did, but you did stop
accusing me of uhhh. unpaladiny things?? :) Well except for a few
ganging thingys. and yeah I never claimed or implied that I was
one of those ehren people :)
Other than not feeling safe at any moment anywhere I liked
Lezra. Hahaha. I don't know how many times I was going. Well
I could kill X mob for W gear, or request Y from Z but Lezra
is around the moment I am defenseless or kinda wounded here
will come a nightwalker towing gator. No no We'll just wait.
I kinda thought you would outlive me a good long while though.
Good luck with the next.
73312, Sorry
Posted by Harlidbiggle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm sorry that you lost so much. Of course, I think you got quite a bit of good things back, but I guess when you had a nice set you don't care what you get back if you are missing some key things. Anyway, we had some good fights in the little bit of time I've been about in the skies. I hope you come back with something fun for yourself.