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Topic subject-1 Keren Haze. Lot of fun, lot of firsts. Critiques welcome.
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71980, -1 Keren Haze. Lot of fun, lot of firsts. Critiques welcome.
Posted by Dreth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really had a lot of fun for quite a while, and I want to thank and curse the imms and players here for making a game so frustratingly difficult yet impossible to quit. I died constantly and couldn't walk away. I've not died this much in any combination of 3 other muds I've played. Anyway, I'm about to fly down to Ft. Sill for a couple of months as I'm reclassing. (Forward Observer all the way, ha.) Er, anyway. Yeah, I was just losing interest already because the RP was really sort of shallow and my play style doesn't match being good and having to walk by targets. I just want to pk, which is why I never made hero. Too busy looking for fights.

This was my 2nd char above level 30 I think, first even close to hero. I actually finally started to learn, even though it was ridiculously obvious I was a complete newb. I wanted a fairly wild character and joined outlander not knowing much about them. I started off not really minding the cities etc, as that wasn't what I intended for the character. But it gave me a ton to do, so I went with it the best I could. I'm sorry if my RP seemed a bit shallow at times. I only made a good char because I was playing a bunch of lowbies evils and getting rocked and didn't know anything about the good half. I must say being good allows you to learn much faster, but I really do just want to be able to pk whoever I want whenever. :)

I hate all villagers. Really. But you were all cool. Except Djabree seemed to love catching me in the grove. Mharr and Gulkra were cool because they'd beat me down and then tell me stuff I did wrong. So, nice.

I really interacted almost none with Scions, which is funny considering I decided as a 'purpose' for my character to be their opposition. Newb anti-scion = ha.

Tlingit, you're fun and I had a lot of neat chats with you, but you took my blacks every time, gah. That set me back like 40 minutes every time. Ugly lizard. Good stuff, though. I had a lot of fun ####ing with you. :)

Renkaide, you were awesome. I wish I could have talked to you more but I was always busy throwing myself at someone or another. I tried to listen to what you said about Baerinika's religion and all that, but I really don't think I'm made for that one. At least not purity, because I am a random fibbing ####ting guy who just wants to pk. :)

Baerinika, I'm sorry if I wasted your time any. I got the feeling you weren't all that satisfied with my take on things, but I gave it a shot. Maybe next time, if I make another good...unlikely.

Outlanders, that is one cool bunch. I really don't see me being interested in another cabal besides maybe Scion when I get good enough. There is just waay too much fun to be had. Namanrin, you were my favorite. Knowledgeable, funny, and able to accept my ignorance. Learned a lot from you.

Jayundar, you really are awesome, and I never even talked to you much. Every time you were on I was just trying to catch you in action, to learn something from you since I couldn't get you to squeeze out more than a couple little pointers. Quiet, deadly, competent, slightly arrogant. Exactly what I'd want to play in an evil mage, with slight variation of course. Um, and of course the fact that I doubt I could ever be quiet. I talk. A lot.

Aunk, you little shaman. Rofl, really. You talk about eating elf more than an orc. Ha.

I'll definitely be back, although I might try and learn a bit more first, because obviously Jayundar isn't all that tolerant of newbness and my next char will be evil. Wouln't want to clutter the ranks.

Anyway, peace and all that, now that I've said a bigger goodbye than most characters that actually made a difference in the game. Pointers very welcome, other than 'You have a lot to learn.' because that is painfully obvious.
72042, the elf who made raiders flee, using only words!
Posted by Namanrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hahaha, sad to see you go, Namanrin liked you, and knew you were a noob!

Me and Jay had a good laugh that time you told me you did not know how to avoid the eastern road...

glad could help you with some low ranked aura, shield wands when you were younger... overall though Keren was well rp'ed... like Lys said...

also like how you would fight... you would die... but you would always fight...

oh yeah... plus the shields made you an instant friend =)

take care bro...

72043, Rofl that really did happen!
Posted by Dreth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm sure, in reality, they came looking for someone or else they found out about a better target elsewhere. But the way it went, they showed up, and I was like 'You should go away!' or something, and then they left. I was like ha, ha.

Anyway yeah, thanks a lot for all the tips and pointers, etc.
72013, Gutsy...
Posted by Iltanthal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was somewhat surprised when you asked me if I wanted to raid Empire with you. You had a tone of "if not that's fine, I'll do it myself." This was when you were a level 43 invoker with, I'm guessing, 650 hp tops (seeing your eq, I'm thinking less?).

You just had this "dwarf in an invoker suit" vibe - charge in regardless of whether you were likely to survive.

It sorta made me hesitant to ask you for help retrieving or anything - I didn't want you dying on my account. :P

None of the above is bad, though! You were definitely a comforting presence, just sorta knowing you were out there causing trouble for the bad guys in some way.

Good luck with the next!
72037, Heh yeah I couldn't help it.
Posted by Dreth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I spent SOO long having to avoid all conflict because invokers suck at low level (when you don't know what you're doing, at least) that when I got big enough to do ANYTHING I just went ape####. Um, I likely had significantly less HP than that, heh. I think the most I had was like 650 or some such at level 48. :)

I doubt I caused any trouble for the bad guys, but I think I kept some of them occupied heh. Thanks for the help, by the way.
72012, RE: -1 Keren Haze. Lot of fun, lot of firsts. Critiques welcome.
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You rp'd well. But, I have to admit I almost noogied Macha into oblivion for inducting you at all. If you had been evil, you probably wouldn't have got in at all. Outlanders are really about being able to survive on their own. It's definitely not a newbie friendly cabal. Second probably to Scion. My jaw about hit the ground when you stated you didn't know enough to avoid Eastern Road. That's the first question that the leader of the cabal should ask.

I too would suggest playing something that can survive really well at lower levels and learn how to get around. Being able to avoid bad situations is just as important as learning how to pk.

Good luck with your next.
72038, I noticed..
Posted by Dreth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I definitely enjoyed it a LOT, but I learned very quickly that almost all of the players were definitely experienced and skilled. I figured the only thing I could do was be my normal silly self and maybe entertain someone into showing me something or another. I really want to learn more and come back, for sure. I can see myself being a serial outlander, once I learn all those paths.

Thanks for putting up with me.
72007, RE: -1 Keren Haze. Lot of fun, lot of firsts. Critiques welcome.
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked our talks a lot, and if you'd kept it up I would have tattoo'd you eventually. Every time we talked you understood more about the religion and I really like followers who actually try to understand and seem happy when I beat stuff into them.

I had to bust you that one day when you were letting Jayjay goad you into agreeing that paladins should be dead. You did seem kind of newbish and every time you'd die in some silly way I'd be shaking my head but also cheering you on.

Good luck on your next, try another Baer char!

There will be no white flag above my door. - Dido
72039, Thank you, that is a bit encouraging.
Posted by Dreth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was really a bit unsure of what to do about the whole religion thing. At first I didn't even know what to do, and people were like 'pray to them' and the whole time I was thinking that pray was like a bug report system, rofl. So I really just waited for you to be visible most of the time. Then the first time I saw you I was like 'I just want to have your tattoo' and realized later when someone mentioned that tattoos actually do stuff that that probably sounded a bit silly.

I have to say when you nipped me for that conversation with Jay was the start of me thinking I might not get very far with Keren, as I really thought I was a bit bloodthirsty. But I tried, and I'll try again, for sure. I think as long as I have an evil or neutral char to take care of my 'pk on a whim' needs I'll tolerate the restrictions of a good char a bit more.
71996, RE: Nice one
Posted by Aunk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really enjoyed your take on Outlander Good, and your take on the Outlander elf. Everytime I would say something bulbous or obscene to you, you would shoot right back with that snooty elf tone and nonchalantly insult me. I loved it. I left poisoned food for you laying around all the time, and my latest and greatest was skinning your corpse so I could rub in how good my new water skin tastes.

I didn't think you were shallow at all from our interactions, fwiw.

Roll a neutral Outlander, you might have more fun with less restrictions and not being hunted down at the same time.
72040, RE: Nice one.
Posted by Dreth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, I knew as SOON as I saw you on who we were going to trade words.I appreciate that you were just rping and not making a mockery of my newb tardness. :)
71993, Nice one
Posted by Nererial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll echo what was said about you seeming pretty new, but having a good attitude.

Tip for the future though: Against a shaman like me, consider ice needles over controlled fireball. I can probably soak up fireballs until you run out of mana, if I heal, so you want some kind of maladiction if you are going to have a long fight. Same holds true of paladins, healers, abs'd magi etc.
71984, *cackles*
Posted by Jayundar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, what can one say? First of all, thank you for compliments!

I think the main reason I liked Keren was that despite being somewhat noobish, you were relaxed and not defensive about it without being pathetic :)

I wanted to give you advice, but it's hard for my character to do...I'm hoping you could read through some of the acid to the helpful bits.

I'd suggest trying a rager for your next. Whatever you choose, good luck!
71985, I hate ragers! Ha. :)
Posted by Dreth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd love to try a villager if I'd be willing to play a warrior. I'm addicted to mage types. :)

Maybe an assassin. Dunno.
71982, Did you play the Keren that bloodoathed?
Posted by WarEagle2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As an aside, you have a fantastic attitude, and hope when you get a chance you come back to CF...it's an addiction, but it's a good addiction.
71983, RE: Did you play the Keren that bloodoathed?
Posted by Dreth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah that was my very first character here I think, that got beyond level 5. I'm shocked you remember him. He was fun, but I was obviously in over my head, and didn't even know where to get gold, so I deleted pretty quickly. I really liked the character, though, hence trying again. Keren really should have been neutral / evil.

Yeah I'm stuck, addicted. And I had quit mudding for like 2 years, too. Sigh.
71981, Zacsux
Posted by Tubnic on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll just leave that right there :)