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Topic subject(CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Gulkra the Champion of Battlefields, Relentless Combatant
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=71578
71578, (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Gulkra the Champion of Battlefields, Relentless Combatant
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat Aug 30 12:08:40 2008

At 2 o'clock PM, Day of the Sun, 6th of the Month of the Winter Wolf
on the Theran calendar Gulkra perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
71625, Fun stuff
Posted by Lezra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just seemed real unfair fight for you sorry... but there were times you could really taken it to me. But regardless I I did OC feel real bad about some of those deaths. But overwall I hoped you had some fun. You looked like you had a blast... I thinking of maybe taken in your foots steps and just going for it like you did. See ya in the fields!
71626, At least you understand that!
Posted by Gulkra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did have a ####ing blast. Tons of people assumed I was either burnt out, or just giving up--Which was a big no. That's just how Gulkra was, and I wasn't shifting her actions for nobody, not no how.

That gator ate me up--But you called it right. The form does take heavy damage without that barrier, and your combo works beautifully together. Barrier and flyto, making it easier to enter or leave combat at your leisure. You definately played it well.

Wicked shifter, now go kill Kharnial and take his spot.
71600, I had mixed feelings on you.
Posted by Lerzion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked your tenacity, and you were always up for a fight. Big kudos for that. I just didn't like you throwing your body like dust to the wind. You definately could have been even ebtter than you were. Did you just say screw it because you were low on con that day with the Empire? I don't think even old school ragers would have been quite so careless of their lives. That one time in the village when I had been fighting a foe who was raiding and then you attacked them, and I jumped in to. I was definately ready to beat you down in the circle, but you didn't accept my challenge. In my opinion, it is fine if you have your belief's about how you fight, but when they go above and beyond what is required, don't expect people to necessarily care. I look at it like people who say that snowmobiling is bad, so they stop sledding too. You know, because going fast on snow could lead to wanting to go faster on snow. (odd example, but I didn't want to use my other one) :)

Anyway, good play, and good luck.
71602, Like I said in rayihn's reply
Posted by Gulkra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It wasn't "#### it", I had always agreed that when the Head was gone, Gulkra would(No matter what rank) throw herself at the enemy until that Head was back where it belonged.
The Circle Challenge? Gulkra didn't think you were serious, but you should have pushed it and I would have been in there with you, getting my ass kicked.

Yeah, I(as a player) didn't expect people to care, but Gulkra did. Gulkra was right, you were wrong, Gulkra didn't care--End of story..

Awesome Village assassin, loved watching you fight, even when you got caught off guard.
Keep kicking ass.
71579, I died a lot.
Posted by Gulkra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And by a lot, I meant a lot.

Beginning of this character was largely enjoyable, I ranked with many colorful players and groups--And appreciated all of the different snippets of RP in there. As Gulkra got older, I wanted her to get a bit more angry, and eventually go senile. I lost this pretty quickly and just started spam drinking every time she died.

I've got much more to say, but I'm not exactly sure who wants to hear it, so I'll limit it to that. You post/reply, I'll reply.
71580, Gulkra kicked ass.
Posted by RobDarken_lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Enjoyed fighting you as Aogith. Also, nice logs (with the exception of the constant alligator rapings). Also fought you once as Thanoth, first time someone actually went to the trouble of replacing my unholy with one of their own axes.

I'll spam level a lowbie and be sure to kill whatever I think you might be playing next.

<3 Robdarken.
71582, Aogith was damned risky TXT
Posted by Gulkra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Watching you run at the Commander and bashing him in outfit gear? Amazing.
You seemed to be constantly looted and killed, but you seemed to just keep kicking ass....Until that log of spam kill on Tremblefist.

Thanoth I fought once, I do remember. I was unsure if you had charges on it or not, but if I took that axe(Being as you'd never looted me before) I wanted to give you one back of equil strength.
I'm suprised you remembered it, honestly.

Hint: I'm playing a Duergar Assassin.
71581, RE: I died a lot.
Posted by Tlingit on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tlingit will miss you, ballsy little woman with spunk!
just wish you were on the same side as him. I felt bad at the end there, but I guess you were probably burnt out. Have fun with your next!
71583, I adored Tlingit
Posted by Gulkra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You rocked, HARD. I watched you raise up to Provost after Fendril and you geniunly kicked ass. I made sure to give you as hard of a time as I could, as much as I could.
Asinine? Yes. That was Gulkra. You were a Magi, and you were protecting Magi, AND you had guards protect you. Lots of anti-Gulkra points there. I did always like fighting you though, and I, as a few chars, got to see the time you spent working as a Magistrate and was always impressed.

But just for note once more--No matter how much Gulkra cussed at you, insulted you, taunted you, drunk rambled, or attacked you--I as a player honestly thought you were one of the best Tribbies I'd interacted with.

Lastly, I as a player appreciated those last few tells, but Gulkra didn't. Even though she was a perma-ghost, the only thing on her mind was making you dead.
71707, RE: I adored Tlingit
Posted by Tlingit on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Whenever Tlingit dies, I may try my first rager ever, and if I do I will try to play it Gulkra style, balls to the wall, old school, kick ass and take names, Parity, and if you die you die, but at least you went down fighting. when you do die, pick yourself up, grab some axes and basic gear and get right back at it. I miss old school ragers running around, you and Mharr are the closest I've seen as far as comparing to ragers circa 1999/2000 back in the days when if a Rager was caught fighting without Parity he'd come down and kill the rager himself. You looked like you genuinely had fun, and I was almost jealous watching you just keep going and going and going no matter how many knocks you took, just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and go back at it. I know I'll regret this, but I hope you are either rolling up another old school style rager, or a tribunal. Best of luck on whatever you play, players like you are a breath of fresh air to the game when everyone is so serious and worried about number crunching and such, you were just into your char, and were Gulkra, baddest bitch on the block.
71708, RE: I adored Tlingit
Posted by tlingit on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
By coming down, I mean Thror himself would come down and whack anyone that ignored parity.
71749, This made me smile
Posted by Gulkra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks a ton for the awesome comments, definately made my day.

Newest character I'm doing is a bit different from what I'm used to, but afterwards I'm heading back to kill the damned Magi who keep burning down my Village. Roll up a Villager with me! We'll kick some ass, and take some names--Old school style.
71585, I liked and hated this char
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The bad: Man you killed a lot of Heralds. I know, I know, they were all mage heralds, but man. Couldn't you find some OTHER mages to kill?? Also bad, I didn't really like how much time you spent waiting at Galadon recalls for mages. Just felt a little cheap.

The good! You were rentless. That's why I gave you that little title at the end. I could tell towards the end you were burned out but even still the way you picked yourself up, dusted yourself off, and threw yourself back at your enemies was awesome. For the most part, you also seemed pretty solid on the parity stuff.

Good luck on your next.
71592, I liked and hated me too.
Posted by Gulkra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would turbo facepalm each time I pincered an unformed shifter--I really would. I've been there, and I know the pain(Xilia).
The whole waiting at recalls...I don't recall(heh) sitting there or anything like that. More or less I would be waiting in Galadon for ANYTHING.
When it came to Heralds, Gulkra had an interesting thought going. Gulkra was a big believer in the hidden Magi agenda(Almost political), and the Herald fit one of her most hated forms. Magi + scholar + controlling history + hiding. She was convinced that if we(Battle) didn't attack and destroy the Inn, our histories would be guarded FROM us, ergo the need to raid and take them back. They belong in the Village, not in a mud-secksing magi spawning grounds. I really was expecting more of an Immcomment like this:
"Ruins all given events. Herald goes on a road trip? Gulkra waits near the objective to pincer successful magi. Inn has a story telling contest? Gulkra uses this time to scout out a prey and leap on them mid story....."etc.
I was honestly suprised I got any Imm appreciation at all. Gulkra was mainly a loner, many Ragers didn't like her(She even pincered them sometimes :P ), and she was generally a bipolar drunk female who liked fighting.
Anyways, back to Heralds--I was going to have fun writing an extended note to battle about the hidden magi agenda of the Herald and how they need to be destroyed blah blah blah, but then that whole hurricane/TS Fay came around and made playing a bit more scarce from me.

Relentless? Semi-suicidal. Whenever I charged, I never WANTED to die, that wasn't the thing. I made Gulkra from the beginning swearing to myself I'd do that. If someone had the Head, her life was forfeit--THat head WAS going back to the Village. I expected the Head to be gone more than it was, and therefore actually expected to die much more soon.(This is probably too long a reply).
Yeah, Gulkra's whole thing was that if she threw herself at the enemy enough, they would eventually fall, and that was good enough for her.
Parity--BIG part of Gulkra. I tried to stay as strict as I could on it, Ehren edges were supposed to be the rp aspect of it.

And to Imms: i lerv u gais.
Whoever it was who talked about anti-cool points with me early on--Hilarious. To the Imm who laughed about lamesawce etc.--I love you so much(Give me your address so I can move in with you and be yours).
And to the Imp, for being cool at the end--You suck for giving me that edge so late, but the attention was much appreciated, I really didn't expect it.
71587, Gulkrasux
Posted by Tubnic on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just felt like sharing here since you signed off. Maybe one of these days you'll roll a character that's, you know, serious about things :p Good job with this one and good luck on the next. You'll probably pincer me a ton there too whenever school calms down and I roll something :P
71595, I chased you lots.
Posted by Gulkra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You. You fargin' Magi. Scholar, Magi, Herald, coward--Ye be the worst!

But you were ####ing scary at times. If you fought me, it was either drastically one way or the other. Mind you, you had me at a good -400% movement from quicksand.

I liked reading your roles, a lot. Make a Rager with that many ;)
71588, Qrtaw
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you were awesome and you were on of the few ragers I actually enjoyed interacting with. Those damn arena fights pissed me off! I thought it was cool as #### that in my 20s I could whoop hero level characters in arena fights, but then I go to try to beat you and I get one or two rounded, damn pincer. Great job with Gulkra, never afraid to mix it up with anyone, loved the attitude even if you did accidentally steal my kill and make me suicide on you that once. >=)
71597, I was SO sad as Gulkra and a player when you quit out
Posted by Gulkra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really really really really really really like Qrtaw. Badass no talking to start with, badass when you found a copycat ( : P ), and generally awesome. We had SO many ####ing arena fights, and each was wicked--I've got them all saved, and will post them at some point.

You and I were the parity kings, and I loved that--One of my favorite interactions with you WAS the kill-steal, and how you attacked me. I knew I wasn't fleeing, and you knew you weren't. Ended up with me killing you, and then suiciding. What a beautiful moment.

I really wished you would have stuck around.
71603, I loved your char!
Posted by Kreo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With every char I had that interacted with you. (I think it was 3 chars including Kreo.)

I'm real sorry about taking stuff that last time me and Ahtieli killed you. Though it was only 2 pieces I discovered when it all was done. Some lowbie took a bunch of stuff.

You really were balls to the walls. Had a lot of fun talking to you with other chars. Actually had one that came somewhat close to you before I deleted him.

Keep the coming! Great work!
71609, I wished I could have seen more of Kreo
Posted by Gulkra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had a few interesting interactions on a few different characters, and I'll be damned if I could guess your other chars correctly.

I really didn't mind losing #### to you and Ahtieli, I kind of expected it. It had happened the X number of deaths back, and just seemed to stick with everyone that killed me. Oh well. Only problem Gulkra had with losing that #### was that some of it belonged to the recently dead Inger, was going to be a kind of vengeance thing.

Hunt down that lowbie for me, GET ME REVENGE!

And just for note, you make a great shadowy character.
71607, You scared the hell out of poor Ryasyn.
Posted by Ryasyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But not because you kept pincering him. More because of him horribly misinterpreting...

<469hp 906m 661mv 21600tnl (-30.91%)>
Gulkra says 'Ain' no honor in killin' them naked.'

<469hp 906m 661mv 21600tnl (-30.91%)>
Gulkra says 'Might well go thirstin' through orphanage.'

<469hp 906m 661mv 21600tnl (-30.91%)>
Gulkra says 'Want a damned challenge.'

<469hp 906m 661mv 21600tnl (-30.91%)>
Gulkra says 'This ain' all about honor--I want ye'.'

<469hp 906m 661mv 21600tnl (-30.91%)>
Gulkra says 'I seen ya' fight good sometimes.'

<469hp 906m 661mv 21600tnl (-30.91%)>
Gulkra says 'A' want ta' sweat.'

<469hp 906m 661mv 21600tnl (-30.91%)>
You say 'You're just saying that 'cos I'm naked.'
And, of course, Ryasyn only hears what he wants to hear.

Thanks for giving me a chance to make Ryasyn terrified of being carried off to a svirf lady's hut.
71608, Aye
Posted by Gulkra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always had fun watching the way your character acted--A very funny goodie. That time sitting there, there's no way I was going to pincer a naked shifter who had just died. Gulkra wanted 'e damned challenge!
Though I'm suprised you saved that chat. I laughed so hard at my computer when you said it, though Gulkra hated it.

Though I killed you a few times, I do appreciate the time I see you spending in the Inn to make sure everyone has a good time.
Yes I've interacted with you on a few different characters.
71672, RE: I died a lot.
Posted by Keren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think it was funny and cool that every SINGLE time I walked through town or an area you were you would invariably start following me, even though as Keren it was frustrating to no end, especially in the lower ranks where you would obliterate me in a round or two.

But you were just about the coolest person to die to and always had a tip for me if I asked, and that spans a couple of lowbie characters I had as well, if I remember correctly.

Cool dude.