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Topic subject(DELETED) [BATTLE] Lerzion Lionsclaw the Seeker of the Flaming Crown, Amusing Investigator
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72697, (DELETED) [BATTLE] Lerzion Lionsclaw the Seeker of the Flaming Crown, Amusing Investigator
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Sep 28 23:06:27 2008

At 4 o'clock AM, Day of Deception, 9th of the Month of Winter
on the Theran calendar Lerzion perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
72805, My comment on your PBF pretty much says it...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
but to continue on that thought, I find myself liking your chars, more often than not.
72808, Thank you
Posted by Lerzion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I appreciate that. I know at times I can be annoying and I try to avoid that. I can sometimes be one of those guys who just gets ticked at the "unfairness" of it all sometimes. Truly, it is just because my heart is probably racing and I'm frustrated. I often just have to tell myself, take a deep breath...then respond.
72759, PBF paid For *NT*
Posted by Friend on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
72736, Always fun...
Posted by Neltouda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... to interact with. You pulled off some nice stuff at the Herald contests. I really liked your emotes with a staff. The role was a fun read as well. I still can't believe you came onto my ship and told me that horribly lame done-too-many times joke. :P Feel free to come to the stormy side with your next, I'll be happy to have you.
72731, Great char Was fun seeing you around always
Posted by Zanarlok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The times we were at the arena fighting or at the Heralds gatherings was always a blast. Good luck with your next.

Zanarlok The Deaf Mute
72717, This was one of those characters...
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That was really close to getting the old guy love. 6,000 or so imm exp. Constant presence. Not the deadliest guy, but, landed his fair share of kills. Got killed quite a bit as well. Wasn't afraid to throw down with an enemy. The role kept growing on me and others. There was just a little something missing that time would have compensated for. All around good character who got what was deserving over the long haul, but, if he was capable of sticking it out to the 400-500 hour range, the real goodies would have come.

72710, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Lerzion Lionsclaw the Seeker of the Flaming Crown, Amusing Investigator
Posted by Lezra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well it wasn't really a match up unless you had salks/trance up. I mean me you tooled me in the arena - I had totally forgot about the trance...But as for swooping in at the right time(or wrong time however you see it) was only becuase those were the times you were visable. Given other assassins style and you being a villager i'm sure my bird form wouldn't have downed you the few times I did. But you seemed competent so kudos. Maybe i'll try a villager someday.
72714, Birdies and Ragers
Posted by Lerzion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ragers are rough against bird forms because we can't carry that teleport potions. There were plenty of times that I wouldn't have died if I could have done that. Alas, being a villager you give up those things. Anyway, you are good at what you do, definitely got my heart racing a few times.
72708, I generally liked this character. (n/t).
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
72730, RE: I generally liked this character. (n/t).
Posted by Lerzion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mind telling what you didn't like?
72702, Enjoyed the scraps.
Posted by Kikebi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've been around a bit more infrequently the past week or so - I had tickets to the NY Mets games for most nights and I got to see firsthand their inability to crash and burn from yet another playoff race... and now, I'll be missing the next couple days due to the Jewish Holidays.

But this isn't a me thread - it's a you thread. I enjoyed fighting Lerzion. We had some good fights that, for the most part, could have gone either way. I knew I could always count on you for an assassinate attempt (which luckily you never made successfully - how many stalks were you able to get off on me?) as well as some competitive battles afterwards.

For most of my CF career I've been a habitual rager player, so I know the troubles you guys face, as well as I really don't have the prepping mindset (though I've been trying to more recently). Also, I have often stick around in fights for way too long... but that's what makes CF fun for me. It also made many of our fights tougher for me than they should have been... flee/heal/return/bleed you could have helped me on many occasions... but I rarely, if ever, did that.

I'm glad you enjoyed our fights too.
72700, Became unfun, wanted something different.
Posted by Lerzion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am not a big fan of playing more than one character at a time, as I believe it hurts the overall life of CF. I like to contribute and I think it is hard to do that when you play multiple people and have to spread that contribution around. Almost every night lately I had been logging in to the same old pk range. Mostly fortress with a tribunal or two thrown in, and of course a high herald. The enemies that used to log in during this time, like Pelrin and Kikebi weren't anymore. Every now and then Lezra would show up, but I got tired of basically only fighting that one when I was running from something else.

The other thing that had left me kind of soured on the whole deal was that a few weeks ago when Inger went and Dhaath became Drillmaster I was told that I would be made Captain. Ruhk and Dhaath both told me this, yet two weeks went bye and I heard and saw nothing. The other coupled frustration was that I had talked with Zulgh over a month before and had heard next to nothing during that month. I appreciated the title, but I just don't think I'm cut out to play a follower of someone who doesn't interact much at all. I had more fun interacting with Neltouda and Iunna than any of the other imms and I'm thankful to them.

A couple of thoughts about assassins. I don't know why, but I sure felt like I was much more successful at assassinate with Zridv than with Lerz. I had a few great ones with Lerzion, but not as successful I didn't think. I also wish I had taken a different master edge with lerzion as I honestly feel like Zridv could take hits better. I'm also not sure how well the buki edge I took really does, but it seemed slightly better in fights than normal, but not much.


Ruhk - I'm not sure what to say here as I had some very mixed feelings about you. I liked the fact that you were trying to get people involved, but the whole quizzing thing isn't really my style. I'd have much rather had more trials of legends than some of the other stuff. That was a neat thing that you did, but this was the beginning of my frustration in the village. I had beat Dhaath in single combat, and I had answered more questions correctly. You said I had only answered eight of the ten, but honestly I think a few of your answers and those questions could have been taken in a number of ways. Even Dhaath turned to me after you named him Captain and said, I have no idea why I'm captain and you aren't. Ug. You are good at what you do, congrats on that, but man you could be annoying.

Inger: Loved you loved you loved you. That whole fight in the arena thing was awesome and I wish more people would do that. I give big props to the heralds right now with the stuff they are getting going. They are making the game more fun for everyone, and that is just awesome. Anyway, thanks for always being cool.

Dhaath: I never had any ill will toward you with the whole captain thing, and I hope you believe that. I wish you and Ruhk had come around more though as your times seemed to dwindle. Anyway, I'll miss the slober.

Elleryne: I hope you can take over where I left off and just keep plugging away at folks, you have great potential I think.

Djabree: Quite the force when you are around, and very good at killing those magi. Good job man, and I hope your con lasts you to age death if that is what you want. I got above 300 hours and that is a good thing for me.

I know I am forgetting people, and I will comment if you write.

Enemies: I'll list a few here.

Kjrorh - basically my nemesis in empire for such a long time. The Empress stripped me pretty well to equip you, and then you did your best to take whatever you could. I don't remember what I said to you in galadon that you referred to, but the fact was most straight up fights I won. I also should say, this is how it should be with me having resistance. I thought you could have been a great character but the full looting thing really killed it for me.

Ahtieli - You are a powerhouse. I don't know why you expect people to want to fight you one on one. I tried as I could, and the other drawback to fighting you was that if I lost I might just lose quite a bit of stuff. I was never sure with you as you did almost completely full loot me that one time.

Satebos - I wonder how that fight in the arena would have gone had i not gotten slept. If only I had eyes of fire or whatever it is that iltanthal has. That was a good fight none the less and we had a couple of other interseting run ins. You definitely are cautious, but you don't have an Empire to support you.

Eleia - I'm so glad that I finally landed that assassinate on you. I really do hate feign weakness! That last time you got me in galadon was so frustrating as you slept me when I whiffed a trip with that song. I don't think that this should be possible, but hey, the imms don't always think the same way the players do. I think the fight should always be initiated if you make the command go first. Oh well, you won that one, or your fiend did and you got Pelrin to locate my corpse for you, so...good job.

Pelrin - Man oh man could we go back and forth. That assassinate I landed on you when you were sitting there talkign to an applicant was priceless. You guys had the head and the setup was great. We had some great melee fights, but I also believe that trannies are way too strong in one on one melee. You can kill most people without even using damaging spells.

Kikebi - I liked this character and we had some great fights over the years. Good luck with nexus, I can't play in it.

Ryasyn and Etielise - You guys cracked me up, though that really was mostly Ryasyn. I had a lot of fun making fun of you guys in the inn and I hope the banter was loved both ways. Thank you for all of the contests and things that you have been doing, this makes the game 10X better for everyone. My wife often would look at me as I was cracking up from soem of the crazy things we did.

Lezra - Ick...ugg, pretty much my responses everytime I saw that stinking eagle fly to me when I was running from some other fight. I'm not sure that you ever got me in a straight up fight, but you sure are good with "flyto, murder." Hey, that is ok though, you kept me on my toes.

Kharnial - Great ones as well, we both surprised each other a few times I think.

I'm not thinking of any others right now, but I know I'm missing some, please write if you wish to and I'll respond.

I think my best friend outside of the village was probably Zanarlok and Iltanthal. I'm not sure how a person can be "friends" with someone who can't talk, but we did have some fun together. We also had a couple of good fights in the arena. Iltanthal and I just went way back and were good about sharing information. During the whole battle/fort war we stayed away from one another because we could. You did kill me one time, but I got Julaed before that! haha.

anyway, write and I'll respond.

72725, RE: Became unfun, wanted something different.
Posted by Ahtieli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ahtieli - You are a powerhouse. I don't know why you expect people to want to fight you one on one. I tried as I could, and the other drawback to fighting you was that if I lost I might just lose quite a bit of stuff. I was never sure with you as you did almost completely full loot me that one time.

You were strong and ballsy villager but there were few things Ahtieli did not like in you. You worried about eq way too much.

By the way I killed you about 11 time and took ONLY 3 item from your corpse during all these 11 times. ah, one more thing were given to me by another imperial. So 4 item and 11 deaths? Does not sound like you lose quite a bit of stuff.

I don't expect anyone to fight me one on one but you always up for a fight. And I think your build was good enough to face me under destructor, hardly you could kill me there but sure you could make me run. Unless I use quite a bit of phylacteries but usualy it's not worth.

But anyway it was just a minor thing. You were solid all around. Good luck with your next.
72766, Cool Character
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked what I saw of Lerzion. I thought you were a very steady presence in the Village, and had solid playing times. You weren't afraid to take on a tough opponent, and you were pretty effective at PK. All in all, good job!

A LONG time ago, we made the decision to remove the Captain / General position from the Village. Too many leaders with not very well designed roles isn't a good thing. Ruhk wanted to title some folks as such; I wasn't a huge fan, but I tend to give leaders a lot of leeway, so I figured why not? That's probably why I wasn't actively looking for you to slap the title on.

Kastellyn the Devourer of Magic, Lord of Legends

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72769, Ok...thats cool
Posted by Lerzion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just wish someone had said something about it or something. I was getting tired of Lerz and only really logging in hoping for the captain thing to happen, or for zulgh to talk to me. After weeks of not hearing anything, i just said "Screw it" and deleted. Oh well, I look forward to seeing my PBF.
72770, RE: Became unfun, wanted something different.
Posted by Etielise on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yay on you having fun at the expense of and with Heralds. Boo on the last interaction we ever had. Yeah, I know we were probably asking for it, having a barhop and all, but still boooooo.

Apart from that, I enjoyed Lerzion and the fact that you would come around to shoot the breeze rather than kill the Inn guard. It resulted in some pretty funny moments.

I seem to remember you always trying to kill me when I was least expecting it, too. That must be an assassin thing. :P
72777, Glad you liked that
Posted by Inger on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm happy you liked the arena tourny. I had tons of fun with it. I actually wanted to do one more, but, just wasn't able to get around to it. As far as your job with Lerzion goes, you should be very proud. I thought you were outstanding. You seemed quite adept at tactics and fighting. Well done. Our times seemed to mesh at the end of Inger's life and I was happy to have another hero rager about, because it would have pretty much just been me otherwise. Good luck with your next!!
72987, You were a class act
Posted by Dhaath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never had any ill will absolutely about the whole captain business. I gave you the go ahead for the fight then I thought the fight would begin after the commanders fight ended so I went afk for a bit and returned to get my ass kicked. I thought you would have made a fine captain and a fine drillmaster but things fell into place for me. I trusted you to do well in fights as much as I trusted the commander and mharr since you so obviously knew your job. I always felt a little bad that you had to stand in my shadow, possibly because I was your senior in the cabal. Abilitywise there was nothing to choose.
As for the captain thing, the first thing I did on being made drillmaster was to pitch you up for it, because I knew you wanted to be the drillmaster as well. I am not sure why it didnt work out, but everyone involved during the leaderizing agreed you were the best candidate.
I heard you are Minyar and if that is true, I also played Drakgrak and had some good fights with your chars.
I wish you better luck with your next. Sometimes you do everything right but things don't go all that well. A truly classy villager, thanks for all the fun.
72988, Thanks man
Posted by Lerzion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I appreciate the good comments. I don't want you to feel like I had anything negative for Dhaath. I really liked your roleplay and we had some fun. People I know that played the game would say things and I would typically say...well, I never saw what you are complaining about. The crazy thing that saddened me was the comment from Kasty in my pbf dated one month before i deleted. I understand from his comments not wanting to make me Captain but the veteran thing could have happened. Oh well...I gotta stop complaining or Elhe will think I am saying I deserve to always be a leader. You know, because I do think that...always. :)
72994, Twist says it all in his comment, man.
Posted by Tehbigc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would be happy to have a comment like that in my pbf but that will take some time. See you in the fields :)
73094, RE: Became unfun, wanted something different.
Posted by Djabree on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Cool cat... Liked you both IC and OOC because you would let me fight my fights without jumping in, and because you were... Amusing. Though we were both a bit too much loner to really hang out much.
72699, Awesome char
Posted by Iltanthal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had a cool dynamic. Generally allies, a lot of mutual respect, yet you were still ballsy enough to assassinate a Fort mage right in front of me knowing I was going to try to kill you.

And then a while later, sharing info on mutual enemies again.

I really liked your steady presence for the village, too. Ilt would've obviously loved to see you get some form of leadership, since your ideals seemed closest to mine.

I got assassinated recently by someone you always used to warn me was around. I miss you already. :P
72701, RE: Awesome char
Posted by Lerzion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So...did you lose a lot of stuff, or has that person learned that those actions suck?
72705, Ok, trying again. I do not think that person has learned. (n/t)
Posted by Iltanthal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hopefully vague enough?
72706, RE: Ok, trying again. I do not think that person has learned. (n/t)
Posted by Eleia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Won't say that I agree with all that person is doing but in this case I'm glad he hasn't leaned. If I had a chance I'd do it aswell, you deserve it:)
72707, Not sure what your beef with me is...
Posted by Iltanthal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
we've fought exactly one time that I can think of, and that was me attempting to raid you solo and you sending me packing, pretty standard stuff. So I don't know what I've done that makes you say I deserve to be fulled, but whatever.
72716, Arena tournament episode nt
Posted by Eleia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
72734, The only person who should be fulled from that event is you. nt
Posted by Odelius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM