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Topic subject(CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Volubryotr Ironmace the Champion of the Virtues
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=73170
73170, (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Volubryotr Ironmace the Champion of the Virtues
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Oct 15 23:18:59 2008

At 7 o'clock AM, Day of Thunder, 3rd of the Month of Winter
on the Theran calendar Volubryotr perished, never to return.
Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
73279, RE: (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Volubryotr Ironmace the Champ...
Posted by Synoria on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh heh...dwarves...

My earliest memories of Vol are wanting to strangle you
for the constant running commentary you seemed to give
over cb..."I'm on eastern...Hmm, my shoelace is undone..
suppose I'll do it up...Alright shoelace tied"
Hehe, though its all good.

I ended up feeling so bloomen protective of you it was
incapacitating. In that retrieval I was having Syn deliberatly
break the code by lieing to you when I was heading back
because the bloomen horde was just shredding us. It really
is hard on her having all these dwarves she finds herself

Great char, and always up for a tumble...even when I didn't
want you there, because you gave me heart failure =)
Your a good egg.

73284, RE: (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Volubryotr Ironmace the Champ...
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehe, aww come on :)
The commentary is a habit, when no one is saying anything
talk. I like to know where my foes are so I figure if I'm
walking down a road and see bad guy X I let everyone know.
When the chatty guy gets quiet, he's either snared, engaged,
etc... something went wrong, another way to let people know
stuff. Mainly though, volu was sleeping to recover mana almost
all the time and I was bored to tears and trying to get someone
to talk to me. *rofl*
I still have my compulsive need to hero every race/class combo
so at least I'm finally done with dwarf pally. (I have deleted
like the last 3 or 4 I've rtied, usually within a few levels
of hero) Hehe.

Syn was great. Though your templars defense advice works far
better with swords than hammers, I figured a few other things
that seemed to work out better with hammers. Not sure why the
difference though.
I learned ALOT about two-handers this time around, so maybe
I can figure out how to still be a cuisinart(sp?) after 40
with the next one eh?

P.S. I HAD a plan when I was trying to get us to go in together
at the horde by the way. Shoulda told me. *grumble* Then again
it involved sacrificing myself to take out most of the underlings
I was gonna try two holy words in a row. I KNOW I would have died
but I figured you'd make it through that way. Of course had I
told you that was my plan you STILL wouldn't have told me when
you were going in.
73277, RE: (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Volubryotr Ironmace the Champion of the Virtues
Posted by Thymas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You will be sorely missed. We had some great fights. I really respected you as an opponent. You were always up for a fight and didn't let things bother you too much. Given all the times I killed you, I may have looted 1 piece so you could get back up and fight me again. I was really looking forward to the final duel, and I was actually rooting for you as crazy as it sounds! We need more players like you who treat and enjoy CF for what it is, a game. Good luck on your next

73283, RE: (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Volubryotr Ironmace the Champion of the Virtues
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Almost had him.. and when I THOUGHT he was driven off
I replied to who I thought was you to come to bramblefield
I was blind and someone else had spoken to me in the
meantime. Hehehe. While I didn't exactly like being perma-
lagged I liked the WAY you came at me. Thymas is one of
the 'coolest' orcs I've run across in a long long time.

:) Keep it up: Maybe I'll get that orc into play before
the current set of orcs die off. hehehe.
73258, RE: (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Volubryotr Ironmace the Champ...
Posted by Isendor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Volubrysydfskdjt, what's up man? I pretty much said my goodbyes IC already but I figured I would write a quick note here. Always enjoyed having you around. Seemed like you were very laid back and easy going 98% of the time, it's a shame what happened at the end there.

I remember when your times were sparse and being glad when you started picking things up again. Keep it going man, don't give up. Thought you might enjoy this note I sent to the fort right after you died:

"It is my duty and sorrow to inform you all that Maran Volubryotr has passed from this mortal life. He wished to bid us all to stand strong, and I can see that his life was a testament to his desire. This Maran, for nearly all of his life, had an attitude of ease and there was little which could diminish his broad dwarven smiles. Remember him well when the burdens of our duties seem to be too great to bear. Remember his laughter. Remember his courage. Remember his strength."

73271, Wow.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That had me at a complete loss for words.
but this is me so it didn't last long.

Hell you have *ME* choked up mourning a
guy who sounds like a big damn hero.

A testament chok full of awesomefullness*
but then Isendor always had that certain
way with words about him anyway. :)
Isendor is a very cool character and
a GREAT pally. Thanks man, and thanks for
being there at the end. It helped alot.

*a word taken from my daughters vocabulary,
first used to describe yours truly which I
feel gives me the right to use it, right?

73242, You were suppose to wait so I could get info from you!!!!
Posted by Lyllianas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You weren't suppose to go out and die until I had gathered a few specifics about you! I will say I shall miss you though, even though it always seemed you just wanted to here me sing your favorite song! I had hoped to get to know you better in the future, but alas, tis not the way it shall be. I started working on that note too last night so it should be up in a day or so. Need to talk to a few people first, but I hope you'll like it. Don't think you are going to give up on the game!! Till Next!

73248, RE: You were suppose to wait so I could get info from you!!!!
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh man I'm sorry if I came off as just wanting to hear
a song to refresh my mana. I never wanted to be 'that guy'
to anyone. Seriously though dwarves get mana back like
a retarded turtle on downers. not metabolic slowing kinda
downers, just int and wis decreasing ones. *rofl*

I only thought of giving up the game for a short bit, call
it a fit. I DO think I should take a break for a while.
I WANT to play, but I figure instead of looking at it all
with fresh eyes I'll see things skewed by past stuff and
start getting the consiracy thing going on. That guy logs
on when we are raiding and then rest right after.. ####!
those two log on within moments of one another and are
never apart, ####s! etc... Then I'd turn into a #### before
I realized what was happening. oh so failed maran of me.
step over the edge become that which you hunt etc... :)

As a player no matter what different personality things I
do I can't seem to shake my characters liking bards.
What's a hero with no one to tell his story right?
I have always had a soft spot for bards. Too bad it's
a mutant ooc thing hehe.

Good luck with the fort. You'll do fine.
73198, Very good Maran...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked having you on my team with Iltanthal. You were pretty tough, VERY helpful with your virtues, and we made a good team. You seemed a bit rash at times, but that's cool.

My only suggestion for your next char is the racial RP. I know not all dwarves need to speak with a scottish accent, and you did talk about ale once or twice that I recall, but I honestly kept thinking you were a storm giant until I'd do a "who pk" or something and notice that it said dwarf.

Then again, maybe I came across as a human in an elf suit, so meh.
73207, RE: Very good Maran...
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehe all on purpose friend.

Well okay the ale was when Baer gave me an everfull skin
at our first meeting and told me not to overindulge or
something like that, I actively avoided getting drunk
I'd get tipsy mind you...

I really wanted to see how a non-stereotypical-CF-Dwarf
would come across though. I was hoping to start a trend.
And apparently it comes off like a storm giant. So all
you people out there playing dwarves or thinking about
it keep up the accents or no one can recognize you :)

*rofl* It was really hard to NOT talk like a CF dwarf man,
I love the goofy accents. Hell man most of my ELVES talked
like that. I drove people nuts. :)

I'd say good luck with your next, but you are a sick freak
of nature and I will keep my luck to myself.

73189, RE: (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Volubryotr Ironmace the Champion of the Virtues
Posted by Eleia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
On one hand one fortie less is good now. On other you were not the worst of them. Early on we had some fun fights I believe. Later things turned out to gank on gank actions. Don't realy have to say much as with all those 5-7 forties logged on at the same time their faces becomes similar to each other:) Though I think I liked Volub far more than most of the other. Dunno maybe because you wasn't #12322434 elf paladin and dwarves are easier for the bard:).
73195, RE: (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Volubryotr Ironmace the Champion of the Virtues
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think I expressed myself fairly well in game that time over some
armwear that would have really done me some good. :) I had a great deal of respect over you as a player anyway (insert shouts of
Die imperial scum! for the character) until a recent posting, which
I'm going to post another outlook to with names of the living edited
The reason: I feel the first was posted was like manipulating the
media: Let's give the public this outlook towards THESE people.
No no sir the Irish catholics are dirty smelly people.
Have you really known these people enough to say that?
Ach. I wouldn't be caught dead talkin' to one.
So how do you know?
Well everybody knows...
This is how you get to everybody knows:
post enough logs of skewed perspectives and it gets taken
as factual. I'm leaning toward a totally unedited log, but
I really don't dig logs of active folk. I come close to
deleting everytime I see one with any of my characters in
it. (Yes even when I come off cool.) It's not anyone's
business what I am wearing, or the things I say over cb
or private tells to members of other cabals etc...
Why do people want to make that public anyway? Do you ever
think for a moment about the other people that come up in
your logs? I doesn't take alot to edit the extra #### out.
If they are active jeez man get rid of the names.

and other than that one little thing Elia was grand fun.
I HATE some of those songs though. Hehe.
73201, RE: (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Volubryotr Ironmace the Champion of the Virtues
Posted by Ahtieli2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>On one hand one fortie less is good now. On other you were
>not the worst of them. Early on we had some fun fights I
>believe. Later things turned out to gank on gank actions.
>Don't realy have to say much as with all those 5-7 forties
>logged on at the same time their faces becomes similar to each
>other:) Though I think I liked Volub far more than most of the
>other. Dunno maybe because you wasn't #12322434 elf paladin
>and dwarves are easier for the bard:).

I tend to agree with most of the things here. You were good foe to have and it's not because you died quite a bit to me. Good player, good char. Keep it coming man.
73206, RE: (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Volubryotr Ironmace the Champion of the Virtues
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
:) I get my one 'cool' fight per character...
Yours was the summon away from zombies into the
eyes of flame bit. Hehe. That was funny.
I think the ONLY time I ever had you on the run.
The rest of the time was kinda like a prison

Hehe. Really though with what you got going on there
you could just blast through most of what's in your
path. Grab one or maybe two other folk and you could
face down some really BIG gangs.

I wish you would have taken my suggestion about removing
the tongue of 'one unnamed shadow'. :)

73209, Hehe I remember that
Posted by Ahtieli2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I forgot to put up one thing on and you played football with my ass there :P It was funny, thanks for that fight.

As soon as I grab one or two other folks we see a lot of cryings about it.
73211, RE: Hehe I remember that
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Okay okay I'll give you that, but really you are empire,
what are they going to cry about being ganged down?
Tell them to bring it. *rofl* Notice I say that when I'M
not one of the enemies (I'm right behind all you guys
though, you go get that lich. Spartacus is leading.
follow him)

73188, Aaw man...
Posted by Zefta on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Cool char from what I saw. Enjoyed our fights. :D
73193, RE: Aaw man...
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehe Man I kinda liked Zefta, again, as with some others we tended
to talk more via blades than mouths, but ya know, what are you
gonna to do. You seemed a pretty stand up guy though. :)
73240, I do my best but....
Posted by Zefta on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With this char more than any other I get upset with losing gear... (I think most people have figured out why by this time...)
73182, Many battles come to an end.
Posted by Alzinghul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The night at the Orc Village when you and Synoria kept coming was unbelievable. In my head I was thinking this is the most stubborn counter raid I have ever seen, and the problem was I was only getting stronger as you two kept coming (more banners/more hordes). I'll go ahead and say probably not your best tactics you've ever shown it was more of a statement counter-raid. I had a blast doing it though and from that point on tried never to take anything from you and only banner your body after you got your things. You were one of those enemies that I knew if I missed a couple of spinebreaks I'd be dead very quickly which is a scary thought, rng loves teh Orc though because usually I got out of it alive. You got me a few times and were a class act about it. I'm serious, Orcs aren't that bad step on up and join the Horde!

Alzinghul Deth'Azul the Chieftain of the Grinning Skulls
73185, RE: Many battles come to an end.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehe, I got mad at you once over taking my canteen.
Most people go kill the dwarf for it, but I mean...
I'm a dwarf! and having no money... bleh. Sure kill
a few mobs and get the money for a canteen but damn.
*pout* Still though There were a few fun ones in there.
I REAAAAALLY thought bok had gone on about his business
that day when I ran out after you into the snare. :)
I wish you could emote at least while spinebroke or snared.
Or says. Anyone there would know you are down, and if you
can only comminicate with those in the room... what is the
harm. When Bok was like "it's all over now" I wanted to
nod or give an impudent grin or something. Hehe.
maybe the channels are tied too close in the code and they
can't open up one without you being able to cb/clan/gt
whatever. :) Anyway when you and thymas were talking about
joining the horde had I been an uncaballed evil for hire...
that might have been fun. *rofl*
If I couldn't get either of you away from other orcs though
I got to do my one thing at the VERY beginning MAYBE otherwise
it was like boks bearcharge, you have to stand up to do that.
sick... just sick.
I love orcs though and whenever I get over my issues and RL
that is what I'll come back as.
73200, Canteen
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
FYI, there is a water container that is pick-up-able, holds quite a bit of water (possibly more than a canteen?), and in an area that is only a few steps away from Aldevari. It might not be lowbie-friendly but I think Maran Dwarf Hero Paladin can probably handle it. :)
73203, RE: Canteen
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm lazy:
my alias' were all set up to canteen.
used to be barrel, ya know the one from mortorn
that used to almost never run out? Then they made
it weigh like 64 pounds or something hehe.
but basically I don't want to stop and change out
what I drink from because I'm lazy.
:) Can I get an amen?

73212, You realize there's a mob in aldevari which sells the canteen for 90 or so copper, right? n/t
Posted by Random Person on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
73239, RE: You realize there's a mob in aldevari which sells the canteen for 90 or so copper, right? n/t
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Umm dead, 0 coins, not one, see first post on it.
Hunting down some mobs for coins was just not
really volu. plus how many gralan-esque guys
would a hero have to kill to get 90 copper
Naked facing the ugruks takes a little more than
the time you get to spend regearing before the
next battle. at least as volu. :)

and holy crap man.
I get mad because of a hassle behind a canteen
and I'll be talking about it for hours! I see
how CF really works. *rofl*
I miss impossibly light barrels. :)

To the next guy who goes you know there is
an X next to X with the X in it.
Yes. yes and yes Hehehe.
73179, Where to begin... This could get long.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First some nostalgia, Eshval's thread made me think I hand't
put up a character list in some time. I have a file saved with
all the heroes but none of the ones that might be remembed but
didn't make it to the top.

Dimion :) Depressed elven shokai pally. married meladori. sort of.

Vanadulin - elf tranny squire in the fort. Man if I could only have
lived up to that role. Almost got booted for being so sucky in pk.

Lerrik - Human spear/hand guy. uncaballed, seeker of the clarion I
think. Oh what fun. This guy's life gave me the idea for nimmers.
oh and I have to do this... "The eastern road is ours!"
That was for you my friend, you know who you are.

Glilanthis - another squire. half-elf shifer porcupine-lion
I still sucked BAD in pk.

Dremkal -svirf villager scout, polearms and hands?? another seeker of
the clarion, an eye opener on villagers :), and one helluva blast all
the way through.

Nimelerion - Elf maran,spears and maces a baer follower before there
was a Baerinika Hehe. and the way I wish I could play all my
characters, but this sort of thing really gets to you after a while
kinda like being an emt where you see so many bodies strewn over
the road for such a long time that you lose it unless they have you
do something else for a while. (STILL sucked at pk, but I learned
alot here.) From what I heard I made more than one person put thier
hands over thier eyes and groan "not again". If you want imms to
watch you, you can be really cool, a serious badass, or a complete
train wreck. For those of you who can't do the two former, I suggest
the latter. "Horrible horrible things... can't ... look... away..."
Naaahhh I take it back. It takes a 'special' sort of personality to
do what I did there. I'm a pretty easy going guy and I don't think I
could take another nimmers. Drat she has me saying it now. It would
make masochists balk. Probably the most fun I've had on CF though,
Dimion holds a special place for me as the first hero and all, and
lerrik is quite the runner up, yet I have never seen anything like
poor beaten down nimmers life.

Feichen - Another fort maran, elf shifter tiger golden eagle.
(might be remembered as the guy who was slowly quitting using
spells until the pally who talked him into it deleted and the
marshall? at the time ordered me to use my full skills or I
was letting people die or something.)
I think the first 'earned' maran imho. (Don't get me wrong nimmers
had alot of heart but nothing else, which I guess is why folk could
rip it out so easy?) I didn't break a hundred kills or anything,
but I probably could have with that one, I killed so much I just
started skipping over people, letting them be, maybe landing and
reporting location, but in some cases "nahh he's been killed too
often lately, let him go." Another kind of fun one, but where I got
into the habit of talking less and less.

Daelen - Yeah for any who did not know already. New ranger stuff
had to try it out. Elf hunter forester. Maran, but I'm pretty sure
a 'pity maran' from something having to do with the fourth age and
making a pile of maran. (which I was late to, so they could have
just gone aww forget it.)
back to dimion and vanadulin for the pk skills eh?

Dalgorin - human Nexus shifter tiger orangutan
Hey new nexus I had to try.

Chirikaw - Imperial binder/thug thief. Kinda fun, but thieve's just
really aren't my style. I tried to play him off as sort of 'cool'
evil, since I hate ####tard evil. When your actions are aimed at the
player rather than the character, then you are this kind of evil.
Shhh. Quit lying, well at least to yourself. It's okay to lie to the
others if you are one of these, but please be honest with yourself
at what you are doing.

and Volubryotr. What? he's finally getting to the goodbye part?
Dwarf Maran pally two-hander. First time I got a virtue. and
apparently the second as well. First tatoo. In my view I 'earned'
the maranating. (by that I mean if I had been the one to make
the choice from watching this guy, I'd have done it too.)
Hope, I guess I 'earned' this as well. I stayed pretty upbeat and
feel I could represent hope when there wasn't any to pretty much
anyone I came across. I'm unsure about the rest, but then it wasn't
my descision. I did poke in and ask about the tat though, just to see
(had ya told me get outta here ya stumpy little freak, I'd have waved
and smiled and skedaddled away.)
THIS guy was a throwaway character.. can ya believe it?
I failed so miserably with a comeback orc that I was like oh man
give it up. (I had gotten some good vibes from the newsletter.)
and the imp of all people is who said the last little bit that
made me say what the hell roll it up. I decidedto give it another
whirl, I dug up an old desc and role. Sorry about that. Hehe. not
my best work, like you know... EVER. but I was in a hurry. The
goals were, a dwarf who spoke without a funky accent.
Come on though the HARs had to be in there somewhere. Get a virtue
what else? Use what I learned from my last pally to get into the
'groove' of pk'ing again. (I told ya to watch out for my next pally)
That last guy I deleted at 48 when vynny went away so he isn't in
the list. I did all of that and more. Though really who wrote the
help files for the virtue thingies? OMG some of them don't even
suggest what it really does, or are waaaay misleading. Maybe on
purpose? Maybe I'm slightly retarded? I AM the guy who took half
an hour to kill a mob in the academy my first day. help attack, help
hit, help strike, what the hell? The assumptions of murder as if a
deed already accomplished has always thrown me, there is alot about
this game that is like that. hehe.
About the time I got some of it figured out, the race/class folk I
was sort of "built to kill" just dissappeared on me. Hehe. Well
until I was low on con and then a couple of shamans show up. :)
This was the second character that I went ooc with and did not delete
chirikaw was the first. wait no! Dimion said #### you to berintal
that one time... Hehe. Anyway Sorry about that Thymas you were a
pretty cool foe. My girl hung up the phone and somehow it glitched
the cable modem and poof. lost connect while I was chasing after you.
then the little lowbie looter guy was icing on the cake. Well okay
and a little nagging I was enduring on the side already had me on
edge. A late end added goal was to do a little exploring, thanks for
everyone who helped with that.

Where was I? I had some crappy feelings later in life. It wasn't any
one thing, it was a build up of little things, like the trash talk
of the opposite of what you were doing, or more often the pot calling
the picket fence black. I don't care if your character behaves in
a "cowardly" way just don't call me that if I just got done fighting
you. run when losing, uhhh what did you do. DER. Dont gimme any rp bs
either, unless your role says I'm a giant assbag who just wants to
make people hate playing this game until I have it all to myself.
If you are playing an ass, okay, dont talk trash and then hit ignore.
I LOVE a little back and forth banter, even if it is trading insults.
Though really, Volu was kind of a non insulting guy, more of an "am
not" instead of a "you ####" kinda guy. If you want to post logs of
any inappropriate, non-palladiny, non-marany behavior, feel free, but
umm don't forget to post whatever you did along with it eh?
Deal? Thought it might be like that.
I really did try to be a paladin's paladin. On mobs I think I killed
the snow leopard once, the elven assassin and transmuter guys a few
times (no really I was just walking down the hall and they jumped me
I didn;t know they were there, the other elves had been so nice so
far...)The mob in the inferno. I justified it as aiding my embattled
friends, but yeah I shouldn't have, I was just impatient. I even told
them just before that I wouldn't. And there was of course the tribby
thing. Sooo NOT my fault. and I willingly paid the consequences of it.
There were a few moments that I was unpaladiny which I tried to keep
to the fort folk. poor bastards. Hehe. and those were toward the end.
Mostly if you took something I said harshly then it was your
perception of it go back and read the tells looking for the humor in
it. Go ahead I'll wait.. *jeopardy theme music* NOW don't you feel
like an ass. See it was funny! Pfft, you just don't have a REAL
sense of humor. When I came back after the delete, which to be honest
I did just to con die a dwarf, never did that afore. oh did I put
that in my goals? it was one. Volu was supposed to be a dwarven
nimmers, but it just didn't work out that way. That night at the
orc village not-withstanding. They had the orb, we were gonna get it
back. :) Not my fault the power swing was where it was. I rolled the
dwarf because the newsletter had a shortage listed.
The last few days I decided this would be my last character for a long
long time. Half the playerbase I feel an underlying connection with
and it's kind of a good feeling, a quarter I just don't "know"?
and the remaining quarter ... man, just makes me want to smash my
comp wishing it was thier head. You can always count on a few assholes
in any group so I should just accept it right? and I used to just take
it for granted. The guy who jacked my stuff after a duel and put it
in the tree, I can't even figure out why that made me so mad. If it
had been the orc who killed me, I'd have blown it off. the things
never mattered it was kinda the way it was done that pissed me off.
Hell I WELL remember days you were lucky to face only two of your
enemies, and it was amazing if they left you some friggin' bread.
Hehe. So I still don't get why I was so pissed. I just gave up.
Didn't want to play anymore. Went after everyone and anyone who
volu would tag as an enemy, wandered about into places I shouldn't
have been and hit some critters I knew would probably kill me, just
to see. ONE was a true suicide, Tremblefist had it comin' though.
I just did that to mess with ol chiefy boy though, hehe.
I've been typing for like an hour?? ewww. Okay...
short version of the goodbyes.

Baer: Just awesomefulness personified. I still feel like I didn't
deserve half that, but I dunno what I was being compared with either.
or the why's and wherefors(sp?) behind it all. So let's just say I
accepted it as a compliment, but worried that it was just you knew
who I was and had a soft spot for past characters?
Sorry I kinda killed him off over-quickly at the last, but I have
some real life stuff coming up on me hard, and well better to get
this outta the way hehe.

Everyone else, you say something and I will respond for sure.
99.9% chance I'll have something really good to say about your
character too. A few quips for the general folk.

Fort folk: Man I dunno what to say, maybe I'm just too much of
a goodie player, but that place feels like home most of the time.
Most of you I loved to death as players, others, eeeehhh...

Semi-allied folk: Some fun, some not so fun. Hehe.

Semi-enemy folk: Seriously man waht did I ever do to you?
*rofl* no no kidding, most of you were fairly fun too.

REAL enemies: Hell like the fort folk most of you made this
character worthwile for me. Loads of fun.

I gotta go get something to eat, I'm getting dizzy. :)
Probably more later as I think of it.


Rule #1 Have fun ( For those who have the wrong colored glasses:
If it isn't fun anymore, quit doing it.)
73194, RE: Where to begin... This could get long.
Posted by Saerali on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fun character! I don't think I ever knew much of the story behind him, but Saer loved him to bits (more on that when she kicks it herself). Doing stuff with you never felt like being a vending machine, which is more appreciated (and unusual) than you realise....no, really.

Plus, there was usually something fun and/or crazy going down. What levels were they that first time we took the Codex, anyway? I can't remember now but I'm sure they were lowbie. It took us about three goes, I remember that :P Good thing no one was around to oppose us considering the amount of time we spent sleeping 1d.

Not to mention all the object lessons:

Lesson 1: Don't forget to get translucent before fighting a summoner in Balator. Duh...

Lesson 2: Awaken can be communed in battle. Good thing too, when minotaurs are around, not that it helped in the end.

Lesson 3: Spiders. Ugh. lol! Damn, that was fast. OK, we probably were stupid to have tried it, but what the hell. At least it didn't contribute to your con death, I did enough toward that other times...

Thanks for putting up with Saer on a downer those couple of times too, very patient of you. You'll be missed around the place - GLWYN and hopefully will see you out there soon. Too much fun :)
73202, Oh saer...
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Fun character! I don't think I ever knew much of the story
>behind him, but Saer loved him to bits (more on that when she
>kicks it herself). Doing stuff with you never felt like being
>a vending machine, which is more appreciated (and unusual)
>than you realise....no, really.
Hehe well pallys have some cross over there, had I been a
warrior it might have felt like that anyway, I still would
have politely asked though. I shoulda make an alias for
an esay like
bob says with a worried tone "Would you mind granting me an
Hehe. You never got the whole dwarf pally thing though,
every time you put an aura up instead of me it gave me
that much more mana I could use later to keep going.
OMG I slept most of this characters life away regen-ing
mana. Hehe every aura was like 10% of my max and that is
at hero! Any time you used a heal it saved me from having
to, all these things saved my life because I had it when
I needed it after. I never could find a way to get through
to you ic'ly that you really did save my life countless

>Plus, there was usually something fun and/or crazy going down.
>What levels were they that first time we took the Codex,
>anyway? I can't remember now but I'm sure they were lowbie. It
>took us about three goes, I remember that :P Good thing no one
>was around to oppose us considering the amount of time we
>spent sleeping 1d.
>Not to mention all the object lessons:
>Lesson 1: Don't forget to get translucent before fighting a
>summoner in Balator. Duh...
>Lesson 2: Awaken can be communed in battle. Good thing too,
>when minotaurs are around, not that it helped in the end.
>Lesson 3: Spiders. Ugh. lol! Damn, that was fast. OK, we
>probably were stupid to have tried it, but what the hell. At
>least it didn't contribute to your con death, I did enough
>toward that other times...
Lesson one: I never even thought about you doing that, had you been
we would have both lived through my mistake. Which was I hesitated
when I guessed where he was going deciding to head back up and make
him come to us (The RIGHT choice by the way) or trying to catch him
(The WRONG choice, but in my defense I almost caught him when he
passed back by the guy selling the keys)

Lesson two: I hadn't realized it either.

Lesson 3: Well really how bad ass can it be right?
3 seconds later
holy crap we gotta get outta ... Searali is dead.
fkee flee flee ahh ####! Whew.

>Thanks for putting up with Saer on a downer those couple of
>times too, very patient of you. You'll be missed around the
>place - GLWYN and hopefully will see you out there soon. Too
>much fun :)

Pfft. It was the least I could do.
Besides the game is RP AND PK, where is the fun if it's a text
quake or something?

Thanks for being there at the end. :) You gave me alot of the
reminders of why I play this game in the first place.
You, Isendor, and Julaed accidentally convinced me not to just
delete zmud (forget you, I paid for zmud along time ago and I
fear change. pffft.) and go out on a bad note.
Well I was open about it with Isen, so maybe his words weren't
so accidental. hehe.

Have a blast with what ya got left, I am sure at least 2 con worth
of your deaths can be DIRECTLY laid at my feet. Sorry about that,
but hey sometimes that crazy stuff pays off, and we did win out
a few untenable situations eh? So Goooooo Us!
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had NO IDEA this was you! It makes perfect sense now that I know, of course. I genuinely liked Volu. I hated having to try and type out your name, however. Our first empowerment was funny...you're like I need a drink! And I glare at you disapprovingly (because I'm Baer and I do that) but I check my inventory and lo and behold someone had given me an everfull skin so I'm like oh why not...hand it over. I think you kept it all of an hour and that's ok. :)

You BETTER play another Fortie - or else!!

PS love your happy go lucky attitude.
73268, I was at a loss...
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn thief! Wan't my fault. Hehe.
I feel a little better about it all since
you didn't know it was me.
Sorry about the name, like the plucked out
old role and desc, I did a random name and
then gave it a little twist for norsey-ness.
Turns out had I spelled it a little MORE off
(and harder to type) it would have been
"witch-hunter" or something like that. So
I guess I should have saved it for a villager.

The disapproving glare made it to where I only got
drunk once, and that was an accident (who knew arak
had that much kick to it?) When Padwei and I were
waiting to die by the shadow ent place.

Yes yes yes I'll play another fortie later.
Come on, you know me by now, I can't totally
get away from it eh?

And it's a happy go UNlucky attitude.
(I just realized that.) Normally anyway
The last little bit there I was... not
so happy or go lucky... Sorry.

Any empowerment character I kinda feel that it
is the job of the player to

A) Not make your deity look bad for empowering you.
(I'd like to think I pulled that off rather well)
self scoring: 3

B) Make your RP obvious enough so that everyone
knows what you are about. (not just the people
who can see your role)
(Not so hot here, imho)
self scoring: 1

C) Be the kind of person that inspires people
to want to follow your religion.
(I think I failed miserably at this since I
was far more likely to reply with Busy! than
anything else. then again it was usually during
a fight hehe)
self scoring: 0

I give Volu a 1.33 of 3
:) Hehehe.

I'm sorry I was almost an anti-religious pally.
I just try not to bug people, but then I feel like
well I gotta say SOMETHING I'm supposed to worship
this diety right? I was hesitant around you since I
was trying not to give away who I was, though I
did start out doing that 'friend' thing to all allies
that I picked up as Daelen, once I did it too many times
I figured best not to stop and roll with it, maybe no one
will notice. :)
Now I gotta ask a couple of things (Feel free to say
hey man we aren't going to talk about that or whatever)
Is it that I'm too self-effacing? Did my standards get too
high over the years? Several newbies trying pallys or what?
Part of choosing paladin was the recent thing on complaints
about pally's: I had to see for myself eh? I'm bad about that.
The violet spider is a bad ass... Lemme go se..OUCH! okay you
are right. I felt like some of it came too easily, but not like
the people were complaining about. There should be a rule:
When you whine about something, you have to go play it.

(This was written waaaay earlier, then I took the kids to scool
slept got them and went to a play so sorry. I don't remember
what I was going to say.)
73213, I love the slayer of those addicted to link dropping. =)
Posted by Krilcovich on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Roll a Saurian
73246, RE: I love the slayer of those addicted to link dropping. =)
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heheh dude I really should have never said who I was, and
I really should have deleted chirikaw right after, but
I kinda liked him and wanted to see how far I could push things.
73224, I liked you
Posted by Aunkdunell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Not too many maran types I come across "don't" bring a party
with them or shortly after they arrive. You also bring a good
fight. Our last bit (Was I your con death?) we had going was a
pretty damn awesome fight and as close as it gets.

You spoke like a paladin, fought like a paladin, and when many
others would turn and run, you stood to face the maw, good job.

I've always enjoyed your characters, and hope to continue to for a
long time.

73244, RE: I liked you
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes damn you :), you were the con death, I was set up for a duel
with thymas. And you show up on the road. Then it all goes to hell.
You pissed me off more than possible by the way.
After a different duel with thymas, you showed up as I got to
my corpse grabbed everything you could carry while in battle
imperial-style, they don't seem to do that since it went to
coins, but that is how I'll always think of someone looting while
still in combat. I was mainly mad 'cause I had been whippin' on
you all over the place but never able to quite seal the deal, then
when Thymas earned the gear with a pretty nice fight you snake a bunch of stuff you couldn't use or barter and stick it in the
tree. A good move to try to keep me from getting it back btw.
A large portion of it had been requested.
Then when the imperials said 'then why did you come to rescue
him' I got mad all over again.
*rofl* No not about the things themselves when I could get similar
things almost as quickly if I needed to.
I don't even know WHY I was so mad, I mean most of volu's life
if he got looted he might be upset about my sword from the
academy, a certain questy gift, or like the skin from Baer.
and all that was in character. This got to me on the player
side. Maybe it was something about the way you did it?
I dunno.

and THEN you have the audacity to come on the forums and
say nice things that make me feel kinda good and then
guilty for being so pissed at you?!?!
How DARE you. Hehe.

The fights though.. man some of those were a thing of beauty.
That last one yes was a bad ass battle. I got to the watcher with
0% moves and had had 0% for a few steps before it. Waaaay outta
mana starving etc, just hoping for the watcher to cure the blindness
and maybe the plague. Heheh had I not been throwing myself at every
one having decided it was the last night I was gonna play him and
had a little coin... hehe.
The little bit of talking was pretty cool, and you seem to have
a good character going there, (I still hope people take
everything from your corpse a few times hehe)

I got some bad juju from the playerbase somewhere along the
way that made me not want to play, and then alot of good juju
reminding me to look at the good more than the bad, no the looting
wasn't the bad juju, but maybe all that other stuff is where the
camel couldn't take anymore...
I dunno when I'll come back. I had one I rolled to see how the
double xp weekend was going to go, I hated it. hehe. but he's
out there for a bit yet (I think). I just think I should take
a break, and try to remember all the stuff I liked.
better than my last character though, rage delete and deciding
to not come back anymore. So baby steps right?
P.s. I may have gone a little overboard ic'ly. I wanted a thief
to make you an honorary guild member, when an imperial spoke of
enslaving you I said they should put you to work in the privvy.
what else? A couple of other things I can't remember now, all
with different people.

73250, FYI
Posted by Aunkdunell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That "fortlander" battle where you guys came an rescued me..

I didn't loot you, I looted Eleia. I was near naked from a 3-man gang and looted just before that and only had outfit gear and maybe 2-3 real eq if I remember correctly, so after dying to a fiend with the forget spell on me, I passed his corpse enroute to mine and was pretty sure his get all would be better than mine. Someone else musta got yours, if we're talking about the same fight.

Finding you at the Maran was just dumb luck. Hell, I didn't even realise you were immobile until your cabalmate started apologizing for not curing everything. Cool beans all around.

73260, RE: FYI
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehee no this was waaay earlier I thing a day or two before
oustide valoria :) Heh.
For some amazing reason I didn't die on eastern.
I fully expected to once I was slept.
73251, FYI
Posted by Aunkdunell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That "fortlander" battle where you guys came an rescued me..

I didn't loot you, I looted Eleia. I was near naked from a 3-man gang and looted just before that and only had outfit gear and maybe 2-3 real eq if I remember correctly, so after dying to a fiend with the forget spell on me, I passed his corpse enroute to mine and was pretty sure his get all would be better than mine. Someone else musta got yours, if we're talking about the same fight.

Finding you at the Maran was just dumb luck. Hell, I didn't even realise you were immobile until your cabalmate started apologizing for not curing everything. Cool beans all around.

73238, Laters!
Posted by Lezra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I can't say i'm sad to see another fort gone. But you did a fine job.. ballsy. Come back to the darkside... you know you want to. There are already a few lowbies ready to come take your place.
73245, RE: Laters!
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hrm, never played a scion...

and all together now: alligator is overpowered.
*rofl* Some fun fights, little bit of fun 'talk'
loved the character hated the form :)
I think I got you exactly once. We were both
surprised. Hehe.
73253, RE: Where to begin... This could get long.
Posted by Zural on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey man, sorry to see you go.

Thanks for the goodbye though. I only jsut saw it on the officials last night. Thanks for the support when we were ranking. I was kinda jsut getting into the character when I started working nights and had no real time for CF. Rage deleted on my first real log in after two weeks. Sucks though. Ability wise Zural was jsut starting to come together and I really wanted to catch up with Vol and join him chasing around (and dying to) Ahtieli. I always liked that you never seemed afraid of running headlong into battle again. Anyway, thanks again. I think Vol kept me focused on my character, and in a way inspired me into such actions as initiating a successful counter-raid against the Empire JUST AFTER they'd retrieved with a fairly strong force. I think Ahtieli had lost most of her zombies etc and it seemed like the time to strike, and even if we'd failed it would have been fun trying.

Hope to see you around soon.
73261, Zural!
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
:) So much fun, and yeah I was looking forward to a hero
version of our lowbie ranking exploits.
Sil vol and zural go wiping evil from the face of thera
before heading into some explore area where they get too
bold and die horrible deaths! :) Nahh we'd have made it
out right?
I thought Zural was great, good luck with your next.
73176, I suddenly wish I bearcharged you less.
Posted by Bok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were starting to grow on me, but I thought you were a hell of alot tougher and had more life in you than you did.

Anyway, you will probably rarely see my character type around, but I educated you on what my build was on the offhand chance you'd pass it around to Fortress so more of them would stick around and die 1v1 thinking they could engineer themselves a chance. But it was not to be. I'm guessing you weren't as conservative as you otherwise could be as a paladin.

Don't worry, I'm getting him for you just like we talked about.

73180, Hahahaha.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My characters of all stripes tend to grow on people. Well anyone
who either talks to them or finds out what they are about instead
of hurling incorrect insults upon the first meeting. :)
What I mean is insult me for what I do. Hehe. When you called
me an outlander protector I was like. "what the hell?" and some
semi-cowardly comments that could just as easily have been to
goad (all good) but I started to wonder if you were going to
be like "otherguy" He made it out of that because I mistyped his
name when he was reverted and resting. Then he chattered incessantly
through the whole ordeal. That is the worst thing, being snared and
unable to respond or even type ignore to someone who has never once
run across you hurling insults like I had done X over and over and
had a reputation for it or something.
So I took your banter a bit more harshly than I perhaps should have at first, til we spoke more later.
:) Have fun, but ya gotta know as volu til you aren't hunted by
the fort I hope they plow you into the ground. Hehe.
That bearcharge was disgusting though, last fight I typed flee flee word and went to get a drink. turned out I would have had to stand up to do that.
73186, You should try it sometime.
Posted by Bok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The fact that crap like this still exists in this game blows me away. Though, Twist still got me in the end when all it probably took from me to turn things back to normal would have been 'ambush iltanthal cripple' and 'c entangle' or 'hack leg iltanthal' or any combination thereof to eliminate concealed anti-bash. Of course if any of those happened at all he would have been off like a rocket and/or had +10 dex EQ anyway, and he pretty much refused to fight me solo or without any form of preps.

But you have to remember there are things my character has seen from other Fortress members and common OOC perceptions that IC people are accepting as true. This makes a certain subset of the playerbase less-than-sportsmanlike and while I did try to be reasonable in calling off Thymas and letting you summon me, if I'm uncaballed and you're parked at your inner I'm going to be understandably pissed that I have to fight a mob that I am vuln to and does 3 times the damage I do to even get to you.

Alzinghul and I didn't really know what to make of that day at Fortress when you got him to 28% HP and we lured you out, but we figured Empire must have kicked your ass around hard before we came along for you to get mad enough to start saccing your own things. What you fell for, better players than you including some imms have fallen and would have fallen for (and was necessary as neither of us had any preps whatsoever at the time, I had just run out of yellow roots if I recall correctly.)

Most people have to wait for a paladin to make a mistake given how hard they are to kill. I am one of the few people that, if your role earns you the wrong virtue set, I don't have to wait for paladins to make that mistake (sanc dropping, running low on mana, getting disarmed etc.) Most people hate fighting me toe to toe and I'm juggling gangs solo constantly as much as I join them. I'm not complaining, I'd fight me the way everyone else on the MUD is too. As a player I went out of my way to ignore and not tangle with rangers, especially since a full sac is not a big deal to this character. Thanks to Zulgh's new outfit command and changes to keep gear from decaying unless you drop it on top of certain ranger skills, I have a huge minimum power threshold right after death that still gives me a damn good chance to kill the majority of people on the MUD at hero IMHO.

So kudos to you for trying to put up a fight. Trust me, my vulns mean one wrong move (or as is often the case on goodie gear one too many progs while a Goodie is otherwise disabled, damn you Defiance), one slight irregularity in how a move works and I'm often toast. You'd have killed me eventually given enough times tangling with me if you had more CON. Also you'd have eventually learned your command needs to be co word, not flee, but whatever. I'm one of the players who wholeheartedly believes paladins are too hard to kill for just schmoozing with the right imm, but I can completely see where you were all but ready to give up after just two fights with me since I'm allowed to boil the fight down to raw RNG.

Anyway game mechanics aside, my comment accusing you of what I did was a reputation comment, it wasn't what I thought you did personally. It was more meant to get my role across and drum up conversation than it was to accuse you of unsportsmanlike conduct. I'm not hellbent on giving people fair fights or being 'nice' of course, but I'm not totally unreasonable except to certain folks you and I have already discussed IC and you agree on.

Keep on trucking, and try not to have anymore days where you full sac yourself. The game is just not worth taking that seriously anymore like it used to be.
73197, Are you f-ing kidding me?
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>The fact that crap like this still exists in this game blows
>me away. Though, Twist still got me in the end when all it
>probably took from me to turn things back to normal would have
>been 'ambush iltanthal cripple' and 'c entangle' or 'hack leg
>iltanthal' or any combination thereof to eliminate concealed
>anti-bash. Of course if any of those happened at all he would
>have been off like a rocket and/or had +10 dex EQ anyway, and
>he pretty much refused to fight me solo or without any form of

At the risk of hijacking Vol's thread, I did feel the need to comment on this. I had a fairly long diatribe typed up that described several examples of how utterly wrong the above bolded part is, but I decided to delete it. Instead, I'll just say your version of out interactions differs vastly from what actually happened.
73199, RE: Are you f-ing kidding me?
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ahh, okay other than the log I'll be posting at dio's
simply as a "here's what was going on from the other
viewpoint" thing, I'll have to say I should have started
out like you just worded this. I really try to not say
anything bad about folk, so I think rather than get upset
about some claims I figure are coming at least if the IC
tells are any indication, I'm going to steal this page
from your book.

"Instead, I'll just say your version of out interactions differs vastly from what actually happened."

That's so me, why didn't I think of that?
Ilt was hella fun.
Note to self though: Never never call sacred guardian on
a character of twists too bad I won't know until it's too
73214, Dude. Dial down the arrogance.
Posted by Forsakens on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're trying way to hard to be pompous, like, it is all intentional. You very well might be a good player, I don't know, only thing I've seen you do in game is full loot someone you didn't kill (you may have returned the things, but I doubt it from the way you were talking). But your persona here...blowhard.

And really, you probably rolled up the char just to kill Fortress. But that's neither here nor there nor anywhere fair.
73263, I figured out the trigger...
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
About the self-sac. The other stuff earlier that had made me
a little pissy to begin with added to the trash talk from
mr. whiney boy. added to added to.. etc.. by the time
it got around to you I was already leaning to hearing trash
talk as the player speaking and not the character.
then when I got back to the corpse you were trying on
paladin outfit gear and it threw a switch.

There are always maybe this is accidental, maybe this
player doesn't have X piece of information maybe the
logins and log ous of characters is coincidence, etc.
I gave everyone the benefit of the doubt and accepted
things as they were presented by THAT character for
years, and at the end of volu's life I just didn't
give anyone any slack on behavior. I took it all in
the worst possible light. Heh I'm human eventually
the asshattery was going to get to me too right?

73272, Well, I haven't typed 'outfit' on a hero paladin since the change.
Posted by Bok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I'm trying on paladin outfit gear...

It should follow I'm still wearing one third empty slots, a 3rd prowler gear and a 3rd normal stuff, right?

At this point lately I've been lazy. I could gather dam redux and haste again but I got tired of getting it looted by Fort shifters who in all likelihood can't find their a/s every time Twist 2 or 3 rounded me or some other occasional death like stupidly fighting under Dirge of Solitude and Symphonic Echoes against Ruhktanshi assuming it was possible to even hit him (it's not) or tried to use my spells to debuff him (pointless, I know better, Rager bards will always have divine saves if they have a brain), and hadn't bothered to find more since. That included gear. I was seeing a 20 hitroll 35 damroll and going 'Well, ready to pwn again, let's go get some enlarge and 20k gold, some returns and jump back in the fray'.

And I understand about the asshattery, it's gotten to me too and a large part of it is Imm-condoned in my opinion lately, coupled with the same old grind that's always been present and an overall smaller PK range at every level range but hero. Trust me, play a muter or bard or ranger or anything that doesn't require you to log in more than every three days and just chill and DON'T go in a cabal because it forces you to die in ways you don't have to. You'll be better for it, even if you spend a portion of your time griefing the griefers when you're in a position to do so, and running from them when you're not. You'll get less imm exp, but these things matter less and less over time as you get more skilled with a given class, or just flat pick your fights better even to the point you won't, and don't have to, throw yourself in a fight you can't win.

I got lucky with this char but I'm not a terribly skilled player, have no interest in learning the game further than I already have, and luck isn't on my side as evidenced by the one time you slipped away from me in Fort back to the Watcher. That happens to me all the time. It'll end sometime for me. It has to. I'm way beyond being cheerful about the game, but when I'm in character I try not to mistreat people except those who deserve it even if I'm not particularly sportsmanlike in combat. Having the time of my life with this char despite the whole world hating on me even people who've never met me, and there's no reason you can't too. Death doesn't even phase me, which is the way it should be. A combination of apathy and sheer glee with no lows whatsoever. If you achieve that, not even assbags, boring duds and incompetents getting rewards and titles bothers you.

No reason at all your subsequent chars can't do the exact same thing just by logging in a little less frequently and playing shorter sessions when you take your second or third death.

73282, RE: Well, I haven't typed 'outfit' on a hero paladin since the change.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I get ya, it's was just one of those things, and it hit me
in a bad way is all.