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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) Daiken, Free of the Matrons, Preacher of Passions
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=7254
7254, (DEL) Daiken, Free of the Matrons, Preacher of Passions
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Jun 26 15:51:49 2002

2 o''clock PM, Day of Freedom, 4th of the Month of the Shadows on the Theran calendar Daiken perished, never to return.

Cabal:SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night
PK Ratio:82% (closer to 100% is better)

7255, man, you've ruined my view of the world
Posted by Marcus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I see a hero drow healer... scion... 345 hours!... and it's fuckin GC :p Hope you're well man, I'm in Houston working for the summer. I started missing CF like two days ago, so I've scheduled a new character in late august :)

Posted by Graham on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Let me guess, Duergar mace spec berserker villager? :P
Good to hear you are doing well you foreign git :)

gacameron01@hotmail.com if aber. doesn't reply to your forum post.
7257, happy happy joy joy
Posted by Daiken on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First off, many many thanks to Basim & Zendrac.
Zendrac for telling me stories about his past and making me interested in playing a healer.
Basim for rolling a healer and managing to get empowered (giving me hope on that count).

Daiken was my 3rd level 51 character... ever. I wanted to make a healer as an explore character because i've never ever gone past elemental canyon :) I chose scion purely because of black channels and the fact that a nightwalker would help me explore (it was either that or rely on the goodie only blinking gear for damage).

Why delete? A few reasons.

Prime reason however was the Arvam quest. When there is a quest going on around your patron immortal, who has only 2 followers and you are the only hero, and you get ignored .. -completely- I took it as such a slap in the face. Basically it made me feel that I obviously didn't deserve my title,tattoo and my rp was totally insufficient. Needless to say it caused a good degree of bad blood between myself and Xiouze.

Also I had stalled in progressing my developments with in-game quests to the point they were a pain in the ass more than interesting. Syntax/semantics rubbish so I was getting drawn more into conflicts that Daiken wasn't supposed to (and thus affecting my roleplay)

I was originally going to delete on monday night (13hour day, unpaid overtime, stuck at a bus stop for an hour with a 81yr old guy dying of cancer, etc) but held off due to some temporary amusement with Dullameh. An -unamusing- incident with the destructor provided me a suitable junction to top myself tonight.

Friends - Enemies
Daiken got on best with those people who needed him least.
Most people refer to Scion healers as "Bitch", my role was created to actively avoid this situation, I refused to bitch anyone.

Uh, who?
Arvam seemed to try and avoid me alot and after I got tattooed I never heard from him. Kadsuane tried to sow dissent and claim it was because he hates Brits :P Anyway, all the same Thank you very much for empowering, tattooing and titling me. It made me happy.

Valguarnera, Zulghinlour.
Disappointing. One of the reason I chose Scion was because I had hoped with Valguarnera being an RP imm there be stuff going on. There wasn't. 2 years on and there is still absolutely no point to Scions existance. Murder Death Kill.

Dwoggurd - First and foremost. You were the man. Daiken got on very well with you because his relationship was the most equal. You didn't need a healer most times and you could do beastly beastly things when you did have one. That and you're also a stupid sod who was on the same wavelength as Daiken. :)

Dullameh - Strange situation, you have so many people wanting to hang out with you but you were one of the only ones Daiken had any desire to hang out with but didn't want to be seen as "just another lacky".
Again someone who had no need for my powers so I was more than happy to hang out with. Understood Daikens rebellious nature (or so I thought) and offered me a good deal of respect. Very interesting guy but unfortunately I get the idea you won't be far behind me.

Krivohan - Heh, I get the idea you nearly uninducted me when I couldn't tell my arse from my elbow regarding healers that first time down in Mortorn. You were the strong silent time. I had a less personal relationship with you but goddamn man do you nearly everything there is to know about CF.

Oaken - You didn't advertise much over the CB (good thing) so I don't know how much impact you have upon the cabal. Your log in / log out spasms irritated me a bit. Considering our OOC relationship I'm impressed at how civil we remained to one another.

Urden - Uh, you tried to bitch me. Wasn't going to happen. I took great pleasure in the fact you kicked me from Scion and then end up reinducting me with zero effort on my behalf. Liked to destabilise your authority.

Maelgwyn - Stupid twat! When you came around it became a nice little goal of mine to become part of creating an unholy axe en par with history. Then you deleted, Ugh! Maelgwyn tells you 'Aura, flight and frenzy please?'

Naujamier - Useless. Demanded so much of Daiken but was utterly unable to keep up his end of the deal. Only person faster than Oaken to loot a corpse.

Zausarm? - Fun, had a huge bust up with you in the lowbie ranks when you were asking about the Drow houses, got on better with you later on, a shame you deleted. (You really got the short straw in a number of our eq runs and such, so apologies)

Can't remember the others I want to mention.

Sharukin- Man, you had it rough. Showed what I -didn't- want to happen with my healer :> Cheers for all the gear you kept leaving me in your corpse. :>

Daomael: Jeez man, what the hell happened that one time where you suddenly -STEAMROLLED- me in a few rounds. I'd been fighting you happily until then.

Aylsrith- An impressive warrior, the best I faced. Caused me to worry no end.

Tusseltass - Damned you died alot

Shamus- My god, how BAD a rager do I consider you to be. Words cannot form it. Your rp and your actions do not relate in the slightest. You spoke of tactics but had to be shown by a dawnie warrior how to be useful in the least. (You spent about 100 hours trying to disarm a no-disarm weapon). You cried when you were looted then full looted me at first opportunity. You ran to the shrine or the inn even when it was just 1 on 1 and basically only faced me when you were with 3 others.

Rhuean - You definately deserve your title, the only one of the current villagers that I respected. Utilised your specs and powers to good use - made life very tough for me.

Lardovian - respect, you make good effort

Solamnus- I was more interested in converting you to evil than anything else :P
Samtuka - You damned swine! :)
Moprah - MWUAHAHAHAAH A healer killing a lion, nothing more amusing. (same to astarcio). You made good show though for sure.
Cariatid - Cheers for keeping me amused and keeping me involved in the quest.
Thelleneor - I did worry about you, you had your head screwed on. When you deleted the tide on the goodies turned.
Lintronea - In the days of Thelleneor you were all over me like a rash. Then you stopped being proactive. So I left you alone.
Zodrimauk - ugly ugly ugly, my opinion of you as a player fell through the floor.

Heh, far too long a note but probably not long enough.
I enjoyed Daiken a lot. Thanks everyone

Graham C, forum whore
7288, RE: happy happy joy joy
Posted by Daiken on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The destructor is a complete bastard.
Healers really don't cut the mustard any more. You can lag them out in a million ways these days.
Posted by Krivohan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were about a heartbeat away from getting kicked out a couple of times, but then I realized you were learning and decided to see how you would turn out. I'm glad I did. It was pretty amusing though, Krivohan I died and lost such and such, okay who killed you? Cut to Krivohan going off and killing whoever. Daiken you idiot come get your stuff. It was an impressive character I look forward to the next one.

Krivohan the Vindicated, High Chancellor of Shapeshifting
7295, Yeah I should have added
Posted by Daiken on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Krivohan and Dwoggurd were basically what made Daiken in gear terms. It was funny that whenever I was slaughtered in some butch pk action along came Krivohan or Dwoggurd to slaughter whoever had just slaughtered me. Very cool, very funny.

Daiken was a very lucky character.
7289, RE: happy happy joy joy
Posted by Mesharrah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually, it was much worse in the times of wall of thorns and insects. Nowdays careful evil healer can be quite unkillable.

Destructor is a fscker. Why not give archmage a breath spell? Do immortals think someone will go raid a cabal with protector that destroys equipment.
7291, RE: happy happy joy joy
Posted by Daiken on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Actually, it was much worse in the times of wall of thorns
>and insects. Nowdays careful evil healer can be quite
>Destructor is a fscker. Why not give archmage a breath
>spell? Do immortals think someone will go raid a cabal with
>protector that destroys equipment.

I died in 5 pk's 2 of them were 1 on 1. 3 of them were 4 on 1.

Permalag is a bitch. (ok the first 4 on 1 was just more of a shokk attack)
7292, RE: happy happy joy joy
Posted by Mesharrah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I died in 5 pk's 2 of them were 1 on 1. 3 of them were 4 on

>Permalag is a bitch. (ok the first 4 on 1 was just more of a
>shokk attack)

Never got permalagged 1 vs 1.

Gangbangs can kill you, true. When there was a gang with several people who could lag me, I preferred to stay on archmage so that I got damaged by one one person (preferrably with low damage from attacks), other using only direct damage attacks on me (they could rescue each other, true, but it didn't happen often for some reason) and I could heal to stay in good health. I died only once in pk to two invokers when I became really careless (note I wrote careful evil healer :)). Gangbangs in wall of thorns where you didn't know they are there were way more ugly than it is now.

7293, Bubble = "bursted"
Posted by Boy Scout on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
They still are, you just don't see it as often.

And I'm still waiting for an invoker chancellor to get evoke.

-Boy Scout
7290, Raid the Scarab cabal sometime n/t
Posted by Old Maran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
7286, RE: happy happy joy joy
Posted by Dullameh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, crap.

You were one of my favorite Scions, and certainly one of the most interesting to talk to.

Daiken's one of the few characters I'll genuinely miss. I was never a huge fan of 'Graham C, forum whore,' but this character is enough to make me rethink my prejudice. :P

It was obvious to everyone that you weren't anyone's bitch. I wish you would have stuck it out... I could tell you were losing steam toward the end, and I could feel that I was too, hence the 'amusement' the other day. I had some plans, though, that you might have liked... I hoped that you'd stick it out a little bit longer, but oh well. Good luck with your next, and make it a Scion.
7287, RE: happy happy joy joy
Posted by Daiken on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the positive comments.

I was mortified throughout Daikens existence by the number of tells, says and emotes that i managed to -utterly- mangle due to my awkward playing position.
7282, Aw damnit...
Posted by Arvam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just get back from vacation and you go and delete. I wasn't avoiding you, I was just gone...period. Anyways, I thought you did a real good job meshing the Arv religion with your role, and your position in Scion. I thought that all fit together real well and you did a good job. I wish I was around more later on to watch you with certain people since I thought it woulda been real fun to watch you took certain thing. I was sorta hoping there would be drow chick chancellor or something come up in Scion to see how you would take that considering your role.

Anyways, sorry that you felt ignored, that was hardly my intention. Good luck with the next and all that jazz.
7285, It's a way of life. nt
Posted by Adrigon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
7283, RE: Aw damnit...
Posted by Daiken on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the reply and putting me straight and apologies for my negative thinking, just paranoia stemmed from my inadequacies :P

As for my next I dunno when that'll be another reason for my deletion was the fact i'm changing countries -again- next month.

7284, Goals
Posted by Daiken on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Daiken completed a good number of goals that I had, so thanks for enabling that.

-Was given a -positive- title (not Kaindel, "adept of frustration" :))
-Went to Hell
-Went to Silent Tower (well, the outside, 2 days before it got closed down *grrr*)
-Went to Organia (dragged through)
-Explored Veran, Ktengs, Whitecloaks, Pyramids, Underdark (last time i was there was 4 years ago and in a group).
-Revisted a bunch of areas i hadn't been to in quite some time.
-Held a lovely set of eq.
-Lasted longer than 150 hours.
-Found a barrier rod, and a bunch of aura, shield rods.
-Made use of the information i've learned and forgotten over the years.

-Con death/age dying, immorting were other goals that just weren't going to happen

Heh, just shows what you can do if you don't delete your characters at rank 20 :P
7281, RE: happy happy joy joy
Posted by Shamus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Glad I made you that angry and thought so little of me to dedicate a full paragraph to rail on me. I fought you several, several times alone. I think you see and hear and think only selective things, leaving out crucial parts you either don't choose to or just can't see. If it's any consolation, I didn't think too highly of your character either.
7280, RE: happy happy joy joy
Posted by Lardovian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, what can I say.
Whenever we did not have the Grimoire and I saw you around I just put my plans of retrieving it on the shelf for a while as I knew you'd come in about the time the Nightwalker was gushing and mess me up with that nightwalker of yours. And on top of that heal the outer-guardian-nightwalker so you ruined all my effort.

Ah well, well played I think from what I saw.

7279, RE: happy happy joy joy
Posted by Fauaqi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know I pale in comparison to Dwoggurd and a lot later on the scene but I thought I would say something.
I thought you played your role very well. I try my best to be a self sufficient warrior like Dwoggurd but there was one time you did save me. The eagle and in arkham. Thanks. The first one or two times I thought you were a bitch healer and I would ask for something and get nothing back but silence. From then I just said, "well if he is going to help he will, if not take care of yourself". And went on. Helped me actually get rid of a crutch, so thanks for that as well (Damn I have been playing ragers too long, so self contained....)

Also, I always thought you were pretty damn unreliable healer, so I thought, until we hit the depths and you were on the ball, constantly, which made me rethink my earlier views of you.

Good job, for what it is worth :).

7278, The Panther/Dilo
Posted by Racli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First off, sorry to see you delete. I thought you played a damn good drow, RP and PK wise. I deleted because shifters arent my style. REAL boring for me, and the fact I got dillo ("come tank this for me... crawl! crawl!") didnt help much.
Anyway, I wanted to kill you SOOOO bad when i was younger. In my app to scion I put "drow of the underdark" and when Krivo asked me what house I was from I was stumped like all hell. He told me to find out as much about Menzo as I could. So, I decided to ask you for some help. Big mistake. I didnt count on you playing the drow role so well and not giving me ANY kinda help except "go there yourself", which I ended up doing anyway and learning more than I ever could asking around (the lyceum didnt hurt though, heh). I grew to like you as I grew older though, and respected the fact you didnt punk up to anyone, which is why I never really asked you for much, except help with ranking a few times. As for the EQ runs, yea, I got the short stick. But hey, I didnt have to do anything but shift dillo, intercept a few times, and hope you healed me enough to keep me alive. All in all though, it was fun. Best of luck with your next.
7277, RE: happy happy joy joy
Posted by Xiouze on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey man, sorry you felt that way about Xiouze like that. For what it's worth, I thought you played one of the better drow that I've seen in quite some time. But I think that a lot of possible Arvam followers avoided you simply because you were a little gruff with most people. IC, you were a pain in the ass(heh). OOC, you were fun to watch, simple as that. I did TRY to get you more involved in Arvam's quest though-I really did. Mrreowrr...

7275, Nauamjair
Posted by Couillard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll take that as a compliment. I hated Daiken ever since we had the talk about ranking in kidana.

Your char was either a great drow or your a fucking prick and you know my character never demanded anything from you. I suggested a trip to the underdaark where we both made out like bandits but you botched it worse than I botched my other trips. It was the fucking mouth on your character that botched any kind of relationship we could have had I dont' agree that a healer deserves to have a mouth to a sorcerer in scion and you were almost as bad as me. Its also funny that anyone that didn't follow you and the chancellors around gangbanging people and doing the "cb ragers in the past" thing were considered useless.

7276, RE: Nauamjair
Posted by Daiken on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

> I'll take that as a compliment. I hated Daiken ever since
>we had the talk about ranking in kidana.

Yes, you hit like a girl.

> Your char was either a great drow or your a fucking prick
>and you know my character never demanded anything from you.

Nauamjair says 'Aura'
I didn't even want to expend the mana on sancing you when we raided the grove because I felt that being there or not being there, there was little difference. But you did have the summon spell.

>I suggested a trip to the underdaark where we both made out
>like bandits but you botched it worse than I botched my
>other trips.

Eh? If you check my role I was due for a visit to the matron mother and I went there for only one thing. The snake-headed whip, and that was all i took. I didn't feel you were necessary but I know you looted everything before Zausarm could get a chance at looking. I healed, Zausarm fought, you cast "blind".
(I specifically refused to wear ANY gear that was related to Lloth)

> It was the fucking mouth on your character
>that botched any kind of relationship we could have had

You demanded of me my abilities without doing much with yours.. hell you challenged me to a duel and couldn't even survive long enough to meet me. What, did the teleport spell stop working?
As per Daikens role,
A: you were drow - I didn't like drow in the first place.
B: you tried to order me around with that mage vs cleric stuff
C: you tried to have me bitch you

Daiken was overjoyed to be able to kill you when you got kicked from Scion.

> I dont' agree that a healer deserves to have a mouth to a
>sorcerer in scion and you were almost as bad as me.

So? You didn't like Daiken, and? Doesn't mean I have to accept your bid for superiority.

>also funny that anyone that didn't follow you and the
>chancellors around gangbanging people and doing the "cb
>ragers in the past" thing were considered useless.

That's -OH- so hilarious. You didn't group with Daiken sod all of the time, so you don't know jack about me.

A: I regretted any time I was drawn into gangbangs and any that did occur generally revolved around a raid (or against Shamus in general).
B: I don't think I ever made a PK with Krivohan in the same room.
C: Dullameh only ever entered a room to complete a kill I was carrying out.(ie killing the invoker in Tir Tirlath)
D: The only time I ever yelled out locations on those times I was gating around following a particular target in order to finish the job..(people teleported like crazy)
E: I never once made any comment like "ragers in the past". I never in fact made comment on the location of anyone unless I was specifically hunting them (or once recently when I spotted a group of 3 retrieving ragers standing on the red cliffs) For example I would stand in the inn beside shamus for X duration and never passed comment on CB and 20 minutes later someone else would pipe up his location.

In short your comment above is utter crock. I considered Nauamjair to be useless because the only thing he added was the blindness spell, that and you managed to die to Sharukin alone. I also only chose to group with people i respected, which doesn't make it suprising that I didn't group with people Daiken considered useless.

Thelleneor has stated elsewhere that he found you a tough opponent. My comments were based on my perspective.

See you in the fields
7274, RE: happy happy joy joy
Posted by Annette on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry to hear you go, getting an empowered healer is a major accomplishment in my book. I've never got empowered, even after 5 years of playing (on and off). One incident that really sticks in my mind was when I attacking Dwoggurd thinking that he's a Rager (i knew he wasn't) then you said, "If I didn't leave him alone, you'd destroy me!". That would be interesting for you to try to to destroy me. Good luck on your next char.

See you in the fields.

p.s. Damnit, I want myself those shawtby pets too!!!
7272, RE: happy happy joy joy
Posted by Urden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Urden - Uh, you tried to bitch me. Wasn't going to happen. I
>took great pleasure in the fact you kicked me from Scion and
>then end up reinducting me with zero effort on my behalf.
>Liked to destabilise your authority.

Eh, I never tried to "bitch" you. I liked Daiken and fully understood
his RP. However, Urden hated you with a passion. Personally, I thought
we had a fun kinda chemistry. Always squabbling. Oh well, there goes
7273, RE: happy happy joy joy
Posted by Daiken on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Eh, I never tried to "bitch" you. I liked Daiken and fully
>his RP. However, Urden hated you with a passion. Personally,
>I thought
>we had a fun kinda chemistry. Always squabbling. Oh well,
>there goes

We did, unfortunately that happy balance went out the window when you became chancellor. Dwarven sappers got sent in to destabilise :P
7271, wtf !!!
Posted by Dwoggurd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're a fragile arrogant ass-mouthed bastard, I will spell this for you:
"Why the f u c k you did that ?!?!?"
Going back to your 20 rank newbie killers ? :P :) :) :) :)

I really liked Daiken and I would even call it friendship
if there is such concept within Scion at all.
Every character has a shell which is how he is trying to look/be
to others and something internal within him which shows who he really is.
Basically you may see a person who talks in lyrics, replaces
all "I" for "me" and "your/you're" for "yer",
but when you see that he is just a gearwhore levelsitter or an idiot
or something like that it just becomes broken for you.
I can't say anything like that about Daiken. He was a very consistent
drow. And you were a scion to whom I *gasp* trusted.

P.S. Stop damnit losing your link when we raid the village or something
like that :P.

7269, RE: happy happy joy joy
Posted by Cariatid on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really enjoyed the few times we interacted. You were a very interesting character who had several goals/levels just on the surface.

About the Arvam quest, the only thing I can think of is that it really began with the Heralds, and we were ordered by Dieca *not* to involve the Scions. Although it was mainly because of Dullameh, Dieca figured you all would take advantage of the situation.

Sorry it went that way.
7270, This doesn't have to do with Daiken, but, Cariatid..
Posted by Someone on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
your name reminds me of Carrot Top. Not a good thing.
7260, RE: happy happy joy joy
Posted by Orinah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The only thing about you that made an impression was your lip. If it was a part of your role to be a prick, then by all means, well done and well played, your never broke from that aspect of your role. If it is you as a person, seek therapy before you show on a milk carton. That time near the village everey, and I mean *every*, single person told me at about the same time to just say the word, they'd be on you like the proverbial white on rice. Don't know exactly why I didn't kill you, all I can say is you didn't say much of anything to me after that, and none of it flipant. Advice for your next, if you're not going to be a healer or invoker, be a mute.
7261, RE: happy happy joy joy
Posted by Daiken on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>The only thing about you that made an impression was your
>lip. If it was a part of your role to be a prick, then by
>all means, well done and well played, your never broke from
>that aspect of your role. If it is you as a person, seek
>therapy before you show on a milk carton. That time near the
>village everey, and I mean *every*, single person told me at
>about the same time to just say the word, they'd be on you
>like the proverbial white on rice. Don't know exactly why I
>didn't kill you, all I can say is you didn't say much of
>anything to me after that, and none of it flipant. Advice
>for your next, if you're not going to be a healer or
>invoker, be a mute.

I'm so scared, really.
I don't remember this incident you refer to, but yes Daiken didn't actually have any reason to be nice to most of the people in scion, did he? Did i group with them? No, Dwoggurd and uh...Dwoggurd is who Daiken liked grouping with (others were cool, no disrespect there, but I think I only actively sought Dwoggurd to group with. I may be making this up so challenge this if i'm wrong, ie Fauaqi whom i grouped with).

I must have challenged your ego and how you thought you should be treated, I tried to do that to a lot of people. Ask Urden what response his chancellency got ;)
7262, RE: happy happy joy joy
Posted by Orinah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I believe my exact words were "Give me your lip again and I will tear them off and beat you to death with them." The others in the group might be able to clarify if a word or two were off.
7263, RE: happy happy joy joy
Posted by Daiken on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I believe my exact words were "Give me your lip again and I
>will tear them off and beat you to death with them." The
>others in the group might be able to clarify if a word or
>two were off.

Ah yes, at which point i invited you to have a go at me. It was when I was standing in the ruins of thalos and you were at large crossroads and you expected us to be mind readers as to your position.

7264, RE: happy happy joy joy
Posted by Orinah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually, I stated that myself and Kalraak were near the village. The rest of you all bickered about who else was needed. You, as always decide to start flipping comments. And no, you said nothing about have a go at it, because if you had there wouldn't have been a thing to stop me from it.
7265, RE: happy happy joy joy
Posted by Daiken on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Actually, I stated that myself and Kalraak were near the
>village. The rest of you all bickered about who else was
>needed. You, as always decide to start flipping comments.
>And no, you said nothing about have a go at it, because if
>you had there wouldn't have been a thing to stop me from it.

I did. In my mind you then decided to climb down slightly from that, obviously deciding you would rather have a healer to help. As for deciding who else was required? Uh? I've raided solo before, I didn't actually need anyone. I had been doing other things and then gated into a mimic where I then asked where everyone was and you said "At the large crossroads where we've been waiting 10 minutes" : cue my comment on mindreading.

Considering i yelled at Urden "SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP" or similar when he was chancellor, invokers didn't worry me.
7266, RE: happy happy joy joy
Posted by Orinah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ok, just from reading all your posts, I've come to the undeniable conclusion the lip was not an rp thing, just you. As for you raiding solo...is that how you kept dying? And not worrying about invokers...well hell, raise your hand if you're an idiot. As for having a healer to help...when the hell did you ever prove to be much of a help? I rarely asked you for anything, it was too much like trying to pull a tooth from a badger, just not worth it. For the most part, I would rather have associated with Zefarah. She can be slow at times, a little naive, but the company was alot more pleasant. And don't even try to say you never asked me for anything.
7268, By the way
Posted by Orinah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just had to go looking through some logs. You did indeed say to go ahead, and when I got to the watchtower where you were...

You whisper "What did you say?"
Daiken says "nothing"
You whisper "I thought not."
7267, I call bullcrud
Posted by Tasharis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As for having a healer to help...when the hell did you ever prove to be much of a help?

He saved your worthless hide twice against me. Once, you were absolutely toast in dwarf without him. And even with him, you almost suceeded in dying. Two, at the Destructor, you think you would have lived without him? Raid situations different, sure, you needed two to raid with one defending... but in dwarf... c'mon... you owed him your life. And after I attacked you again, he gated back... obviously you called him to your aid. I'm not the biggest Daiken fan... but give credit where credit is due.
7259, *laugh*
Posted by Thelleneor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Haha, so you're Graham! I always liked you and Abernyte most on the CF irc channel, back when I was a student in London. I doubt that either of you remember me, but I always picture (and still do) Abernyte as a scottish highlander with a broadsword.

I had great respect for Daiken.

7258, RE: happy happy joy joy
Posted by Danical on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I shoulda figured you were old school rager. I'm wondering if Abernyte is yelling at you as well to get yer arse back to battle? Anyway, good fighting against you, and luck with the next.

Aaron aka Minyar
7296, jazz is not only music
Posted by Adrigon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
rage deleter.
7297, Weee...
Posted by Sharukin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It had to come, didnt it? My god, you kicked ass with that drow! How the hell did that happen? I thought you were joking when you said you were gonna roll one, look what happened! Zendrac go home and baby-cry :)

7298, Eek...
Posted by Steelbiter on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn. Why's you go and do that?
