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Topic subject(DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Jayundar the Chaotic Rupture of Dark Instinct, Nightreaver of Thar-Eris
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=72991
72991, (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Jayundar the Chaotic Rupture of Dark Instinct, Nightreaver of Thar-Eris
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Oct 9 18:20:05 2008

At 9 o'clock PM, Day of the Bull, 8th of the Month of the Ancient Darkness
on the Theran calendar Jayundar perished, never to return.
Cabal:OUTLANDER, the Outlanders of Thar-Eris
73064, I tried to get inducted with you.
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With a ranger who's name I forget.

You told me to kill everybody and get you a mushroom so I tried to get a poisoned mushroom for you.

You told me to speak with someone and I never saw that person online ever. Was this a real person or a way you were saying I couldn't be inducted?

It was a kick ass interview on your part BTW.
73067, RE: I tried to get inducted with you.
Posted by Jayundar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember you. I liked the poisoned mushroom bit.

I looked for you several times afterwards but never found you. I don't remember who I told you to speak with, but I never told people to speak with fake people.

You probably would have been inducted if I'd found you a second time and hadn't made a gaffe during the second interview.

Good luck,

Manden :)
73085, Manden huh?
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Long time no see! That explains a lot.

What gaff btw?
73089, RE: Manden huh?
Posted by Jayundar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There was no gaffe. I'm just saying, if I had talked to you a second time and you hadn't made a gaffe during that second interview, it is very likely you would have been inducted.
72992, Fun times
Posted by Jayundar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, what a fun character. I had a blast roleplaying her, and could have kept going for a while. I really wasn't enjoying, however, the PK aspect of the character, and staying as Nightreaver without being deathful seems kinda silly. I felt really frail, and still can't get hero mage pk down :(

Imp: Thanks for everything. Second character I've had tattooed by you--I like that you give loving to people that don't seek you out. Hopefully I wasn't too wimpy as Nightreaver!

Twist: Thanks for the overpowered edge in your questy weekend contest :) I think the only real chance I had to kill that mortal character of yours was when I was vulturing in Icewind Dale and fumbled my typing as you fell into quicksand :(

Outlanders: It was a lot of fun. I had almost-universally positive interactions with people and didn't regret most of the decisions I made. I'm not going to try and remember everyone, but chances are I have something nice to say about you.

Namanrin, really solid and great fun to hang out with.

Doryan, you jerk :(

Destim, I was sad you deleted.

Enemies: Generally positive interactions as well. I tried not to gang people, even 2 on 1, unless we happened across them on the way to raid or something. I really don't talk to my enemies much with most of my characters. If I did, I probably liked you.

Tlingit, Kiadela, You have to admit that was pretty funny. Liked both of you a lot, even if I didn't rp much with either.

Pioche, I couldn't tell if you were a new player or roleplaying. I hope you don't think I was trying (as a player) to make your life miserable.

To everyone else: Have fun! You can be evil without being a jerk. You can also have people think you are deathful without killing anyone, just look at my pks for proof!
72993, PKs and Timeline-of-sorts
Posted by Jayundar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is a little list I made, kind of like a poor man's PBF. I might have missed some, especially near the end. It only includes PKs where I get the killing blow:

level 16 (already ~5 pks)
18 - Jerten (15 orc) in Evermoon--take nothing
24 - Aleyns (23 woodelf ranger) after he attacked the Huntress. Take nothing.
24 - Diskasii (18 h-drw shaman) after he attacks me (again). Take nothing.
27 - Sitri?? (26ish felar warrior) while he was ranking with Imperial and orc. Take a potion.
*29 - Killed by Dulzuth (26 human necro) and Sarmaziatyn (26 human AP) in Ysigrath. They take all.
*29 - Again.
*29 - Some arial rager warrior with my group. (near naked)
29 - Killed the arial rager warrior with my group after he attacks and freaks out after death. (near naked)
33? - Some groupmate of an Imperial with my group of 3.
33 - Kalemor (27 arial assassin rager applicant)
*38 - Killed by Dulzuth (38 human necro) and Viminer (31 duergar axe Trib) they leave almost everything
38 - Kill Carintsei (36 arial dagger Imperial) when she raids. Take nothing.
38 - Kill Kalemor (29 arial assassin rager app) when he ranks with Hect. Take 2 things.
38 - Kill Hect (33 fire mace rager app) when he ranks with Kalemor. Take nothing.
42 - Kill Gaayak (34 wood-elf bard) after he attacked me with a Trib earlier. Total noob, took a nice dagger though.
*43- Killed by Soidel (40 AP trib) she leaves most and I have good eq.
44 - Kill Ilmav (35 h-drw war Imperial) after he raids. Oops, accidentally skin corpse and lowbies probably loot.
46 - Kill Laraiyin (40 d-elf Trib AP) when nova'ing at his recall spot before a raid. Cheap! Take nothing.
*******Made Nightreaver and chose Demielemental Transcendence at age 60 (approx 257 hours)****
47 - Kill Carintsei (44 arial Imperial) with one buffet on sea. Don't know who he was fighting, take nothing.
*******Tattoo'd around 269 hours******
*******Hero around 303 hours***********
51 - Kill Bodo (45 storm warrior Trib) in his guild in Seantryn. Leave everything. Lyristeon liked.
51 - Kill Kiadela (43 h-drw inv Trib) in Eryn Galen. Sweet eq, I take some, but not as much as I could have.
51 - Kill Khazvhak (42 human necro) in Galadon. Mizfara attacks me after I kill her, so I'm not sure who looted.
51 - Kill Carintsei (51 arial Empire war) in Arkham after a raid.
51 - Kill Aogith (46 orc) in a cheap kill while he fights Djabree. Run away as Djabree attacks me.
51 - Kill Pioche (48 dwarf war) in Galadon when he is near death. Take nothing. Oh, sad, he's a newb? :(
51 - Kill Cormindon (51 h-elf pal) during the Rimefang quest. Take nothing.
51 - Kill Agar (51 arial rager dagger/mace) in Violet with herbs from Nam. Take nothing.
51 - Kill Bodo (46 storm sword Trib) during raid...with help from Macha. Sad :(
51 - Kill Carintsei (51 arial Empire) with 3 others when he comes to raid for Codex. Sad suicide mission for him.
*51 - Die to Sil (51 elf bard) I suck. Haha, she only takes like one thing.
*****Get Kiadela to attack me at 370 hours****
*51 - Die to Arlan (42 human trans Trib) in Seantryn Modan. Can't...believe...I died. He took Chromatic Whip, nothing else.

73000, RE: PKs and Timeline-of-sorts
Posted by Arlan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was as amazed as anyone. I didn't waste any time patting myself on the back though, you were half dead from fighting the guild guards by the time I was done prepping. I got really lucky on that faerie fog with your improved invis and manacles is mean against a caster (although you got at least 2 spells through on me), and as I recall from the dispel magic you weren't fully prepped, I think just the invoker shields and aura.

I just took the whip because it was in a city and it was a rule not to return weapons. In reality I'm pretty much a noob and I looked at your EQ and went 'Wow. I have no idea what 90% of that stuff even is.' And my brain shut down and I just left it. :-) I'm sure it was much better then what I was carrying but I couldn't be bothered to figure out what it was and in the end wouldn't have made either of us happier if I looted it.

Good luck with your next!
73010, Arlan, thanks
Posted by Jayundar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for that. I couldn't do anything but sit there and laugh at myself after I died there. Sometimes that low-hanging fruit isn't quite as easy to get as it seems!

Never saw you again, hope you're enjoying your character!
72998, really like Jay....
Posted by Namanrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
very well rped... and just fun too be around... in that creep 'reaver way.... always tried to show you some respect... never wanted to sound bossy... and sorry I always forgot you were a girl ;)

73009, RE: really like Jay....
Posted by Jayundar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With my characters I tend to find some poor sap that I decide must be my friend and absolutely must do everything with me. You were my victim this time, though I had to -try- and temper it somewhat with being a wicked witch.

You were never really bossy, and I had so much fun with you, even when you got me killed :) I wish we could have gone to some of those places though!
72999, You were so fun.
Posted by Teldasill on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved your RP more than anyone in the entire Refuge. I remember that one time in the Grove you were asking if you could try and ride my eagle cause we needed to get somewhere and I was like ok let's give it a shot, then you c 'channel heat' and "Can I hold you by the wings?" and grinned. Little stuff like that just oozed the evil masochistic person you were. I never got to see what you turned into but I'm sure it was interesting.

Too bad I didn't stick around... I probably could of pumped out a 300+ kill character, kind of regret it... BUT... I haven't made a character since and I'm really itching to roll something up.


73008, Liked Teldsasill
Posted by Jayundar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I started to write a note to you on my goodbye, but then decided if I included you I would have to include a whole lot of other people--including those with names I couldn't recall!

You were fun because you actually took some time to indulge other people's rp instead of just pushing your own on others. And you had that gross eye thing going on :)

Come back, it's fun!
73002, Solid.
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Excellent rp. You put the vibe out for everyone to see and it worked. I am glad you enjoyed the character.

As far as being deadly, you definitely weren't a huge pker, that's for sure. But, you rp'd one and you convinced a lot of people what you were tougher than you were without trying. Hero invokers in the bushes can do that. I am surprised you didn't kill more to be quite frank. You didn't need to, but, you could have.

73006, Gracias
Posted by Jayundar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for giving me the opportunities you did.

I really thought I'd be able to pk more people too, but sadly I was only able to pull it off at lower levels where people couldn't cover vulns as well, they weren't expecting to be pked, and I could more effectively vulture for pks.

After playing so many warriors, I kind of freak out when seeing so many melee hits with an invoker. I think I could have been more deathful at hero if I'd been involved in more group v group fights, but those didn't happen much.
73003, Well RP'd, Jayu
Posted by Vreksoek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The only real interaction I had with you was through the induction process, but I could tell you were going places from that very first conversation. I was impressed by the way you had your background story laid out-- I actually saved the log of Vrek's first conversation with you and tried to reference things you'd said in your "story" during the induction... burning towers and dream-prophecies! Tasty ;)

I was always keeping an eye out for you, but suppose I deleted before we had any meaningful follow-up interactions. Anyways, glad you had fun with Jayu... well done!
73004, Thanks!
Posted by Jayundar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really enjoyed being inducted by you (even if it did take a long time to meet!) and I think it really influenced my character. I tried to make every induction special and would give people a hard time if they whined about taking a long time to find me. (Side note to applicants: Improved Invis + Chameleon is rough. Sorry!)

I added the scar you gave me when inducting me to my description. It would have been nice to see you more, but times didn't match up. Thanks for your kind words!
73007, Your interviews were fun to watch. (n/t)
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
73013, Heh...
Posted by Jayundar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I tried to, uh, show my applicants a good time during the interviews. Most of them rose to the occasion, making it a lot easier.

I'll have to say that my favorite aspect of the Demielemental Transcendence edge was that it allowed gave me (well, in my mind at least) permission to spice up my emotes.

73017, That is the kind of cool I am so stealing.
Posted by Yhorian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Stolen! Now if only I had the edge.

And an invoker.

73021, I second this
Posted by Destim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really, really enjoyed those interviews you gave me. Except for the "do this quest beforehand" part. Hah. But it was still tons of fun - you opened lots of interesting RP opportunities for me. You made Destim hate you and fear you a little, which was precisely why he was planning on killing you.

You gave me some of my favorite interactions ever, though I would sweat a little after the induct because I was wondering if you were noticing some of my less orthodox behavior :)

Jayundar was really cool. I knew if you were on, it would be near suicide for people to hit us. Thanks for the patience with those damn quests, and for screwing with Destim's mind a little (...well, a lot, really). An excellent character all around.
73024, RE: I second this
Posted by Jayundar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks. I was noticing and being notified of some your behavior...it was going to be interesting if you hadn't deleted.

I really didn't think that quest would give you any trouble--I figured you already knew it. Just seemed like the right place to induct you.

Hope you're enjoying whatever you're playing.
73069, "logs, LOGS!" the masses cried.~
Posted by Aodh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
73075, I don't have any. Others are welcome! (nt)
Posted by Jayundar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
73011, RE: Fun times
Posted by Shumwrahm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really enjoyed Jay and am bummed my playing times are so non-existent. Your RP was just what I would have thought a drow outtie's should have been. I think Shum and Jay could have done a fair amount of wrecking shop (worst pun ever) together between shields and entwine, but c'est la vie. Good luck on your next.
73012, RE: Fun times
Posted by Jayundar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was Human! Just because my skin is dark... :) I did have a few people tell me they thought I should be a dark elf though.

I liked Shum and you were certainly very deathful. I agree that we could have been very deadly and I was sad that you had such little time. I was expecting you to get Harbinger after Teldasill...Shum certainly is an agent of destruction!
73015, Oh, now I'm sad.
Posted by Doryan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry to see you deleted. I really enjoyed this character. You were creepy as all hell. I think Outtie is going to go in a decline with you gone.

Out of curiousity, why am I a jerk? :P
73016, RE: Oh, now I'm sad.
Posted by Jayundar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For wearing crabby pants the last time I saw you. You were supposed to love-hate me :)

I really liked Doryan. Very deathful, and I think you have a lot of potential.
73018, You never bothered to ask why.
Posted by Doryan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the compliments though. I am not as pleased with this character as I would like. We'll see what happens in the future.