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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectThe Bull is down
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=73066
73066, The Bull is down
Posted by Dhaath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There was just too much RL stuff which took me over. College and an impending breakup and trips and festivals and upcoming sem exams, I was left with no time to even log in and delete. I could only manage to log in one hour in 2 weeks and knew it was time to go and let someone else do the job.

Most of the players I liked I let know IC. I rolled Dhaath on a whim, saw a mino slot open, grabbed it an ran with it. Playing an hour past warrior had been a pending project for a couple of years and I am glad I achieved some measure of success with it. It is a pretty good legacy.

I did not have a role written previously but I knew I wanted to go rager, so I decided to make him a slow but cunning Bull who was constantly drooling on everything around him. The villagers were supposed to laugh at his dumbness but be wary of his anger and the players responded fantastically to the rp. I don't think the pking was the fun in this char, it was mostly the rp with the other villagers.

Kastellyn, you rock. I have always admired you as an ideal imm. Thank you for all the loving and all the little things you did to perk up our chars. You would log in and say I am in a good mood and us villagers would high five each other. 100% GORE! what could be a better gift than that! I was also Drakgrak so I know how the dice rolls. Thanks for everything and for the really cool title. That leader weapon thing was not fixed last I tried, I bug boarded it.

Ysaoelrye, I always was the Biddy's Bull but I am sorry I am just not an "immortal" person. I had a vague idea I wanted to follow you, and thought swinging those barrels of ale would be cool but they turned out to be magical so I had to burn that idea. I can come up with all kinds of takes on religion but I am more the kind who sets things up in roles than sit down and talk things through IC with an imm. In all my years of playing I have never had a tatoo I think and I have never heroed an empowered char. I am good with completing tasks. However our first interaction set things up for an idea which resulted in a title later on so no complaints. Criticism is welcome.

To the apps and villagers, I apologise if my absence caused you trouble.

To the villagers who played with me, I have never ever seen a better bunch. It was a true pleasure interacting with all diverse personalities.

To my enemies, I enjoyed every fight, however bitterly contested. I tried not to be a prick. That is all.

I am gone again for a while.

My thanks to the staff for their time and devotion and for a great game.

73401, RE: The Bull is down
Posted by Tlingit on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great char, you epitomized some of the things I liked about Gulkra's old style rager approach with an exception, you were down right scary, I always had to approach fights with you with extreme caution. And you followed up with great RP after the fights. you definatly added to cf with this char. If there wasnt already a commander i'm sure you would have made a great one and definatly would have been tablet worthy, as far as i know you might be on it. It's against Tlingit's principles to enter the village for RP reasons, and I've only been in it once. once again Great job!
73208, Awesome
Posted by Ahtieli2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were outstanding foe. Probably the only one during my cf carrier who I wanted to loot fair a bit only because you kicked my ass so easily. So killing you when you were with Ruhktanshi made me proud. Good luck dude.
73325, That fight was awesome
Posted by Dhaath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was happy to die because it was sweet necromancer action. I wanted to pull out since I knew we had lost the initiative, and we had retrieved but ahh well.
You are doing a fabulous job. Hang in there and finish it. It was good to roll against you. See you in the fields.
73159, RE: The Bull is down
Posted by Mharr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great character. I'm glad I had we were able to run together.

I hope RL treats you well enough. Roll with the punches and come up goring :)
73168, Man, you were awesome
Posted by Dhaath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Making that necklace for you was a lot of fun. Kasty gave me a title for it as well. I hope we will run together some time. Good luck
73147, Fun Character
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were pretty damn consistent with your hours for a long time there, sorry to see this happen. You were pretty close to a con-death as well. I liked your RP, what can I say? Made me laugh. You're welcome for the stuff I did; I'm short on time as well right now, so I can't do as much of that sort of stuff as I would like. It'll turn around eventually - hopefully for you as well!

Kastellyn the Devourer of Magic, Lord of Legends

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73098, I've been wondering when I would see this.
Posted by Lerzion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've been wondering when this would happen. You and the commander both seem to be non-existant and that isn't good for the village health. I guess Ysal is sorta active again, but the hard part for people in my time zone is that most of the imms for battle don't mesh with it. Anyway, you were a truck and I liked interacting with you. i used to laugh so hard when you would just start slobbering on people in our meetings. Very cool. Anyway, I hope life calms down enough for you to come back with something.
73095, Heh.
Posted by djabree on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When I first saw minotaur poetry I thought just had to be like Vogon poetry, an instrument of torture. Very thematic goring though, you were quite brutal... Sorry that ale-mug battering didn't work out for you, I also had a plan for it once.
73096, Thank you for the kind words
Posted by Dhaath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You are one of the best villagers I have seen in all my hours in the cabal. Insanely deathful is what you were. I consider myself
balls-to-the-walls when it comes to pk but you left me slackjawed :P I hope we will run together again sometime. Great work.
73090, RE: The Bull is down
Posted by Lezra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tough as nails. I had to be extra careful when fighting you. WEll done.
73097, You rapidly overtook Kharnial
Posted by Dhaath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As the deadliest shifter I faced. But all our fights were so much fun, I am pretty sure you were also glued to your screen not knowing when a deathblow might land, that I would look for the next opportunity to fight you. Thank you for the splendid time, you made the char that much more interesting. Good work and see you in the fields.
73081, RE: The Bull is down
Posted by Ruhk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Awesome is not the word. By far the best player to hang out with. More when I croak (Which shouldn't be long!).

Posted by TheManNamedSam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Would have been fun to run with you again.

Glad my last death with Velyzaggon was to you and the Commander.
73072, RE: The Bull is down
Posted by Volubryotr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved all our fights. Had a blast.
Have a good break, and may you come back
73073, Loved you as an enemy
Posted by Dhaath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That fight at the crossroads, you just responded awesomely. You stood out amongst the fort paladins for me, cos you actually took the time out to speak rather than make threats about the power of the light :P Good work with this one, have fun.
73084, Oh that was an awesome one.
Posted by Volubryotr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehe makes me smile remembering it, it gave me the impression of the
'old school' spy guys: Where they had tried to kill each other so many
times they got to chatting while doing it. I think I died that time
but I still had a good feeling through it all.
Too bad there really isn't time in a hero fight to throw in something
more. :) Maybe 2 healers kicking at each other would have the time??

Thanks for reviving that experience, it reminds me why I keep
coming back to it all. :)