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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) Falkim the Warder of the Glade
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=7195
7195, (DEL) Falkim the Warder of the Glade
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Jun 23 21:36:19 2002

10 o''clock PM, Day of Thunder, 31st of the Month of the Grand Struggle on the Theran calendar Falkim perished, never to return.

Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
PK Ratio:57% (closer to 100% is better)

7196, RE: (DEL) Falkim the Warder of the Glade
Posted by Falkim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not much of a delay in my Farewell, I reall wasn't going to write anything, but if you insist.

First and foremost, I tried to stick to my role as best I could. Falkim thought mages were carriers of a plague that infested Thera. He felt he was one of a select few who could see it, and through death they would be cleansed. He also saw everyone as individuals, able to make decisions on their own, although he knew the disease influenced the decisions of many mages. He often tried to suggest that it was within the persons power to reject the disease, and to push it back, like he had. Being a ranger and all, he knew the disease creeped at the back of his mind waiting for him to break so it could take over. He saw himself as a tower of fortitude able to stand up to it, and he knew many others could as well. Though he also knew personal motivation played a large role in it. Power, greed, whatever drove a mage was most likely caused by the disease but it was there fault they accepted it so blindly. Overall I don't think I did too bad, and its probably not the best role in the world but I liked it. I tried my best not to be a cookie-cutter rager and I would stand my ground when I thought it fit Falkim.

From the player standpoint, this is my first and last ranger I don't like them. Which sorta is why I slowed down playing him. Rangers as many have probably said before are quite limited once they reach the higher ranks. Raiding and defending are almost completely hopeless. I thought I spent quite a bit of time in the forest, but near the end I lost my fast waylay. Not quite sure why, but oh well. I had a really hard time telling when I was in wilderness that affected my % and when I wasn't. If I can herb am I? Camp? There are quite a few places IMHO that should be camo and aren't, but I respect the decision of not modifying a persons area unless they absolutely have to and not to mention the imms probably don't agree with me. I would have really liked to seen rangers get maybe a legacy or something, the extra hp at 40+ would have been atleast better than nothing. From what I read on the help file they are basically "forest warriors". I wouldn't see why they can't have partially what warriors get, hell they share quite a few skills.

Moving right along..

I know I had quite a few enemies, and I hope I had a few friends as well. One of the things I tried to push was respect, after death. So many times I saw people die or hell me for that matter, and the only thing on anyones mind is to get all corpse. Regardless if they can use it or not. I guess they figure they should just stick it in the pit of said cabal. Eh whatever. People need to realize this is a game, and other people play it. Constantly full looting and never getting anything back doesn't raise any bars for anyone. Sure, you can play the "evil" card or the "greed" card, but thats just #####. I know alot of people that actually fight the pk's don't have a choice in the matter when 8 billion level 5 fire giant warriors are standing there spamming get all corpse with their charmies. Hell it doesn't matter where you are, and I am not talking about any cities. I hardly ever went to cities.


Always loved the cabal, always will.

Intronan: Keep up the good work man, I really dig your character. Hopefully I didn't disappoint you.

Shamus: I hear people giving you flack all the time on the way you run the village, eh screw them. I think you are doing a bang up job. Keep it up.

Nilushka: I travelled with you quite a bit when we were younger, then you took off like a rocket. Never got back into your range but you were a damn good Captain. People need to keep in mind that you aren't there to repeat the plaque. You are there to interpret the plaque as a leader.

Rhuean: I had fun running around with you, sorta haven't seen you in a bit, don't autodelete on them..:P

Sylkorian: Good job man, thats all I can say. Learning from your mistakes really makes your character stronger. Hope you had as much fun as I did..:P

Austyn: flee, thats the command of the day..:P You fought the hard fight, but often times I would see you as a corpse. Doesn't do you any good to fight if you know death is 100% sure. I am sure you will learn though.

Tambra: Tambra who? I liked you but you are "up and gone like a fart in the wind"

I know I am forgetting people, sorry..its late.


Sylvan..Danical..Cerunnir..and a few others. I had a blast. Might even make me a warde...nah nevermind...heh.

Hirin: I liked you..:)


Nexus - Probably the cabal I fought the most. Mainly because I actually had a decent chance of winning at times.

Cercanopuno: Boy did Falkim hate you

Kazsomething: Had fun with those fights..sorta wish I wasn't naked

Thalongrim: I was bound and determined to kill you, I had quite a few tactics to try on you that I never got the chance...ahh well. Damn you..:P

Garlinthas: Had some pretty decent fights with you, over all you were one hell of a guy. Had some nuts too, I like that.

Zethyr: I liked you, nuff said.

Scions - ..yeah I hated you guys. with a passion. The only time I EVER saw any of you around was when there are like 12 of you. With a few exceptions.

Starting from the top and working my way down...

Maelgwyn - I hated fighting you, you always whooped my ass. Damn you Parv. He was tougher than Fomorius.

Goitha - I liked fighting you.

Salpena - I liked fighting you. Dear.

Killag - I liked fighting you.

Orinah - I didn't like you, nor did I like fighting you.

Krivohan - Never saw you alone, didn't care for you.

Countless other scion trashbags, if you are not on the above list, you can assume I didn't like you.

The standard disclaimer applies, I may have been brain damaged and forgot anyone. Its not personal.

Over and out,
7201, RE: (DEL) Falkim the Warder of the Glade
Posted by Orinah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Didn't like me? Why wouldn't you? I'm a helluva guy. I agree with you on the rangers thing, they're weak. The only thing I don't like about fighting them is the snare, especially the seemingly new and improved snare where I get snared, ambushed, fight them, they run, I chase, I walk back into snare and am hence sanred again. Hey, if I walked into it once, wouldn't you think I'd remember where not to step? Anyways...only fought you a couple of times...what can I say, sorry?
7202, RE: (DEL) Falkim the Warder of the Glade
Posted by Falkim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You can classify yourself under paragraph 3.
7203, RE: (DEL) Falkim the Warder of the Glade
Posted by Orinah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What, under the full looters? Look, everyone I kill, I don't need a damn thing from their corpse. However, tru enemies, ragers, amrans and the ilk, I is just plain idiotic to leave a damn thing for them. They'll just use it against you the next time. Go find your own things because with your death these become mine and I have no pity for enemies. I certainly expect nothing else from my enemies, as a matter of fact I am quite certain when I fall I will find an empty corpse. I am sure the excuse will be payback, but in truth it isn't. For the record, the infrequent enemies, ones who have rarely attacked or what not, I take the coins, that's it.
7200, RE: (DEL) Falkim the Warder of the Glade
Posted by Thalongrim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were fun and always trying to find you was crazy. All those snares ::shivers::. I've played a few rangers, and they are great in the right cabals, but when you have to go out of the forest to fight, it's a pain. I enjoyed the character you played and the interactions we had, even if they were few. Use more strength gear if you can find it, dropping your weapons made me win most of the time. Have fun and enjoy your next.

Thalongrim, Lord of the Pool
7199, Rangers in and out of battle.
Posted by Boy Scout on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Two of the major advantages a ranger has over a warrior is camouflage and magic. By being in battle, you give up the magical aspect. So now you're trading two specs, legacies, and now massive hp in the last 10 ranks for...just the camo path. You're going to have a disadvantage to warriors in battle, and maybe even elsewhere. You surely know, however, that camouflage as a rager is one of the most useful things there is. There are all sorts of nice places for you to camouflage to scout, spy, set a trap, kill someone, etc. It also is your best means of hiding. No more needing to run all the way to the village because something tough is after you, you get to camouflage. As for losing fastcamo, you need to consider where you rank more, because you're not going to always have the choice of where you fight. In raids and retrievals, I'll argue that you're very wrong about their utility. My rager ranger did solo retrievals and raids. If I can do it, you can do it. So I'm telling you that it's both possible and feasible.

Rangers, however, are not for everyone. It's obvious that you have distaste for the class. I think that's sad, you seemed to have done pretty well.

Good luck with the next, whatever it should be.
-Boy Scout
7197, Well done
Posted by Zethyr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always kept an eye out for you, and you made my life a lot harder when your were around. Heh, im glad we share looting policies, people just dont think about the player on the other side.

Roll up another rager and let me boost your pk ratio up some more :P
7198, Thanks man, it was fun (n/t)
Posted by Falkim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
7204, O im proud to say
Posted by Drag0nSt0rm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know I hurt part of that ratio!
Good ranger, sadly Garlinthas wont be sad to seeya go.
7205, Will the real Falkim tell us whats up?
Posted by Danical on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey man, we had some fun times, what happened to you?

7206, Why did you have to delete? You did well as a villager (n/t)
Posted by Annette on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
7207, RE: (DEL) Falkim the Warder of the Glade
Posted by Cercanopuno on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man, you were a beast for a ranger bro, Sorry ya had to go. Maybe after my char dies, I will tell you why I did some of the things I did. Well played, and I hope you have fun with your next char.
